Crime and Punishment about Lazar. What is the role of the Gospel story about the resurrection of Lazarus in understanding the idea of ​​the novel?

Parable of the Resurrection of Lazarus- a very significant story in our time, as it testifies to the Great Glory of God. And after reading this story, please answer the question: “How can I reflect the qualities of Christ in my actions?” Let's take our thoughts back to the times when Jesus Christ lived and preached. Jesus had a friend whom he loved very much, his name was Lazarus. One day Lazarus fell ill and his sisters, Mary and Martha, sent a messenger to him with this news. But Jesus was far from Bethany, the city where this family lived. Lazarus' sisters hoped that after receiving such news, Jesus would heal their brother from a distance, because he had done this before.

When the sad news reaches Jesus, he does not rush to help Lazarus. Why? Really best friend will he leave you in trouble?

But if he falls asleep, he will recover, the disciples tell him. Then Jesus told them that Lazarus was dead.

Before this, Jesus brought people back to life, but they were dead for several hours. And the body righteous Lazarus It had already been in the crypt for several days. When the disciples and Jesus approached Bethany, Martha ran to meet him and said: “Lord, if you were here, my brother would not have died,” and in response she heard the words: “Your brother will rise again.” The people were very sad about the death of Lazarus and cried, Jesus grieved internally, and there were tears in his eyes. Then the Jews said: Look how HE loved him.

Jesus, along with everyone else, comes to the memorial crypt. This is a cave whose entrance is closed with a stone. Jesus orders the stone to be removed. Martha does not understand what Jesus is going to do and objects: “Lord! It already stinks, because he has been in the grave for four days.” But he answers: “If you believe, you will see the glory of God.”

The people took the stone away from the cave, and Jesus began to pray: “Father! Thank You that You heard Me; I knew that You would always hear Me; But I said this for the sake of the people standing here, so that they might believe that You sent Me.” Having said this, HE called in a loud voice: “Lazarus, come out!” And the dead man came out, entwined on his hands and feet with burial shrouds, and his face was tied with a scarf. Risen Lazarus continued his life thanks to the Power of God given to Jesus.

So why did Jesus not rush to Lazarus, even though he received sad news? Here lies great meaning God's glory. Four days have passed since the death of Lazarus and it is not easy for a person to believe that he can come to life. Jesus chose the right time to show the Glory and Power of God to the people that the dead also come to life again. Nothing is impossible for God! Many people then believed in Christ and became his disciples.

This biblical story tells us that we too can choose the right time to help a friend in need and show our love and devotion. And maybe you will bring back to life someone dear to you who is in a difficult situation. And all you have to do is talk and understand the person. Just extend your hand, as the Lord loves and always rushes to our aid, just believe and everything will work out for you! You can read this story at

The parable of the Resurrection of Lazarus is a story about a great miracle, about great faith in God and true love.

It is no coincidence that the scene from the Gospel is included in the novel almost in its entirety; this shows the author’s emphasis on this topic. Thanks to this scene, we can feel the deep religious meaning of the novel, its essence.

There are a lot of details that matter in this episode.

Raskolnikov comes to a house in a ditch, this is the place where Sonya lived. Its location in space indicates its proximity to the decline into the “ditch.” She seems to be on a cliff. It is also important that her room was “the only one that emanated from the Kapernaumovs.” These people were very kind and affectionate. They lived big friendly family. Sonya’s room resembled a “barn”. In all this we can see a piece biblical story. It was as if Jesus had been in the barn for a while. But the name of the owners of this room is even more interesting. Capernaum is mentioned in the New Testament as hometown the apostles Peter, Andrew, John and James. Jesus Christ preached in the synagogue of Capernaum and performed many miracles in this city. It turns out that the author wants to show us that Sonechka Marmeladova’s room “from the residents” is a kind of place where miracles happen. And this miracle can happen to Raskolnikov, and it will gradually happen after reading Lazarus.

Raskolnikov and Sonya Marmeladova are both sinners. She is a harlot, he is a murderer, but Sonechka is also a murderer, because she ‘killed herself’ by labeling herself as a “yellow ticket”. They both have rooms “with low ceilings” - “from the tenants.” Perhaps this oppressive atmosphere is one of the factors in the unfortunate fate of both heroes. But Sonya always knew that there was a God, and that he would protect her, and even if not her, then her loved ones. "no no! God will protect her, God!” Sonya spoke about Polechka when Raskolnikov told her the most tragic scenarios for the development of events. He himself, went astray from the right path, his godless mind, obsessed scary ideas kill, led him away from the path of repentance and faith, for he became a great sinner. After all, as his own theory shows, he did not have the right to do this. Although Sonechka was a sinner, walking with God in her soul, she realized her sins. In her position, many would most likely commit suicide, and Sonya also thought about this, but love for her neighbors did not allow her to do such a thing. And Rodion, without faith in God, is not capable of such a thing. “Yes, maybe there is no God at all,” Raskolnikov answered with some gloating, laughed and looked at her. Raskolnikov carries sin and pride within himself. Moreover, the hero is sinful not only in his actions, but also in his thoughts.

