Requirements for methodological work in dow. Methodological work in preschool educational institutions

Organization of methodological work in preschool educational institutions

Prepared by the head

MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 3 "Nightingale"

Ekaterina Vladimirovna Bobrovskaya

The main goal of methodological work in our preschool educational institution at the present stage is:

creating conditions for developing the readiness of teaching staff to work in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard for preschool education.

  • involve every teacher in creative search;
  • improve practical skills in professional activities;
  • contribute to the creation and preservation of an atmosphere of psychological comfort and creativity in the team of teachers, and a desire to share teaching experience;
  • promote the development of pedagogical thinking, create a favorable atmosphere for the creative work of all participants in professional excellence.

The main directions of the integrated approach in working with the teaching staff are:

  • improving the professional skills of teachers;
  • self-education;
  • self-development through various forms of methodological work;
  • updating the pedagogical process within the framework of the innovation regime;

  • interaction and integration of all participants in the educational process;
  • methodological support for an integrated approach to organizing the pedagogical process;
  • search and implementation of methods of pedagogical cooperation with families of pupils.

The forms and methods of organizing methodological work are being updated at preschool educational institutions.

The most appropriate forms of methodological work are interactive forms.

An interactive form is a way of interacting and influencing each other.

The most effective forms of organizing methodological work are:

  • teachers' council;
  • seminars, workshops;
  • open views;
  • medical and pedagogical meetings;
  • consultations;
  • pedagogical workshop;
  • master classes;
  • "round tables";
  • project activities;
  • methodological associations.

One of the most effective forms of providing methodological assistance and advanced training for teachers in preschool educational institutions is a workshop.

The main purpose of it is to update theoretical knowledge, improve skills and develop practical skills in connection with the need to master new ways of solving professional problems.

Seminars and workshops conducted at the preschool level:

  • “Modern technologies for the effective socialization of preschool children in preschool educational institutions in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard”,
  • “Project method of activity in preschool educational institutions”,
  • “Formation of a psychological microclimate in kindergarten groups.”

At the municipal level, workshops were held for all categories of preschool workers:

Speech therapist teachers - “Creation of special educational conditions for children with disabilities”;

Educators – “Development of speech of preschool children in the process of cognitive and research activities”:

Physical education instructors “Innovative approaches to physical education and recreational work in preschool educational institutions.”

Musical directors – “Formation of musical and rhythmic movements of preschool children”

Game modeling is actively used in the methodological work of preschool educational institutions on various problems:

  • “Cognitive and speech development of preschool children”;
  • “Raising a child as a subject of physical education and health activities”;

  • “Complex thematic principle of organizing the pedagogical process - as a condition for the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard for the structure of the main educational program of preschool education”;
  • “Teaching preschoolers to tell stories from a picture as one of the areas of work on the formation of coherent speech.”

Master Class.

Its main goal is to get acquainted with teaching experience, the system of work, the author’s findings and everything that helped the teacher achieve the best results.

A master class can be conducted both within a preschool educational institution and for teachers of other preschool educational institutions.

Master classes were held at the preschool level:

  • “Development of speech of preschoolers in the process of working with paper using the Quilling technique;
  • “Development of integrative qualities of preschool children in theatrical activities”;

  • “Artistic and aesthetic development of preschool children using the Carving technique;
  • “Development of a child’s personality in cognitive and research activities.”

Pedagogical workshop

Goal: the master teacher introduces the members of the teaching staff to the basic ideas of his educational system and practical recommendations for its implementation. Individual practical tasks are also being completed with a view to further use in working with children.

Pedagogical workshops were presented:

  • “Development of logical thinking through educational games”,
  • "Development of creative abilities of preschoolers in working with tests."

The direction of methodological work is the methodological office, as the center of methodological work.

The center of all methodological work of the preschool educational institution is the methodological office. He plays a leading role in assisting teachers in organizing the educational process, ensuring their continuous self-development, summarizing best pedagogical experience, and increasing the competence of parents in matters of raising and educating children.

There are permanent exhibitions in the methodological room of the preschool educational institution:

  • Certification is underway!
  • For holidays.
  • Preparing for the teachers' meeting.

The methodological room also presents materials reflecting the skills of teachers:

  • material from workshops;
  • plan - schedule for advanced training of teachers;
  • teacher certification plan;
  • advanced pedagogical experience.

Thus, as part of the implementation of the main tasks of methodological work, the methodological office is a center for collecting pedagogical information, as well as a creative laboratory for teachers and parents.

The most effective forms of professional development are:

Course preparation;

Participation in the work of creative groups, clubs;

Participation in methodological associations.

The senior educator organizes and controls the work of teachers on self-education, related to active forms of advanced training, and helps to choose a topic, priorities in forms and means, and predict the result.

Topics on self-education for preschool teachers

1 . Karpenko A.A. teacher “The role of fairy tales in the education of preschoolers”

2. Presnyakova E.N. - teacher “Entertaining mathematics”

3. Zharkikh O.G. teacher-speech therapist « Finger gymnastics in speech groups"

4. Tolstykh L.G. teacher-speech therapist “Studying the modeling of coherent speech in children with general speech underdevelopment using mnemonic techniques”

5. Nekrasova L.V. – teacher “Education of moral feelings in preschool children through theatrical activities.”

6. Kazakova A.V. - teacher “Studying games as a means of environmental education for preschool children”

7. Tikhonova L.P. teacher “Toys in the moral education of a child”

8. Kolomytseva A.V. teacher “Spiritual and moral education of preschool children”

9. Karaeva M.V. - teacher “Patriotic education of preschoolers.”

10.Nazarenko N.V. “Development of the emotional-volitional sphere in the process of fairy tale therapy”

11. Shuleshova N.M. teacher of “Moral and aesthetic education in art classes”

12. Dmitrakova V.N. - PHYS instructor “New approaches to raising a physically healthy child”

13. Davydova M.A. - teacher “Development of children’s speech and introducing them to fiction

14. Ferenc S.S. teacher "Environmental education of preschool children"

15. Lazareva E.V. - teacher “Working with parents.”

16. Yakubovskaya I.A. - teacher “Entertaining mathematics”

17. Romanova L.N. - teacher “Moral education of children at the present stage”

18. Vdovchenko L.A. - teacher “Formation of elementary mathematical concepts in preschoolers”

19. Bessonova R. N. - music director “Folk creativity in the life of a preschooler”

20. Petrova O.A. musical director “Folk creativity. Dances of the peoples of the world."

21. Kartashova O.A. “Development of coherent speech in preschoolers”

Identification, study, generalization and dissemination of advanced pedagogical experience.

Advanced experience represents the high skill of the teacher and is the driving force for improving the educational process in preschool educational institutions, solves certain goals with the least amount of time, using optimal forms and methods of work, and contributes to the achievement of better results.

Advanced experience is the result of the creative search of teachers, where creative, innovative and at the same time traditional principles merge together.

At the first stage, a preliminary detailed and comprehensive study of the teacher’s experience is carried out. Only the combination of using various methods of researching experience (observation and analysis of the educational process, conversations with the teacher and children, analysis of pedagogical documentation, conducting experimental work) will allow us to objectively evaluate and recommend it as advanced.

At the second stage, advanced pedagogical experience is generalized, i.e. described. There is an algorithm for describing advanced pedagogical experience using a complex of information and pedagogical modules: message, recording of pedagogical information.

The third stage is the dissemination and implementation of advanced pedagogical experience.

Within the preschool educational institution, this is facilitated by such forms of work as pedagogical readings, exhibitions, mutual visits, open viewings, etc.

Group forms include:

Participation of teachers in methodological associations of the district, MDOU;

Organization of theoretical and scientific-practical conferences;

Teachers' councils.

Individual ones include:


mutual visits,


Individual consultations.

In order to make the right choice for our team of forms and methods, we are guided by:

Goals and objectives of the preschool educational institution;

Quantitative and qualitative composition of the team;

Comparative effectiveness of forms and methods of work;

Features of the educational process;

Material, moral and psychological conditions in the team;

Real opportunities;

Planning methodological work

Planning is carried out on an analytical basis:

Analysis of the external environment of preschool educational institutions (taking into account the requirements of social order, regulatory documents);

Analysis of the state of the preschool educational institution (the level of health, development of children, the degree of their mastery of the educational program);

The level of professional competence of the team, the characteristics and needs of parents, the school;

In accordance with the goals and objectives of methodological work, its effectiveness is monitored. Monitoring data contributes to the modernity and effectiveness of making adjustments to the organization of methodological work.

In methodological work we are looking for new innovative forms of working with teachers,

but the main thing is love for children.

To understand and fulfill the desire of another -

A pleasure, honestly!

Each of you can become such a wizard. The main thing is to want it. It is important to teach your heart to be sensitive and kind, to surround your students with care and attention.

Natalia Kiryanova
Methodological work in preschool educational institutions

Mission methodological The service is aimed at forming a new type of professional teacher with modern pedagogical thinking and high professional culture.

Goals methodological services of our preschool educational institution are:

Implementation of state educational policy within the framework of the educational process;

Creating a set of conditions for the effective development of preschool educational institutions;

Ensuring the quality of educational services in preschool educational institutions adequate to its status.

Tasks methodological service:

Providing theoretical, psychological, methodological support for educators;

Creating conditions for improving professional competence, growing teaching skills and developing the creative potential of each teacher;

Organizing the active participation of teachers in planning, development and implementation of the development program in innovation processes;

Carrying out monitoring and certification procedures for an objective analysis of the development of a preschool institution and the results achieved, etc.

Functions methodological service:

Information and analytical;

Forecasting and planning.






Main innovation vector methodological work in preschool educational institutions - the quality of education as a strategy for increasing the professionalism of teachers.

Improving the professional level of teachers consists of developing key competencies, the totality of which leads to the standard professional competence of a teacher. The professional competence of a teacher is defined as a set of knowledge, skills, and professionally important qualities that ensure the effectiveness and optimality of the educational process.

In order to improve the professional skills of teachers of preschool educational institutions, a variety of technologies are used to reveal the capabilities of everyone teacher:

business game,


professional skills competition,


search and creative tasks.

An innovation platform operates on the basis of preschool educational institutions. topic: “Modern preschool educational institution, theory and practice of implementing an exemplary general education program for preschool education "Success"", in her work 17 preschool teachers are participating.

Results of model implementation methodological services are analyzed in triad:


Its advantages are noted functioning:

Economic (costs for professional development are reduced);

Pedagogical (education becomes more motivated, technologically advanced and individualized);

Ergonomic (teachers have the opportunity to allocate time for self-education according to a schedule convenient for themselves);

Information (the availability of modern software and new educational technologies is increasing);

Communication (the number of network participants with whom interaction is possible increases).

The target is a portrait of a preschool child.

Values methodological We see services in the preparation of a teacher as a subject of professional activity, a teacher-initiator, capable of self-education and continuous creative growth, ready, in the course of his own creative activity, to create conditions for the self-development of students.

The priority direction is to assist teachers in preparing for innovative activities.

A high degree of parental satisfaction with the results of the educational process and an increase in their pedagogical awareness confirm the effectiveness methodological service(survey results).

The experimental activities of the teaching staff, aimed at developing the early socialization of children, serve as a connecting link for all participants in the educational process of the preschool educational institution.

Efficiency methodological work depends on the solution of two interrelated tasks:

Forming the readiness of teachers to perceive new educational tools

And learning the skills to act in new ways.

Potential usefulness of operation methodological service:

Formation of a new, more variable and flexible educational environment for modern conditions for the professional, creative development of teachers and leaders;

Satisfying the professional needs of teachers;

Cultivating interest in innovations and their initiation;

Bringing the qualifications of human resources to the modern level of requirements (competitiveness);

Increasing freedom of communication based on intensive information exchange;

Modernization of preschool methodological service.

