Russian story of the 17th century. Household stories of the 17th century

Lexical meaning words (also called material) are the content of a word, which reflects one or another element of reality (object, event, quality, action, attitude, etc.); This is the meaning contained in the word, the content.

Grammatical meaning words are a generalized meaning that characterizes a word as an element of a certain grammatical class (for example, table - noun, m.p.), as an element of an inflectional series (table, table, table, etc.) and as an element of a phrase or sentence, in in which the word is connected with other words (table leg, put the book on the table). Each part of speech is characterized by a certain set of grammatical meanings. For example, nouns that have singular forms. and many more numbers or singular parts only, express three grammatical meanings - number, case, gender; Nouns used only in the plural have two grammatical meanings - number and case.

Lexical and grammatical meaning – two the most important properties words. Lexical meaning allows us to talk about the world, naming its phenomena in words. Grammar makes it possible to connect words with each other and construct statements from them.

How does lexical meaning differ from grammatical meaning?

1. Lexical meaning of the word individually- only this word has it.

Grammatical meaning, on the contrary, is inherent in entire categories and classes of words; it categorically.

Each of the words - road, book, wall– has its own, unique lexical meaning. But their grammatical meaning is the same: they all belong to the same part of speech (they are nouns), to the same grammatical gender (feminine), and have the form of the same number (singular).

2. An important feature of grammatical meaning that distinguishes it from lexical meaning is obligatory expression. The grammatical meaning is necessarily expressed in the text or in the statement using endings, prepositions, word order, etc. A word cannot be used without expressing its grammatical characteristics (exception: indeclinable words like metro, taxi out of connection with other words).

So, saying the word table, we not only name a specific object, but also express such characteristics of this noun as gender (masculine), number (singular), case (nominative or accusative, cf.: There was a table in the corner. - I see a table). All these signs of form table the essence of its grammatical meanings, expressed by the so-called zero inflection.

Pronouncing a word form table(for example, in the sentence The passage was blocked by a table), we are using the ending -ohm express grammatical meanings instrumental case, masculine, singular.

The lexical meaning of the word table– ‘a piece of household furniture that is a surface made of hard material, supported by one or more legs, and used to put something on it’ – remains unchanged in all case forms of this word.

In addition to the root base -table-, which has the specified lexical meaning, there are no other means of expressing this meaning, similar means expressions of grammatical meanings of case, gender, number, etc.

3. Compared to the grammatical meaning, the lexical meaning is more subject to change: the lexical meaning can expand, narrow, acquire additional evaluative components of meaning, etc.

The distinction between lexical and grammatical meanings should not be understood as their opposition in a word. Lexical meaning is always based on the grammatical (more general, classifying) meaning and is its direct concretization.

Lexical meaning can be considered in two aspects. On the one hand, the word calls specific items, objects, phenomena of reality that the speaker has in mind in this particular situation. IN in this case the word performs only a nominative function and has denotative lexical meaning.

On the other hand, the word names not only individual objects and phenomena, but also entire classes of objects and phenomena that have common characteristic features. The word in this case performs not only a nominative function, but also a generalizing one (the word denotes a concept) and has significative lexical meaning.

Words are the building materials for any language. Sentences and phrases are built from them, with their help we convey thoughts and communicate. The ability of this unit to name or designate objects, actions, etc. called a function. The suitability of a word for communication and transmission of thoughts is called its

Thus, the word is the main, main structural unit language.

Every word in Russian has a lexical and grammatical meaning.

Lexical is the relationship between the sound (phonetic) design of a word, its sound, and phenomena of reality, images, objects, actions, etc. It can be said more simply: this is the meaning. From a lexical point of view, the words “barrel”, “bump”, “point” - different units, because they represent different things.

The grammatical meaning of a word is the meaning of its forms: gender or number, case or conjugation. If the words “barrel” and “dot” are considered grammatically, then they will be absolutely the same: creatures. feminine, standing in nominative case and unity number.

If you compare the lexical and grammatical meaning of a word, you can see that they are not the same, but are interconnected. The lexical meaning of each of them is universal, but the main one is fixed at the root. (For example: “son”, “sonny”, “sonny”, “sonny”).

