What to eat for breakfast when you're losing weight. How to whip up a healthy breakfast

The right attitude towards healthy eating should be formed in every person, because it is better to eat exclusively natural products for breakfast when losing weight than to poison yourself with low-quality semi-finished products in the morning. A well-chosen combination of nutrients in the diet activates the body’s hidden resources and helps you endure any stress more easily.

What is breakfast

The first meal of the day, which occurs between dawn and noon, is commonly called breakfast. According to the recommendations of nutritionists, it is not recommended to skip it due to the importance of consuming certain micro and macroelements in the morning. Statistics show that people who regularly forget to eat breakfast are much more likely to suffer from diabetes, obesity or a heart attack. The first meal sets the rhythm for the whole day, helping the body to fully wake up and activate metabolic processes.

The right breakfast for weight loss

To quickly and effectively lose extra pounds, it is important to promptly choose the right breakfast menu for weight loss. The main secret of healthy food lies in a skillful combination of products. Ingredients are selected based on the number of calories and micronutrients contained in the dish. This is how its energy value is calculated, because any food is a source of amino acids and vitamins in the body. For this reason, an ideally balanced diet necessarily includes proteins, complex carbohydrates and fats.

Calorie content

The total energy value of the dish for people losing weight is 300 calories (kcal). Most of them are allocated to complex carbohydrates and proteins, and fat levels should be reduced to the optimal amount. The following products are perfect as a base ingredient: wheat bran, oatmeal, muesli or buckwheat. Any diet can be supplemented with low-fat yogurt, but this should not affect the calorie content of breakfast when losing weight. It is recommended to use boiled chicken fillet, steamed cutlets or boiled eggs as a protein component.

What can you eat

There is no universal recipe that will be good for every person. Each case requires a separate study, because treatment should be based on the initial state of the body. Breakfast products must be selected individually, based on the needs or characteristics of a particular person. In the absence of diseases and contraindications, it is recommended to start the day with sour vegetables or fruits, a light salad of which will help awaken your appetite. This method is well suited for those who find it difficult to eat in the morning.

What drink

A healthy breakfast for weight loss is only half the success. It is equally important to pay attention to other important issues, such as what to drink for breakfast. Based on the advice of nutritionists, green tea and black coffee are the best choices in this situation. Instant drinks are harmful to the stomach, so any liquids consumed should be of natural origin. It is advisable to eliminate salt and sugar from your diet completely, minimizing their amount day by day.

Breakfast options with proper nutrition

To maintain health, you should adhere to established standards, where proper breakfasts for weight loss are a mandatory component. Their main task lies in the systematic replenishment of the body's energy resources by extracting nutrients from food. Breakfast options with proper nutrition are based on four essential ingredients that energize the human body for the whole day. These include grains (dishes made from unprocessed cereals), such as millet or pearl barley.

Vegetables that do not contain starch (broccoli, tomato, radish, eggplant) or fruits (avocado, banana, apple, pear) are suitable as a vegetable component. For those who have problems with early meals, fruit smoothies will help overcome this barrier and learn to eat on time in the morning. You can drink milk or kefir, but you shouldn’t forget about the protein component of your diet. You can add a piece of lean boiled meat to the salad, seasoning it with lemon juice and herbs.


Breakfast for those losing weight should be nutritious, tasty and low in calories. Constant exhausting diets will not bring a good mood, so it would be a good idea to spend more time in the morning thinking through your menu. An exclusively protein breakfast for weight loss is necessary only for those people who are intensely involved in sports or are preparing for competitions. Doctors advise everyone else to add complex carbohydrates to their diet. Such dishes fuel the body with energy and trigger metabolic processes.


A good morning meal option is a small amount of canned beans with scrambled eggs and vegetables. In addition, the body must receive a portion of complex carbohydrates for breakfast, which make up half of the total weight of consumed dishes. You can accomplish this task with any non-starchy vegetables, whole grains or fruits. These products satisfy the feeling of hunger and provide the body with useful substances that participate in the body's metabolic processes.


To increase daily productivity, nutritionists recommend using foods high in healthy components. This diet has a lot of variations: from the simplest (omelet with salad) to the more complex (julienne with meat). Preparing elaborate dishes takes a lot of time, but the results are definitely worth the effort. You can do without a gourmet menu, limiting yourself to yogurt with cottage cheese and fruit. A protein-carbohydrate breakfast should be consumed not only during a diet, but also during regular physical activity such as fitness or bodybuilding.

