Popular Bulgarian singers. Andrea – Bulgarian singer

It is no accident that I put a question mark in the title. Because this is my puzzled exclamation. And, of course, purely subjective. Essentially, I have two questions: is the phrase “ Bulgarian singer “is it acceptable for this kind of talent? and second: who are you, her fan, persistently typing her name into the search engine? I will try to answer the first below, I would like to read the second in the comments...
So, Andrea. Since school, she dreamed of becoming a singer and in this she is not original. She is also not original in the chosen path to achieve her goal: a standard conveyor belt way to get to the recording studio. Disgustingly formulaic clips in the style of “soft porn”. The style of “music”, if I have been enlightened correctly, is called Chalga in Bulgaria. The lyrics are primitive, suitable only for initial study Bulgarian language : a lot of simple words, but it makes no sense. The melodies also do not claim exclusivity. Ninety percent of these singers are practically indistinguishable from each other. How to stand out in such a pipeline?

Rule 1: Add something blonde to your head and wear it everywhere:

Rule 2: Don't show yours true face V in public places– thick makeup or glasses will help:

Next rule: Poses, poses and poses...Yes! Don't forget to open your mouth slightly:

And as an option for a pose, be sure to show off your boobs. Wherever possible. And even let others join in:

). The choice is quite wide: from soulful songs in the style of “Chaifa” to quite advanced ones in musically compositions. Below is a small guide to contemporary Bulgarian music. It should be said right away that neither Balkan pop-folk, which Bulgaria calls “Chalga,” nor heavy metal, nor ultra-techno will be here. The music will be quite neutral. The tracks mentioned below were included in this one either due to their popularity in Bulgaria or simply due to their musicality. Not everything is mentioned below, but you can get your bearings. Let's start, perhaps, with the pillars of the Bulgarian stage, i.e. those groups that have been on the rise for many years, but nevertheless still have serious popularity. These are the same chayfa-like rockers that are loved in Bulgaria.

First echelon. Older guys

So, No. 1 is the group “Schurtsite” (“Crickets”). The group was created in 1967 and officially ended its existence in 2013 simultaneously with the death of one of the founders, Peter Gyuzelev. Despite the venerable age of the group, the group falls into the category of “contemporary Bulgarian music” due to its serious popularity to this day. Below is one of the most famous tracks of “Shchurtsite”, the song “Sreshcha” (“Meeting”).

No. 2 - “Signal” group. Everything is the same as “Schurtsite”. “Signal” was created 10 years later, but the style is the same. Perhaps a little more melodic. Below is a clip of one of the most famous songs"Signal" "Sbogom" ("Farewell")

Another example of old rockers is the Diana Express group. Below is a clip of one of the most popular songs in Bulgaria, “Utre”.

But the next guys are younger. Group "B.T.R." literally blew up Bulgaria with her song “Elmaz and Glass” in the early 00s. Unfortunately (or fortunately), the fate of this group repeats the fate American group The Eagles, when they recorded Hotel California, they were never able to do anything like that again in their musical career. Yes they were good songs, but the level of Hotel California has never been surpassed. "B.T.R" has a one-to-one story. So, below is a clip with the song “Yelmaz and Glass”.

Now let's move a little towards pop-jazz. In Bulgaria there is an awesome group “FSB”. The guys are already aged, but they still work and produce quite interesting things from a musical point of view. Those who are really interested can listen last album(2010) on their official website - music.fsb.bg/album/fsb-2. Oddly enough, most Bulgarians are not interested in the musical delights of this group, and the most popular has become a simple, but soulful song“Trace 10 Godini” (“In 10 years”).

But there are still quite progressive musical experiments"FSB".

Galina Peneva Ivanova, known by her stage name Gloria (in Latin Gloria), is a Bulgarian pop-folk singer. Gloria is also called Prima (Bulgarian: Primate) and Queen (Bulgarian: Kralitsa) of Bulgarian pop-folk.

