Katerina is a Russian tragic heroine. Why is Katerina left alone with her grief?

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Fathers and Sons. Chapter 21. Summary.

The next morning, Arkady sees Bazarov's father planting turnips. Father asks Arkady about Evgeniy. He honestly answers that Evgeny Bazarov is one of the most wonderful people of its time. Father is very happy to hear such words.

During the day, while resting, Bazarov talks with Kirsanov. We are talking about life, about hatred. Bazarov says to Arkady: “ You gentle soul, you scumbag, where should you hate!"Arkady wants to know how highly Bazarov thinks of himself. He answers: “ When I meet a person who would not give up on me... then I will change my opinion about myself e". Bazarov reminds Kirsanov how he once, passing by the house of the elder Philip, said:

“Russia will then achieve perfection when the last man has the same premises, and each of us must contribute to this...”

A Bazarov " I hated this last guy, Philip or Sidor, for whom... I have to bend over backwards and who won’t even say thank you». « Well, he will live in a white hut, and a burdock will grow out of me“says Evgeniy.

Bazarov believes that all people act based on sensation. He says:

“I’m pleased to deny it, my brain works that way - and that’s it! Why do I like chemistry? Why do you love apples? - also due to sensation. People will never go deeper than this.”

Bazarov, a very cynical person, asks Arkady not to speak beautifully; believes that there is no need to follow in the footsteps of Pavel Petrovich, whom he calls an idiot. Arkady is outraged by this characterization. Soon Vasily Ivanovich, Evgeniy’s father, arrives. He announces that a priest will be present at dinner.

Bazarov is bored and is about to leave. The parents are very upset.

Fathers and Sons. Chapter 22. Summary.

On the way, the friends stopped by Madame Odintsova again. However, she received them very coldly. A few hours later the young people left. In parting, Odintsova assured that she was waiting for them to visit again.

The friends went to the Kirsanov estate. There they were greeted with joy. Things are not going well for Nikolai Petrovich in the best possible way. Arkady is going to pretend that he is ready to help his father. Bazarov again conducts experiments on frogs.

Arkady learned from his father that Anna Sergeevna Odintsova’s late mother wrote to Arkady’s mother. Arkady asked his father to give him these letters. He needs them as a reason for a new trip to the Odintsov estate. Arkady went alone and saw Katya in the garden. The girl was very happy with him.

Fathers and Sons. Chapter 23. Summary

Meanwhile, Nikolai Petrovich communicates with Bazarov quite often. He is interested in the experiments conducted by the young naturalist. Bazarov often talks with Fenechka. One day he asks if she agrees to pay for him to cure the child. Bazarov says that he does not need money, but one of the roses that Fenechka collected for the morning bouquet. Fenechka gave Bazarov a rose. Eugene kissed the young woman on the lips. At that moment Pavel Petrovich was nearby.

Fathers and Sons. Chapter 24. Summary.

Two hours later, Pavel Petrovich asked Bazarov for his opinion about the duel and called him. Bazarov suggested choosing Peter, Nikolai Petrovich’s valet, as his second. Bazarov was thinking about the real reason After the duel, he came to the conclusion that Pavel Petrovich himself loves Fenechka.

The next morning a duel was scheduled. Pavel Petrovich shot first. Then Bazarov shot, he wounded the enemy in the leg. Nikolai Petrovich was told that the reason for the duel was a dispute about politics. The wounded Pavel Petrovich developed a fever. When his brother visited him, Pavel Petrovich said: “ Isn’t it true, Nikolai, that Fenechka has something in common with Nellie?”(Nelly was the same Princess R whom Pavel Petrovich loved in his youth).

Bazarov looked after Pavel Petrovich as a doctor. After a while the doctor arrived, Bazarov got ready to leave. Pavel Petrovich says goodbye to him with dignity and shakes his hand. He also asks Fenechka to come to him and sit with him. Pavel Petrovich asks if Fenechka loves his brother.

Then he passionately asks her to always love Nikolai Petrovich and not cheat on him. Pavel Petrovich knows that it is very difficult to love and not be loved. At this moment Nikolai Petrovich arrives, and Fenechka runs away.

Pavel Petrovich asks his brother to promise him to marry Fenechka. And after the wedding, he himself wants to go abroad and stay there until he dies.

Fathers and Sons. Chapter 25. Summary.

Arkady, meanwhile, communicates with Katya. She noticed that Eugene's influence on Arkady was weakening. Katya thinks this is very good. She doesn’t like Bazarov, she believes that he is a stranger to everyone.

Arkady realizes that he has become attached to the girl. He tells her how special she is to him. Evgeniy came to Odintsova’s estate. He thought that Arkady was interested in Anna Sergeevna.

Fathers and Sons. Chapter 26. Summary.

Arkady proposes to Katya. When Bazarov finds out about this, he praises him. He treats Katya well:

“Some young ladies are considered smart only because they sigh intelligently; and yours will stand up for itself, and stand up so well that it will take you into its hands.”

Fathers and Sons. Chapter 27. Summary.

Bazarov went to his parents. They are happy because they thought that their son would not return. Bazarov's father tries not to interfere with his son. But he, despite all the efforts of his parents, is very bored. Bazarov finds something to do - helps his father treat the peasants. One day he asks his father for a “hell stone” to cauterize the wound. On this day, Bazarov opened a corpse and injured his finger. Bazarov knows that if cadaveric poison has entered the body, no one and nothing will help him.

After some time, Bazarov became very ill. He asks to inform Anna Sergeevna that he is dying.

Odintsova arrived with a German doctor. He said that there was no hope for recovery. Bazarov tells Odintsova that he loved her and asks her to kiss him goodbye. Anna Sergeevna kisses her forehead and gives her water. However, she does not take off her gloves. Bazarov died.

Fathers and Sons. Chapter 28. Summary.

Six months later, two weddings took place in Maryino. Arkady married Katya, and his father married Fenechka.

Pavel Petrovich first went to Moscow, then abroad. After some time, Odintsova also got married - “ not out of love, but out of conviction" - for an intelligent person.