Low calorie

There is a myth that eating a minimum amount of food for breakfast when losing weight is the key to quickly burning excess calories. This statement is fundamentally erroneous, since a lack of nutrients leads to the development of pathological processes in the body, which significantly affects its well-being. The benefit of low-calorie breakfasts for weight loss is replacing unhealthy fats that tend to accumulate with natural ingredients. Even a small child can make the simplest recipe for such a dish. All it needs is:

  • a glass of kefir;
  • honey to taste;
  • favorite fruits or berries;
  • some nuts.

Healthy breakfast recipes

The best breakfast for weight loss consists of three components: complex carbohydrates, proteins and fats. The sequence is headed by foods with the highest energy value, the benefits of which for the body are undeniable. The last ingredient must be present in strictly limited quantities. Healthy breakfast recipes allow for the consumption of freshly squeezed juices, smoothies and other healthy drinks high in vitamins. In the morning, it is best to eat yogurt with oatmeal, and lean meat and fish will perfectly complement any side dish.

Healthy sandwiches

To prepare a diet breakfast for weight loss, you don’t have to get up at the crack of dawn. The most delicious dishes can be made in five or ten minutes, and if you are sorely short of free time in the morning, you can eat toast or healthy sandwiches for breakfast. However, they should be made only from fresh and natural ingredients. For a sandwich you will need only a few products that are present in every housewife's kitchen: bread, boiled eggs, cucumber, lettuce and mustard.

Healthy cereals

Of all the healthy dishes that you can eat for breakfast while losing weight, the first place belongs to grain crops. Breakfast porridge for weight loss performs several functions at once: they normalize the functioning of the digestive system and release the necessary amount of energy resources for the active functioning of the body. The most popular dishes are: buckwheat, millet, oatmeal, pea and rice porridge. They are a source of valuable nutrients, so supplementing your diet with these components can improve your health.

Oatmeal with kefir

The feeling of lightness after eating is considered an important indicator of the correctness of the selected diet for the gastrointestinal tract. Oatmeal with kefir for breakfast for weight loss cleanses the intestines of waste and toxins that poison the body and cause disruptions in its functioning. A diet using these products has many advantages, one of which is considered body weight regulation. People who regularly use this menu do not experience constipation or stomach pain. By keeping your cholesterol levels in check, you won't have to worry about diabetes or heart disease.

Cottage cheese

This fermented milk product has a number of beneficial properties, so it is often found in various mono-diets. Low-fat cottage cheese for breakfast for weight loss has a low calorie content, in addition, it goes well with dried fruits such as prunes, raisins or dried apricots. Cottage cheese helps normalize glucose levels, which has a positive effect on weight loss dynamics. Losing extra pounds occurs by reducing cravings for sweets. In addition, cottage cheese contains calcium and other beneficial vitamins that the body needs daily.


We have been familiar with this dish since childhood, although most people have no idea about its true value. An omelette for breakfast for weight loss can be steamed, fried in a frying pan or cooked in the oven. The last method is considered the most dietary, but the others will not cause significant harm to health. The variety of products used allows you to avoid satiety, so this side dish will always be relevant. To prepare an omelet you will need a couple of eggs, a little milk, a tomato and optional meat.


Sometimes you want to diversify any meal with tasty and natural products that would add zest to the dish. Cheese for breakfast falls into this category, because it contains such important microelements as calcium and protein. Cheese can be sprinkled on a casserole, added to a salad, or used to make sandwiches. It is suitable for almost any menu, giving familiar products a new taste.


It is common knowledge that the Queen of England starts every morning with a bowl of porridge. However, not everyone understands how beneficial it is to lose weight by eating oatmeal for breakfast. Oat products are considered a universal component for any program to improve the body’s health, be it weight loss or weight gain. Eating oatmeal provides the body with all the necessary substances, which is better to eat for breakfast when losing weight: proteins, amino acids, fats and carbohydrates. In addition to the listed components, the porridge contains substances that help cleanse the skin.

Dietary egg breakfast

Eggs are a complex of micronutrients that the human body uses as a consumable material to build muscle tissue. This protein product can be boiled (soft-boiled or hard-boiled), fried or drunk raw. Eggs for breakfast for weight loss are a delicious dietary food that anyone can prepare at home. To ensure that the menu is not monotonous, it is worth having a couple of original recipes in reserve.


