Video: Therapeutic exercises for knee joints.

For arthrosis of the hip joints, Evdokimenko’s healing gymnastics is an important part of the successful treatment of the patient. Only an integrated approach to the treatment of the disease will help to achieve an improvement in health, especially when large joints are affected. Exercise therapy will successfully strengthen muscles and ligaments, activate local blood circulation and ensure the delivery of all necessary nutrients to cartilage tissue.

Principles of exercise therapy from Evdokimenko

A set of exercises is developed depending on the location of the affected joint individually for each patient. This takes into account the patient’s health status, the degree of development of the pathological process, the severity of the disease, the presence of complications and concomitant diseases. Incorrect selection of movements can significantly worsen the patient’s well-being. It is advisable that the set of exercises be agreed upon with a physical therapy specialist.

Dr. Evdokimenko has developed special exercises for all large joints for arthrosis, which must be taken into account. A personal approach will ensure achievement of a positive result in the shortest possible time, while minimizing the risk of side effects.

Gymnastics is aimed at strengthening muscles, ligaments and improving tissue trophism. In this case, there are no exercises in which the patient must bend, straighten or rotate the damaged joint. After all, increased stress leads to further progression of the disease and deterioration of the patient’s health.

When performing gymnastics, there may be minor pain due to the load on muscles that were not previously intensively involved. This condition will go away after a few days of regular exercise. If the movement is accompanied by sharp pain, it should not be done. There are 2 explanations for this: either it was done incorrectly, or it doesn’t suit you.

Exercise therapy should be done only during remission. It is strictly forbidden to perform gymnastics during an exacerbation of the disease. Pavel Evdokimenko has developed a fairly large set of exercises for large joints. However, it is not necessary to do them all at once. Among them there are movements not only to strengthen the affected joints, but also to the back and abdominal muscles. One physical therapy session should include about 2-3 stretching exercises and 5-7 strengthening exercises. A large selection will allow you to diversify your workout; its duration should be about 15-30 minutes daily.

Types of exercises for joint diseases

In case of joint diseases complicated by degenerative-dystrophic processes, it is strictly forbidden to make fast dynamic movements. These are squats, swings of arms, legs with maximum amplitude and others.

All exercises should be static, in extreme cases - slow dynamic. With their help, you can strengthen weakened muscles and ligaments of the joint, because with pain in the knee, a person will spare this leg, which over time will lead to their atrophy.

The most common example of a static exercise is to lie on your back and raise your leg 10-20 cm above the support level and hold it in this position for 1-2 minutes. Slow dynamic movement - slowly raise and lower the limb several times.

An important role in the successful treatment of diseases of large joints is played by exercises aimed not only at strengthening, but also at stretching the joint capsule and ligamentous apparatus. These movements must be performed very slowly and carefully. You cannot do gymnastics through force, overcoming pain. You need to be patient, and after a few weeks of regular gymnastics, joint mobility will increase slightly.

Exercise therapy for coxarthrosis

Physical therapy for diseases of the hip joints should be carried out very carefully, taking into account the patient’s condition. Classes should begin with static exercises. In this case, the thigh muscles are used, and the joint itself remains motionless. Coxarthrosis involves training with the patient lying on his back or sitting.

Basic exercises for physical therapy for diseases of the hip joints at home:

  1. Spread a rug on the floor and lie on your back. Slowly and carefully raise each leg 15-20 cm and hold for 30-40 seconds. During classes, you need to ensure that the training rules are followed: lifting the leg should be done using the muscles of the thigh and buttock. Do the exercise with both limbs and rest a little. After this, repeat the load in a dynamic version: smoothly raise your leg 10-20 cm and slowly lower it, holding it at the highest point for several seconds. You need to make 10-12 approaches, each time taking a short break.
  2. Roll over onto your stomach, stretch your arms along your body, and bend one leg at the knee. Raise it above the floor level by 10-15 cm and hold it for 30-40 seconds. Lower the limb, relax and repeat the movement with the other leg. Repeat the exercise in a dynamic form - smoothly raise and lower several times. Gymnastics for arthrosis should be carried out correctly and slowly, you should follow the recommendations. Your goal is to activate blood circulation and strengthen muscles, not to lift the limb as high and quickly as possible.
  3. Lying on your stomach, extend your arms along your torso and straighten your legs. Suitable for physically strong people, as it is a rather difficult exercise and can cause an increase in blood pressure. To perform it, you need to slightly raise both legs, spread them apart and bring them together. Movements should be slow and smooth. You need to do 8-10 approaches.
  4. Lie on your right side, bending the same limb at the knee. Raise your left leg 45° and hold for 20-30 seconds. Turn to the other side and repeat.
  5. The starting position is similar to the previous one. Raise your straight leg to a level of about 45°, and while holding it at the height, slowly turn it outward and back. Repeat rotational movements 8-10 times. You should turn out not only the foot, but the entire limb, starting from the hip. The exercise is quite difficult; it must be done very slowly and smoothly so as not to cause damage to the diseased joint.
  6. Lie on your back, bend your knees, and extend your arms along your torso. Raise your pelvis, resting on your shoulders and feet. Stay in this position for 20-30 seconds, lie down and relax. Repeat the movement several times in a slow dynamic version.

The treatment method involves improving blood flow and providing cartilage tissue with nutrients. It also restores joint mobility and relieves pain.