Gloria was born on June 28, 1973 in the city of Ruse, her father is Penko Ivanov, and her mother is Stefka Ivanova. She has a brother Nikolai. When she was in sixth grade, her parents divorced. Galya and her brother Nikolai moved to live with their grandparents in the city of Dve Mogili (a city in northern Bulgaria, Ruse region). In the absence of large selection schools for secondary education, Galina decided to graduate from high school with a degree in “Mechanizer in Plant Growing” (Bulgarian: “Mechanizer in Plant Growing”) and receive a professional driver’s license category “C”.

In 1991, while still a student, she received an offer and became a soloist with the Izvor orchestra.

In 1992, after parting with the orchestra, Galina created her own group “Lyra”, with which she sang for five months.

In 1993, thanks to Svetoslav Stoychev, one of the main people in her life, Galina decided to change Musical direction and try yourself in pop music, like pop singer. Close friends suggested that she use it in her musical work. stage name Gloria, which she has been using since 1993.

In 1993, Gloria worked as a variety show singer. Thanks to impresario Kapka Petkov, she toured all the biggest variety bars in Bulgaria with performances. As a variety show singer, she continued to work while recording her first two studio albums, as she needed cash to record songs, and she produced the albums herself.

In the same 1993, Gloria met the composer Ilya Zagorov and began to live with him.

In 1994, Gloria's professional music career began. Gloria was looking for a publisher for her first studio album and met the owner of the Payner company, Mitko Dimitrov. Gloria's ambitions and the quality of the album's songs impressed him. So Gloria became the first singer whose independent album was released music company"Painer." Gloria is currently collaborating with the Bulgarian music company "Painer" (as of 2016).

In November 1994, Piner Studio released debut album Gloria "Schastieto e magic" (Russian: "Happiness is magic"). The songs included in it were recorded in a style unusual for pop-folk at the time. However, the risk turned out to be justified. The album caused a real boom in Bulgaria, sales were record, and the video recording of the songs received universal approval from the audience.

Thus the star Gloria was born.

In November 1995, Gloria's second album, For Good or Evil, was released, which also became the best-selling album in Bulgaria that year. There is enormous interest in Gloria, she travels with the program every week throughout Bulgaria and therefore decides to finally stop working as a variety show singer.

In 1996, enjoying huge success her second album, Gloria realizes that she is pregnant. While awaiting the birth of her first child, Gloria recorded five new songs that were included in her next album, “Angel from the Devil's Soul.” And the song from this album, “A Gift from God,” became a hit, the lyrics and music for which were written by Gloria herself. The album "Angel from the Devil's Soul" went on sale exactly on September 30 - the day when Simone, the daughter of Gloria and Ilia Zagorov, was born.

In September 1997, Gloria's third album, Nostalgia, was released. The song of the same name from it, with lyrics by Gloria herself and music by Ilya Zagorov, played a key role in Gloria’s career and turned into not only one hit, but became one of the most iconic songs in this genre today.

In 1998, Gloria became the first Bulgarian pop-folk singer to tour the United States. In Chicago, she starred in the video for the title song from her new album “One Hundred Percent Wife,” which was released in the same 1998.

In June 1999, the album was released - Gloria's collection "The best", which included her most famous hits on the release date.

On April 20, 2000, Gloria's album "12 Diamonds" (Russian: "12 Diamonds") was released, the CD of which became gold in sales. Gloria wrote all the lyrics for her songs in this album. Songs from the album such as “Sbogom, Adios”, “Diva of Nights”, “Golden Cell”, “Joyful Anxiety”, folk song“Ah, where e moito libe”, “Doll on the end” became hits this year.

In July 2001, Gloria became the first pop-folk singer to be invited to the UK to give a concert at the Astoria Hall in London. Gloria's new, eighth album was released on August 21, 2001 and was called "Illusion". The songs “Ako byah the river gave birth”, “Marry sa blossom” (in duet with Tony Dacheva), “Don’t leave it out, mamo”, “Dobre doshl”, “Love the day”, “Leden Kralitsa” became hits this year.