Is it good to drink for breakfast? natural coffe, rather than soluble surrogates, or Black tea- these drinks help you lose weight. Get rid of cream and sugar in coffee - they will not bring any benefit.

Myths about breakfast

Television and the media instill in us stereotypes of breakfasts that should certainly be in every home, and we begin to consider them true. But is this really so?

The right breakfast for effective weight loss / shutterstock.com

Let's talk about these myths in more detail:

  • Citrus juice for breakfast is actually not as healthy as people think. Due to fruit acids, it can irritate the stomach and cause discomfort, spoil tooth enamel and interfere with digestion. You should drink juice no earlier than an hour after breakfast.
  • yogurt with special bacteria, which in addition to nutrition also supposedly improves immunity, is in fact nothing more than advertising. Only yogurt with a shelf life of no more than 3-5 days and not from plastic jars can be useful. Widely advertised yoghurts from real yoghurts only have a name.
  • muesli, according to their manufacturers, is also an excellent breakfast, but the method of obtaining muesli is far from the principles of proper nutrition: the flakes lose some of the beneficial minerals and vitamins , and the fruit in the granola is gassed for vibrant color. According to many studies, some muesli contains more fat than fried potatoes.
  • They say that it is harmful to eat cheeses for breakfast, they are fatty. But as we said above, a little fat in breakfast is only good, so a couple of pieces of cheese will provide a portion of protein and fat for strength and vigor. Just don't eat spicy and salty cheese.
  • There is also a myth that you shouldn't eat breakfast eat bananas because they are high in calories. Website opinion: Banana calories for breakfast are not dangerous; in addition, due to its structure, banana envelops the digestive system and activates peristalsis. In addition, bananas give a feeling of calm and relieve symptoms of premenstrual syndrome.

What can you eat?

You can create your own breakfast menu according to your wishes and capabilities, because eating tasty and healthy is not difficult.

Here are examples of breakfasts:

  • oatmeal with raspberries, toast with cheese and butter, black coffee ,
  • lavash with chicken and tomato, cocktail of berries with cereals and yogurt,
  • cottage cheese casserole with apple, green tea,
  • steam omelette with dill and feta, coffee with cinnamon,
  • buckwheat with vegetables and meatballs, black tea with lemon.

There can be many options for breakfast, it’s up to you what your morning diet and mood for the whole day will be. Proper nutrition gives you energy, not extra centimeters on your waist. Breakfast is not a meal you should skip.

What did you eat for breakfast today?


A proper balanced breakfast is the best start to the day. There is no such diet in which the morning meal would be skipped.

The only exception is severe fasting, but this diet is strongly not recommended. When a person decides to start losing weight, he makes a lot of mistakes in organizing his diet.

Namely, he skips his morning meal.

You can’t do this, as the feeling of hunger will return very quickly, which will lead to unnecessary snacks.

What should breakfast be like for weight loss? Light, low-calorie, but nutritious.

Misconceptions about breakfast

1. You don’t have to eat in the morning. When a person sleeps, his body also rests. This means your metabolism and metabolism slows down. If you don’t eat after waking up, you will feel weak, depressed, and lethargic throughout the day. Skipping breakfast will cause the brain to be deprived of nutrients, and all body systems will not function normally. Morning meal is very important. It is important to saturate the body with vitamins and nutrients that stimulate metabolic processes.

2. Small portions. A proper breakfast for weight loss should be light, but at the same time nutritious. If you reduce the portion, this will lead to the fact that soon the person will feel hungry again and will have to snack.

3. Unbalanced portion. It is impossible for breakfast to consist only of proteins or only of carbohydrates. The morning meal should be balanced, only then will it benefit the body.

Breakfast for weight loss: what it should be

Excess weight most often occurs due to poor nutrition. Breakfast plays a very important role here. How a person starts his morning is how he will feel throughout the rest of the day. If you want to lose a few kilograms, you need to start with the proper organization of breakfast. You should not resort to strict diets. They are effective, but the results obtained are not long-term, the body will begin to require more calories, and as a result, the weight will return.

What should breakfast be like for weight loss: main points

1. Nourishing, but at the same time easy on the digestive system. You cannot load your stomach with “heavy food” in the morning.

2. Fast. The modern rhythm of life leaves a person little time to prepare food. You need to think of a recipe for a morning snack that can be prepared quickly.

3. Natural, so that the body can receive the necessary supply of vitamins and other nutrients. This is important for brain activity, the digestive system, metabolism and the functioning of all gastrointestinal organs.