Job with young teachers

It is based on the diagnosis of professional activities of teachers, which helps to assess not only the actual level of professional training of each teacher, but also to identify professional requests and needs, therefore, on the basis of this, differentiated goals. work with teaching staff.

Methodical work with personnel in preschool educational institutions is both collective and personal in nature and includes myself:

Theoretical and practical seminars;

Consultations and workshops;

Study and dissemination of software;

Display of open events;

Inclusion in groups for the preparation of teacher councils, conferences, debates, methodological associations;

Inclusion in groups for the preparation and implementation of projects;

Inclusion in groups for the preparation and holding of open events of the district and city;

Systematic monitoring and assistance;

Stimulation work and performance assessment;

Mutual visits;

Assistance in organizing self-education work;

Training in advanced training courses;

Business games, trainings, discussions.

Directions MBDOU work:

Unity of physical development and education of a culture of health;

Social - personal

Artistic and aesthetic;

Cognitive - speech.

Educational areas:


Physical Culture



Reading fiction



Artistic creativity

Improving mechanisms by teaching staff in modern

socio-economic conditions:

1. Analysis of results for long-term planning

"Launch" into the educational process of an exemplary general education program "Success" edited by N. O. Berezina, I. A. Burlakova, E. N. Gerasimova, etc.);

scientific hands A. G. Asmolov; hands auto team of N.V. Fedin

Moscow "Education", 2011 Senior teacher August Analytical report on the results of thematic planning for September

Plan approval work for the new school year

2. Adjustment of management actions to coordinate the actions of educators and specialists Methodical meeting Senior teacher September GCD schedule

3. Bringing it into compliance with established modern requirements working teachers' documentation Methodical meeting Senior teacher October-February Package of regulatory documents

4. Design of a diagram of information flows in methodical office Incoming and outgoing documentation Senior teacher November Journal

5. Studying the opinions of participants in the educational process about the quality of educational services of preschool educational institutions Questioning parents

Senior teacher December Analytical report

6. Scientific methodical support for publishing activities Meeting Methodological Council Senior

teacher october portfolio

7. Systematization of information flows in an educational institution Moderators Senior educator

September-May Information flow management model in preschool educational institutions

8. Drawing up, discussing and approving a plan for a summer health campaign Employees of an educational institution, parents Senior teacher

May Summer health campaign plan

9. Analysis of educational activities for the year Educators specialists Senior educator June Analysis work for the year

10. Development of a methodological work plan Preschool educational institution for the next academic year group Senior teacher

August Draft plan work for the new school year

Development educational process quality assurance systems MDOU:

p/n Actions Form of organization Responsible deadlines result

1. Teachers' Council No. 1 “The new school year is on the threshold of the preschool educational institution”

Pedagogical Council Senior teacher August Analytical report on the results of educational activities of the preschool educational institution

2. Adjustment of the educational program of MBDOU. Working Senior teacher meeting

June - August Compliance of the MBDOU educational program with the established federal state requirements

Presentation of the educational program of the preschool educational institution Presentation Head Senior teacher


September Signing of the draft cooperation agreement

Advanced training courses Planning educational activities MeshcheryakovaL. N.

3. Organization and holding of a competition among employees and parents “Best teacher” competition Senior


October Growth methodological

4 Presentation of a project on interaction between an educational institution and society Pedagogical Council Senior

teacher November Presentation of projects

5. Bringing the certification procedure for MBDOU employees into compliance with established requirements Methodological seminar

Senior teacher

December Regulatory support for the certification procedure for MBDOU employees

6. Providing conditions for timely and successful certification of teaching staff Consultations, discussion and approval of training programs for certification of teachers Senior educator

In accordance with the deadlines for teacher certification Successful completion of the teacher certification procedure

7. Discussion and approval of the system of advanced training for MBDOU employees Pedagogical Council Senior

teacher February System of advanced training for preschool educational institutions employees

8. Didactic support of educational activities of MBDOU Methodical seminar St. teacher During the year Compliance with the didactic support of educational activities of MBDOU

9. Self-audit of educational activities of MBDOU audit Senior teacher May Expert opinion on the results of educational activities of MBDOU

10. Adjustment of the monitoring system for the implementation of the educational program MBDOU Pedagogical Council Senior teacher May Monitoring system

Professional activity of educational institution employees

p/n Actions Form of organization Responsible deadlines result

1. Analysis of the current level of professional competence of teachers of an educational institution Questionnaire

Analysis of the results of professional activity of teachers of preschool educational institutions Senior teacher August Analytical report on the results of professional activity of teachers of MBDOU

2Organization of a holiday "Summer Kaleidoscope"

"Teacher's Day"(children, employees, parents) "Summer Kaleidoscope"

"Teacher's Day" Senior Educator Group Educators

Music manager September Analytical report on the results of professional activity of MBDOU teachers

3. Organization of modern forms methodological work with teachers of MBDOU: studios, workshops, master classes, etc. Organizational methodical seminar club leaders September Schedule work of circles, workshops, master classes, etc.

4Adjustment of indicators of professional activity of teachers of an educational institution Methodical Council Senior teacher October Approved indicators of professional activity

5. Organization and conduct of a sports marathon "Autumn Sports Marathon" Physical education instructor

educators October Analytical report on the results of professional activity of MBDOU teachers

6. Quality of implementation of the educational program System of reflective seminars Senior educator monthly Seminar materials. positive dynamics in the quality of children’s mastery of the MBDOU educational program

7. Organization of activities methodological associations for the development content of educational areas in the main areas of child development Methodical associations Senior teacher November Methodical recommendations for ensuring the quality of mastering the content of the MBDOU educational program

8. Organization and conduct "Travel to Russia"

Musical and literary lounge for Mother's Day Senior

Educator Musical director senior group teachers November Analytical report on the results of professional activity of MBDOU teachers

7. Portfolio as a form of organization methodological work teacher Consultation Senior teacher December Strengthening the content of the teacher’s portfolio

8. Creating a children's book “A fairy tale has come to visit us” Book Teachers of all groups December Analytical report on the results of professional activity of MBDOU teachers

10. Promotion "Feed the birds in winter" Feeder competition Teachers of all groups February Analytical report on the results of professional activity of MBDOU teachers

11. Carrying out an environmental KVN Mother's Day

Music poster competition. supervisor

educators March Analytical report on the results of professional activity of MBDOU teachers

12 Design of book centers “I want to be an astronaut!”

“Mom, dad, I am a healthy family!” Excursion to the library Entertainment evening Drawing competition

educators April Analytical report on the results of professional activity of MBDOU teachers

13 "My Pedigree" Defense of projects educators May Analytical report on the results of professional activity of MBDOU teachers

14 Competition for the best educational methodical ensuring educational activities of the pre-school educational institution competition Senior teacher May educational methodical ensuring educational activities of preschool educational institutions

15. Organization of a musical and literary living room "Lukomorye" within an educational institution (children, employees, parents). Musical and literary lounge Senior teacher

Musical Director June Growth methodological competence of participants in the educational process

16. Organization of pedagogical readings on the topic “Modern education for modern preschoolers.” Pedagogical readings Department of Education of the Kansky District Administration Collection of materials

17. Participation in ongoing competitions, festivals, promotions at various levels competitions, festivals, promotions Senior teacher throughout the year Professional competence of teachers

18. Use of Internet resources in the professional activity of employees Advanced training Senior teacher During the year Professional competence of teachers

19. Organization of master classes by teachers and employees of MBDOU, parents. Master classes Senior teacher

During the year Description of experience work

20Holding events on the topic "The Postman and the Post Office"

"Neptune's Day" Watching cartoons (Write a letter to another kindergarten) Holiday TeachersMusic. supervisor

Instructor Teachers July Growth methodological competence of participants in the educational process

21 “We are friends with physical education” (children, employees, parents)

"We build castles and cities" "We are designers" Holiday

Competition Projects of activity centers for developing environments Music educators. Head Instructor

Teachers August Growth methodological competence of participants in the educational process Protection of projects

Creation of a unified educational space for child development in preschool educational institutions and family:

No. Actions Form of organization Responsible deadlines result

1. Analysis of the current state of interaction between employees of an educational institution and families Analysis of the results of a survey of parents and employees of the Senior Preschool Educational Institution

teacher August Analytical report on the current state of interaction between employees of an educational institution and the family

2. Building a concept of interaction between preschool employees and families Project seminar Senior teacher

September Concept of interaction between MBDOU employees and families

3. Coordination with the parent community of the topics and time schedule for consultations of preschool specialists Initiative group of teachers and parents Senior

teacher september plan work advisory group for the current year

4. Adjustment of the program of adaptation of children and parents to the educational process of MBDOU Individual support of children and parents during the adaptation period Teacher-psychologist July-August Adaptation program

5. Organization of a telephone advisory service System of thematic events Senior teacher

October Plan work

6. Adjustment of the program of interaction between MBDOU and family "Planet Family". Project seminar Senior teacher October Program of joint actions at the level of MBDOU, age groups

7. Publication of a newspaper jointly with the public "Dandelion". Newspaper "Dandelion" Senior teacher

Once a quarter Newspaper publication

8. Organization of joint productive creative activities Theater clubs Educators

September Plan work

9. Organization of joint productive creative activities Fine arts clubs

"Beauty. Joy. Creation" Teachers September Plan work(exhibitions, shows, competitions)

10. Organization of a creative workshop "Making toys" Creative workshop Senior teacher November Do-it-yourself toys for children

11. Involving children in interacting with residents of the village, actions by teachers During the year Gratitude, photographs

12. Organization of adaptive groups for children and parents Working group Teacher-psychologist July-August Reduction of cases of severe forms of adaptation in children

13. Organization of the process of obtaining operational information on satisfaction with the quality of activities of an educational institution Initiative group of employees and parents Senior teacher November Parents’ satisfaction with the quality of educational services

Improving the material and technical base of an educational institution

p/n Actions Form of organization Responsible deadlines result

1. Equipment of the subject-development environment of the preschool educational institution (Purchase of toys and teaching equipment) Conclusion of contracts Senior teacher June Updated preschool environment

2. Library update methodological literature Invoice Senior teacher During the year Library methodological literature

3. Purchase of children's fiction by age group Invoice Senior teacher

Throughout the year, Children's Fiction Library

4. Registration of subscription pedagogical publications Conclusion of contracts Senior teacher October, Periodicals on preschool education

Syllabus developed in accordance with the implemented programs:

The main general educational program of preschool education MBDOU "Filimonovsky kindergarten" based on an approximate basic general education program for preschool education "Success".

Goals and objectives of the educational institution for the implementation of the basic general education program of preschool education

Diverse development of the child’s personality in accordance with age and individual developmental characteristics;

Formation of a common culture;

Formation of prerequisites for educational activities that ensure social success

Approximate basic general education program "Success" N. V. Fedina

Goals and objectives

Creating favorable conditions for a full-fledged life for preschool children,

Formation of the foundations of basic personal culture, comprehensive development of mental and physical qualities in accordance with age and individual characteristics, preparing the child for life in modern society.

2. And also additional programs:

Physical development program – “Physical education for preschoolers”, author L. D. Glazyrina;

The goal of the program is to optimally implement the health, educational and educational areas of physical education, taking into account the individual developmental capabilities of the child in all periods of preschool childhood

Music Development Program – "Musical Masterpieces", O. P. Radynova;

The goal of the program is to form the foundations of the musical culture of preschool children.

Environmental Development Program “Our home is nature”, author S. A. Ryzhova;

The goal of the program is to educate a humane, socially active person, capable of understanding and loving the world around him, nature, and treating them with care.

