Layout “diagnostics of protection. Diagnostics of layouts Values ​​of cards in a layout diagnostics of protection

Everyone needs protection one way or another, no matter what they do. But usually we develop this protection, we build it ourselves without additional effort. It's like immunity: we naturally strive to feel good, comfortable and confident, and this is the basis of any energy protection.
Purity and internal integrity protect from any influences, from the burden of other people’s problems to cemetery damage. If you are confident, right and pure, everything will be fine, negativity will simply have nothing to cling to. Let's imagine a saint - do you think he can be spoiled by the “evil eye”? His protection is in his closeness to God, in his light. The more we shine, the stronger we are.

And still…
We are not always perfect. Not always clear and beautiful. And worry for your safety is not the best companion to such an already sad state.

First, let us distinguish the harm that comes to us from outside.
One is the usual “loading” of other people’s problems, emotions and general heaviness of character. We sometimes catch this from relatives, friends, and sometimes from clients. This is a normal operating situation. There is no need to protect yourself from this at all (why do we need walls between us and others?) - we need to be able to recover and not let it deep into ourselves. Rest, general rationality and measure will help here: dose out difficult people and difficult communication. Have boundaries - only a clear understanding of how much you intend to communicate with a difficult person will save you from complete overload, leakage of strength down the drain and finding yourself in the role of a victim of vampirism.
What is needed here is boundaries and recovery after. Dancing with a helmet of horror and energy shields are not particularly effective here, they are for something else.

Other. The most interesting. Real magical harm. Actually, the main thing you need to know about it is that it happens. But rarely. But it happens.
Your personal light and intelligence also helps, but you need a lot of this goodness here. Not always and not everyone has that much.
And here, and only here, we need a real magical protection.

I will show you four methods of such protection - and in general, how many people there are, so many options for ideal protection.

1. Thing. Item of power. Popularly - an amulet, amulet, or talisman (the latter is not entirely correct in the context of protection). You can do it yourself, or you can buy it from someone we trust in this regard, investing your energy in cash. It's obvious. And I’ll share one more idea: the most powerful objects of power are given to us by those who love us. Mother. Wife husband. Children. Best friend. You can even ask your beloved and loving person to give you something special that would protect you - a sign of their love. Nothing protects us more than someone's clearly expressed desire for us to continue to exist and be completely fine.

2. Help from strength. Simply put, prayer (and the union that is created after). There would be someone to pray to and someone to cooperate with. If you believe in someone strong (that is, you know that he exists) - ask him to help you. This is a strong defense.
One condition - do not do anything that is not consistent with the image and goals of your defender. Casting a spell and asking Jesus to protect you from going back is a strange idea, to put it mildly.

3. Energy. Those who feel confident about their energy can simply form protective structures out of it. Shields, cones. Walls. I don’t recommend it, but also mirrors. I don't know how to explain exactly how to do this. I’m just reminding those who know about this possibility.

Don't you know how? Not scary. The next point is for you.

4. What you can do. Every area has the potential for protective applications. Even cooking (garlic from vampires? :))
For example, let's say you work with Tarot. Each card is a powerful energy template. Simply adopt security or secure card templates as needed. If the tarot reader Glasha is threatened by unknown energy bullshit, then the Priestess is no longer threatened by it (and the Magician will turn any alien energy to his advantage and assemble an airplane or at least lemonade from it, the 7 of Wands will fight back and discourage the desire to meddle in the future, the 4 of Swords will broadcast a stable impenetrable doesn’t care, but the World generally looks at any damage-love spells as, so to speak, insignificant little things :)).

By using an area you understand for protection, you grow in it along the way—a useful bonus.

But the main thing is still you. The stronger and cleaner we become, the less we need all this advice. ?

