Ilya Gofman: I don’t like attention and I’m glad to make music, because on stage you are an instrument. Creativity and organizational activities

At the age of 5, Ilya Goffman began playing the violin, later switching to a rarer instrument - the viola. From 9 years old young musician begins to compose music on his own. In addition to musical talents, he also showed mathematical talents. capabilities: wrote a number of articles on combinatorial geometry, which were published in foreign scientific journals, including in the authoritative Mathematical Reviews.

It seems that his musical future was predetermined: having successfully graduated from the MSMSH. Gnessins under the guidance of Professor Elena Ozol, Ilya enters the conservatory in the class of Yuri Bashmet himself. The teacher speaks of his student as a future Russian star classical music. Since his second year at the conservatory, Ilya Goffman has been writing works that are successfully performed by eminent musicians on leading stages concert halls Moscow and receive awards from international festivals.

However brilliant career young musician was destined to be interrupted. In 1998, unexpectedly for teachers and the entire music community, Ilya Goffman found himself in the dock on charges of hacking. Having become interested in mathematics and computer technology, the young man crossed the line of the legal and fell victim to his own research adventurism. Despite numerous requests from artists and the intercession of the American Academy of Sciences, Ilya spends a year in a pre-trial detention center, where he is unable to touch the instrument.

Such a radical change in fate that occurred at the very beginning creative path, could influence any other person, turning him away from pursuing art. But after leaving the pre-trial detention center, Ilya Goffman first of all takes up the viola, wanting to prove to himself and those around him that he is still able to have his say in classical music.

Since 2000, Ilya Goffman has become a laureate and winner of numerous international competitions:

* IV laureate International competition violists Yuri Bashmet (Russia, 2000)

* owner special prize International L. Tertis Viola Competition (England, 2003),

* winner of the International competition chamber music Gaetano Zinetti (Italy, 2004),

* laureate of the Federation of Jewish Communities of Russia “Golden Chanukiah” award (Russia, 2004),

* winner of the Georg Solti Foundation Prize (England, 2005),

* winner of the International music competition in Vienna (Austria, 2005)

As a performer and composer, Ilya Goffman participated in such festivals as “Moscow Autumn”, “Festival in Memory of Oleg Kagan”, “Return”, “1700th Anniversary of Christianity in Armenia”, Arnold Schoenberg Festival, “World Viola Congress” (Germany) , The Plush-fest (England), Mozartiana Festival (Russia), Emilia Romagna Festival (Italy), Musical Autumn in Nîmes (France)

He performed for the first time works by Valentin Silvestrov (“Lacrimosa” for solo viola) and Leonid Goffman (Four Poems for soprano, alto and piano, Fantasia for viola and chamber orchestra, “Epitaph” for viola and string orchestra).

Ilya Goffman also initiated and organized a number of significant cultural events, including: Memorial concert in memory of the victims of the September 11 terrorist attacks, which was held as part of the Evenings of American Music festival with the support of the Moscow Conservatory and the US Embassy; Concert dedicated to the 50th anniversary of the death of Arnold Schoenberg; Enterprise of Young Musicians “KAMMERKONZERT”; Concert dedicated to the anniversary of Antonin Dvorak with the support of the Moscow Conservatory and the Czech Embassy; All-Russian master class by Yuri Bashmet and others.

Collaborated and performed with such famous musicians as: Alexey Lyubimov, Natalya Gutman, Kolya Blacher, Eduard Brunner, Alexander Rudin, Charles Naidish, Alexey Utkin, Vladimir Tonkha, Svetlana Savenko and others.

IN currently Ilya Goffman teaches at the music school named after. Gnessins and continues his active creative work.


* CD “Azzurra Musica” (Italy, 2004) with works by Schubert, Schumann and Shostakovich, performed together with pianist Sergei Kudryakov;

* SACD “Fantasiestücke. Ilya Hoffman & Sergey Koudriakov" from the series "Caro Mitis", published by the company "Music of the Massam" (2006);

* “Dialogues and Dedications” by composer V. Silvestrov (2CD, with pianist Alexey Lyubimov), published by SoLyd Records (2006)

Ilya Leonidovich Goffman(b., Moscow) - Russian violist and composer. Teacher at the Gnessin School.


