The theme of unrequited love in literature examples. With all the tension of mental strength.”

  1. (51 words) Of course, each of us is familiar with Shakespeare’s play “Romeo and Juliet” - a story about a real, sincere and difficult love, which costs life, because the heroes died so that they could always be together. There was no other meaning to their existence, love seemed to them the only idea human existence. In their pursuit of it, they gained immortality.
  2. (44 words) Love is not always a perfect fairy tale with happy ending. For an example, we need only recall Grigory Pechorin from the novel “A Hero of Our Time” by M.Yu. Lermontov. His feelings are selfish, fickle, and painful. Perhaps it’s just that not everyone knows how to love, or this requires another, special person.
  3. (30 words) In the work of Antoine de Saint-Exupéry “ A little prince“The theme of love is revealed in the relationship between the main character and Rose. The boy took care of the flower, gave it his whole soul, even though it was constantly capricious.
  4. (50 words) An example of strong but unrequited love is the familiar story of Tatyana and Onegin from Pushkin's novel in verses "Eugene Onegin". The heroine, having received a refusal, did not change her attitude towards her lover, and even being married, she still had tender feelings for Eugene. True love lives with us throughout our lives.
  5. (62 words) Love is when you feel like your wings are growing. This feeling is well known to the heroine of the story by I.S. Turgenev "Asya". Like a bird, flying above the earth for the first time, she irrevocably falls in love with N.N. He misses his happiness, frightened by the girl’s violent impulse. However, her “inspiration” captivates him, the hero realizes that he has met “the one,” but loses her forever due to his promiscuity and cowardice.
  6. (66 words) Dante Alighieri tells us about love in his work “ New life" When his beloved's father died, the whole city gathered to say goodbye to him. Dante did not enter the house of the deceased, but it was enough for him to hear the women talking about how much Beatrice was suffering. And Dante suffered as if he had been there and seen Beatrice. Love is also the ability to share grief, to experience it as well as your own.
  7. (43 words) Love is much more than being in love or affection. The tragic story of a peasant woman from the story " Poor Lisa» N.M. Karamzina shows us the other, cruel side of relationships. Erast betrays her, and the heroine cannot withstand the blow: she throws herself into the river. For her, emotions are more than life.
  8. (44 words) Love is the ability to wait. In a wonderful poem by K.M. Simonov “Wait for me” we feel simplicity and sincerity in every line true love, although this word is never mentioned there. The repeated word “wait” sounds as if his victory and life depend on it.
  9. (44 words) Love is the ability to accomplish any feat in the name of a loved one. In the work “Russian Women” N.A. Nekrasov describes the compassion of Russian women, their resilience and loyalty. They are not afraid of any hardships. They refused the well-fed rich life and, risking everything, they went after their Decembrist husbands.
  10. (42 words) In the story by I.A. Bunin's "Natalie" presents us with a vivid example of the fact that love is something beautiful, but at the same time incredibly tragic, unidentified "perplexity of happiness." Despite his negative experience, Meshchersky still again “flies into the flames” of his first feelings in order to get burned.

Examples from life, cinema and media

  1. (62 words) I believe that love lives in the comfort of home, in the daily routine, at the family breakfast early in the morning. It is sincere care for a loved one that can retain its warmth throughout for long years. I see this, for example, when I come to visit my grandparents, their love lives in the simplest phrases like: “Grandfather, should you add cream to your porridge?” Sensitivity and support express real feelings.
  2. (63 words) Once as a child I had a solo figure skating performance, I was incredibly worried. And when I successfully finished my performance, I noticed that someone threw two plush toys, I was so happy! After all, they throw toys to famous figure skaters in exactly the same way! After a while, I found out that these gifts were from my mother, she wanted me to feel like a real winner.
  3. (59 words) Love is accepting and appreciating a person for who he is. In Steven Rosenbloom's film Love and Other Drugs, the main character struggles with Parkinson's disease. She wants her boyfriend to be happy and doesn't want to hold him back. But Jamie has fortitude and is confident that together they will cope with any difficulties, simply because they love each other.
  4. (37 words) The famous psychologist Erich Fromm wrote that love is an art. As an art, love is subject to the same development as, for example, painting, literature or music. This science can and should be studied, and, true, many of us need to learn to love.
  5. (53 words) Using the example of Tom Cross's wonderful film-musical "La La Land", we see that love shows us our the real essence, gives us the courage to become who we are. Despite the tragic end, both heroes realized everything they dreamed of. But in their pursuit of success, they lost themselves because they neglected the importance of love.
  6. (50 words) Love is a feeling that elevates us and opens us up best sides. Psychologist A. Langle wrote: “Without the resonance of feelings, the world remains empty and silent - music has no sound, paintings have no color, memories fade and no longer touch the soul.” Without emotions there will be nothing that we like so much.
  7. (37 words) To love someone, you first need to love yourself. Psychologist A. Langle believes that such love opens access to oneself and gives rise to a certain worldview. And after you understand and accept yourself, you will learn to love others.
  8. (47 words) Love is the ability to love the whole world, as my parents taught me. This feeling lives in everything, in every living being, and it is not just an attitude towards a certain object, it is an attachment to the whole world. If it is aimed at one thing, then it cannot be considered complete and real.
  9. (49 words) In each of us there is a place of special, unique love. This, for example, is love for the land where you were born. Not a single day has passed during my travels that I haven’t thought about my homeland. I check the weather in my city, ask my friends about all the changes and really, really miss it.
  10. (29 words) Love is eternal source inspiration for artists. I read in a magazine that, according to statistics, 85% of all songs are written in the name of that very five-letter word.
  11. Interesting? Save it on your wall!