The grammatical meaning of a word is conveyed using word-forming morphemes: endings and formative suffixes. So, “forest”, “forester”, “forester” will be quite close: their meaning is determined by the root “forest”. From a grammatical point of view, they are completely different: two nouns and an adjective.

On the contrary, the words “came”, “arrived”, “ran up”, “ran up”, “flew off”, “shot down” will be similar in grammatical orientation. These are verbs in the past tense form, which are formed using the suffix “l”.

The following conclusion follows from the examples: the grammatical meaning of a word is its belonging to a part of speech, the general meaning of a number of similar units, not tied to their specific material (semantic) content. “Mom”, “Dad”, “Motherland” - creatures. 1 declension, in the form I.p., singular. numbers. "Owl", "mice", "youth" are feminine nouns. gender, 3 declensions, standing in R.p. The grammatical meaning of the words “red”, “huge”, “wooden” indicates that these are adjectives in the form husband. kind, singular numbers, I.p. It is clear that the lexical meaning of these words is different.

The grammatical meaning of a word is expressed in a certain form, corresponding to the position of words in a sentence (or phrase), and is expressed using grammatical means. Most often these are affixes, but often the grammatical form is formed using function words, stress, word order or intonation.

Its appearance (name) directly depends on how the form is formed.

Simple (they are also called synthetic) grammatical forms are formed within a unit (with the help of endings or formative suffixes). The case forms (not) of mother, daughter, son, Motherland are formed using endings. the verbs “wrote”, “jumped” - using the suffix and the verb “jumped” - using the suffix “l” and the ending “a”.

Some forms are formed outside the lexeme, and not inside it. In this case, there is a need for function words. For example, the verbs “I will sing” and “let us sing” are formed using function words (verbs). The words “will” and “let’s” in this case have no lexical meaning. They are needed to create, in the first case, the future tense, and in the second, the incentive mood. Such forms are called complex or analytical.

Grammatical meanings are defined into systems or clusters of gender, number, etc.

Grammatical meaning– this is a generalized, abstract linguistic meaning inherent in a number of words, word forms, syntactic structures and finding its regular (standard) expression in grammatical forms. In the field of morphology it is general values words as parts of speech (for example, the meaning of objectivity in nouns, procedurality in verbs), as well as the particular meanings of word forms and words in general. The grammatical meaning of a word is not determined by its lexical meaning.

Unlike the lexical meaning characteristic of a particular word, the grammatical meaning is not concentrated in one word, but, on the contrary, is characteristic of many words of the language. In addition, the same word can have multiple grammatical meanings, which are found when a word changes its grammatical form while maintaining its lexical meaning. For example, the word stol has a number of forms (stola, stola, tables, etc.) that express the grammatical meanings of number and case.

If lexical meaning is associated with a generalization of the properties of objects and phenomena of objective reality, their name and expression of concepts about them, then grammatical meaning arises as a generalization of the properties of words, as an abstraction from lexical meanings words

For example, the words cow and bull exist to distinguish between animals based on their biological sex. Gender forms group nouns according to their grammatical properties. The shapes table, wall, window group words (and not objects, phenomena and concepts about them).

1) grammatical meanings are not universal, are less numerous, and form a closed, more clearly structured class.

2) grammatical meanings, unlike lexical ones, are expressed in a mandatory, “forced” order. For example, a Russian speaker cannot “evade” the expression of the category of number of a verb, an English speaker cannot “evade” the category of definiteness of a noun, etc.

3) lexical and grammatical meanings differ in terms of the methods and means of their formal expression.

4) grammatical meanings may not have full correspondence in the extralinguistic sphere (for example, the categories of number and tense usually correspond to reality in one way or another, while the feminine gender of a noun stool and masculine noun chair motivated only by their endings).

The grammatical meanings of words are expressed using various grammatical means. The grammatical meaning expressed using the grammatical means of the language is called a grammatical category.