Ilya Goffman was born into a family Russian composer, a representative of the Novo Vienna music school Leonid Hoffman, a student of F. Gershkovich, who, in turn, studied with A. Berg and A. Webern. From the age of five he was engaged in playing the violin and viola, as well as studying composition under the guidance of his father. At the age of nine he began writing music.


He performed for the first time works by Valentin Silvestrov (“Lacrimosa” for solo viola) and Leonid Goffman (Four Poems for soprano, alto and piano, Fantasia for viola and chamber orchestra, “Epitaph” for viola and string orchestra).

Ilya Goffman also initiated and organized a number of significant cultural events, including: a memorial concert in memory of the victims of the terrorist attacks of September 11, which was held as part of the Evenings festival American music»with the support of the Moscow Conservatory and the US Embassy; concert dedicated to the 50th anniversary of the death of Arnold Schoenberg; Enterprise of young musicians “KAMMERKONZERT”; a concert dedicated to the anniversary of Antonin Dvorak with the support of the Moscow Conservatory and the Czech Embassy; All-Russian master class by Yuri Bashmet and others.

Ilya Goffman collaborated and performed with such famous musicians as: Alexey Lyubimov, Natalya Gutman, Kolya Blacher, Eduard Brunner, Alexander Rudin, Charles Naidish, Alexey Utkin, Vladimir Tonkha, Svetlana Savenko and others.


  • laureate of the IV International Yuri Bashmet Viola Competition (Russia, 2000)
  • winner of a special prize at the L. Tertis International Viola Competition (England, 2003)
  • winner of the International Chamber Music Competition Gaetano Zinetti (Italy, 2004)
  • laureate of the Federation of Jewish Communities of Russia “Golden Chanukiah” award (Russia, 2004)
  • winner of the Georg Solti Foundation Prize (England, 2005)
  • winner of the International Music Competition in Vienna (Austria, 2005)


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Excerpt characterizing Hoffman, Ilya Leonidovich

