It’s better not to think of godmothers as working, but to turn the title into godfather’s name. Isn't it better to turn on yourself?

The bullies from the Russian Orthodox Church of the Moscow Patriarchate, insecure representatives of other faiths on the one hand, and dystrophies from science and pedagogy on the other, unanimously and impudently shout about the need to let the Law of God into school under the name of “alternative points of view.” And all this under the slogans of either democracy, pluralism, scientific creationism, or the eternal incompleteness and defectiveness of scientific knowledge. The polyphonic choir of defenders of ignorance and preachers of obscurantism made the public's ears blocked, dizzy, and common sense dulled. Well, let's try to think sensibly.

If we begin to put into the minds of schoolchildren not only the truths established by science, but also the content of those countless misconceptions about these truths that have existed in the scientific and near-scientific environment for at least two to three thousand years, then what will the mature students who graduate from such a school know? After all, in response to any modern scientifically reliable truth, the same scientists have expressed thousands of erroneous truths in the name of science. Dozens, hundreds and even thousands of assumptions, guesses and hypotheses were made about the phenomenon being studied and still unknown to science, and only one of them later turned out to be true. Moreover, the same truth in content was expressed in dozens and hundreds of competing versions. Thus, several hundred proofs of the Pythagorean theorem have been recorded in the scientific world. But in order to know that the square of the hypotenuse is equal to the sum of the squares of the legs, one convincing proof is enough. A hundred other versions of proofs will not add anything to the knowledge of this theorem. On the contrary, if one more, second, proof strengthens the knowledge of the first version of the truth, then the third will leave the student indifferent, the fourth will get boring, and the hundredth may cause disgust for the theorem itself. And the presentation of alternative, even essentially fair, points of view on the same truth will not leave room in the student’s mind for this truth at all. And if the scientific truth of evolutionary teaching is contrasted with theological creationism, then the student will stop believing not only science, but also creationism.

Of course, in science there have been and will be alternative points of view, alternative explanations of the same natural processes in nature, society and in the spiritual world of man. This is especially true for those problems that are still little accessible to practical and demonstrative comprehension of their essence. But these questions are meant to be answered by scientists. But a schoolboy is not a scientist. He, in the words of the Boy from the movie “Cinderella”: “I am not a wizard/scientist yet. I'm still learning."

Isn't it better to turn on yourself?

Isn't it better to turn on yourself?

Consequently, even from a pedagogical point of view, creationism and other types of alternative anti-scientific concepts will bring undoubted harm to the fragile consciousness of students.


Protodeacon Andrei Kuraev, Archpriest Vsevodod Chaplin and the chief priest himself, Kirill Gundyaev, persistently with numerous “arguments” prove the necessity and usefulness of teaching at school in parallel with the Law of God called “Orthodox Culture” an alternative to evolutionary teaching, a course of creationism. The arguments of these God-bearing shepherds and their followers are ingrained in their teeth and have long been known to everyone. I won't repeat them. Boring and useless. But in line with the speeches of the “guardians” about the school and the younger generation, I can share practical advice with all the outspoken attackers on the school.

Fathers, saints and non-saints! Why are you trying so unpiously to restore order in a school that is not yours, secular and public? Religion, according to the Constitution, is separated from the state, and the school is separated from the church. Why do you, with your “good advice,” climb over the fence separating you from the school? What, you don’t have enough worries of your own? What?, don’t you have your own schools? There are plenty!

For the benefit of your business, first read Ivan Andrevich Krylov’s fable “The Mirror and the Monkey.” In the monkey mirror you will see yourself. See:

Monkey, seeing his image in the Mirror,

Quietly push Bear with his foot:

“Look,” he says, “my dear godfather!

What kind of face is that there?

What antics and jumps she has!

I would hang myself from boredom

If only she was even a little like her.

But, admit it, there is

Of my gossips, there are five or six such crooks:

I can even count them on my fingers." -

Isn’t it better to turn on yourself, godfather?” -

Mishka answered her.

But Mishenka’s advice was wasted.