Nikolai Petrovich became a peace mediator; Arkady turned out to be good owner, his estate began to generate income. Soon he and Katya had a son.

Pavel Petrovich settled in Dresden. Kukshina also went abroad, to Heidelberg, where she began to study architecture. Sitnikov believes that he is continuing the work of Bazarov.

Bazarov's parents often come to their son's grave, which is located on a small rural cemetery. They cry and pray for a long time. They live only with memories of Evgenia.

“Are their prayers, their tears, fruitless? Isn’t love, holy, devoted love, omnipotent? Oh no! No matter how passionate, sinful, rebellious the heart may be hidden in the grave, the flowers growing on it serenely look at us with their innocent eyes: they tell us not only about eternal peace, but about that great peace of indifferent nature; they also talk about eternal reconciliation and endless life..."

A chapter-by-chapter summary of the novel “Fathers and Sons” allows you to quickly find out what this work is about . The main theme is the complex relationship between fathers and children. What is more important - to defend your interests or to serve your neighbor? These difficult questions picks up the novel. Brief story in presenting the contents of all chapters will help you understand what the novel is about and will awaken the desire to read it in its entirety, without abbreviation.

Chapter 1.

On May 20, 1859, landowner Nikolai Petrovich Kirsanov was waiting at the inn for his son to come to him.

When Nikolai Petrovich was very young, many said that he would become a military man. But this did not happen - a serious leg injury prevented him. Kirsanov was educated at the university, started a family and began to live in the village.

Ten years after Kirsanov’s son, Arkady, was born, his wife died. Since then, his life was devoted to raising his son and caring for the estate.

Kirsanov Jr. studied in St. Petersburg for three years, and now returns to native home. Nikolai Petrovich was very worried before meeting his son - he promised to come not alone.

Chapter 2.

Upon arrival, Arkady introduces his friend, Yevgeny Bazarov, to his father, whom he invited to stay a little on the estate. Nikolai Petrovich is slightly shy in front of the guest, but his son says that Evgeny is a simple man - there is no need to be shy and stand on ceremony. After the introductions, everyone went to the estate. Bazarov decides to get into the tarantass, and Arkady and Nikolai Petrovich get to the place in a carriage.

Chapter 3.

On the way to the village, Kirsanov Sr. cannot hide his joy, because he finally saw his son. He always wants to hug young man and asks about a new friend. Arkady is a little embarrassed by his father’s behavior, so he stays a little distant and watches his friend - how does he react? Arkady seems to be afraid that his friend will judge him for describing the beauty of nature around him and for the fact that Kirsanov Jr. is interested in the affairs of the estate.

The father tells his son that everything is the same at home. However, now a girl named Fenya lives with him. Kirsanov is embarrassed to tell his son about this and says that he will ask her to leave if he wants. Arkady says that this is not necessary.

On the way to the estate, Kirsanov Jr. understands that there is desolation all around, some transformation would be in order. We need to help the peasants and revive their lands. However, he still has no idea what can be done to benefit the estate.

Nikolai Petrovich says that he has no doubt: with the arrival of his son, everything will change for the better. With inspiration he quotes Pushkin. But then Bazarov intervenes in the conversation, wanting to light a cigarette and asking his friend to pass the matches, thereby making it clear that the topic of the conversation is not very interesting to him, and then everyone drives on in silence.

Chapter 4.

No one met those arriving on the threshold of the house. Only the elderly servant Prokofy kisses Arkady’s hand. Fenechka appears briefly. Nikolai Petrovich goes to the living room and asks Prokofy to bring food there.

A man of pleasant appearance, very elegant and well-groomed, appears at the door. This is Pavel Petrovich - the elder brother of the owner of the estate. The author focuses on how Pavel Petrovich and Evgeniy differ in appearance from each other. The latter is rude and not too neat.

After meeting, the young people go to clean up. Left alone with his brother, Pavel asks about the guest, noting that appearance He didn't like the visitor.

At dinner there was no conversation between those gathered; there was little conversation. Evgeny was especially taciturn. Arkady tried to show himself as an adult and independent. After lunch was over, everyone left. Evgeniy shared with his friend his impressions of meeting his relatives: he said that he considered Nikolai Petrovich a nice person. True, he doesn’t understand housekeeping at all and is in vain interested in poetry. But Pavel, according to Bazarov, looked funny.

Nikolai and Pavel did not sleep for a long time. The first thought a lot about how his son had changed. Fenechka was next to him. She watched the sleeping boy - the son of Nikolai Kirsanov.

Chapters 5-8

Chapter 5.

In the morning, the guest woke up before everyone else and went to see the estate. On the way he meets local boys and goes with them to catch frogs.

The Kirsanovs sit down on the veranda to drink tea. Arkady goes to visit Fenechka, who says that she is unwell. He learns that he has a brother. Arkady rejoices at this news and reproaches Nikolai Petrovich for hiding what happened from him. Nikolai Petrovich is at a loss, not knowing what to answer.

Arkady tells his father and uncle that Evgeniy has left. A conversation ensues, and Kirsanov Jr. talks about his friend. He says that Bazarov is a nihilist, that is, he does not take anything for granted, he tries to verify everything experimentally. Bazarov appears with frogs, which he takes to the experiment room.

Chapter 6.

Those gathered are drinking tea. A heated argument ensues between Pavel and Bazarov. And both do not hide their negative attitude to each other. Nikolai Petrovich tries to smooth things over and tells Evgeniy that he needs help choosing fertilizers. He doesn't mind helping.

Important! Arkady wants his friend to stop laughing at his uncle, and decides to tell him about his relative’s past.

Chapter 7.

Pavel Petrovich Kirsanov used to be a military man, a favorite of women, and all men envied him. At twenty-eight years old, at the peak of his career, he fell in love with the princess.

The woman could not reciprocate, because she was not free: the princess had an elderly husband.

Paul suffered greatly because of this unrequited love, left the service and spent four years following his beloved everywhere.

