How to make a notebook from a regular A4 sheet. Making an envelope out of paper with your own hands

Designer interpretations have extended to literally every little detail. Standard classic items become fashionable ideas and objects for the realization of fantasies. One example is an envelope.

What could be special about it? A sheet of paper folded in a certain order. And how can it be applied, except for a postal letter? There are options! These are decorative “reservoirs” in which gifts are given, memorabilia are stored, and money is transferred, in the end.

It is of great importance in what form a person receives a present for his birthday or New Year. Even if the envelope contains an inexpensive trinket or a symbolic amount, the hand-made design itself will give a lot of pleasant impressions.

How to make a simple envelope from a sheet of paper

Classic example. It can be done both on regular white paper and on colored paper. It does not stand out in any way and is most often used to create a kind of “money bag”. If you have to pay for the session, then it is better to do it with minimal costs.

What you need:

  • paper. Smooth, clean sheet;
  • glue. PVA or pencil - whatever you have;
  • scissors, ruler, pencil and eraser.

If you have perfect vision and are able to measure distance without additional means, you can abandon the ruler.

But remember, if you don’t keep the proportions and fold it “by eye”, it will turn out crooked, askew and ugly.


  1. Cut a sheet of paper to a square shape.
  2. On the side that will be the inside of the envelope, determine the center. To do this, using a ruler, draw thin, barely noticeable diagonals. The place where they intersect is the center.
  3. Bend two opposite corners of the square, bringing the ends together in the center. Push the fold line well, fixing the position.
  4. Fold the third corner. The base of the bottom triangle will be the bottom of the envelope. To avoid gaps, the fold line should be slightly higher than the lower corners of the side triangles. This way the top corner of the bottom triangle will be slightly above the center. Push through the fold lines.
  5. Open the “envelope” and erase the diagonals with an eraser.
  6. Assemble the envelope by folding the protruding edge of the bottom triangle inward - it should be flush with the center. Glue along the perimeter of the lower triangle. Advice - it is better to use a glue stick. It will not cause the paper to swell or change shape.
  7. Fold the “lid” - the corner should reach the bottom of the envelope. Press the fold line well. Ready!

How to make a paper letter envelope with your own hands

If you are planning to send a letter by mail, keep in mind that postal envelopes have certain dimensions and weight, therefore, failure to comply with the standard will lead to the fact that the letter may not reach the addressee. It is better to clarify the details by mail.

The letter envelope has a strict appearance - white and rectangular in shape.

The tools are the same: paper, scissors, glue, ruler, pencil and eraser.


  1. Take a sheet of A4 paper. Measure one centimeter from the wide sides and bend. There was a kind of fold along the sheet.
  2. Measure along the fold line 10 cm from one edge and bend. There was a pocket that was not glued together and a very long tongue.
  3. Measure 2 cm from the base of the tongue and cut off the excess length. Round the edges.
  4. Open the “envelope”. Glue the fold of the longer part to the main sheet.
  5. Apply glue to the outer side of the hem of the short part and glue it to the long part. The envelope is ready.

How to make a large envelope from A4 paper

The simplest and fastest method. For it you will need an A4 sheet of paper, glue, scissors and a ruler. The paper can be white or colored.

  1. Measure 7.2 cm along the wide side on the bottom right and top left. Draw lines to the corners up and down, respectively.
  2. Cut off the resulting triangles. We leave the rhombus, throw away the triangles.
  3. We bend the left and right corners of the diamond inward, leaving a distance of about 7 mm between them.
  4. Fold the bottom corner so that there are no gaps. Apply glue to the bottom sides of the side triangles and glue to the bottom. Ready.

How to make a money envelope out of paper without glue

The simplest method, which does not require any additional items other than paper, is an envelope with a square. The finished result will be small in size and with an unusual clasp. The A4 format is considered as an example, but other dimensions can be used. You can use both colored and white paper.

  1. Attach the short side of the sheet to the long one. A triangle is formed. We push the fold line. Cut off the excess part of the sheet - a rectangular single-layer area.
  2. We turn the triangle with the base towards us. Bend the top corner. The tip should touch the base. We push the fold line.
  3. We bend the right side inward.
  4. We bend the left side inward.
  5. We bend the edge of the left side in the opposite direction. The fold line runs in the middle of the base.
  6. We open the resulting “tail” into a pocket.
  7. Fold the pocket into a square.
  8. Ready. All that remains is to bend the upper part and tuck the tip into the square pocket.

A more elaborate and labor-intensive option is to use tape.

Such envelopes, as a rule, are not limited to just colored paper. They are additionally decorated with twisted patterns, beads, and glitter. It is customary to use patterned stencils to cut out the shape. Instead of standard paper, thicker paper is used. For example, thin cardboard.

The scheme is simple:

  • a stencil is cut out;
  • in the places indicated by black stripes, make slits for the tape;
  • the envelope is pressed along the main lines (the perimeter of the inner square) and assembled - the upper and lower parts are internal, and the side parts are external. You can put money;
  • The tape is placed under the product and threaded through the slots. It is tied on the front side. Ready!

How to make a beautiful paper envelope


You will need: a sheet of paper, a wax candle, a wide brush, coffee or tea, a signet.


  1. Fold a simple envelope out of paper. Do not glue.
  2. Unfold it and use a brush to paint it with strong black tea or coffee. Let dry.
  3. Fold and seal the envelope, leaving the “lid” free. Place a gift/letter.
  4. Fold the lid, press the fold line well and press the tip to the envelope. Drip wax and squeeze out the seal. Ready!

You can use any available tool for printing. For example, cosmetic caps or carved wine corks. Wax candles can be easily replaced with paraffin or gun glue, which comes in various colors.

