Dmitry Tarasov: biography, personal life, family, wife, children - photo. “new girl” Tarasova reacted for the first time to comparisons with Buzova Anastasia Kostenko

The once happy marriage of Dmitry Tarasov and Olga Buzova still broke up - this is evidenced by numerous TV shows and articles on the Internet. The happy couple, who gave their fans constant radiant smiles, divorced loudly in the fall of 2016. The couple lived together for 4 years. During this time, they formed jointly acquired property, of which, according to Olga, nothing remained. This is not refuted by Dmitry Tarasov himself, claiming that the football player purchased the house, apartment and expensive car with his own money - this confirms Olga’s previously given consent to register real estate in the name of relatives of her then-current husband.

But it is not property litigation that attracts fans to information about the divorce of famous personalities. It is much more interesting to find out who the ex-spouses are with now. And if rumors have not yet appeared about Olga, then Dmitry is now in a new relationship - and this has been happening for a long time. People have been interested in Dmitry Tarasov’s new girlfriend for a long time – as soon as information about the betrayal of his legal spouse appeared. But who is she? Previously, there was Anastasia Kostenko - it was she who received a flurry of indignation from Buzova’s fans, it was she who was considered an insidious homewrecker and a happy couple. But who is Dmitry with now?

Where did it all start?

To begin with, we should briefly talk about how the scandal in the Tarabuzik family began. So, at first, fans simply suspected something was wrong in the family, looking at photos on Olga Buzova’s Instagram. If earlier Olga constantly pleased with joint photos, now there are none. The presenter herself began to appear at social parties alone - for a long time this was explained by the footballer’s busy schedule, although the spouses themselves did not comment on the situation. The “last straw” for subscribers and the public in general was Olga’s hospitalization - while the famous TV presenter was in the clinic, her previously beloved and loving husband was having fun at the club. This is where it all started.

After some time, the spouses, who did not comment on the situation, began to openly throw mud at each other, not hiding their hatred. Dmitry tried to accuse his wife of indecent behavior, alcohol abuse and other troubles. Olga simply said that this man did not live up to her expectations. But piquant information surfaced on the Internet - Dmitry cheated on Olga! Yes, he didn’t just change, but started dating a girl! After some time, Olga herself confirmed the information - she was aware of her husband’s love affairs, and this happened more than once, but with one girl.

Dmitry Tarasov's new girlfriend

2017 began for Dmitry Tarasov with a new love - in which the football player is infinitely happy. His new girlfriend, according to Dmitry himself, now lives in the Moscow apartment in which the football player previously lived with Olga. Surprisingly, Dmitry Tarasov’s new girlfriend does not advertise her romance and new place of residence. Buzova’s free and ex-husband himself boasted that he had been living with the new girl for a long time.

New information about cohabitation has appeared in the video “I am building Kotelniki”, for the filming of which blogger Amiran Sandarov and co-host Valeria visited the famous football player. The footage showed a slender brunette beauty in the kitchen, peacefully preparing lunch. However, it became unclear to viewers and subscribers why the football player did not introduce the new girl to the visiting guests. Surprisingly, even at the common table everyone was seated except for the beauty in cute short shorts.

Viewers believed that it was Ananstasia Kostenko who lived with Dmitry - in any case, the girl from the video was very similar to her. Anastasia herself does not comment on the changes that have taken place in her life - on her Instagram there are only her own photographs. Tarasov himself has photos with his footballer friends and his daughter.

Rumors and other gossip

Not long ago, information appeared on the network about Dmitry Tarasov’s new girlfriend - she was Anna Ushakova, with whom the free football player even spent the New Year holidays in the Maldives. A new passion appeared after Olga Buzova’s fans’ own investigation. The role of the new girl is the winner of the Moscow Beauty 2016 beauty contest. It should be noted that Anastasia Kostenko is the winner of the Miss Russia 2014 contest. Both girls are sizzling brunettes with long hair - the complete opposite of Olga. Dmitry was spotted with Anna Ushakova in a restaurant, but neither of them comments on the situation.

The second rumor is that Anastasia Kostenko is pregnant from Tarasov. This is clearly good news for every woman for whom simply having a child is happiness. But still none of the defendants comment on what is happening. Spiteful critics only noticed that if Dmitry does not want to introduce his new girlfriend, with whom he now lives, to his guests, it means that he does not consider the relationship serious.