Later, Pavel nevertheless returned to his homeland. Here he wanted to return to his old life. However, upon learning of the death of his beloved, he moved to live in the village with his widowed brother.

Chapter 8.

Pavel Petrovich is getting bored. He comes to Fenechka to look at his nephew Mitya.

The chapter also tells the story of how Nikolai and Fenechka met. Three years ago a man met a girl in a tavern. She and her mother were in a deplorable situation. Kirsanov took pity on them and invited them to live on the estate, and then fell in love with Fenechka. The mother died, and Nikolai actually became her husband.

Chapters 9-13

Chapter 9

Bazarov also meets Fenechka and the child, and says that Fenechka can turn to him if she needs a doctor. Afterwards he hears Nikolai playing the cello and laughs at it. Arkady doesn't like this.

Chapter 10.

Two weeks have passed since Bazarov appeared at the Kirsanovs. Not everyone fell in love with the young doctor. The servants liked the commoner, who was easy to communicate with, Pavel Petrovich treated the nihilist with contempt, and Nikolai Petrovich was worried about whether he was a good influence on his son. The fact is that the father heard Bazarov’s conversation with Arkady, and Nikolai Petrovich did not like that his son’s friend called him a retired man. Nikolai Petrovich shared this with his brother. He decided to answer.

That evening over tea, Bazarov spoke impartially about one of the landowners. Pavel Petrovich objected to him, saying that that landowner also brings benefits to society. And Bazarov said that there is no meaning in the landowner’s life, he lives just as empty as other people of his position. Kirsanov replied that these people, such as nihilists, aggravate the situation of the country.

Bazarov called the argument pointless and left with Arkady. And Nikolai remembered that once in his youth he had the same quarrel with his mother. The young man did not like that his mother did not understand his views on life. Now he can't find common language with my son.

Chapter 11.

Before going to bed, everyone in the estate thought about their own things. Nikolai in the gazebo recalled early deceased wife and about your own destiny. Pavel, looking into the starry sky, was also thinking about something. Evgeniy tells Arkady that he needs to go to the city to see an old friend.

Chapter 12.

Evgeny and Arkady go to the city, where they communicate with a friend of the Bazarov family, Matvey Ilyin, and go to the governor. In addition, Bazarov and Kirsanov are invited to a ball with Evdokia Kukshina. Friends decide to attend this event.

Chapter 13.

The young people paid a visit to Kukshina, where they both felt uncomfortable. The hostess looked unkempt and talked incessantly on uninteresting topics, constantly asking rhetorical questions. But during this conversation, Bazarov hears for the first time the name of Anna Sergeevna Odintsova. This woman played a key role in his fate.

Chapters 14-18

Chapter 14.

When friends come to the ball, they meet Anna Odintsova there. Anna makes a very pleasant impression on the young people and asks Arkady a lot of questions. They also talk about Bazarov. Anna is interested and invites them to visit.

Bazarov really liked Anna Odintsova. The young man considers her different from other girls and happily agrees to come visit.

Chapter 15.

Evgeny and Arkady get to Anna's house. This visit produces strong impression to Bazarov. Suddenly, the always calm and self-confident nihilist becomes embarrassed.

Anna Sergeevna talks about her difficult fate. The woman's father lost a large sum and soon died. His daughters were left with only a completely bankrupt estate. Anna had to take care of herself and run the household. The girl got married and lived with her husband for six years, and then remained a widow. Anna said that she mostly spends time on her estate and does not like gatherings of people.

Chapter 16.

On Anna's estate, Nikolskoye, friends meet Anna's sister. The girl's name is Katya. She's sweet, shy, and can play the piano. Anna spends a lot of time with Bazarov. They walk and talk together. Arkady also liked Anna, he is even a little jealous.

Chapter 17.

The nihilist Bazarov fell in love, and this feeling changed him. He is angry with himself and considers his feelings to be rubbish. However, he can’t help himself - he constantly imagines hugging Anna. Bazarov's feelings and sympathy were mutual, but both do not want to admit it.

In the city, Evgeniy meets the manager of his parents' estate. He reports that the parents are worried about their son.

Chapter 18.

Bazarov and Anna talk about life, and Evgeniy confesses his feelings. Anna says she doesn't want to part with free life, so I’m not ready to reciprocate. Bazarov decides that it is better to leave.

Chapters 19–24

Evgeny and his friend go to Bazarov’s parents. Odintsova says that she will be glad to meet again. Arkady notes that his friend has changed a lot.

Bazarov’s parents rejoice at their son’s arrival, however, knowing his difficult character, they try not to show their emotions. Nevertheless, it is clear that Evgeniy is very loved at home.

Bazarov becomes bored at his parents' house, and soon decides to leave. After his departure, his parents were very worried.

Arkady and Evgeny visit Anna again, but she is not happy with the guests. But on the Kirsanov estate everyone was happy about the arrival of the young people. Evgeniy continues to live old life, and Kirsanov Jr. finds an excuse to go to the Odintsovs, where he finds a warm welcome.

Bazarov remains on the estate. Relations with everyone except Fenechka are tense. During the conversation, Bazarov kisses Fenechka, and Nikolai sees this. Evgeniy feels awkward.

Chapters 24–26

Pavel Petrovich becomes furious at Bazarov's act and challenges him to a duel.
As a result, Evgeniy wounds Kirsanov in the leg. The men tell their family that they quarreled over politics.

As a result, Bazarov returns to his parents, but stops by in Nikolskoye, where he meets a friend. Arkady does not hide the fact that he is in love with Katya. However, young people do not openly admit their feelings to each other.

Bazarov explains to Odintsova, saying that he would like to remain friends. Arkady proposes to Katya, and the girl agrees.

Bazarov is jealous of his friend and leaves for the estate.

Chapters 27–28

Bazarov helps his father treat the sick and unexpectedly becomes infected with typhoid. Before his death, he calls Anna Odintsova. She comes. Evgeniy confesses his love to her and leaves this life.