Instead of climbing over the fence into secular schools, wouldn’t it be better for you priests to turn to your own schools? In your schools, you all, individually and collectively, teach listeners and students only your own creed. But the belief that you teach yours, there are dozens and hundreds of more powerful beliefs in the world that are alternative to your belief. You interpret to yours, for example, that the Bible is the only absolutely holy and absolutely infallible teaching of the Lord God himself - Hosts/Jehovah. There is no evidence for this assertion of yours. An objective, unbiased analysis shows that the Bible is a contradictory, ignorant and untenable source. This, as they say, goes without saying. But besides this, the Bible has many alternative sources of doctrine. For Muslims, the Koran is no less than your Bible, the only absolutely holy and absolutely infallible teaching of the Lord God himself - Allah. Compared to the Bible, the Koran has much fewer internal contradictions, although the absurdities there are biblical. For Buddhists, the Tripitaka is infallible and absolutely true, for Hindus - the Vedas, for Mormons - the Book of Mormon... All these sources of the “only true” religious teaching have three to four times more admirers than there are in the world of Bible admirers. Why don’t you introduce the study of these alternative holy books to the Bible in your educational institutions?

Oh, that's how it is?! You study the beliefs of other religions and their holy books! Wonderful! But how do you study them? - Oh, that's how it is! - Critically. So, in our secular schools, both your sacred scriptures and the same creationism are critically studied. And as many good words you say to your students about other religions, so many good things are said in our schools about creationism. We are not against what you talk about other religions and other sacred books that are not yours. So don’t oppose what we talk about your creationism in our secular schools. Would you like to debate with us publicly? Please invite us to your radio and TV shows. We, and I personally, agree to speak with you, even in your seminaries, even in your theological academies. Invite. Would you like me to give you a course on atheism? From me, seminarians can hear what atheism says about itself, and not what you tell them about our atheism.

Is this not suitable for you? In that case, why should we accept the utter heresy that you are trying to smuggle into our school?

Isn’t it better to turn on yourself, godfather?”

The bullies from the Russian Orthodox Church of the Moscow Patriarchate, insecure representatives of other faiths on the one hand, and dystrophies from science and pedagogy on the other, unanimously and impudently shout about the need to let the Law of God into school under the name of “alternative points of view.” And all this under the slogans of either democracy, pluralism, scientific creationism, or the eternal incompleteness and defectiveness of scientific knowledge. The polyphonic choir of defenders of ignorance and preachers of obscurantism made the public's ears blocked, dizzy, and common sense dulled. Well, let's try to think sensibly.

If we begin to put into the minds of schoolchildren not only the truths established by science, but also the content of those countless misconceptions about these truths that have existed in the scientific and near-scientific environment for at least two to three thousand years, then what will the mature students who graduate from such a school know? After all, in response to any modern scientifically reliable truth, the same scientists have expressed thousands of erroneous truths in the name of science. Dozens, hundreds and even thousands of assumptions, guesses and hypotheses were made about the phenomenon being studied and still unknown to science, and only one of them later turned out to be true. Moreover, the same truth in content was expressed in dozens and hundreds of competing versions. Thus, several hundred proofs of the Pythagorean theorem have been recorded in the scientific world. But in order to know that the square of the hypotenuse is equal to the sum of the squares of the legs, one convincing proof is enough. A hundred other versions of proofs will not add anything to the knowledge of this theorem. On the contrary, if one more, second, proof strengthens the knowledge of the first version of the truth, then the third will leave the student indifferent, the fourth will get boring, and the hundredth may cause disgust for the theorem itself. And the presentation of alternative, even essentially fair, points of view on the same truth will not leave room in the student’s mind for this truth at all. And if the scientific truth of evolutionary teaching is contrasted with theological creationism, then the student will stop believing not only science, but also creationism.

