"The well-being of the state depends on the well-being of every Russian family." To a new family

Prosperity, prosperity, happiness, luck. Wed. . See happiness, luck... not for any well-being... Dictionary of Russian synonyms and expressions similar in meaning. under. ed. N. Abramova, M.: Russian Dictionaries, 1999. well-being, prosperity, ... ... Synonym dictionary

WELL-BEING, well-being, many. no, cf. A calm flow of life, not disturbed by misfortunes or failures. The well-being of their family did not last long. || Contentment, material security. Many people think only about their well-being. Intelligent... ... Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

well-being- WELL-BEING, good, prosperity, prosperity, obsolete. prosperity, obsolete prosperity PROSPEROUS, prosperous, prosperous, prosperous, flourishing BLESSED, high. blessed, high. blessed... ... Dictionary-thesaurus of synonyms of Russian speech

See Prosperity (Source: “Aphorisms from around the world. Encyclopedia of Wisdom.” www.foxdesign.ru) ... Consolidated encyclopedia of aphorisms

well-being- I, only units, p. 1) A calm, prosperous life, being in a streak of success, good luck, prosperity. Complete well-being. Material well-being. Synonyms: prosperity, prosperity, prosperity 2) Normal, without any words. unwanted... ... Popular dictionary of the Russian language

well-being- ▲ existence good disadvantage well-being good existence; absence of negative events in someone's life. life. prosperous. blessed. prosperity. ↓ HEALTH, WELL-BEING, SUCCESSFUL ACTIVITY... Ideographic Dictionary of the Russian Language

well-being- the well-being of the subject, dependence, cause and effect depends... Verbal compatibility of non-objective names

WELL-BEING.- From Art. sl. language Art. sl. well-being word-formation tracing paper Greek. eutychia, which is the addition of adj. good "good" and unpreserved noun. Polka "chance, fate" ... Sitnikov's etymological dictionary

- (Greek ευ δαιμονία) the same as happiness, always subjectively understood as the achievement of all the benefits (see this next) to which a person strives. Even Aristotle in his Ethics rightly noted that regarding B. everyone agrees only on the name of this... encyclopedic Dictionary F. Brockhaus and I.A. Ephron

Wed. 1. A calm course of affairs and life without failures or shocks. Ott. Material security, prosperity. Ott. Happiness in love, in family life. 2. decomposition A normal condition without any deviations from the norm or undesirable effects. Intelligent... ... Modern Dictionary Russian language Efremova


  • Prosperity bestowed by Russia, Kotanjyan L.V.. ...
  • A book for creativity and attracting good luck. Mandalas. Well-being, Voznesenskaya Vilata. We all have a natural desire to improve our lives. For some this is expressed in financial stability, for others - in spiritual stability. But in any case, for a feeling of peace and harmony...

The National Prayer Breakfast of Siberia was held in Krasnoyarsk on April 29, 2008. The theme of family was chosen as the main theme of this public event.

The National Prayer Breakfast of Siberia was held in Krasnoyarsk on April 29, 2008

"Lord, we pray to You for our great country, about the President and the Government,” - with these prayerful words, the 3rd National Prayer Breakfast of Siberia was opened by the Deputy Chairman of the RS ECB for the Siberian District, Pastor E.A. Henry, who took place in exhibition center"Siberia" of the city of Krasnoyarsk. The main theme of this public event was the theme of family. As explained by the organizer of the forum, the Chairman of the Heads Committee Christian churches Yenisei region, pastor Ivan Krapivin: “The topic of the prayer breakfast was not chosen by chance, the fact is that in Russian Federation 2008 has been declared the year of the family, therefore, our Committee decided to support this decision, since family themes are very close to all Christian denominations.”

Let us remind you that such prayer breakfasts are held in sixty countries around the world and are unique socio-spiritual meetings where representatives of society, various faiths, government and business can communicate on spiritual topics and discuss actual problems modern society. A similar National Prayer Breakfast in Russia has been held annually since 1995 as a spiritual and civic event with a high public status. The “business breakfast” format reflects the community of participants and creates an atmosphere of unity and mutual understanding.

