Music lesson in the younger group March. Summary of a musical lesson for Teddy Bear and his favorite toys

Program content:

  1. Maintain interest in musical and theatrical gaming activities.
  2. To develop in children attention, memory, and the ability to distinguish the dynamics, timbre and rhythm of music. Distinguish and independently perform movements in accordance with the nature of the music.


Musical instruments: drum, bell, tambourine, rattles - bells.

Toys: bunny, fox, bear.

In the foreground there is a mansion in which there are animals. Children come into music hall, say hello.

Music hands In the clearing near the Christmas tree,

Where the bad wolves roam

There was a tower - a tower

He was short, not tall.

There lived a frog in the mansion,

Brown bear, little mouse,

Brave hare and fox.

What miracles!

Guys, now we will go into the forest to the tower.

(Children perform movements according to the lyrics)

Song: “This is how we can do it” E. Tilicheeva

Come on, more fun - stomp, stomp, stomp!

That's how we do it - top, top, top!

The legs began to walk - tramp, tramp, tramp!

Right along the path - top, top, top!

Boots stomp - stomp, stomp, stomp!

These are our legs - top, top, top!

"Legs and Feet" V. Agafonnikova

Big feet

Walked along the road

Top - top - top,

Top - top - top.

Little feet

We ran along the path

Top - top - top-top– top,

Top - top - top - top - top.

"Our legs are tired" T. Lomovoy

Our legs are tired

We ran along the path

Let's stroke our feet

And let's rest a little.

Exercise: “Horses”

Children, as shown by the teacher, perform the following movements: Horses “clack”, “Straight gallop”

Here we are in the forest.

What a miracle the tower is!

Smoke is coming from the chimney.

Animals live in the mansion

And they are probably expecting guests.

I wonder who lives there? Now we will find out, and our fingers will help us with this.

Feel free to tap your fingers,

Fists help them

We will knock together

Who will come out to meet us?

Song-game: “Fingers”

1. Let's clap our hands, clap a little,

Let's clap our hands, very good.

2. And the fingers will dance, and the fingers will dance,

And the little guys’ fingers will dance.

3. Knock-knock with a hammer we will build a house for the birds,

Knock-knock with a hammer we will build a house for the birds.

4. Boom-boom drum, what a noise and clutter,

Boom-boom drum, what a noise and commotion.

The window opens, the Fox “appears”, they say hello.

Our beauty is a fox

I brought the bell.

Bells are given to the children.

Our bells are magical, they can play quietly and loudly.

Game: "Silent and loud bells" R. Rustamova

You ring, bell, be quiet,

Let no one hear you - 2 times.

Ring the bell louder

So that everyone can hear - 2 times.

Children sit on chairs.

Come on guys, get your ears ready. Who is the music calling?

The music will tell you

Who will open the doors for us?

Play: “The Dancing Hare” E. Tilicheeva.

Did you find out? (Children answer)

Pavilion, music calls the bunny. It sounds high, easy, fast. (A bunny appears from the tower)

The bunny is a musician, and his favorite musical instrument is the drum. Our bunny is dexterous and fast, so he plays just as easily and quickly.

The rhythmic pattern of a bunny sounds.

Children repeat the rhythm.

Exercise: “Drummers” D. Kabalevsky

Song: “I have a bunny” V. Kachaeva

Listen, the music is playing again. Now let’s guess who the music is calling.

Play: "Bear" V. Vitlina

(Children answer)

That's right, guys, this music is about a bear. It sounds low, heavy, slow . (A bear appears from the tower). Mishka is also a musician - he plays the tambourine.

What kind of bear? (children answer)

The bear plays the tambourine hard and slowly.

The rhythmic pattern of a bear sounds. Children repeat the rhythm.

Song-game: “The bear is coming”

Mishka goes, goes,

The bear is clubfooted.

Mishka goes, goes,

Holds a barrel in his paws.

Here it comes, here it comes

The bear is clubfooted.

Here it comes, here it comes

Thick-fisted bear.

Mishka goes, goes,

Walking through the forest.

Mishka goes, goes,

Collects cones.

Children perform movements in accordance with the lyrics of the song.

The bear was walking through the forest,

Teddy bear collected pine cones

And a little tired.