Direction "Love" of the final essay 2015-2016 in literature: examples and samples

The essays below are ready-made examples writing final essays on literature in the direction of "Love". Statistics are provided for each essay; in some, thesis and components are highlighted.
These samples are intended to form students’ understanding of the full or partial disclosure of the topic of the final essay. We recommend using them as an additional source of ideas when forming your own presentation of the topic.

I think I’ll say a platitude: without love there is no life. This is undeniable. However, not every one of us takes care of this feeling, tries to preserve it, show signs of attention to a loved one so that he understands: he is really loved. This is especially true of love for parents, to whom we sometimes forget to say a simple word - “thank you.” Sure, parents deserve our endless love, which must be manifested in care, attention, communication, otherwise their loneliness and resentment will be inherited by us, their children... 1 Fiction convinces me of the correctness of this point of view. (82 words)

Let us turn to the story of Konstantin Georgievich Paustovsky “Telegram”. This work is about the complex relationships between close people - Katerina Petrovna and her daughter Nastya, who forgot about her mother. The main character dies from old age, or most likely from loneliness. What is behind this tragedy? The daughter’s indifference, the disunity of loved ones, the inability and unwillingness to take care of herself dear person in the world – about our own mother?.. Reading the story, we find answers to these questions, plunging into the atmosphere of pain and melancholy, hopelessness and loneliness, which is created by the author’s description of nature and the memories of Katerina Ivanovna. She lives in the past: she has no present, and, alas, no future. Read the text: “Over the meadows they dragged themselves from across the river (they actually dragged themselves, not swam), clinging to loose willows and loose clouds... Rain poured out of them annoyingly.” Everything around is gray, like Katerina Petrovna’s life itself. A description of the nature and interior of an elderly woman’s room (the bitter smell of unheated stoves, yellowed cups, a samovar that has not been cleaned for a long time) helps us feel loneliness main character. Katerina Petrovna’s letter to her daughter attracts special attention. “My beloved...” she turns to Nastya. - I won't survive the winter. Come at least for a day. Let me look at you, hold your hands.” In this letter we hear pain, despair, melancholy, a desire for affection and understanding... But what about Nastya? Does she respond to her mother's request? Does she hear in him a desperate plea for last meeting? Unfortunately, no... Her indifference towards to a loved one shocks us. It is no coincidence that the author draws the reader’s attention to Nastya’s “big cold eyes”: eyes are the mirror of the soul, and the girl’s soul is empty and as cold as her eyes... And only after the death of her mother, the daughter, having cried all night, understands that no one will ever remove “the irreparable guilt, the unbearable burden” from her, no one will ever love her the way her mother loved her. (284 words)

“Know how to cherish love...” - the Russian poet Stepan Shchipachev calls on us. Cherish! Do we understand that these words are not only about love between a woman and a man? I am sure this is an instruction to us, children: we must remember our parents, we must do good deeds while they are alive, while they can understand and forgive us. In the hustle and bustle of life, you cannot forget about the main thing, you cannot lose the most precious thing - love for your family. Good must be paid for with good! The closest people, unfortunately, will not always be with us, so we need to have time to say “thank you” to them... (83 words)

Total: 449 words

1 Thesis is highlighted.

Once upon a time in one television program Yury Nikulin, famous artist, when asked what happiness is, he answered: “Happiness is when you go to work with joy and return home with joy.” Isn’t it a surprisingly accurate formula for happiness? (33 words)

In my opinion, a person is truly happy when he loves his profession, in which he has succeeded, and when his loved ones are waiting for him at home 2. I can prove the correctness of this point of view by referring to fiction. (35 words)

I want to talk about amazing book and an even more amazing author - Anton Semenovich Makarenko, teacher and writer. Nowadays, few people read his “Pedagogical Poem”; few people know that A. Makarenko created a school where juvenile criminals studied. In the forest. In the meadow. In the building of an old colony for juvenile delinquents. His book is named simply and at the same time pathetically - pe-da-go-gi-che-ska-ya po-uh-ma. Pedagogical! Poem! I think those who have read this book will agree with me: it very figuratively and expressively describes the work of a teacher who selflessly does his job. Anton Semenovich writes about himself, about difficult teenagers, street children, juvenile delinquents who were already formed “personalities”, about teaching staff, in which random people didn’t linger... While reading the work, we, together with Makarenko, meet the first students, solve cases of theft with him, fight students’ drunkenness, robberies, and their games of gambling. We are horrified by outbreaks of anti-Semitism and discover a dead child in a girls' bedroom. At the same time, together with him, we believe in those who just recently were homeless children, thiefs, rapists, gamblers... And step by step, disparate groups of children unite and become a strong and friendly team. “Pedagogical Poem” is one of the pearls of Russian literature. These are the observations of a person with many years of teaching experience, who is in love with his profession. These are the observations of a teacher who considered himself happy. (198 words)