Inside out

To create it you will need:

  • ready-made envelope stencil;
  • plain, double-sided colored paper to match the envelope itself;
  • colored paper for the back. The reverse side will require significantly less paper. In addition, it should stand out clearly against the background of the main one.


  1. Cut out the envelope using the stencil.
  2. Fold it, pushing through the fold lines, but do not glue it.
  3. Cut the inside out according to the shape of the envelope.
  4. Glue it into the inside of the envelope. Assemble it and glue it together.



  • thick paper (scrap, cardboard);
  • scissors or stationery knife;
  • glue;
  • round shape (CD/DVD discs are most convenient);
  • decor (ribbon).


  1. Cut out 4 circles using the discs to trace the outline. Fold each circle in half.
  2. Apply glue to ¼ of each circle in the same place.
  3. Glue the circles together according to the principle of closing a cardboard box. Let it dry.
  4. Place the gift, close the envelope like a cardboard box and decorate it with decorations - tie it with a ribbon.

Simpler, but no less cute envelopes are decorated with decorative animals or flowers. You don’t have to strive to achieve ideal shapes - clumsy penguins cut out of ordinary colored paper look much more charming than the highest quilling technique.

A standard white envelope is decorated with ribbons, lace, designs of various shapes through stencils and turns into a unique package.

A DIY paper envelope is beautiful, simple, unique and touching. Moreover, this gift wrapping option is kid-friendly. The baby will be proud to have made it himself, and mom will be able to be touched and show off to her friends for many months.

Another idea for making a paper envelope is in the next video.

In contact with

Of course, since we are giving money, we can spend a little more on buying a bright printed envelope at any stationery store. Fast and convenient! But wouldn’t such a gift look too formal? Perhaps there are people for whom it is worth spending a little time and making an envelope for money with your own hands? It's so easy!

There are many different ways to pack money, and naturally, you will need paper to do this. What paper is better to take? Now many people recommend paper for scrapbooking. It is quite dense, often beautiful in itself - with different textures, patterns and glitters. Double-sided paper with a colorful design on one side looks very nice in an envelope for money. In addition, on the other, plain side inside the envelope, it is convenient to write congratulations.

However, to create an envelope for money with your own hands, a sheet of any thick paper (you can use colored paper for printing), which can be easily given the desired shape, is also suitable. But don’t get carried away: cardboard can break at the joints.

To create a beautiful envelope, you will need colored double-sided paper for the envelope and lining, thin double-sided tape, a pencil and scissors. For the envelope it is better to choose plain paper, and for the lining - with an ornament and pattern. However, there are no limits to your creativity: use scrapbooking paper, magazine clippings or your photo!

When presenting certificates, postcards, money or recognition as a gift, you want to surprise with its design. There is nothing easier than going to the store and buying a regular white envelope or a banal card with flowers and the inscription “Congratulations!” However, it is much more pleasant to make an unusual envelope yourself. There is no limit to your imagination, and minimal skills are needed!

To begin with, you will need colored paper (a square sheet), you can take one with a pattern or ornament, and scissors.

In order to make a beautiful envelope for money, you will need your imagination, accuracy and some scrapbooking materials. You can buy such materials at any arts and crafts store.

Materials that will be needed:

  • white cardboard;
  • white office paper;
  • two types of scrapbooking paper (differing in pattern);
  • double sided tape;
  • decorations for cards: flowers, beads, butterflies, pearls;
  • hole punch for openwork edge;
  • ruler, pencil.

The biggest secret to making a beautiful money envelope is not the materials, not the technique you use, or even the skill. Professionals do this very well. The main thing is that you put a piece of your soul into it!

In fact, there is nothing complicated about this - just take an A4 sheet and show a little imagination. No matter what anyone says, gifts made with your own hands are very valuable. If you think that you do not have enough skills and imagination, we advise you to throw these thoughts away. It’s not for nothing that they say: the eyes are afraid, but the hands do the work. Well, we decided to invite you to make an envelope from a sheet of A4 paper with your own hands. In addition, we will show master classes on how to make an envelope from A4 sheet for any holiday, event, and so on. Step-by-step instructions will help you in mastering the information, which clearly shows all the actions with a piece of A4 paper.

Envelope templates

To begin with, to make it easier for you, we will present various envelope templates that can be easily made with just scissors, 1-2 sheets of A4 paper and glue.

Master classes on making an envelope from A4 sheet

Master classes are more than just diagrams. This is already a visual representation of what can be done with a sheet of A4 paper in real life. In addition, the master classes will tell you how to decorate the resulting envelope in an original way.

To cover all areas, we decided to present master classes on making different types of envelopes from a sheet of A4 paper, depending on their purpose.

So let's get started!

Paper money envelope

One of the most important uses of an envelope is as a gift to a friend, loved one or even a colleague. We usually put money in such envelopes, accompanying the gift with a fiery speech. I wouldn’t want a homemade A4 paper envelope to get lost among others. Let's try to make it as interesting as possible.

What do we need? We will need:

  • scissors;
  • ruler;
  • 2 sheets of A4 paper (we suggest you take one plain sheet of paper, the other with contrasting patterns);
  • glue;
  • a pair of satin ribbons (one will be upper, the other lower).

We decided to get a little creative and used wallpaper that was left over after a long renovation as a basis. For this reason, the paper will seem different in texture to you.

Step 1: A piece of 20x40 paper was taken as the base. We will continue to create from this rectangle.

Step 2: Fold a piece of paper in half inward as shown in the photo above. Now bend the other edges of the product also towards the center.

Step 3: Unfold the work you just did. Bend the sides with a corner, as shown in the photo.

Step 4: Now you need to unfold the sheet back. It's the turn of the bright paper. Glue a small piece of colorful paper to the base of the envelope.

Step 5: Hide the remaining bright paper inside the regular sheet of the envelope. It should look something like this.