Our little mansion is closing. While the animals are sleeping, we will bake a treat for them.

Finger game: “Pies”

I bake, bake, bake

A Pie for All Friends:

Pie for a mouse,

For the bunny - babies,

A pie for the frog,

Bear, eat it too, my friend!

Pie for you, fox.

Very tasty game!

Lesson summary:

What animals live in the musical chamber?

What instrument does the bunny like to play?

What instrument does the bear like to play?

What musical instrument did the fox bring us?

It's time for us to return to kindergarten.

The children “leave” on a steam locomotive.

Tasks: develop the ability of children of the younger group to perceive and distinguish artistic images(bunny, bear, hedgehog); perform songs in a comfortable range, in a natural voice, move randomly, perform basic dance movements with objects (handkerchiefs).

Material and equipment: toys of a bear and a hare (large and small), a hedgehog; didactic games“Cheerful Palms”, “Traces of Animals”; flat rabbits; handkerchiefs, fake trees, a Christmas tree, a stump, a hut for a bunny, a den for a bear.

Progress of a music lesson

Children like a train approach the doors of the music room and honk their horn. The music director meets them at the door.

Musical director (M.r.). Hello guys! Do you want to go for a walk in the Land of Animals? (We want to.) Will you take me with you? (Children's answers.)

They ride to the tune of the song “Locomotive - Bug!” (lyrics by A. Morozov, music by A. Ermolov).

M.R. The locomotive quickly rushed us to the music room! Here we are in the land of animals, but why is there no one visible here?

To the hall under cheerful music A teacher comes in wearing a multi-colored dress with pockets.

M.R. Children, what’s wrong with our Lyudmila Albinovna?

Educator (V.). Today I am not Lyudmila Albinovna.

M.R.(looks at the children in surprise). Who are you?

IN. I am Igrulia Albinovna! I’m in a sunny mood today, I really love playing with children, so I decided to dress up in such an unusual way.

Check out my outfit...

This is not a robe at all!

Multi-colored pockets

Like cheerful daisies,

They scattered across the cape,

The locks were closed.

In every pocket house

Musical game!

Shall we play, kids?

To open all the pockets,

You have to be very careful.

I am so glad to meet you, and when you meet, you should always say hello. Saying hello is a very fun and interesting game, she hid in her pocket.

IN. I will give out colored palms to the children,

Palms will help us say hello.

Educator and music director Hand out colored palms to children.

Communication game "Hello".

Good morning,

(Waving colored palms.)

Smile soon

And today all day

It will be more fun.

We will stroke your forehead

(Perform movements according to the text.)

Nose and cheeks.

We will be beautiful

Like flowers in the garden!

(Tilt the head to the right and left shoulder alternately.)

Let's smile again

Be healthy everyone!

(Spread their arms to the sides.)

M.R. Let's sit down, guys, and see what's happening in the fairytale forest.

Children sit on chairs. Quiet sad music sounds.

M.R. Mother animals cry bitterly,

Animal fathers cry bitterly:

Their babies are lost

They can't find their way home.

Children, let's help the animals? But how do we find out which path they ran away on? (Children's answers.)

IN. That's right, following the tracks. But the music and tracks will tell you which animals are lost (lays them out to the music).

Listening to the play “Hedgehog” (D. Kabalevsky).

M.R. Have you guessed what animal the music is about? (Children's answers.) That's right, about a hedgehog.

IN. The animal is covered in needles

From head to toe.

The leaves suddenly rustled -

The hedgehog came out from behind the bush.

I was walking without daddy

And I lost my way.

M.R. Did you hear how the music conveyed the careful steps of the hedgehog? (Children's answers.)

Repeated listening to the play "Hedgehog".

M.R. Tell me, what kind of hedgehog is it? (Small, prickly, timid.) That’s right, and the music is cautious, abrupt, prickly. Let's tap finger on finger with the very tips abruptly, lightly and depict a timid hedgehog and its thorns.

Now we will help the hedgehog return home. Where are his traces? (Asks the child to follow the tracks of the hedgehog’s house.) Who else is lost in the forest?

Listen carefully to the music (the chorus of the song “Dance with Bunnies” sounds, lyrics and music.