– Le vieux comte est touchant a ce qu"on dit. Il a pleure comme un enfant quand le medecin lui a dit que le cas etait dangereux. [The old count is very touching, they say. He cried like a child when the doctor said that dangerous case.]
- Oh, ce serait une perte terrible. C"est une femme ravissante. [Oh, that would be a great loss. Such a lovely woman.]
“Vous parlez de la pauvre comtesse,” Anna Pavlovna said, approaching. “J"ai envoye savoir de ses nouvelles. On m"a dit qu"elle allait un peu mieux. Oh, sans doute, c"est la plus charmante femme du monde," Anna Pavlovna said with a smile at her enthusiasm. – Nous appartenons a des camps differents, mais cela ne m"empeche pas de l"estimer, comme elle le merite. Elle est bien malheureuse, [You are talking about the poor countess... I sent to find out about her health. They told me she was feeling a little better. Oh, without a doubt, this is the loveliest woman in the world. We belong to different camps, but that doesn't stop me from respecting her on her merits. She is so unhappy.] – added Anna Pavlovna.
Believing that with these words Anna Pavlovna was slightly lifting the veil of secrecy over the countess’s illness, one careless young man allowed himself to express surprise that famous doctors were not called in, but that the countess was being treated by a charlatan who could give dangerous remedies.
“Vos informations peuvent etre meilleures que les miennes,” Anna Pavlovna suddenly attacked the inexperienced man with venom. young man. – Mais je sais de bonne source que ce medecin est un homme tres savant et tres habile. C"est le medecin intime de la Reine d"Espagne. [Your news may be more accurate than mine... but I am from good sources I know that this doctor is a very learned and skillful person. This is the life physician of the Queen of Spain.] - And thus destroying the young man, Anna Pavlovna turned to Bilibin, who, in another circle, picked up the skin and, apparently, about to loosen it to say un mot, spoke about the Austrians.
“Je trouve que c"est charmant! [I find it charming!],” he said about the diplomatic paper with which the Austrian banners taken by Wittgenstein were sent to Vienna, le heros de Petropol [the hero of Petropol] (as he was called in Petersburg).
- How, how is this? - Anna Pavlovna turned to him, awakening silence to hear the mot, which she already knew.
And Bilibin repeated the following original words of the diplomatic dispatch he composed:
“L"Empereur renvoie les drapeaux Autrichiens,” said Bilibin, “drapeaux amis et egares qu"il a trouve hors de la route, [The Emperor sends the Austrian banners, friendly and lost banners that he found outside the real road.],” Bilibin finished , loosening the skin.
“Charmant, charmant, [Lovely, charming,” said Prince Vasily.
“C"est la route de Varsovie peut être, [This is the Warsaw road, maybe.] - Prince Hippolyte said loudly and unexpectedly. Everyone looked back at him, not understanding what he wanted to say by this. Prince Hippolyte also looked back with cheerful surprise around him. He, like others, did not understand what the words he said meant. During his diplomatic career, he more than once noticed that the words spoken in this way suddenly turned out to be very witty, and he said these words just in case. the first to come to his mind. “Maybe it will work out very well,” he thought, “and if it doesn’t work out, they will be able to arrange it there.” Indeed, while an awkward silence reigned, that insufficiently patriotic face entered. Anna Pavlovna, and she, smiling and shaking her finger at Ippolit, invited Prince Vasily to the table, and, presenting him with two candles and a manuscript, asked him to begin. Everything fell silent.
- Most merciful Emperor! - Prince Vasily declared sternly and looked around the audience, as if asking if anyone had anything to say against this. But no one said anything. “The Mother See of Moscow, New Jerusalem, receives its Christ,” he suddenly emphasized his words, “like a mother into the arms of her zealous sons, and through the emerging darkness, seeing the brilliant glory of your power, sings in delight: “Hosanna, blessed is he who comes.” !” – Prince Vasily said these last words in a crying voice.
Bilibin examined his nails carefully, and many, apparently, were timid, as if asking what was their fault? Anna Pavlovna repeated in a whisper forward, like an old woman praying for communion: “Let the impudent and insolent Goliath…” she whispered.
Prince Vasily continued:
– “Let the daring and insolent Goliath from the borders of France carry deadly horrors to the edges of Russia; meek faith, this sling of the Russian David, will suddenly strike down the head of his bloodthirsty pride. This is the image St. Sergius, an ancient zealot for the good of our fatherland, is brought to your to the imperial majesty. I am sick because my weakening strength prevents me from enjoying your most kind contemplation. I send warm prayers to heaven, that the Almighty may magnify the race of the righteous and fulfill your Majesty’s good wishes.”
– Quelle force! Quel style! [What power! What a syllable!] - praise was heard to the reader and writer. Inspired by this speech, Anna Pavlovna’s guests talked for a long time about the situation of the fatherland and made various assumptions about the outcome of the battle, which was to be fought the other day.
“Vous verrez, [You will see.],” said Anna Pavlovna, “that tomorrow, on the sovereign’s birthday, we will receive news.” I have a good feeling.

Anna Pavlovna's premonition really came true. The next day, during a prayer service in the palace on the occasion of the sovereign's birthday, Prince Volkonsky was called from the church and received an envelope from Prince Kutuzov. This was a report from Kutuzov, written on the day of the battle from Tatarinova. Kutuzov wrote that the Russians did not retreat a single step, that the French lost much more than we did, that he was reporting in a hurry from the battlefield, without having yet managed to collect the latest information. Therefore, it was a victory. And immediately, without leaving the temple, gratitude was given to the creator for his help and for the victory.

