What a voice Hvorostovsky has. Why gray hair? Touring life of Dmitry Hvorostovsky

Leo Tolstoy said that “every unhappy family is unhappy in its own way.” This phrase is especially true when we're talking about about the loss of a loved one. On November 22, 2017, the heart of a wonderful man, an outstanding artist Dmitry Hvorostovsky, stopped beating.

The earth is empty without you

For loved ones, the singer’s death became an irreparable loss. No one will be able to feel the bitterness that gripped Florence Illy, Dmitry’s widow. On the microblog page she posted only one word - DIMA. White letters on a black background looked especially piercing. As well as a short comment: “I love you. Forever".

Despite the pain and sorrow that engulfed Dmitry’s family, his relatives found the strength to thank everyone who grieved with them. On the eve of the funeral, Florence expressed gratitude for the sea of ​​love and support that they so needed at this time. The widow asked not to bring flowers, but rather to make donations to the Cancer Research Center. Within a few days, the singer’s fans deposited 2.5 thousand pounds sterling into the center’s account.

Florence and the children stoically endured the procedure of saying goodbye to their dearest person, and for some time stopped communicating with the press. It is especially difficult to experience loss while under the constant attention of journalists.

From his first marriage, Dmitry has two children left - twins Alexandra and Danila. AND stepdaughter Maria. All children communicate closely and are friends.

Sad Christmas

December 25, 2017 Florence broke the silence and wished her subscribers a Merry Christmas. On Instagram she posted a photo of herself with her children, Maxim and Nina.

In the photo - Florence Hvorostovskaya with her children a month after her husband’s death

They all smile, but you can clearly see how sad their eyes and sad smiles are. The children have matured a lot in the month since their father's death. Maxim especially matured and felt responsible for his mother and sister.

Attentive microblog subscribers noticed that Florence wears it on a chain as a pendant wedding ring Dmitry. This fact evoked sympathetic comments and words of support addressed to the Hvorostovsky family.

After some time, Florence began posting photographs from family archive, accompanying them with touching comments.

She admits that she cannot come to terms with the departure of her loved one and counts the days lived without him. He notes that two months later the pain intensified: “I miss you more than ever.” The woman promised to remain faithful to her beloved forever.

Love story

Everyone who saw Dmitry and Florence noted the special tenderness with which the spouses invariably treated each other. They met in 1999 on the stage of the Geneva Opera, where Hvorostovsky sang the role of Don Juan, and Florence played the role of his lover. The stage kiss marked the beginning of a relationship that was ended only by Dmitry's death.

The singer then had a difficult period: family problems led to alcohol abuse. Florence revived the man to life, inspired new creative projects. The young woman abandoned her own career. For Dmitry, she was a lover, a muse, a friend. His family called Florence an angel sent to Dmitry.

In the photo - Hvorostovsky with his parents and Florence

He himself said that with her it became easier for him to breathe and sing, the world blossomed with new colors. In their marriage they had two beautiful children - Maxim and Nina.

Later she became an attentive nurse and a zealous protector, protecting the peace of her fading husband.

Sad Valentine's Day

Such an immense feeling could not disappear without a trace, and Florence Illy spent Valentine’s Day on Novodevichy Cemetery. Kneeling down near Dmitry’s grave, she uttered a heartfelt oath of allegiance. Later, on the microblog, she again confessed her love to him, said that she thinks about him every minute, and misses him immensely. Perhaps someday she will be happy again, because he wanted it that way. She will try to do this for the sake of the children, for her own sake. And he will forever remain in her heart.

Florence said that after her husband’s death she could not bring herself to listen to recordings with Dmitry’s voice. Only after 3 months I overcame my fear and was able to watch the film “Dmitry Hvorostovsky. Score for success." Viewing only aggravated the wound that had not yet healed, caused new wave longing and grief.

Criticism of the Hvorostovsky family

First, ten-year-old daughter Nina was criticized. The girl recklessly shared her feelings about her father’s death online. She wrote about losing a wonderful friend and the best dad. She promised to always remember him. “We must stay strong and thank you to all those who remember dad.” In memory of her father, she sang Elton John’s song “I"m still standing.” Internet users attacked the girl with harsh criticism, probably forgetting that Nina is just a child. Fortunately, there were sensible people who spoke out in Nina’s defense: “Dmitry was a great lover of life, he would be pleased that his daughter did not cry, but sang in memory of him,” “Bravo, Nina! I respect you!” But as a result of the scandal, Hvorostovsky’s children closed their pages from outside visits.

The next wave of criticism hit the family when Florence appeared at the Grammy Awards with her children. Dmitry was posthumously nominated for an award in the category “Best Classical Vocal Solo Album”.

In the photo - Florence Hvorostovskaya with her children at the Grammy Awards

Naturally, the family attended the event. Unfortunately, Hvorostovsky was not awarded the prize. But Dmitry’s widow was subjected to vicious condemnation. She was accused of not observing mourning and was convicted of bright dress, they reproached her for becoming prettier. Her detractors dubbed her the “merry widow.” The woman left the angry attacks without comment. But many of the artist’s fans stood up for her.