Step 6: Now take the ribbon you prepared in advance and glue it in the center of the envelope, only on the reverse side.

Step 7: We took 2 ribbons - a wide white one and a thin blue one. Now we put a thin ribbon on top of the white one to brighten up the envelope.

Step 8: Tie a beautiful bow in the center of the envelope on the front side. Don't forget to process the cut parts of the ribbons. To do this, you can use a regular lighter or matches.

DIY mail envelope

In order to practice creating the most ordinary white paper envelope for sending a letter, we only need:

  • a sheet of white A4 paper;
  • scissors;
  • as well as double-sided adhesive paper or regular glue.

Step 1: Fold a sheet of paper in the manner shown in the photo (triangle towards the center). You should end up with a square with equal sides. The part of the paper that is outside the square will need to be trimmed.

Step 2: Now we take scissors and cut off the unnecessary part of the A4 sheet.

Step 3: Place the resulting figure so that in front of you there is no longer so much a square as a rhombus. Try gently bending the right and left corners of the diamond so that they touch in the center.

Step 4: Fold the marked sides.

Step 5: Pull the bottom corner and bring the three corners together at the center of the shape. Almost everything is ready. The corner at the bottom should be slightly higher than the side corners. We do not touch the upper part of the product yet.

Step 6: Fold the corner of the bottom side inside the pocket. This way you ensure the safety of what you wrote there.

Step 7: Fold the top. All is ready! You can now insert the letter and secure the “lid” of the envelope with double-sided tape or with a regular drop of glue.

Gift envelope

In this master class we took a more serious approach to preparing a gift envelope. The whole concept is based on scrapbooking motifs, which fit perfectly into this style.

What do we need?

  • basis - diagram;
  • cardboard sheet of paper;
  • 2 types of colored paper and a regular sheet of A4 paper;
  • satin ribbon;
  • glue, scissors, ruler;
  • various small details: beads, butterflies for decoration;
  • and the most amazing tool - the sewing machine.

Step 1: Taking one of the diagrams presented above as a basis, we will make a cardboard cutout like this.

Step 2: Prepare two strips of colored paper, the size of a cardboard sheet. However, do not forget to slightly reduce the height so that the sheets fit neatly into the envelope.

Step 4: Along the edge lines of these leaves we make a frame from prepared ruffles.

Step 5: Glue the cut out colored strips together as in the photo.

Step 6: We glue the paper onto the cardboard (on the outside of our craft). Next, we take out the sewing machine and go along the edges with a white thread (carefully along the top line, without missing the corners).

Step 7: Important! Before you glue the back and leaf together, thread a satin ribbon through it.

Step 8: Tie a ribbon at the front, add a message or decorative elements of your choice. For example, we made a butterfly on the top corner.

Origami envelope

We invite you to watch a video on how to make an original origami envelope that you can use to please your children and even friends.

Video: how to make an envelope from A4 paper with your own hands

You can learn other ways to make cute envelopes with your own hands from the videos below.

Today I have a slightly unusual post, but it’s suitable for diluting SEO and money-making information. Moreover, it’s also about money :-). It all started with the fact that I needed to make an envelope for money. Naturally, I didn’t want to mess around with glue and paper with scissors. I went to the search engine and typed in the corresponding query, but didn’t find anything really suitable. Either you need glue or scissors. There are a lot of tutorials on scrapbooking techniques, which didn’t suit me at all.

A few years ago I became a little interested in the Japanese art of origami. I remembered that there is a way to fold a paper envelope without glue. But the problem is that in the schemes proposed on the Internet you need to use square sheets, but the A4 format is rectangular, so it must either be cut with scissors or torn off. I decided to improve the standard technique so that I could do without scissors, and I succeeded. Want to know how?

DIY money envelope diagram without glue and scissors from A4 sheet:

Explanation for the diagram:

  1. We bend the A4 sheet diagonally into a square.
  2. We bend the remaining part of the rectangle into a triangle.
  3. We do the same with the remaining piece.
  4. We straighten the sheet and begin folding it from a small triangle along the folds made earlier.
  5. We bend the excess part so that we get a square sheet.
  6. We bend the square diagonally and get a triangle.
  7. Next we proceed according to the standard scheme. Bend the triangle from the top.
  8. First we bend the right corner of the triangle.
  9. And put the left one on top of it.
  10. We find the center of the future lock, bend the edge to the left.
  11. Smooth out the folds.
  12. Then we turn the edge 90 degrees.
  13. With a slight movement we make a lock to the envelope.
  14. We straighten and level it.
  15. Bend and close the top cover.

Congratulations! Your envelope is ready. Everything is done without glue and scissors in literally half a minute, and yesterday I just spent half a day developing the diagram and instructions for it :-). I even decided to put watermarks so that no one would steal the idea.

But a white envelope is somehow boring and too formal. You can pre-print something on the sheet, for example, a photo of the birthday person, a landscape or some text. A4 sheet size: 210x297 mm. I have a black and white printer, so I chose a floral design.

Front view of the envelope:

Back view of the envelope:

By the way, a banknote will only fit into an A4 envelope folded in half, so for money it is better, if possible, to take paper in A3 format. You can put not only money in the envelope, but also, for example, a postcard with poems or a gift certificate from a store.

The scheme for making an envelope for money proposed in the article has a number of advantages compared to existing options.

In our age of electronics and digital technology, envelopes have almost disappeared from everyday life. In the usual sense, they exist for sending letters by mail, but in fact they have a much broader purpose. You just need to imagine different shapes and sizes, and it will immediately become clear that the possibilities of envelopes have not yet been exhausted. Here we will look at several examples of how to make a paper envelope with your own hands for various purposes.

Ordinary - unusual

First, let's learn how to make a very ordinary envelope.

Let's prepare a sheet of paper, scissors, ruler, pencil and glue.

