Beautiful Chechen names. Traditional Chechen names

b) The most popular female names today:

c) “Complete” dictionary of modern Chechen names:seven thousand names and variants

2200 male names (with 4700 variants), 1200 female names (with 2500 variants)

The most significant books and scientific publications about Chechen names:

1) The secret of names. Vainakhs, Arabs and Islam (Bagaev M.Kh.)

// The book with this title was written in 1994 and was published in a small edition that same year. Only a few copies have survived to this day. In 2015 Chief Editor popular magazine "Nana" Lula Zhumalaeva decided to publish it on the pages of the magazine (in print and electronic version, No. 5-6, 7-8, 9-10 / 2015) a shortened version of the book.

2) History of Chechnya in mirror image proper names (Ibragimov K.Kh.)

3) Arabic names in the Chechen language (Almurzaeva P.Kh.)// The article “Arabic names in the Chechen language” was published in the journal “Philological Sciences. Questions of Theory and Practice.” Tambov, “Gramota” Publishing House, 2016, No. 9 (63), part 2, pp. 63-66, ISSN 1997-2911 // Author of the article - Deputy Dean of the Faculty foreign languages Chechensky state university, Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor Almurzaeva Petimat Khalidovna.

Names eastern origin. Etymology (Bibulatov N.S.)// We offer you an excerpt from the book “Chechen Names”, published in 1991. The author of this book is Candidate of Philological Sciences Bibulatov Nurdin Saipudinovich. In it you will find almost 40 names popular among peoples who profess Islam.

4) Gender studies in Chechen linguistics(Bakhaeva L.M.)

// The article was published in the journal "Bulletin of the Stavropol State University: Philological Sciences. - 2007. - No. 53, pp. 111-117). On this website it is posted in an abbreviated form (only parts I and IV). Author Bakhaeva Leila Mukharbekovna, Senior Lecturer at the Department of Russian and Chechen Languages, Grozny State Oil Institute.

5) Reflection of anthroponymy in the life of the Chechen people(from the dissertation of T.M. Shavlaeva)

// Shavlaeva Tamara Magamedovna - Associate Professor of the Department of Cultural Studies of the Chechen State University. university, candidate historical sciences// Here are several fragments from her doctoral dissertation on the topic: “From the history of cultural development economic activity Chechen people (XIX-early XX centuries)". Specialty 07.00.07 Ethnography, ethnology, anthropology, 2017

6) Chechen and Ingush national traditions naming names(Khasbulatova Z.I.)

// Khasbulatova Zulay Imranovna - Professor of the Chechen State University, leading researcher at the Department of Ethnology at the Institute of Humanitarian Research of the Academy of Sciences of the Chechen Republic// Here are some excerpts from her doctoral dissertation: “ Traditional culture raising children among Chechens (XIX - early XX centuries)". Specialty 07.00.07 - Ethnography, ethnology, anthropology, 2015

7) A large amount of factual material on original Chechen names and surnames is concentrated in the monograph “Chechens in the Mirror of Tsarist Statistics (1860-1900).”// Its author is Ibragimova Zarema Khasanovna. The book was published in 2000, republished in 2006, Moscow, Probel Publishing House, 244 pp., ISBN 5-98604-066-X. .

You will also find a selection of original Chechen names in the book “Chechen Weapons”// Author Isa Askhabov, pdf, 66 pp. // on pp. 49-57 the names of Chechen gunsmiths of the 18th-20th centuries are given, and on pp. 15-16 it talks about the names of damask steel, which became men's names (Khazbolat, Dzhambolat, etc.)

8) Structural and grammatical types of personal namesprimordial fund of the Chechen language

// The article “Structural and grammatical types of personal names of the original fund of the Chechen language” was published in the journal Bulletin of the Institute of Educational Problems of the Chechen Republic, Vol. 7, 2009, Grozny// Author Zura Abuevna Aldieva - Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor of the Russian Language Department of the Chechen State Pedagogical University.

9) Section "Nakh language names: Chechen and Ingush names" (pp. 364-382) in the "Directory of personal names of the peoples of the RSFSR"// Ed. A.V. Superanskaya, Moscow, Russian Language Publishing House, 1987, first edition, 1979, section authors Yu.D. Desheriev and Kh. Oshaev, based on materials from the Chechen-Ingush Research Institute).