Dmitry's parents

There is something anomalous about the fact that parents bury their child, violating the laws of nature. Dmitry's parents aged sharply after the death of their only son. They are a little consoled by communication with their daughter-in-law and grandchildren, who often come to Moscow.

In the photo - parents, wife and children of Dmitry Hvorostovsky

Lyudmila Petrovna and Alexander Stepanovich do not communicate with the press and live secluded lives. The only event they attended was the Bravo Awards. The ceremony took place at Bolshoi Theater, and began with a dedication to Dmitry Hvorostovsky. During the performance of “Ave Maria,” not only the parents, but also many of those present could not hold back their tears.

Name: Dmitri Hvorostovsky

Age: 55 years

Place of Birth: Krasnoyarsk

A place of death: London, Great Britain

Activity: Opera singer

Family status: was married to Florence Illy

Dmitry Hvorostovsky - biography

Hvorostovsky is a classical opera singer.

The best concert venues are vying for the right to invite Dmitry Hvorostovsky. People magazine lists him as one of the top fifty beautiful people planets. But the famous vocalist is not at all like those cute young people who, with varying success, balance on the brink of classical and pop music. He is a successor to the traditions of the great opera singers of Russia, possessing the talent and charisma of an idol of millions. Dmitry is one of the best baritones of our time, brilliantly performing both opera classics and Russian romances.

Dmitry Aleksandrovich Hvorostovsky was born in 1962 in Krasnoyarsk, where he graduated from the Pedagogical School. A.M. Gorky and the Institute of Arts. From 1985 to 1990 he worked at the Krasnoyarsk State Opera and Ballet Theater. And already in 1987 he won first prize at the All-Union Vocal Competition. M.I. Glinka.

Two years later, international fame came - after a triumphant victory in the British Cardiff at the BBC television competition "Singer of the World", where he was awarded the title "Best Voice". In the same year, Hvorostovsky’s legendary debut took place in the prestigious London Wigmore Hall, about which the respectable Times wrote: “He came, he sang, he won!”

Dmitry Hvorostovsky - illness

At the end of June last year, Dmitry Hvorostovsky suspended his concerts and performances for health reasons. This became known from a message published on official page popular opera singer. Dmitry is determined to overcome this terrible illness and all the artist’s fans sincerely wish him to quickly overcome this bad disease in order to again enjoy the presence of their idol.

Dmitry Hvorostovsky - personal life

Dmitry's first marriage occurred in 1991 with former ballerina- Svetlana. Having lived together for eight years, the couple separated due to their wife's infidelity, despite the fact that by this time they had twins - a boy and a girl.

With his second wife, Florence, Illy Hvorostovsky was luckier; warmth, love and peace reign in their personal life. The loving couple are raising two children: son Maxim, twelve years old, and daughter Nina, eight years old.

Today, the concert schedule of the State Prize laureate and People's Artist of Russia Dmitry Hvorostovsky is scheduled for several years in advance. Despite his extreme busyness, the singer kindly agreed to answer our questions about creative biography the artist, the singer’s personal life, and much more..

- Is Dmitry Hvorostovsky’s amazing baritone primarily a natural gift or the fruit of hard work?

Of course, a singer must naturally have both hearing and good voice. Having innate talent is necessary, but opera art there are specifics and numerous secrets that need to be mastered. Then the voice turns into an ideal instrument, a unique musical medium. It not only acquires the ability to fill the entire acoustic space of a theater or concert hall, but also becomes truly emotionally rich.

How early did Hvorostovsky’s passion for classical music and opera singing begin? Tell us, how did your creative biography begin?

I have been singing since I was two or three years old, from the moment I can remember. Since childhood I have been listening to music and classical singing.

- Probably, when guests came, the parents set little Dima on a chair and asked to sing something?

Yes, this has happened. My father, Alexander Stepanovich, is a pianist and singer. He is not a professional in this field, but it was thanks to him that I listened to classics, especially piano ones, from childhood. Recordings of operas and symphonies were constantly playing in our house. I absorbed this music with my soul and heart.

Did the older generation of your family - your grandparents - have anything to do with music in their biography?

Very musical man there was my grandmother, Maria Nikolaevna, who raised me. She was just a treasure folk songs, stories and fairy tales. Sometimes we sang with her in two voices.

- Who taught you professional singing?

I mastered vocals at the Krasnoyarsk Institute of Arts under the guidance of Ekaterina Konstantinovna Iofel. In my creative biography, she was my mentor from the first to the last year. I learned a lot from her. First of all, expressiveness and spontaneity. Even when performing exercises and vocalises, I had to sing with an emotional message.

It was interesting, but difficult. True, even before entering college, I knew that it was necessary not only to fulfill musical composition- you need to simultaneously create a complete artistic image.