Six months later, Arkady marries Katya, and Nikolai marries Fenya. Pavel is leaving abroad. Odintsova marries someone she doesn't love.

Only parents come to Bazarov’s grave, who do not forget their son for a single day and continue to love him.

Important! The novel “Fathers and Sons” in a brief summary gives the reader an idea of ​​the main events. But to enjoy it a work of genius, you should read the full author's version.

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To put it in a nutshell, central figure is Evgeny Bazarov. At first, the author shows us him as a cynical nihilist who questions everything. Later this is a completely different person who is ready to part with own life for love.

Bazarov turned out to be misunderstood world, in which he lived, so he leaves, and loving parents suffer. The above detailed summary allows you to understand what the novel is about and how the path of a new type of person, like Evgeny Bazarov, ended.

About the novel. The novel by I. S. Turgenev became a landmark work of its era. The nobility class was becoming a thing of the past, giving way to a new generation of young leaders. Turgenev in his work managed to show the depth of the conflict between the past and the future. A brief summary of Turgenev’s novel “Fathers and Sons” in chapters will provide an opportunity to get acquainted with storyline books and prepare to work with the work.

Chapter 1

Kirsanov Nikolai Petrovich is the first hero with whom the author introduces the reader. He is waiting for his son, who is returning home after finishing his studies, accompanied by a friend. While waiting, he indulges in memories. After finishing his studies, he married a beautiful woman and left public service. He settled in a modest place called Maryino, where his child was born. Nikolai Petrovich is worried because he has not seen his son for a long time.

Chapter 2


arrives accompanied by a friend, Evgeny Vasilyevich Bazarov. The author focuses on his appearance:

"Long and thin (face), with wide forehead, flat at the top, pointed nose at the bottom, large greenish eyes and drooping sideburns sand color, it was enlivened by a calm smile and expressed self-confidence and intelligence.”

Arkady asks his father not to stand on ceremony with the guest, to treat Bazarov with simplicity. Together they go to Maryino. The Kirsanovs are riding in a carriage, and Bazarov is behind them, in a tarantass.

Chapter 3

Arkady talks with his father, admiring the beauty of the surrounding nature. Everything seems special, despite the obvious poverty and decay. He restrains his emotions so that Bazarov does not see them, because for some unknown reason he feels awkward because of his enthusiasm. Arkady notices that things are going badly on the estate, traces of desolation are visible. He makes plans to change things. The father feels his son’s condition and himself feels delight and happiness from his return home. He begins to quote Pushkin, but is interrupted by Evgeniy’s request for a light.

Chapter 4

The arriving gentlemen are greeted by the young servant Peter. He accompanies them to the living room, where Kirsanov Sr. orders dinner to be served. They are met at the house by Pavel Petrovich Kirsanov, Arkady's uncle. The author pays special attention to his appearance, which is strikingly different from Bazarov’s appearance.

“He looked about forty-five years old: his short-cropped White hair shone with a dark shine, like new silver; his face, bilious, but without wrinkles, unusually regular and clean, as if carved with a thin and light chisel, showed traces of remarkable beauty; The light, black, oblong eyes were especially beautiful.”

The dinner is a mess, and antipathy arises between Uncle Arkady and the guest.

Chapter 5

In the morning, Evgeniy goes to inspect the area, he is looking for a swamp. Two local boys, who volunteered to help catch the frogs, leave with him. At this time, the Kirsanovs are having breakfast. Arkady goes to meet a girl who lives with his father. He learns that they have a little son, his half-brother. The news brings him into indescribable delight. Uncle Arkady comes to the table. He looks immaculate. The conversation turns to Bazarov, and Arkady reports that he is a nihilist. This surprises older relatives. Evgeniy appears, covered in mud, carrying a bag of frogs.

Chapter 6

Having changed his clothes, Bazarov goes to the table and enters into a discussion with Pavel Petrovich about the importance of art and science in human life.

“A decent chemist is twenty times more useful than any poet”

These words reflect Bazarov's position. The brothers leave to talk to the clerk. Arkady wants to tell his friend sad story life of Pavel Petrovich.

Chapter 7

Society prophesied to Pavel Petrovich a dizzying career. As an officer, he was extremely popular among women. But everything changed when he met Princess R, she turned his head. He achieved her love, but she quickly cooled off towards him. For a long time he pursued the woman, and after her death he withdrew into himself and, leaving the world, settled with his brother.

Chapter 8

Pavel Petrovich comes to visit Fenechka to see his six-month-old nephew. He thinks he is very much like his brother. Fenechka is afraid of Pavel Petrovich and feels awkward from his presence, but she is pleased with the attention he pays to her son. After his brother’s arrival, Pavel Petrovich hastily leaves Feni’s room.

Chapter 9

Fenechka meets Bazarov. He takes a liking to her and offers his services as a doctor. He considers Arkady's father a bad master and ridicules his passion for music. This is unpleasant for Arkady.

Chapter 10

Life in Maryino is returning to normal. The courtyard peasants love Bazarov very much, Nikolai Petrovich fears his bad influence on his son. Pavel Petrovich despises his friend Arkady.

One day they enter into a conversation about the benefits and uselessness of the aristocracy, during which Pavel Kirsanov loses control of himself, breaks into a scream and gets irritated, while Bazarov remains calm. Arkady and Evgeny retire into the room. Nikolai Petrovich recalls how in his youth he often argued with his mother.

Chapter 11

The dispute between Bazarov and Pavel Petrovich gives rise to deep thoughts in the soul of Father Arkady. He realizes that he is old, and an abyss separates them from Arkady. This depresses a man.

The young people decide to go to the city for a while and visit a distant relative of the Kirsanovs.

Chapter 12

A distant relative of Arkady is taking his friends to the governor. They receive an invitation to the governor's ball. Bazarov sees his student “nihilist” Sitnikov on the street, he calls young people to join him and visit Evdokia Kukshina.