Using a pencil and ruler, find the middle of the sheet and put a dot there. We fold the side corners to this point.

We bend the bottom corner so that its end overlaps the two side corners.

We lubricate the corners with glue so as not to stain the inside of the envelope, glue it together and close the lid. In a couple of minutes the envelope is ready. This is the simplest method, but all envelope making is based on it. It will be more interesting later. A paper envelope can be decorated, then it will turn into a festive package. For example, to give the newlyweds banknotes or a check for a certain amount as a wedding gift, you will definitely need an envelope for the money. You can make a beautiful holiday envelope from a piece of wallpaper, lace and ribbon.

Scheme for a rectangular envelope:

The photo shows several options for decorating envelopes.

For New Year invitation cards:

For a postcard:

Gift wrap:

For a birthday:

There are countless options for envelope design. Considering that this is usually a small item, finding material for decoration will not be difficult.

Simple options

Envelopes serve mainly, as before, to transmit information. For a letter sent by mail, there are standards that must be adhered to. A4 sheet fully meets these standards. Having placed it vertically, you need to bend the upper part, measuring 5.1 cm, and bend the lower part in half. To glue the finished envelope, you will need two strips of paper 12.3 cm long and 4 cm wide. They need to be coated with glue and the side edges of the envelope glued together. To indicate the sender and recipient addresses, it is better to adhere to the general rules so that the letter is sure to arrive.

Note! It is very important not to forget to stick the stamp, otherwise everything will be done in vain.

Nowadays, information is most often transmitted on disks and flash drives. If a flash drive can be attached to a keychain or simply carried in a pocket, then the disks must be handled carefully and stored in separate envelopes. But what if the envelope was torn or simply did not exist? The answer is simple: you need to make an envelope for the disc yourself. Take a “stripped” disk and a sheet of A4 paper.

Alas, most store-bought envelopes are neither beautiful nor original in design. This turns the search for a decent envelope into a lengthy and often completely hopeless task.

What should you do if you urgently need to send someone a letter or money as a gift, but you don’t have a suitable envelope at hand? Of course, make it yourself!

Our article will help you in this fascinating task, in which we have collected many recipes for making envelopes - from the simplest and most inconspicuous ones, to real works of art, in which you would not be ashamed to put an important letter, or to pack a gift for a holiday.

How to create simple envelopes with your own hands

The enormous popularity of paper products has led to a wide selection of materials used in their manufacture. Its variety is truly amazing - ordinary white and colored, covered with vintage patterns and evoking unusual tactile sensations, light and flexible or dense like cardboard. The process of making an envelope itself, in most cases, is extremely simple, as you can see for yourself by reading this article.

The simplest envelope from A4 sheet

All we need is a white sheet of paper, of any size, in the shape of a square. If you don’t have a square sheet at hand, don’t worry - just take a rectangular A4 sheet and cut off the “excess” with scissors.

The procedure is as follows:

  1. Fold the sheet in half. Lightly mark the middle (draw a pencil along the bend) and smooth it out.
  2. We bend the bottom edge of the sheet towards the middle of the sheet we marked.
  3. We have received a bend, now we need to bend it again, towards the center line we drew.
  4. We bend the corners, making a vertical fold on each side.
  5. Make sure that the upper corners are larger than the lower ones. We bend them.
  6. Finally, we bend the resulting triangle horizontally. Our envelope is ready.

The envelope we received is one of the simplest to make. It can be decorated with a postage stamp or any other decorative element, be it an image from a magazine or a piece of an old postcard.

How to make an envelope using glue

This paper product is ideal for letters or greeting cards on the occasion of various holidays.

You will need:

  • Ruler and pencil
  • PVA glue
  • Scissors or stationery knife for cutting paper
  • White sheet A4

Let's get started:

  1. Place the sheet horizontally. First, we mark a distance of 72 mm from the lower left corner, and do the same with the upper right corner. We mark the measured distance with dots.
  2. Use lines to connect the upper left corner with the lower point, and the lower right corner with the upper point.
  3. Take scissors and cut the paper along the resulting lines. The result should be a parallelogram, which will be the basis for our envelope.
  4. Let's position the part so that there are two corners at the top and bottom. We bend the side corners to the center of the parallelogram. Important! The corners should touch but not overlap each other.
  5. We also bend the bottom corner so that it slightly covers the adjacent side corners. This way we will get an almost finished product.
  6. We take glue and lubricate it with the folded lower corner, covering the two side ones.

The envelope is ready using glue!

How to make an envelope - Soldier's triangle

Another easy to make and at the same time original product. Let's take an A4 sheet of paper and write on it the message that we are going to send. Next, fold one of the edges and connect the short side of the sheet with the long side diagonally. You will get a right triangle and a rectangular strip of the remaining paper.

Fold the triangle in half to form an isosceles triangle from a right triangle. We bend the edges of the remaining strip towards the base of the triangle - this is how we form the “tongue” of the future envelope.

We tuck it into the upper pocket resulting from folding the triangle.
An envelope in which in the old days letters were sent to soldiers going to war.

How to make an English envelope with your own hands

Just like in the previous recipe, we will need a rectangular sheet. First, let's write the text we need on one side of the sheet (When writing, leave margins from the edges of 1.5-2 centimeters. You can do it by eye, or you can draw out the margins.). We bend the envelope three times in height, so that a narrow strip remains. Now we bend and glue the strip, if necessary, carefully glue the side edges of the envelope (for this reason, indentations are made - so that the glue does not spoil our letter). Our envelope is ready.

How to make an Origami envelope

This stylish product will appeal to children for its funny appearance (it is shaped like a wallet). You can color it as you wish, you can also store money and personal items in it, or you can use it as a bright toy.