Even during the entrance exams, I was thinking about this, and not about how to finish singing to the end and not forget the words. So Ekaterina Konstantinovna’s lessons fell on fertile ground - I began to develop very quickly. From the second year I sang at the opera house. First as a trainee, and then became the youngest soloist there.

By the time I graduated I had enough famous singer. There is one more important thing that Ekaterina Konstantinovna taught me: control yourself and learn on your own. That’s why after college I don’t work specifically with anyone else, I work on my own.

In 1990, Dmitry Hvorostovsky left Soviet Union to the west. It is clear that the country had no time then high art, but for you personally, what was the final impetus for the decision to leave your homeland?

And I didn’t leave her - at least for a long time. He continued to constantly come to Russia, lived for some time in the capital, working under a contract. But I first postponed my work at the Krasnoyarsk Theater, and then was forced to quit. I had neither the time nor the opportunity to come and sing performances. But I continued to give concerts. Since 1989, I always perform in Moscow two or three times a year.

- But still, doesn’t nostalgia sometimes torment you?

It's difficult for me to stay in one place for more than two days. Wherever I am - in Moscow, Krasnoyarsk or New York - I am always drawn to the road. I constantly think about future projects. Even when I am immersed in my current work, my thoughts are always turned to two or three months ahead.

- Do you consider yourself a “citizen of the world”?

Undoubtedly. Remaining Russian and Siberian, I have long felt comfortable almost everywhere. I don’t just come to other countries, I return there. For example, in New York I feel at home - I feel very good there, because I visit this city even more often than Moscow. I feel the same way in London or Paris.

There are a lot of Russians in London now. Hvorostovsky, do you feel any discomfort from the obsessive attention from your compatriots?

I visit London, like other cities, only from time to time. Therefore, I rarely communicate with my compatriots there. Although Russian speech is now heard everywhere - not only in the center of London, but also in the most unexpected places: alleys, parks...

In general, are you not burdened by the burden of popularity? Do you have a desire to return to those times when the worldwide fame of Dmitry Hvorostovsky was still ahead?

I look to the future, not the past. And I don’t want to go back anywhere. Memories of certain events make me shiver. I want to forget about what once happened. This may not be entirely correct, but I don't think about the past at all.

And yet, it is about the past that I would like to ask the next question. Dmitry Hvorostovsky's wife, Florence, is a Swiss singer. Italian origin. How did your relationship begin, biography of your personal life?

The first time after we met, I avoided her. At that moment I was already married. And although this marriage had been going downhill for a long time, I still tried to save the family. That's why I ran from Florence like fire. But you can’t run far from fate, and I am very grateful to it for the fact that it finally united us. I'm happy with Florence. Previously, I could not even imagine that this was possible. She helps me with everything. We have two children: son Maxim, and daughter Nina. It's very good and interesting for us.

You have two more twin children from your first marriage. Do Hvorostovsky’s musical genes somehow manifest themselves in them? Are they also drawn to the fine arts?

Yes. My children are very musical: they play the piano and sing in the choir. And they are making some progress. Danya, for example, has already started singing solo. He is generally a talented boy: at the age of eight he plays the program for the third and fourth grades of a music school. Daughter Sashenka also does not lag behind her brother. She has a good voice. True, everyone says that she sings quietly. But singing quietly does not mean singing badly.

- Dmitry Hvorostovsky is a very charming man. Do women often declare their love to you?

I have had enough meetings with women in my life. This is my profession - I am always in sight. And I am not deprived of the attention of my better half.

- Do they write you notes after concerts?

Yes, sometimes.

In Hvorostovsky’s creative biography, the theme of Russia means a lot. Do you listen to old performers who are considered exponents of the Russian national spirit? For example, Chaliapin?

I grew up listening to Chaliapin singing. He remains one of my favorite performers. And not only Russians. For me, he is an example of a true cosmopolitan in art. Chaliapin made people in the West pay attention to Russian culture as a whole. I also listen to other domestic singers. I have a lot of recordings by Sobinov, Nezhdanova, Maksakov, Maksakova, and the Pirogov brothers.

- The wonderful Russian singer Boris Shtokolov recently passed away. What do you think of his work?

I did not know this artist personally, but I remember well the first time I saw him on stage. I was still a boy when Shtokolov came to Krasnoyarsk with a concert. He was very popular then. The genre of Russian romance owes a lot to Shtokolov. He had a unique style of performance. Whenever we talk about such works as “Shine, burn, my star...” or “Coachman, don’t drive the horses...”, it is his voice that comes to mind.

- How do you feel about your colleagues in the opera workshop - Elena Obraztsova, Irina Arkhipova?..

I love them! I love them! Irina Konstantinovna Arkhipova at one time helped me a lot both in life and in creativity. I have always taken and continue to take an example from her as wonderful person and professional. And Elena Vasilievna Obraztsova is an amazing woman, before whom I simply bow. I was lucky enough to work with this artist and, I hope, our cooperation will resume soon.

