Multifunctional toys for DIY director's games. Organization of a gaming environment for director's games

Director's games are a type of independent story games. Unlike role-playing games, in which the child tries on roles for himself, in director's games, the characters are exclusively toys. The child himself remains in the position of a director who controls and directs the actions of the toy-artists, but does not participate in the game as an actor. Such games are not only very entertaining, but also useful. They develop spatial and creative thinking - at the beginning, when coming up with a plot, the child correlates his own desires and available materials, and then masters the space, coming up with buildings, landscapes, etc. needed for the game. In addition, by observing the whole situation as a whole, the child can see any event or a hero from different points of view, which means assessing your own experience from different sides.

For director's play, small dolls, animals (up to 30 cm) and a “household” corresponding to their size are best suited.

For kids about three years Small sets of painted or clean (painted) wood are suitable. The characters should be fairly generalized, without distracting moving parts, and stable. Good in this capacity

- nesting dolls based on Russian folk tales;

- voluminous “fairytale” puzzles or small wooden sets in a box;

- sets made of wood in a casket, house, etc.(as a rule, these are sets of toys for finger theater, but they can also be used simply for director’s play);

- lacing with characters and landscape elements;

- textile sets - soft houses with inhabitants or vehicles with passengers.

Children 4 - 5 years old and older can be offered classic wooden sets of domestic production, which are called “for director’s acting”. Among them there are options for playing a zoo, a city or a fairy tale. They can easily be combined with each other and with other toys, opening up wide opportunities for the child to realize his own ideas.

A child at this age can be offered doll houses with a whole family and everything you need. Today you can find a variety of options on sale. There are wooden houses with small figures, with arms and legs on wire, plastic and even textile houses with all the utensils and inhabitants. In some stores you can see similar extensive sets for playing farm and zoo.

Also popular now plastic sets for director's play with design elements. The most famous are thematic construction sets with Lego characters, play sets “Ambulance”, Veterinary Clinic, “Fire Station”, etc. playmobil. Due to the quality of workmanship and special technical properties, some of these toys can be used for playing in sand and water.

They'll also help make the director's game truly fun. items of unspecified purpose: all kinds of pieces of fabric, pebbles, shells, twigs, etc.

How to choose?

When purchasing any sets for director's play, you should pay attention to the quality of the toys and their reliability.

For babies around three years is better to choose bigger toys- the ability to manipulate the doll and its attributes is very important for them. For children from five years old will fit sets with smaller parts– at this age, it is enough for a child to make conditional movements of toys, the rest he can think out and fantasize.

The main requirements for characters are conventional appearance and stability. The game’s possibilities are also expanded if the characters’ arms and legs move; a special shape of “palms” is provided that allows them to hold other objects.

Finished houses and other buildings must be large enough and open in design so that the child can carry out play activities inside them. For example, houses with a folding roof or with wide openings in it are convenient.

Plastic director's sets often contain many additional miniature accessories. As a rule, they only distract from the game, and it is better to replace them with objects of unspecified purpose so that the child can use his own imagination.

Puppet show

A dramatization game is a type of story game. Its specificity is that it is designed for the viewer (they may be adults, the child’s friends, or a favorite bear with a doll). Such a game requires “working for the public” and develops artistry and creative abilities in the child, and enriches speech. In addition, creating your own performance requires planning, self-confidence and various technical skills. A dramatization game can develop according to a given plot (for example, a scenario based on a fairy tale or a cartoon) or be a performance of scenes invented by the child himself, but, in any case, toys-actors are useful for it.

Aged about 2.5 years, healthy play a trick classic stories with using regular household toys for the baby. For example, fairy tales “Kolobok”, “Ryaba Hen”, etc. You just need to select the toys necessary for the performance from those that you have. They should be of medium size and with an expressive iconic appearance. It is better if they wear clothes that can be changed. Perhaps the game will require accessories that may be needed in the game: a ball (you can roll it around to each other), rags (with their help you can hide the toy, dress it or cover it), etc. Soft and cardboard books with characters on a string or finger puppets are also on sale. They can be used for reading and at the same time visually demonstrating the plot, and then for the child to independently examine and play.