I will remember another work in which the issue of love is also raised. Only it is not about love for the profession, but about love for one’s own children and husband. Of course, this is Leo Tolstoy’s novel “War and Peace”, in which, according to the writer himself, one of the main thoughts, along with the folk one, is the family thought. The image of Natasha Rostova, the author’s favorite heroine, embodies the ideal of a woman-mother. The essence of her nature is love. This feeling is inseparable from the heroine. She finds her happiness in her family. It is no coincidence that in the epilogue we see her not as a naive girl, but as a loving and beloved wife, mother of four children. Love for Pierre and children makes Natasha truly happy, only in the family does she gain peace of mind. (111 words)

The above arguments, it seems to me, are sufficient to assert: a person is happy when he is comfortable both at home and at work, when he can do what he loves, when he is surrounded by the care and affection of his family and friends. This means that love for the profession and family is certainly a source of happiness. (48 words)

Total: 425 words

2 Thesis highlighted

What is love? This is one of the most mysterious feelings inherent in humans. It inspires someone, makes them happy, and brings pain and disappointment to others. Despite this, every person dreams of experiencing this feeling, hoping that it will give him happiness. Perhaps there is not a single poet or writer who would ignore this wonderful topic.

One of the greats said that it is in love that the true character of a person is revealed. How brave Tatyana Larina, the heroine of the novel in verse "Eugene Onegin" turns out to be! She decides to confess to Onegin because she is unable to hide the strong feeling that overwhelms her. Risking her own reputation, the girl writes with excitement frank letter to the unsuspecting Evgeniy. Having learned that Onegin does not love her, disappointed Tatyana experiences pain, but remains true to herself, her habits and affections, spending a lot of time with a book in her hands and communicating with nature. The deep moral principle that A.S. Pushkin admires remains in the heroine even after marriage. Yes, she continues to love Onegin, but remains faithful to her husband. The image of Tatyana is an example of the fact that a person can and should control his feelings, without succumbing to emotional impulses, and maintain moral purity.

A.I. Kuprin reflects on the eternal secret of love in the story " Garnet bracelet"His hero - a modest telephone operator Zheltkov - is capable of a strong, deep feeling that becomes the meaning of his life. Love for the married princess Vera Nikolaevna Sheina is admiration for a woman without any hope of reciprocity. It is bright and at the same time tragic feeling, which became the basis of Zheltkov’s life. The hero is happy at the thought that his beloved lives somewhere nearby. It is important for him that she knows about his feelings and at the same time is not burdened by him. Only after the death of the hero does the princess realize that the amazing love that every woman dreams of has passed her by.

The heroine of I.A. Bunin's story "Dark Alleys" Nadezhda experienced bitter disappointment. The feeling that flared up in her youth turned her whole life upside down. The young master quickly lost interest in the serf girl, and Nadezhda could not forget and forgive the pain he caused. The mental wound turned out to be so deep that the heroine, who had lost faith in happiness, never got married. She retained love in her soul and even years later did not regret the strong feeling that she experienced in her youth.

What is love? This is an amazing gift, a feeling that transforms a person, elevates and enriches him. Does this mean that love has miraculous powers? Yes, it changes, “regenerates ourselves.” Someone this Magic power makes you happy, inspires, and hurts someone, bringing disappointment. And yet every person dreams of experiencing this wonderful feeling, hoping to find happiness.

407 words

What is more important: to love or to be loved? Of course, each person will answer this question differently. In my opinion, there is no clear answer.

Is it important for a person to feel loved? Of course, yes, because everyone needs to feel needed by someone, to feel care and attention from loved ones. It makes us happy. Let us turn to O. Henry’s short story “The Gifts of the Magi.” The main characters are young spouses Jim and Della. Christmas is approaching, and they have absolutely no money to buy each other gifts. To please her beloved husband, Della parts with her only treasure - her luxurious hair. She sells them and buys Jim a gift - a watch chain. At the same time, Jim sells the watch he inherited from his father and grandfather and uses the proceeds to buy a gift for his wife - hair combs. And it doesn’t matter that the gifts turned out to be useless in the end, because there are no more watches or beautiful hair. Another thing is important - each of the heroes knows that he is truly loved.