In 2002, Gloria went with concerts to Spain and Israel.

2003 was a turning point in Gloria's musical career. In May 2003, the album “Fortress” was released, which included the hits “Phoenix”, “Labyrinth”, “Ochakvane”, “Not Deserving”, “Fortress”, “Belite Manastiri”, “Na neveren da s’m varna”. In the same year, together with Lyudmil Ilarionov (Lucy) and Nikolai Nankov, Gloria recorded impressive video clips in the pop-folk genre for songs from her new album: “Phoenix”, “Fortress”, “Labyrinth”.

In the summer of 2004, Gloria’s second collection album, “10 Godini” (Russian: “10 years”), was released, which included the most memorable songs from 10 years of her professional career. musical career. In the same 2004, two video clips of Gloria “Nameri si maistora” (directed by Lyudmil Ilarionov) and “Prisda” (directed by Lyudmil Ilarionov) were released.

Was released in 2005 studio album Gloria “In love with the belly” (Russian: “In love with life”), four video clips were shot: “Confession”, “In love with the belly”, “Piyana Vishna”, “Freedom”. At the end of 2005, Gloria went to Australia for concerts.

2006 became one of the most productive years in Gloria’s musical work. This year, Gloria released as many as 6 video clips: “Happy end”, “Is it decent on Vyatar”, “Grad na sin”, “Kragovrat”, “Seasons”, “Thanks”. The singer dedicated the song “Thanks” to all fans of her work.

At the beginning of 2007, a video clip for the song “Opiate” was released. And in March 2007, the singer’s tenth studio album, “Thanks,” was released. The album includes the most best song Gloria (according to many fans) is the ballad “Ako te nyama” (Russian: “If you are not there”), with which at the end of the year Gloria won the title in the category “Songs for Godinata” (Russian: “Song of the Year”). Also in 2007, a video clip for the song of the same name was shot and released. The album "Thanks" became one of the best-selling albums from the Piner company this year.

In October 2007, Gloria released a video clip for the song “Rule Love, Not War.”

In the period from 2008 to 2010, Gloria filmed and released video clips, among which are “Lyatno polnoludie” (2009), “Kiss Again” (2010), “Almost Unknown” (2010).

In 2009, Gloria’s third compilation album “15 Godini Zlatni Hitove” (Russian: “15 Years of Golden Hits”) was released, which included 45 of her most beloved songs over 15 years of her work.

In February 2011, Gloria's official website was opened on the Internet - gloriaofficial.com. In March 2011, Gloria’s video clip “Zhenskoto sartse” (Russian) was shown on the “Planet” television channel. woman's heart"), and the song immediately became a hit this year. On October 18, 2011, Gloria’s album “Imam Needs You” was released.

Between 2012 and 2014, Gloria continued to be actively involved in musical creativity and released high-quality video clips: “Kralitsa” (2012), “Double game” (2012), “Pyaschni kuli” (2013), “Bessanie/Insomnia” (2013), “Back to Broene” (2014), “Ako will buy every note "duet with daughter Simona Zagorova (2014), "Krile" (2014). In 2013, Gloria’s folklore album “Pateki” was released, which won the title “Folklore Album for 2013” ​​at the music awards “Godishni Musical Awards 2013” ​​on the television channel “Planet”.

On June 28, 2015, on Gloria’s birthday, her new album“Pyaschni Kuli”, which included three new songs “Kato storm”, “Pregurni me” and “Izvirete neshcho shock”, as well as a video clip for the song from the new album “Izvirete neshcho shockno” was presented to the audience.

On September 30, 2015, Gloria celebrated her 20th birthday music scene, giving a concert in hall 1 of the NDK (National Palace on Culture), in which Dani Milev Bend, Tony Dacheva, Nikolai Slaveev, Simona Zagorova and Azis took part.

Gloria in Wikipedia (in the Bulgarian Wikipedia) is located.

Gloria's official website is located.

Gloria. The Facebook page is located