4. Tasty - you should eat with pleasure. Breakfast should be such that a person wants to repeat it again and again, otherwise all the efforts of proper nutrition will come to nothing.

It is not difficult to adhere to the presented advice from nutritionists; they are very simple. In addition, the result will not take long to arrive. Proper nutrition promotes natural weight loss and overall improved health. After the first week of following this technique, a person will feel much better.

List of taboo foods for morning meals

The morning menu must be compiled correctly; not all products are allowed to be included in it.

What should not be in a proper breakfast for weight loss:

Instant porridge and muesli, they contain too much sugar and chemical components;

Store-bought juices to lose weight, you need to drink only natural drinks;

Fried foods and fatty meats are not suitable for a morning snack - they are too “heavy” food;

You need to forget about a piece of cake in the morning, sweets and other confectionery products.

Calculating your breakfast portion for weight loss is very simple. You need to clench your hand into a fist - its volume will be equal to the volume of the stomach. The food portion should be slightly smaller. This will be enough to start the metabolism and the digestive system without loading the stomach.

What can be included in the morning menu

How do you know what to cook for yourself in the morning to fill you up without gaining excess weight? There is a list of foods that are best for breakfast. By compiling a menu of them, a person will be able to saturate his body with useful substances and a boost of energy for a long period of time.

1. Porridge

Porridge is very healthy and tasty. Cereals contain a huge amount of complex carbohydrates and other nutritional components. The best breakfast for weight loss is regular oatmeal. You can cook it not only with water, but also with low-fat milk and kefir. You can also cook buckwheat in the morning; it contains a lot of protein and carbohydrates. It is recommended to cook the cereal in milk - it turns out very tasty, this dish gives you a feeling of fullness for the whole day. For variety, you can also cook brown rice or corn porridge in the morning. The only rule is that it is not recommended to add sugar to dishes. It would be better to chop the fruits finely to give the porridge more taste and nutrition.

2. Dairy products

A milk breakfast normalizes digestion and metabolism, regulates the functioning of all gastrointestinal organs. Low-fat cottage cheese, kefir, fermented baked milk, and natural yogurt are best suited for morning meals. Such a snack will saturate the body with protein and important vitamins and will satisfy the feeling of hunger for a long time.

3. Salad is another healthy breakfast option for weight loss

In addition, this is a great opportunity to diversify your diet. In the morning, you can prepare a salad of fresh fruits or vegetables for yourself. It is recommended to drink this breakfast with a glass of low-fat kefir to normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and intestinal motility.

4. Smoothies and cocktails

Drinking these drinks for breakfast has many benefits:

They are very tasty;

Prepared as quickly as possible;

They give a burst of energy, while being low in calories;

They look appetizing;

The good thing about smoothies and cocktails is that they can be constantly varied. You can prepare drinks based on fruits, vegetables, dairy products and grains. It is also useful to add flax seeds and cinnamon - these components speed up metabolic processes.

Breakfast for weight loss: recipes for low-calorie and easily digestible dishes

Oatmeal with fruit


Frozen or fresh fruits, berries (2 tablespoons);

3 tablespoons oatmeal (not instant);

500 ml water.

The water is brought to a boil, then the oatmeal is added. The porridge is boiled for 10 minutes, then finely chopped fruit can be added to it. For taste, sprinkle the dish with a small amount of chopped nuts.

Curd smoothie


Low-fat cottage cheese (3 tablespoons);

Chopped dill (2 tablespoons);

Boiled egg;

Natural yogurt without sweeteners (2 tablespoons).

Cottage cheese is mixed well with chopped herbs, egg and yogurt are added to the resulting mass. Everything is thoroughly crushed using a blender; adding salt is not recommended. The resulting milk smoothie will perfectly remove hunger in the morning, start the stomach and saturate the body with energy.

Low calorie cocktail mix


Pear, apple (1 fruit each);

Cucumber (1 piece);

Celery stalk (1 piece);

1 medium grapefruit;

Cereal flakes (2 tablespoons);

250 ml water.

Fruits and vegetables are peeled, all ingredients are placed in a blender and crushed until a homogeneous consistency is formed. The cocktail turns out to be very satisfying and healthy - this is an excellent breakfast option for weight loss. The drink contains many vitamins and nutritional components, while its calorie content is low.