Undoubtedly, being loved means a lot to every person, but is it really unimportant to love yourself? Each of us has a need not only to receive, but also to give. We will not feel truly happy if we cannot give love to other people and express our feelings through actions. By loving, we become better, we learn to be sensitive, we understand what empathy is. Let us recall the story of B. Ekimov “Night of Healing”. Grandson Grisha came to his grandmother. He knows that she often screams at night: the difficult war years she experienced have an effect. His mother warned him: if his grandmother disturbs his sleep, he needs to shout at her: “Be silent!” At first the grandson wants to do just that, but then compassion for his grandmother is born in his heart. Love to to a loved one made him see the light. He realized that all it took for healing to come was caring. And at night, instead of shouting at his grandmother, he begins to calm and console her. And the reader understands: to be human, it is enough to simply love.

So what is more important: loving or being loved? Reflecting on this question, one cannot help but come to the answer: the human heart is designed both to receive and to give love. These are two sides of the same whole, and it is impossible to deny the importance of either of them.

351 words

Love is a high, pure and beautiful feeling that ennobles and elevates a person. Love cannot be counted or calculated. Love - eternal theme world fiction. Today we can turn to many works to understand what love is. ( Introduction, 37 words)

I want to remember wonderful work Kuprin "Garnet Bracelet". The story is based on a plot that happened to Kuprin’s mother, who was in the same situation as the heroine of “The Pomegranate Bracelet.” Vera Nikolaevna Sheina receives gifts from loved ones for her birthday. On the same day, her secret admirer Zheltkov sends her a letter and a garnet bracelet. This is a young man, thirty to thirty-five, a minor official. His feeling for Vera Nikolaevna lasts eight years. The author shows unrequited love. The hero collects things that belonged to his beloved, they are very dear to him. Zheltkov's love is impetuous, passionate, very strong. He just can’t help himself, he can’t get Vera Nikolaevna out of his head. The only way out of the situation is death. After Zheltkov’s death, Vera Nikolaevna’s soul awakened, she realized that this was the very person she needed. Beethoven's sonata symbolizes the love of the hero. Love, like music, is unpredictable and exciting. What is Kuprin’s concept of love? What kind of love does he show in "The Garnet Bracelet"? The author is interested in the kind of love for which one can accomplish a feat, even give one’s life for it. Vera Nikolaevna’s husband, seeing his rival, says: “Is he to blame for love and is it possible to control such a feeling as love?” The strength of love and maximum spiritual openness made Zheltkov vulnerable and defenseless. A.I. Kuprin reverently and chastely touches on the theme of love. The author himself cried over the manuscript of his story. ( First literary argument, 218 words)

I. A. Bunin wrote many works about love. Among them is the story “Clean Monday” from the collection “ Dark alleys", which contains thirty-eight works. A.P. Chekhov wrote: “What a great happiness it is to love and be loved.” Love gave Bunin’s hero moments of jubilant joy, made it possible to understand what it means to be happy. He forever remembered how “he closed his eyes with happiness, kissed the wet fur of her collar and in what delight he flew to the Red Gate. And tomorrow and the day after tomorrow there will be...all the same torment and all the same happiness...” The hero and heroine are young, healthy, rich. so good-looking that everyone in restaurants and at concerts watches them go.

Main psychological condition hero - dazzling love. But he doesn’t try and doesn’t want to understand his beloved, doesn’t want to see what kind of internal struggle is happening in “ female soul." He tried not to think or overthink things.” The hero does not understand the character and nature of his beloved. She does not believe in the possibility of happiness and marriage. IN clean monday The heroine makes a decision that is very important for herself - to move away from worldly life and become a nun. What is Bunin's concept of love in this story? In love there must be complete mutual understanding, lovers must subtly feel each other and completely trust each other. ( Second literary argument, 194 words)

The theme of love in Russian literature is one of the main ones. A poet or prose writer reveals to his reader the yearnings of the soul, experiences, suffering. And she was always in demand. Indeed, one may not understand the theme of the author’s attitude towards own creativity, aspects of philosophical prose, but the words of love in literature are pronounced so clearly that they can be used in various life situations. In what works is the theme of love most clearly reflected? What are the characteristics of the authors’ perception of this feeling? Our article will talk about this.

The place of love in Russian literature

Love has always existed in fiction. If we talk about domestic works, then Peter and Fevronia of Murom immediately come to mind from the story of the same name by Ermolai-Erasmus, relating to ancient Russian literature. Let us remember that other topics then, besides Christian ones, were taboo. This art form was strictly religious.

The theme of love in Russian literature arose in the 18th century. The impetus for its development was Trediakovsky’s translations of works foreign authors, because in Europe they were already writing with all their might about the wonderful feeling of love and the relationship between a man and a woman. Next were Lomonosov, Derzhavin, Zhukovsky, Karamzin.

The theme of love in works of Russian literature reached its special peak in the 19th century. This era gave the world Pushkin, Lermontov, Tolstoy, Turgenev and many other luminaries. Each writer had his own, purely personal attitude to the topic of love, which can be read through the lines of his work.