At the core of the curriculum lie:

Law of the Russian Federation "About Education";

Convention on the Rights of the Child;

Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the design, content and organization of the regime work preschool educational institution SanPiN–10 (as amended by the Resolution of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation dated December 20, 2010 No. 164)

The curriculum is implemented through the following types activities:

Specially organized activities (classes);

Joint activities of the teacher with children;

Independent activity of children, which is carried out according to the daily routine of each age group

MBDOU organizes work in the following direction - Physical development of children.

Organized educational activities that require increased cognitive activity and mental stress of children are carried out in the first half of the day. In the middle of class (senior preschool age) A physical education minute and psycho-gymnastics are carried out, and a change of activity is observed during the lesson. The break between classes is 10 minutes. To prevent children from becoming tired, these activities are integrated with other activities. Students are not given homework.

There are no classes held during the summer. Outdoor and sports games, sports entertainment, excursions are held, and walking time is increased.

The pedagogical process in the preschool educational institution is carried out according to the educational program of the kindergarten and the approximate basic general educational program of preschool education "Success" edited by N. O. Berezina, I. A. Burlakova, E. N. Gerasimova. The program allows the use of elements of educational activities in the form of classes only in senior preschool age when organizing the transition period to school education. Joint activities of adults and children, independent activities of children include various forms of organization and are integrated in nature and are used to develop two or more types of children's activities, and solve problems in two or more educational areas.

Physical development


Necessary conditions for solving one of the main tasks of preschool educational institutions (groups) to protect the lives and promote the health of children are:

Creation of a safe educational environment in preschool educational institutions;

Implementation of a complex of psychological, pedagogical, preventive and health-improving work;

Using a comprehensive system for diagnosing and monitoring the health status of children.

Psychological and pedagogical Job is aimed at creating a culture of health in pupils and includes the formation of cultural hygienic skills and primary value ideas about human health and a healthy lifestyle.

Preventive Job includes a system of activities and measures (hygienic, social, medical, psychological and pedagogical, aimed at protecting health and preventing the occurrence of its disorders, ensuring normal growth and development, preserving mental and physical children's performance.

Wellness Job involves carrying out a system of activities and measures (medical, psychological, pedagogical, hygienic, etc., aimed at preserving and (or) improving children's health.


Preservation and strengthening of children’s physical and mental health;

Education of cultural and hygienic skills;

Formation of initial ideas about a healthy lifestyle.

"Physical Culture"

Complex of psychological, pedagogical, preventive and health-improving work, constituting the content of the area "Health", should be supplemented by the formation of physical education for preschool children. Interaction of areas "Health" And "Physical Culture" determines the general direction of the implementation and development of the Program in accordance with a holistic approach to human health as the unity of his physical, psychological and social well-being.

The main tasks of psychological and pedagogical work:

Development of physical qualities (speed, strength, flexibility, endurance and coordination);

Accumulation and enrichment of children’s motor experience (mastery of basic movements);

Formation in pupils of the need for motor activity and physical improvement.


A child’s entry into the modern world is impossible without him mastering initial ideas of a social nature and including him in the system of social relations, that is, without socialization (from Latin socalis - general, public). For the socialization of a preschooler, play is of great importance as an independent children's activity, which reflects the surrounding reality, the world of adults and other children, nature, and social life.

The main tasks of psychological and pedagogical work:

Development of gaming activities;

Introduction to basic generally accepted norms and rules of relationships with peers and adults (including moral);

Forming a positive attitude towards yourself;

Formation of primary personal ideas (about yourself, your own characteristics, capabilities, manifestations, etc.);

Formation of primary gender ideas (about one’s own belonging and that of other people to a certain gender, gender relations and relationships);

Formation of primary ideas about the family (its composition, family relationships and relationships, distribution of family responsibilities, traditions, etc.);

Formation of primary ideas about society (the nearest society and place in it);

Formation of primary ideas about the state (including its symbols, "small" And "big" Motherland, its nature) and belonging to it;

Formation of primary ideas about the world (planet Earth, the diversity of countries and states, population, nature of the planet, etc.).

The specificity of the implementation of this area is next:

Solving the above-mentioned main tasks of psychological and pedagogical work impossible without the formation of primary value concepts (in preschool age, values ​​are manifested in distinguishing what "What is good and what is bad", specific examples of good deeds and actions);

Selection "Socialization" conditionally into a separate educational area, since the process of socialization "penetrates" the content of the Program with various socializing aspects;

A significant place in the implementation of the field is occupied by role-playing, directorial and theatrical games as ways for a child to master social roles, a means of developing the intellectual and personal qualities of children, and their creative abilities.


Life safety (state of physical, mental and social security) is a necessary condition for the full development of a person. "Safety" the surrounding natural world is a necessary condition for the existence of every person, adult and child.

The main tasks of psychological and pedagogical work:

Formation of the foundations of the safety of one’s own life (formation of ideas about certain types of dangerous situations and methods of behavior in them; familiarization with the rules of safe behavior in standard dangerous situations; formation of a cautious and prudent attitude towards dangerous situations)

Formation of the foundations for the safety of the natural world around us (formation of ideas about certain types of situations dangerous to the natural world around us, familiarization with the rules of behavior that is safe for the natural world around us;

Formation of a cautious and prudent attitude towards the natural world around us) as a prerequisite for environmental consciousness.


The goals of preschool education related to the comprehensive and harmonious development of pupils cannot be achieved without solving the problem of labor education, since labor is one of the universal means of familiarization with human culture, socialization and formation of the child’s personality.

The main tasks of psychological and pedagogical work:

Development of labor activity (ensuring that children master different types of children’s labor activity that are adequate to their age and gender capabilities);

Developing a value attitude towards one’s own work, the work of other people and its results;

Formation of primary ideas about the work of adults (goals, types, content, results, its role in society and the life of each person.


Main directions of psychological and pedagogical work This area of ​​education for preschool children is associated with the development of higher mental functions (perception, thinking, imagination, memory, attention and speech, cognitive motivation, cognitive-research and productive activity (in integration with other types of children's activities).

The main tasks of psychological and pedagogical work:

Development of sensory culture;

Development of cognitive, research and productive (constructive) activities;

Formation of elementary mathematical concepts;

Formation of a holistic picture of the world, broadening the horizons of children.



Carrying out the transfer of the content of the socio-historical experience of humanity;

Transferring experience in various types of activities and ensuring their development;

Exchange of thoughts, experiences about the internal and external world, encouraging and persuading interlocutors to act in a certain way to achieve a result.

The main tasks of psychological and pedagogical work:

Development of free communication between pupils and adults and children;

Development of all components of children’s oral speech (lexical side, grammatical structure of speech, pronunciation side of speech; coherent speech - dialogical and monologue forms) in various types of activities;

Practical mastery by pupils of the norms of Russian speech.

Area assignment "Reading fiction" in the direction “Cognitive and speech development” not by chance. Fiction, being a form of art, performs aesthetic and ethical functions in the education of preschool children, which, of course, contributes to the integration of this area with the direction "Artistic and aesthetic development". However, the peculiarities of preschool children’s perception of literary text are such that with the help of a book, a child, first of all, discovers the world in all its interconnections and interdependencies, begins to understand life and people more and better, experiencing and living what he read.

The main tasks of psychological and pedagogical work:

Formation of a holistic picture of the world (including the formation of primary value ideas);

Development of literary speech (acquaintance with linguistic means of expression through immersion in the rich linguistic environment of fiction);

Introduction to verbal art (development of artistic perception in the unity of content and form, aesthetic taste, formation of interest and love for fiction).


Music as a part of culture, art that reflects the surrounding reality in sound artistic images, is one of the means of socialization of preschool children.

The main tasks of psychological and pedagogical work:

Introducing the child to culture and musical art;

Development of musical and artistic activities.

The main types of musical and artistic activities during the implementation of the Program are: perception of music (listening, performing music (singing, musical-rhythmic movements, elementary music-making, elementary musical creativity.

"Artistic creativity"

The main tasks of psychological and pedagogical work:

Development of children's productive activities;

Development of children's creativity;

Introduction to fine arts.

IN EARLY AGE GROUPS, THE PERIOD OF ADAPTATION IS ALLOWED FOR 2 MONTHS. Classes are conducted in subgroups. The duration of the lesson is 8 - 10 minutes. V educational activities per week 1.5 hours.

In accordance with the requirements of San PiN–10, 10 classes are provided per week, two classes per day - in the morning and in the evening (After sleep).

GCD with children from 2 to 3 years old is carried out in accordance with "Program of education and training in kindergarten" edited by M. A. Vasilyeva, V. V. Gerbova, T. S. Komarova (updated content, 2005, “Program and methodical recommendations for education and training in the second junior group of kindergarten”, edited by M. B. Zatsepin. In accordance with FGT and the requirements of San PiN, 10 classes are provided per week, two classes in the first half of the day. The duration of the lesson is 15 minutes, the break between classes is up to 10 minutes.

V educational activities per week 2.45 hours.

Additional lesson 1 time per week for no more than 15 minutes.

Special organized activities with pupils of middle groups are carried out in accordance with the program methodological complex"Success" edited by N. O. Berezina, I. A. Burlakova, E. N. Gerasimova. In accordance with the requirements of San PiN–10, the duration is 15–20 minutes each, in the first half of the day, with a 10-minute break between them.

V educational activities per week 4 hours.

Vmaximum permissible load in the first half of the day = 30, 40 minutes.

Special organized activities with pupils of senior groups are carried out in accordance with the program methodological complex"Success" edited by N. O. Berezina, I. A. Burlakova, E. N. Gerasimova. From September to May (inclusive) There are 15 classes per week (in the morning and in the afternoon, each lasting 25 minutes, with a 10-minute break between them.

The third physical education lesson is held at the discretion of the teachers, depending on the conditions of the preschool educational institution (during a walk, on days when there are no physical education and music classes; sports games are organized, etc.)

(as needed).

V educational activities per week 6 hours 15 minutes.

Vmaximum permissible load in the first half of the day is 45 minutes.

Additional classes 2 times a week for no more than 25 minutes.

Special organized activities with pupils of preparatory groups for school are carried out in accordance with the program methodological complex"Success" edited by N. O. Berezina, I. A. Burlakova, E. N. Gerasimova.

In accordance with the requirements of San PiN–10 From September to May (inclusive) There are 15 classes per week (in the morning, lasting 30 minutes each, with a 10-minute break between them.

Individual physical education classes are organized for children (as needed).

V educational activities per week 8 hours 30 minutes.

Vmaximum permissible load in the first half of the day is 1.5 hours.

Additional classes 3 times a week for no more than 30 minutes.

Considering the need for additional in-depth diagnostic and correctional development work in the kindergarten there is a speech center and works as a teacher-psychologist.

In the preparatory group for school, a speech therapist conducts frontal classes to prepare children for learning to read and write (once a week, logorhythmics (once a week) with children who have problems in the speech sphere, frontal classes to prepare children for learning to read and write (once a week, logarithmics (once a week) with children who have speech problems. In order to eliminate information overload of children, prevent the emergence of a situation of priority of materials from one program to the detriment of another, the content of programs has been integrated, making it possible to comprehensively solve the problems of protecting the lives and strengthening the health of children, comprehensive education, amplification (enrichment) development based on the organization of various types of children's activities.

Defining program content is made possible by developed, thematic planning, the basis for which was the content of the “Program of correctional education and training of children with general speech underdevelopment” by T. B. Filicheva, G. V. Chirkina and its integration with the content of the program methodological complex"Success", edited by N. O. Berezina, I. A. Burlakova, E. N. Gerasimova.

Section Contents “Speech development – ​​preparation for learning to read and write” in older preschool age it is integrated with the content of the section . In order to fulfill “Programs for correctional education and training of children with special needs” The logopunkt curriculum includes classes on the section “Development of lexical and grammatical categories and coherent speech”; “Formation of the sound side of speech”.