Senior Presbyter of the RS ECB Krasnoyarsk region A.P. Sisko, read a meaningful report on the topic: “The family is a God-established institution for the formation of society”

In his report on the topic: “ Strong families- deposit Russian society» Senior Presbyter for the Tomsk Region S.V. Taranov (Honored Doctor of the Russian Federation) said in particular: “The well-being of the state depends on the well-being of every Russian family. It is a pity that 40% of our children are born outside the family, i.e. outside of marital relations. Society is a projection of the family, if a person is honest in the family, he is honest in society, if a person loves his family, he loves his country, if a person leads a moral life in the family, he leads such a life in society.”

I would especially like to note those proposals that Pastor S.V. Taranov (41 years of marriage) said in his speech: “First, we need to develop a common understanding about the family. Second, creating conditions for the development of strong family relations- allocation of separate housing on different conditions, this will pay off for the state. Third, proclamation of love between spouses, not sexuality. Fourth, promote biblical family values.”

Leaders of social, political and cultural life region: scientists, writers, journalists, managers public organizations, businessmen, government officials, as well as guests from foreign countries. The Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the National Fund arrived to participate in the Siberian prayer breakfast morning prayer"in Russia, pastor V.K. Vlasenko, who conveyed heartfelt congratulations from the Advisory Council of Heads of Protestant Churches in Russia.

Mikhail Aleksandrovich Labkovsky has been working in the field of family relations for 20 years. He is a family psychologist, and in his methods you can see the experience of foreign practice. His advice in the field of children's, family and developmental psychology help to understand the origins of our emotions, explain fidelity (or, conversely, infidelity) life positions and actions. At his lectures, Mikhail Aleksandrovich talks about simple and important things that we often lose sight of when trying to “raise a child into a human being.”

Being unhappy people, you will never be able to build a relationship with your child so that he is happy. And if the parents are happy, then there is no need to do anything special.

Many people believe that they, the parents, are fine, and only their children have problems.
And they are surprised when two completely different people grow up in one family. different baby: one is self-confident, successful, an excellent student in combat and politics, and the other is a notorious loser, always whining or aggressive. But this means that the children felt differently in the family, and some of them did not have enough attention. Someone was more sensitive and needed more love, but the parents did not notice this.

Making sure that the child is dressed, shod and fed is caring, not education.

Unfortunately, many parents believe that care is enough.
The way you treat a child in his childhood is how he will treat you in your old age.

School should teach not so much mathematics and literature, but life itself.
It is important to get from school not so much theoretical knowledge as practical skills: the ability to communicate, build relationships, take responsibility for yourself - your words and actions, solve your problems, negotiate, manage your time... It is these skills that help you feel confident in life. adult life and earn a living.

Excessive worries of a child due to bad grades -

this is only a mirror of the reaction of adults.

If parents calmly react to a bad grade or failure in sports, to some other failures, if the parents smile and say: “My dear, don’t be upset,” then the child is calm, stable, will definitely improve in his studies and find a job where he can everything works out.
If in primary school your child is not coping with the program, if you have to sit with your child for a long time over lessons, the problem is not in the child, but in the school.

More difficult does not mean better! The child should not be overtired, trying to catch up with the program compiled by the teachers. In first grade for preparation homework should take from 15 to 45 minutes.

Punishing children is possible and sometimes even necessary.

But you need to clearly separate the child and his actions. For example, you agreed in advance that before you come home from work, he will do his homework, eat and clean up after himself. And then you come home and see a picture: a pot of soup stands untouched, textbooks have clearly not been opened, some pieces of paper are lying on the carpet, and the child is sitting with his nose in a tablet. The main thing is not to turn into a fury at this moment, not to yell about how “everyone’s children are like children” and that your child will grow up to be a zero without a stick.

Approach the child without the slightest aggression. Smiling, hug him and say: “I love you very much, but you won’t get a tablet for a week.” But yelling, insulting, being offended and not talking - this is not necessary. The child is punished by taking away gadgets.

A child should have pocket money from the age of six.

Not large, but regularly issued amounts that he manages himself. And it is very important that money does not become a tool for manipulation. There is no need to control what the child spends it on and make the amount of tranches dependent on his academic performance and behavior.