Now no one will have questions about how to prepare the right breakfast for weight loss. The recipes presented above are perfect for a morning snack. They are filling, healthy, low-calorie, and easily digestible by the stomach. If you want to get rid of excess weight, it is important to remember the main rule - only proper measured nutrition will allow you to lose kilos so that they do not come back.

Don't know what to eat for breakfast when losing weight? Are you on a diet or just leading a healthy lifestyle? Today we will find out what is the best breakfast for us

Lovely girls. Continuing our topic, I answer Ira Shnurko’s question about breakfast.
Why is breakfast the most important meal of the day and what is the best way to have breakfast?
Let's get started...

Many people trying to lose weight skip breakfast to reduce their calorie intake. This is a big mistake. Blood sugar is the most powerful signal of hunger. I repeat once again, during sleep the body uses most of the carbohydrates stored in the liver, which help maintain normal blood sugar levels! If you don't eat breakfast, low blood sugar sends a signal to the hunger center in your brain. This signal can be so powerful that you eat more for lunch or you constantly want to chew something throughout the day.

According to researchers, people who eat breakfast have better control over their weight than those who try to skip breakfast.

Some statistics))) American scientists checked how things are going with breakfast among people included in the National Weight Control Registry (USA). They were especially interested in those who were able to get rid of an extra 15 kg and maintain this shape for at least a year. They looked at the diets of 2,959 men and women from this database. It turned out that 78% of people who managed to consolidate their success eat breakfast every day! And, conversely, of those who ate breakfast more than 5 times a week, less than 5% remained in shape. Hence the conclusion: a good weight loss process or diet starts with breakfast! Those who eat breakfast in the morning burn more calories throughout the day, likely because they have more energy.

Breakfast- especially if it contains protein - can delay the emergence of a monstrous monster called hunger for several hours. Amino acids act like delayed-release capsules that keep you from overeating.
Does eating toast for breakfast make you sleepy? Do you feel the urge to sleep? Then pay attention to the products that are most suitable for breakfast that I want to offer you.

Are eggs too much cholesterol? Rave! Egg white, breaking down into amino acids, produces an excellent protein. By removing the yolk from an egg, you will eliminate the unwanted intake of cholesterol and excess fat.

Yogurt - healthy balance, natural flora of your intestinal tract. In addition, yogurt is rich in calcium and protein (I immediately exclude store-bought miracle yogurts, except natural ones!). Try to make yogurt at home yourself, especially if you have a multicooker - it’s easy

Grapefruit is a fat-burning enzyme and provides the daily dose of vitamin C a person needs. Does anything else need to be said?

Lean meat, poultry— start the day with protein, which stabilizes blood sugar levels. Boiled chicken fillet for breakfast will be tasty, satisfying and healthy. The day will start off strong! And the feeling of hunger will not visit you all day.

Seasonal fruits (berries)- an excellent source of fiber and vitamins. Raspberries, strawberries, cherries or sweet cherries

Oatmeal is the superstar of the world's nutrition. It is rich in complex carbohydrates and fiber (half a glass of oatmeal or cereal contains 27 g of carbohydrates and 4 g of fiber). It slowly delivers glucose to the muscles, which helps maintain the required energy level. We steam the oatmeal in the evening, we do not cook it, remember this.

I look forward to your new questions on topics that interest you.
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Greetings, dear admirers of a healthy lifestyle. Do you know how important a healthy breakfast is for weight loss?

Today I will tell you why it is necessary to eat in the morning and give examples of the most popular morning meal. Do you want to know? Then read the article!

Eat breakfast yourself

“I don’t want this! I won’t!” - many people probably screamed in childhood, refusing breakfast. Most people wonder: “How can you stuff food into yourself when your body is still sleeping?” Admit it, have you ever had such thoughts?

What's the point

Did you know that modern dietetics has a different opinion? Based on the results of numerous experiments, it was found that people who skip their morning meals are prone to overeating during the day.

But those who regularly eat breakfast trigger metabolic processes in the body. It is known that those who eat breakfast have a 5% higher metabolism than those who constantly skip meals.

Let's do the math. Over the course of a year, a person who does not have breakfast (assuming a constant daily caloric intake) can gain from 2 to 5 kg of excess weight. That's it - out of the blue!

This is understandable. A significant part of the night's energy has already been spent. Eating after an “overnight fast” triggers metabolic processes. Consequently, active calorie burning will occur throughout the day.

But I’ll tell you right away: breakfast should be right. This means no goodies in the form of a chocolate bar, cake, etc. (as it is now fashionable to say). Overeating sweets (and as a result - insulin spikes) is just as harmful as refusing morning food.

