Who to go to after school. Where should a boy or girl go to study - the most profitable and promising professions? Is higher education necessary for success nowadays? List of the most in-demand professions in the Russian Federation

Choosing a profession, and with it a place of further study, is sometimes very difficult for 11th graders. Some students decide long before graduation where to go to school, but not all of them understand what they want to do in the future.

Choose a direction

Ideally, by the 10th grade, a student should know which subjects he likes, which ones he will choose for in-depth preparation for the Unified State Exam and in which direction he will have to study in the future. Even if he has not yet decided on the exact specialty and faculty, he should have a chosen direction. In total, several such areas can be noted: physico-mathematical, natural science, humanitarian, creative. As a rule, already from middle school it becomes clear which subjects the child is better at: mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology, literature or languages. There are many options here, but the student’s profile – “techie” or “humanitarian” – is difficult to confuse with something else. Even if all subjects are good, you can identify those that the student considers favorite, and rely on them when choosing a future profession.

Choosing an educational institution

Afterwards it is not necessary to enter a university; many students go to technical schools and colleges. Specialties of secondary vocational education are in demand today more than ever; there are not enough such personnel. Therefore, in order not to remain a specialist with a university diploma but without a job in the future, many former school students decide to first obtain a working specialty and only then higher education. By the way, there is no need to be afraid of losing extra years on such studies: after graduating from college, you can enroll in a shortened university program in your specialty. The advice to go to college or technical school will be especially useful for those 11th grade students who did not pass the Unified State Exam very well and do not want to spend their parents’ money on paid education.

Those who are going to university should think carefully about what specialty to enter. Popular faculties, such as economics, law, and design, train a huge number of personnel. Hundreds of students apply for them every year, there is a huge competition, and there are not enough budget places even for excellent students. As a result, many applicants end up in a paid department, where they pay a lot of money for an education that will not pay for itself later. There is a glut of specialists in this profile in the labor market. But today there are not enough technical specialists - engineers in various fields. Therefore, when choosing a profession, you need to look not at the prestige of the specialty, but at the real needs of the market and the abilities and desires of each individual applicant. This is what will later help you find a job according to your profile and do it with pleasure.

Every year a child’s life becomes more and more problematic. And sooner or later the moment comes when the question arises about where to go to study after 11th grade.

Yes, the choice is not easy, because the fate of the next few years depends on it. And it’s good if parents help their child resolve the issue, especially if it is possible to pay for tuition at prestigious universities.

What you should pay attention to

There are many options for where to go to study after 11th grade, each of them has its own pros and cons. The choice should depend not only on the sincere desire of the student, but also on his knowledge and interests.

The well-being of the family is also important, because it is not always possible to finance the budget. Therefore, it is best to consider several options and submit documents to more than one educational institution.

How to choose?

If you have not decided where to go to study after 11th grade, then start with the following points:

1. Profession.

2. Place of study.

3. List of documents required for admission.

4. Enrollment rules.

Read them carefully. If you can figure out each of them, you can easily choose where to go to study after 11th grade.

Decide on a profession

Each educational institution will be able to turn a student into a specialist of a certain category and direction. Therefore, when choosing a place for further education, you need to decide on the desired profession.

In this matter, it is worth focusing on interests and knowledge in a particular discipline. After all, when choosing where to go to study after 11th grade, you should understand that the coming years necessary for studying will depend on the decision made. Of course, there is always the opportunity to change your specialty and try yourself in a different direction, but it’s still better to try to make the right choice at the very beginning.

In addition, it is worth realizing that the education received should facilitate rapid employment, which will bring a suitable level of income.

List of the most in-demand professions in the Russian Federation

When wondering where you can go to study after 11th grade, be guided by the following list, which contains the most relevant working specialties today:



Engineers of various directions;



If you study and become a specialist in any of the areas listed above, you will not have problems finding employment.

Choosing a place to study

Certificate form 086U (from a medical institution);

Original state-issued document confirming the education received;

Six pieces of photographs 3*4;

Certificate of Unified State Examination results;

If there are benefits, then present documents confirming this.

In addition, it is worth providing other documents confirming the availability of certificates, thanks, etc.

If a guy enrolls, then at the time of enlistment you will need to additionally present a conscript ID or military ID.