From 3 years can be offered to the baby for independent use dolls on a stick. It’s difficult to find them ready-made for sale, but it’s easy to make them yourself made of cardboard(use our hint) or do made from wooden finger toys by placing them on pencils.

Material for games and mini-performances can be analogue of flannelograph, which is often used in kindergarten classes. The figures, made of felt or thicker felt, are placed on a screen made of the same material and rearranged on it in accordance with the plot. Due to the fleecy surface of the felted wool, they easily adhere to each other, so that the elements do not slide, but are securely attached to the vertical surface.

Finger puppets Children are happy to use them for their performances. from 4 years old. At this age, the child’s motor skills already allow him to cope with a difficult task.

There are a variety of sets of finger toys on sale. Dolls are made of wood, soft stuffed with a pocket at the back, made of fabric or knitted. As a rule, the toys in the set are united by the plot of a fairy tale or story and are hidden in the appropriate “container”. This could be a Teremok or houses for piglets, or a soft bus or a castle.

The screen for the finger theater is sold in the store, but it is easy to make it yourself. To do this, you can use a piece of fabric draped over a string, an open book, or a large shoe box with the bottom cut out.

You can completely make a finger theater yourself; read more about this in the corresponding section of our Magic Workshop.

Walking theater puppets are also worn on fingers, and the characters' legs are movable. To make the walking theater figures move, all you have to do is insert your fingers into the loops on their feet and start moving them.

Table-top theater also suitable for children starting from four years old. And they are represented by cardboard or plywood silhouettes on stable stands. All characters are colored on both sides and move by sliding on the table. The plywood analogue is more durable and extends the period of use of the theater. This is especially true if there are two or more children in the family. As a rule, the set is “dedicated” to a fairy tale. But you can find sets of animals, a family of insects, etc.

Cone and other types of volumetric paper theater are sold in the form of an album in which all the necessary parts are cut out and glued together. Such sets can also be classified as materials for creativity, because the child needs to “assemble” the toys on his own, albeit based on a model. You can show your own imagination when coloring or decorating the finished body of the figures with appliqué. The dolls turn out to be voluminous and take up quite a lot of space on the table, so no more than three dolls are used in the performance.

A successful alternative to such a tabletop theater can also be doll-figurines or animals - wooden, sewn or knitted and filled with sheep's wool. They are warm, like living things, stable and durable. Samples for making can be found in craft magazines.

For children from 5-6 years old intended bibabo dolls. These are glove puppets, which, as a rule, are made of a hard head and a suit glued to it, sometimes the toys are completely textile. Such dolls are not easy to use, but their possibilities are practically unlimited. They can laugh, cry, scream, be offended, take various poses: surprised, “whining”, laughing and looking “beech”. Anything your child may be experiencing can be expressed by such a doll.

In order to create a simple analogue of such a toy yourself, you will need ordinary gloves and ping-pong balls. Draw a funny face on the ball and cut a small hole in it with a diameter slightly thicker than your finger. We put the ball head on the glove - and the doll is ready!

Puppets require skillful handling and are suitable for children from 6 years and older. A marionette is a doll on strings. The head and joints are attached with loops and suspended by strings from a wooden base, which controls the movements of this doll. These can be animal dolls or dolls representing people of different ages and genders. The simplest doll can be made from a scarf and tied around the neck with a cord, by which the child leads it.

How to choose?

Another important factor when choosing a toy is its quality. The parts of fabric or combined dolls must be made of high-quality materials and be well attached to each other.

When choosing wooden finger toys, pay attention to the quality of the material and the size. Wooden dolls have a recess for a finger, so when choosing a toy, it is important to pay attention to the size of this recess. The doll should fit your finger tightly without jumping out of it and vice versa, without squeezing too tightly. The thin and delicate skin of a child is vulnerable, so the wood must be well sanded.