Rheumatologist Pavel Evdokimenko believes that patients with gonarthrosis should resort to the following therapeutic agents:

  1. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs that will relieve pain and inflammation.
  2. Chondroprotectors that promote the restoration of cartilage tissue.
  3. Intra-articular injections that relieve painful symptoms of the disease.
  4. Ointments and gels that have an analgesic effect.
  5. Manual therapy.
  6. Physiotherapeutic procedures.
  7. Compresses.

However, healing gymnastics is the most important technique for eliminating the unpleasant signs of arthrosis of the knee joint.

A set of exercises according to the method

Gymnastics for gonarthrosis is intended for those patients who have experienced a period of subsidence of exacerbation of the pathology. Doctor Evdokimenko believes that gymnastics for the knee joints has the following beneficial properties:

  1. Strengthens the muscle groups of the lower extremities.
  2. Increases the elasticity of knee ligaments.
  3. Normalizes blood circulation, as a result of which the metabolic process improves.
  4. Improves the general condition of the patient and his emotional background.

You need to train regularly to achieve positive results. The course of treatment lasts on average from 2 to 4 weeks. Gymnastics should be performed at least 2 times a day for 10–15 minutes. It should not cause pain to the patient.

Before starting exercise therapy, it is necessary to warm up the muscles. To do this, you need to warm up. It includes traditional walking exercises:

  • on the spot;
  • on tiptoe
  • on the heels;
  • on the outside of the foot;
  • on the inside of the foot;
  • breathing exercises.

It is allowed to add slow walking to the warm-up with knees raised above the waist. It should last at least 5 minutes. You can walk with your shin raised back, trying to reach your buttocks with your heel. It also lasts up to 5 minutes. It is useful to squat 10 to 20 times.

Exercise therapy for arthrosis can be performed on patients of any age. It is allowed to combine gymnastics with swimming in the pool or hatha yoga. They have a beneficial effect on joints and muscles.

Important! For older people, the likelihood of undergoing joint replacement surgery is significantly reduced by regularly performing exercises.

8 best exercises for arthrosis

These exercises should be done in a certain sequence:

  1. You should lie on your stomach, place your arms along your body. Then raise your straight right leg 20 cm from the floor and hold it on weight for 40 seconds. At this time, the pelvis should fit tightly to the surface. After time has passed, change legs.
  2. Lying on your stomach, bend your leg at the knee joint at an angle of 90 degrees and carefully lift it 10 cm from the floor, hold it suspended for 12 seconds, then perform the same action with the second limb.
  3. Lying on your stomach, raise both legs, then spread them apart and bring them together.
  4. Take a lying position on your right side, bend your leg, and meanwhile straighten your left leg and raise it as much as possible, hold it like this for 20 seconds, then do the same on your left side.
  5. Sit on a chair, first straighten your leg, holding it suspended for a minute. After this, repeat the same with the other limb. If your knees start to hurt, you need to stop doing the exercise.
  6. Stand next to a chair, holding the back of it with your hands, smoothly rise onto your toes, remaining in this position for a few seconds, and then carefully lower your feet to the floor.
  7. Continuing to stand next to the chair and leaning on it, you should stand on your heels, trying to lift your feet up.
  8. Standing next to a chair, you should raise your right leg on your toes while keeping your left leg stationary, then do the same with the other leg.

After performing gymnastics, you need to do self-massage, rising from the knee to the groin area. First, rub the skin vigorously, then warm up the muscles. Finish the massage with light strokes.

Important! Exercise therapy is contraindicated for some patients. Gymnastics should not be performed on patients with heart and blood pathologies, as well as an inguinal hernia. It is prohibited for people with acute inflammatory disease of any localization.

When performing physical therapy exercises, you should not rush, try to use muscles, not joints. If some exercise brings discomfort, it is better to abandon it and replace it with another.

Statodynamic gymnastics according to the method

To improve blood circulation in case of a dislocation or fall on the lower limb, a well-known rheumatologist recommends the following set of physical exercises:

  1. Take a lying position, bend your left leg at the knee, placing your foot on the floor, straighten your right limb and raise it to a distance of 25 cm, pull your toe towards you and hold in this position for at least 30 seconds. Then repeat all actions with your left foot.
  2. Perform 10 to 14 leg raises.
  3. Extend and bend your feet, keeping each leg at a distance of at least 20 cm from the floor.
  4. Extend your right limb and stretch your toes, while resting your foot on the surface. Fix your leg in this position for 20 seconds.
  5. Lie on your stomach. Bend your knees and lift them one by one, first at a slow pace, then gradually accelerating. You cannot lift your pelvis off the floor. The load should be directed to the buttocks and back of the thigh.
  6. Lie on your side. Raise your straight legs one at a time.
  7. Take a sitting position. Stretch your lower limbs in front of you, then smoothly stretch your chest towards your hips without sudden jerks or bending your knees. To ensure that the pelvis has the correct tilt, the doctor recommends using a towel under the buttocks.

When performing any exercise therapy complex, you must consult a specialist.

Who is contraindicated in gymnastics for gonarthrosis?

  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • bleeding disorders;
  • hernia;
  • in the first days after knee surgery;
  • during the period of acute infectious pathology.

If you do not listen to the opinion of specialists, then instead of improving, the patient’s condition may worsen significantly.

Features of manual therapy and physiotherapy

If your knees hurt, then manual and physical therapy give noticeable results in combination with medications. Manual therapy consists of two types of effects on joints:

  1. The first is mobilization. In this case, the joint is gently stretched, which eliminates muscle spasm and restores partial mobility, reducing pressure on the articular cartilage.
  2. The second type is manipulation. It consists of one sharp and short movement. Relief occurs immediately, pain decreases, and range of motion is restored.