Let's consider the process of making an envelope:

  1. Take A4 sheet. Fold the sheet in half, lengthwise and widthwise (the sheet must be folded exactly in half, otherwise the envelope will not be assembled later). Smooth out the sheet. Now bend the upper corners until they touch each other, as when making a paper airplane.
  2. We bend the sharp upper corner so that the resulting fold line and the bottom side of the sheet are parallel. The sharp tip should be located above the point of contact of the upper corners of the sheet, which we bend before this.
  3. While holding the product on the table, turn it 180 degrees. We perform all the steps described above on the other side of the sheet. At the end of the work, bend the resulting shapes from the bottom and top to the center of the sheet. The fold lines should touch.
  4. We turn our workpiece over. Fold a strip of paper towards you on both sides. Turn it over. We bend the envelope along the line coinciding with the resulting split cut. As the envelope is folded, the slit opens.
  5. As a result, we get two small compartments, ideal for something small, for example, small coins. We pull out a corner hidden there from an arbitrary compartment. We will close our envelope with it.

Making your own gift envelopes

It's time for more complex recipes. Namely - for a heart envelope, and a homemade envelope for storing CDs or DVDs. The first one is perfect for Valentine's Day or a wedding. The second is to protect disks from mechanical damage and dust contamination.

How to make a heart-shaped envelope

Prepare the following materials in advance:

  • A square sheet of decorative paper, 30 cm on a side
  • Sheet of cardboard, same dimensions
  • Decorative elements - beads, ribbons, flowers, etc.
  • Ribbon made of satin, or any other similar material.

Let's start making:

Making your own CD sleeve

The technique of making such envelopes is called scrapbooking. It consists of making an envelope from a paper base, which is then decorated with decorative elements like beads, paper or fabric inserts.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. We take a rectangular sheet and a disk that we want to wrap. Place the disk exactly in the middle of the sheet. Fold the sides onto a disc. It serves as a guideline by which you can accurately determine the dimensions of the future product.
  2. We bend the disk together with the paper upwards and turn the workpiece over. We bend the top part again so that the disk is inside the envelope.
  3. We remove the disc from the envelope and glue the internal components of the envelope (so that there is still room for the disc). We bend the corners of the lid inward, and put the lid itself inside the resulting “pocket.” The production of the envelope is completed.
  4. As in previous recipes, add decorations to your taste. Feel free to give free rein to your imagination.

How to make an envelope with semicircular edges

It's time for another original recipe - an envelope with rounded
edges. It is easy to make: the first thing you need is a sheet of cardboard or thick paper. In the middle of our workpiece we will mark a square of the required dimensions (by drawing vertical and horizontal lines). Then, using scissors, cut the sheet along the lines drawn, from the edges of the sheet to the boundaries of the resulting square.

We got a square with four petals. Now let's take a compass, and placing the needle on each side in the middle of the square, draw a semicircle on each petal. Using scissors, we make the petals semicircular, turning them into labels. We bend each of the petals towards the center of the square. A satin or silk ribbon is ideal for securing the envelope in the closed position.

Now you know many recipes for making a paper envelope with your own hands. As you may have already noticed, the recipes are quite simple and do not require special skills. The only thing that is really required of you is patience and calm. Let them not leave you while you work, and you will end up with a beautiful paper envelope in which you will not be ashamed to put correspondence of any kind - from a regular letter to a declaration of love.

Even in the age of high technology and rapid transfer of information, such a simple but useful thing as paper envelope , every person needs it from time to time. Whether it's a letter, a wedding invitation, a greeting card, a small gift or a monetary reward, an envelope comes in handy in so many situations.

A paper wrapper can be simple and inconspicuous, but in some cases it takes imagination and creative flair to make a truly nice gift. For such cases, step-by-step instructions for making paper envelopes with photographs and videos will come in handy.

Simple envelope

How to make an envelope out of paper? There are several basic ways to quickly and easily create simple envelopes that will be useful in different life situations.

Method No. 1

To begin with, you can make a regular envelope of a classic shape.

What you will need:

  1. A4 sheet of paper;
  2. Scissors;
  3. Ruler;
  4. Pencil;

How to make a simple envelope:

Place a sheet of paper horizontally on a flat surface. Measure 72mm from the bottom left corner and mark a point on the paper. Now measure the same distance from the upper right corner and make a mark on the paper. Draw a line from each of these points to the opposite corner of the sheet so that a geometric parallelogram figure appears on the paper.

Now, according to the step-by-step instructions, you need to cut off the areas from the drawn lines. The sheet must be turned so that it resembles a diamond.

We bend the lower part back so that it does not interfere. You need to spread glue or double-sided tape along the edges of the side corners. Now fold the previously formed lower corner of the envelope up and press it against the adhesive side wings. All that remains is to close the product, sealing it if necessary.

Steps to create a simple envelope with equal sides.

Method No. 2

Another simple method, which differs slightly in the instructions, but maybe someone will like this option more.

What you will need:

  1. A sheet of A4 paper or a finished square;
  2. Scissors;
  3. Ruler;
  4. Glue or double-sided tape.

How to make a simple envelope:

If you have a ready-made square in stock, then you won’t need to cut anything, but if you have standard-sized paper, then you need to cut out the square.

We turn the square over so that it resembles a rhombus. Gently bend it in the middle, making a small fold in the center of the figure from bottom to top. Let's straighten it out.

We turn the bottom corner towards the center so that it rests against the fold made earlier. In the photograph, the location of the lower border is marked with a dotted line.

Now we bend the side wings. You can help yourself with a ruler to fold lines were smooth and neat . Then you need to bend the wings and apply glue along the bottom edge of each of them, as shown in the picture. We bend them again, this time gluing them to the central part.

Having made the final fold at the top, the envelope can be considered ready.

Step-by-step diagram for creating an envelope with a high central part.