The effectiveness of correctional education work is determined by the clear organization of children’s lives and the correct distribution of workload during the day. According to the requirements of SanPiN, in order to avoid overloading children, three periods are provided, each of which differs in the tasks, content and volume of material of speech therapy classes.

The logo center is attended by 25 preschoolers from 5 to 7 years old. To correct and correct speech, a speech therapist carries out individual correction Job.


Forms of methodological work in preschool educational institutions……………………………………..

Methods for organizing methodological work in preschool educational institutions…………………………………………………………………

Non-traditional forms of work in preschool educational institutions. Mentoring…………………………………………………………




Appendix 1. Business game for preschool teachers to study the Federal State Educational Standard

preschool education “New Federal State Educational Standard – new opportunities”……….

Appendix 2. Pedagogical council on the topic “Project method in the activities of a preschool institution”…………………………………


Methodological work in a preschool educational institution is a holistic, based on the achievements of science, advanced pedagogical experience, and a specific analysis of the educational process, a system of interrelated measures, actions and activities aimed at comprehensively improving the qualifications and professional skills of each teacher, at developing the creative potential of the teaching staff, at improving the educational process, achieving the optimal level of education and development of students.

The goal of methodological work in preschool educational institutions is to constantly improve the level of professional skills of teachers and teaching staff. The primary task of methodological work is to provide real assistance to teachers in the development of their skills as an alloy of professional knowledge, abilities and skills and the personality traits and qualities necessary for a modern teacher.

Thus, methodological work significantly influences the quality and effectiveness of training and education, and the final results of the work of a preschool institution.

The main role of methodological work is manifested in the activation of the human factor - the personality and creative activity of teachers. Hence, the main guidelines for methodological work in kindergarten are:

  • serious controlled qualitative growth of the professional skills of each teacher;

Increased integration capabilities of the entire team.

The purpose of the work is to study the forms and methods of methodological work in preschool educational institutions

Object of study: forms andmethods of methodological work of preschool educational institutions.

During the study, the following questions were raised: tasks :

  1. Reveal the essence of the forms of methodological work in preschool educational institutions;
  2. Consider the classification of methods and their main components;
  3. Explore a non-traditional form of work in a preschool educational institution - mentoring;

Research methods: studying psychological and pedagogical literature on the research problem.

I. Forms of methodological work

There are various forms of methodological work for the successful implementation of the annual tasks facing the teaching staff.

The main ones are:

Teachers' councils


Methodological associations

One of the most important forms of methodological work is the pedagogical council. In a preschool institution, the pedagogical council is the highest governing body of the entire educational process.

According to the forms of organization, the pedagogical council can be traditional, non-traditional and using separate methods of activating teachers. Different forms of pedagogical councils are defined in the works of Volobueva L.M., Gazin O.M., Fokin V.P. Let's consider non-traditional forms of pedagogical councils that have proven themselves in the practice of preschool educational institutions.

Volobueva L.M. defines the pedagogical council as “a permanent body of self-government, an exponent of collective pedagogical thought, a kind of school of excellence and a tribune of pedagogical experience.”

Belaya K.Yu., considering the forms of methodological work, gives the following characterization to the pedagogical councils of an educational institution: the pedagogical council is a permanent body for collegial review of the activities of a preschool institution, a tribune of advanced pedagogical experience. He discusses and resolves issues related to the main activities of the preschool institution.

The pedagogical council approves the organizational structure of the educational institution, participates in the development of the Charter of the educational institution, the concept of its development; formulates the main goals and objectives of the activity, selects educational programs, forms and methods of organizing the educational process, determines the directions of experimental work; conducts analysis and monitors educational activities, approves the composition of the methodological council of the certification commission; considers issues of personnel selection, advanced training, conducts methodological seminars, establishes connections between the teaching staff and scientific and methodological institutions, etc.

This could be a pedagogical council - a discussion or debate, a round table, a creative report from methodological associations or an initiative group of teachers, a business game, a festival, etc.

Pedagogical meetings are an element of the management activities of the leadership of a preschool educational institution, the most common form of management, which allows the use of the collective wisdom, knowledge and experience of specialists to solve complex social problems; organize the exchange of information and accumulated experience between individual employees and structural divisions of the educational institution; promptly communicate specific tasks to the immediate executors.

Pedagogical meetings provide an opportunity for subordinates, employees of an educational institution, to acquire the ability to solve difficult issues, and for its leaders to obtain the necessary information. In this regard, there are several types of meetings:

  • informational - a type of meeting, the purpose of which is to summarize certain information and study by the management of an educational institution various points of view on emerging problems;
  • operational - a type of meeting, the purpose of which is to obtain information from the head of the kindergarten about the current state of affairs in the educational institution, develop operational decisions and set appropriate tasks for the performers - employees of the educational institution;
  • problem-based - a type of meeting, the purpose of which is to develop collegial decisions on emerging common acute and complex problems related to the management of the educational process and cooperation with parents of students;
  • explanatory - a type of meeting, the purpose of which is to explain and convince employees of an educational institution of the correctness of new strategic objectives and (or) a change in priorities;
  • educational and instructive - a type of meeting whose purpose is to promote certain knowledge, innovative technologies and advanced training of teachers of a preschool educational institution.

An equally common form of methodological work in an educational institution for preschool children is consultation.

The topic of group, subgroup and individual consultation can be suggested by questions from teachers or determined by a senior educator, depending on what difficulties educators experience in their work. At the same time, modern practice of working with teachers often requires the choice of non-standard forms of consultation.

Thus, in the works of N.S. Golitsina we find a description of such a form of methodological work asconsultation-dialogue. Such a consultation is carried out by two teachers who have different points of view on the issue under discussion. When considering topics, they can present their arguments for each thesis, and listeners can choose the point of view that corresponds to their pedagogical views.

Consultation-paradox, or consultation with planned errors, is aimed at drawing the attention of teachers to the most complex aspects of the problem being presented and increasing their activity. The methodologist names the number of mistakes he will make during the two-hour consultation. Listeners are asked to distribute the material on a sheet of paper into two columns: on the left - reliable, on the right - erroneous, which is then analyzed.

Seminars as a separate form of methodological work play an important role in increasing the scientific and theoretical level of educators and in improving their professional competence. Seminars can be prepared and conducted in different ways depending on the content of the topic and the purpose of the lesson.

Before the seminar, teachers are offered special tasks, the completion of which will allow everyone to actively participate in the seminar. In this regard, it often turns out that preparing for a seminar involves reading additional literature, studying primary sources, and taking notes. Teachers learn to critically evaluate what they read and select the information they need. They must understand the essence of the material being studied in order to assimilate and use it in their practical activities. Therefore, during the seminars, such forms of organization as open classes or events, the use of video materials and multimedia presentations, analysis of the results of children's activities and products of children's creativity, etc. are actively used.

Seminars perform a multifaceted role: they stimulate teachers’ regular study of primary sources and other literature, as well as attentive attention to methodological work; consolidate the knowledge gained by listening to lectures in courses and independent work on literature; expand the circle of knowledge thanks to the speeches of comrades and seminar presenters; allow teachers to check the correctness of previously acquired knowledge, to isolate the most important, essential ones; contribute to the transformation of knowledge into firm personal beliefs, dispel doubts that could arise during lectures and when studying literature, which is especially well achieved as a result of a clash of opinions and discussion; instill the skills of independent thinking, oral presentation on theoretical issues, sharpen thoughts, teach teachers to freely operate with terminology, basic concepts and categories; provide an opportunity for managers to systematically monitor the level of professionalism of teachers and the degree of their attentiveness during methodological events; allow you to study the opinions and interests of teachers, serve as a means of monitoring your own work as a methodologist and seminar leader, consultant, etc.

On seminars and workshops, consisting of theoretical (seminar) and practical (workshop) parts, educators generalize and systematize best practices, show in action the necessary techniques and methods of work, which are then analyzed and discussed. This form also involves practicing certain methods of work without the participation of students. For example, in a kindergarten, a senior teacher or educator shows techniques for guiding the actions of educators - participants in a workshop.

Briefing seminar differs in that it allows participants to become as active as possible both in the process of preparing for the seminar and during the lesson itself: the group is divided into subgroups in accordance with the number of questions proposed for discussion. In this case, the number of participants in subgroups can be arbitrary. Since the entire subgroup answers the question, and repetitions are not allowed, then, naturally, the participant finds himself in a situation where it is necessary to answer thoroughly and to the point. After each member of the subgroup has spoken, the discussion begins; At the same time, additions, clarifications, and questions to each other are possible.

Another form of methodological work with teachers is training, which involves preliminary and final diagnostics, at least using the method of questionnaires and expert assessments, of professional skills of teachers in a certain area of ​​their teaching activity, selection of practical tasks and game exercises aimed at developing missing or insufficiently developed professional skills that are performed in situations of programmed success, and then transferred to situations of real practical activity of teachers of an educational institution. Therefore, the training can be short-term, if we are talking about the formation of highly specialized skills, for example, the use of physical education minutes in the process of conducting classes with children, or long-term, if we are talking about the formation of a whole complex of professional operations and actions related to the organization of an integral educational process, and not its individual elements.

Creative groups are the next form of methodological work with teachers of a preschool educational institution. It involves the implementation of such an approach to the implementation of methodological work in an educational institution, which allows teachers to be involved in experimental and research activities. The work of the creative group is based on the following algorithm:

  • identifying problems and justifying the relevance of their solution for the practice of an educational institution, diagnostic and analytical stage;
  • development of an extensive program of experimental work or research activities, prognostic stage;
  • organizational stage, creating conditions for the implementation of the program;
  • implementation of the program, practical stage, adjustment of the used methods and technologies, control “cuts”;
  • registration and description of the results of experimental or research work, generalizing stage;
  • dissemination of teaching experience, introduction of innovations into the activities of an educational institution.

The logical conclusion and result of the creative group are creative reports from teachers who talk about the results of the implementation of the program of experimental, research and scientific-methodological work, share their experience, talk about problems arising in the practice of an educational institution, and propose to introduce innovations.

One of the most important aspects of methodological work with teachers is the organization of studyadvanced pedagogical experience,because This is one of the ways to improve teaching skills.

In the literature, pedagogical experience is defined as a set of knowledge, abilities, skills acquired by a teacher in the process of practical work, as the basis of pedagogical skill, as one of the important sources of development of pedagogical science. Pedagogical experience includes certain interconnected elements: a teacher who teaches and educates; the child who is the subject of education, the goals and objectives of education and training; forms and methods and techniques of teaching; an environment that significantly influences the entire process of formation of the child’s personality. The essence of best pedagogical practice is to find the most effective connection between these structural elements.

accepted forms, methods and techniques of educational work.

When identifying, studying and implementing advanced pedagogical experience, it is necessary to clearly understand the entire scope of this work and its main stages. Here we can study both the entire system of the teacher’s work, where the totality of pedagogical techniques and methods with which he achieves good results will be revealed, as well as individual aspects of the teacher’s activity, any one relevant pedagogical topic.

At the first stage of this work, it is necessary to identify the best pedagogical experience available in the preschool institution. The following methods are used: observation of the pedagogical process, conversations with the teacher, children and their parents, assistance in the selection of methodological, pedagogical and psychological literature related to the topic of best practices, recommendations for studying the work of master teachers in order to compare the techniques and methods used in their work, with the experience of the best teachers, in the teacher’s own understanding of his innovations in work, his methods that give high results.

At the second stage, which consists of generalizing experience, the following methods are used: to help the teacher deeply analyze the accumulated facts, penetrate into the essence of the observed phenomena, separate the essential from the unimportant, the main from the secondary; assists the teacher in describing the pedagogical process, showing achievements and failures, so that the dynamics of the described pedagogical experience are visible.