Take your time with your choice

The decision about where a guy should go to study after 11th grade should not be made even in one day. You need to carefully weigh the pros and cons. You cannot focus only on the imaginary earnings of a particular profession.

After all, you can train a person for 5 years to become a lawyer, but he will never develop the skills and abilities necessary for the job. In the first place should always be the desire of the graduate to engage in a certain craft that would bring pleasure. In this case, money cannot be put in the foreground.

Also, when choosing where to go to study after 11th grade for a girl, you cannot make a decision spontaneously. Not everyone will be able to master, for example, a military profession (today girls are accepted into such universities). The same goes for guys. If you don’t have talent and a great desire, it’s hardly worth it just to get a higher education to study to become a teacher, librarian, or master some other “lady’s” specialty, as is now commonly believed.

In addition, it is necessary to expand the horizons of possible professions. After all, those possible types of work that were available to our parents at the time of their studies, today constitute only a small part of all available options.

If previously it was difficult to imagine a woman as a good diplomat, in the modern world such politicians are key figures on the world stage. Don't just think about being a seamstress or a teacher, you can become a programmer, economist, doctor, photographer, designer, etc.

To make the right choice of where to go to study after 11th grade, a girl needs to try to imagine herself a few years after graduating from a university or college. Will this option suit you, will you be satisfied with your choice, do you see yourself as a specialist in this direction? If you doubt it even for a moment, then you should take your time and think again about all the possible options.

Let's sum it up

After school, it is very important to make the right choice of where to go to study after 11th grade for a boy or a girl, in a word, for schoolchildren. Every school has its own psychologist, who is always ready to offer to take several tests to help make a choice.

If you can’t contact a specialist, you can find similar tests on the Internet. But remember that they can only point out your skills and abilities, and the choice of what to do and where to study it is always yours.

And it makes no difference whether it is a university or a college - the main thing is that the knowledge and diploma you receive will help you take further steps in adult life, and you will never regret the years spent studying.

The article will help you choose a place to study. Selection of universities by specialty, Unified State Exam subjects and much more.

In fact, our entire website was created so that you can choose the university that suits you. However, if you typed the title of the article into the search and ended up here, then you are clearly in great uncertainty. I will try on this page to help you dispel it and put your thoughts in order in your head.

So, where to go after 11th grade? Without water, in fact. We talked about choosing a profession in the article “”. So this article is specifically about choosing a university. Just in case, a key quote from choosing a profession:

If you don’t have a clear predisposition to something, look at your school diary and remember your lessons. Maybe you're better at talking about blue curtains on literature than solving quadratic equations, or vice versa. Maybe you have loved fixing cars since childhood. Are you computer savvy and do you like it? Be a prog. Do you love biology? A doctor.

It is important not to deceive yourself. If you want to be a doctor, but you don’t get a passing USE score in biology, then you don’t want to be a doctor.

Pay attention to these things and work with what you have. Listen to your feelings and try to exclude parents from this process as much as possible.

To start choosing your future place of study, answer the following questions (“I don’t know” can be the answer to the first 3 questions):

1) Which city do I want to go to?
2) Who do I want to apply for? (or at least field of activity)
3) Which exams do I take and how many points do I have/expect?
4) How much money can my parents give me per month?

They answered, they remembered... Just know that we have one of the most complete databases about Russian universities, their specialties and much more. All this will help you when choosing. We will look at the example of Moscow.

Where can you go after 11th grade if...

You DO NOT KNOW the city you will be entering, but you know all or part of the rest (specialty, which Unified State Exams)

Everything is simple here. You need to select a city and move on to the next point. Know that you can enter Moscow even with low Unified State Exam scores. If you have money, you can apply anywhere for anyone.

If you are going to MOSCOW or other LARGE CITIES, and now live in a small town, then for you.

If you, for example, know your future specialty, you can select a city by specialty: you will find a list of all directions in Russia. Select the desired specialty and see the universities where it is taught and the CITIES where there are universities teaching it.

Do you KNOW the city, DO YOU KNOW OR DO NOT KNOW Unified State Exam subjects, specialty

Select a city on the top left by clicking on “Select a city”, select the one you need and you will see ALL THE INFORMATION on higher education in that city. Next I will show the example of Moscow.