Chapter 13

Evdokia Kukshina turns out to be an unpleasant lady with cheeky behavior. She considers herself to be a progressive, free-thinking youth. Evdokia rained down endless questions, not giving anyone the opportunity to answer them. In a conversation, she mentions Anna Odintsova as an interesting, but insufficiently emancipated woman. Bazarov and Arkady leave Kukshina’s house when she, drunk, begins to sing.

Chapter 14

At the governor's ball, Arkady is introduced to Odintsova. The woman is very different from the other ladies present at the event. She exudes mystery. She invites Arkady and his friend to visit her. Bazarov is also amazed by Odintsova, but does not show it, making caustic remarks about her.

Chapter 15

Left orphaned, Anna and her sister Katerina invited their aunt to live with them. Some time later, Anna married Odintsov, who was older than her, but at the same time kind person and spouse. After his death, she settled in Nikolskoye, where she invited her new acquaintances to come and visit. Arkady sees that Evgeny has developed feelings for Odintsova.

Chapter 16

Bazarov and Kirsanov come to Nikolskoye and stay for a few days. Odintsova is clearly passionate about Evgeny, which confuses Arkady very unpleasantly. He, in turn, spends a lot of time with the owner’s sister, Katya.

Chapter 17

15 days pass unnoticed. Bazarov is going to go to his parents, but Odintsova does not want to let him go. They start talking about love, but Evgeny feels that Anna Sergeevna is playing and flirting with him.

Arkady is jealous of Odintsov for his friend.

Chapter 18

In the morning, Anna Sergeevna wants to continue the interrupted conversation. She and Evgeny retire, and he reveals his feelings. She is frightened by his passion, Anna refuses him. Calm remains unchanged and important in Odintsova’s life.

Chapter 19

Bazarov apologizes to the mistress of the house for his incontinence. Both feel awkward. Taking advantage of Sitnikov’s arrival, Arkady and Evgeny go to Bazarov’s home.

Chapter 20

Evgeniy's parents meet them at home. They haven't seen their son for a long time. The parents try to please their son in everything, but are a little afraid of him. Evgeny refuses to talk with his father and, citing fatigue, goes home.

Chapter 21

Early in the morning Arkady met Vasily Ivanovich, in a conversation he said that he was very proud of his son’s achievements. Bazarov wants to go back to Maryino, he gives his word to return home in a month. His elders are upset by Evgeniy’s act.

Chapter 22

On the way to Maryino, friends decide to visit Odintsova, but receive a cold reception. After staying with her for several hours, they set off on the road. They again come to the Kirsanovs' house. After some time, Arkady decides to visit Anna Sergeevna’s house.

Chapter 23

Arkady leaves, but Bazarov remains in Maryino and works very hard. One day he kisses Fenechka, Pavel Petrovich sees this. He challenges Eugene to a duel without telling his brother the true reasons for this.

Chapter 24

During the duel, Pavel Petrovich receives a slight wound in the leg. His opponent treats his wound himself. Kirsanov is delirious for some time, and, having recovered, begs his brother to legalize his relationship with Fenechka.

Chapter 25

Katya and Arkady become very close. They spend a lot of time together. Bazarov arrives and talks about the events that happened in Maryino. Odintsova begs him to join them. He accepts the invitation.

Chapter 26

In the morning, Arkady confesses his feelings for Katya and asks permission to marry her. Odintsova agrees, subject to the blessing of the marriage by Arkady's father. Evgeny Vasilyevich goes to his parents.

Chapter 27

Bazarov becomes infected with a fatal infection while performing an autopsy on a dead man. Vasily Ivanovich is terrified, he is powerless to help his son. Bazarov sends Odintsova news of his illness. She arrives with the doctor. But medicine can no longer save Evgeniy. Odintsova understands that she feels nothing for him except pity, and is unable to give consolation. Bazarov leaves this world.

Chapter 28

Six months later, Nikolai Petrovich marries Fenechka, and Arkady takes Katya as his wife. Pavel Petrovich goes abroad, and Kukshina goes there too. Sitnikov starts a family. Anna Sergeevna becomes the wife of the future politician.

This is where it ends brief retelling novel " Captain's daughter", which includes only the most important events from full version works!

The old Bazarovs, who were not expecting their son at all, were very happy about him. He told his father that he had come for six weeks to work and asked not to disturb him.

Evgeny locked himself in his father’s office, and the old people were afraid to breathe and walked on tiptoe so as not to disturb him.

But soon he got tired of loneliness, the fever of work gave way to dreary boredom and dull anxiety, and the young man began to look for company: he drank tea in the living room, wandered around the garden with Vasily Ivanovich and even asked about Father Alexei. A certain fatigue appeared in all his movements. which worried my father very much.

Sometimes Bazarov went to the village and talked with the peasants, who answered with a patriarchal good-natured melodiousness, and among themselves laughed at him and rather rudely asserted that he did not understand anything in their life. Finally, he found something to do: he began to help his father treat the peasants. Vasily Ivanovich was very happy about this and proudly said that his son was the most wonderful doctor he had ever known.

One day from neighboring village They brought in a man dying of typhus. Vasily Ivanovich said with regret after the examination that he was no longer able to help, and indeed, the patient died before reaching home.

Three days later, Eugene entered his father’s room and asked him for a hellstone to cauterize the wound. It turned out that he cut his finger while helping the district doctor with
autopsy of the same man who died of typhus. It was already too late to cauterize him, because he had been injured in the morning and, perhaps, had already become infected. From that moment on, the father began to closely monitor his son. He did not sleep at night, and Arina Vlasyevna, to whom he, of course, said nothing, began pestering her husband about why he was not sleeping.

On the third day, Bazarov lost his appetite and began to have a headache; he was either hot or shivering. He told his mother that he had a cold and left the room.

Arina Vlasyevna began preparing linden blossom tea, and Vasily Ivanovich went into the next room and silently grabbed his hair.
Evgeniy didn’t get up that day. He was getting worse and worse. There was a strange silence in the house; everything seemed to go dark. The expression of amazement did not leave Vasily Ivanovich’s face, Arina Vlasyevna began to get very worried.