When buying glove puppets, pay attention to the size of the head: it should not be large, not small, not heavy. It should fit snugly on the index finger and the child should be able to hold it easily. This is very important to remember because... Bibabo dolls are made for both adults and children. It is very important that the child likes the doll. Therefore, it is better if you choose it together with your baby.

As in the case of role-playing game, director's play requires acting characters, things with which they act (objects of operation), and the place in which the action takes place (game space). However, the nature of these materials and the requirements for them are somewhat different.

Figurative toys

The main characters of the child's director's play are figurative toys - dolls (Fig. 6.7), figurines of animals and fairy-tale creatures.

Rice. 6.7. Doll on a sled Grimms 1

Through a figurative toy, the child accepts social and everyday ideas, social and family structure, ethical and aesthetic standards. That is why, when choosing figurative toys, you should be especially careful about the external image and aesthetic appeal of the doll or other character.

A figurative toy often becomes an object of identification for a child - unconsciously he copies the doll's facial expression and characteristic poses. Therefore, a neutral expression and pose of any character is preferable to expressive ones, since with its appearance a toy can set (or impose) certain ethical and aesthetic ideas, set a particular style, plot and content of the game.

Dehumanization of the image of a toy, emphasizing the animal or mechanical nature in a person, an angry facial expression, and distortion of the proportions of the human body are undesirable, since they contradict the task of the imagination - to endow the doll with an appearance, emotions, and facial expressions that change depending on the situation.

Detailed images or exact copies of people or animals are undesirable, as this narrows the field of possibilities and impoverishes the game. Preferred are conventional toys that display some characteristic features of an animal or a person, on the basis of which one can unmistakably determine - this is a dog, not a bear, this is a deer, this is an old man, this is a king, and this is a witch.

The director's play most naturally and organically occurs with figures that are comfortable to hold in the hand, ranging in size from 5 to 20 cm.

Choosing toys, you should pay attention to their image, as well as technical characteristics.

Dolls - images of people (Fig. 6.8) - must meet the following criteria:

  • stability of the figures is necessary so that they can “live and be” and not fall from any movement in the game, introducing irritation and disappointment into the action;
  • it is important that the toy has a harmonious face with a neutral expression, a proportional physique and a simple neutral pose;
  • incompleteness, conventionality of the image, giving scope to the imagination and the opportunity to act in a variety of ways with the toy, endow it with certain qualities, and, if necessary, provide it with a sign of the role: a mantle, a scarf or a knapsack;
  • Excessive detail and interactivity are inappropriate: the toy should not make sounds, move independently, etc.

Children should have little people of different genders and ages at their disposal so that they can play out different stories - family, friends, army, etc. The more conventional the images are, the more suitable they are for both family and everyday life, as well as heroic and fairy-tale plots. It is very good if the figurative toys for director’s play are proportional to each other, it is convenient to combine them.

Similar requirements apply to animal toys and fairy-tale creatures:

  • stability of the figure, naturalness and simplicity of posture. It is better if the animal stands on four legs; complex poses (jumping, sleeping, stretching, etc.) are undesirable;
  • the presence of characteristic features that make the character recognizable, the absence of both caricature and excessive literalness, detail in appearance.

Rice. 6.8.Fisherman on a yachtImaginarium 1

The proportionality of dolls and animal figurines is highly desirable for combining them in stories and fairy tales.

A fairly common version of toys for director's play are sets of little men with various attributes (sword, hat, crown, wizard's cap, etc.). They allow you to change the roles of toys and implement various interesting plot moves.

A special type of figurative toys for director's play are characters from famous works (the girl Masha, Cheburashka, Luntik, etc.). These figurative toys differ from ordinary ones in that they carry a certain plot, image and character of the heroes of the work. They seem to symbolize some story, fairy tale, event and thereby activate the desire to lose, to reproduce this story in the game. Such heroes, on the one hand, are easily recognizable and very attractive to children, and on the other hand, the rigid specificity of their image narrows the range of roles played and makes playful transformation difficult. The value of these characters largely depends on the work from which the character came, on its suitability for age, the fascination of the plot, and its attractiveness to a particular child.