Selecting a university by specialty

If you know the specialty you plan to enroll in, then on the page of each city there is a link to a list of specialties for that particular city. Here, for example, . By clicking on a specific specialty, you will find a list of universities in the city where they teach it. Look for one that suits you based on passing scores and cost, call the university and study.

Selecting a university based on Unified State Exam subjects

If you cannot decide on a specialty and university, you can choose it based on the Unified State Exam subjects. Go here: , select a city, then a Unified State Exam subject and you will see a list of ALL specialties in a certain city, for admission to which you need a selected subject or set of subjects.

Another option is to open, walk around, see specialties. But this takes longer than the above methods.

Selection of everything at once

To select based on multiple criteria at once, use the filter located at the top of the site, for example, on the main page. There you can make a selection based on all criteria at once.

FAQ on topics, answers to the most frequently asked questions

Where should a guy go after 11th grade?

To any university, using the tips for selecting a university on our website.

Where should a girl go after 11?

In general, the range of universities for girls is the same as for boys. However, a number of military universities do not accept girls. With some rare exceptions. Use these instructions and find your university.

Where to apply after 11th grade profession, where to find the list?

List of universities by profession.

Girls rarely choose professions that require high physical activity. They are closer to female, but at the same time prestigious and in-demand specialties. Which ones do you like? – Below is a list of professions from which you can choose the best, and we will also tell you where to go after 11th grade:

  • marketer,
  • lawyer,
  • accountant,
  • personnel officer,
  • doctor,
  • risk manager,
  • IT specialist,
  • stylist, makeup artist, hairdresser,
  • tourism manager,
  • photographer,
  • designer,
  • webinarist,
  • florist,
  • etiquette specialist,
  • sports instructor,
  • stewardess,
  • actress, presenter, singer.


Currently considered one of the most highly paid and interesting professions. The ability to beautifully present a product to customers is worth a lot and not everyone can do it. If you see yourself in this profession, then you need to enter a university and choose the department of marketing. The training itself lasts 6 years, but then you need to complete additional courses. What courses are there? – They exist both at the university and separately. It doesn’t matter where exactly you go, the main thing is to get the most in-demand skills.


Knowing the current laws is always very important. No company nowadays can do without. After 11th grade you need to graduate from law school. After this, you can become a lawyer or prosecutor. You just have to retrain for whoever you want.


For many decades it has been associated with women. This is much more in demand than being a director. This profession cannot be called particularly creative; it is a priority for those who have a stable good salary and a permanent job. Across the country, labor fees can reach up to 200 thousand rubles.

Personnel officer

This profession involves constant communication with people. Good career growth is possible, which can lead to the top of the board. For this profession, after the 11th grade, you should go to the Faculty of Management and study for 6 years.


Having a medical education, you can not only work in a clinic, but also open your own private practice. A doctor is always a great asset to family and friends. It is a woman who can be both a good psychologist and a good specialist. After 11th grade you need to enter a medical university. It will take more than 8 years to study to become a doctor. What specialty do you want? – You can choose only after 6 years of study. However, who to treat, children or adults, must be decided before admission.

Risk Manager

This is a relatively new and interesting specialty. It is very prestigious in a crisis. This profession cannot be considered purely female, but with a clear mind and the right thoughts, you will be able to achieve great heights in many large companies.

IT specialist

Despite the fact that for many years it was purely male, gradually girls began to show their best side in it and were not inferior to men in any way. Previously, it was difficult, since computers were stationary and heavy blocks had to be carried. Now, in the 21st century, they mainly use tablets and laptops, the weight of which rarely exceeds 5 kg, so even a fragile girl will not have problems with transportation. After 11th grade, you can graduate from the programming department, where you will have to study for about 6 years. For a girl, the advantage here is that these professions are often chosen by successful young people, so meeting your soulmate is quite possible.

Stylist, makeup artist, hairdresser

Many are sure that men see the beauty of women better. Perhaps they see better, but representatives of the fair sex do not always want to do something differently than they intended. Therefore, often only another woman can understand the client and advise her something from personal experience. In addition, any procedure cannot but be accompanied by chatter and gossip, which men cannot tolerate. To be a worker in the beauty industry, you can go to university after 11th grade, or you can complete courses: you need to study here for a maximum of 3 years. Which courses you should choose is up to you to decide. Please note that the chance of finding a well-paid, decent job is much higher after higher education. Where to go to study, you should decide in advance and choose a specialty depending on your preferences and talents.