This viewing method is simple and effective. It is possible to use a deck of Tarot cards that you work with yourself and no longer use for viewing by other people. If you want to review yourself and your energy.
To view other people, it is better to use the New Vision Tarot decks, which reflects the “wrong side” of any situation, and the Tarot of Marseilles.
The first form of the layout is a card lot.
Enter a working state of emptiness and inner silence. With your left hand, light the candles located on the sides of the altar/square table on which you will do the alignment.
Mix all 78 Arcana with circular movements of your hands and proceed.
Mentally formulate the question “WHAT CAN YOU SAY ABOUT THE PRESENCE OF A NEGATIVE MAGICAL INFLUENCE ON ME /or name the day, month, year of birth and blood type/?
Take out one card, that's the answer.
If you want a more detailed answer, take two more cards from the deck.
The second method is based on the past, present and future of a person.
In this case, you take out three cards, laying them out from left to right past-present-future.
And you determine the types of influences.
As a mantic system, the Tarot can give fairly complete answers about the presence of the evil eye, damage, curses and other influences.
I will describe some meanings of Tarot cards for viewing negativity in people.
Let me note that these values ​​do not exhaust the description, and you will add a lot based on your own experience during practice.


Jester ARCANA 0
- A person does not have severe negativity, but may mean the need for strict motivation, clear setting of specific goals.

Black magician, professional damage was done, its danger can be shown by other cards.

Witch. They indicate a hard love spell, such as Egillet or Envolvement of Passion, which was professionally performed more often by a woman.
It can also mean planting an entity for the purpose of influence.

Generic power for the magician, as well as damage to the “crown of celibacy” and damage to infertility, frigidity.

Protection. An energetically strong person, and also the fact that a person needs protection.

Almost always shows generic protection, the object is protected by otherworldly forces. Next to negative cards such as the Tower or Death, indicates the corruption of death or a curse. In combination with the Devil - Agreement for the sale of the soul. Combined with the lasso POWER abilities in black magic

Love magic, love spells, bindings, attachments.

Possible damage to the road, dangers along the way, accidents, disasters.

Backlash, retribution, complete energy imbalance.

A person is closed by magical protection, Next to negative cards: Tower, Death, closing paths, damage to loneliness.

Powerful protection, in combination with the Hermit, this person practices Dark magic With cards of Death, Tower, he can talk about transferring diseases, failures, and damage of some types to the object.

A clear magical attack. Damage to suppression of will. The influence of Demons, Devils, and other Dark entities on the life of an object.

Your work is neutralized or not fully completed due to outside interference. Next to the negative cards of Death, Towers, indicates the closure of all paths or a break in fate.

Necromantic influences. inhabitation of the spirits of the dead. Your magical work is ineffective.

It takes a lot of time to get results from the impact. Sometimes it means for the frostiness of influence.

A very dangerous signal, many types of Demonic influences are possible. Incorporation of a Dark Essence for the purpose of replacing a personality.

Damage to death, Envoltage of death. If you don't take quick action, a person is doomed.
The number of the card from the minor arcana can show the deadline.

A person is “included” in some religious system. In combination with the Sun, Peace, Strength, it shows a successfully completed cleansing.

Love magic: sexual attachments, cold spells, lapels, depending on the combination of the Moon with other cards, Lovers, Empress, Emperor.
damage to madness, foolishness, in combination with the Tower, Death.

Any impact you make is effective, or will be as effective as possible.
When analyzing a person, it means mirror protection.

The Force with which you work favors you and your influence will be very effective. Next to the negative cards of DEATH, TOWERS shows a family curse.

A person is under the powerful protection of his own unbelief. As well as the successful completion of your magical work. If Death or Tower appears after this card, this means a severe negative impact on all areas of a person’s life.
They often complement the Elders, and if they fall out first they speak of a “veiled”, closed influence.

ACE OF SWORDS Indicates a hard negativity that has broken through defenses and penetrated into all energy structures.
It is necessary to analyze the “chakras” of human energy centers responsible for the functioning of the organs and systems of the body.