They sent to the city for a doctor. Bazarov told his father that they both understood perfectly well that he was infected and would die in a few days. The father staggered, as if someone had hit him in the legs, and babbled that this was not true and that Evgeny had only caught a cold. Bazarov lifted the edge of his shirt and showed his father the ominous red spots that appeared on his body, which were also signs of infection.

The staff doctor replied that he would cure him, but the son said that his parents could only pray for him, and asked his father to send a messenger to Odintsova to tell her that he was dying and told her to bow. Vasily Ivanovich promised to personally write a letter to Odintsova and, leaving the room, told his wife that his son was dying and told her to pray.

Bazarov consoled his parents as best he could, but he felt worse every hour. The mother had everything out of her hands, the father suggested various ways treatment. Timofeich went to Odintsova. The night was difficult for the patient; he was tormented by a severe fever.

In the morning Evgeniy felt better. He drank tea and asked his mother to comb his hair. Vasily Ivanovich perked up a little: he decided that the crisis had passed and now things would get better. However, the change for the better did not last long, and the attacks of the disease resumed. The parents asked their son for permission to call a priest to him, but he believed that there was no need to rush. Suddenly the sound of wheels was heard, and a carriage drove into the yard. The old man rushed onto the porch. The livery footman opened the door.

A lady in a black mantilla and under a black veil came out of the carriage. She introduced herself as Odintsova and asked to be taken to the patient, saying that she had brought a doctor with her. Vasily Ivanovich grabbed her hand and convulsively pressed it to his lips. Arina Vlasyevna, not understanding anything, ran out of the house, fell at the feet of the newcomer and began to kiss her dress like crazy. Having come to his senses, the father led the doctor into his office, where Evgeniy was lying, and told his son that Anna Sergeevna had arrived. Bazarov wanted to see her, but the doctor examined him first.

Half an hour later, Anna Sergeevna entered the office. The doctor managed to whisper to her that the patient was hopeless. The woman looked at Bazarov and stopped at the door, she was so struck by his inflamed and at the same time deathly face.

She was simply frightened and at the same time realized that if she had loved him, she would have felt completely differently. Evgeny thanked her for coming, said that she was very beautiful and kind, and asked her not to come close to him, because the disease was very contagious.

Anna Sergeevna immediately quickly approached him and sat down on a chair near the sofa on which the patient was lying. He asked her forgiveness for everything and said goodbye to her.

Then he began to rave, and when she called out to him, he asked Odintsova to kiss him. Anna Sergeevna pressed her lips to his forehead and quietly left. She whispered to Vasily Ivanovich that the patient had fallen asleep.

Bazarov was no longer destined to wake up. By evening he fell into complete unconsciousness, and the next day he died. When he was unctioned, one of his eyes opened and an expression of horror appeared on his face. When did he release last breath, a general groan arose in the house. Vasily Ivanovich fell into a frenzy and began to murmur against God, but Arina Vlasyevna, all in tears, hung on his neck, and together they fell on their faces.

Turgenev's novel "Fathers and Sons" was written in 1861. He was immediately destined to become a symbol of the era. The author especially clearly expressed the problem of the relationship between two generations.

To understand the plot of the work, we suggest reading “Fathers and Sons” in a chapter-by-chapter summary. The retelling was done by a teacher of Russian literature, it reflects all important points works.

Average reading time is 8 minutes.

Main characters

Evgeny Bazarov- a young man, a medical student, a bright representative of nihilism, a trend when a person denies everything in the world.

Arkady Kirsanov– a recent student who arrived at his parents’ estate. Under the influence of Bazarov, he becomes interested in nihilism. At the end of the novel, he realizes that he cannot live like this and abandons the idea.

Kirsanov Nikolay Petrovich- landowner, widower, father of Arkady. He lives on the estate with Fenechka, who bore him a son. Adheres to progressive ideas, loves poetry and music.

Kirsanov Pavel Petrovich- aristocrat, former military man. Brother of Nikolai Kirsanov and uncle of Arkady. Bright representative liberals.

Bazarov Vasily Ivanovich– retired army surgeon, Evgeniy’s father. Lives on his wife's estate, is not rich. He is engaged in medical practice.

Bazarova Arina Vlasevna- Evgeniy’s mother, a pious and very superstitious woman. Poorly educated.

Odintsova Anna Sergeevna- a rich widow who sympathizes with Bazarov. But he values ​​peace in his life more.

Lokteva Katya- Anna Sergeevna’s sister, a modest and quiet girl. Marries Arkady.

Other characters

Fenechka- a young woman who has a small son from Nikolai Kirsanov.

Victor Sitnikov- an acquaintance of Arkady and Bazarov.

Evdokia Kukshina- an acquaintance of Sitnikov, who shares the beliefs of nihilists.

Matvey Kolyazin- city official

Chapter 1.

The action begins in the spring of 1859. At the inn, the small landowner Nikolai Petrovich Kirsanov is waiting for the arrival of his son. He is a widower, lives on a small estate and has 200 souls. In his youth, he was destined for a military career, but a minor leg injury prevented him. He studied at the university, got married and began to live in the village. 10 years after the birth of his son, his wife dies, and Nikolai Petrovich throws himself into farming and raising his son. When Arkady grew up, his father sent him to St. Petersburg to study. There he lived with him for three years and returned to his village again. He is very worried before the meeting, especially since his son is not traveling alone.

Chapter 2.

Arkady introduces his father to his friend and asks him not to stand on ceremony. Evgeny is a simple person, and you don’t have to be shy about him. Bazarov decides to ride in a tarantass, and Nikolai Petrovich and Arkady sit in the carriage.

Chapter 3.