Of course, in science there have been and will be alternative points of view, alternative explanations of the same natural processes in nature, society and in the spiritual world of man. This is especially true for those problems that are still little accessible to practical and demonstrative comprehension of their essence. But these questions are meant to be answered by scientists. But a schoolboy is not a scientist. He, in the words of the Boy from the movie “Cinderella”: “I am not a wizard/scientist yet. I'm still learning."

Consequently, even from a pedagogical point of view, creationism and other types of alternative anti-scientific concepts will bring undoubted harm to the fragile consciousness of students.


Protodeacon Andrei Kuraev, Archpriest Vsevodod Chaplin and the chief priest himself, Kirill Gundyaev, persistently with numerous “arguments” prove the necessity and usefulness of teaching at school in parallel with the Law of God called “Orthodox Culture” an alternative to evolutionary teaching, a course of creationism. The arguments of these God-bearing shepherds and their followers are ingrained in their teeth and have long been known to everyone. I won't repeat them. Boring and useless. But in line with the speeches of the “guardians” about the school and the younger generation, I can share practical advice with all the outspoken attackers on the school.

Fathers, saints and non-saints! Why are you trying so unpiously to restore order in a school that is not yours, secular and public? Religion, according to the Constitution, is separated from the state, and the school is separated from the church. Why do you, with your “good advice,” climb over the fence separating you from the school? What, you don’t have enough worries of your own? What?, don’t you have your own schools? There are plenty!

For the benefit of your business, first read Ivan Andrevich Krylov’s fable “The Mirror and the Monkey.” In the monkey mirror you will see yourself. See:

The Monkey, seeing his image in the Mirror, quietly nudged the Bear with his foot: “Look,” he says, “my dear godfather! What kind of face is that there? What antics and jumps she has! I was a little similar. But, admit it, there are five or six of my gossips like these: I can even count them on my fingers.”

Instead of climbing over the fence into secular schools, wouldn’t it be better for you priests to turn to your own schools? In your schools, you all, individually and collectively, teach listeners and students only your own creed. But the belief that you teach yours, there are dozens and hundreds of more powerful beliefs in the world than your belief. You interpret to yours, for example, that the Bible is the only absolutely holy and absolutely infallible teaching of the Lord God himself - Hosts/Jehovah. There is no evidence for this assertion of yours. An objective, unbiased analysis shows that the Bible is a contradictory, ignorant and untenable source. This, as they say, goes without saying. But besides this, the Bible has many alternative sources of doctrine. For Muslims, the Koran is no less than your Bible, the only absolutely holy and absolutely infallible teaching of the Lord God himself - Allah. Compared to the Bible, the Koran has much fewer internal contradictions, although the absurdities there are biblical. For Buddhists, the Tripitaka is infallible and absolutely true, for Hindus - the Vedas, for Mormons - the Book of Mormon... All these sources of the “only true” religious teaching have three to four times more admirers than there are in the world of Bible admirers. Why don’t you introduce the study of these alternative holy books to the Bible in your educational institutions? Oh, that's how it is?! You study the beliefs of other religions and their holy books! Wonderful! But how do you study them? - Oh, that's how it is! - Critically. So, in our secular schools, both your sacred scriptures and the same creationism are critically studied. And as many good words you say about their teachings about other religions, so many good things are said about creationism in schools. We are not against what you talk about other religions and other sacred books that are not yours. So don’t oppose what we talk about your creationism in our secular schools. Would you like to debate with us publicly? Please invite us to your radio and TV shows. We, and I personally, agree to speak with you, even in your seminaries, even in your theological academies. Invite. Would you like me to give you a course on atheism? From me, seminarians will hear what atheism says about itself, and not what you tell them about atheism. Is this not suitable for you? In that case, why should we accept the utter heresy that you are trying to smuggle into our school?

"Why should gossips consider working? Isn’t it better to turn on yourself, godfather??" -

Why should godmothers work hard? Isn’t it better to work for yourself, godfather? Instead of criticizing the shortcomings of others, it is better to see if you yourself have them. It is usually said ironically in a situation where someone points out to another the shortcomings that he himself has. Each of us, to one degree or another, must first of all “turn on ourselves”, be stricter with ourselves. Artist G. Kupriyanov. ?Kuma (obsolete, colloquial) – here: friend, appeal to a female representative.