Method No. 3

Another popular method is to create a rectangular envelope with your own hands.

What you will need:

  1. A4 sheet of paper;
  2. Scissors;
  3. Glue or double-sided tape.

How to make a simple envelope:

We fold the standard sheet according to the schematic drawing. When it is folded, one part should be longer than the other by such a distance that a flap can be made from this paper to seal the letter.

On the sides of the long side of the sheet, you need to make folds at a distance of 1.5 cm. On most of the sheet, separated by a transverse fold line, both edges outlined at 1.5 cm must be cut off, according to the figure below.

Fold the almost finished envelope along the fold line. the side parts on both sides of the product need to be glued together.

Trim the corners of the sealing flap and fold it towards the center.

A method for creating a rectangular envelope.

For money

We often give money as a gift, but in order to at least somehow show personal care and attention, we can do DIY money envelope . The main component of such a product is a tab for fixing it in the closed state, since the contents of the money envelope must be securely stored. Gift items can have a simple design, both outside and inside.

Here are suitable templates for creating money envelopes with your own hands:

Method 1
Method 2
Method 3
Method 4
Method 5
Method 6
Method 7

Those who like to create beautiful things with their own hands prefer decorate money envelopes with ribbons or separate pockets inside or outside the product, make layers of different materials (paper, silk, lace, ribbons, decorative ropes), decorate with sparkles, rhinestones, hand drawings.

How to decorate an envelope with your own hands

Beautiful square

Despite the fact that a shape such as a square is popular among ready-made envelopes, there are interesting ways to create beautiful products with your own hands. We will tell you about one of these in step-by-step instructions with photographs.

What you will need:

  1. A sheet of thick A4 paper;
  2. Scissors;
  3. Compass;
  4. Ruler;
  5. A needle with a wide eye and floss thread.

How to make a simple envelope:

Draw a rhombus with equal angles in the center of a standard sheet.

Cut out a shape with four semicircles from a rectangular sheet of beautiful paper, as shown in the photo.

Now you need to wrap the resulting petals of the future envelope with even folds, as shown in the step-by-step photo instructions below.

The result should be a square shape with beautiful petals.

A paper product looks aesthetically pleasing as is, but you can add it with secure ties, in case something important and personal is stored in it. To do this, you need to carefully sew two opposite petals of the envelope.

You can also decorate an envelope without using a needle . To do this, you can tie the product with thread as follows:

Photo ideas for creating paper envelopes

These photos will inspire those who are looking for interesting ideas for creating beautiful envelopes using origami technique. Here you can find different types of products for all occasions: birthday, decorative, individually designed, as well as DIY wedding envelopes.

Of course, the easiest way is to buy envelopes at any post office. But sometimes situations arise when there is a need to make an envelope yourself. Perhaps you need custom packaging for gifts, money or greeting cards?

Purchased envelopes were almost never original. And if you need exactly this, then the best way out is to make an envelope from A4 paper with your own hands. In this case, the originality of the product depends solely on your imagination. But the recipient will certainly appreciate your skills and efforts, because, be that as it may, handmade work is always held in high esteem.

How to make an envelope from A4 paper

Stock up on white or wrapping paper, scissors and patience. Everything is not as difficult as it seems at first glance! The design of the envelope directly depends on the style of the gift and your personal preferences. Using vintage paper, chic congratulatory envelopes are designed, which can be additionally decorated with satin ribbons, antique stamps, beads or artificial flowers for solemnity.

A small ordinary envelope with your own hands

Now we will tell you how to make a small envelope with your own hands, which even a person far from needlework can handle. So, if time is pressing, and you need an envelope right now, use the following algorithm:

  1. Take a regular A4 sheet of paper and cut a square out of it.
  2. Bend it exactly in the middle, but just barely marking the fold.
  3. Fold the edge of the bottom sheet towards the center mark.
  4. Fold the side corners of the envelope so as to create vertical folds.
  5. Then bend the top corners, making sure that they are larger than the bottom ones.
  6. The result will be a triangle at the top, which must be folded so that the envelope can be closed.

A more complex option: how to make an envelope from A4 paper step by step instructions

A homemade envelope can be classified as the very basic level of origami science, which even children can master! It should be noted that a very small envelope is obtained from an A4 sheet, but most often there is no need for more. Accordingly, for a large envelope it is necessary to take large sheets of paper.

Stages of work:

  • bending one of the corners of the A4 sheet to the edge, we make a square, and cut off the remaining part and put it aside as unnecessary;
  • take the resulting square and bend it clearly diagonally, and turn the resulting triangle with its base in your direction;
  • bend the top of the triangle to the center of the base, after drawing a ruler to mark the exact place of the bend;
  • then we divide the diagonal into 3 parts, placing points;
  • We bend the right and left corners to certain marks, while fixing the folds with a pressed ruler;
  • bend the free corner to the previous fold line;
  • then we begin to form a pocket, for which a small triangle is placed vertically, and the pocket is opened in different directions using 2 fingers, fixing the deflections;
  • and at the last stage we bend the top of the envelope to insert the corner into the pocket. All is ready!

Do-it-yourself A4 paper envelope: a very simple way

This envelope option is considered one of the simplest. To do this, take an A4 sheet and mark, according to the diagram, 72 mm at the bottom left and at the top right. Then draw diagonals and cut off the excess paper. The result is a rhombus, which is the main part of our envelope.

The side corners should be folded towards the middle, and the bottom corner should be placed slightly higher than the side corners. It is very important not to forget to fix each bend using a flat object or a regular ruler.