Raskolnikov lives by reason, protests, does not accept life, and Sonya is the complete opposite of him, she lives, because the main thing in life for her is love and faith in God. Sonya is a kindred spirit for Raskolnikov and he is trying to provoke a protest in her soul, talking about her unhappy future and find support for his crime under the motto “One life and thousands of lives in return!” But Sonya does not rebel, she humbles herself and believes in God. Raskolnikov felt its power! Her strength lay in faith, and he also wanted to believe. Shame and baseness in Sonya are combined with opposite holy feelings, she turns out to be spiritually higher, stronger than Raskolnikov. Sonya believes with her heart in the existence of a higher divine meaning life.

“There was a book on the chest of drawers. Every time he walked back and forth, he noticed her. It was the New Testament in Russian translation." Coming to Sonya, it was not for nothing that Raskolnikov noticed the New Testament several times, with this he laid the path for becoming on the true path. Raskolnikov turns to the Gospel and, according to the author, it is there that he should find answers to the questions that torment him. He seems to have to take the path of correction. Dostoevsky suggests that a person who has committed a sin is able to be spiritually resurrected if he believes in Christ and begins to live according to his commandments.

The fact that the book was brought by Lizaveta, who was killed by him, who, according to Sonya, “will see God,” indicates the connection of this book with Raskolnikov. Towards the end of the book there will be an episode that confirms the mysterious connection between Raskolnikov and Lizaveta. (When Raskolnikov goes to hard labor, that is, accepts suffering, Sonechka will give him a cypress cross, which previously belonged to Lizaveta, whom he killed.) Lizaveta seems to be helping him atone for his sins.

He asks to find out about Lazarus. Why specifically about Lazarus? And why does he ask Sonya to read? And he doesn’t ask, but practically demands! The fact is that he was tired of living with grave sin in his soul, he was able to “transcend”, but his nature, which from childhood had absorbed the commandment “Thou shalt not kill!”, because Raskolnikov read the gospel “A long time ago ... when I studied,” does not allow him overcome the feeling of criminality of what has been done, live in peace. That is why Raskolnikov is tormented; the longing for mercy and mutual understanding through the Gospel and the parable of the resurrection brings him back to life. Sonya asks Raskolnikov ‘Why do you need it? After all, you don’t believe?...’. To which he replies ‘Read! I WANT IT SO MUCH!’. Raskolnikov in the depths of his soul remembered the resurrection of Lazarus and hoped for a miracle of the resurrection of himself. This is more desirable than Raskolnikov - an attempt to accept something divine; perhaps he wanted to free himself from sin and take the path of correction. Sonya started reading ‘just for him, so that he can hear’! The author, between the lines of reading 'Lazarus', describes Sonya, her emotional condition and this is worth paying attention to. She begins to read with effort, her voice breaks, ‘tears, as if too stretched string', but she continues. Raskolnikov understands that she does not dare to read to him, but at the same time she wants to read to him. She instinctively understood the importance of this reading for Raskolnikov and, despite her doubts, was glad to read this chapter of the Eternal Book to him. She wants to put him on the right path, she wants to help him resurrect. And after the words of the text, “But even now I know that whatever you ask of God, God will give you,” Sonya stopped, “bashfully anticipating that her voice would tremble and break again.” What causes this shame? Perhaps Sonya is simply embarrassed by Raskolnikov, such an atheist. Before reading the episode of the true proof of faith, “Jesus says to her: Your brother will rise again. Martha said to Him: I know that He will rise again on the resurrection, on the last day. Jesus said to her: I am the resurrection and the life; He who believes in Me, even if he dies, will live. And everyone who lives and believes in Me will never die. “Her voice became more confident, strength appeared in it! Sonechka, anticipating a great miracle, grew stronger internally, “her voice became a ringing sound, like metal.” When she read this, it was clearly visible how much it meant to her, the innermost trembled in her soul, embracing her with new and new impulses, “she was already trembling all over in reality, with a real fever.” Joy strengthened her, joy for the existence of God and the true miracles of those who believed. She didn’t read it the first time or the second time, she “knew it by heart.” She knew it by heart, because she believed and was in awe of the Lord God, “What is God doing to you for this? - asked Raskolnikov. Does everything! “Sonya quickly whispered, looking down again.” She read for Raskolnikov in order to show him the true miracles of believers, to bring about a revolution in his soul. Sonya’s religiosity “infects” him: “Here you yourself will become a holy fool! contagious!”