Dr. Evdokimenko considers the following effective physiotherapeutic procedures:

  • the use of leeches, or herudotherapy;
  • acupuncture;
  • laser treatment;
  • cooling method, or cryotherapy;
  • ultrasound treatment;
  • treatment with ozokerite.

You can get acquainted with the set of exercises according to Evdokimenko in the video.

Dr. Evdokimenko believes that treatment for gonarthrosis is lifelong. But by selecting complex therapy, the process can be stopped.

Hello, dear readers!

Tell me, do you suffer from pain in your knees and shoulders? Don't know how to cope with joint diseases? We invite you to learn about therapeutic and preventive gymnastics for these diseases!

It is in this article that we talk about how therapeutic exercises help with arthrosis of the knee joint. By applying our tips and recommendations, you can start exercising to heal your knees and learn how to improve your well-being in pathologies of the main joints of the human body.

What is arthrosis of the joints?

Joints consist of the connection of two or more bones and provide mobility to the human musculoskeletal system. Their main function is to correctly distribute the load. With age, the muscles of the body become weaker, the amount of fluid in the joints decreases, mobility decreases, and pain may appear.

A disease in which intra-articular cartilage tissue is destroyed is called arthrosis. This disease is very common and can lead to disability and loss of ability to work. The greatest danger to human life is caused by damage to the largest joints by this pathology: the knee, hip, shoulder, and also the joints of the foot.

Methods for treating arthrosis and the benefits of therapeutic exercises

After diagnosis, treatment of pathology involves various methods. Surgical intervention may be required in advanced stages of arthrosis. In other cases, drug treatment is usually used, with possible intra-articular injections. Physiotherapy has a very good effect on such diseases.

Mandatory therapeutic components in the treatment of this serious disease are exercise therapy or therapeutic exercises. This effective method allows you to strengthen the muscle frame to protect and perform the functions of diseased joints. With the right approach to exercise, you can soon feel improvements and completely cure the disease.

Gymnastics helps improve the elasticity of ligaments and tendons, restoring cartilage tissue. Blood supply to problem areas and metabolism in the body improves. The emotional state and well-being of the patient improves, making recovery faster. To answer the question “what kind of therapeutic exercises should be done for arthrosis?”, we recommend paying attention to Evdokimenko’s system of exercises.

Therapeutic gymnastics Evdokimenko and basic rules

Pavel Evdokimenko is a rheumatologist who has been practicing for more than 20 years. He has written more than 10 books on joint diseases and successfully uses gymnastics to treat arthrosis. He developed types of therapy taking into account the patient’s age and the form of the disease. Thanks to his exercises, many patients avoided operations and began to recover.

According to Evdokimenko, gymnastics has the maximum and fastest healing effect if the following rules are observed:

  • start with simple gentle static exercises to strengthen muscles;
  • perform the exercises smoothly, without jerking;
  • stretch gradually, there should be no pain;
  • exercise regularly, preferably every day.

Contraindications to therapeutic exercises

There are a number of restrictions on such activities. Classes are not recommended in the following cases:

  • Oncology of any degree and tuberculosis.
  • Abdominal and groin hernias, as well as serious diseases of internal organs.
  • High blood and intracranial pressure.
  • Heart disease and the postoperative period.
  • High body temperature and menstrual period in women.

For chronic diseases, be sure to consult your doctor. During an acute period of arthrosis, stop exercising and consult a specialist about the time to resume training.

Therapeutic exercises for arthrosis of the knee joint

The large knee joint is another one of the most mobile in the human skeleton and very dangerous for injury. This part of the body is complex in its anatomical structure and includes 3 bones: the patella, femur and tibia. Excess weight, past knee injuries, and advanced age are the main causes of knee arthrosis.

Pavel Evdokimenko offers 9 effective exercises to cure this common disease:

1. Start the first three exercises lying on your stomach. Legs straight, arms along your body, and press your pelvis firmly to the floor. Now, engaging the abdominal and thigh muscles, lift your right leg 15 cm above the floor. Holding in this position for about 30 seconds, slowly lower it and repeat the same actions with your left leg.

2. Bend your right leg at the knee 90°, lift it 10 cm, holding the weight for half a minute. After lowering, repeat the exercise with the other leg.

3. Raise both legs above the floor by 10-15 cm. Smoothly spread them and then bring them together. Try to do 8-10 times.

4. Now, lying on your right side, lift your left leg 45° up with a pause of 30 seconds, bend the other leg at the knee. Do the same while lying on the opposite side.

5. Sitting on a chair, slowly lift it higher. Try to hold in this position for 1 minute. 2-3 are enough for each leg.

6. Standing straight, rise smoothly onto your toes and remain in this position for about 60 seconds. Perform 10 repetitions.

7. Perform according to the principle of the previous position, only stay on your heels and raise your toes.

8. While standing, lift the heel of one foot, while keeping the other foot motionless. Now “roll” from one foot to the other, lowering and raising the heels of opposite legs.

9. At the end of the complex, sit down and do self-massage. Rub and massage the front and side of the thigh with your palms from the knee up for 3-5 minutes.

Performing this complex will improve motor functions and reduce knee pain in the first sessions. You can do it yourself, but at first you should contact an experienced specialist.

Therapeutic exercises for arthrosis of the hip joint

Osteoarthritis of the pelvic joints may not be detected for a long time at stage 1, manifesting itself in discomfort and mild pain during exercise, which goes away during rest. Subsequently, the disease progresses, continuing to destroy bone tissue and cartilage. Therefore, therapeutic exercises should be done for the purpose of prevention at any age.