There is no need to live their lives for children, decide what they should do and what not, solve their problems for them, put pressure on them with your ambitions, expectations, instructions.
Once you get old, how will they live?
All over the world, only the smartest and richest go to university.
The rest go to work, look for themselves and earn money higher education. What do we have?..

I am against constant close monitoring.
The child must be sure that the family loves him, respects him, counts him and trusts him. In this case, he will not get involved with “bad company” and will avoid many temptations that peers with a tense family situation cannot resist.

When I worked at school, on Knowledge Day I said that it is necessary to study, if only because they pay many times more for working with their heads than for physical work.
And that having learned, you will be able to work and get paid for what you love to do.

The mess in a teenager's room corresponds to his inner state.

This is how the chaos in his spiritual world is expressed outwardly. It’s also good if he washes himself... You can only demand to “put things in order” if the child’s things fall out of his room.

Educating does not mean explaining how to live. This does not work.

Children develop only by analogy. Children understand what can and cannot be done, what should be done and what should not be done, not from the words of their parents, but exclusively from their actions. Simply put, if a father says that drinking is harmful, but he himself does not dry out, there is a good chance that his son will become an alcoholic. This is the most striking example, but children catch and adopt more subtle things no less sensitively.

You need to talk to children about life in general, and not about how to live.

If a parent can only talk to a child about problems, he has a problem.
If a child tries to manipulate adults, he simply has neurosis.
And we must look for its cause. Healthy people they do not manipulate - they solve their problems by acting straightforwardly.

When talking with a child, do not criticize him, do not touch his personality, do not go beyond the analysis of his actions.

Talk not about him, but about yourself. Not “you are bad”, but “I think you did something bad.”

Use wording: “I don’t like it when you...”, “I don’t like it when you...”, “I would like it if...”

The child should feel that parents are kind but strong people.

Who can protect him, can deny him something, but always act in his interests and, most importantly, love him very much.

But you need to clearly separate the child and his actions. For example, you agreed in advance that before you come home from work, he will do his homework, eat and clean up after himself. And then you come home and see a picture: a pot of soup stands untouched, textbooks have clearly not been opened, some pieces of paper are lying on the carpet, and the child is sitting with his nose in a tablet. The main thing is not to turn into a fury at this moment, not to yell about how “everyone’s children are like children” and that your child will grow up to be a zero without a stick.
Approach the child without the slightest aggression. Smiling, hug him and say: “I love you very much, but you won’t get a tablet for a week.” But yelling, insulting, being offended and not talking - this is not necessary. The child is punished by taking away gadgets.


Not large, but regularly issued amounts that he manages himself. And it is very important that money does not become a tool for manipulation. There is no need to control what the child spends it on and make the amount of tranches dependent on his academic performance and behavior.

There is no need to live their lives for children, decide what they should do and what not, solve their problems for them, put pressure on them with your ambitions, expectations, instructions.
Once you get old, how will they live?
All over the world, only the smartest and richest go to university.
The rest go to work, look for themselves and earn money for higher education. What do we have?..

I am against constant close monitoring.
The child must be sure that the family loves him, respects him, counts him and trusts him. In this case, he will not get involved with “bad company” and will avoid many temptations that peers with a tense family situation cannot resist.

When I worked at school, on Knowledge Day I said that it is necessary to study, if only because they pay many times more for working with their heads than for physical labor.
And that having learned, you will be able to work and get paid for what you love to do.


This is how the chaos in his spiritual world is expressed outwardly. It’s also good if he washes himself... You can only demand to “put things in order” if the child’s things fall out of his room.


Children develop only by analogy. Children understand what can and cannot be done, what should be done and what should not be done, not from the words of their parents, but exclusively from their actions. Simply put, if a father says that drinking is harmful, but he himself does not dry out, there is a good chance that his son will become an alcoholic. This is the most striking example, but children catch and adopt more subtle things no less sensitively.


If a parent can only talk to a child about problems, he has a problem.
If a child tries to manipulate adults, he simply has neurosis.
And we must look for its cause. Healthy people do not manipulate; they solve their problems by being straightforward.

When talking with a child, do not criticize him, do not touch his personality, do not go beyond the analysis of his actions.