It is necessary to interest educators in new experiences, to arouse in them the desire and creative readiness to master them.

Each teacher has his own teaching experience and teaching skills. Highlight the work of a teacher who achieves the best

results, his experience is called advanced, he is studied, he is “looked up to.” According to Turbovsky Ya.S. “Advanced pedagogical experience is a means of purposefully improving the teaching and educational process, satisfying the current needs of teaching and educational practice!”

Advanced pedagogical experience helps educators explore new approaches to working with children and distinguish them from mass practice. At the same time, it awakens initiative, creativity, and improvement of professional skills. Best practices are the fastest, most efficient form of resolving contradictions that have arisen in practice, quickly responding to public demands and a changing situation.

An open screening makes it possible to establish direct contact with the teacher during a lesson and get answers to your questions. The show helps to penetrate into a kind of creative laboratory of the teacher, to become a witness to the process of pedagogical creativity. The manager organizing an open display must set several goals:

Promotion of experience;

Training teachers in methods and techniques of working with children.

The forms of organizing an open display may be different. For example, before the viewing begins, the leader himself can talk about the topic of the teacher’s work and suggest questions to which special attention should be paid. Sometimes it is advisable to distribute the questions, for one teacher to calculate the activity of the children, for another - a combination of different methods and techniques used by the teacher, the rational use of aids, and assess whether the children are comfortable.

Such preparation for an open lesson will help the leader organize an interesting discussion of what he saw and develop a common opinion of the team. It must be remembered that the first word in a discussion

provided to the teacher demonstrating his work with children. Based on the results of the open review, a decision is made: for example, to introduce this experience into one’s work, submit the notes to the methodological office, or continue to generalize the teacher’s work experience in order to present it at district pedagogical readings.

Thus, when planning methodological work, it is necessary to use all types of generalization of pedagogical experience. In addition, there are various forms of sharing experience: open display, work in pairs, author’s seminars and workshops, conferences, pedagogical readings, weeks of pedagogical excellence, open days, master classes, etc.

Practice shows that the study, generalization and implementation of pedagogical experience is the most important function of methodological work, permeating the content and all its forms and methods. The importance of pedagogical experience can hardly be overestimated; it trains, educates, and develops teachers. Being essentially closely connected with the progressive ideas of pedagogy and psychology, based on the achievements and laws of science, this experience serves as the most reliable conductor of advanced ideas and technologies into practice.

As L.M. Volobueva notes, collective viewing of the educational process of practice is often not differentiated from viewing open classes with children. In the latter case, we are most often talking about the form of certification of kindergarten teachers, so their task is to demonstrate their own success and level of pedagogical competence. In the case of collective viewing, the task is different: to show the most effective conditions, forms or methods and techniques of working with children and their parents. Particular importance is attached to the implementation of methodological principles that determine the optimal impact of upbringing and teaching factors (the formation of motivation in children, changing types of activities, dynamic perception, development of higher mental functions, productive processing of information, repetition of educational material, ensuring the transfer of methods of activity, a playful form of conducting classes and etc.) At the same time, the collective show concerns not only the conduct of classes with children, but also the organization of free types of children's activities and routine moments.

Collective screenings are organized once every 3 months so that all teachers can attend. At the same time, each of them receives a questionnaire for observation with a set of phrases-statements and phrases-questions in a constructive form.

During the collective viewing process, teachers make notes on them.

After the viewing, a discussion is organized: first, the teacher talks about the goals and objectives that he set for himself, the methods and techniques that he used during the demonstration of the educational process, then the audience asks questions, and he answers them. At the same time, he is encouraged to explain the reasons for choosing a particular method or technique of working with children, his behavior during the organization of a collective viewing, and give reflection on his own activities and the activities of the children. The senior teacher continues this line, thanks the teacher for the work done, analyzes its advantages (and not disadvantages), and highlights those forms and methods that, in his opinion, could be used in the work of the entire teaching staff.

Round table - this is one of the forms of communication between teachers. When discussing any issues of education and training of preschoolers, circular pedagogical forms of placing participants allow

make the team self-governing, allows you to put all participants in an equal position, ensures interaction and openness. The role of the round table organizer is to think through and prepare questions for discussion aimed at achieving a specific goal.

Some preschool educational institutions use an interesting form of work that brings together employees. This is a creationliterary or pedagogical newspaper.Purpose: to show the development of creative abilities of adults, as well as children and parents. Educators write articles, stories, compose poems, assess personal qualities, professional qualities necessary in working with children - writing, speech skills - imagery of statements, etc.

Belaya K.Yu. believes that a system of continuousadvanced training (self-education)each teacher, which involves different forms: training in courses, self-education, participation in the methodological work of the city, district, kindergarten. During the inter-course period of active teaching activity, there is a constant process of restructuring knowledge, i.e. there is a progressive development of the subject himself. This is why self-education between courses is necessary. It performs the following functions: expands and deepens the knowledge acquired in previous course training; contributes to the understanding of best practices at a higher theoretical level, improves professional skills.

Self-education- this is the independent acquisition of knowledge from various sources, taking into account the interests and inclinations of each specific teacher.

As a process of acquiring knowledge, it is closely related to self-education and is considered its integral part.

In the process of self-education, a person develops the ability to independently organize his activities to acquire new knowledge.

Why does a teacher need to constantly work on himself, replenish and expand his knowledge? Pedagogy, like all sciences, does not stand still, but is constantly developing and improving. The volume of scientific knowledge increases every year. Scientists say that the knowledge that humanity has doubles every ten years.

This obliges every specialist, regardless of the education received, to engage in self-education.

Self-education is the first step to improving professional skills. In the methodological office, the necessary conditions are created for this: the library fund is constantly updated and replenished with reference and methodological literature, and teachers’ work experiences.

Methodological journals are not just studied and systematized by year, but are used to compile thematic catalogs and help the teacher who has chosen the topic of self-education to get acquainted with the different views of scientists and practitioners on the problem. A library catalog is a list of books available in a library and located in a specific system.

To summarize what has been said, we emphasize that the forms of self-education are diverse:

Work in libraries with periodicals, monographs, catalogues;

Participation in scientific and practical seminars, conferences, trainings;

Receiving consultations from specialists, practical centers, departments of psychology and pedagogy of higher educational institutions;

Work with a bank of diagnostic and correctional development programs, etc.

The result of these and other types of teacher work is a process of reflection on the experience gained and, on its basis, the construction of a new experience.

II. Methods for organizing methodological work

Modern educational organizations also use methods for organizing methodological work.

A method is a way of interaction between a methodologist and teachers.

The most common classification of methods is as follows.

1. By the method of presenting information: verbal (oral, printed), visual (illustration methods and demonstration method), practical (workshops, trainings).

2. According to the degree of independence in acquiring knowledge: reproductive, partially search, search, research.

3. By the method of obtaining knowledge: explanatory-illustrated, programmed, heuristic, problem-based, model..

In the first option, methods similar to those used when working with students are more often used.

However, for organizing activities to improve the professional competence of educators, the methods identified in the second and third paragraphs are most adequate.

At the same time, new ones that differ from traditional ones are increasingly being used, interactive methods of working with the teaching staff of an educational institution: they make it possible to simultaneously solve educational, cognitive, communicative and orientation tasks due to the fact that

  • allow you to organize an educational communication space;
  • allow you to adequately present the new content of education through analysis and solution of specific pedagogical situations and tasks;
  • thereby facilitating the acquisition of professional knowledge, skills and abilities.

A method in which participants directly discuss business situations and problems taken from real practice is a method of analyzing and solving pedagogical situations.

Problematic pedagogical situations are divided into three groups:

  1. A group of problem situations, including conditions in which the need to master actions that affect the effectiveness of pedagogical interaction between the teacher and children is specified;
  2. A group of problem situations aimed at mastering actions that generalize practical and theoretical actions that are familiar or well known to the teacher. They relate to the choice of technologies for raising and teaching children. At the same time, technologies can be subject-oriented and person-oriented.
  3. A group of problem situations that encourages you to independently set goals for raising and educating children and plan their implementation.

When analyzing situations, it is necessary, firstly, to determine what type it belongs to.

Then you need to choose a method to justify the way to solve the pedagogical situation. This can be done using the following methods:

  • Information method (quoting the provisions of famous teachers and scientists who tried to solve this problem);
  • Method of expert assessments (assessment of the situation from different points of view, most often psychological, pedagogical and social);
  • The reference comparison method (consists of searching for a standard, most often, the age norm of development and comparing it with the given example);
  • Analogy method (giving an example from practice);
  • Anticipation method (consists in anticipating the positive and negative results of modeling the pedagogical process for the teacher, child, parents).

The next method of organizing methodological work is conversation. Conversation - an independent type or additional method of pedagogical research in order to obtain the necessary information or clarification about what was not clear enough during observation. In this regard, conversation refers to oral (verbal) research methods. On the other hand, conversation can also be a teaching method. In that case, it is a dialogue aimed at discussing or clarifying an issue or exchanging opinions. Therefore, as a teaching method characterized by the presence of questions and answers, conversation helps to plan or support a conversation between the head or senior teacher and teachers on a specific topic. In kindergarten, when working with the teaching staff, reproducing, generalizing and problem conversations are mainly used. For other qualifications - introductory, heuristic, final and generalizing conversations. Exactly the same types of conversation are used when working with preschool children, which makes it easy to transfer pedagogical attitudes from one situation (communication with colleagues and heads of an educational institution) to another (pedagogical interaction with students). Thus, the conversation is used by the teacher with the aim of activating the child’s mental activity in the process of forming an attitude towards acquiring new knowledge (introductory conversation), their “discovery” (heuristic conversation), repetition and consolidation of previously acquired knowledge (final conversation and generalizing conversation).

Business game is also one of the methods for organizing methodological work, because Thisa form of recreating the substantive and social content of professional activity, modeling a system of relationships characteristic of a given type of practice, i.e. for the development, education and training of children and the organization of interaction with their parents when it comes to the use of business games in the work of teachers of a preschool educational institution. Belaya K.Yu. distinguishes the conduct of a business game from the method of game simulation.

Conducting a business game involves the deployment of special (game) activities of participating teachers within the framework of a simulation model that recreates the conditions and dynamics of the educational process or cooperation with parents of students. There are also games associated with simulating the interaction and relationships of members of the teaching staff with each other and with the leadership of a preschool educational institution, with members of the certification commission, etc. One way or another, depending on what type of human practice is recreated and what the goals of the participants are, educational , research, management, certification business games.

Most often, however, business games are used for educational purposes - educational games. Among them are:

  • Imitation business games are a type of games associated with abstract concepts and topics that cannot be played out in other ways, for example, teachers are required to play with the concepts of “development”, “game”, “education”, “training” using micro-sketches.
  • Positional business games are a type of games in which the interaction between the participants in the game is structured as a clarification of positions on known, traditional and non-traditional methods, technologies, programs through a clash of views and pedagogical attitudes, a struggle of opinions. At the same time, the team of teachers is divided into teams, microgroups, one of which seeks and defends the advantages of the programs and methods under discussion, the second - their shortcomings.
  • Role-playing business games are a type of games in which the characteristics of the roles and positions of interaction participants regarding a particular issue or problem are determined. They are similar to the previous type of games, but teachers must practice not a specific position, but a social role: for example, the role of a project manager, the role of a leader, the role of a Flatterer, the role of an Idea Generator, the role of a Buffer, the role of an Oppositionist, the role of Touch-No-One. don't-touch-me, etc.
  • Situational business games are a type of games in which the roles and positions of the participants in the interaction are determined, but the leading component is the situation, i.e. intense action in a relatively short time. Situational games are associated with playing out illustration situations, exercise situations, assessment situations, and problematic pedagogical situations.
  • Plot-based business games are a type of games in which the roles and positions of interaction participants in a certain plot are determined. Storylines can be followed by presenting various documents on a particular issue.
  • Organizational-activity business games are the most complex type of business games associated with the development of theoretical concepts and practical recommendations within the framework of a problem, collective writing of recommendations, methodological developments. In this case, the leader first determines the problem that the team will work on, then roles are distributed, they are united in microgroups and discuss the problem, develop a common point of view on it, and present the results. Discussion of the results of work in micro groups and development of a draft solution to methodological recommendations.