She is a unique singer. I have huge collection Obraztsova's recordings from the seventies and eighties. In one of them, taken in 1973 at the performance of “Aida” at the Metropolitan Opera, you can hear how after she performed her part the audience did not fall silent for fifteen minutes. This has never happened anywhere, never to anyone. The height of the Cold War - and this is how they greet it! And you can’t even call it singing. This is simply a “tiger” cry from the heart. To say the least, I take my hat off to this woman.

When the Culture channel is on New Year was showing your concert with the program “Folk Songs”, the cameraman snatched the face of Alexander Gradsky from the audience, who was listening to you with interest...

Gradsky is a phenomenon both in our lives and in our art. This is a figure that has been visible for many years. I respect him very much.

We actually have a lot of young talent. And they are already singing all over the world. For example, soloist Mariinsky Theater- one of the most popular singers in the world. In the West, this artist has been singing for ten years, but here, unfortunately, she is poorly known. Anya is also a very beautiful woman - she even has a prison sentence advertising contract with Rolex.

Or Katya Syurina, whose fate I constantly and very carefully follow. This is a singer with unique characteristics. She now performs in almost all the leading opera houses in the world. And Zhenya Nikitin from the Mariinsky Theater is only twenty-something, and he is already singing “Boris Godunov”! You just need to know about these people, talk and write about them. So you, journalists, have your cards in your hands here.

What do you think about modern pop music? Aren't you annoyed by the endless "Star Factories" that have appeared on Russian television?

Everything has its place and time. “Star Factory” is quite an interesting project, you can watch it. People watch with interest how very “green” girls and boys turn into something over time. This is real television show. Time will tell whether its participants will become stars. To a certain extent, they turn into stars just by flashing on the screen. But still, the game is worth the candle, and I welcome the appearance of such a show.

However, on television there is not only the “Star Factory”. There is, for example, the “Culture” channel, which introduces the viewer to classical music. In today's world this is a great luxury and a huge achievement. Such a channel should be supported in every possible way, we should try to preserve it. Indeed, in other countries, classics are rarely present on television - rather as an exception to general rule. In the USA, in my opinion, there are no channels like “Culture” at all.

Dmitry Hvorostovsky has a difficult job - you sing live, without a soundtrack. How do you manage to stay in shape? Do you play sports or are you naturally good physically?

From nature, of course, too. But you definitely need to take care of yourself. After all, the work of an opera singer is hard work. Many productions include physical exercise: jumping, stunts, staged fights, fencing.

- Did Dmitry Hvorostovsky ever have a desire to act in films as a dramatic actor?

Five years ago I played in the Canadian film Don Juan. Two roles at the same time - Don Giovanni and Leporello. But working in cinema is, first of all, a huge investment of time, which is worth its weight in gold. The production of one tape takes at least several months. It is very difficult for me to adjust my schedule to such requirements.

There are some proposals, and I am thinking about them. I can’t say yet what will work and what won’t. Many people tell me that I need to act. Yes, I’m interested in this myself. But now I continue to do what I do best.

Modern opera lives by the laws of show business. The performances of Jose Carreras and Luciano Pavarotti fill stadiums. Do you feel involved in this grandiose machine?

Having identified yourself as a milk mushroom, climb into the back. It’s difficult for me to isolate myself from modern realities. Such concerts attract millions of people and bring corresponding dividends. And, of course, participation in them became part of my work. I sing in stadiums and other large venues. I’m not used to it, but I sing... Thanks to the three tenors you mentioned, an independent genre of mass pop classics has already formed, which is heard on large TV channels.

A corresponding pop culture has emerged - outwardly beautiful, but, of course, retouched, reminiscent of a delicious chocolate bar. Perhaps these singers themselves did not expect such an effect. But what to do? We have to put up with this. For such concerts, they usually select a more accessible repertoire that is easier to digest. But even in such a gilded wrapper, classical music is still better than pop. After all, someone may eventually pay attention to higher and more interesting art.

- What can listeners expect in the near future performed by Dmitry Hvorostovsky?

Cycle by Dmitri Shostakovich on sonnets by Michelangelo Buonarotti. This is complex and very interesting music for me. Connoisseurs of classical art, I hope, will enjoy it. Just recently we performed a suite from this cycle for the first time in Luxembourg. There are a lot of plans. Soon I will have to sing “The Queen of Spades” at La Scala, where Yuri Temirkanov will conduct. But I want to perform something with him in Moscow.

I performed a lot with Temirkanov both abroad and in St. Petersburg, but never in Moscow. In addition, this year I plan to re-release in Russia a collection of my recordings on twelve discs. There will be my albums such as “Russian Romances”, “Arias and Verdi”, as well as things that I rarely perform at concerts - Russian sacred music, folk songs and ancient arias "Arie antiche".

Dmitry Hvorostovsky, of course, still has many years of fruitful work ahead of him. And yet, what do you plan to do after finishing your solo vocal career? opened an opera singing school in Moscow. Do you intend to create something similar in the future?