Do-it-yourself envelope from A4 sheet: master class

Now we will describe another master class, with the help of which we will seal the information written on a sheet of paper in a beautiful and original envelope. To do this, perform the following manipulations:

  1. Take an A4 sheet of paper, write text on it and fold it straight across the middle.
  2. Lightly mark the center of the sheet and unfold it again.
  3. The upper right corner must be folded towards the middle of the sheet.
  4. Do similar manipulations with the lower left corner.
  5. Now the edge of the sheet on the right must be folded so that the edge of the triangle folded in step 3 coincides with the cut.
  6. Perform similar actions with the left edge of the sheet.
  7. Then you need to rotate the resulting part 90 degrees and bend the upper right corner along the dotted line. In this case, the edges of the figure should coincide. Perform similar manipulations on the left. The product is ready!

Envelope "soldier's triangle"

During the Second World War, it was not possible to use factory-made envelopes, so the soldiers made their own paper triangles on which they wrote the address. A similar skill can be useful in our time. So how to make such an unusual envelope from A4 paper?

Prepare the following tools in advance:

  • A4 sheet of paper;
  • scissors;
  • paper glue;
  • ruler;
  • simple pencil.

Are you interested in how to make an envelope from A4 paper? Step-by-step instructions will help you understand all the nuances:

  • cut a rectangle from an A4 piece of paper, then align the long side diagonally with one of the short sides;
  • when you bend the triangle formed as a result of previous manipulations, it should turn out to be isosceles and complemented by a paper strip;
  • take the edges of the strip and bend it to the base of the triangle;
  • the result is an envelope tab, which is tucked into the pocket at the top and the product is considered ready.

Envelope with a heart

Before work, you must prepare scissors, thick paper or cardboard measuring 300x300 mm, thin decorative paper, decorations in the form of beads or flowers and a satin ribbon.

Take cardboard and cut out a heart from it using a template. Using the same template, 1 cm from the top edge, make an outline on decorative thin paper, which is the basis for the envelope. Now we draw lines: horizontal, 120 mm from the top of the sheet, and the same, but lower, 100 mm from the first line.

At the points where 2 lines intersect (forming the outline and the bottom), draw two straight lines of a vertical type. All you have to do is cut out the heart and fold it along the drawn lines. At the very end, decorate the resulting product with a satin ribbon and beads. It’s great if the congratulations are written on the heart itself.

DIY CD envelope

Does it happen that you need to transport a disk with information, but there is no packaging at hand, or you want to present someone with a disk with memorable recordings? Now we will tell you how to make a simple CD sleeve.

You need to take an A4 sheet and place a disk in the center of its lower part, which serves as a guide and helps to avoid errors in size. Then fold the sides, and the disk should be folded up along with the paper, turning it to the other side.

All that remains is to wrap the top and make sure that the disc lies in the middle of the envelope. Now remove the disk from the paper blank and glue the internal components of the envelope. However, do not forget that there must be enough disk space left! The corners of the top part should be folded inside the envelope, and the lid should be placed in the pocket.

Is the form ready? Decorate it to your liking and don’t be afraid of flights of fancy! Your efforts will definitely be appreciated!

It often happens that you need an envelope, but there is no time to buy it. And why buy something that is easy to make yourself? Let's look at how to make an envelope from A4 in a variety of ways. In such envelopes you can send letters, having previously pasted a postage stamp, give money, small gifts, confessions, congratulations, messages, whatever! Using our instructions, you can make any envelope - from the simplest to an unusual product with a complex configuration.

How to make a letter envelope from A4 paper?

Making an envelope for a letter with A4 paper, scissors and glue on hand is a matter of minutes. It can be made in one of two ways. For this we need:

  1. sheet A4;
  2. regular ruler;
  3. pencil or pen;
  4. any scissors;
  5. glue stick or glue.

1 way

  • On an A4 format sheet, on the long sides from opposite corners, use a ruler to measure a distance of 7 cm 2 mm and put two dots.
  • Using a ruler and pencil, we connect the resulting points with nearby opposite corners, as shown in the diagram.
  • Using the drawn lines, cut off the two resulting triangles. The envelope blank is ready.
  • Now the workpiece needs to be bent correctly. First we make the side folds of the envelope. To do this, bend the corners along the long diagonal of the rhombus so that they meet in the center.
  • Then we make the bottom fold so that the corner is in the center and overlaps the edges of the converging side parts.
  • We make the top fold in the same way.
  • Carefully glue the bottom corner to the side corners, being careful not to let the glue get inside the envelope.
  • We insert the message and seal the top of the envelope.

2 way

  1. We bend the A4 sheet along the long side so that the edges do not coincide by 3 centimeters.
  2. We straighten the sheet and draw parallel lines along the long edges at a distance of 1.5-2 cm.
  3. We cut the resulting strips, reaching the fold, as shown in the diagram.
  4. We bend the remaining part of the strips inward along the drawn lines.
  5. We bend the workpiece again and glue the folded strips to the edges of the back of the envelope.
  6. Bend the top part and cut off the corners diagonally.
  7. The envelope is ready, all that remains is to insert the contents and seal it.

How to make a large envelope from A4 paper?

It happens that sending documents requires a large envelope, but you only have A4 paper on hand. How to make a large envelope from A4 sheet? A large envelope cannot be made from one sheet, but it can be made from two sheets. Its design is similar in principle to that described in the previous section. Let's look at the whole process step by step.

  • From one A4 sheet we cut 5 cm along the long side and 4 cm along the short side. The result will be a sheet of slightly reduced format. This is exactly the size our future envelope will be.
  • We place the reduced sheet on the A4 format so that strips of 2 cm protrude from the side edges and below, and 3 cm from the top.
  • We bend all the protruding strips inward so that the halves of the envelope are the same size.
  • We cut off the excess paper along the folds of the lower corners at an angle of 45 degrees.
  • We decorate the upper part of the envelope by cutting 2x3 cm rectangles from the edges along the fold line, then slightly bevel the corners.
  • Glue the halves of the envelope on the sides and bottom.
  • After the glue has dried, insert the documents and seal the top part.