Pushkin's love lyrics: innovation of a genius

The theme of love in Russian literature of the 19th century reached special heights in the works of A. Pushkin. His lyrics glorifying this bright feeling are rich, multifaceted and contain a whole series of features. Let's sort them out.

Love as a reflection of personal qualities in "Eugene Onegin"

“Eugene Onegin” is a work where the theme of love in Russian literature sounds especially expressive. It shows not just a feeling, but its evolution throughout life. In addition, the main images of the novel are revealed through love.

At the center of the story is the hero whose name is in the title. The reader is forced throughout the novel to be tormented by the question: is Eugene capable of love? Brought up in the spirit of the morals of high society metropolitan society, he is devoid of sincerity in his feelings. Being in a “spiritual dead end,” he meets Tatyana Larina, who, unlike him, knows how to love sincerely and selflessly.

Tatiana writes to Onegin love letter, he is touched by this girl’s act, but no more. Disappointed, Larina agrees to marry someone she doesn’t love and leaves for St. Petersburg.

The last meeting of Onegin and Tatyana happens after several years. Eugene confesses his love to the young woman, but she rejects him. The woman admits that she still loves, but is bound by the obligations of marriage.

Thus, main character Pushkin's novel fails the exam with love, he was frightened by the all-consuming feeling and rejected it. The epiphany came too late.

Lyubov Lermontova - an unattainable ideal

Love for a woman was different for M. Lermontov. For him, this is a feeling that completely absorbs a person, it is a force that nothing can defeat. According to Lermontov, love is something that will definitely make a person suffer: “Everyone cried who loved.”

These lyrics are inextricably linked with the women in the life of the poet himself. Katerina Sushkova is a girl with whom Lermontov fell in love at the age of 16. The poems dedicated to her are emotional, talking about unrequited feelings, the desire to find not only a woman, but also a friend.

Natalya Ivanova, the next woman in Lermontov’s life, reciprocated his feelings. On the one hand, there is more happiness in the poems of this period, but even here there are notes of deception. Natalya in many ways does not understand the poet’s deep spiritual organization. There have also been changes in the themes of such works: now they are focused on feelings and passions.

The relationship with Love is reflected in a completely different way; the poet’s entire being is permeated here; nature, even the Motherland, speaks about it.

Love becomes a prayer in poems dedicated to Maria Shcherbatova. Only 3 works were written, but each of them is a masterpiece, a hymn of love. According to Lermontov, he has found the very woman who understands him completely. Love in these poems is contradictory: it can heal, but also wound, execute and bring back to life.

The hard path to happiness of the heroes of Tolstoy's War and Peace

Considering how love is presented in fiction, one should also pay attention to the work of L. Tolstoy. His epic “War and Peace” is a work where love touched each of the heroes in one way or another. After all, the “family thought,” which occupies a central place in the novel, is inextricably linked with love.

Each of the characters goes through a difficult path, but in the end finds family happiness. There are exceptions: Tolstoy puts a kind of equal sign between a person’s ability to love unselfishly and his moral purity. But this quality must also be achieved through a series of sufferings and mistakes, which will ultimately purify the soul and make it crystalline, capable of love.

Let us remember the difficult path to happiness of Andrei Bolkonsky. Captivated by Lisa's beauty, he marries her, but quickly loses interest and becomes disillusioned with the marriage. He understands that he chose an empty and spoiled wife. Next comes war, and the oak tree is a symbol of spiritual blossoming and life. Love for Natasha Rostova is what gave Prince Bolkonsky a breath of fresh air.

Test of love in the works of I. S. Turgenev

Images of love in XIX literature century - these are Turgenev's heroes. The author of each of them goes through the test of this feeling.

The only one who passes it is Arkady Bazarov from Fathers and Sons. Maybe that's why he is Turgenev's ideal hero.

A nihilist who denies everything around him, Bazarov calls love “nonsense”; for him it is only an illness from which one can be cured. However, having met Anna Odintsova and fallen in love with her, he changes not only his attitude towards this feeling, but his worldview as a whole.

Bazarov confesses his love to Anna Sergeevna, but she rejects him. The girl is not ready for a serious relationship, she cannot deny herself for the sake of another, even a loved one. Here she fails in Turgenev's test. And Bazarov is the winner, he became the hero that the writer was looking for for himself in “ Noble nest", "Rudine", "Ace" and other works.

"The Master and Margarita" - a mystical love story

The theme of love in Russian literature of the 20th century is growing and developing, becoming stronger. Not a single writer or poet of this era avoided this topic. Yes, it could transform, for example, into love for people (remember Gorky’s Danko) or the Motherland (this is, perhaps, most of creativity of Mayakovsky or works of the war years). But there is exceptional literature about love: these are the heartfelt poems of S. Yesenin, poets Silver Age. If we talk about prose, this is primarily “The Master and Margarita” by M. Bulgakov.

The love that arises between the heroes is sudden, it “jumps out” out of nowhere. The master draws attention to Margarita’s eyes, so sad and lonely.