In exercises for the rehabilitation of the hip joint, the main load should fall on the muscles of the hips and buttocks. Movement complexes consist of static and dynamic exercises. As a sample of therapeutic exercises for the pelvis, you can use the video of doctor Evdokimenko’s classes.

Gymnastics treatment for arthrosis of the foot joints

Osteoarthritis of the foot ranks third in frequency after the knee and hip joints. During physical activity, a person experiences pain in the toes. If left untreated, it becomes painful to stand on the foot. At the last third stage of arthrosis, the disease can cause disability due to foot deformity.

The use of exercise therapy for the treatment of destruction of cartilage tissue of the foot occurs first in a supine position, by rotating the feet, abducting the toe and heel back and forth. In the future, the work occurs while sitting, and the patient imitates walking without lifting the soles of the floor. As the muscles of the problem area strengthen, the patient begins to exercise with the help of additional special devices.

Exercises for arthrosis of the shoulder joint

With arthrosis of the shoulder, there is limited movement of the arms - lifting them up or moving them behind the back. The shoulder becomes numb, severe pain may occur, and the muscles spontaneously tense. In extreme cases of the disease, deformation of the joint occurs. Successful treatment requires the use of special exercises.

Gymnastics for shoulder arthrosis eliminates additional weights - no weights or dumbbells! These are basically isometric exercises consisting of tension followed by relaxation. During the period of exacerbation, only the muscles of the hand, forearm, and back are used in training, without including the affected joint in the axial load. On the Internet you can choose the most appropriate option for you to exercise for shoulder rehabilitation.

  1. What to remember:
  2. Arthrosis is a serious disease that manifests itself in the destruction of cartilage tissue in joints.
  3. Treatment occurs with medications and therapeutic exercises. At the last stage of arthrosis, surgical intervention is necessary.
  4. Doctor Evdokimov’s therapeutic exercises have been tested for years and help cure joint diseases.
  5. There are contraindications for treatment with therapeutic exercises.
  6. Therapeutic gymnastics helps in the treatment of arthrosis of the knee, hip, shoulder joints and foot diseases. To restore each problem area, you can choose an effective therapeutic set of exercises.

See you in the next article!

Arthrosis affecting the hip joints requires complex therapy. Gymnastics occupies one of the key places in it. Healing gymnastics for arthrosis of the hip joints according to Evdokimenko implies a special set of movements and a specific technique for their implementation. Exercise therapy improves the patient’s condition with coxarthrosis, increases range of motion, and prevents the need for prosthetics.

The quality of life of a patient with coxarthrosis leaves one wanting more. Constant pain in the groin does not allow the patient to move normally. Unconsciously transferring the load to the healthy hip accelerates wear and tear of the joints. As a result, both hip joints are destroyed, and the patient loses mobility.

Exercises according to Evdokimenko can prevent hip joint replacement if you start the exercises in a timely manner - at the 1st or 2nd stage of arthrosis, when the degenerative processes are still reversible.

Objectives of the Evdokimenko method:

  • Elimination of pain in the hip area.
  • Improved mobility.
  • Relief of degenerative processes inside the hip joints.
  • Strengthening the musculoskeletal system to reduce stress.
  • Prevention of hip arthroplasty.

The essence of the Evdokimenko method lies in a special gymnastic technique that allows the patient to independently restore joints when they are damaged by arthrosis. Stretching, strengthening muscles, tendons, and developing joints give the following effects:

  • Reduces the load on the hip joints.
  • Improves his mobility.
  • Eliminate pain.
  • They start the process of restoring the hip joint, improving its blood supply.
  • Improves blood circulation throughout the body.

As a result, 90% of patients note the positive impact of gymnastics on their well-being after a month of regular exercise. 80% of patients note progress in their own mobility and endurance with regular exercise. 92 patients who regularly follow Evdokimenko’s instructions do not face the need for surgery for arthrosis.

Rules for gymnastics

A gentle exercise technique eliminates joint trauma - this is the key to the safety and effectiveness of exercise therapy. Evdokimenko’s gymnastics strengthens the tendon and muscle system, providing the hip joints with effective support. The doctor suggests supplementing individually selected therapy with special movements aimed at working the abdominal and back muscles. This ensures the activation of blood circulation and blood flow to the extremities, indirectly affects the nutrition of the hip joints, and therefore contributes to their restoration.

It is important to do all exercises gradually. If pain occurs, stop doing a specific exercise.

Basic rules for performing exercise therapy for coxarthrosis:

  • Completely eliminate sudden movements, which are contraindicated in arthrosis and pose a threat of disability.
  • All gymnastics points are performed smoothly without jerking.
  • Loads should be given gradually.
  • It is more effective to do exercise therapy every day. If this is not possible - 3-4 times a week.
  • In the first week of following the technique, muscle pain may increase, but you cannot stop exercising.
  • If movements cause sharp pain, you should stop performing and proceed to the next exercises.
  • Each lesson involves 4 stretching manipulations and up to 8 strengthening ones.
  • Exercise therapy for the hip joint should last at least half an hour.
  • Arthrosis of 3–4 degrees obliges the patient to coordinate exercises with the attending physician.
  • Doing gymnastics on your own should become a way of life for a patient with hip arthrosis.

Dr. Evdokimenko focuses the attention of his patients on the need to perform gymnastics. He calls the patient’s willingness to independently engage in exercise therapy the key to successful therapy for arthrosis.

The doctor also claims that each case of hip arthrosis requires the selection of a unique set of movements. If it is not possible to obtain a personal consultation with a doctor, the patient can use the complex provided below.