10) Collection "Consolidated Dictionary of Personal Names of Peoples" North Caucasus". Moscow, publishing house "Nauka" / "Flinta", 2012// author of the project and head of the team of authors Roza Yusufovna Namitokova, Doctor of Philology, Professor of the Adygea State University. University. // greatest interest for us is the section "Vainakh: Ingush and Chechen names" (pp. 133-157), and section "Personal names of eastern origin of the peoples of the North Caucasus"(pp. 399-484). Entire book - .

11) Most large collection Chechen personal names - 5000 names and variants collected by Bibulatov Nurdin Saipudinovich(philologist, specialist in grammar and anthroponymy of the Chechen language). Book "Chechen names" It was completed by him in 1990, and printed the following year. For obvious reasons, only a few copies have survived to this day. Today you can get acquainted with the book only here, on the “A Thousand Names” website. Just keep in mind that many names are “outdated” and are practically not found today. Read a book.

Be sure to go to the "Muslim names" section of this site - you will find a lot of useful information.

Naming is the first, main event in the life of a newborn baby. Many people believed and still believe that a name plays an important role in a person’s fate. Therefore, the Chechens, like many representatives of other nationalities, treated this event with great seriousness and attention. But times pass and the heritage is lost, just like many traditions of the concept of Islam. Nowadays, a name is sometimes the only sign by which we can guess what religion and sometimes nationality this or that person is.
Names are the historical heritage of the people. Unfortunately, many original Chechen names are undeservedly forgotten and become a thing of the past. Names carry part of the history, culture, and faith of their people.

Classification of names by origin

Some traditional Chechen names, which arose on the basis of its original lexical fund, reflect the attitude towards the surrounding life. There are also specific names associated with the plant and animal worlds or which are attributive names. There are also names borrowed from other languages.

The next part of the names, which is by far the most common, are names of eastern origin. They took root in the territory of the Chechen people, for the most part during the spread of Islam. These are mainly the names of Prophets and Messengers, the Prophet Muhammad. His associates, students, followers. Also, based on many hadiths, we learn that best names- consisting of the prefix “Abd” - slave and one of the epithets of Allah. For example, Abdullah is a slave of Allah, Abdurrahman is a slave of the Merciful.

The most common names.

Modern Chechen names include both native Chechen anthroponyms and those borrowed from Persian, Arabic and Russian languages. Native names often designate birds and animals: Lecha (“falcon”), Kokha (“dove”), Kuira (“hawk”), Tshogal (“fox”), Cha (“bear”).

But more often they reflect a specific verbal form: Vaha - “live”, Yakhiyata - “let live”. Often there are beautiful Chechen names formed from participles and adjectives: Dika - “good”. These anthroponyms reflect people’s attitude to life, flora and fauna: Zelimzan (“healthy, real”), Lu (“roe deer”), Mayrsalt (“brave”), Nokhcho (“Chechen”), Suli (“Dagestan”). Such names today are not as popular as those borrowed from their neighbors.

Names borrowed from other cultures

Many Chechen names were borrowed from Arabic and Persian languages: Ali, Umar, Yakub, Magomed, Akhmat, Shamsuddin, Saifulla, Mukhsin, Ihsan, Zaman - common Chechen male names. And women's: Jamilya, Zuhra, Maimuna, Nazira, Savda, Leila, Amanat, Rebiat, Safiyya, Fazilya, Halima, Yasmin. Names can also be compound names, in which elements such as “bek” or “soltan” are added to the main part. This part can come at the beginning or at the end.

Many Chechen female names were borrowed from Russian: Lisa, Raisa, Rosa, Louise, Zinaida, Zhanna, Tamara, Dasha and others. Often recorded as official diminutive form name. For example, Sasha or Zhenya, which is quite common among mountain peoples.

Depending on what dialect the residents of Chechnya speak, the pronunciation and even the spelling of the same name varies: Akhmad - Akhmat, Yunus - Yunas, Abuyazid - Abuyazit.

IN Lately Names of Arabic origin are becoming increasingly popular among mountaineers.