I'm unlikely to open a school. I haven't thought about it yet. I plan to sing on stage for at least another twenty years, and then we’ll see.

Hvorostovsky often performs Russian romances and folklore works, sing about the war, recorded a record of songs Soviet composers. For many, your work has become a symbol of the revival of the Russian national spirit. Is it difficult to live up to such an image?

I try not to think about this. But I do everything from the bottom of my heart. And I am responsible for every word sung.

- Is Dmitry Aleksandrovich Hvorostovsky a believer?

Yes, he is a believer in his own way. But absolutely not religious.

Does Dmitry Hvorostovsky have ash-colored hair by nature or is this a consequence of his experiences during his rise to the opera Olympus?

- (Laughs.) Yes... The higher I climbed to Olympus, the more saddles I had.

I ask you seriously...

And I answer seriously. It happened naturally.

- Would you like to express any wishes to Hvorostovsky’s fans and admirers?

I am not the Lord God to give my advice to so many people.
I can only wish everyone health. When a person is healthy, he has the strength to achieve his goal. Only then can he live life to the fullest. And this is the most important thing.

- What words can you address to those who enter the not an easy path creativity?

As one of the greats said, real talent must go through suffering. Without sacrifices, without overcoming difficulties in creativity, it is impossible to achieve success. Of course, I don’t wish unnecessary suffering on anyone, but still, it is this experience that helps a person become successful. Just like compassion. After all, this is also one of essential components creative personality.

Interviewed by Evgeniy Danilov


On November 22, 2017, opera singer Dmitry Hvorostovsky died in the morning at 3.36 London time. The cause of death was brain cancer. The singer had been struggling with this illness since 2015, but the disease did not recede, and at the age of 56 Dmitry passed away from this life. The whole country mourns the great operatic genius. 23761

Hello, dear readers! Dmitry Hvorostovsky received in this life everything that an opera singer could dream of. He had fame, wealth, four children, invitations to sing in the best opera houses globe. About this in the article “Dmitry Hvorostovsky: biography, Interesting Facts».

Hvorostovsky is one of the most famous opera singers in the world. modern scene. A handsome man, a favorite of women, a friend of Placido Domingo, Luciano Pavarotti, Anna Netrebko, Igor Krutoy.

Biography of Dmitry Hvorostovsky

Dmitry Alexandrovich was born on October 16, 1962 in Krasnoyarsk. Profession: opera singer. Singing voice: dramatic baritone. Instruments: piano. Genres: opera, romance.

In honor of D.A. Hvorostovsky named the asteroid (7995) Khvorostovsky. It was discovered by astronomer Lyudmila Karachkina at the Crimean Astrophysical Observatory on August 4, 1983.

  • Winner of the international singing competition in Cardiff (UK);
  • Honored Artist of the RSFSR;
  • State Prize RSFSR in the region musical art;
  • National artist Russian Federation;
  • Honorary citizen of the city of Krasnoyarsk;
  • Honorary citizen of the Kemerovo region;
  • Awarded the Opera News Award;
  • Honorary citizen of the Krasnoyarsk Territory.


Hvorostovsky's stage partners did not notice any changes in the singer's appearance or voice. Meanwhile, his health was getting worse and worse. Dmitry developed frequent dizziness and coordination of movements worsened. Problems with vision and hearing appeared.

As a result of the examination, a diagnosis was made: a hypothalamic tumor. Thank God we found this on early stage illnesses!

“You know, before I got sick, I kind of felt like I was going to get sick. I developed apathy and a very dark perception of the world. Lack of perception of everything, no joy, no enjoyment of your work.

I was very tired, pessimistic and no longer liked living. As if I had already felt it. Therefore, naturally, when you start fighting an illness, you perceive life differently and want to survive.”

On June 24, an announcement appeared on the singer’s official website about the cancellation of performances until the end of the summer. He was diagnosed with a brain tumor!

The singer decided to undergo treatment at the Royal Marsden Cancer Clinic in London. The specialists here have extensive experience in treatment. In agreement with the doctors, conservative therapy was chosen.

Return to the stage

At the end of September 2015, the singer resumed concert activities. He appeared on stage with Anna Netrebko at the New York Metropolitan Opera in Giuseppe Verdi's opera Il Trovatore. Hvorostovsky performed again main party Counta di Luna.

White roses at the feet of Dmitry Hvorostovsky from the musicians of the Metropolitan Opera. This is a sign of admiration for the singer, who emerged victorious from his battle with the disease. Hvorostovsky's first performance after treatment for brain cancer took place.

“I'm glad everything went like this. I was in in good condition, in normal form. And, of course, huge public support! The incredible support and love of the public gave me even more inspiration.”

In this video Additional Information on the topic “Dmitry Hvorostovsky: biography”

Why gray hair?

Dmitry Hvorostovsky: “My hair is naturally gray. Genes, you know. On my mother's side. Mom turned gray in her twenties. I started going gray almost at the age of seventeen.”