Lovers do not experience all-consuming passion; rather, on the contrary, it is quiet, calm, homely happiness.

However, at the most critical moment, only love helps Margarita save the Master and their feelings, even if not in the human world.

Yesenin's love lyrics

The theme of love in Russian literature of the 20th century is also poetry. Let us consider the work of S. Yesenin in this vein. The poet inextricably linked this bright feeling with nature; his love is extremely chaste and strongly tied to the biography of the poet himself. A striking example- poem “Green Hairstyle”. Here, all the features of L. Kashina that are dear to Yesenin (the work is dedicated to her) are presented through the beauty of the Russian birch tree: a thin figure, braided branches.

“Moscow tavern” reveals to us a completely different love, now it is “infection” and “plague”. Similar images are associated, first of all, with the emotional experiences of the poet, who feels useless.

Healing comes in the series “Love of a Bully.” The culprit is A. Miklashevskaya, who cured Yesenin from torment. He again believed that there is true love, inspiring and reviving.

In his last poems, Yesenin condemns the deceit and insincerity of women; he believes that this feeling should be deeply sincere and life-affirming, giving a person ground under his feet. Such, for example, is the poem “Leaves are falling, leaves are falling...”.

about love

The theme of love in Russian literature of the Silver Age is the work of not only S. Yesenin, but also A. Akhmatova, M. Tsvetaeva, A. Blok, O. Mandelstam and many others. All of them have one thing in common, and suffering and happiness are the main companions of the muses of poets and poetesses.

Examples of love in Russian literature of the 20th century are the great A. Akhmatova and M. Tsvetaeva. The latter is a “quivering doe,” sensual, vulnerable. Love for her is the meaning of life, what makes her not only create, but also exist in this world. “I like that you are not sick with me” is her masterpiece, full of bright sadness and contradictions. And that’s what Tsvetaeva is all about. The poem “Yesterday I looked into your eyes” is imbued with the same soulful lyricism. This is, perhaps, a kind of anthem for all women who fall out of love: “My dear, what have I done to you?”

A completely different theme of love in Russian literature is depicted by A. Akhmatova. This is the intensity of all human feelings and thoughts. Akhmatova herself gave this feeling a definition - “the fifth season.” But if it had not been there, the other four would not have been visible. The poetess's love is loud, all-affirming, returning to natural principles.

Love jumped out in front of us, like a killer jumps out from around a corner, and instantly struck both of us at once... M. Bulgakov

Love is a high, pure, beautiful feeling that people have sung since ancient times. Love, as they say, never gets old.

If we erect a certain literary pedestal of love, then, undoubtedly, the love of Romeo and Juliet will be in first place. This is perhaps the most beautiful, the most romantic, the most tragic story, which Shakespeare told the reader. Two lovers defy fate, despite the enmity between their families, despite everything. Romeo is ready to give up even his name for the sake of love, and Juliet agrees to die in order to remain faithful to Romeo and their high feeling. They die in the name of love, they die together because they cannot live without each other:

There is no sadder story in the world,
What is the story of Romeo and Juliet...

However, love can be different - passionate, tender, calculating, cruel, unrequited...

Let's remember the heroes of Turgenev's novel "Fathers and Sons" - Bazarov and Odintsova. Two collided equally strong personalities. But, oddly enough, Bazarov turned out to be capable of truly loving. Love for him became a strong shock, which he did not expect, and in general, before meeting Odintsova, love did not play any role in the life of this hero. All human suffering and emotional experiences were unacceptable to his world. It is difficult for Bazarov to admit his feelings primarily to himself.

And what about Odintsova?.. As long as her interests were not affected, as long as there was a desire to learn something new, she was interested in Bazarov. But as soon as the topics for general conversation were exhausted, interest disappeared. Odintsova lives in her own world, in which everything goes according to plan, and nothing can disturb the peace in this world, not even love. For her, Bazarov is something like a draft that flew into the window and immediately flew back out. This kind of love is doomed.

Another example is the heroes of Bulgakov's work "The Master and Margarita". Their love is as sacrificial, it would seem, as the love of Romeo and Juliet. True, here Margarita sacrifices herself for the sake of love. The master was afraid of this strong feeling and ended up in a madhouse. There he hopes that Margarita will forget him. Of course, the hero was also influenced by the failure that befell his novel. The master runs from the world and, above all, from himself.

But Margarita saves their love, saves them from the Master’s madness. Her feeling for the hero overcomes all obstacles that stand in the way of happiness.

Many poets have written about love.

I really like, for example, the so-called Panaevsky cycle of poems by Nekrasov, which he dedicated to Avdotya Yakovlevna Panaeva, the woman he passionately loved. It is enough to recall such poems from this cycle as “She suffered a heavy cross...”, “I don’t like your irony...” to say how strong the poet’s feeling was for this beautiful woman.

And here are the lines from a wonderful poem about love by Fyodor Ivanovich Tyutchev:

Oh, how murderously we love,

As in the violent blindness of passions

We are most likely to destroy,

What is dear to our hearts!