TWO OF SWORDS Damage, which is at the stage of implementation in the energy field, can also indicate shortcomings in the work of influencing a person; subsequent cards will show what needs to be corrected.

THREE OF SWORDS Love magic: lapel, falling out, cooling off, also same-sex love spell damage Effects on melancholy, depression.

FOUR OF SWORDS Necromantic work, all its types.

FIVE OF SWORDS Always indicates damage, as well as love spells that have become damage, such as a love spell for the purpose of revenge.

SIX OF SWORDS. The negative process has begun. Most often it falls out during cleansing from negativity and indicates that it is not yet completed and additional cleaning and protection is required.

SEVEN OF SWORDS. It speaks of backlashes that you yourself risk receiving in the course of your work to influence this person, or the circumstances of the case will be very complicated for you, you need to wait.

EIGHT OF SWORDS Damage to illness. A person has old negativity that destroys all areas of his life.

NINE OF SWORDS. Severe influences with the introduction of a Dark essence.

Damage to paralysis, death, misfortune. May indicate Necromantic works performed for complete destruction.

PAGE OF SWORDS. Substance, Demon, Familiar, Trait.

KNIGHT OF SWORDS Attempts to break through the defense, damage in defense.

A woman, usually black-haired, and also a Witch who commits damage.

Specific damage to physical violence...

Correspond to love magic, in the context of negative analysis, love spells, attachments of all kinds.

ACE OF CUPS. Hard Black love spell, and also most often OKKORM.

May show the "Black Wedding Rite" which is used in the Western tradition similar to the "Wedding of Mary Lao Loa" Rite in the VooDoo tradition, when a church ritual is performed over the volts of the victims.

THREE OF CUPS. Love triangle. The presence of a third party, a rival or rival using love spells.

Love spell through Devils, Demons.

A very difficult person to cast a love spell on

A neutral card, and can talk about your unsuccessful love spells.

Empty, ineffective influences, you need to find out the reason.

Effects on melancholy

The card can talk about protecting a person, a love spell will not be easy

The person already has a love spell, other cards will tell about its strength and influence.

Love spells through Dark entities.

KNIGHT OF CUPS. A person is constantly subject to love spell influences, his energy and psyche are very unstable.

On a person, a love spell that does not “lay down” as intended, it has the opposite effect, the person is destroyed.

QUEEN OF CUPS Most often, a woman obsessed with sex is ready for anything.


Black magic protection. Next to negative cards, especially look for the Major Arcana, work through the call of Dark entities, it may even show that the magical program of damage is “under lock and key” and it is almost impossible to remove the negative.

Rumors, binary lapel. Transfer from one person to another.

Stage-by-stage damage, or stage-by-stage work ahead.

Protection. Realization of your plans.

Work that will not bring results is a waste of time and effort.

A person is under the protection of Higher otherworldly forces, as well as positive results.

New opportunities that will result from influence or that already exist.

Shows conflicts within a married couple, quarrels, rituals to destroy the family.

NINE OF PENTACLES - Protection through the cemetery.

A person has protection; he uses some kind of amulet, the meaning of which he is not aware of.

Page of Pentacles
Demonic protections. Next to the negative cards of work through volts, deposits.

There is protection, but it is unstable.

KING OF PENTACLES Next to the negative ones they show who the influence is coming from, especially you need to pay attention to the Ladies and Kings.

QUEEN OF PENTACLES Woman trying to use magic


This suit shows what stage of promotion the influence is in.

ACE OF WANDS. It shows the presence of a magical program that is taking place, and in a very professional manner.

Various kinds of bindings, including love spells.

The object is under attack, which may indicate that they are trying to remove its protection.

Protection. Next to the negative ones it speaks of love spells, and can also show the period of the full moon.

Attempts to break through the defense.

SIX OF WANDS Corruption, the purpose of which is just retribution.

Magic using blood, an additional 7 cards are required.

The quick results that will come from the influence of its specifics will be shown by other cards.