Fortune teller's prediction

A colleague recalls that in his youth, a gypsy woman predicted fame, success, two wives and many children for Dmitry. Then he will become seriously ill, but will be able to cope with the disease and live to a ripe old age. But even good fortune tellers make mistakes sometimes...

Sad news

On November 22, 2017, People's Artist of Russia, opera singer Dmitry Hvorostovsky died. Long time he suffered from cancer. It's such a shame...

Friends, leave comments on the article “Dmitry Hvorostovsky: biography.” Share information on social networks. Thank you!

Dmitry Alexandrovich, born on October 16, 1962 in Krasnoyarsk, died on November 22 in London (Great Britain).


Dmitry's father - Alexander Stepanovich Hvorostovsky, a chemical engineer - loved to sing and played music on the piano; in addition, he collected large collection recordings of stars of the world opera stage. Mother - Lyudmila Petrovna Hvorostovskaya, worked in the hospital as a gynecologist.

Dmitry's first wife is Svetlana (1959-2015), corps de ballet dancer. Dmitry met her in 1986 and married in 1991, adopting Maria, the child from Svetlana’s first marriage. In 1994, the couple settled in London (Islington), where they had twins - daughter Alexandra (born 1996) - an artist, and son Danila (born 1996) - plays lead guitar in a rock band. In 1999, the couple separated. The divorce was filed in 2001; at Svetlana’s request, in 2009 the amount of alimony and annual payments to Hvorostovsky’s ex-wife was increased by a decision of a London court. Svetlana Hvorostovskaya died suddenly in London on December 31, 2015.

Dmitry's second wife is Florence Hvorostovsky (before marriage - Illy), originally from Geneva. The couple had a son, Maxim, in 2003, and a daughter, Nina, in 2007.

Photo: Facebook / Dmitry Hvorostovsky


Dmitry graduated from the Krasnoyarsk Pedagogical School named after A. M. Gorky and the Krasnoyarsk Institute of Arts in the class of Honored Artist of the Russian Federation Professor E. K. Iofel, a student of M. N. Rioli-Slovtsova - the wife of the outstanding Russian tenor P. I. Slovtsov.


In 1985-1990, Dmitry Alexandrovich was a soloist of the Krasnoyarsk State Opera and Ballet Theater.

After winning the International Opera Singing Competition in Cardiff in 1989, he has had engagements in the best opera houses in the world since 1990: Royal Theater Covent Garden (London), Bavarian State Opera (Munich State Opera), Berlin State Opera, La Scala (Milan), Vienna State Opera, Teatro Colon (Buenos Aires), Metropolitan Opera (New York), Lyric Opera in Chicago, Mariinsky Theater of St. Petersburg, Moscow Theater " New Opera», opera stage Salzburg Festival. Since 1994 he lived in London.

Photo: Facebook / Dmitry Hvorostovsky


Evgeny Onegin - “Eugene Onegin” (P. Tchaikovsky)
Yeletsky - “ Queen of Spades"(P. Tchaikovsky)
Gryaznoy - “The Tsar’s Bride” (N. Rimsky-Korsakov)
Germont - “La Traviata” (D. Verdi)
De Luna - “Il Trovatore” (D. Verdi)
Rodrigo - “Don Carlos” (D. Verdi)
Rigoletto - “Rigoletto” (D. Verdi)
Ricardo - “The Puritans” (V. Bellini)
Alfio - “Rural Honor” (P. Mascagni)
Silvio - “Pagliacci” (R. Leoncavallo)
The Count - “The Marriage of Figaro” (W. A. ​​Mozart)
Don Giovanni, Leporello - “Don Giovanni” (W. A. ​​Mozart)
Figaro - " Barber of Seville"(D. Rossini)
Alfonso - “The Favorite” (G. Donizetti)
Belcore - “Elisir of Love” (G. Donizetti)
Valentin - “Faust” (C. Gounod)