Factors in the formation of Chechen names

Original Nakh names reflect the attitude towards the surrounding life. The Chechen language contains a certain number of personal names that arose on the basis of its original lexical fund. These names are very specific and are associated with flora and fauna and attributive names. Native names represent the most ancient layer in Chechen anthroponymy; they are the property of the Chechen language and rarely penetrate into other languages.
The animal world is significantly reflected in personal Chechen names:

Bozh (buozh) - goat;

Bula (bul) - bison;

Borz (buorz) - wolf;

Ovlur - lamb of winter cattle;

Other names of predatory animals are used as nicknames that reflect one or another human trait:

Cha - bear;

Piil - elephant;

Nal - boar;

Boar - strength is emphasized;

Tskhogal - fox, cunning, flattery, servility are emphasized;

Dhaka is a mouse, the ability to go everywhere and avoid trouble is emphasized;

Tsitsig - cat;

Lu (lu) - roe deer;

Sai - deer, elegance, beauty, grace are emphasized;

Often in Chechen names there are names of domestic and wild birds:

Khokha - dove;

Moma (muom) - partridge;

Chovka - rook;

Kuira - hawk;

Durgali - white-bellied swift;

Makkhal - kite;

Olkhazar - bird;

Hyoza - sparrow;

Lecha - falcon;

Arzu - eagle;

The following names of birds are used as nicknames expressing evaluative characteristics:

kotam (kuotam) - chicken;

bad - duck;

kig - crow;

atyokh - hoopoe;


The names of insects and reptiles are used as nicknames:

Chu'rk - mosquito;

Mosa is a fly;

Zingat - ant;

Sesa - tadpole;

Tsalptsalg - grasshopper;

Formation of personal names from titles flora a common occurrence in every language:

Zhola - small shrub;

Dushta (duushto) - ash;

Zezag - flowers;

Zaza - flowering;

Datta - rowan;

There are also names in the Chechen language derived from the names of precious metals and stones:

Deshi - gold;

Children - silver;

Birlant - diamond;

Jovhar - pearls;

Mokhaz - flint;

In the Chechen language there are also names that reflect natural phenomena and cosmic bodies:

Markha - cloud, cloud;

Seda (sieda) - star;

Batta - lunar;

Malkh - azni - sunny beauty;

Kameta - kameta;

Kilba - south;

In Chechen anthroponymy great place are occupied by spell names formed from verbs. Male names:

Vaha - live;

Dukhavaha - live long;

Vahiyta - let him live;

Visa - stay;

Visiyta - let him stay;

Female names:

Yaha - alive;

Yahiyata - let him live;

Yisa - stay;

Such names were given in families where children did not survive. Heavy economic situation, poverty and hunger led to high infant mortality. And then the desperate mountain family turned to spell names. When many girls were born in a family, they gave spell names:

Saciyta, Toita - enough, let him stop;

Chechens attached great importance to names. The name was treated with care. Chechens say that “The name is the glory of the strong, the name is the shame and misfortune of the weak.”

There are names in the Chechen language formed from adjectives:

Dika - good;

Masa - fast, frisky, Mayra, Mayrbek;

Myrsalt - brave (bek);

Sutarbi - greedy;
Haza - beautiful, (Khazabika);

Kurbika - proud (bika);

More about Nakh names

The semantics of many names based on the Nakh languages ​​is incomprehensible today. Unfortunately, many original and traditional Nakh names are undeservedly forgotten and become a thing of the past. Yes, life changes and, reflecting these changes, names change, not just the words used as names, but what was meant by these names. There are many borrowed names in the Chechen language from other languages. It is generally accepted that among the peoples who converted to Islam, they are mainly widespread Arabic names. This is not entirely true. In fact, these peoples have preserved several dozen names that were borne by the Arabs in the first century after the adoption of Islam. Of the actual Arabic names, only those that were in one way or another associated with the name of the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) remained in use. And the names of his associates and students.

Many of the names that Chechens bear are oriental names; there are names borrowed from the Russian language and through it from other languages. Let's look at the etymology of some names:

Laila (Laila) - the name means lily.

Malik - the meaning of the name is possessing, ruling.

Malika - the meaning of the name is queen.

Mansur - the meaning of the name is victorious.

Muhammad (Mokhmad, Mahmud, Mukhammad) - the meaning of the name is glorified, glorious.

All Chechen names, according to them origin stories, can be divided into three main groups.

Chechen folk names.
The most ancient of them are original Chechen names that arose from the beliefs, traditions and ideas of the Chechen people. They are easy to pronounce and are distinguished by the fact that they usually consist of one or two syllables. Meaning these Chechen names reflects the connection of the Chechen people with nature, a subtle perception of the surrounding world. Most of them are derived from the names of animals, birds and plants. Male names most often emphasize masculinity, speed of reaction, and strength - Borz (wolf), Bula (bison), Cha (bear), Nal (boar), Lecha (eagle), Makkhal (kite). Women's names are associated with the names of beautiful plants and animals, precious metals– Lu (roe deer), Zezag (flower), Kemsa (grape), Birlant (diamond), Zhovkhar (pearl).