And indeed Dmitry Tarasov is a flighty fellow. Previously, he was “taken away” from the family by Olga Buzova, now Olga herself has suffered - but who became that homewrecker is still unknown exactly. Be that as it may, Dmitry Tarasov and his new girlfriend deserve peace of mind, so you shouldn’t press them. What if Anastasia is really pregnant? And pregnant women shouldn’t worry too much.

Recently, Kostenko made her Instagram account publicly available, where, of course, comments and questions immediately poured in from users who closely followed the personal lives of Tarasov and his now ex-wife, TV personality Olga Buzova.

Discussions about the divorce of Russia's most media couple have been going on for several weeks - and the beauty from Rostov-on-Don is most often cited as the reason for the separation of the "tarabuziks". According to rumors, the Lokomotiv football player has been living with Kostenko for several months in the apartment where Buzova once lived.

Under the most recent photo of Kostenko on Instagram there are plenty of angry comments, but there are also compliments. In particular, one of the subscribers provocatively remarked that Tarasov’s “new girl” is prettier than Buzova. And Kostenko did not ignore this, answering “thank you very much.”

Posted by Anastasia KOSTENKO (@kostenko.94) Mar 7, 2017 at 5:28 PST

In addition, Kostenko got involved in a discussion about the “correctness of her behavior” and began to respond to hidden and obvious accusations that she had brought discord into the star family.

Let us remind you that Tarasov and Buzova filed for divorce at the end of December 2016. After this, the footballer continued training with Lokomotiv, refusing to give any comments about his personal life and admitting that he was tired of excessive publicity. Buzova made a splash in show business by recording two very successful musical hits, which aroused open envy and attacks from the professional community.

Until recently, fans of the ex-spouses spoke of the divorce of Olga Buzova and Dmitry Tarasov only as a matter of PR, but reconciliation did not happen. Moreover, the TV presenter deleted her ex-husband’s phone and found solace in work, which she talks about in every interview.

The footballer was consoled in the arms of a new girl, whom he had not shown for a long time, although the fans knew the details. Today Tarasov, who was rumored to be unfaithful long before his divorce from the TV star, is no longer hiding: he is really dating Anastasia Kostenko.

The last doubts were dispelled today when the couple was first captured by media photographers during the celebration of the 30th anniversary of the famous football player.

The night before, Dmitry officially introduced Nastya as his companion.

The striker's friends, who arrived at the Lastochka restaurant immediately after Lokomotiv's game with Spartak (where, by the way, Olga Buzova visited), one after another made toasts in honor of the birthday boy, taking breaks only to take pictures with the decorated golden tones photo zone. The rest of the time, the guests had fun to the fullest to the music of the popular performer Mota.

Among the guests were also seen the closest people of Dmitry and Anastasia - the athlete’s mother, parents and the girl’s aunt. Olga Tarasova, the athlete’s mother, despite her difficult relationship with Buzova, who shortly before the divorce accused her of inhumanity, treated her son’s new lover with warmth.

But Olga Buzova, having returned from the match, posted a photo with a controversial caption in the style of “House-2”. Knowing what her fans are thinking, the TV presenter signed: "The evening is no longer languid...I'm going to my birthday #waitformeI'll be back soon."

But she ended up at the celebration of a completely different person - Yulia Samedova, who, like Buzova in the past, is the wife of a football player.

Despite the apparent fun and carefreeness, a flame burned in Buzova’s soul, which she spat out on her former (now) friend, singer Hannah. The reason for this was her mini-concert, or rather, the moment when the artist took the hand of the football player’s new passion. Olga Buzova reacted very sharply to this gesture, leaving Hannah an angry comment on Instagram.

Probably, in order not to aggravate the situation, Hannah closed comments on the photo.

At the same time, subscribers cannot agree on a clear opinion whether the girl from Rostov is promiscuous, but Buzova recalled that everything that happens is a boomerang, since at one time Tarasov came to his birthday in the same way not with his wife, but with her , although the football player was legally married (although he had not lived with his wife Oksana for a couple of months at that time).

The day before, a new issue of Amiran Sardarov’s Internet project “I am building Kotelniki” appeared on the Internet. One of the main characters in the video dedicated to apartments and design was Dmitry Tarasov. The famous football player invited Amiran and his filming partner Lera to his home to show off the luxurious apartments.

According to Tarasov, he purchased the apartment with his own funds. “I bought it, I earned it for a very long time,” Dmitry explained. Amiran and Lera saw the football player’s collection of balls, as well as a large dressing room. According to the athlete, he stopped buying a lot of things for himself, since most of the money was spent on building a cottage, which he wants to move to in the near future.