When reading the last verse, she conveys “doubt, reproach and blasphemy to non-believers,” meaning Raskolnikov by them. And he, too, will hear and believe, Sonya dreamed, and she “trembled with joyful anticipation,” as if anticipating victory over unbelief. “For he has been in the grave for four days.” Sonya emphasized word four in order to let Rodion understand that not all is lost, that there is still a chance of resurrection. It is not for nothing that Sonya reads this parable in the fourth chapter of the fourth part of the novel. Moreover, Sonya reads Lazarus to Raskolnikov on the fourth day after the crime, which also has its own symbolism. It is precisely the period of four days that becomes such a period when not everything is lost and you can start living again, even if you have already been “dead for a long time.” four days" At the same time, it is not a coincidence that the old woman-pawnbroker, that is, Raskolnikov’s victim, lives on the fourth floor and Semyon Marmeladov’s room is also on the fourth floor. The police office is located on the fourth floor. Sonya advises Raskolnikov to bow to all four sides. Therefore the number four is in this case as the number of atonement for sin, the number with the help of which our hero can be reborn. And when reading the very end of the scene, she pronounced it loudly and enthusiastically, so that Raskolnikov believed in a miracle. So that he can be resurrected.

Sonya herself, when reading the episode, compared Raskolnikov with the Jews who stood watching the miracle of the resurrection of the already stinking Lazarus, for whom nothing could help, since four days is the period when the body begins to decompose, and then they believed in Jesus Christ. The episode of reading Lazarus begins with the words “There was a certain Lazarus from Bethany who was sick...”. I think a parallel can be drawn between the image of the patient and Rodion. At first Raskolnikov was sick, he became sick with the theory of the “superman”. The episode ends with Lazarus resurrecting, having survived death and spending four days in the grave, like Raskolnikov, who suffered and was as if dead for four days. On the fourth day, Jesus came and helped him to resurrect, while Sonechka Marmeladova on the fourth day “helps Raskolnikov” by reading Lazarus. This allows us to draw a parallel between Sonechka and Jesus. And at the end of the novel, when Sonya from afar accompanies Raskolnikov, who has set out on his way of the cross - to voluntarily confess to the crime he has committed and suffer the appropriate punishment, main character clearly compared with Christ, who was followed from afar by myrrh-bearing women on His way of the cross. Consequently, Raskolnikov visited all three images from the unbelieving Jews to Jesus Christ, which shows his rebirth and “resurrection.”

With such an emotional reading of this episode, Sonya tries to convey the meaning to Raskolnikov. Perhaps that is why Raskolnikov decided to open up to Sonya completely and completely, thereby getting rid of part of his sin.

After this episode, he decides to confess to Sonya about the murder, and says that he “chose” her, since she was also able to step over, only she killed herself (but that doesn’t matter). But this is exactly what is important! Raskolnikov imagines himself to be Napoleon and commits murder, and Sonechka, with her sincere and pure faith, sacrifices herself for the sake of saving others, her neighbors, and does not consider others a “trembling creature.” But Raskolnikov, on the contrary, believed that the majority is a “trembling creature” and the minority are “lords”, called from birth to rule the majority, standing outside the law and having the right, like Napoleon, to step over the law and disrupt divine peace and order in the name of the goals he needs. “Freedom and power! And most importantly, power! Over all the trembling creatures and over the entire anthill! Remember this!". After these words, Sonya looked at him as if he were crazy.

Suddenly Raskolnikov spoke with determination in his eyes: “Let’s go together, if I came to you. We are cursed together, we will go together!”