M. Kartushina).

The bunny was alone in the forest,

He was afraid of the wolf and the fox.

M.R. So who is lost in the forest? (Bunny.)

IN. Oh, here are our naughty girls! They got into my pocket!

Together they hand out flat bunnies, the teacher asks them to hide them behind their back. The music director reminds the children that when singing they must keep their back straight and level and their shoulders straightened.

Performing the song “Dance with Bunnies”(with flat bunnies).

The music director asks the child to follow the hare's tracks and take the little hare to the big hare.

M.R. So the little bunny has returned home. Whose footprints were left on the forest path? Look at them, what are they like? (Large.) Probably a big animal walked here too. To make it easier for you to guess, let's listen to music.

Music "Bear" sounds(V. Rebikova).

M. r. Can you guess who it is? (Children's answers.) But I don't see him. Let's find out where he is? Perhaps he fell asleep?

The little bear is sleeping.

The children are looking for the bear cub around the hall. The music director offers to wake him up. The children are waking up.


Who woke me up?

I'm angry with you - yes, yes,

Run away, kids!

The bear cub is catching up with the children. After the game they sit on chairs.

Little bear.

Now I want to know

How can you dance?

Let the girls first

They will dance like squirrels.

(Girls do jumping jacks.)

Now let the boys

They jump like bunnies.

(Boys perform jumps on two legs.)

IN. The sun is shining, warming,

Everyone is invited to the dance!

(Takes tissues out of his pocket.)

Little bear. I won’t agree to dance...

M.R. What is the reason?

Little bear.

I'm afraid... shy and timid,

Because I can't...


Don't be afraid of anything, Mishka.

You're a bear, not a coward!

Hurry up and get into the circle,

Repeat everything after us!

Dance with handkerchiefs(at the choice of the music director).

Little bear.

Thank you, friends!

They taught me to dance.

But without dad and without mom

I'm sad - oh-oh-oh,

You better take me away

Hurry me home.

Children take the bear cub to the den.

M.R. Look, guys, have all the animals returned home?

Children. All!

M.R. What music helped us guess them?

Children. Songs about a hedgehog, a bunny and a bear.

M.R. What advice do we give to the animals?


Now we will know for sure:

You can't walk without moms and dads.

M.R. Thank you, Igrulia Albinovna, for coming to our lesson and also helping our little animals. Now it's time for us to return to kindergarten. We'll take you with us. Get on the train and let's go.

Musically rhythmic movements:

– Teach easy jumping to music without your heels touching the floor.
– Exercise children in rhythmically stamping one foot, then the other, in circling while walking.

Musical didactic game: introduce the sound of musical instruments. Learn to identify them by ear.

Perception of music (listening):

– Call emotional response to a musical image.
– To form ideas about the means of musical expression.

Singing, development of singing skills: teach singing skills: singing along, singing in an ensemble, the ability to open your mouth wide (work on sound formation).

– Cultivate friendly relationships between children.
– Teach how to dance in pairs, shaking hands with each other.

Game: to teach to distinguish different parts of music and to move in accordance with this character: quietly - walk softly, loudly - run fast.

Progress of the lesson

Children enter the hall, stand freely, positioned throughout the entire space of the hall.

“Game with two bunnies.”

Bunny: Hello, kids! I, a bunny, can jump easily, just like that! One, two, jump! (“He jumps over,” at this time, on the other side of the hall, exactly the same bunny Bi-ba-bo appears in the hands of the music director, we repeat twice.)

Do you know how?

(The teacher places the bunny toy Bi-ba-bo on a stand, behind a small screen, and speaks on behalf of the bunny.)

Educator: Guys, put your soft paws on, rise on your toes, your heels do not touch the floor, we will jump easily, like bunnies. The music will stop, and our legs will stop too. (Annotated demonstration by the teacher.)

Play: “Bunnies” music by T. Lomova.

Bunny: Well done, guys! Do you know how to dance?

Educator: Look, bunny, how our guys can spin around slowly, just like me! (Teacher demonstration.)

Play: “Spin” music by T. Lomova.

Educator: Well done, guys! Oh, what are you holding in your little bunny paws?

Bunny: This is a rattle, listen, guys, how the rattle rings. (Rings.)