Exercises for the hip joint

It is better to exercise on a special sports mat. If there is none, you can use a blanket or a blanket folded several times. Basic gymnastics for arthrosis of the hip joint includes the following movements.

Exercise 1

Methodology: the patient lies on the floor, stretching his arms along the body, aligning his legs. The right leg is smoothly lifted off the floor and raised to an angle of 15°. Freezes at the top point, counting down 40 seconds. Returns the leg to the floor. After complete relaxation, he begins to statically lift his left leg. Having completed the lift once, he proceeds to the dynamic part of the gymnastics: he lifts his right leg to the same height 12 times, after which he lifts his left leg. At the bottom point, the patient completely relaxes all muscles and lingers for a couple of seconds at the top point.

Note from Evdokimenko: you only need to lift both legs using the force of the thigh and buttock muscles. The pelvis and stomach should be pressed to the floor. You cannot rotate your pelvis following your raised leg. During gymnastics, both legs should receive equal load. Exercise therapy eliminates sudden or high lifting of the legs.

Exercise 2

Methodology: the patient lies on the floor. The left leg is left straight, the right leg is bent at the knee at an angle of 90°. Static part: the patient raises his right leg above the floor to an angle of 10°, stays at the top, counting 40 seconds. Slowly returns the limb to the floor and begins to lift his left leg. Having completed the lift once, the patient proceeds to the dynamic part: the right leg, bent at the knee, is raised to the same height 12 times, completely relaxing at the bottom for 2 seconds and holding at the top. Moves to lifting the left leg.

Note from Evdokimenko: with coxarthrosis, movements should not cause pain. It is important to ensure equal load on both legs. Gymnastics proceeds smoothly, avoiding jerks.

Exercise 3

Methodology: the patient lies on the floor. Raises both legs above the floor by 15°. Using the force of the hips and buttock muscles, he spreads his legs apart, and then connects them together. Repeat the stretch 10 times without lowering your legs or relaxing your body.

Note from Evdokimenko: if hip arthrosis is in an elderly person who finds it difficult to do this part of the gymnastics, or the patient is prone to hypertension, reduce the number of repetitions by half.

Exercise 4

Methodology: a person lies on his right side, bends his lower leg, and leaves his upper leg extended. The left straight leg is raised above the floor by 45°. Holds at the top point for 40 seconds. Lowers the leg and completely relaxes the whole body. Turns over and repeats the movement for the right leg.

Note from Evdokimenko: when performing this part of exercise therapy, you must avoid excessive tension in the hip and work with the buttock. The time can be reduced to a level that is comfortable for the joint affected by arthrosis. It is important to ensure an even load on both hip joints.

Exercise 5

Methodology: the patient lies on his right side, holds his left leg straight, and bends his right leg at the knee. Raises left leg 35° above the floor. Slowly turns the foot outward. He does this with the force of the hip so that the whole leg turns, and not just the foot. Returns the leg to its original position. Repeats turns 15 times. Slowly lowers his leg and relaxes. He turns over and does the same with his right foot.

Note from Evdokimenko: when performing movements, it is important not to damage the hip joint, because when affected by arthrosis, it is fragile. Do gymnastics smoothly, avoiding pain.

Exercise 6

Methodology: the patient lies on his back, bends his legs at the knees and places them shoulder-width apart. Slowly raises the pelvis as high as possible above the floor and holds for 40 seconds. Lowers the pelvis to the floor and completely relaxes. Raises the pelvis again for 2 seconds, lowers it to an angle of 15° for 2 seconds, raises it up again. Repeats 15 times.

Note from Evdokimenko: it is important not to overload the damaged joint; to do this, you need to lean on your shoulders when lifting. If an overweight patient has arthrosis, do gymnastics especially carefully.

Exercise 7

Methodology: the patient sits on the floor with a straight back and legs. Bends forward as smoothly as possible, trying to clasp his feet with his hands. Completely relax in a bent position for 3 minutes. Repeats only 1 time.

Note from Evdokimenko: you can bend as far as your body allows, without trying to set a personal record. To avoid harming yourself, you can use a towel hooked to your feet. With arthrosis, it is important to ensure that the head remains level with the spine, and that the spine itself does not twist like a wheel.

Exercise 8

Methodology: the patient sits on a chair, bends his legs at an angle of 90°. Straightens the right leg, lifts it as high as possible for 30 seconds. Repeats the same for the left leg. Totally does 4 repetitions.

Note from Evdokimenko: do gymnastics for arthrosis smoothly. The hip joint remains at rest and does not come off the chair.

Exercise 9

Methodology: the patient sits on the floor, leaning his straight back against the wall. Spreads legs as wide as possible. The leg, the hip joint of which is affected by arthrosis, bends at the knee and begins to bend it inward, towards the floor. Stays in the lower position for 10 seconds, relaxes, and repeats the tilt 4 times.

Note from Evdokimenko: at the moment of relaxation, try to press on your knee with your hands to bend your leg more. Such gymnastics is allowed only at the 1st stage of arthrosis.

The total time allotted for gymnastics should not exceed 40 minutes. After finishing classes, the doctor recommends self-massage of the inner and outer surfaces of the hip joint, starting rubbing from the knee. Treatment with exercise therapy should be regular.

A little about Dr. Evdokimenko

Pavel Evdokimenko has been treating arthrosis of the joints for more than 20 years. At the same time, the doctor never guarantees 100% recovery, arguing that the main role in treatment is given directly to the patient and his willingness to regularly and correctly do therapeutic exercises. Doctor Evdokimenko supplements physical education with the prescription of medications and physical procedures, providing a comprehensive approach to the treatment of arthrosis. Practice shows that 95% of patients note the effectiveness of Evdokimenko’s technique.