“I dreamed of a big house, a big family, so that everyone would live together,” Tarasov noted.

Netizens drew attention to the girl who was captured during filming in Dmitry’s apartment. Some believe that the brunette in pink shorts is Anastasia Kostenko, with whom the football player was credited with having an affair. Tarasova's supposed chosen one was bustling around in the kitchen to feed the guests and did not want to appear on the video. The athlete informed in advance that there were people in the apartment besides him.

“Only I don’t live alone, with a girl,” Dmitry warned before letting the guests into the apartment.

Collages appeared in fan groups in which people combined an old photograph of Olga Buzova in exactly the same shorts and a still from the video with Tarasov’s supposed new lover. Social network users actively discussed the girls and compared them. Probably, these screenshots reached the star of “House-2”. According to fans, Buzova saw how her ex-husband now lives in the apartment where they were once happy. Olga left an ambiguous post on the social network.

“I just saw something that hurt me again... I promise myself every day not to cry anymore... I promise myself every day to start sleeping and eating... But so far it’s not working... When will it get easier?” - the star shared her experiences with fans.

Fans of the reality show host supported their favorite, urging her to forget about the difficult time and move on along her chosen path. According to many, after her divorce from the football player, Olga became much more successful. Subscribers believe that she will still find her happiness.

“Olya! No need to torture yourself like that! You need to love yourself again!”, “Olenka, don’t worry, everything will be very good, but for envious people and those who betray, everything is bad!”, “Olya, hold on, everything will be fine, you just need to get through this moment of your life,” - followers of the TV presenter wrote.

It’s no secret that a few months ago the couple Olga Buzova and Dmitry Tarasov broke up, but their relationship lasted six years. Now the 31-year-old TV presenter gives interviews about divorce and even plans for children, but in the end the reason for the breakup is kept silent. Nevertheless, it is known that the footballer went to “Vice Miss Russia 2014” Anastasia Kostenko, with whom he already lives together and is even rumored to be preparing to become a father again.

Dmitry Tarasov and Anastasia Kostenko. Photo: "Morning"

The love relationship of Dmitry Tarasov and his new lover Anastasia Kostenko fell into the field of reasoning of the famous blogger, who does not choose expressions, Lena Miro. According to Miro, “the couple’s happiness is under threat because of... the football player’s mother.”

“It’s in vain that Buzova is eating herself because the lanky football player Tarasov exchanged her for a fresh, beautiful girl,” writes Miro on his page in Livejournal (LJ).

“Yes, Nastya is only 23, and she is the runner-up for something. Yes, this doll has an order of magnitude more sex than the sad, hysterical Buzova, but Tarasov will also kill Nastya. Neither her youth nor her stunning appearance will help her "Nastya's fatal mistake is that in her relationship with Tarasov, she began to play the role of an exemplary girl. Instead of being the super sucker that everyone is looking for, Nastya fit into the insipid, absolutely unsexual image of a good girl," says Miro.

And he continues: “A good girl you can marry, a good girl from whom it is safe to reproduce, a good girl who will please your mother.”

“Footballer Dima loves his mom. Mom is a god for him,” the blogger continues and clarifies: “A girl who doesn’t like Dima’s mom will have a hard time, but she is the one who has a chance to stay in the soccer player’s bed for a long time.”

“Buzova licked her dominant mother-in-law to the point of exhaustion, diligently posing as an ideal wife and loving daughter-in-law. The stupid Olenka carried something other than her “mom” with her, like a suitcase without a handle: to restaurants, to events, on trips. This is so hypocritical that for Buzova , however, typical,” writes Miro about Buzova.

“Well, what sincere, self-sufficient girl would want to walk around Paris with her mother-in-law?” - she exclaims. “Even if the husband cannot fly anywhere, a normal woman, and not a mongrel wagging her tail in front of her husband, will fly to rest alone or with her friends,” Miro is sure.

“Buzova wanted to please Dima’s mother so much that Dima himself stopped liking her. Nastya Kostenko repeats the same mistake, because the footballer’s first wife, with whom he has a child, also got burned in the image of a good girl,” says Lena Miro.

After this, Miro switches to the personality of the football player himself: “Good girls excite Dima’s mother, but not Dima himself. However, Dima hands each of his new women a rope on which it is written: “My mother should like you.” And on this rope is the stupid woman herself hangs himself."