Bunny: Oh, I have another one, this drum. (Knocks.)

And now, I want to play with you. I’ll play, and you guys, tell me what I’ll play for you now.

(The bunny plays a drum, a rattle, behind a screen. Children guess.)

Bunny: Well done, you guessed it! It's time for me to run into the forest and my friends. (Runs away.)

Educator: So the bunny ran away, and you and I will go and sit on the chairs (the children pass by and sit on the chairs near the piano).

Music director: (Musical director.)

Guys, listen to the riddle:

“Under the pines, under the fir trees
Is there a bag of needles lying around?” (Hedgehog. A toy hedgehog appears.)

Look how sharp its spines are, and how small and fast its legs are.

Guys, sit down correctly, just like me!

Listen to the musical work “Hedgehog” by composer D. Kabalevsky. The music sounds fun, fast, like that!

(Musical fragment 1–4 measures, the teacher puts out a card - modeling.)

Music director: The music is cheerful (card - modeling), fast (card - modeling), prickly, cautious (card - modeling). And at the end the hedgehog says: “I’ll prick!”

Play: “Hedgehog” music by D. Kabalevsky.

Music hands: Tell me guys. What kind of hedgehog do we have, happy or sad?

Children: Cheerful.

Music Ruk.: Right, so the music sounds like it’s happy or sad?

Children: Funny.

Music manager: Correct! Do the hedgehog’s legs run fast or slow?

Children: Quickly.

Music hands: That's right, so does the music sound fast or slow?

Children: Quickly.

Music hands : Sit down, just like me! Listen to the musical piece “Hedgehog” again.

Play: “Hedgehog” music by D. Kabalevsky.

(The music director brings the hedgehog toy to his ear, listens, speaks.)

Music hands: The hedgehog told me that you defined everything correctly. Oh, and he also asks you to sit comfortably, like this!

Hedgehog: Children, do you know a song about my friend Cockerel?

Children: Yes, we know.

Music hands: Guys, help me, sing along to the song.

Song: “Cockerel” Russian folk melody.

Bunny: Well done, now I also know this song.

Music hands: Listen to Hedgehog another song about winter. Let's teach our Hedgehog to sing a song with his mouth wide open, just like me! (Showing Musical Hands..)

Bunny: Well done, now I can also sing with my mouth wide open. (The hedgehog runs away.)

Music hands: So our Hedgehog ran away, and left us this small Christmas tree as a gift (the teacher makes the Christmas tree visible).

We will sing together, but we will not shout.

Song: “Christmas tree” music by M. Kraseva.

Music hands : Now, let's dance. Go out to the middle of the hall.

Educator: Look what kind of dance we will dance. (Showing the teacher and the child.)

Educator: Find yourself a friend, stand in pairs. (Children stand in pairs.)

Educator: Oh, but what happened to my guys, they quarreled, their lips pouted, their eyebrows furrowed, and they started stamping their feet.

Dance: “We became friends” music by T. Vilkoreiskaya.

Educator: And the hands should be presented like this, palms up (shows), spin slowly in a step (shows).

Dance: “We became friends” music by T. Vilkoreiskaya. (Musical excerpt, dance part 2.)

Educator : Oh, look, Mishenka came to visit us and wants to play blind man's buff with us. (Seats Mishka in the center of the hall and blindfolds him.)

Educator: Stand in a circle around Mishenka. Prepare your fingers. With quiet music we will slowly walk towards Mishenka, and with loud music we will move back, like this. (Teacher demonstration.)

Now, let's play.

Game: “Zhmurki” music by M. Flotov. (The game is played 2 times.)

Educator: Let's take Mishenka with us to the group and play with him.

Music hands: I liked the way you sang, danced, and played. Goodbye, guys.

Municipal government preschool

educational institution

"Kindergarten "Teremok"

Open music lesson

in the second younger group

"Familiarization with musical instruments».

Prepared and conducted:

Musical director

Vinnikova K.V.