It is very good if the teacher makes figurative toys with his own hands. Such toys are usually in great demand among children due to their co-creation: children can observe their birth, anticipate and expect to play with them, which gives these toys special properties and makes them emotionally close to children.

Small figures for director's play can be made together with older children. Characters can be sculpted from plasticine, wax,

1 Photo from the catalog of the Center for Games and Toys “The Best Games and Toys”. Vol. 3.

clay. It’s okay if such toys are unsightly and bear little resemblance to the real thing. Even their shortcomings can suggest a new plot twist. For example, if a plasticine hare’s ear falls off, it needs to be taken to a doctor immediately. Or this hare wants to turn into a wolf and turns during the game (with the plasticine technique this is easy).




Theoretical and pedagogical foundations of play activity for children of early and preschool age

ON THE TOPIC: “Directing games for preschool children”


  • To study: The essence and features of director's play, to identify the connection between director's play and plot-role play, to recognize the conditions for the development of director's play.


  • Development of students' ideas about the directing game of preschoolers
  • To instill in students a desire to actively work in class
  • Develop the ability to analyze material and answer questions posed
  • Arouse interest in the material being studied


  • Lecture notes
  • Literature on the topic (books)
  • A set of substitute items for the game
  • presentation


  1. Recommended reading;
  2. Pedagogical conditions for the development of director's acting.
  3. Homework:
  1. Observe and record the director's play of a preschool child.
  2. Analyze the recorded game: determine its content, methods of implementation from the point of view of their compliance with the age characteristics of the child.
  3. Evaluate the game material for directing that is available in the group where you are doing your internship.
  4. Make recommendations for parents on creating conditions at home for their child’s directing games.
  5. Make multifunctional toys for director's games with your children.
  6. Create your own script for a director's game for a child - preschooler (of any age group).

Assignment (in class):

  1. Think about what this object could “turn” into for a preschooler in a director’s game? (any of those presented).
  2. Come up with a small scenario with his participation (you can offer any combinations).
  1. Literature:
  • Kravtsova E.E. Bring out the wizard in your child. – M.: Education: Educational literature, 1996
  • Gasparova E.M. Director's games // Preschool games. – M., 1989
  • Kozlova S.A., Kulikova T.A. Preschool pedagogy: Proc. A manual for students. average ped. textbook establishments. –M. : Publishing center "Academy", 2001
  1. Definition, essence and features of director's acting. The connection between directing and plot-role play.

So let's write down the definition:

Director's play is a creative type of game in which the preschooler proceeds from his plan, subordinating to it both objects and actions with them, and the objective situation itself.

Researchers on this issue:

  • Kravtsova E. E.
  • Gasparova E.M.
  • Novoselova S.L.

The very name of the director's game indicates its similarity with the activities of the director of a play or film. Usually the director decides what film or play he will stage, what script he will take, what he will add to it from his reading and comprehension. The child himself creates the plot of the game, its script. Having taken any topic (holiday, literary work...), the child develops it depending on how he understands the event being displayed, what he considers most significant for himself.

The script is based on the child’s direct experience, as well as the knowledge he gleaned from the stories of other people, books, cartoons, movies... The child combines them and something of his own, unique, individual is born.

The plots of director's games are chains of actions.

The central point of this game is the event situation.

The child comes up with individual episodes (scenes) in the game, then performs them, acting for the characters, speaking for everyone, or explaining everything that happens.

The main component in the director's acting is speech. The child uses verbal expressive means to create the image of each character: intonation, volume, tempo, rhythm of statements, logical stress, emotional coloring, the use of various suffixes, onomatopoeia change.(scene “Family” - characters’ voices).

In addition to descriptive statements, evaluative statements are also used.(scene “Masha’s Birthday” - all the guests are good, but the wolf cub is greedy, he did not give the gift).