By correctly performing gentle gymnastics from Evdokimenko, the patient will be able to alleviate the symptoms of arthrosis. Timely treatment of damage to the hip joints can prevent a fracture of the femoral neck, as well as the need for prosthetics of the joint affected by arthrosis.

For arthrosis of the hip joints, Evdokimenko’s healing gymnastics is an important part of the successful treatment of the patient. Only an integrated approach to the treatment of the disease will help to achieve an improvement in health, especially when large joints are affected. Exercise therapy will successfully strengthen muscles and ligaments, activate local blood circulation and ensure the delivery of all necessary nutrients to cartilage tissue.

Principles of exercise therapy from Evdokimenko

A set of exercises is developed depending on the location of the affected joint individually for each patient. This takes into account the patient’s health status, the degree of development of the pathological process, the severity of the disease, the presence of complications and concomitant diseases. Incorrect selection of movements can significantly worsen the patient’s well-being. It is advisable that the set of exercises be agreed upon with a physical therapy specialist.

Dr. Evdokimenko has developed special exercises for all large joints for arthrosis, which must be taken into account. A personal approach will ensure achievement of a positive result in the shortest possible time, while minimizing the risk of side effects.

Gymnastics is aimed at strengthening muscles, ligaments and improving tissue trophism. In this case, there are no exercises in which the patient must bend, straighten or rotate the damaged joint. After all, increased stress leads to further progression of the disease and deterioration of the patient’s health.

When performing gymnastics, there may be minor pain due to the load on muscles that were not previously intensively involved. This condition will go away after a few days of regular exercise. If the movement is accompanied by sharp pain, it should not be done. There are 2 explanations for this: either it was done incorrectly, or it doesn’t suit you.

Exercise therapy should be done only during remission. It is strictly forbidden to perform gymnastics during an exacerbation of the disease. Pavel Evdokimenko has developed a fairly large set of exercises for large joints. However, it is not necessary to do them all at once. Among them there are movements not only to strengthen the affected joints, but also to the back and abdominal muscles. One physical therapy session should include about 2-3 stretching exercises and 5-7 strengthening exercises. A large selection will allow you to diversify your workout; its duration should be about 15-30 minutes daily.

Types of exercises for joint diseases

In case of joint diseases complicated by degenerative-dystrophic processes, it is strictly forbidden to make fast dynamic movements. These are squats, swings of arms, legs with maximum amplitude and others.

All exercises should be static, in extreme cases - slow dynamic. With their help, you can strengthen weakened muscles and ligaments of the joint, because with pain in the knee, a person will spare this leg, which over time will lead to their atrophy.

The most common example of a static exercise is to lie on your back and raise your leg 10-20 cm above the support level and hold it in this position for 1-2 minutes. Slow dynamic movement - slowly raise and lower the limb several times.

An important role in the successful treatment of diseases of large joints is played by exercises aimed not only at strengthening, but also at stretching the joint capsule and ligamentous apparatus. These movements must be performed very slowly and carefully. You cannot do gymnastics through force, overcoming pain. You need to be patient, and after a few weeks of regular gymnastics, joint mobility will increase slightly.

Exercise therapy for coxarthrosis

Physical therapy for diseases of the hip joints should be carried out very carefully, taking into account the patient’s condition. Classes should begin with static exercises. In this case, the thigh muscles are used, and the joint itself remains motionless. Coxarthrosis involves training with the patient lying on his back or sitting.

Basic exercises for physical therapy for diseases of the hip joints at home:

  1. Spread a rug on the floor and lie on your back. Slowly and carefully raise each leg 15-20 cm and hold for 30-40 seconds. During classes, you need to ensure that the training rules are followed: lifting the leg should be done using the muscles of the thigh and buttock. Do the exercise with both limbs and rest a little. After this, repeat the load in a dynamic version: smoothly raise your leg 10-20 cm and slowly lower it, holding it at the highest point for several seconds. You need to make 10-12 approaches, each time taking a short break.
  2. Roll over onto your stomach, stretch your arms along your body, and bend one leg at the knee. Raise it above the floor level by 10-15 cm and hold it for 30-40 seconds. Lower the limb, relax and repeat the movement with the other leg. Repeat the exercise in a dynamic form - smoothly raise and lower several times. Gymnastics for arthrosis should be carried out correctly and slowly, you should follow the recommendations. Your goal is to activate blood circulation and strengthen muscles, not to lift the limb as high and quickly as possible.
  3. Lying on your stomach, extend your arms along your torso and straighten your legs. Suitable for physically strong people, as it is a rather difficult exercise and can cause an increase in blood pressure. To perform it, you need to slightly raise both legs, spread them apart and bring them together. Movements should be slow and smooth. You need to do 8-10 approaches.
  4. Lie on your right side, bending the same limb at the knee. Raise your left leg 45° and hold for 20-30 seconds. Turn to the other side and repeat.
  5. The starting position is similar to the previous one. Raise your straight leg to a level of about 45°, and while holding it at the height, slowly turn it outward and back. Repeat rotational movements 8-10 times. You should turn out not only the foot, but the entire limb, starting from the hip. The exercise is quite difficult; it must be done very slowly and smoothly so as not to cause damage to the diseased joint.
  6. Lie on your back, bend your knees, and extend your arms along your torso. Raise your pelvis, resting on your shoulders and feet. Stay in this position for 20-30 seconds, lie down and relax. Repeat the movement several times in a slow dynamic version.