Tourism manager

It is becoming more and more popular, as many people go on holidays or holidays abroad to relax. The manager’s task is to talk about the advantages and disadvantages of the selected hotel, country or tour, select the ideal route and complete all the necessary documentation. It takes 4-6 years to study at the Faculty of Tourism (where you can enroll after graduation).


Not everyone can take beautiful and high-quality photographs, but those who know how to do it get good money. A photographer's salary depends on work ability and quality, so you need to study to be better than the rest. Women, unlike men, pay attention to details, so the photographs will not only be unusual, but also full of the smallest nuances that will decorate any picture. In addition, the profession of a photographer is in great demand, since not a single special event can take place without photography.


Probably, not everyone knows what types of clothes, landscapes, living quarters, etc. there are. The main thing in this profession is to be able to draw beautifully and think outside the box. There are many artists, but not everyone can design something in such a way that it fascinates everyone. After 11th grade, you need to study to become a designer for 6 years. It is better to enroll in a construction university, where there are various faculties. Salary depends entirely on the number and quality of projects to be worked on. If things go well, you can open your own design studio in the future.


This is a fairly new profession, the advantage of which is that you can work without leaving home. A webinar is a remote seminar where lessons are taught via the Internet. You cannot study specifically for this profession, but you can graduate from some higher educational institution with a degree in psychology, marketing, or management and connect all your master classes with what you know and what you can teach people.


This is a purely female profession. After 11th grade or even before then, you can take courses that will teach you the basics of this art. Everything else is a flight of your imagination. Floristry is considered a popular profession, as beautiful bouquets are a decoration for any holiday or date. In the future, you can open your own salon and earn a good income from your small business. The profession of a florist is considered more of a hobby, and if in a family a man is considered the main breadwinner, then a woman’s small earnings from her favorite business will benefit everyone.

Etiquette Specialist

Many may not have even heard of the existence of such a profession, but it is currently very popular. To ensure that any business meetings, especially at the global level, go flawlessly, and the result is a compromise that would ideally suit everyone, an etiquette specialist draws up a negotiation plan in advance and teaches diplomats and businessmen how to structure a conversation correctly. For example, so that no norms are violated and all rules of behavior are observed. Salaries vary greatly and depend entirely on professional skills.

Sports instructor

Since the number of fitness clubs has increased greatly, it has become fashionable to be fit and stick to it, the profession of a sports instructor is in great demand. In addition, this way of earning money is associated with constant communication with people, learning something new - and this is very useful for the girl herself. Constant exercise will help you always be in great shape. For a girl, the most preferable courses are yoga, dance, and fitness. Which specialty to choose is up to you. The main thing is to calculate your physical capabilities. Remember, if you can come up with your own methodology, then your salary will be much higher than that of ordinary instructors.


It is considered a female profession, but requires many skills. girls are allowed to be short and not overweight. This is necessary to avoid problems when moving quickly around the aircraft cabin. The salary is quite high. A bonus is traveling to all countries of the world, since after landing there is always a couple of hours to see a new city.

Actress, presenter, singer

These are also humanitarian professions; these specialties require a creative mind and a certain talent. There are many options and prospects. Play in the theater or teach vocals! These specialties are quite in demand and require a creative approach. Therefore, choosing exactly what you want can often be difficult. Salaries also vary greatly. An ordinary teacher may not rise above 20 thousand, but show business stars may get lost counting zeros! You must study at the theater department for 6 years. Where to go? – You can find out after the 11th grade, when your talents become clear.

There are many options for where a girl can go to study after 11th grade. You can choose the most interesting ones, or you can proceed from the desire to earn a lot. Where exactly and who to study is up to you to decide. However, if you combine talent and demand, you can choose very profitable professions.

Some people know from childhood that they want to become a doctor or a miner. Others have no idea what to work with. For some, finances and school results allow them to enter any department, while others choose from what is available. What if you don’t yet know which university is best to go to? Depends on what is preventing you from making a choice.

You don't know which university is better

A good university is a vague concept. To understand which university will turn a student into a cool specialist, you need to dig through a bunch of data.

Please note that university rankings vary. Simple lists like “100 best universities in the world” are not suitable: what they evaluate is not always necessary for a future profession. Look for ratings that reflect the employment of graduates: how many specialists found a job after studying, how quickly they got a job, and whether they work in their specialty at all.