After this visit to Sonya, a miracle happened. Raskolnikov realized that it was no longer possible to live like this and decided to confess to the crime and suffer punishment, that is, to take the suffering upon himself and atone for his sins. Sonya, by her example, directed him to the right path and strengthened his attitude towards life and faith. Also, love for Sonya helps him cleanse himself of his sins, because this divine feeling is capable of creating real, incomparable miracles. God is our father, he loves us all and tells us to love our neighbor. That's what our hero did. After committing the crime, Raskolnikov lies in his apartment, which looks like a “coffin,” and falls ill from the sinfulness of his soul. After all, such concepts as suffering, purification and love are the most important in the Christian worldview. His theory beyond man was defeated, and the author himself was also defeated, who decided to test his theory on his own experience. Raskolnikov does not want to communicate with anyone and has abandoned his family. It was as if he had died for everyone. And after reading Lazarus, he begins to gradually resurrect and be reborn. He improves relationships with his mother and sister and begins to live more or less normal life. And at the end of the novel he realizes that the devil led him to all these crimes. “Kill her and take her money, so that with their help you can then devote yourself to serving all of humanity and the common cause” - this phrase was one of the driving reasons for the crime. When Raskolnikov heard it in the tavern, he saw some symbolism in it. And yet the author gives the hero the opportunity to purify himself, thereby trying to convey to the reader that miracles are possible. The main idea that the author carries through the entire novel: a person must live like a Christian, be meek, be able to forgive and have compassion, and all this is possible only with the acquisition of true faith. And true faith is a miracle. Raskolnikov himself now expects a miracle of resurrection from Sonya: “Everything about Sonya became somehow stranger and more wonderful for him, every minute.”

On Sennaya Square, when he remembers Sonya’s advice, he is born with a feeling of the fullness of life: “one sensation took possession of him at once, captured him completely - with his body and thoughts, he rushed into the possibility of this whole, new, complete sensation. Everything in him softened at once, and tears flowed... he knelt down in the middle of the square, bowed to the ground and kissed this dirty earth with pleasure and happiness.” It was he who repented, bowing before the people, and his soul immediately felt better.

The kneeling scene is typical for church scenes. To kneel means to pay more tribute to a person high position, to beg for something, to acknowledge one's subordination and inferior position. Consequently, Raskolnikov kneels twice: the first time to “all human suffering” in the person of Sonya, and the second time, at Sonya’s request, he kneels in the square. And both times he does it involuntarily, as if unconsciously.

As a result, Raskolnikov himself confesses to the murder and goes to hard labor.

The Gospel of John about the resurrection of Lazarus shows a person what faith in God and repentance lead to, because true faith in God is capable of working miracles. And in our case, Raskolnikov accepts this path and follows the right path of purification through great suffering.

the Bible in general and New Testament, in particular, occupy completely special place in Dostoevsky's novel “Crime and Punishment”. This work is rightfully considered a masterpiece even among the five great novels of this writer. It is like a kind of epicenter of his work; it contains the seeds of all those ideas that will be developed in more detail in his other works.
At the center of “Crime and Punishment” is an episode of reading chapter XI of the Gospel of John about the resurrection of Lazarus. This scene forms the rest of the fabric of the novel around itself.
Raskolnikov committed a crime, he must “believe” and repent. This will be his spiritual cleansing. The hero turns to the Gospel and, according to Dostoevsky, must find answers there to the questions that torment him, must gradually be reborn, move into a new reality for him. Dostoevsky pursues the idea that a person who has committed a sin is capable of spiritual resurrection if he believes in Christ and accepts his moral commandments.
The image of Raskolnikov's resurrection is indeed connected with the Gospel story of the resurrection of Lazarus by Christ, which Sonya reads to Raskolnikov. Sonya herself, while reading, mentally compares him with the Jews who were present at the unheard-of miracle of the resurrection of the already stinking Lazarus and who believed in Christ. And at the end of the novel, when Sonya accompanies Raskolnikov from afar as he sets out on his way of the cross - to voluntarily confess to the crime he has committed and suffer the appropriate punishment, the main character is clearly compared with Christ, who was followed from afar by myrrh-bearing women on His way of the cross.
That is, it turns out that Raskolnikov of the novel embodies three characters at once: Lazarus himself, and the doubting Jews, and even Christ. Crime and punishment are only a small part gospel story. The novel ends at the moment when “the dead man came out” and Jesus said: “Unloose him; Let him go". Last words, read by Sonya to Raskolnikov, is no longer about the novel’s plot, but about the impact that it should have on readers. It is not for nothing that these words are highlighted in Dostoevsky’s italics: “Then many of the Jews who came to Mary and saw what Jesus had done believed in Him.”
For Dostoevsky, the use of biblical myths and images is not an end in itself. They served as illustrations for his thoughts about tragic destinies world, Russia and human soul as part of world civilization. Dostoevsky considered the key to the revival of all this to be an appeal to the idea of ​​Christ.

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The role of the Gospel story about the resurrection of Lazarus in the novel “Crime and Punishment”

The material consists of a lesson for grade 10 and a presentation (13 slides).