During the journey, the father cannot calm down his joy from meeting his son; he always tries to hug him and asks about his friend. Arkady is a little shy. He tries to show his indifference and speaks in a cheeky tone. He constantly turns to Bazarov, as if he is afraid that he will hear his thoughts about the beauty of nature, that he is interested in the affairs of the estate.
Nikolai Petrovich says that the estate has not changed. Hesitating a little, he tells his son that Fenya’s girlfriend lives with him, and immediately hurries to say that she can leave if Arkady wants it. The son replies that this is not necessary. Both feel awkward and change the topic of conversation.

Looking at the desolation that reigned all around, Arkady thinks about the benefits of transformations, but he does not understand how to implement them. The conversation smoothly flows into the beauty of nature. Kirsanov Sr. is trying to recite a poem by Pushkin. He is interrupted by Evgeniy, who asks Arkady for a cigarette. Nikolai Petrovich falls silent and remains silent until the end of the journey.

Chapter 4.

At the manor's house no one met them, only an old servant and a girl who appeared for a moment. Having left the carriage, the elder Kirsanov leads the guests into the living room, where he asks the servant to serve dinner. At the door they encounter a handsome and very well-groomed elderly man. This is Nikolai Kirsanov’s older brother, Pavel Petrovich. His impeccable appearance stands out strongly against the background of the unkempt-looking Bazarov. An acquaintance took place, after which the young people went to clean up before dinner. In their absence, Pavel Petrovich begins to ask his brother about Bazarov, whose appearance he did not like.

During the meal, the conversation did not go well. Everyone said little, especially Evgeniy. After eating, everyone immediately went to their rooms. Bazarov told Arkady his impressions of the meeting with his relatives. They quickly fell asleep. The Kirsanov brothers did not sleep for a long time: Nikolai Petrovich kept thinking about his son, Pavel Petrovich looked thoughtfully at the fire, and Fenechka looked at her little sleeping son, whose father was Nikolai Kirsanov. The summary of the novel “Fathers and Sons” does not convey all the feelings that the characters experience.

Chapter 5.

Waking up earlier than everyone else, Evgeniy goes for a walk to explore the surroundings. The boys follow him and everyone goes to the swamp to catch frogs.

The Kirsanovs are going to drink tea on the veranda. Arkady goes to see Fenechka, who is said to be ill, and learns about the existence little brother. He rejoices and blames his father for hiding the fact of the birth of another son. Nikolai Kirsanov is moved and does not know what to answer.

The older Kirsanovs are interested in Bazarov’s absence and Arkady talks about him, says that he is a nihilist, a person who does not take principles for granted. Bazarov returned with the frogs, which he took to the experiment room.

Chapter 6.

While having morning tea together, a serious argument breaks out between Pavel Petrovich and Evgeniy. Both do not try to hide their dislike for each other. Nikolai Kirsanov tries to take the conversation in a different direction and asks Bazarov to help him with the choice of fertilizers. He agrees.

In order to somehow change Evgeny’s ridicule towards Pavel Petrovich, Arkady decides to tell his friend his story.

Chapter 7.

Pavel Petrovich was a military man. Women adored him, and men envied him. At 28, his career was just beginning and he could go far. But Kirsanov fell in love with a princess. She had no children, but had an old husband. She led the life of a flighty coquette, but Pavel fell deeply in love and could not live without her. After the separation, he suffered greatly, quit his service and followed her all over the world for 4 years.

Returning to his homeland, he tried to lead the same lifestyle as before, but, having learned about the death of his beloved, he went to the village to live with his brother, who at that time became a widower.

Chapter 8.

Pavel Petrovich does not know what to do with himself: he is present during the conversation between the manager and Nikolai Kirsanov, and comes to Fenechka to look at little Mitya.

The story of how Nikolai Kirsanov and Fenechka met: three years ago he met her in a tavern, where things were going badly for her and her mother. Kirsanov took them to the estate, fell in love with the girl, and after the death of her mother began to live with her.

Chapter 9

Bazarov meets Fenechka and the child, says that he is a doctor, and if the need arises, they can contact him without hesitation. Hearing Nikolai Kirsanov play the cello, Bazarov laughs, which causes Arkady's disapproval.

Chapter 10.

In two weeks, everyone got used to Bazarov, but they treated him differently: the servants loved him, Pavel Kirsanov hated him, and Nikolai Petrovich doubted his influence on his son. One day, he overheard a conversation between Arkady and Eugene. Bazarov called him a retired man, which greatly offended him. Nikolai complained to his brother, who decided to fight back against the young nihilist.

An unpleasant conversation took place during evening tea. By calling one landowner a “rubbish aristocrat,” Bazarov displeased the elder Kirsanov, who began to argue that by following principles, a person benefits society. Eugene responded by accusing him of living meaninglessly, like other aristocrats. Pavel Petrovich objected that the nihilists, with their denial, are only aggravating the situation in Russia.

A serious argument broke out, which Bazarov called senseless, and the young people left. Nikolai Petrovich suddenly remembered how a long time ago, when he was just as young, he quarreled with his mother, who did not understand him. Now the same misunderstanding arose between him and his son. The parallel between fathers and children is the main thing the author draws attention to.

Chapter 11.

Before going to bed, all the inhabitants of the estate were busy with their thoughts. Nikolai Petrovich Kirsanov goes to his favorite gazebo, where he remembers his wife and reflects on life. Pavel Petrovich looks at the night sky and thinks about his own things. Bazarov invites Arkady to go to the city and visit an old friend.

Chapter 12.

The friends went to the city, where they spent time in the company of a friend of the Bazarov family, Matvey Ilyin, visited the governor and received an invitation to the ball. Bazarov’s longtime acquaintance Sitnikov invited them to visit Evdokia Kukshina.

Chapter 13.

They didn’t like visiting Kukshina, because the hostess looked untidy, had meaningless conversations, asked a lot of questions, but did not expect answers to them. In conversation she constantly jumped from subject to subject. During this visit, the name of Anna Sergeevna Odintsova was heard for the first time.

Chapter 14.

Arriving at the ball, friends meet Odintsova, dear and attractive woman. She shows attention to Arkady, asking him about everything. He talks about his friend and Anna Sergeevna invites them to visit.