With. Shelter


Program content

  • Training tasks:
    • distinguish the timbres of musical instruments;
    • distinguish character piece of music, perform appropriate movements;
    • develop singing skills, start singing after the introduction, sing harmoniously in an ensemble, clearly pronounce the words of songs.
    • develop skills in playing children's musical instruments;
  • Developmental tasks:
  • develop emotional responsiveness,
  • sensory abilities and pitch hearing,
  • develop a sense of rhythm, fine motor skills hands
  • form singing voice and expressiveness of movements.
  • cultivate love and interest in music;
  • Educational tasks:

Material for the lesson

  • Musical instrument piano;
  • Music Center;
  • Screen;
  • 3 toys (bird, bunny, horse) and, accordingly, musical instruments (triangle, tambourine, wooden spoons).


Children enter the music room to the music and stand in a semicircle.

Musical director: Hello guys! Look how many guests we have today, let's say hello to them.

Children: Hello!

Musical director.: Now look at me.

Guys, do you know what “Hello” means? This word comes from the word “Health” - “Health”. What should you do to be healthy?

Children answer.

Musical director: Let's do a little warm-up now, in order to be healthy.

Boogie, Boogie (lyrics and music by O. Arsenevskaya)

Musical director: Guys, we have guests today. To make them appear, you need to solve riddles (Riddles about a bird, a bunny, a horse).

Sparrows, swifts, penguins,

Bullfinches, rooks, peacocks,

Parrots and tits:

In one word it is...?

Rushes without looking back

Only the heels sparkle.

He rushes with all his might,

The tail is shorter than the ear.

Guess quickly

Who is this? (Bunny)

Who's jumping along the path? Clack-clack-clack.
Who has such frisky legs? Clack-clack-clack.
Her mane is silky,
She is cheerful and playful.
Her fur is so smooth
It's coming towards us...


Children solve riddles, the music director shows toys.

Musical director:

Our guests have been waiting for a long time
And a little tired.
I need to take off and play
And show the movements.
What is the bird doing?

Children: Flies.

Musical director: How can we show it?

Children: Run easily, on your toes.

Musical director: And the bunny?

Children: Jumps.

Musical director: Horse?

Children: Straight gallop.

Musical director: And each movement has its own music, and now I will play, but listen carefully, the music will tell you what movement you need to perform.

Music sounds for easy running, jumping, straight gallop (at the discretion of the music director), children perform the appropriate movements.

Musical director:

That's how fun they danced
And a little tired.
Let's sit down and relax
Let's go to the chairs.

Musical director: Guys, our guests did not come empty-handed today. Each guest has his own favorite musical instrument, and you will understand which one when you recognize this instrument by its sound.

He goes behind the screen and plays the instruments: Bird – triangle, Bunny – tambourine, Horse – wooden spoons.

Musical director: Now we’ll listen to music, and you’ll tell me what mood it’s in.

We sit quietly and prepare the ears,
Because we want to learn to listen.

The musical director performs a Russian melody folk song“Oh, you, canopy.” Children talk.

Musical director: What can you do with it?

Children: Dance.

Musical director: The music is danceable, cheerful, perky. Guys, you probably noticed that the music didn't always sound the same.

Children's answers.

Musical director: That's right, I played sometimes quietly, sometimes loudly. Now we will take musical instruments and play the way the music sounds.

Children play musical instruments.

Musical director: Well done! Do you and I also have a musical instrument - is this our voice? What do we do with our voice?

The children answer.

Musical director: Certainly. But in order to sing beautifully and not harm your voice, you first need to warm up your voice. We will sing a musical warm-up, be attentive, sing without shouting, listen to the music and each other.

“Musical chant”, “Breathing gymnastics” (“Like under a hill, under a mountain”).

Musical director. Okay, warm up your voice, find out what kind of song I’m going to play for you now.

Children name a familiar song based on the intro.

Musical director: Right. Let's all sing together.

Song "Hare" (music)

Musical director:

And now you, children,
Waiting fun game.
One two three four five
We need to get into the circle as soon as possible.

Game "Have Fun Kids" (Estonian folk song processed by T. Popatenko, Russian. text by I. Chernitskaya)

Musical director: Well done boys! Now let's restore our breathing (we walk in a circle).

Musical director. Did you like the lesson?

Children's answers:

Conclusion of the lesson: What musical instruments did we meet today? Animals? What are the dynamic shades?

Children's answers.