How long ago, proud of my victory,

You said: she is mine...

A year has not passed - ask and find out,

What was left of her?

And, of course, one cannot fail to mention here love lyrics Pushkin.

I remember a wonderful moment:

You appeared before me,

Like a fleeting vision

Like a genius of pure beauty.

In the languor of hopeless sadness,

In the worries of noisy bustle,

And I dreamed of cute features...

Pushkin presented these poems to Anna Petrovna Kern on July 19, 1825, on the day of her departure from Trigorskoye, where she was visiting her aunt P. A. Osipova and constantly met with the poet.

I want to finish my essay again with lines from another poem by the great Pushkin:

I loved you: love is still, perhaps,

My soul has not completely died out;

But don't let it bother you anymore;

I don't want to make you sad in any way.

I loved you silently, hopelessly,

Now we are tormented by timidity, now by jealousy;

I loved you so sincerely, so tenderly,

How God grant that your beloved be different.

    Love... What is it? We say “I love...” so often that many people no longer think about the meaning of these words. But Robert Rozhdestvensky is right. The life of every person is filled with love, and life itself also begins with love. Every...

    Love is a great and wonderful feeling. Many books have been written about him. But still it remains unknown, unexplored for everyone, everyone discovers it for themselves in their own way. Timko, for example, discovered the beauty of the world around him, saw how...

    Modern literature 50-80s developed very quickly. Representatives of this time were such authors as E. Evtushenko, Yu. Drunina, S. Orlov, R. Rozhdestvensky, V. Vysotsky and others. It is impossible to list all the authors, since there are so many of them...

    Don't part with your loved ones... V. Kochetkov Lovers often write poetry. Naive, inept, but poetry. Probably, the concise and at the same time capacious poetic line encourages them to do this. After all, it is in poetry that it is easier to express feelings. How, however...

Love is a high, pure, beautiful feeling that people have sung since ancient times. Love, as they say, never gets old.

If we erect a certain literary pedestal of love, then, undoubtedly, the love of Romeo and Juliet will be in first place. This is perhaps the most beautiful, most romantic, most tragic story that Shakespeare told the reader. Two lovers defy fate, despite the enmity between their families, despite everything. Romeo is ready to give up even his name for the sake of love, and Juliet agrees to die in order to remain faithful to Romeo and their high feeling. They die in the name of love, they die together because they cannot live without each other:

There is no sadder story in the world,

What is the story of Romeo and Juliet...

However, love can be different - passionate, tender, calculating, cruel, unrequited...

Let us remember the heroes of Turgenev’s novel “Fathers and Sons” - Bazarov and Odintsova. Two equally strong personalities collided. But, oddly enough, Bazarov turned out to be capable of truly loving. Love for him became a strong shock, which he did not expect, and in general, before meeting Odintsova, love did not play any role in the life of this hero. All human suffering and emotional experiences were unacceptable to his world. It is difficult for Bazarov to admit his feelings primarily to himself.

And what about Odintsova?.. As long as her interests were not affected, as long as there was a desire to learn something new, she was interested in Bazarov. But as soon as the topics for general conversation were exhausted, interest disappeared. Odintsova lives in her own world, in which everything goes according to plan, and nothing can disturb the peace in this world, not even love. For her, Bazarov is something like a draft that flew into the window and immediately flew back out. This kind of love is doomed.

Another example is the heroes of Bulgakov’s work “The Master and Margarita”. Their love is as sacrificial, it would seem, as the love of Romeo and Juliet. True, here Margarita sacrifices herself for the sake of love. The master was frightened by this strong feeling and ended up in a madhouse. There he hopes that Margarita will forget him. Of course, the hero was also influenced by the failure that befell his novel. The master runs from the world and, above all, from himself.

But Margarita saves their love, saves them from the Master’s madness. Her feeling for the hero overcomes all obstacles that stand in the way of happiness.

Many poets have written about love. I really like, for example, the so-called Panaevsky cycle of poems by Nekrasov, which he dedicated to Avdotya Yakovlevna Panaeva, the woman he passionately loved. It is enough to recall such poems from this cycle as “She suffered a heavy cross...”, “I don’t like your irony...” to say how strong the poet’s feeling was for this beautiful woman.

And here are the lines from a wonderful poem about love by Fyodor Ivanovich Tyutchev:

Oh, how murderously we love,

As in the violent blindness of passions

We are most likely to destroy,

What is dear to our hearts!

You said: she is mine.

Oh, how murderously we love,

As in the violent blindness of passions

We are most likely to destroy,

What is dear to our hearts!

How long ago, proud of my victory,

You said: she is mine...

A year has not passed - ask and find out,

What was left of her?

And, of course, one cannot help but say here about Pushkin’s love lyrics.

I remember a wonderful moment:

You appeared before me,

Like a fleeting vision

Like a genius of pure beauty.

In the languor of hopeless sadness,

In the worries of noisy bustle,

And I dreamed of cute features...