All words of the Russian language are divided into certain lexical and grammatical categories, called parts of speech. Parts of speech– the main lexical and grammatical categories into which words of a language are distributed based on the following characteristics: a) semantic (generalized meaning of an object, action or state, quality, etc.), b) morphological (morphological categories of a word) and c) s and n t a c h e c o g o (syntactic functions of a word)

. The classification of Academician Viktor Vladimirovich Vinogradov is one of the most substantiated and convincing. It divides all words into four grammatical-semantic (structural-semantic) categories of words:

1. Name words, or parts of speech;

2. Connectives, function words, or particles of speech;

3. Modal words;

4. Interjections.

1. Name words (parts of speech) denote objects, processes, qualities, characteristics, numerical connections and relationships, are members of a sentence and can be used separately from other words as sentence words. To the parts of speech of V.V. Vinogradov classifies nouns, adjectives, numerals, verbs, adverbs, words into the category of state; they are also accompanied by pronouns.

2. Function words are deprived of a nominative (nominative) function. These include connective and function words (prepositions, conjunctions, actual particles, connectives).

3. Modal words and particles also do not perform a denomination function, but are more “lexical” than function words. They express the speaker's attitude towards the content of the utterance.

4. Interjections express feelings, moods and volitional impulses, but do not name and. Interjections differ from other types of words by their lack of cognitive value, intonation features, syntactic disorganization and direct connection with facial expressions and expressive tests.

In modern Russian there are 10 parts of speech: 1) noun,

2) adjective, 3) numeral, 4) pronoun, 5) state category, 6) adverb, 7) preposition, 8) conjunction, 9) particles, 10) verb (sometimes participles and gerunds are also distinguished as independent parts of speech )[i]. The first six parts of speech are significant performing a nominative function and acting as members of a sentence. Special place Among them are pronouns that include words that lack a naming function. Prepositions, conjunctions, particles - official parts of speech that do not have a denomination function and do not act as independent members of a sentence. In addition to the named classes of words, in modern Russian there are special groups words: 1) modal words expressing the attitude of the statement to reality from the point of view of the speaker ( probably, obviously, of course); 2) interjections, which serve to express feelings and expression of will ( oh, oh, chick); 3) onomatopoeic words ( quack-quack, meow-meow

Independent (nominative) parts of speech include words naming objects, their actions and signs. You can ask questions about independent words, and in a sentence significant words are members of the sentence.

The independent parts of speech in Russian include the following:

Part of speech Questions Examples
Noun Who? What? Boy, uncle, table, wall, window.
Verb what to do? what to do? To saw, to saw, to know, to find out.
Adjective Which? whose? Nice, blue, mom's, door.
Numeral How many? which? Five, five, five.
Adverb How? When? Where? and etc. Fun, yesterday, close.
Pronoun Who? Which? How many? How? and etc. I, he, so, my, so much, so, there.
Participle Which? (what is he doing? what has he done? etc.) Dreaming, dreaming.
Participle How? (doing what? doing what?) Dreaming, deciding.


1) As already noted, in linguistics there is no single point of view on the position of participles and gerunds in the system of parts of speech. Some researchers classify them as independent parts of speech, others consider them special forms of the verb. Participle and gerund really occupy an intermediate position between independent parts of speech and forms of the verb.

Functional parts of speech- these are words that do not name objects, actions, or signs, but express only the relationships between them.

  • Functional words cannot be questioned.
  • Function words are not parts of the sentence.
  • Function words serve independent words, helping them connect with each other as part of phrases and sentences.
  • The auxiliary parts of speech in Russian include the following:
  • pretext (in, on, about, from, because of);
  • union (and, but, however, because, so that, if);
  • particle (would, whether, not, even, exactly, only).

6. Interjections occupy special position among parts of speech.

  • Interjections do not name objects, actions, or signs (as independent parts of speech), do not express relationships between independent words and do not serve to connect words (as auxiliary parts of speech).
  • Interjections convey our feelings. To express amazement, delight, fear, etc., we use interjections such as ah, oh, uh; to express the feeling of cold - br-r, to express fear or pain – Ouch etc.

Independent parts of speech have a nominative function (they name objects, their characteristics, actions, states, quantity, signs of other characteristics or indicate them), have a system of forms and are members of the sentence in a sentence.

Functional parts of speech do not have a nominative function, are unchangeable and cannot be members of a sentence. They serve to connect words and sentences and to express the speaker's attitude towards the message.

Ticket number 8


The significant part of speech, which includes words with an objective meaning that have a gender category, change according to cases and numbers and act as any member in a sentence.