Exercise therapy for gonarthrosis

For arthrosis of the knee joint, physical therapy includes certain types of exercises that are performed from different positions. The first 4 movements are similar to those that need to be done for coxarthrosis.

Subsequent training should be done while sitting on a chair or standing. To achieve a positive result from physical therapy, the load must be increased gradually, increasing the number of movements and the total time of the session. After finishing the workout, the patient should rest and relax. To do this, you can lie on a horizontal surface: this will improve blood circulation in the joints. It is advisable to take a contrast shower.

The following set of exercises will help heal your knee:

  1. Sitting on a chair with a flat back, straighten and raise each leg in turn. If possible, it is advisable to hold it in this position for about 40-50 seconds.
  2. The patient should face the chair and lean on its back. Raise yourself on your toes and stand there for 3-5 seconds. Repeat the exercise several times.
  3. Without changing your position, lift yourself onto the toe of one leg, and then stand completely on the sole. At the same time, stand on the toe of the other limb. Repeat the movement several times. You will get a “roll”, thanks to which blood circulation in the knee joint is activated.
  4. The final stage of any workout is a light massage. You can do it yourself, without the help of family and friends. It is necessary to gently stretch the muscles of the anterolateral thigh.

Gonarthrosis is quite difficult to treat, so you need to make every effort to achieve a positive result. Physical therapy can provide effective help, but for this you need to do exercises regularly for a long time.

The proper functioning of the human musculoskeletal system largely depends on the condition of the joints. They provide mobility to the entire skeleton.

In a healthy state, cartilage absorbs and distributes load, joint fluid creates a protective film, and collagen fibers provide rigidity. With age, the amount of water and chondrocytes decreases, and the cartilage becomes rough and dry. The muscles weaken, pressure on the bone increases, and the joints begin to hurt. Ailments affecting the hip area cause significant suffering and discomfort.

Muscle spasms and inflammatory processes are treated with medication. To enhance the effect, it is necessary to restore the muscle corset. It maintains the bones of the skeleton in the correct position and helps normalize movements. This is helped by special gymnastics for arthrosis of the hip joint.

About Dr. P.V. Evdokimenko

Academician Pavel Valerievich Evdokimenko, using his 20 years of experience as a rheumatologist, is developing effective methods for the complex treatment of many diseases. The course may include sessions of healing gymnastics, manual therapy, joint traction techniques, cryotherapy and drug support.

The doctor successfully helps patients suffering from:

  • Poor posture, stooping.
  • Pathologies in the cervical and thoracic region.
  • Bekhterev's disease.
  • Osteoporosis.
  • Arthrosis of the knees or hip joints.
  • Meniscus disease.
  • Inflammation of the thigh tendons.

As a medical expert, he often appears on television health programs. But the main thing is that it was possible to develop an effective remedy for Evdokimenko for arthrosis of the hip joints. Therapeutic gymnastics is still popular today.

As a practicing psychophysiologist, he knows that some patients cannot get advice from a highly qualified doctor. Therefore, he published several books about joints for the general reader, where he formulated the essence of the research in detail and clearly and presented the results.

The essence of the technique

The original gymnastics is quite simple and does not require special conditions or equipment. Basic exercises can be done independently at home. Dr. Evdokimenko has developed special complexes for different groups of joints. An important feature is smooth and slow execution.

Due to the number of repetitions, exercises can have different loads. If fixing the body in a certain position lasts about 5 seconds, then you need to perform 10–15 repetitions. If it is possible to hold a motionless position for about a minute, then once is enough.

Complex for the hip joint

When performing gymnastics aimed at rehabilitating the hip joints, it is worth considering that all the loads should be borne by the muscles of the buttocks and thighs. Some movements are presented in two versions - static and dynamic.

Raising straight legs from a prone position with your stomach down:

  • Option 1: raise one leg to a level of 15 cm and hold it there for 45 seconds. Slowly return to the starting position. After a few seconds, repeat the same with the other leg. It is enough to do it once. Only the thigh and gluteal muscles work. Do not lift your pelvis and stomach off the floor. The torso does not rotate or shift. You can start from a low height. The main thing is proper execution.
  • Option 2: raise your legs one by one, holding them at the highest point for 3 seconds. When lowering your leg, you need to relax your pelvic muscles for a few moments. Repeat 10 times. Both legs should tense and work for the same amount of time. You can do the first option first, and after resting, proceed to the second.

Starting position – belly down:

  • Option 1: Bend one knee and lift your leg. Stop for 45 seconds. Gently lower to the floor and relax as much as possible. After resting, do the exercise with the other leg. It is necessary to control the statics of the torso, abdomen and pelvis.
  • Option 2: slowly raise and lower the bent leg up to 10 times, delaying at the top point for 3 seconds. When lowering your leg, remember to relax your muscles as much as possible. The knee joint should be in a bent position strictly at a right angle. Perform with both legs in turn.

Raising the pelvis while lying on your back:

  • Option 1: Raise your pelvis as much as possible and hold for 45 seconds. Returning to the starting position must be done very smoothly and carefully.
  • Option 2: Repeat raising the pelvis 10 times with a short stop for 3 seconds.

Raising the pelvis and legs:

  • Option 1: Legs bent at the knees, spread 30-40 cm apart. Feet on the floor. Resting your shoulders, try to raise your pelvic part of your body as much as possible and hold for 30 seconds. For static execution, once is enough.
  • Option 2: In dynamics, you can record the upper elevation of the pelvis for 3 seconds. And increase the number of repetitions to 15 times. It is necessary to remember about the smoothness and regularity of movements. Sudden movements should not be allowed. Every time you go down, relax completely.