Always indicates the presence of good protection.

TEN OF WANDS Reverse strikes, rollbacks, as a result of rash actions, errors in work that must be corrected in order to avoid consequences.

Page of Wands Sexual attachment, for lust, Egilet

KNIGHT OF WANDS Protection of the forces of light, a detailed analysis of the situation is needed

The ritual was performed or is possible only through the Power of Dark Entities

Protecting a tarot reader: practical techniques

Today we will continue the topic of protecting the tarot reader from taking on the problems of the questioner during a fortune-telling session. Does such a phenomenon really exist?

L: “...I’m successfully practicing tarot... everything was going great, the problems were solved, but then they started for me...”

A: “...I’ve been doing tarot a lot, for a long time, I don’t observe such a trend, although I don’t specifically close the channels...”

K: “I’m reading tarot... everything was fine, but lately I’ve been having nightmares...”

D: “It’s strange, I’ve been guessing for 17 years and as a result of consulting clients I have never taken away their problems, although I don’t specifically bother with safety precautions...”

Yo: “I just looked at the man and felt bad...”

M: “This happens when the situation is negative, then my head hurts all day…”

D: “There was simply energy exhaustion, but this was after many situations and when they were labor-intensive. In general, I didn’t feel any negativity.”

These are the opinions of practicing tarot readers. So where is the truth? And why do some people feel something and others don’t?

In this regard, the point of view of Yulia Lysenko is close and understandable to me. The impressions that a tarot reader receives during a fortune-telling session depend only on his current psychological, physiological and social state. The problem is the ability to control your emotions and abstract yourself. If the emotions are not very positive, the tarot reader empathizes with the client, passes his problems through himself, then he will inevitably feel bad. It is not without reason that there is an opinion that doctors get sick from the diseases they treat.

The main method of dealing with this problem is learning self-control. And this is one of the reasons why fortune telling is not recommended for young, impressionable people who have not fully formed their convictions. But even an experienced person sometimes has to feel “breakdowns”. Let's look at the basic techniques used by practitioners.

Energy technicians

According to the general opinion of tarot readers, regular use of energy practices, such as qigong, special yoga exercises, psychological analysis, and meditation, helps restore mental and physical balance very well. Some use magic for this purpose.

Here are a few exercises that Julia offers for cleaning according to the Zhong Yuan Qigong system.

« First way can be used not only after a session, but also to increase the sensitivity of the hands and improve the reception of information. As is known from Chinese medicine, our body consists of channels through which Qi passes. The initial and final sections of the main channels pass along the lateral surfaces of the fingers and toes. The starting and ending points are located in the corners of the nails. The proposed exercise clears these channels of dirty and stagnant Qi, which makes it easier for information to pass through the hands.

The exercise itself in the ChYu Qigong system is called “cleansing the channels.” In order to perform this exercise, you need to stand straight, legs shoulder-width apart, feet parallel, body relaxed. The arms are bent in front of the chest, palms down. Next, you need to bend the index and middle fingers on your right hand like a scraper. Using a gentle squeeze, run the fingers of your right hand along the sides of each finger on your left hand, starting with the thumb, from the base to the tip, twice on each finger. Repeat the same on the second hand, if desired, you can open the channels on the toes with the fingers of your right hand. When you do this exercise, be sure to imagine that you are squeezing out dirty, bad Qi from the channels, visualize how gray Qi is removed from your fingers, and white energy enters the already cleaned and open channels.

After the prediction, you can repeat the same exercise. Second way cleanses not only the channels, but also the person as a whole, completely from negative, dirty energy. In Qigong it is called “shaking the body.” You need to stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart, arms hanging along the body, body relaxed. Rise up on your toes, lifting your heels off the floor, then quickly lower your body, as if falling on your heels, while shaking your body. You need to imagine how all the dirt and information you don’t need goes deep, deep into the ground. Do from 3 to 5 minutes. This exercise also helps relieve fatigue and relax the body.