Borrowed names.
Names of Turkic, Arabic and Persian origin make up the most large group Chechen names. In XIV – XVIII centuries names were in use borrowed from Turkic languages– Albek, Akhmatkhan, Mansur, Raslanbek, Khasbulat. From the middle XIX century The influence of Islam in Chechnya has become so strong that Muslim names with Arabic and Persian roots took a dominant position in the Chechen nomenclature. These are mainly the names of prophets and caliphs - Ibrahim, Muhammad, Magomed, Ismail, Suleiman, Ali, Osman, Umar. Many parents began to willingly call boys Chechen names with religious meaning– Abdurrahman (slave of the Merciful), Abdumalik (slave of the Lord), Saifullah (sword of Allah), Shamsuddin (sun of faith).

Among female names, melodious Arabic names have firmly established themselves, emphasizing the beauty and virtues of Chechen women - Maliika (angel), Yasmin (jasmine), Azaza (respected), Zukhra (flower), Kamila (perfection). And, of course, names from the Koran, traditionally popular among all Muslim peoples - Maryam, Zuleikha, Aisha, Zeinab, Madina.

Names of modern Chechens.
Nowadays, the vast majority of Chechens try to adhere to established traditions when choosing a name for a child. 90% of modern Chechen names have Arab origin. At the same time, borrowed Russian and Western names, mostly female, sometimes “penetrate” the Chechen name book. Some of them are even short form names - Lisa, Sasha, Zhenya, Raisa, Tamara, Rosa, Louise, Zhanna.

Chechens are a heroic, proud people who value their foundations and history. Chechen male names reflect the strength and spirit of the people, personifying male power and honor. Among the names and nicknames of this people you will not find diminutive formulations and translations; each name reflects the meaning of masculinity and stature.

For example, Chechen male names often mean representatives of the animal world with pronounced strong-willed characteristics.

Animal world

  • Bula, or Bull, is translated from Chechen as “bison.”
  • Borz, or Buorz - respected by everyone Chechen people wolf.
  • Lom, Lomma - lion and some derivatives of this word.
  • Tskhogal is a cunning fox, this name personifies a person inclined to dodge responsibility.
  • Kuyra is a hawk, a name for proud and sharp-eyed men.
  • Makkhal is a kite, a warlike and accurate warrior.
  • Lecha is a falcon, a proud, arrogant bird.
  • Arzu is an eagle, a high-flying man.

Often, Chechen male names translated mean a guide to action, as if parting words from parents and wishes for good. This is especially true for examples of the birth of weakened babies whose lives are at risk. They are given names with wishes for a long or healthy life.


  • Vaha - translated - “live”.
  • Dukhavaha - "live long"!
  • Vahiyata - “let this baby live.”
  • Visiyta - "let him stay."

There were also cases when the newborn was given some characteristic in the name.

Character Assessment

  • Masa - means "fast, frisky."
  • Dick - "this is a good guy."
  • Mairsalt - "brave boy (man)".

It is a pity that many Chechen names are forgotten today. Although they contain such valuable and interesting speech patterns from the native language of the people.

Also, many Chechen male names carry a symbolic Muslim meaning. They are borrowed from the Arabs and history. These are the names that belonged to the companions and contemporaries of the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him).

Names from the Sunnah of Muslims

  • Muhammad (Mohmad, Mahmud, Muhammad, Magomed, Magamat) - the name of the Prophet Muhammad, translated means “glorified” or “glorious”.
  • Abbas was the name of the prophet's uncle. Meaning: stern, gloomy, gloomy.
  • Abdulrahman - this name means "servant of the Merciful Lord." Favorite name Muslims, an attribute of any true believer.
  • Ali is the name of the friend and son-in-law of the Prophet Muhammad, the fourth of the Islamic world. And its meanings are “exalted”, “leading”, “supreme”.

Chechen male names, borrowed from the Arabs before the emergence of the history of Islam

According to customs, Chechen boys' names are given with a certain attitude and parting words. It is believed that the name reflects the character, will, and spirit of its bearer. Therefore, most of all, with a strong-willed and courageous orientation.