Slide 13 from the presentation "Krylov's Fables 5th grade".

The size of the archive with the presentation is 624 KB.

Literature 5th grade

summary of other presentations

“The Life and Work of Gogol” - Teaching materials for a literature lesson in 5th grade. N.V. Gogol “The Enchanted Place”. Biographical information. Mother Maria Ivanovna is the daughter of a rich landowner. Who is the narrator? Life and creativity.” on the topic: “N.V. Gogol. What is unusual in the title of the collection? Compiled by: Chernova L. N. teacher of Russian language and literature, Secondary School No. 5, Svetly. Acquaintance with Pushkin (1831). Why is “pasichnik” written with an “i”? “Evenings on a farm near Dikanka.”

“Twelve Months Marshak” - Director of the cartoon Ivanov-Vano, Ivan Petrovich. Twelve Months is a dramatic tale by Samuil Yakovlevich Marshak, written in 1942-43 for the Moscow Art Theater. Staged at the Moscow Theater for Young Spectators in 1947, at the Moscow Art Theater in 1948.

“Pushkin 5th grade” - Lyceum where A.S. studied. Pushkin. Literature 5th grade. The poet's parents. Presentation for a literature lesson. 5th grade. Completed by: T.V. Klochkova, teacher of Russian language and literature, Municipal Educational Institution Secondary School No. 2. Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin. S.Ya Marshak. Portrait of little Sasha Pushkin.

“The History of Paper” - Forests of the Urals. The bamboo was split and soaked in lime. Paper production at pulp and paper mill. During the war years, he developed special production. papers for live ammunition. Raw paper goes to the papermaking plant. car. Production of bags. From the history of the pulp and paper mill. Novolyalinsky Pulp and Paper Mill was the first to produce sulfate pulp in the USSR. Factory construction manager. Excursion to the local history museum. The resulting mass was boiled.

“Literature Lesson Astafiev” - Born into a peasant family. The first acquaintance with the work of V.P. Astafieva. Language of the text. Viktor Astafiev with his parents. Creative assignment based on the story “Swallow”. The work of V.P. Astafiev is well known both in Russia and abroad. WWII participant Our fellow countryman. At the front he was awarded the Order of the Red Star and the medal “For Courage”. House of V.P. Astafiev in the village of Ovsyanka, Krasnoyarsk Territory. Famous works of V.P. Astafiev.

The Monkey and the Bear have a casual conversation in Krylov's fable The Mirror and the Monkey. Children love to read Krylov's fable role-playing or learn it by heart - it is short and not at all complicated.

Fable The Mirror and the Monkey read

Monkey, seeing his image in the Mirror,
Quietly push Bear with his foot:
“Look,” he says, “my dear godfather!
What kind of face is that there?
What antics and jumps she has!
I would hang myself from boredom
If only she was even a little like her.
But, admit it, there is
Of my gossips, there are five or six such crooks:
I can even count them on my fingers." -
"Why should gossips consider working,
Isn’t it better to turn on yourself, godfather?” -
Mishka answered her.
But Mishenka’s advice was wasted.

There are many such examples in the world:

I even saw this yesterday:
Everyone knows that Klimych is dishonest;
They read about bribes to Klimych.
And he furtively nods at Peter.

Moral of the story: The Mirror and the Monkey

No one likes to recognize themselves in satire.

The moral of the fable “The Mirror and the Monkey” was described by Krylov at the end of the work according to all the rules of the fable genre. The Bear pointed out to the Monkey her ignorance, but she is ready to see the shortcomings of all her “girlfriends,” but not her own.

Fable The Mirror and the Monkey - analysis

The Monkey from this fable is very similar to the Monkey from the fable “The Monkey and the Glasses” in his ignorance, which Krylov so loves to ridicule in people, considering this vice to be very unpleasant. People tend to see the shortcomings of others, but not notice their own. So the Monkey sees a real crook in the mirror - himself, but is not able to admit it. Bear's advice: “Why should godmothers work? Isn’t it better to turn to yourself, godmother?” it falls on deaf ears.