Odintsova interested Evgeny because she was different from other women, and he agreed to visit her.

Chapter 15.

Friends come to visit Odintsova. The meeting made an impression on Bazarov and he, unexpectedly, became embarrassed.

Odintsova's story makes an impression on the reader. The girl's father lost the game and died in the village, leaving his two daughters a ruined estate. Anna was not at a loss and took up housekeeping. I met my future husband and lived with him for 6 years. Then he died, leaving his young wife his fortune. She did not like city society and most often lived on the estate.

Bazarov behaved differently than always, which greatly surprised his friend. He talked a lot, talked about medicine and botany. Anna Sergeevna willingly supported the conversation, as she understood the sciences. She treated Arkady as younger brother. At the end of the conversation, she invited the young people to her estate.

Chapter 16.

In Nikolskoye, Arkady and Bazarov met other inhabitants. Anna's sister Katya was shy and played the piano. Anna Sergeevna talked a lot with Evgeniy and walked with him in the garden. Arkady, who liked her, seeing her passion for her friend, became a little jealous. A feeling arose between Bazarov and Odintsova.

Chapter 17.

While living on the estate, Bazarov began to change. He fell in love, despite the fact that he considered this feeling a romantic billbird. He could not turn away from her and imagined her in his arms. The feeling was mutual, but they did not want to open up to each other.

Bazarov meets his father’s manager, who says that his parents are waiting for him, they are worried. Evgeniy announces his departure. In the evening, a conversation takes place between Bazar and Anna Sergeevna, where they try to understand what each of them dreams of getting from life.

Chapter 18.

Bazarov confesses his love to Odintsova. In response, he hears: “You didn’t understand me,” and feels extremely awkward. Anna Sergeevna believes that without Evgeny she will be calmer and does not accept his confession. Bazarov decides to leave.

Chapter 19.

There was a not entirely pleasant conversation between Odintsova and Bazarov. He told her that he was leaving, he could stay only on one condition, but it was unrealistic and Anna Sergeevna would never love him.

The next day, Arkady and Bazarov leave for Evgeny’s parents. Saying goodbye, Odintsova expresses hope for a meeting. Arkady notices that his friend has changed a lot.

Chapter 20.

They were received well in the house of the elder Bazarovs. The parents were very happy, but knowing that their son did not approve of such a manifestation of feelings, they tried to remain more restrained. During lunch, the father talked about how he runs the household, and the mother just looked at her son.

After dinner, Evgeniy refused to talk to his father, citing fatigue. However, he did not fall asleep until the morning. In the novel "Fathers and Sons" the description of relations between generations is shown better than in other works.

Chapter 21

Bazarov spent very little time at his parents’ house, as he was bored. He believed that with their attention they were interfering with his work. There was an argument between friends that almost escalated into a quarrel. Arkady tried to prove that it was impossible to live like this, Bazarov did not agree with his opinion.

Parents, having learned about Evgeniy’s decision to leave, were very upset, but tried not to show their feelings, especially his father. He reassured his son that if he had to leave, then he had to do it. After leaving, the parents were left alone and were very worried that their son had abandoned them.

Chapter 22.

On the way, Arkady decided to take a detour to Nikolskoye. Friends were greeted very coldly. Anna Sergeevna did not come down for a long time, and when she appeared, she had a dissatisfied expression on her face and from her speech it was clear that they were not welcome.

The elder Kirsanovs' estate was delighted with them. Bazarov began to engage in wholesale and his own frogs. Arkady helped his father manage the estate, but constantly thought about the Odintsovs. Finally, having found correspondence between his mothers and Odintsova’s, he finds an excuse to go visit them. Arkady is afraid that he will not be welcome, but he alone was greeted warmly and cordially.

Chapter 23.

Bazarov understands the reason for Arkady’s departure and devotes himself completely to work. He retires and no longer argues with the inhabitants of the house. He treats everyone badly, making an exception only for Fenechka.
One day in the gazebo they talked a lot, and, deciding to test their thoughts, Bazarov kissed her on the lips. This was seen by Pavel Petrovich, who silently went into the house. Bazarov felt awkward, his conscience awoke.

Chapter 24.

Pavel Petrovich Kirsanov is offended by Bazarov's behavior and challenges him to a duel. Confess to home in true reasons they don’t want to and say that they shot because of political differences. Evgeny wounds Kirsanov in the leg.

Having completely ruined his relationship with the elder Kirsanovs, Bazarov leaves for his parents, but on the way he turns to Nikolskoye.

Arkady becomes more and more interested in Anna Sergeevna's sister, Katya.

Chapter 25.

Katya talks to Arkady and convinces him that without his friend’s influence he is completely different, sweet and kind. They try to declare their love to each other, but Arkady gets scared and hurriedly leaves. In his room he finds Bazarov, who has arrived, who told him about what happened in Maryino in his absence. Having met with Odintsova, Bazarov admits his mistakes. They tell each other that they want to remain just friends.

Chapter 26.

Arkady confesses his love to Katya, asks for her hand in marriage and she agrees to become his wife. Bazarov says goodbye to his friend, angrily accusing him of being unsuitable for decisive matters. Evgeniy goes to his parents' estate.

Chapter 27.

Living in parental home, Bazarov doesn’t know what to do. Then he begins to help his father, treating the sick. While opening up a peasant who died of typhus, he accidentally injures himself and becomes infected with typhus. A fever begins, he asks to send for Odintsova. Anna Sergeevna arrives and sees a completely different person. Before his death, Evgeniy tells her about his real feelings, and then dies.

Chapter 28.

Six months have passed. Two weddings took place on the same day, Arkady and Katya and Nikolai Petrovich and Fenya. Pavel Petrovich went abroad. Anna Sergeevna also got married, becoming a companion not out of love, but out of conviction.

Life went on and only two old people constantly spent time at their son’s grave, where two Christmas trees grew.

This brief retelling of “Fathers and Sons” will help you understand the main idea and essence of the work; for deeper knowledge, we recommend that you read the full version.

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