This game often uses many characters(cars in races, spectators in the hall, students in the classroom),but “actively operating, i.e. Those whom the child represents and “connects” with relationships are usually no more than three or four. Their number increases in joint directorial play, which occurs in children in middle and mainly in older preschool age. In such a game, each participant acts as one or two characters.

Role relationships are poorly represented, and in the initial forms of the game they are completely absent (a “sad cube coming to life...”).

Assignment: Vygodsky L.S. wrote that imagination is a game without action and, conversely, imagination in action is a game. By watching director's games and role-playing games, how can you understand whether a preschooler's imagination is developed? (the child shows creativity and imagination by inventing the content of the game, identifying its participants, and also using substitute objects).

So, let's note:

Features of the director's game:

  1. Partners are inanimate objects; they do not have their own desires and plans.(such playful communication is easier for a child than relationships with peers. Directing play prepares the child for such communication.And, therefore, at what age does director’s acting begin? (Vearly and youngerpreschool age).
  2. This game is almost always individual;
  3. The child tries very hard to keep it for himself, and the intervention of an adult often leads to the interruption of the game;
  4. The child prefers to play it in a secluded place, where an adult cannot always look in or intervene;
  5. The script is based on the child’s direct experience(the older the child, the more varied the plot of the game -(at what age do you think children’s personal life events predominate in the plots of their games?) in children 4-5 years The content of games changes due to diversity; familiar fairy tales and cartoons are reflected in them, and personal life events are used less frequently);
  6. In children aged 6-7 years, their own literary creativity predominates(children love to play out familiar fairy tales and cartoons modified by their own imagination. E.M. Gasparova notes that the development of the plot occurs on the basis of associations associated with familiar objects, impressions, and literary works).
  7. In middle and senior preschool age, joint director's games (2-3 people) arise. together they come up with a plot, select or make toys.
  8. The plot of the director's game is a chain of actions;
  9. The main component is speech.
  10. This game often uses many characters, but no more than three or four are actively used, for whom the child speaks.
  11. Children learn to plan a game according to plan, to see the picture of the game.(as Ushinsky K.D. said, the child learns to manage his own strength).
  12. Kids acquire the ability to look at a game situation from different positions, i.e. through the eyes of different characters, which is important for the development of role-playing games. Having mastered the director's game, the child will be able to interact with a real partner in a role-playing game.

CONCLUSION: director's games create the prerequisites for the emergence of a plot-based role-playing game, but with the advent of this game, director's games do not disappear. Mutually enriching, complementing each other, both types of games are present in the life of a child and abroad of preschool age.

  1. Pedagogical conditions for the development of director's acting:
  1. The child has an individual space for play(the child hides under a table, a chair; a “house” in an outdoor game (“Sorcerers”), a room in “Mothers and Daughters” - the child needs clear boundaries of his possessions)

simply necessary -

  • various screens (ready-made and homemade) - in the form of a curtain, folding books, flexible...
  • shoe boxes
  • movable flannelograph (Uradovskikh G.V.) –a cloth made of several pieces of fabric sewn together is attached to a stick and with the help of scraps of various shapes and colors, threads, after unwinding the desired background, the child comes up with a plot and begins to act...
  • unfinished layouts.
  1. the presence of small game and non-game material, the main feature of which is their versatility.

can be used -

  • cars, dolls, animals, boats, trees...
  • set of cubes by Gasparova E.M.(simple cubes and cubes with faces - by establishing various connections and relationships between them, the child creates a plot).
  1. exercising indirect leadership(an adult asks for an explanation of certain actions, helping to find an interesting activity, which serves as an impetus for directing).It is advisable to refrain from direct instructions or comments to the child at play. It is better to resort to posing a problem task(“Think about how your Dunno could end up on the Moon?”), leading question(“Isn’t it time for Mishutka to go to bed?”). (however, it should be remembered that such interference in the director’s game must be tactful so as not to destroy it).
  2. It is advisable to involve children in co-creation with the teacher so that they “see” the game before it starts(“Let’s make up a fairy tale”, “I’ll start a fairy tale, and you will continue it...”, “I’ll tell a story, and you’ll show it”...).