Violist-hacker Ilya Gofman, under whose leadership a group of hackers stole $97,776 from 16 American and Russian banks, is awaiting a verdict in the Matrosskaya Tishina pre-trial detention center. Kommersant managed to obtain investigative materials on his criminal case, revealing the details of this crime, which is still unusual for Russia.
Ilya Goffman is 21 years old. Photos of this talented violist have recently made the rounds of many Russian and foreign newspapers and magazines. Then - in connection with his musical successes. Ilya Goffman has been playing the violin and later the viola since he was five years old. Biography - typical for such a case: allergies, asthma, home schooling, greenhouse conditions, intellectual entertainment. Passion for not only harmony, but also algebra. In his early 20s, Ilya managed to publish several works on mathematics in European scientific journals and composed several classical musical works, which are today performed on the best Russian stages.
Like many people of his generation, Ilya prefers virtual communication via the Internet to live communication. It was the Internet that became the weapon of crime. In the spring of 1998, once again wandering the Internet, Goffman came across a specialized magazine for hackers. From there he gleaned information about the work of hackers with credit cards, numbers mobile phones and other mechanisms for hacking the computer protection of banks and stores. As Ilya himself says, “everything is accessible, like in a fairy tale.” In a section called “Hacking,” he discovered about 25 addresses—programs that are nothing more than a guide for a novice hacker. Everything described there did not require any special knowledge or skills.
While studying work on the Internet with banks and credit organizations, Hoffman easily established contacts with like-minded people. Only then, from the investigation materials, the names of the people who were hiding, as is customary on the Internet under pseudonyms, will become known, and everything they did will also be translated into a publicly accessible language: “a criminal group, which included citizens of the Russian Federation Fidelman A.V., Voznesensky V.S. and Demidov I.S., citizens of the Republic of Lithuania Kasperyunas S. and Verzilova O., as well as a person not identified by the investigation.” One of the keys to catching the criminals was their online correspondence. There are dozens of pages of it in the criminal case. The young men do not hesitate to discuss the issues of opening accounts on plastic cards in foreign banks, the amounts they are going to transfer, technical issues, agree on cashing and meetings.

Person under investigation
Ilya Gofman has been waiting for six months in the Matrosskaya Tishina pre-trial detention center for the investigation to end. From the decision to charge him as an accused it follows that he committed a crime under paragraphs. "a", "b" part 3 art. 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, namely: “...fraud, that is, theft of someone else’s property by deception and abuse of trust, as part of an organized criminal group, repeatedly, in large size". Namely - $97,776. This article provides for imprisonment from five to ten years. In fact, the claim was brought only by the Russian Credit bank - in the amount of just over $20 thousand. The remaining banks - and there are 16 of them in the case and mostly American - no no complaints were made.
He doesn't care how he sits. He shares bunks with another defendant in a stuffy and cramped cell designed for 12, but today accommodating more than 70 people. They take turns sleeping. The other day, lawyer Alisa Turova was forced to tell Ilya that he would be convicted “to the fullest extent.”
The resonance of this case would be much less if it were not for the very personality of the main accused. “Ilya Gofman, in my opinion,” says Yuri Bashmet, “is today not only one of the best students in my class, but also one of the best young violists in Moscow... It seems to me that everything possible must be done to preserve his talent for our national culture". In a similar way Tikhon Khrennikov, Natalya Gutman, director Yakov Gubenko, several dozen more professors of the Moscow Conservatory, where the defendant studies, and eminent art critics speak about him.

Computer correspondence between “friends on the Internet” became the basis of the entire criminal case. It is from her detailed analysis the investigation deduced the scheme used by the hackers. What does it consist of?
The first thing you need to have in order to steal money is the numbers of other people's credit cards. This information can be obtained from terminals in stores or restaurants. When you pay by card, information about the number remains on the computer network. There are addresses of “exposed”, that is, already identified in this way, credit cards on the Internet, where they are published, updated and replenished. Like in a reference book or encyclopedia.
The second thing that is also necessary is a program for transferring money from a credit card (through the appropriate bank) to some other account. Such a program exists on the Internet, is publicly available and is called PC AUTHORISE.
The third thing to take care of is that other bill. Transferring money from someone else's credit card directly to your own is very dangerous: it will be detected as soon as possible. But transferring money from someone else’s credit card, say, to the account of a virtual store, of which there are many thousands on the Internet, is another matter. In order to exist on the Internet under the guise of a virtual store, it is enough to use the PCAUTH program, which will instantly “make up” you as a virtual online store. In order for the store not only to look, but also supposedly function like a store, that is, to carry out financial transactions, there is an easily accessible SPRINT program that solves all problems with transferring money.
Where and where should money be transferred from?
This is the secret of Ilya Hoffman’s machinations. Money should be transferred from someone else’s card to your own, supposedly online, store, and then, through the procedure of refusing to purchase, make a refund, but not to the card owner’s account, but to your own, personal account. That's the whole scheme. Hoffman's accomplices kept these personal accounts in the Rossiysky Credit bank and Avtobank. And they actively implemented the theft algorithm - from March to September 1998. Ilya “practices” money transfers without leaving his apartment, being considered on the Internet as a computer store salesperson. The list of banks issuing plastic cards that appear in the case and from which money was withdrawn looks ominous: here, in addition to not very well-known banks, are Citibank, First USA Bank, NBD Service Corporation/CCA.
The amounts written off in this way - from $1 to $3 thousand - are described in detail in the investigation materials. The list of these amounts and numbers alone takes up more than ten pages, which describe more than 60 bank transactions - totaling $97,776.