I am closely observing the campaign in Russia to discredit the police. Every wrong step of people in uniform raises a wave of derogatory fair and not entirely criticism, streams of reasoning from “experts” that everything needs to be “destroyed to the ground, and then”...

I would really not like that as a result of discussions in society, “they don’t throw out the baby with the bathwater.” And this possible outcome is quite visible. What this threatens for us, for everyone, is not difficult to guess.

The police, the FSB, the army are a mirror reflection of our society. And the people who serve in these structures are no different from ourselves. Among them there are scoundrels, stupid people, cowards, but there are also people who honestly perform their duty. And a change in the consciousness of people in uniform will not occur by someone’s order or wish, but only simultaneously with changes in society itself. And by providing at least minimal guarantees to a military man.

By and large, people in uniform today are among the most powerless in our country. They are required to do the maximum, but in reality they give the minimum. Although if you treat everything with an open mind, they don’t give you anything! The minimum that allowed them to make demands was taken away from them: free travel on transport, benefits, guaranteed housing. But a military man must be ready to sacrifice himself at any moment for the sake of us, ordinary citizens. Knowing that if he loses his ability to work, and perhaps even loses his life, his family will eke out a miserable existence, it is unlikely that a mentally normal person will be ready to sacrifice himself. For what? Or who?

In any country in the world, along with increased requirements for law enforcement agencies, they have social packages that are designed to guarantee employees and members of their families a decent life during their service, providing for their family in the event of the loss of a breadwinner.

Therefore, reforms in the security forces need to begin not with “purges” or the presentation of additional demands, but with providing at least a minimum set of guarantees for people in uniform.

I will list a minimum of them:

Life insurance for a law enforcement officer. The insurance should provide both one-time payments in the event of loss of ability to work, and lifelong payments to the wife and children in the amount of their full salary, in the event of the death of the family breadwinner. And the life of a service person cannot be valued in pennies.

Guaranteed provision of housing for the employee and his family

Free travel on public transport

Benefits when paying for the education of employees' children at universities.

Is this possible in today's Putin's Russia? I'm sure not. While our “servants of the people” move around the country under heavy security, and the bloodsuckers, feeding on oil revenues, live in the safe West, the factor of ensuring the safety of citizens is not important to them.

Do intelligence officers understand this? They understand perfectly. Are they ready to participate in changing the “status quo”? According to my observation, yes. And it’s up to us to continue to denounce our neighbors, relatives who have put on shoulder straps, in the media, or to come to an agreement. Separating the wheat from the chaff. Moreover, as before, until the NATO boot was introduced onto our land, “the people and the army are one.”

At one of the opposition rallies in Moscow, where I was hit on the head with a baton, during a “friendly” conversation with a colonel of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, I heard the following: Don’t be offended! This is to get your brain working. Take 50-100 thousand people out onto the street, and all the cops will go to the Kremlin with you. After all, the sword on our coat of arms is double-edged! And the second side has not been used for a long time.

In conclusion, for those who think that they can “ fish and ride a horse” by inviting cops from a neighboring galaxy, let me remind you of the words of grandfather Ivan Krylov:

MIRROR AND MONKEY Monkey, seeing his image in the Mirror,
Quietly push Bear with his foot:
“Look,” he says, “my dear godfather!
What kind of face is that there?
What antics and jumps she has!
I would hang myself from boredom
If only she was even a little like her.
But, admit it, there is
Of my gossips, there are five or six such crooks:
I can even count them on my fingers.”
“Why should a gossip consider working,
Isn’t it better to turn on yourself, godfather?”
Mishka answered her.
But Mishenka’s advice was wasted.
There are many such examples in the world:
No one likes to recognize themselves in satire.
I even saw this yesterday:
Everyone knows that Klimych is dishonest;
They read about bribes to Klimych,
And he furtively nods at Peter.