Functional business games are a type of business games that are associated with the work of proactive creative groups of a preschool educational institution that operate over a long period of time. For example, they may concern the development of game techniques for working with children in classes using health-saving technologies.

According to Belaya K.Yu. There are theoretically substantiated methods for designing and conducting business games. Knowing them is necessary to avoid mistakes that could ruin your work. If a business game is used for educational purposes, then it must be remembered that it cannot precede seminars, special courses, or practical exercises. It should be carried out at the end of training.

Direct development of business game materials includes the following stages:

Creation of a business game project;

Description of the sequence of actions;

Description of the organization of the game;

Preparation of assignments for participants;

Preparation of equipment.

When combining forms and methods of working with personnel into a single system, the manager must take into account their optimal combination with each other.

III. Non-traditional forms of work in preschool educational institutions. Mentoring

Currently, given the increased active position of educators, non-traditional active forms are increasingly being used in methodological work with teaching staff in preschool institutions. These include round table meetings, debates, pedagogical rings, business games, brainstorming, KVN, solving situational and pedagogical problems, crossword puzzles on the topic of preschool pedagogy, etc.

One should also mention such a recognized form of assistance as mentoring. A young, novice teacher can always seek advice from his mentor, come to his group, and see how he works with children. And the mentor, in turn, is always ready to help, show, tell. He becomes an older friend, an adviser both in personal matters and in matters of relationships in the team. Mentoring can be the subject of study, synthesis and implementation of best practices. Such an experience should be described and made available to everyone.

The most important factor in professional adaptation, successful personal and professional development of beginning teachers is schoolyoung teacher.

Various forms of work with young specialists contribute to the development of his cognitive interest in the profession, the active development of techniques for working with children and their parents, and have a positive impact on the growth of his professional significance.

Carrying out systematic work throughout the academic year to develop mentoring traditions allows:

  • To practice the content and methods of pedagogical support for children’s development, interaction between parents and teachers in practice, learned during the period of study at the university;
  • Master techniques aimed at uniting the teaching staff and transferring teaching experience from one generation of teachers to another.

Then comes the time for independent teaching activity, and here it is important to provide assistance to the young specialist, to make sure that the work becomes a joyful event for him, and not a serious test. Solving this problem is considered a priority for the senior teacher and teaching staff.

The senior educator orients the teacher to constantly replenish knowledge, mastery of advanced methods and techniques in working with children, and comprehension of the secrets of education.

The senior educator builds his work with young specialists taking into account three aspects of his activity:

  • “Senior educator - young specialist” - creating conditions for easy adaptation of a young specialist to work, providing him with the necessary knowledge, skills and abilities;
  • “Young specialist - a child and his parent” - the formation of the teacher’s authority, respect, and interest in him among children and their parents;
  • “Young specialist - colleague” - providing all possible assistance and support from colleagues.

Meanwhile, the main task is to develop special attention to the skills of practical application of the theoretical knowledge acquired by the teacher.

In this context, we can recall the statement of A.S. Makarenko. “Dozens of young teachers worked with me. I became convinced that no matter how successfully a person graduates from a pedagogical university, no matter how talented he is, and if he does not learn from experience, he will never be a good teacher, I myself studied with more senior teachers...”

For this purpose, a “Young Teacher School” is being organized, the purpose of which is to help beginning teachers improve their professional competence. Experienced, creative specialists are involved in the work, and the planning of the work of the “Young Teacher’s School” is drawn up taking into account the requests and difficulties of novice teachers. Discussions in which controversial issues of pedagogical theory and practice are discussed are a success. Each teacher expresses his opinion and defends it. Open classes are actively used, followed by a discussion of what was seen, and workshops, where theoretical material is supported by examples from practice, showing individual techniques and ways of working.

When conducting classes at the “School of a Young Teacher”, various techniques are used: solving pedagogical situations, a method of simulating a teacher’s working day, “brainstorming”, solving crossword puzzles. All this allows you to clarify your knowledge on a specific topic and broaden your horizons.

In the theory of organizing methodological work, there are stages of scientific and methodological work that correlate with the forms used.

For example, on theoretical stageIn carrying out methodological work, priority is given to such forms as lectures, consultations, research conferences, debates, theoretical seminars, testing the professional preparedness of teachers, an auction of pedagogical knowledge, etc.

On methodological stageMethodological consultation, conducting a methodological week, a methodological colloquium, a psychological-pedagogical or methodological seminar, a scientific and methodological conference, a pedagogical lounge, psychological training, a pedagogical ring, an operational meeting, etc. come to the fore.

On practical stageBasically, business games, round tables, mutual visits, teaching hours, open classes, workshops, creative reports, scientific and practical conferences, etc. are used.

On analytical stageIt becomes necessary to hold pedagogical councils based on the results of thematic inspections, control “snapshots”, summarizing the results of the academic year, organizing relay races of teaching experience and professional skills competitions, auctions of pedagogical ideas, etc.


The identified forms and methods of methodological work are interconnected, interdependent and require their mandatory differentiation according to significance and continuity:

  • the principle of significance is implemented through the selection of the most appropriate forms and methods of work for each stage in the development of professional competence and its compliance with the leading type of activity of the teacher;
  • the principle of continuity is that each subsequent form of work is a logical continuation of the previous one.

It is possible to build a system of methodological work based on an analysis of the achieved results of the preschool educational institution: the results of the educational process, the level of pedagogical skills and qualifications of teachers, the maturity and cohesion of the teaching staff, the specific interests, needs and requests of educators. The search and selection of the optimal methodological work option is always relevant for the manager. At the same time, it is necessary to take into account the versatile nature of its content and the variety of forms and methods of working with personnel.

In a preschool educational institution, it is very important to raise the question of the quality and effectiveness of methodological work. The results of methodological work should be considered in accordance with the dynamics of the final results of the entire pedagogical process in kindergarten, the level of education and upbringing and development of children, and the positive dynamics of the level of these indicators.

The main criteria for the optimality of the final results of methodological work in preschool educational institutions are:

  • performance criterion; is achieved if the results of education, upbringing and development of pupils increase to the optimal level (or approach it) within the allotted time without overload;
  • criteria for rational expenditure of time, cost-effectiveness of methodological work; is achieved where the improvement of teachers’ skills in order to optimize training and education takes place with a reasonable investment of time and effort by teachers on methodological work and self-education, in any case, without overloading teachers with these types of activities. The presence of this criterion stimulates a scientific, optimization approach to the organization of methodological work;
  • criterion for increasing teacher satisfactionby your labor; can be considered achieved ifThe team has seen an improvement in the psychological microclimate, an increase in the creative activity of teachers, and teachers’ satisfaction with the process and results of their work.

A holistic system of methodological work inkindergarten should develop in accordance with a number of the most important fundamental requirements, namely:

  • connection with life, practical implementation of tasks for restructuring the education system in kindergarten, relevance, which obliges the organizers of methodological workfully take into account the modern social order of society in the context of changes in the country;
  • scientific nature, so that the entire system of advanced training for teachers corresponds to modern scientific achievements in a variety of fields. At the same time, the scientific nature of methodological work should not be transformed V deliberate scientificism, which sometimes causes teachers to have a negative attitude towards the very concept of “scientificness”;
  • systematicity, i.e. systematicity of all methodological work;
  • complexity , which provides for the unity and interconnection of all areas of advanced training;
  • systematicity, consistency, continuity, which ensures that teachers are busy with various forms of methodological work throughout the entire academic year;
  • unity of theory and practice; the general focus on solving practical problems allows the correct use of theory as a means of such a solution;
  • efficiency, flexibility, mobility; the creative essence of methodological work in conditions of dynamic growth of preschool life, constant change of environment, complication of problems being solved requires the ability to quickly and flexibly respond to changes in it, and rebuild the system of methodological work if necessary;
  • collective nature with a reasonable combination of general preschool, group and individual, formal and informal, mandatory and voluntary forms and types of methodological work and self-education of teachers;
  • creating favorable conditions for effective methodological work and creative search for teachers.

Thus, the implementation of the complex of the above requirements in the methodological work system ensures optimal results, which are indicators of the effectiveness of methodological work in modern DOW.


1. Belaya K.Yu. Methodological work in preschool educational institutions: Analysis, planning, forms and methods [text]: methodological manual / K.Yu. Belaya-M: TC Sfera, 2007. – 96 p.

2. Belaya K.Yu. Methodological work in a preschool educational institution [text]: methodological manual / K.Yu. Belaya-M: MIPKRO, 2000.- 81 p.

3. Belaya K. Yu. Business games in the methodological service system [text]: methodological manual / K. Yu. White - M: Education, 1994.- 84 p.

4. Belaya K.Yu. Pedagogical council in a preschool educational institution: Preparation and implementation [text]: methodological manual / K.Yu. White - M: Sphere, 2009.- 48 p.

5. Volobueva L.M. Work of a senior preschool teacher with teachers [text]: methodological manual / L.M. Volobueva - M: Sphere shopping center, 2009. – 96 p.

6. Vinogradova N.A., Miklyaeva N.V., Rodionova Yu.N. Methodological work in preschool educational institutions. Effective forms and methods [text]: methodological manual / N.A. Vinogradova, N.V. Miklyaeva, Yu.N. Rodionova – M: Iris-press, 2008.-192 p.

Annex 1.

Business game for preschool teachers to study the Federal State Educational Standard

preschool education

“New Federal State Educational Standard – new opportunities”


  1. To intensify the mental activity of teachers in knowledge of the basic provisions, concepts and principles of the Federal State Educational Standard for Education.
  2. To identify the level of professional preparedness of teachers for the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard.
  3. Develop the ability to argue your point of view.
  4. Clarifying the knowledge and skills of teachers on the problem of implementing the educational field “Cognitive Development” in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard.

Equipment: cards with questions, signal cards for evaluating the speaker: green - “you are well versed in the aspects of the Federal State Educational Standard”, red - “you need to pay attention to the main provisions of the document.”

Presenter: (senior teacher): As it has been noted more than once that the leading type of children’s activity is play, we invite you to play the business game “New Federal State Educational Standards - New Opportunities”

Progress of the game.

Divided into two teams

Before the start of the game, the senior teacher offers each participant (or group of participants) from the pack one ticket with a question. Time is given to prepare. The answer is assessed by colleagues using signal cards. If the answer is correct, teachers raise a green card; if the answer is incomplete or incorrect, they raise a red card.


1. Theoretical block “BRAINSTORMING”

Questions for teams: (questions are asked in order)

  1. When the Federal State Educational Standard for Education was adopted - October 17, 2013 No. 1155.
  2. In what year did it come into effect? – January 1, 2015.
  3. A document ensuring the child’s rights to high-quality and accessible preschool education in the country:


Family code;

Education Act";

Convention on the Rights of the Child;

4.What is the leading activity in preschool childhood? (a game)

5. What educational area includes the study of FEMP in the program for preschool children? (“cognitive development”)

  1. What type of work begins the development of work skills in children. (self-service)
  2. What is the amount of time for implementing the part of the program formed by the participants of the educational institution - 40%
  3. What are the areas of child development? – There are 5 of them: cognitive, speech, physical, social-communicative and artistic-aesthetic.
  4. In which educational area is the task of developing a cautious attitude towards potentially dangerous situations for humans and the surrounding natural world? (Social and communicative development)
  5. In which educational area is the problem of developing children's play activity solved? - “in all five.”
  6. Which educational institution solves the problem of practical mastery of speech norms by students? – “Speech development.”