Pushkin presented these poems to Anna Petrovna Kern on July 19, 1825, on the day of her departure from Trigorskoye, where she was visiting her aunt P. A. Osipova and constantly met with the poet.

I want to finish my essay again with lines from another poem by the great Pushkin:

I loved you: love is still, perhaps,

My soul has not completely died out;

But don't let it bother you anymore;

I don't want to make you sad in any way.

I loved you silently, hopelessly,

Now we are tormented by timidity, now by jealousy;

I loved you so sincerely, so tenderly,

How God grant that your beloved be different.

“Many people in the world do not believe in love” (M. Yu. Lermontov).

... I love you - I will love you forever.

Curse my passion

Merciless souls

Cruel hearts!..

N. M. Karamzin.

What does he value in modern world Human? Money, power... These base goals are pursued by society. When pronouncing the word “love”, they mean only animal instincts, physical need. People have become robots, and the slightest manifestation of feelings and emotions seems ridiculous and naive. The spiritual values ​​of society are dying... But there are still people who have not lost the ability to have high feelings. And glory to those who love or have ever loved, because love is a feeling that lifts you to the heights of life, lifts you to the skies...

Which of the heroes of A. I. Kuprin’s story “The Garnet Bracelet” believes in true love? Anna Nikolaevna? No, it's unlikely. She married a very rich man, gave birth to two children... But she can’t stand her husband, ridicules him contemptuously and is sincerely glad when someone distracts Gusilav Ivanovich from her. Anna does not love her husband, she is simply satisfied with her own position: beautiful, rich... And she can flirt without any special consequences.

Or, for example, Anna Nikolaevna’s brother, Nikolai. He almost married a rich and beautiful lady. But “the lady’s husband did not want to give her a divorce.” Most likely, Nikolai Nikolaevich did not believe in a real feeling, because otherwise he would not have broken up his family. Nikolai Nikolaevich is cold and his attitude towards Zheltkov, the way he treats him, proves that Bulash-Tugomovsky is not able to understand high feelings.

Unlike Nikolai, Prince Vasily Lvovich Shein, Vera Nikolaevna’s husband, understands and even accepts the telegraph operator’s love for his wife. If at first Vasily Lvovich tracks down the manifestation of any feelings, then after meeting with G.S.Zh., after Shein realized that Zheltkov really truly, unselfishly, selflessly loved Vera Nikolaevna, he begins to believe that sincere feeling exists: “ he to blame for love, and is it really possible to control such a feeling as love...”

General Yakov Mikhailovich Anosov was once married. But he himself admits that this marriage was not built on true love. “...People in our time have forgotten how to love,” he says to Vera Nikolaevna. “I don’t see true love. And I didn’t see it in my time!” Another story from the life of the general that he tells is about a Bulgarian girl. As soon as they met, passion instantly flared up, and, as the general himself says, he “fell in love immediately - passionately and irrevocably.” And when he had to leave those places, they swore to each other “eternal mutual love" Was there love? No, and Anosov does not deny this. He says: “Love must be a tragedy. The greatest secret in the world. No life conveniences, calculations or compromises should concern her.” And, perhaps, if Anosov truly loved the Bulgarian girl, he would do everything just to stay next to her.

Anosov told a couple of stories about a feeling more like devotion than true love. And these are just two cases of “true love” that Anosov recognized throughout his long life.

He believes that every woman dreams of “single, all-forgiving, ready for anything, modest and selfless” love. And women are not at all to blame for the fact that “people’s love has taken such vulgar forms and has simply descended to some kind of everyday convenience, to a little entertainment.”

General Anosov believes that women (probably as stronger and more romantic creatures) are capable, unlike men, of “strong desires, heroic deeds, tenderness and adoration before love.”

Apparently, Princess Vera Nikolaevna was mistaken about what real feeling is. She is sure that she loves Vasily as before, but her “former passionate love for her husband has long turned into a feeling of lasting, faithful, true friendship.” This is undoubtedly a good feeling, but it is not real love.

The only hero of the story who experiences a sincere feeling is Zheltkov. His beloved is tall, with a gentle, but cold and proud face, the beautiful Vera Nikolaevna. He loves the princess, disinterested, pure, perhaps slavish love. This love is real. She is eternal: “I know,” says Zheltkov, “that I can never stop loving her...” His love is hopeless. “I am not interested in anything in life: neither politics, nor science, nor philosophy, nor concern for the future happiness of people - for me, my whole life ends only in you,” writes Zheltkov to Vera Nikolaevna. For Zheltkov, there is no one more beautiful than Sheina.

May be, life path Faith was crossed by the love that women dream about. Having lost Zheltkov, the princess realized that “the love that every woman dreams of has passed her by.”

Quite often, others do not accept and even condemn those who believe in love. “Fools,” they say, “why love, suffer, worry, if you can live calmly and carefree.” They believe that the one who truly loves sacrifices himself. Perhaps these people are right. But they will never experience those happy moments of love, as they are cold and insensitive...