An employee of the security department of the Rossiysky Credit bank says that the first thing they noticed was a large number of“incorrect” payments (that is, when the refund goes to the wrong card from which the payment was made) on the same debit plastic cards. “The guys had more than 60 of them in total. A purchase is made in a virtual store, money is transferred from plastic cards issued by US banks, and if the purchase is refused, all the money ends up in the same accounts of our clients. For the first time, bank employees have responded to this situation We noticed in the first ten days of August, when the total amount of transactions was $13,000. The bank immediately sent letters to the Americans asking them to check the correctness of payments on certain “plastic” accounts. At this time, we had to freeze the debit accounts of these guys in our bank. Their identities had already been established. And they, not suspecting anything, continued to make transactions on their accounts and make purchases."
In his commentary, another Roscredit employee explained to us what had to be done to avoid being exposed. “They should,” he says, “have accounts in some American bank, and not in a Russian one. There, purchase transactions in virtual stores will not surprise anyone and it is very easy to get lost in the crowd. And many banks simply lose their vigilance, especially If we're talking about not about large amounts. We have all the dubious transactions on plastic cards under control, and sooner or later they would have been caught anyway." Computer specialists with extensive experience also commented on the situation: "The guys were simply destroyed by greed. After all, all actions with accounts are recorded and recorded. Their main mistake was that they allowed attention to be drawn to themselves. After this happened, the capture was a matter of technique. If they made fewer similar transactions (purchase-rejection) and did not open so many cards in one bank, they would not pay attention. And there was no need to cash out here in Russia either.”
The conversation about greed, as evidenced by the case materials, is quite appropriate here. The guys had a grand party in the Versace and Calvin Klein boutiques, the Tsarskaya Okhota restaurant, Cell Phones, pagers and air pistols they paid with credit cards from Russian Credit and Avtobank. Ilya Goffman did not participate in this, he sat at home at his computer and worked on transferring money from banks. In between classes with Yuri Bashmet and composing his own musical works under the guidance of his father, famous composer Leonid Goffman. His estimated income should have given him confidence in tomorrow: his share - 60% of the total profits - was to be paid to him for the intellectual leadership of the entire business.

The ending of Hoffmann himself - and not his clever crime - seems outrageously stupid. He never had credit cards. He never received his money. It was “laid in” by friends Fidelman and Voznesensky, who, unlike him, managed to live. He did not manage to get into the “Moscow Autumn” competition, in which he dreamed of participating: he was not released from the pre-trial detention center. He never said a new word in hacking - world practice in this matter has gone far ahead. What can I say if I visit Hamburg once a year? International club hackers arrange demonstration sessions for hacking the most latest programs. For each hacking step, hackers receive real, not virtual, DM10,000, and without any pre-trial detention.
While in pre-trial detention for six months, Ilya writes music all day long. He wrote pieces for viola: “Chamber Music for String Trio”, “Piano Sonatina”. On June 1 they will be played at the House of Composers. This is how chamber music turns out. Lawyers Alisa Turova and Elena Andrianova, working on the case of Ilya Gofman, claim: “The case of Ilya Gofman is a demonstration. And what the court’s decision will be depends further fate many computer hooligans. There have already been many such cases in the West. But... The entire legal framework almost there has long been taking into account modern computer technologies. And hackers know very well “what is “good” and what is “bad”.” In other words, the main result of the existing case is a precedent, the development of legal incidents, which could then form the basis of more advanced legislation. But such an interpretation has no right to exist after the famous case of Levin, who managed to “steal” $400 thousand using a personal computer. There, there was more income and fewer losses: manipulation of the ALT and F4 keys, with which users leave Windows, did not work jeopardize the successes of the Russian music school.