Photo: Facebook / Dmitry Hvorostovsky


1990 - Tchaikovsky and Verdi Arias
1991 - Pietro Mascagni. "Rural honor". Philips
1991 - Russian Romances
1993 - Pyotr Tchaikovsky. "Eugene Onegin". Philips
1993 - Traviata, Kiri Te Kanawa, 2CD
1994 - Songs and Dances of Death
1994 - Rossini, Songs of Love and Desire
1994 - Dark Eyes
1995 - Tchaikovsky, My Restless Soul
1996 - Dmitri
1996 - Russia Cast Adrift
1996 - Credo
1996 - G. V. Sviridov - “Rus' Set Away”
1997 - Giuseppe Verdi. "Don Carlos". Conductor - Bernard Haitink. Philips
1997 - Russia's War
1998 - Kalinka
1998 - Arie Antiche
1998 - Arias & Duets, Borodina
1999 - Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov. "The Tsar's Bride". Conductor - Valery Gergiev. Philips
1999 - Pyotr Tchaikovsky. "Iolanta." Philips
2000 - Don Giovanni: Leporello’s Revenge, 1CD
2001 - Verdi, La traviata DVD
2001 - From Russia With Love,
2001 - Passione di Napoli
2002 - Russian Sacred Choral Music, 7CD
2003 - Pyotr Tchaikovsky. "Queen of Spades". RCA
2003 - “Songs of the War Years”, DVD
2004 - Georgy Sviridov. "Petersburg". Delos
2004 - Dmitry Hvorostovsky in Moscow DVD
2005 - Songs and Dances of Death Symphonic dances
2005 - “Light of the Birches”: Favorite Soviet songs. CD
2005 - Pyotr Tchaikovsky. "Queen of Spades" best bits. Delos
2005 - I Met You, My Love
2005 - Verdi Arias
2005 - Moscow Nights
2006 - Portrait
2007 - Heroes and Villains
2007 - “Eugene Onegin”, conductor Valery Gergiev (Onegin)
2009 - Deja Vu 2CD + DVD
2010 - Tchaikovsky Romances 2CD
2010 - Pushkin Romances


1989 - Winner of the international singing competition in Cardiff (UK).
1990 - Honored Artist of the RSFSR.
1991 - State Prize of the RSFSR in the field of musical art - for the performance of leading parts of the classical opera repertoire in Krasnoyarsk State Theater opera and ballet 1988-1990.
1991 - Trade Union Prize in the field of artistic creativity.
1995 - People's Artist of the Russian Federation.
2000 - Honorary citizen of the city of Krasnoyarsk.
2006 - Honorary citizen of the Kemerovo region.
2012 - Awarded the Opera News Award.
2015 - Order of Alexander Nevsky.
2015 - Honorary citizen of the Krasnoyarsk Territory.
2015 - Honorary Medal “For Merit in the Protection of Children of Russia” - for personal contribution to the protection of children
2017 - Order of Merit for the Fatherland, IV degree - for great contribution to development national culture and art, means mass media, many years of fruitful activity.
n/a - Inducted into the Gramophone Magazine Hall of Fame.

The asteroid (7995) Hvorostovsky, discovered by astronomer Lyudmila Karachkina at the Crimean Astrophysical Observatory on August 4, 1983, was named in honor of D. A. Hvorostovsky.

Dmitry also provided support to young groups, such as the Baltic Symphony Orchestra.

With Valery Gergiev and the Mariinsky Theater Orchestra he recorded the vocal cycle “Songs and Dances of Death” by Modest Mussorgsky and the opera “The Tsar’s Bride” by N. A. Rimsky-Korsakov (as Grigory Gryazny).

Performed works by G.V. Sviridov.

In November 2009, concerts were held at the State Palace of Culture, where Hvorostovsky performed in a new role, performing songs by Igor Krutoy based on poems by Lilia Vinogradova. The concerts were a presentation of the new joint album by Hvorostovsky and Krutoy, “Deja Vu.” The Academy Choir also took part in the concerts choral art and an orchestra conducted by Konstantin Orbelyan.


On June 24, 2015, an announcement appeared on Hvorostovsky’s official website about the cancellation of the singer’s performances until the end of the summer due to a brain tumor diagnosed in him. The singer decided to undergo treatment at the Royal Marsden Cancer Clinic in London.

At the end of September 2015, the singer resumed his concert activities, appearing on stage with Anna Netrebko at the New York Metropolitan Opera in Giuseppe Verdi's opera Il Trovatore, where Hvorostovsky again performed the main role of Count di Luna. During the period of ongoing treatment, in one of the interviews the singer stated that he did not believe in God, but “ afterlife no and cannot be."

On October 29, 2015, Dmitry performed in Russia for the first time after treatment, giving a concert “Hvorostovsky and Friends” together with the Latvian singer Elina Garanča at the State Kremlin Palace. On October 31, he performed in Moscow at the opening of the historical stage of the Helikon Opera Theater.

In the fall of 2016, in order to undergo chemotherapy, the singer canceled his performance in the play “Simon Boccanegra,” which was supposed to premiere on stage on September 30 Vienna Opera. After completing the course of treatment, on his birthday, October 16, the singer performed on the stage of the Old Opera in Frankfurt. The singer's debut performances at the Bolshoi Theater in Verdi's Don Carlos, scheduled for December 7 and 10, were canceled at the insistence of doctors. The singer’s plans, however, still included the “Hvorostovsky and Friends” concerts with Marcelo Alvarez on December 14 in Moscow at the Kremlin Palace and on December 18 in St. Petersburg at concert hall"October". Further concerts of Hvorostovsky in Krasnoyarsk on December 22 and Yekaterinburg on December 28 were postponed due to pneumonia and hospitalization in a clinic in St. Petersburg.

On May 27, 2017, the singer performed at a concert in St. Petersburg dedicated to City Day, and on June 2, with an injured shoulder, he performed in the Great Concert Hall of Krasnoyarsk, after which the artist was awarded the title honorary citizen Krasnoyarsk region.