Five reasons to have breakfast

Doctors identify several reasons in favor of breakfast:

  • obtaining nutrients, essential vitamins and microelements;
  • appetite control during the day;
  • improving brain function and concentration;
  • rapid recovery after physical activity;
  • good mood, vigor and efficiency.

Ideal breakfasts

Did you know that there is no universal breakfast? It’s like this saying: “What’s good for a Russian is death for a German.” All people are individual and react differently to carbohydrate foods.

For example, one person can eat oatmeal with a banana, and then suffer from hunger. Yes, imagine, this happens!

In order to find out which type of breakfast suits your body best (that is, when you will not feel hungry for the longest time), I suggest conducting a small experiment.

On Monday we prepare a protein morning meal. Then we monitor when the “sucking in the pit of the stomach” begins. We fix the time.

On Tuesday we make a carbohydrate breakfast. And again we record the feeling of hunger. The next day, you need to prepare a breakfast high in healthy fats. The steps are the same - write down the time when you get hungry.

If you conduct such an experiment, it will become clear what kind of breakfast is right for you. The longer you stay full, the better!

Simple truths

Nutritionists say that proper nutrition will help you get rid of extra pounds. They are against various diets and experiments on their body.

It is important to adhere to a diet that necessarily includes a proper breakfast for weight loss:

  • satisfying, but by no means heavy on the digestive tract;
  • easy to prepare;
  • contain useful microelements;
  • made from natural ingredients;
  • and most importantly - tasty (since bland breakfasts quickly get boring).

Examples and recipes for morning meals

Porridge is our food

Oatmeal is the universal breakfast of the British. However, you shouldn’t get hung up on oatmeal alone. Don’t forget about other cereals that are useful for weight loss - for example, buckwheat, pearl barley. In general, you can cook any porridge (except semolina), decorate it with berries and fruits and enjoy the meal.

We will need

any beautiful jar

  • 4 tbsp. l. oatmeal
  • 100 ml oat or coconut milk
  • 1 tsp. honey
  • ½ banana
  • 3 strawberries

You need to prepare this (I’m not afraid of this word) dessert in the evening. Place oatmeal, honey and sliced ​​banana into a jar. Fill it all with milk and put it in the refrigerator. In the morning, mix everything thoroughly, add berries and enjoy the taste.

Fried eggs

Another popular breakfast. Scrambled eggs can be prepared in different ways. Some people prepare it using the standard method - simply fry it in a frying pan. I offer you an interesting and tasty option - an egg in pepper.

To do this you will need bell pepper, egg, onion, favorite spices, and a pinch of salt. Cut the pepper into rings and place in a non-stick frying pan without oil.

Fry on both sides until brown, break the egg inside the ring. Sprinkle onions and spices on top. Simmer under the lid closed for 2-3 minutes.


You will need 2 eggs, 30 ml of oat milk, cherry tomatoes, herbs, a pinch of salt. Beat the eggs and milk well. Finely chop the tomatoes and herbs.

Heat a non-stick frying pan, pour in a mixture of eggs and milk, and add salt. Close the lid and simmer over low heat for 3 minutes.

Then add herbs and tomatoes. Close the lid. Continue to simmer over low heat until done. Bon appetit!

Oatmeal pancake

  • 2 eggs
  • 30 ml oat milk
  • 2 tbsp. l. oat or wheat bran

Mix eggs, oat bran and milk. Pour into a non-stick frying pan. Close the lid and keep until ready. Remove the resulting pancake.

You can come up with different fillings - it all depends on your preferences. Would you like a sweet pancake? Add fruits and berries! Want something different? Then you can add grated cheese or vegetables and herbs.

Bulgarian breakfast

Did you know that in Bulgaria they have a salad of cheese, olives and ripe tomatoes for breakfast? 7 dates are served with tea.

I suggest you diversify your diet with a dietary vegetable salad. Take any vegetables (except potatoes), herbs, cubes of feta cheese or feta cheese.

Season with unrefined olive oil mixed with lemon juice. You can also add any spices and a little sea salt.

You can add a handful of nuts and dried fruits to your tea. Bon appetit!


It all depends on your imagination. I will just add that you need to choose the right types of bread - it can be whole grain or rye.

You can make a sandwich with avocado and egg (or just avocado), with tomato and feta cheese, or you can make it with peanut butter (make sure there is no sugar in the composition) and banana.