Why do you dream about a geisha? According to Jung's dream book

Do you want to deal with problems in different life situations and assess your emotional state? We invite you to read selected interpretations of dreams about Geisha in the dream books of famous authors. Perhaps in these dream interpretations there is an answer to your question.

Why do you dream about Geisha?

Housewife's Dream Interpretation

Why does a woman dream of a Geisha:

A geisha in a dream symbolizes not so much earnings from erotic services, but the general connection of purchase and sale (“you have to pay for everything in life”). For men: to be in bed with a geisha - loss, loss; talking - to successful business management. For women: being one is a bargain; see, communicate - uncertainty, doubt. Seeing your mother or daughter as a geisha - your soul will rush between two loved ones, not knowing which one to give preference to.

Autumn Dream Interpreter

Seeing yourself in a dream in an establishment where guests are entertained by geishas is a sign of a cruise in Japan.

Spring Dream Interpreter

If you saw a Japanese woman in a dream entertaining people with dances and songs, it means that someone is actively harming you, hiding behind beautiful conversations.

Geisha in a dream- This dream, painted not just in erotic tones, but carrying a special and unique oriental flavor, symbolizes the desire to move away from the real world.
Start leading a double life, or- even more - to start it over again, so that it goes differently - this is your subconscious desire.
Far from this place, in another country and among another people with their own customs and culture, you are trying to find yourself.
But these are just dreams that the unconscious consoles itself with.
Reason requires you to return from heaven to earth; it resists the will of instincts, which at any moment can, with their impetuosity, sweep away everything that holds a person within the framework of culture.
But there are situations in life when the meaning of life is to turn your entire existence upside down, which previously seemed quite acceptable.
In such borderline situations, a person is presented with his essence in all its fullness, and then he, as it were, stands before an abyss leading to nowhere, and must make a choice: try to overcome the abyss that separates him from entering meaningfulness, or, retreating, continue to live like this, how I lived before.
Of course, it is easier and safer to make the second decision. Only in this case, won’t you regret that you did not listen to the voice of the opposite and alien side of the soul, which wanted to give you a chance to be different?

The dream came true once 5 5

To see a geisha in a dream - This dream, painted not just in erotic tones, but carrying a special and unique oriental flavor, symbolizes the desire to move away from the real world. To start leading a double life, or - even more - to start it over again so that it goes differently - this is your subconscious desire. Far from this place, in another country and among another people with their own customs and culture, you are trying to find yourself. But these are only dreams that the unconscious consoles itself with.

Reason requires you to return from heaven to earth; it resists the will of instincts, which at any moment can, with their impetuosity, sweep away everything that holds a person within the framework of culture. But there are situations in life when the meaning of life is to turn your entire existence upside down, which previously seemed quite acceptable. In such borderline situations, a person is presented with his essence in all its fullness, and then he, as it were, stands before an abyss leading to nowhere, and must make a choice: try to overcome the abyss that separates him from entering meaningfulness, or, retreating, continue to live like this, how I lived before. Of course, it is easier and safer to make the second decision. Only in this case, won’t you regret that you did not listen to the voice of the opposite and alien side of the soul, which wanted to give you a chance to be different?

What does it mean to see a Geisha in a dream (according to the Christian dream book)

Geisha in a dream - This dream, painted not just in erotic tones, but carrying a special and unique oriental flavor, symbolizes the desire to move away from the real world. To start leading a double life, or - even more - to start it over again, so that it goes differently - this is your subconscious desire. Far from this place, in another country and among another people with their own customs and culture, you are trying to find yourself. But these are just dreams that the unconscious consoles itself with. Reason requires you to return from heaven to earth; it resists the will of instincts, which at any moment can, with their impetuosity, sweep away everything that holds a person within the framework of culture. But there are situations in life when the meaning of life is to turn your entire existence upside down, which previously seemed quite acceptable. In such borderline situations, a person is presented with his essence in all its fullness, and then he, as it were, stands before an abyss leading to nowhere, and must make a choice: try to overcome the abyss that separates him from entering meaningfulness, or, retreating, continue to live like this, how I lived before.

Why do Geisha dream, taking into account the date of birth (according to the dream book of Birthday People)

If you were born in the spring, why dream of a geisha entertaining people with dances and songs - it means that someone is actively harming you, hiding behind beautiful conversations.

If you were born in the summer, why did you dream about a geisha in a dream - to surprise.

If you were born in the fall, why did you dream of being in an establishment where guests are entertained by geishas - a cruise in Japan.

If you were born in winter, what does a geisha dream about - secret sexual fantasies that you are ashamed to tell your sexual partner about.

The meaning of sleep by day of the week

Whether a night vision will come true depends not only on its content, but also on what day of the week and at what time of day the dream occurred.

In addition, what you see means will be indicated by the dream layout according to Lenormand. And the lunar dream calendar will help you understand your dream even more accurately.

This dream, painted not just in erotic tones, but carrying a special and unique oriental flavor, symbolizes the desire to move away from the real world. To start leading a double life, or - even more - to start it all over again so that it goes differently - this is your subconscious desire. Far from this place, in another country and among another people with their own customs and culture, you are trying to find yourself.

But these are only dreams that the unconscious consoles itself with. Reason demands that you return from heaven to earth; it resists the will of instincts, which at any moment can, with their impetuosity, sweep away everything that holds a person within the framework of culture.

But there are situations in life when the meaning of life is to turn your entire existence upside down, which previously seemed quite acceptable. In such borderline situations, a person is presented with his essence in all its fullness, and then he, as it were, stands before an abyss leading to nowhere, and must make a choice: try to overcome the abyss that separates him from entering meaningfulness, or, retreating, continue to live like this, how I lived before. Of course, it is easier and safer to make the second decision. Only in this case, won’t you regret that you did not listen to the voice of the opposite and alien side of the soul, which wanted to give you a chance to be different?

Interpretation of dreams from

Intimate dream book

If you had a dream about a Geisha

Dreaming of a geisha? This image, painted not just in erotic tones, but bearing a special and unique oriental flavor, symbolizes the desire to move away from the real world. To start leading a double life, or - even more - to start it over again so that it goes differently - this is your subconscious desire. Far from this place, in another country and among another people with their own customs and culture, you are trying to find yourself. But these are only dreams that the unconscious consoles itself with.

Reason requires you to return from heaven to earth; it resists the will of instincts, which at any moment can, with their impetuosity, sweep away everything that holds a person within the framework of culture. But there are situations in life when the meaning of life is to turn your entire existence upside down, which previously seemed quite acceptable.

In such borderline situations, a person is presented with his essence in all its fullness, and then he, as it were, stands before an abyss leading to nowhere, and must make a choice: try to overcome the abyss that separates him from entering meaningfulness, or, retreating, continue to live like this, how I lived before. Of course, it is easier and safer to make the second decision. Only in this case, won’t you regret that you did not listen to the voice of the opposite and alien side of the soul, which wanted to give you a chance to be different?

Interpreter of dreams of a Siberian healer

Geisha in a dream according to the time of year

  • In the spring, seeing a geisha entertaining people with dances and songs means that someone is actively harming you, hiding behind beautiful conversations.
  • In the summer, what did a geisha dream about in a dream - to surprise.
  • In the fall, why dream of being in an establishment where guests are entertained by geishas - a cruise around Japan.
  • In winter, what does a geisha dream about - secret sexual fantasies that you are ashamed to tell your sexual partner about.

Personal dreams and their interpretations