8. What educational area does the development of communication and interaction of a child with adults and peers relate to?

(socio-communicative development)

9. Determine the implementation time of OOP BEFORE:

a) from 65% to 80% of the time children are in kindergarten;

b) only during classes;

c) can be implemented during the entire period of children’s stay in the organization.

10. What educational area does acquaintance with book culture and children's literature belong to?

b) cognitive development;

c) speech development;

e) physical development.

11. What educational area does the perception of music, fiction, and folklore belong to?

a) social and communicative development;

b) cognitive development;

c) speech development;

d) artistic and aesthetic development;

e) physical development.

12. What is the DO Standard aimed at?

a) formation of knowledge, skills and abilities;

b) formation of integrative personality qualities;

c) targets for preschool education.

Task 2. The Standard specifies the requirements for the results of mastering the Program - these are target guidelines. Let's consider the target guidelines, highlighting those characteristics that are closely related to the NGO “Cognitive Development”. The Auction of Pedagogical Ideas will help us with this.

Here are the criteria (targets). List the conditions that contribute to their successful, full achievement.



Shows curiosity;

Asks questions to adults and peers;

Interested in cause-and-effect relationships;

Tries to independently come up with explanations for natural phenomena and human actions;

Tends to observe and experiment;

Has basic knowledge about himself, about the natural and social world...;

Capable of making his own decisions.



search and practical activities,

project method...

Game problem situations, observations, ...

Developmental environment:

Ecological trail, experimentation area, …

Practical block:

3. “From theory to practice”

Material: cards - types and forms of organizing children's activities.

Assignment: determine the forms of work with children by type of children's activities:


Perception of fiction and folklore


Cognitive and research





Self-care and household work

Time: 7 minutes.

Evaluation criterion: 5 points – complete, detailed correct answer;

3 points – the answer is partially correct, but incomplete;

0 points – no answer to the question.

Presentation form: oral message from one of the team members.

Presentation time: 2 minutes.

Musical competition

4. “Musical improvisations on the theme of integration”

they take out a card with a certain “Educational Area” and topic, and in 3 minutes the team selects as many musical excerpts from songs on the topic of this area as possible. The team that provides the audience and jury with the largest number of musical excerpts wins.

5. “Integration of educational areas”

They take out a card with a specific GCD topic and in 3 minutes the team selects integration with other areas. The participant must tell what integration can be used, what forms and methods of joint activity are used to address this topic.


So, today, during the business game, we have intensified your knowledge and skills in the field of Federal State Educational Standards of preschool education; determined the pedagogical conditions for the successful and full cognitive development of preschool children.
I invite each teacher to evaluate his contribution to the work of the group: red - not happy, did not do everything he could;

yellow – could have done better;

Green – did everything in my power for the success of the group.

The leaves are pasted onto a poster with a picture of a traffic light.
- Let's discuss your impression of the business game.

Appendix 2.

Pedagogical advice on the topic

“Project method in the activities of a preschool institution”

Goal: introduction of design technology into the activities of a preschool institution.

Form of implementation: pedagogical council.


  1. Bliznetsova V.S. Management of project activities of preschool teachers // Directory of a senior teacher of a preschool institution. 2009. No. 9. P.33-40.
  2. Vinogradova O.V. Research project activities in preschool educational institutions // Management of preschool educational institutions. Scientific and practical journal. 2009. No. 1. P.63-65.
  3. Volkova M.S. Project “School of Preschool Sciences” // Directory of a senior teacher of a preschool institution. 2010. No. 9. P.6-9.
  4. Evdokimova E.S., Kudryavtseva E.A. Designing summer holidays for preschoolers with their families // Preschool Education Management. Scientific and practical journal. 2004 No. 2.P.40-56.
  5. Zukau E.F. Project method in the patriotic education of preschool children // Preschool educational institution management. Scientific and practical journal. 2009. No. 1. P.96-98.
  6. Kukhlinskaya V.V. Project method in organizing role-playing games // Preschool educational institution management. Scientific and practical journal. 2009. No. 1. P.52-62.
  7. Website ,
  8. Timofeeva G.E. Project activities in nurturing love for one’s hometown // Preschool Education Management. Scientific and practical journal. 2009. No. 1. P.83-85.

Plan for the teachers' meeting:

  1. The relevance of the topic of the teachers' council.
  2. Pedagogical improvisation “Who wants to become an expert in the project method?”
  3. Making a decision of the teachers' council.

Progress of the teachers' council:

  1. The relevance of the topic of the teachers' council.

At the present stage of development of preschool education becomes relevant the issue of creating a system of work to introduce preschool educational institutions into the educational processproject method.

A project (literally “thrown forward”) is a prototype, a prototype of an object or type of activity, and design is the process of creating a project.

The project method as a pedagogical technology is a set of research, search, problem-based methods, techniques and actions of a teacher in a certain sequence to achieve a given task - solving a problem that is personally significant for the teacher, formalized in the form of a certain final product. In other words, the project method is the implementation of a plan from the moment of its inception to its completion with the passage of certain stages of activity.

The design technology assumes:

  • the presence of a problem that requires integrated knowledge and a research search for its solution;
  • practical, theoretical, cognitive significance of the expected results;
  • independent activity of the pupil;
  • structuring the content of the project indicating phased results;
  • use of research methods, e.g. defining the problem, the research tasks arising from it, putting forward a hypothesis for their solution. Discussion of research methods, presentation of final results, analysis of the data obtained, summing up, adjustments, conclusions.

The main purpose of the project method is to provide children with the opportunity to independently acquire knowledge when solving practical problems or problems that require the integration of knowledge from various subject areas. As a result, project activity makes it possible to educate a “doer” rather than a “performer”, to develop strong-willed personality traits and partnership interaction skills.

Advantages of the project method:

  • is one of the methods of developmental education, because it is based on the development of children’s cognitive skills, the ability to independently construct their knowledge, and navigate the information space;
  • improves the quality of the educational process;
  • serves the development of critical and creative thinking.
  • contributes to increasing the competence of teachers.

Thus, mastering design technology by teachers will improve the level of their professional skills and create conditions for effective educational work in preschool educational institutions.

  1. Variability in the use of the design method.

Project activity is a type of knowledge acquisition that provides numerous opportunities, their use in various combinations, and integration of various types of activities.

The transition of a preschool institution to a project-based method of activity is usually carried out in the following stages:

  • classes that include problem situations of children's experimentation, etc.;
  • complex block-thematic classes;
  • integration:
  • partial integration (integration of fiction and artistic activities);
  • full integration (environmental education with fiction, fine arts, music education, physical development);
  • project method:
  • form of organization of educational space;
  • method of developing creative cognitive thinking.
  1. Types of projects used in the work of a preschool institution.

The following types of projects are used in the practice of modern preschool institutions:

  • research-creative: completely subordinated to the logic of research and have a structure that approximates or completely coincides with genuine scientific research;
  • role-playing, gaming (participants take on certain roles determined by the nature and content of the project);
  • introductory and orientation (information) (collection of information about some object, phenomenon; project participants are expected to familiarize themselves with this information, analyze it and summarize the facts);
  • practice-oriented (applied) (the result is necessarily focused on the social interests of the participants themselves);
  • creative (involve appropriate presentation of the results in the form of a children's party, children's design).

The leading activity of a preschooler is play, therefore, starting from a young age, role-playing, play and creative projects are used, for example, “Favorite Toys”, “The ABC of Health”, etc.

Other types of projects are also significant, including:

  • complex: “World of Theater”, “Hello, Pushkin!”, “Echo of Centuries”, “Book Week”;
  • intergroup: “Mathematical collages”, “The world of animals and birds”, “Seasons”;
  • creative: “My Friends”, “We Love Fairy Tales”, “The World of Nature”, etc.;
  • group: “Tales of Love”, “Know Yourself”, “Underwater World”, “Fun Astronomy”;
  • individual: “Me and My Family”, “Family Tree”, “Secrets of Grandma’s Chest”;
  • research:“Underwater world”, “Breath and health”, “Nutrition and health”.

In terms of duration, they can be short-term (one or several lessons), medium-long, long-term (for example, “Pushkin’s Work” - for the academic year).

Project topics may concern the problems of creating a culture of family life, taking into account the interests and abilities of students. Sometimes the topic of projects is proposed by the students themselves, while the latter are guided by their own creative, applied interests. But most often, the topic of projects is determined by the practical significance of the issue, its relevance, as well as the possibility of solving it by involving the knowledge of students from different fields of science. That is, knowledge integration is practically achieved.

  1. Planning work to prepare the project.

Work on the project takes place in several stages:

Stage I – organizational and preparatory:

  • selection of software and methodological support for project implementation;
  • studying the experience of innovative teachers on the project topic;
  • replenishment of the subject-development environment;
  • selection of diagnostic tools to identify children's knowledge.

Stage II - reflective-diagnostic:

  • analysis by the teacher of the reserve of his professional capabilities and expected difficulties, as well as the interest of colleagues in the topic of the project;
  • identifying the interest and level of knowledge of children on the topic of the project;
  • formation of a data bank on the level of parental competence in matters of the designated topic.

Stage II - practical:

  • correction of individual plans of teachers participating in the project;
  • determining the content of the work as a basic component in the priority area of ​​the teacher’s activity;
  • implementation of the project through interaction with colleagues and parents, active introduction of non-traditional forms of work with children, including project and play activities of the child;
  • generalization and dissemination of work experience;
  • defense of the project at the second stage of certification of preschool teachers;
  • participation in the city competition of pedagogical projects.

Stage IV - final:

  • analysis of the achievement of goals and results obtained;
  • determination of further directions for the implementation of the problem considered in the project in the educational process of preschool educational institutions.
  1. Pedagogical improvisation “Who wants to become an expert in the project method”

Goal: to provide conditions for the development of creativity and professional activity of teachers in their mastery of design technologies through interactive forms of methodological work.

Equipment: multifunctional pyramid, cards indicating the stages of the project, prize for the winner.

Game algorithm:

  • introductory information from the game host;
  • “playground” equipment;
  • familiarizing participants with the rules of the game;
  • playing a game;
  • reflection.

Host: Dear colleagues, I invite you to the fantasy playground. Today, the owner of this site will be the well-known design method. Our communication will take place in the form of a game “Who wants to become an expert in the design method?” Three teachers will take part in the qualifying round. They will need to arrange the project phases in the correct sequence. Whoever does this first will take a place in the player's chair. The player will be asked nine questions. Each question has three answers, you must choose one answer. The player can use only two tips: help from the hall and calling a friend. If he successfully completes the tasks, he is awarded the title “Expert in the Design Method”.

Questions for the player:

1. What is instructional design?

  • tribute to fashion;
  • dogma of the professional activity of a teacher;
  • type of teaching activity.

2. Place of the epigraph in the project structure:

  • at first;
  • middle;
  • they can finish the project.

3. Which of the three definitions emphasizes project types by dominant activity?

  • collective;
  • research;
  • long-term.

4. What is a hypothesis?

  • short summary of the project;
  • the teacher’s concern about the unsuccessful implementation of the project;
  • an assumption that requires explanation and confirmation.

5. Who is the founder of the design method?

  • American educator Democrat John Dewey;
  • great Russian teacher K.D. Ushinsky;
  • French psychologist J. Piaget, about whom they say: “He was the first among equals.”

6. What content of teaching activity is not typical for the practical (research) stage?

  • implementation of project activities in the interaction of the teacher with colleagues and parents;
  • putting forward a hypothesis;
  • open display of activities on the project topic.