Ilya Leonidovich Goffman(born 1977, Moscow) - Russian violist and composer. Teacher at the Gnessin School.


Date unknown. Studio guest Alexey Leonidovich Sidorov (b. 1968) is a Russian director, producer and screenwriter. Alexey Sidorov was born on August 22, 1968 in ...

Ilya Goffman was born into the family of a Russian composer, a representative of the Novo Vienna music school, Leonid Goffman, a student of F. Gershkovich, who, in turn, studied with A. Berg and A. Webern. WITH early childhood He played the viola and studied composition under the guidance of his father. At the age of nine he began writing music.

Studied at MSSMSH named after. Gnesins in the class of Professor E. Ozol. He graduated from the Moscow Conservatory, then graduated from graduate school under the direction of Yuri Bashmet. Already from his second year at the conservatory, Hoffman wrote musical works, which are successfully performed on the leading stages of Moscow concert halls and are awarded awards at international festivals.

In addition to musical talents, he also showed math skills: By the age of 20, he had published several articles on combinatorial geometry in foreign scientific journals, including the authoritative Mathematical Reviews.

His passion for mathematics and computer programming led to the fact that in 1998 the young violist found himself in the dock on charges of hacking.

Lives in Moscow. Professes Judaism. Not married.


As a performer and composer, Ilya Goffman participated in such festivals as “Moscow Autumn”, “Festival in Memory of Oleg Kagan”, “Return”, “1700th Anniversary of Christianity in Armenia”, Arnold Schoenberg Festival, “World Viola Congress” (Germany) , The Plush-fest (England), Mozartiana Festival (Russia), Emilia Romagna Festival (Italy), Musical Autumn in Nimes (France), etc.

He performed for the first time works by Valentin Silvestrov (“Lacrimosa” for solo viola) and Leonid Goffman (Four Poems for soprano, alto and piano, Fantasia for viola and chamber orchestra, “Epitaph” for viola and string orchestra).

Ilya Goffman also initiated and organized a number of significant cultural events, including: a memorial concert in memory of the victims of the September 11 terrorist attacks, which was held as part of the Evenings of American Music festival with the support of the Moscow Conservatory and the US Embassy; concert dedicated to the 50th anniversary of the death of Arnold Schoenberg; Enterprise of young musicians “KAMMERKONZERT”; a concert dedicated to the anniversary of Antonin Dvorak with the support of the Moscow Conservatory and the Czech Embassy; All-Russian master class by Yuri Bashmet and others.

Ilya Goffman collaborated and performed with such famous musicians as:

Alexey Lyubimov, Natalya Gutman, Kolya Blacher, Eduard Brunner, Alexander Rudin, Charles Naidish, Alexey Utkin, Vladimir Tonkha, Svetlana Savenko and others.

He often performs in duets with pianist Sergei Kudryakov.


  • laureate of the IV International Yuri Bashmet Viola Competition (Russia, 2000)
  • winner of a special prize at the L. Tertis International Viola Competition (England, 2003)
  • winner of the International Chamber Music Competition Gaetano Zinetti (Italy, 2004)
  • laureate of the Federation of Jewish Communities of Russia “Golden Chanukiah” award (Russia, 2004)
  • winner of the Georg Solti Foundation Prize (England, 2005)
  • winner of the International Music Competition in Vienna (Austria, 2005)


  • CD “Azzurra Musica” (Italy, 2004) with works by Schubert, Schumann and Shostakovich, performed together with pianist Sergei Kudryakov;
  • SACD “Fantasiestücke. Ilya Hoffman & Sergey Koudriakov" from the series "Caro Mitis", published by the company "Music of the Massam" (2006);
  • “Dialogues and Dedications” by composer V. Silvestrov (2CD, with pianist Alexey Lyubimov), published by SoLyd Records (2006)