During the lesson, the episode “Raskolnikov’s first visit to Sonya” is analyzed, the parable of the resurrection of Lazarus is heard in the lesson, and the phenomenon of foolishness in Rus' is explained (using the example of the image of Xenia of Petersburg). The refrain is a quote from the first letter to the Corinthians: “Love is patient, merciful...endures everything...” The images of Lizaveta and Sonya are interpreted from this position. Religion in Crime and Punishment is a way of resolving moral problems, the Christian humility of Sonechka Marmeladova destroys the individualism (egoism) of Rodion Raskolnikov and directs him onto the path of redemptive suffering.



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Slide captions:

Topic: “, hope, love; but love is the greatest of these.” Love is patient, merciful...endures everything... First Epistle to the Corinthians by St. ap. Paul (chap. 13)

Sonya Marmeladova “Her many sins are forgiven because she loved much...” (Bible)

Healing of the paralytic in Capernaum “And Raskolnikov went straight to the house on the ditch where Sonya lived... where Capernaum’s tailor lives.” “When Jesus entered Capernaum, a centurion came to Him and asked Him: “Lord! My servant lies at home in relaxation and suffers cruelly.” Jesus says to him: “I will come and heal him”...He healed all the sick...He took upon Himself our infirmities and bore our sicknesses.” (Matthew, 8) merciful healing forgiveness of sins trampling on pride

“Love is patient, merciful... endures everything...”

“Finally approached her; his eyes sparkled. He took her shoulders with both hands and looked straight into her crying face. His gaze was dry, inflamed, sharp, his lips trembled violently... Suddenly he quickly bent over and, crouching to the floor, kissed her foot. What are you, what are you? In front of me! - she muttered, turning pale, and her heart sank painfully. I didn’t bow to you, I bowed to all human suffering...”

“He realized to what monstrous pain the thought of her dishonorable and shameful position tormented her. What kept her going? Real depravity had not yet penetrated a single drop into her heart: he saw it... - What would I be without God? - What is God doing to you for this? - Shut up, don't ask! You're not worth it! – she screamed. “Holy fool, holy fool!” - he repeated to himself.

Ksenia of St. Petersburg, blessed saint, fool for Christ's sake Foolishness (from the Slavic “ourod”, “fool” - crazy) is a deliberate attempt to appear stupid, insane. Fools for Christ's sake (blessed) are ascetics who renounced their usual prudence and way of life, endured reproach and persecution, but received the gifts of prophecy and miracles; “ pleased God through the foolishness of preaching to save the believers.” (1 Cor. 1:21).

"…Faith Hope Love; but love is the greatest of these."

Scene from the Gospel “The Raising of Lazarus” “Now a certain Lazarus from Bethany was sick...And many of the Jews came to Martha and Mary to console them in their grief about their brother. Then Martha said to Jesus: “Lord! If You had been here, my brother would not have died. Jesus tells her: “Your brother will rise again. I am the resurrection and the life..." Jesus shed tears. Then the Jews said: “Look how he loved him.” Jesus goes to the tomb. It was a cave, and a stone lay on it. Martha says to him: “Lord! He already stinks: for he has been in the grave for four days.” Jesus raised his eyes to heaven and said, “Father, I thank You that You have heard me.” And he cried out with a loud voice: “Lazarus! Get out." And the dead man came out, wrapped hand and foot in graveclothes...Then many of the Jews, who saw what Jesus had done, believed in him.

Number 4 – parable of the resurrection of Lazarus The victim’s apartment is located on the fourth floor of the building; Raskolnikov hides things in the yard under a stone where a four-story house is being built; Marmeladov’s wretched room is on the fourth floor; the police office is located on the fourth floor of the same building; The reading about Lazarus takes place four days after Raskolnikov’s crime, i.e. four days after his moral death. “And I count those four years as the time during which I was buried alive and buried in a coffin; leaving hard labor seemed to me like a bright awakening and resurrection in new life", wrote Dostoevsky younger brother Mikhail.

“Love is long-suffering, it is kind, love does not envy, love is not arrogant, is not proud, does not act rudely, does not seek its own, is not irritated, does not think evil, does not rejoice in unrighteousness, but rejoices with the truth; covers everything, believes everything, hopes everything, endures everything. Love never ceases... these three come: faith, hope, love, but love is the greatest of them.” First Epistle to the Corinthians by St. Apostle. Paul, ch. 13


Lesson topic: “, hope, love; but love is the greatest of these." (based on the novel “Crime and Punishment”,

Sonya and Raskolnikov.)

Epigraph: “Love is patient, merciful...endures everything...”

First Epistle to the Corinthians.

Lesson objectives:

Further development of skills in working with text;

Learn to analyze an episode and draw conclusions;

During the classes

1) introduction teachers.