Food for thought:

  1. Ratings of the Expert RA agency: starting from the abstract “best university” and ending with a list of the most sought after by employers.
  2. Monitoring of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation on the employment of graduates.
  3. Rating of the quality of educational activities (also according to the Ministry of Education).
  4. An example of a salary rating for the SuperJob portal. Look for similar collections for other professions.

If you are planning to enroll, but your educational institution does not appear on any list, ask the university representatives whether it is easy for graduates to find work. Perhaps the university does not track the fate of all graduates, but at least it cooperates with employers and helps in finding employment. Ask about such programs: whether they operate and under what conditions.

Chat with Alumni

  1. How do employers react to a university diploma?
  2. Was the knowledge from lectures and seminars useful in your work?
  3. How do your colleagues rate the university?
  4. Are graduates satisfied with the salary level? How quickly do they move up the career ladder?

Go to all the open days

Universities hold meetings with applicants to promote themselves. Come and listen. Ask how to find a job after university, whether it is possible to transfer to another faculty and how to do this.

Find out more about opportunities for studying and traveling abroad. Ask questions about the equipment in the labs and even the quality of the food in the cafeteria.

You don't know who you want to be

Don't worry if you don't know what you want to do yet. You have time to choose your dream business. But if you want to enroll now (in order not to waste time or for other reasons), try to find a suitable option.

Look for professions you don't know about

Open the directory of professions (the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation has one and another) and see who you can work with. Just read the job descriptions in order. If you like something, go to any job search portal and consider vacancies. Analyze what requirements are imposed on applicants and what you will need to be able to do.

Sometimes such a free search gives more than all career guidance tests.

Choose a university with a large number of directions

If after a year or two you realize that you want to do something completely different, you can find a suitable specialty within your university. Then it will be easier to transfer to another faculty and take additional subjects.

Stop at the hardest part

If you have no idea what you want to be, but you still need to study (your parents are pushing you or you are more afraid of the army than the session), then choose a difficult specialty.

Firstly, there is less competition in complex areas. Secondly, if you decide to change your faculty or specialty, after difficult studies, everything else will seem like paradise. Thirdly, the skills of self-discipline and overcoming difficulties are the best that a modern university can provide.

Choose a practical specialty

Such that you can start immediately after studying or even during it. Otherwise, after university you may find yourself with a diploma that neither you nor your employer needs.

It’s better to earn money in a position you don’t like and save money for a new business than to spend several years on jobs that won’t be useful at all.

You have no money

Training is expensive. Or not?

Don't get hung up on a big name

Roughly speaking, if you want to become a mathematician, you need to become a mathematician, and not a student at the Best Mathematics University. Therefore, look for the desired specialty in other universities and in other cities. Maybe you will find an option many thousands of kilometers away, but with a scholarship.

Don't stop at Moscow and St. Petersburg: they are not the only places where there are good universities. A HSE study on the accessibility of education in 2016 will help take a fresh look at the geography of education.

Go to college

Colleges are cheaper. They complete the program faster. And in a few years, you will have a ready-made specialty, a job and the opportunity to study by correspondence or evening classes, without thinking about how your parents will pay for your studies.

Choose a university that pays good scholarships

Many universities encourage active and talented students by paying them additional scholarships. The region can also help with money.

Find out if the university you are going to has such scholarship holders. Ask how they achieved it. The only small thing left is to become one of the best students at the university.

Try Target Set

Targeted recruitment is when an enterprise pays for your training, and after studying you must work at this very enterprise. Sometimes an agreement is concluded not with an enterprise, but with municipal authorities. In fact, this is a type of educational loan, but you have to repay the debt not with money, but with work.

Find out if the university you are interested in has a targeted enrollment, ask what companies they work with. Take the contacts of departments that conclude contracts - and go ahead, study the conditions and features of training.

Please note that orders for enrollment of target students are signed earlier, and applications must be submitted in the spring. The best time to do everything is during spring break.

School graduate checklist

If you are confused about what to do right now, check yourself with these short instructions:

  1. Decide who you want to be.
  2. Make a list of universities that offer the required specialty.
  3. Cross out schools that you can't afford.
  4. Check the position of the remaining ones in different ratings.
  5. Choose several universities that are worth working hard for and passing exams.