Talk not about him, but about yourself. Not “you are bad”, but “I think you did something bad.”

Use wording: “I don’t like it when you...”, “I don’t like it when you...”, “I would like it if...”


Who can protect him, can deny him something, but always act in his interests and, most importantly, love him very much.

In honor of the holiday, the head of the FADN of Russia, Igor Barinov, congratulated all representatives of indigenous small peoples answered some questions in a special interview with the Komsomolskaya Pravda newspaper.

Indigenous peoples lived for centuries without special agencies or ministries. Maybe they could handle it themselves now? There is an opinion that they simply shouldn’t be disturbed.

The development of indigenous peoples has always been under close attention leadership of the country: both royal and Soviet times, when the Committee for Assistance to the Peoples of the Northern Outskirts was working, and later the entire State Committee for the North. Often situations arise that they cannot cope with on their own. Last example- anthrax outbreak in Yamal - bright that confirmation. Now several government departments are trying to stop the spread of the disease and minimize losses. The state does not interfere in the internal affairs of indigenous peoples; our task is to improve their quality of life, to make available all the modern achievements of civilization - telecommunications, medical service, quality education. Even while maintaining a traditional way of life, indigenous peoples must keep up with the times.

IN last years the number of representatives of indigenous peoples has increased. Due to what - did they recalculate more carefully or is there an increase in the birth rate?

Indeed, during the period between the two All-Russian population censuses (2002 and 2010), their numbers increased by 9.5 thousand people, mainly due to 16 peoples, such as the Abazas, Dolgans, Itelmens, Mansi, Nenets, Setos and others. But demographers say such changes are typical for small groups. Perhaps in the previous census someone said that he was Russian, and positive changes in a number of regions stimulated a change in a person’s ethnic consciousness. It is possible that some representatives of the peoples of the North returned to their native places from other regions, since the provision of basic benefits and preferences is tied to the places of their traditional residence.

In January, the FADN of Russia announced the development of amendments to the law “On guarantees of the rights of indigenous peoples of Russia”, which would involve compiling a register of indigenous peoples. What are you going to change?

The essence of the changes is aimed at making the system of confirming the right to receive benefits and state guarantees, including quotas for the use of biological resources, transparent and understandable.
We propose to create single register, an extract from which will become the main supporting document for receiving preferences. This initiative is supported by the Association of Indigenous Peoples of the North, Siberia and the Far East.

Do they support the bill on territories of traditional natural resource management (TTP)?

Of course, because the TPP status is given, among other things, in order to protect the traditional economic activity indigenous peoples. We propose to streamline the process of creating a TPP throughout the country, as well as limit some types of economic activity within the boundaries of the TPP. For example, the draft document contains a proposal to ban the construction of enterprises whose work will worsen the environmental situation there. In addition, all economic activity in a given territory must be agreed upon with representatives of indigenous communities.

Does FADN Russia provide financial support to indigenous peoples?

This year alone we distributed about 130 million rubles to 28 regions. The highest concentration of indigenous minorities is in Chukotka and Yamal, and accordingly they have a larger amount of transfers. Funds are used for a variety of purposes: for equipping with medical equipment, publishing children's magazines in the Vepsian language in Karelia, for the construction of a school in the Nenets Autonomous Okrug, for the purchase of off-road ambulance vehicles in the Altai Republic, for the purchase of satellite phones, generators, mobile digital radiography machines in Chukotka, boats and snowmobiles for hunters and fishermen. With funds allocated from the federal budget, the construction of an ethnic center of Shor culture in the Republic of Khakassia will begin, a museum will be created under open air Selkup traditional culture and life in the Tomsk region. And for children in remote areas of the Trans-Baikal Territory, children's street play complexes will be purchased.
In addition, we are currently developing a new state program, which proposes a separate section providing for measures to support indigenous peoples.

The ninth of August is the Day of the World's Indigenous Peoples. What would you like to wish to the representatives of these nations?

I want to wish that people different nationalities They never forgot their roots and passed on to their children knowledge about the traditions, culture and language of their people. But at the same time we felt like we were part of one big great Russia, the well-being of which depends on the well-being of every nation and every person.