Musical director: Now you can go for a walk. Our lesson has come to an end, let's say goodbye to our guests. Goodbye, see you again!

Children: Goodbye!

(To the music, the children leave the hall one after another.)

Title: Musical lesson for children 3-4 years old.
Nomination: Kindergarten, Lesson notes, GCD, music, 2nd junior group

Musical lesson in the junior group “Visiting the cat Timofey”

Program content: pin familiar musical repertoire using the game situation. Develop a sense of rhythm, stability of attention, musical memory; develop the ability to imitate the behavioral characteristics of animals. Teach singing skills, perform movements harmoniously in pairs, consolidate familiar dance moves. Cultivate kindness in children

Preliminary work: Listening to the play “Kitty” by T. Lomova

Learning the song “Tsap-scratch” by S. Gavrilov

Learning the dance “Palms”

Progress of the lesson:

Children enter the hall and sit on chairs. flies into the hall balloon

Musical director: Guys, look, a balloon has flown towards us, and there is a postcard on a string. Now let's see what kind of postcard this is. Guys, this is an invitation. And who is it from, who sent it? Don't worry, we'll try to guess everything together. There is musical riddle- I’ll play you some music, and you tell me who it’s about

Playing the play “Cat” by T. Lomova

Guys, do you recognize this music, who is it about? (you can ask a riddle)

Shaggy, mustachioed,

Sits down and sings songs (cat)

That's right, cat

Educator: I guessed who sent us this invitation, the cat Timofey sent it to us

Musical director: Now I’ll read what he writes: “Guys, I miss you so much, come visit me, I’ll be waiting for you.” Well, shall we go and visit the cat? (children's answer)

You and I will go by train, quickly occupy the carriages, our train is leaving

The “train” of T. Suvorova sounds

And now we will walk along this path, quickly take our hands

Frenkel's "round dance" sounds

Well, here we are. Where is the cat Timofey, why doesn’t he meet us? Guys, let's call him, let's sing his name very affectionately. Everyone sings: “Timofey” on the same sound. No, he doesn’t hear, he’s probably sleeping. Guys, let's clap (they clap to the music) And now let's stomp (they stomp to the music)

Exercise “clap-stomp” arr. Ya. Stepovoy

A cat appears on the screen

Cat: Meow-meow, hello guys, I'm so glad you came to visit me

Musical director: Why aren't you meeting us?

Cat: To be honest, I dozed off

Musical director: How shaggy and unkempt you are . What should you guys do in the morning? (children's answers)

Exercise “The cat washes itself” (elements of psycho-gymnastics)

On the screen there is already another picture of a washed and combed cat

Musical director: For such beautiful cat you can sing a song

Children sing the song “tsap-scratch” from Gavrilov

Cat: Oh, what a good song, thank you guys! I also love to dance, will you dance with me?

Dance “Chok da Kok” by E. Makshantseva

Cat: what a fun dance, thank you guys

Musical director: Timofey the cat, do you like to play?

Cat: Of course I love

Musical director: Then play with the guys

Cat: My favorite game is "Cat and Mice" , but there are no mice here

Musical director: And we will say magic words and turn into little mice

They say: turn left or right

And turn into a mouse

Game “Cat and Mice” by V. Petrova Children are caught by a cat - a toy similar to the one on the screen

Cat: thank you, you made me laugh

Musical director: Timofey the cat swept up so much snow, the boys and I made snowballs , will you play with us?

Speech therapy game “Snowball” by M. Kartushina

Musical director: Well, Timofey the cat, you made me laugh

Cat: Of course, they amused me, I’m so glad that you came to visit me

Musical director: Unfortunately, Timofey, it’s time for us to say goodbye. Our train is leaving for kindergarten

Cat: What a pity, but will you come again?

Children answer

Musical director: Goodbye, Timofey, don’t be bored without us (The children say goodbye and “go” on the train again)

Educator: Well, guys, we have arrived at kindergarten. Did you like our trip? (children's answer) Me too

Musical director: I liked it too, goodbye guys.

Nomination: Musical lesson for children 3-4 years old.

Position: music director first qualification category
Place of work: MBDOU kindergarten No. 142
Location: Cheboksary, Chuvash Republic