Today in class we will continue to study the novel by F.M. Dostoevsky "Crime and Punishment". “The sun of my life, Fyodor Dostoevsky,” Anna Grigorievna Snitkina wrote after her husband’s death. Their marriage can be called truly happy, they lived together for 15 years, loved each other passionately and tenderly until last day. A.G. She helped Dostoevsky a lot: she learned to manage all financial and publishing affairs, surrounded him with love and care, and became a real guardian angel for him.

Will Raskolnikov have a guardian angel?

What does the name Sonya mean?

What is the meaning of the surname “Marmeladova”?

A special place in Dostoevsky’s novels belongs to meek women. Sophia - wisdom (Greek). In Dostoevsky, Sophia’s wisdom is “humility” (awareness of one’s imperfection, the understanding that everything that has been given to you has been given by the Lord), meekness.

“The Lord resists the proud, but gives grace to the humble.”

Marmeladova is a family-focus in which all the misfortunes of an incorrectly structured exploitative society are refracted, and “how sweet” this world is depicted by the bitterly ironic surname chosen by Dostoevsky.

2) Working with text, conversation.

What are the details of Sonya’s portrait that reveal her nature and character?(meek Blue eyes and a little voice, “she’s unrequited,” thin, “pale face”).

What is Sonya's fate?

In the name of what did Sonya step over?

Who is talking about this for the first time?(Marmeladov).

In Marmeladov’s story about his family, we hear the story of the coming of Christ: “And where is the daughter, that her stepmother is evil and consumptive, that she betrayed herself to strangers and young children? Where is the daughter who took pity on her earthly father, an obscene drunkard, without being horrified by his atrocities? And he will say: “Come! I have already forgiven you once... And now your many sins are forgiven, because you loved much...” (Part 1, Chapter 2)

In Dostoevsky there is an ellipsis next, but it would be interesting to know the continuation of the phrase? Have you guessed where Marmeladov quotes these lines from?(From the Bible: “Her many sins are forgiven because she loved much, but he who is forgiven little loves little.”)

How do you understand the words “loved many things”? Whom did Sonya “love”?(Loves people and believes in God, through this love and faith he rises to the love of God. “For God is love.”)

3) Analysis of the episode “Raskolnikov’s first visit to Sonya” (part 4, chapter 4).

What did Raskolnikov understand about Sonya?(she performed a feat of sacrifice in the name of love for people, her father, children, Katerina Ivanovna, stepping over one of the commandments - “do not commit adultery.”). "Love endures everything..."

Why does Raskolnikov not want to see his relatives and at the same time time is running to Sonya?(Sonya is also a criminal for Raskolnikov. It is no coincidence that he tells her that he chose her a long time ago.).

In whose house does Sonya live?(“The house was three-story, old and green.” Green color– the color of rebirth, a color that gives hope for transformation. (Sonya in Siberia at hard labor with Raskolnikov in a green scarf). This is the house where the Capernaum tailor lives. This name appears more than once in the novel. It's symbolic.

Slide "Capernaum"

The name Capernaum appears in all four Gospels. It appears in connection with the following facts: merciful healing;

Forgiveness of sins;

Illuminating the light of God's truth;

Trampling on pride.

Sonya tells Raskolnikov: “The owners are very good, very affectionate... And they are very kind.” "Love is kind." Raskolnikov came to Sonya for healing of his soul.

Why, according to Raskolnikov, is he going to Sonya?(for support, justification). Sonya is not given the opportunity to condemn the criminal, because... she considers herself a “great sinner.” That is why he was open to her. Not judging is the only way to understand a person.

How did Sonya appear before Raskolnikov?(work with text). (“it was clear that an awful lot was touched in her when Raskolnikov touched upon Katerina Ivanovna in a conversation, that she terribly wanted to express something, to say, to intercede. Some kind of insatiable compassion... was expressed in all the features of her face.”

What heart can be compassionate?(Only a loving heart can be so compassionate. Love is merciful.)

Raskolnikov's endless loneliness can be defeated, absorbed only by such endless, “insatiable suffering.”

But is it possible to live with such pity? How can Sonya live like this?

Raskolnikov begins to experience what Sonya’s pity is and asks painful questions about Polechka. (after all, the same thing will happen to her).

How does Sonya respond?(God will not allow it! God will protect her.)

Slide “Raskolnikov bowed to Sonya”

“Finally approached her; his eyes sparkled. He took her shoulders with both hands and looked straight into her crying face. His gaze was dry, inflamed, sharp, his lips trembled violently... Suddenly he quickly bent over and, crouching to the floor, kissed her foot.