7. What type of activity should be excluded from the final (control and regulatory) stage of the project?

  • comparison of the goals and results of the project;
  • reflective evaluation of the project;
  • selection of content and forms of project activities for each stage of the project.

8. What nature of teaching activity is not an indicator of a teacher’s high level of proficiency in design technology?

  • reproductive;
  • search;
  • creative.

9. When presenting the project, the teacher must:

  • show your superiority over your colleagues in solving the problem identified in the project;
  • prove yourself as a teacher who has the skills to develop a project as a teaching aid that will provide practical assistance to colleagues;
  • attract the attention of listeners and direct colleagues to the indispensable use of the presented project in the practice of their work.
  1. Making a decision of the teachers' council.

The decision of the teachers' council:

  1. To improve the quality of the educational process, introduce the project method into the pedagogical process.
  1. To improve the professional skills of teachers in organizing project activities through various forms of methodological work.

Responsible: senior teacher. Time frame: within a year.

  1. At the end of the school year, in order to intensify the efforts of the teaching staff in developing non-standard forms of work with children and analyzing the work of teachers using the project method, organize a presentation of group projects.

Responsible: senior teacher, group teachers. Dates: April.

The standard regulations on preschool educational institutions in the Russian Federation define the main tasks of preschool education:

maintaining and strengthening the physical and mental health of children; physical, intellectual and personal development of each child, taking into account his individual characteristics; providing assistance to families in raising children.

Specially organized methodological work is designed to mobilize educators to solve these problems.

Methodological work in a preschool institution - This is a holistic, based on the achievements of science and advanced pedagogical experience, a system of interrelated measures aimed at comprehensively improving the qualifications and professional skills of each educator and the team as a whole, developing creative potential, and improving the quality of the educational process.

Methodological guidance in the preschool educational institution is carried out by a senior educator. In his activities, two directions can be roughly distinguished: scientific management of the pedagogical process and methodological support of the pedagogical process.

Any management activity, which includes the activity of a senior preschool teacher, is built on the basis of management theory. The main component of management activity is goal determination. A goal is an ideally planned result.

Main goals methodological work can be:

improving the pedagogical qualifications of both an individual teacher and the team as a whole;

mastering new pedagogical technologies;

providing assistance to educators in the creation and development of their individual methodological systems;

development of the humanistic orientation of the personality of each educator. The following tasks contribute to the implementation of these goals:

1. Identify the initial level of pedagogical skill of each educator.

2. Develop among educators the need for self-development and self-education.

3. To develop the humanistic orientation of the personality of each educator.

4. Develop pedagogical techniques.

The organization of methodological work includes a number of important functions:

study, analysis of the state of affairs in preschool educational institutions, taking into account the new “social order”;

choosing the goal and specific objectives of the activity;

planning content, forms and methods, ways and means of achieving goals;

stimulation, provision of practical assistance to educators based on

diagnostic results;

recruiting problem groups of teachers;

summing up the results of each stage of methodological work and identifying new ones

near and distant prospects;

collection and processing of received information;

adjustment of the educational process during various methodological classes

with teachers;

encouraging creative workers, creating an atmosphere of cooperation,

mutual understanding and mutual assistance.

The content of methodological work in a preschool institution is determined by the set goals and objectives, taking into account the results of the educational process of this preschool educational institution, the level of pedagogical skills and qualifications of educators, the maturity and cohesion of a particular teaching staff. IN content methodological work includes the following directions:

1. Educational. Provides for the formation of new skills among educators
pedagogical thinking in conditions of humanization of the educational process.

2. Didactic. Aimed at improving professional competence in
the most pressing problems of increasing the effectiveness of teaching children in preschool educational institutions.

3. Psychological. Focused on updating educators’ knowledge in
areas of general, developmental and educational psychology.

4. Physiological. Provides advanced training in general and
age physiology and hygiene.

In order to determine the effectiveness of methodological work, a number of main criteria:

1 .Performance of key indicators(the level of pedagogical skill of the teaching staff; the atmosphere of creativity in the organization and course of the educational process; the availability of proprietary programs and technologies; the level of intellectual, physical and personal development of preschool students, etc.).

2. Systematicity in methodological work(compliance of goals and objectives with the content and forms of methodological work).

Z. Stagedness. The effectiveness of methodological work is determined by the presence of the following successive stages:

Stage 1 - theoretical. Goal: familiarization with ideas, advanced systems, their comprehension.

Stage 2 - methodical. Goal: displaying the best examples of best practices; design of an individual methodological system.

Stage 3 - practical. Goal: testing of new educational technologies, individual methodological systems.

Stage 4 - analytical. Purpose: determining the effectiveness of methodological work; analysis of the reasons causing the most typical difficulties; planning ways to eliminate them.

4. Interrelation of stages and forms of methodological work. Practice has proven the expediency of choosing one or another form of methodological work depending on its stage.

Yes, on theoretical the following are effective forms: lectures, scientific and theoretical conferences, theoretical and problem-based seminars, consultations, literature summaries, auction of pedagogical knowledge.

On methodical At this stage, methodological consultations, colloquiums, reviews of best teaching experience, psychological and pedagogical seminars, scientific and methodological seminars and conferences, and pedagogical rings are appropriate.

On practical stage - workshops, “creative laboratories”, mutual visits, creative reports, scientific and practical seminars and conferences.

On analytical stage - organizational and active games, “relay races” of pedagogical experience, competitions of pedagogical skills, auctions of pedagogical ideas, brain rings, teacher councils (on the experience of monitoring the educational process, the results of diagnostics of teachers and children).

5. Differentiation. This criterion presupposes the organization of methodological
work taking into account the level of professionalism and readiness for self-development. There are three
level of pedagogical mastery:

Low (intuitive);

Medium (search);

High (masterful).

In accordance with the level of teaching skills of educators, the methodologist develops individual versions of methodological work. Thus, methodological work with low-level teachers is aimed at motivating them to teach and mastering theoretical knowledge; with middle-level educators - to stimulate creativity and create an individual pedagogical system.

An important role in the work of a senior teacher is given to the organization of the work of the methodological office in the preschool educational institution, which is the center for collecting, generalizing and disseminating teaching experience.

The equipment of the methodological room can be represented by the following sections:

regulatory and instructional materials;

teaching materials;

methodological, research and reference literature;

didactic and visual material;

children's fiction;

best teaching practices;

materials on working with parents.


1. Bondarenko A., Pozdnyak L., Shkatulla V. Head of a preschool institution. - M.,

2. Vasilyeva A., Bakhturina L., Kabitina I. Senior kindergarten teacher.
-M., 1990.

3. Belaya K. About non-traditional forms of work/Preschool education. 1990, no. 12.

4. Belaya K. Methodological support for the preschool education system in Moscow.
/school playback 1997, no. 2.

5. Nikishina I.V. Methodological work in a preschool institution: organization, management. Volgograd, 1995.

6. Kalmykova V. Management of public preschool education in the region. M.,

7. Sterkina R. Modern problems of scientific and methodological support of the system
preschool education /Preschool education. 1991, No. 5 - p. 40.

Test assignments on the topic: “Organization of methodological work in preschool educational institutions”

1. What is the purpose of specially organized methodological work?

a B C)....... ........

2. Define the concept of “methodological work”.

3. Consider the diagram below, supplement it by indicating all the functions
organization of methodological work.

Methodical work

Organization of methodological work


4. What in methodological work is determined by goals and objectives, taking into account
results of the educational process of preschool educational institutions, the level of pedagogical skills and
qualifications of educators, maturity and cohesion of a particular pedagogical

5. What two main directions can be identified in the activities of the senior

I ..................................... II .......... ................

6. Compare the areas of methodological work with their characteristics:

a) educational 1) updating the knowledge of educators on the most relevant

b) physiological problems of increasing the efficiency of teaching children in preschool educational institutions;

c) didactic 2) advanced training for educators

d) psychological on the theory and methods of education

preschoolers in conditions of a personal approach and humanization of the educational process.

7. Name the four main criteria for the effectiveness of methodological work:

a)........................ b).................... c)................... d)..........................

8. Is it true that consistency (a criterion for the effectiveness of methodological work) -
Is it the correspondence of goals and objectives to the content and forms of methodological work?

9. Fill out the table, enter the required letters in the columns, after giving
Definitions of the concepts: “goal” and “task”:

a) the formation of individual methodological systems for individual educators;

b) development of the humanistic orientation of the personality of each educator;

c) development of pedagogical techniques: organizational, communication and others

d) developing in educators the need for self-development, self-education and

e) increasing the pedagogical skills of each educator and pedagogical
the team as a whole;

f) identifying the initial level of pedagogical skill of each teacher (his level
knowledge, pedagogical abilities and skills);

g) mastering new pedagogical technologies.

10. What level of teachers does methodological work involve?
stimulating a value orientation towards creativity in their teaching activities,
to create an individual methodological system? Choose the correct answer and mark it
any sign of it:

11. With what level of educators is methodological work focused on
developing a positive attitude towards teaching activities, mastering
creative knowledge? Choose the correct answer and mark it with some symbol:

a) masterful, b) exploratory, c) intuitive.

12. With educators at what level is methodological work aimed at
formation of orientation towards communication, dialogue, mastery of pedagogical techniques?
Choose the correct answer and mark it with some symbol:

a) masterful, b) exploratory, c) intuitive.

13. Compare the stages of methodological work in preschool educational institutions with their goals and objectives:

1) theoretical, a) identification of work effectiveness, analysis

2) methodological, the most typical difficulties and ways to solve them

3) practical, elimination;

4) analytical. b) building a plan for an individual methodological system;

c) awareness of the idea, comprehension of advanced systems;

d) displaying the best examples of best practices;

e) independent development and testing by educators
new technologies of training and education.


Related information.

Methodological work in a preschool educational institution is a complex system of measures, interconnected, based on scientific achievements and pedagogical experience (including progressive ideas). It is aimed at professional skills, the skills of the teacher and the entire teaching staff.

Areas of work

Preschool institutions have already developed ways to improve the level of teachers' skills. But often there is no clear relationship between different types of methodological work in preschool educational institutions. Therefore, the task of the head of the kindergarten and the methodologist is to form a unified system and search for effective, accessible methods of mastery.

  • educational - improving the qualifications of teachers in theoretical terms and mastering modern methods of interaction with children;
  • didactic - obtaining knowledge to improve the efficiency of the kindergarten;
  • psychological - conducting classes in psychology (general, developmental, pedagogical);
  • physiological - conducting classes on physiology and hygiene;
  • technical - the teacher must be able to use ICT in his work;
  • self-education - reading specialized literature, attending seminars on current topics.

Such a wide variety of areas of methodological work in preschool educational institutions requires the selection of the most effective forms of interaction with teaching staff.

Forms of conducting

They are divided into two groups: individual and group.

  1. - the highest management body of the entire educational process. Solve specific problems.
  2. Consulting - the teacher can get advice on a question that interests him.
  3. Seminars - they discuss a specific topic; specialists from other institutions can be invited. And at workshops, teachers’ skills are improved.
  4. Open lesson.
  5. Business games - imitation of making any important decisions in different situations.
  6. "Round table".
  7. Pedagogical newspaper - unification of the team through creativity.
  8. Creative microgroups - they are organized to find effective methods of work.
  9. Work on a common methodological topic for everyone.
  10. Self-education of educators.

It is advisable to use all forms of organizing methodological work in preschool educational institutions (which are more than those listed above) in order to achieve the most effective results.


Methodological work is one of the important aspects that needs to be paid attention to. With proper organization, not without the participation of the head and methodologist, it can motivate teachers to professional growth. Therefore, a search is underway for new, non-standard forms for advanced training. This does not mean that traditional ones will not be needed. Only in combination with established and modern methods can a professional and cohesive teaching team be created.