How to make an envelope from A4 paper without glue and scissors?

1 way

You can make a simple envelope without glue and scissors if you have tape on hand. To make it, it is better to use thick material rather than writing paper. You can take an A4 landscape sheet or colored paper.

  1. Fold the corners along the short side toward the center axis of the sheet, just like you did when you were a kid making paper airplanes. We have a smooth pentagon.
  2. Along the sides of the pentagon, bend strips 3.5-4 cm wide towards the central axis. Our pentagon has become narrower.
  3. Now we bend the envelope crosswise, aligning the bottom edge with two symmetrical corners of the pentagon.
  4. Make a fold line along the top edge of the envelope.
  5. We put the contents inside and fold the envelope first along the bottom fold, and then along the top.
  6. Then we tape the corner of the envelope with tape. After this, glue strips of tape along the side seams.

The task of making envelopes becomes a little more difficult if you don't have scissors, glue and tape on hand. But the Japanese art of origami will help us cope with it. There are many ways to make an envelope from A4 in which the envelope does not open even without sealing. Let's look at some of them.

2 way

For this envelope we will need a paper square. This can be a piece cut from an A4 sheet or a square piece of any paper - colored, decorative wrapping, paper wallpaper. Choose the material based on the purpose of the envelope.

  • We bend our paper square diagonally so that the front side of the paper is on the outside. We turn the resulting triangle with its base towards itself.
  • We bend one corner so that its vertex is exactly in the middle of the base of the triangle. Check that the fold lines are parallel.
  • Divide the base of the triangle into three equal segments.
  • We restore the perpendiculars from the marking points and bend the corners of the triangle inward along them. We should get a pentagon.
  • We bend the top corner in the center towards the edge so that its top coincides with the top of the resulting pentagon.
  • We unfold the bent triangle by pressing on the fold line and sticking our fingers inside. We turn it into a square, aligning the former fold line with the axis of symmetry of the craft. We have a pocket for closing the envelope.
  • We put the message in the envelope, fold the top closing part of the envelope, and tuck the top into the pocket. Our envelope will not open spontaneously even without sealing.


Sometimes the role of the envelope can be played by the letter itself. These are, for example, the famous soldier triangles, in which during the war military personnel sent messages from the front. Let's look at how to make such a simple message envelope.

  1. Take an A4 sheet of paper with the text written on it and combine its long and short sides to form a right triangle after folding. The text should be inside.
  2. After this, align the legs of this triangle by making another fold.
  3. Bend the corners of the remaining rectangle at the bottom at an angle of 45 degrees. This will be the envelope tab.
  4. Tuck the resulting tongue under the top layer of the triangle. The message is ready, you can hand it over.

Envelope letter

Another way to fold a letter is a little more difficult to execute, but it looks more presentable.

  • Write everything you planned on an A4 sheet of paper and fold it along the long side with the writing inward.
  • After this, unfold the sheet and pull the opposite corners to the fold line, folding the letter so that you get two triangles, the legs of which coincide with the original fold line.
  • We bend the rectangles remaining on the sides along the central axis so that their edges coincide with the legs of the triangles. You should end up with a rhombus with truncated vertices.
  • We bend one of the vertices of the rhombus at a right angle to the side. In this case, it should exactly coincide with the bottom layer of the figure. Fold back the bottom hem and tuck the top of the diamond into it.
  • We perform similar actions with the other top: bending it at a right angle, tuck it into the resulting pocket.
  • The message envelope is ready.

How to make a beautiful envelope with your own hands from A4 paper?

If you need a beautiful envelope for a gift or congratulations, then you can make it in any of the above ways, taking beautiful paper or decorating the product.

The material for the envelope can be anything. You can take the remains of beautiful wallpaper, a bright poster with any suitable image - from a still life to a poster for a blockbuster. You must consider the aesthetic tastes of your recipient, as well as the context within which you will be delivering the envelope. Can be used to make pages from glossy magazines. For example, an envelope for a cash gift will look interesting if it is made from a poster or glossy magazine illustration depicting dollars, euros or other currency.

If you only have white paper at your disposal, you can paint and decorate it yourself. If your recipient is a refined person, then he will appreciate an envelope made of aged paper. You can get this effect in one of the following ways:

  1. Dissolve 10 teaspoons of instant coffee in a glass of water. Pour the resulting liquid into a bowl and place a sheet of white, non-glossy paper there. You can crumple it first. Remove the wet sheet and dry it on clothespins. Dry the damp paper with an iron. Instead of coffee, you can take strong brewed black tea.
  2. There is also a known method of aging paper using milk. Soak a cotton pad in milk and soak the white paper on both sides. Dry it until slightly damp, and then iron it with a hot iron. The aged effect will be created by uneven brown stains, and your envelope will have a rare look.
  3. To make the paper look more authentic, make stains on it by rubbing coffee granules in some places.

The same aged cotton lace will look organic on aged paper, but they should be used to a minimum so that the product retains its elegance. To make exclusive envelopes, you can use other scrapbooking ideas.

Photo and video

You can learn many ways to make a beautiful envelope from videos and photos.


A love message can be sealed in an envelope made from a paper heart.

  • Cut out a heart from red paper. To make it even, fold the sheet in half and first draw an outline.
  • Then, from the cut out figure, fold and glue the envelope according to the diagram shown.


An envelope with rounded edges folded in the shape of a flower looks beautiful. To make it, you will need thin, plain cardboard.

  1. Draw a square on the back of the cardboard so that along its edges there are stripes at least half the width of the square.
  2. From the center of each side, draw a semicircle with a compass.
  3. Cut out the resulting shape and bend the petals towards the center of the square.
  4. To close such an envelope, intertwine the petals into a lock and tie the gift with a decorative cord or ribbon.