What are you, what are you? In front of me! - she muttered, turning pale, and her heart sank painfully.

I didn’t bow to you, I bowed to all human suffering...”

What do you think is in this bow from Raskolnikov?(he renounced his “theory” before he even had time to think about it.)

Before meeting Sonya, he could still think that he was mistaken in himself, but in the “theory” he was right (he put himself in the wrong “category”, but it is necessary for the “categories” themselves to exist). Now he bowed to “all human suffering,” the indifference of “human beings and categories.” This is the very beginning, the approaches to resurrection, not realized by Raskolnikov.

What does a person bow to?(bows before the shrine, Raskolnikov did not believe in God, but felt the holiness of human suffering. A whole revolution in the soul, when someone else’s, not one’s own, suddenly became so superior to one’s own that one can bow before it.)

The meek Sonya very firmly puts the idea of ​​the saving power of compassion and love before Raskolnikov, and when all the characters leave the novel in the epilogue, Sonya will be left alone with the criminal. "Love is patient..."

What helps Sonya not to fall, to have compassion? Love your neighbor?(Faith in God).

Sonya is condemned to realize her shame; she holds on to a feeling of repentance and does not allow anyone to be condemned. Compassion and love for Sonya are her whole life. “faith, hope, love, but love is the greatest of these.” Raskolnikov saw this and understood. But Sonya didn’t believe it, he couldn’t allow it (“he was already a skeptic, he was young, distracted and, therefore, cruel”).

Why does he refuse to believe?(she lives in the very dirt of “this world”, but feels as if “not of this world”: she has compassion, pity, love. Real depravity has not penetrated a single drop into her heart.)

Raskolnikov, looking at Sonya, asks persistently: “How can she live like this? Is it possible to do it like she does?” Find Raskolnikov’s thoughts about Sonya’s madness in the text.

Slide “The Holy Fool”

“He realized to what monstrous pain the thought of her dishonorable and shameful position tormented her. What kept her going? True depravity had not yet penetrated a single drop into her heart: he saw it...

What would I be without God?

What is God doing to you for this?

Keep quiet, don't ask! You're not worth it! – she screamed.

“Holy fool, holy fool!” - he repeated to himself.

Vocabulary work.

What does “holy fool” mean?(crazy for Christ's sake).

Slide "St. bl. Ksenia Petersburgskaya.

Why does Raskolnikov call Sonya a “holy fool”?(her faith in God seems to him madness - from the imaginary heights of a mind ossified in pride).

Do you know any examples of foolishness in the history of Christianity?

Holy Blessed Xenia of Petersburg is known for her great humility, her feat of spiritual and physical poverty, and her love for her neighbors.

Slide “ pleased God through the foolishness of the preaching to save the believers.”

And Raskolnikov sees his salvation in Sonya. Raskolnikov became one more step closer to Sonya. He suddenly admitted that God does everything for Sonya. “Because he trusted in me (hoped, believed), I will deliver him, I will cover him, for he knew my name.”

Raskolnikov takes a book from the chest of drawers - the New Testament, or Gospel (which means “joyful, good news”).

Where did Sonya get this book from?(Sonya left the most significant trace from Lizaveta - “ eternal book" The murdered Lizaveta is a patient woman who silently and defenselessly accepted death. Lizaveta and Sonya are “both holy fools.” “ you yourself will become a holy fool! contagious!

Reference: “Lizaveta was a tall, clumsy, timid and humble girl, almost an idiot, 35 years old, who was in complete slavery to her sister Alena Ivanovna, worked for her day and night, trembled before her and suffered beatings.” “She will see God,” Sonya said about her to Raskolnikov.”

4) Implementation of homework.

Scene from the reading of the Gospel story about the resurrection of four-day-old Lazarus.

When human words The word of God is not enough to break through to the heart, the word about God’s love for man. Raskolnikov asks Sonya to read this scene.

Slide “The Raising of Lazarus”

Did Sonya immediately agree to read? Why didn’t you dare?(it was hard for her to reveal and expose everything that was hers. He realized that “these feelings really constituted a real and long-standing secret of her... she was terribly afraid of something, but she painfully wanted to read... and it was him and certainly now...”).

Reading the scene.

Think about the meaning of the number “4”. Give examples from the text that contain the number “4”.

Slide “Number “4”

The number “4” is the number of the world order, it is of fundamental importance (there are 4 seasons, 4 Gospels, 4 cardinal directions). Reading about Lazarus takes place 4 days after Raskolnikov’s crime, i.e. 4 days after his moral, spiritual death. (“there are three types of death: physical, mental, eternal). Raskolnikov endures spiritual death, i.e. “the separation of God’s grace from the soul...”