On November 22, 2017, on the social network Twitter, singer Dmitry Malikov announced the death of Hvorostovsky. The entry was deleted from Malikov’s account 20 minutes later, but Malikov later said in an interview with RIA Novosti that he received information about Hvorostovsky’s death from the poetess Liliya Vinogradova, “who was very close to him and who was there with him. She wrote to me that he died at 3.36 am London time.”

Dmitry Hvorostovsky is the owner of a unique baritone, a world legend, our National treasure. Was tied up very tightly family ties. Grew up in a wonderful family surrounded parental love and attention. Married twice. Father of five. People's Artist of the Russian Federation. The singer's life was cut short after a serious illness in November last year. Dmitry Hvorostovsky's parents are alive.

A little about the family

Which family produces brilliant children? Scientists all over the world are studying this issue. Many studies have been conducted, thousands of reports have been written, but no clear answer has been received. However, now all scientists, with high probability, declare a large percentage of the transfer of one or another talent to a child by inheritance. This is followed by the conditions in which the child grows and develops, and only then by one’s own hard work and diligence.

Just recently the world lost a brilliant opera singer, the idol of millions of fans. classical music- Dmitry Hvorostovsky. A wonderful man, a loving husband, has passed away, good father and, what is most sad, a beloved son. He recently turned 55 years old.

Dmitry Hvorostovsky was born in the city of Krasnoyarsk. Date of birth: October 16, 1962. His mother, Lyudmila Petrovna, worked as an obstetrician-gynecologist, his father, Alexander Stepanovich, was a chemical engineer. Nothing is known for sure about nationality. Dmitry himself considered himself Russian. Although the parents’ profession did not in any way cover the world of art, the family literally idolized music. The head of the family was very good at playing the piano, sang superbly, and collected recordings of opera singers. He passed on his passion to his son. The father decided to take it seriously musical education Dmitry. Music was constantly playing in the house, and guests often gathered. Since childhood, Dmitry attended premieres of the Krasnoyarsk Opera House with his parents, went to exhibitions and met with interesting people. Dmitriy - only child from his parents, so he was fully surrounded by attention and care. Studying at school was not easy for him. Nevertheless,

Dmitry grew up as an inquisitive, interested boy. IN music school The teachers saw in their student, first of all, a talented pianist, and not a vocalist. After a very difficult reference given to Dmitry at the end of school, he was only able to enter a pedagogical school.

Having received the profession of a music teacher, he entered the Krasnoyarsk Institute of Arts. Here luck smiled young talent. He took a course from the famous opera vocal teacher Ekaterina Iofel. According to the singer, it was her instructions and lessons that helped him throughout his creative career. From 1985 to 1990 he worked in the troupe of the Krasnoyarsk Opera and Ballet Theater as a soloist. Almost immediately he became opera star” of the local theater and took the main roles in “The Queen of Spades”, “La Traviata”, “Faust”, “Eugene Onegin” and others.

1989 brought to the young singer victory in the prestigious international competition in Cardiff. This victory opened the door for him to the best opera houses peace.

1994 brings the singer many awards and international awards. In the same year he and his family moved to permanent place residence in London.

The first time Dmitry tied the knot was back in Krasnoyarsk in 1986. His chosen one was his theater colleague, ballerina Svetlana Ivanova. She already had her own child. After 10 years, she gave the singer two charming twins. Thus, three children grew up in the family. But constant quarrels and disagreements between the spouses led to the fact that the marriage eventually broke up. This happened in 2001. The main reason was the constant betrayal of his wife. By the way, Dmitry Hvorostovsky had to pay a considerable amount of compensation.

Soon Dmitry married for the second time. His chosen one was Florence Illy. In 2003, the couple had a child, Maxim, and after some time, the wife gave Dmitry a daughter, Nina. Finally famous singer found happiness. His new family painted his life with new colors. However, the happiness did not last long.

Tragic fate

In 2015, Dmitry was informed that he had a brain tumor. He suddenly began to suffer from headaches and short-term loss of coordination, decreased hearing and vision. He told those around him that the tumor was benign, although he himself initially knew that it was not so. Dmitry bravely fought for life and took any available therapy. During remission, Dmitry Hvorostovsky, without losing his fortitude, gave big concerts, believing that the stage and the love of his listeners would help him cope with his illness. Together with Anna Netrebko and Lara, Fabian took part in the “New Wave”. With a repertoire of classic works opera music conducted a tour of Germany. Last concert took place on June 2, 2017. In Austria he appeared on stage again on June 22.

Dmitry Hvorostovsky, after 2 years of struggle with a serious illness, died in London on November 22, 2017. Last days his life was spent with the people closest to him. The parents flew to their son a few days before his death. They were able to communicate with him as much as his condition allowed. Every day while the singer was in the clinic, friends and family visited him. He was not left alone.