Directing is an integral part of the life of a preschooler, a “fragile creation” of a child, which, if the adult’s position is incorrect, can disappear in an instant, leaving him disappointed in his soul.

Therefore, it is so necessary for the teacher to carefully think through and take into account all the conditions for the development of this type of games.

Parameter name Meaning
Article topic: Tasks.
Rubric (thematic category) Education

-Observe and record the director's play of a preschool child.

Analyze the recorded game: determine its content, methods of implementation from the point of view of their compliance with the age characteristics of the child.

-Make multifunctional toys for director's games with your children.

-Read the following literature:

Kravtsova E. E. Awaken the wizard in a child. - M., 1996.

Gasparova E. M. Director's games // Preschool games. - M., 1989.


Tasks. - concept and types. Classification and features of the "Tasks" category. 2017, 2018.


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  • Director's games are a type of independent story games. Unlike role-playing games, in which the child tries on roles for himself, in director's games, the characters are exclusively toys. The child himself remains in the position of a director who controls and directs the actions of the toy-artists, but does not participate in the game as an actor. Such games are not only very entertaining, but also useful. They develop spatial and creative thinking - at the beginning, when coming up with a plot, the child correlates his own desires and available materials, and then masters the space, coming up with buildings, landscapes, etc. needed for the game. In addition, by observing the whole situation as a whole, the child can see any event or a hero from different points of view, which means assessing your own experience from different sides.

    D For director's play, small dolls, animals (up to 30 cm) and a “household” corresponding to their size are best suited.

    M alysha about three years Small sets of painted or clean (painted) wood are suitable. The characters should be fairly generalized, without distracting moving parts, and stable. Good in this capacity

    - nesting dolls based on Russian folk tales;

    - voluminous “fairytale” puzzles or small wooden sets in a box;

    - sets made of wood in a casket, house, etc.(as a rule, these are sets of toys for finger theater, but they can also be used simply for director’s play);

    - lacing with characters and landscape elements;

    - textile sets - soft houses with inhabitants or vehicles with passengers.

    Children 4 - 5 years old and older can be offered classic wooden sets of domestic production, which are called “for director’s acting”. Among them there are options for playing a zoo, a city or a fairy tale. They can easily be combined with each other and with other toys, opening up wide opportunities for the child to realize his own ideas.

    A child at this age can be offered doll houses with a whole family and everything you need. Today you can find a variety of options on sale. There are wooden houses with small figures, with arms and legs on wire, plastic and even textile houses with all the utensils and inhabitants. In some stores you can see similar extensive sets for playing farm and zoo.

    Also popular now plastic sets for director's play with design elements. The most famous are thematic construction sets with Lego characters, play sets “Ambulance”, Veterinary Clinic, “Fire Station”, etc. playmobil. Due to the quality of workmanship and special technical properties, some of these toys can be used for playing in sand and water.

    They'll also help make the director's game truly fun. items of unspecified purpose: all kinds of pieces of fabric, pebbles, shells, twigs, etc.

    How to choose?

    When purchasing any sets for director's play, you should pay attention to the quality of the toys and their reliability.

    D for kids about three years is better to choose bigger toys- the ability to manipulate the doll and its attributes is very important for them. For children from five years old will fit sets with smaller parts– at this age, it is enough for a child to make conditional movements of toys, the rest he can think out and fantasize.

    The main requirements for characters are conventional appearance and stability. The game’s possibilities are also expanded if the characters’ arms and legs move; a special shape of “palms” is provided that allows them to hold other objects.

    Finished houses and other buildings must be large enough and open in design so that the child can carry out play activities inside them. For example, houses with a folding roof or with wide openings in it are convenient.

    Plastic director's sets often contain many additional miniature accessories. As a rule, they only distract from the game, and it is better to replace them with objects of unspecified purpose so that the child can use his own imagination.