It sounded Divine word about the greatest miracle - the resurrection of Lazarus after physical death, who remained in the tomb for 4 days. God, out of love for Lazarus, for man, raised him up. Lazarus cannot resurrect himself, “this is impossible for men, but with God all things are possible.” (Matthew 19:26)

Historical reference.Tradition says that after his resurrection, Lazarus remained alive for another 30 years. He was a bishop on the island of Cyprus, where he worked hard to spread Christianity, and died peacefully there. In the 9th century, the holy relics of the righteous Lazarus were found in the city of Kitia, where they lay in the ground, in a marble ark, on which was written: “Lazarus of the four days, friend of Christ.”

The Word of God came from a loving, compassionate heart. It was addressed to another person who felt a lot, suffered a lot, stood on the brink in order to believe. After all, “love is kind, patient and longsuffering.” So Sonya hopes that Raskolnikov will believe. “Where two are gathered in My name, there I am in the midst of them,” says Christ.

Did Raskolnikov's heart open?(it didn’t open up, as Sonya “dreamed.” He didn’t believe. “I came to talk about business... We are cursed together, together we will go!”).

What does Sonya understand when she hears his words?(he is terribly, endlessly unhappy). “There remains freedom and power, and most importantly power! Over all the trembling creatures and over the entire anthill! That’s the goal!” - says Raskolnikov.

5) Conclusion.

Raskolnikov's reading of the scene from the Gospel about the resurrection of Lazarus is far from accidental.

Will there be a resurrection of Raskolnikov? Will he believe, as the compassionate man dreams, to a loving heart Sony?

Slide “Virgin Mary”

Slide “Sonya and Raskolnikov.”

We still have to learn about this in the continuation of the novel. In the meantime, reading the Gospel causes Raskolnikov to burst into pride. It’s as if he is frozen into his sin, into his pride, into his crime, into his four-day oblivion - and cannot freeze. But “love is patient, kind, and endures all things. Love never, hope, love, but love is the greatest of these.”

The love of Christ resurrects Lazarus, but will the warmth of Sonya Marmeladova’s compassionate love resurrect Raskolnikov’s lost soul?


Analysis of the scenes “Raskolnikov’s second and third visits to Sonya” (part 5, chapter 4, part 6, chapter 8).

The Bible in general and the New Testament in particular occupy a very special place in Dostoevsky’s novel Crime and Punishment. This work is rightfully considered a masterpiece even among the five great novels of this writer. It is like a kind of epicenter of his work; it contains the seeds of all those ideas that will be developed in more detail in his other works.

At the center of “Crime and Punishment” is an episode of reading chapter XI of the Gospel of John about the resurrection of Lazarus. This scene forms the rest of the fabric of the novel around itself.

Raskolnikov committed a crime, he must “believe” and repent. This will be his spiritual cleansing. The hero turns to the Gospel and, according to Dostoevsky, must find answers there to the questions that torment him, must gradually be reborn, move into a new reality for him. Dostoevsky pursues the idea that a person who has committed a sin is capable of spiritual resurrection if he believes in Christ and accepts his moral commandments.

The image of Raskolnikov's resurrection is indeed connected with the Gospel story of the resurrection of Lazarus by Christ, which Sonya reads to Raskolnikov. Sonya herself, while reading, mentally compares him with the Jews who were present at the unheard-of miracle of the resurrection of the already stinking Lazarus and who believed in Christ. And at the end of the novel, when Sonya accompanies Raskolnikov from afar as he sets out on his way of the cross - to voluntarily confess to the crime he has committed and suffer the appropriate punishment, the main character is clearly compared with Christ, who was followed from afar by myrrh-bearing women on His way of the cross.

That is, it turns out that Raskolnikov of the novel embodies three characters at once: Lazarus himself, and the doubting Jews, and even Christ.

Crime and punishment are only a minor part of the gospel story. The novel ends at the moment when “the dead man came out” and Jesus said: “Unbind him; Let him go". The last words read by Sonya to Raskolnikov are no longer about the novel’s plot, but about the impact it should have on readers. No wonder these words are highlighted in Dostoevsky’s italics: “ Then many of the Jews who came to Mary and saw what Jesus had done believed in Him».

For Dostoevsky, the use of biblical myths and images is not an end in itself. They served as illustrations for his thoughts about the tragic fate of the world, Russia and the human soul as part of world civilization. Dostoevsky considered the key to the revival of all this to be an appeal to the idea of ​​Christ.