You should always remember that the key to success is performing the exercises correctly. Also, don’t push yourself to the point of exhaustion – it won’t end well.

Other exercises

The next exercises are a little more difficult. They are performed lying down. Each of them is practiced in yoga and requires little physical training. Complex performed on a mat:

  1. Lie face down. Smoothly raise both legs at once to a height of 10 cm, spread them in different directions, and then connect them. Hold it in weight without lowering it. Repeat 8 times.
  2. Lie on your left side. Bend the leg on the mat slightly. Raise your right leg and stop for 30 seconds. Repeat on the right side.
  3. Lying sideways, raise the leg on top, turn the ankle and thigh outward, then inward. Repeat 10 times, turn to the other side.

Exercises that are performed while sitting on the mat: connect your legs straight, carefully lean forward. The task is to clasp your feet, leaving your knees straight. You need to stay for 3 minutes. Practice once every day. If it is difficult or tight ligaments prevent you from grasping the foot, you can use a belt or a regular towel. Putting the loop on both feet, hold onto its ends with your hands.

  • When doing bends, it is advisable to listen to your body and do only what is possible.
  • Every movement is performed without effort or jerking.
  • Once you've reached your maximum incline, it's best to just relax. After just a minute, the muscles will allow you to bend over a little more. Then again.
  • By exercising regularly, you can significantly increase your flexibility.

The main task of this exercise is to stretch the surface of the back muscles and the muscles of the hips so that the angle of inclination doubles. This will eliminate spasms and improve blood circulation in the lower extremities.

There is also an exercise on a chair: you need to carefully raise one leg to the maximum possible height and fix it for 45 seconds. Repeat 3 times.

You should not strive to do gymnastics quickly or with a large amplitude. The exercises are designed to increase blood flow. This can only be achieved with smooth, slow movements.

Knee workout

Being the most active and complex, the knee joint is involved in all basic human movements. Thanks to him we walk, jump, run. Without it, it would be impossible to climb the stairs or even just stand still.

Injuries, chronic diseases or inflammation worsen the condition of tissues, bones, menisci and disrupt the activity of muscles and ligaments. By starting exercise therapy in a timely manner, you can significantly improve the functioning of the musculoskeletal system.

  1. Raise for 40 sec. straight leg. The pelvis remains motionless. The movements are performed by the muscles of the abdomen and thighs.
  2. Bend your leg, creating a right angle. Take your time to lift it up. Try to hold her in this state for 10 seconds. Do the same with the other leg.
  3. Raise your legs at the same time to the possible height. Slowly connect and separate. Sometimes your blood pressure may increase. Therefore, people with hypertension should control their condition.
  4. Turning to the right, bend the leg lying below at the knee. Raise your left leg as much as possible and hold for 20 seconds. Then on the other side.
  5. Raising the legs from a position sitting on a chair is done only once. Carefully lift one leg first. Hold for 1 minute. Then another. If your knees hurt, then when performing, you need to reduce the amplitude.
  6. When performing any exercises while standing, you must hold on to the back of the chair. First for 3 seconds. rise on your toes.
  7. Then hold for a few moments, rising on your heels.
  8. Shifting from one leg to the other. The left foot rises to the toe. The right leg is completely motionless. Then the legs change. When performed correctly, you should feel warm in the knee area.
  9. Self-massage for arthrosis of the knee joint is carried out in the form of rubbing the skin, kneading the muscles, and stroking. The surface of the thighs is massaged for several minutes. You need to start from the knee and gradually rise to the groin.

Joint gymnastics is relevant at any age. With knee arthrosis, pain decreases after the first exercises. After all, Evdokimenko’s technique has a restorative effect on the knee joints and at the same time helps to consolidate the positive dynamics of treatment.

Frequent mistakes of patients

Typical patient mistakes:

  • Not a serious attitude. Many patients take only medications or do exercises irregularly. Unfortunately, they forget that when the pain subsides, it is necessary to use the body's resources and begin the recovery process through physical exercise.
  • Overstrain of joints. Sudden movements, repeated deep squats, swings in the presence of knee arthrosis, or active twisting movements in coxarthrosis can lead to disaster. The efforts must be accurately calculated, the technique must be worked out.
  • Self-medication. When exercising on the advice of friends, many do not realize that they are harming themselves. Joints do not forgive mistakes and excessive incorrect loads. You should consult an orthopedist or physiotherapist.

Only a doctor can diagnose the disease, recommend exercise and monitor the process. Both traditional medicine and folk methods speak of the benefits of moderate physical activity for joint diseases.


Stretching and strength exercises are contraindicated if:

  • Hernias in the groin or abdomen.
  • Hypertension.
  • Severe diseases of the heart and blood vessels.
  • High temperature.

The doctor prescribes full load only when remission occurs. It is characterized by decreased pain, decreased inflammation, and restoration of normal body temperature.

Dr. Evdokimenko’s unique complex looks easy only at first glance. In fact, it requires patience and willpower.

With arthrosis, it is necessary to strengthen the muscles, and not load the joints. For this purpose, static movements are more suitable, which are capable of activating muscles within 30 seconds with minimal movement of the joint. Gradually restoring and strengthening the muscular-ligamentous apparatus, they move on to dynamic complexes, not forgetting about the smoothness of movements.

Complexes can be changed periodically. It is important to perform 3-4 stretching exercises and 5-6 muscle strengthening exercises daily. The first results can be seen within two weeks.