Third exercise- this is “cleansing with a ball”. To perform this exercise, you need to stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart, arms hanging freely along the body. Then you need to slowly raise your arms across your sides, palms up, and imagine that they are going high, high into the sky, then into Space. As you inhale, imagine how your hands are filled with the energy of the Cosmos and hold it above your head in the shape of a ball. Then, slowly lowering your bent arms, you need to move this ball along the body, from the head to the very feet. At the same time, imagining how the new, fresh, just accepted Qi of the Cosmos displaces the old and dirty Qi from the body and leaves through the feet into the ground. This exercise should be repeated several times. In this way, the body is cleansed; in addition to using it after forecasting, this method can be used when feeling unwell or in a painful state.”

I found an interesting method on one of the well-known forums.

“After the client leaves, you need to sit on the edge of the sofa or chair, your feet should touch the floor. Breathe with your stomach in a calm manner, then exhale sharply, as low as possible. It is advisable to bend down to your knees and pause while exhaling as long as possible. Then take a sharp breath. And again switch your attention to calm breathing with your stomach. It is not recommended to repeat the cycle more than three times. Helps to separate your states, sensations, thoughts from others. The result can be expected in about 10 minutes. This simple exercise also repels the evil eye and other people’s (non-ritual) influence.”

Agreement of cards

A. Khshanovskaya suggests asking the cards for consent before telling fortunes to the client. Many tarot readers use this technique. You need to choose a “prohibiting” card from the deck at your discretion. The classic ones are the Magician, the Jester, and the Priestess. Before the session, the deck should be thoroughly shuffled and the client should be asked to rearrange the cards. If the latter turns out to be prohibitive, then it is better for this person not to guess. The reason may be the fortuneteller’s lack of concentration or qualifications in this topic, an incorrectly formulated question, a frivolous approach by the client, etc. Fortune telling can be postponed to another day and then asked for the cards again.

Protective talismans

It is suggested to place objects around you that promote a sense of security. You can use amulets, special interior items, stones. For example, one of the sites offers protective pentacles. Here are pictures of some of them.

Pentacle of Oriel

Versatile protection anywhere and under any circumstances


The strongest protector from the evil eye and damage

Pentacle of Happiness

Three archangels patronize fate

For practical use, it is proposed to transfer them to paper and always carry them with you.

They also have protective properties some types of plants, absorbing negative energies. These include,



all types of climbing plants


IN An important protection factor during a session is a lit candle.. She creates a protective barrier between fortune teller and client. A. Khshanovskaya recommends lighting a candle with matches and extinguishing it without blowing it out. It is better to light it at the beginning of the session, and extinguish it no earlier than 20 30 minutes after it ends, so that all the client’s problems have time to burn out.


Some fortune tellers use spells.

For example, on one of the magic forums it was found: “Whatever the slave (name) took off, the joint will be taken away. Amen." When casting a spell, rub your back against the door frame.

Or: repeat to yourself three times after working with a client: “The dog ate it, the bone was buried, the connection with (name) was closed.”

Water manipulation

Most tarot readers wash their hands under running water up to the elbows after working with a client. If possible, it is suggested to take a shower. They write that a contrast shower is much more effective. You need to alternately turn on hot and cold water for 20-30 seconds, starting with hot and ending with cold.

Additional tips: You can take a bath with sea salt or keep a glass of water and a pinch of sea salt next to you during the session. After the session, be sure to pour the water into the drain.

Other, but no less useful tips

It is recommended to lay black fabric for layouts. After fortune telling, you can jog it outside the window so that the wind takes away all the negativity.

Tarot readers also sometimes burn incense sticks or incense during fortune telling. They write that Tibetan sticks without flavorings and a wooden base are the best option.

I think that the topic of rituals and talismans cannot be covered in one article, so we will definitely return to it in other issues.


Any esoteric science, including fortune telling with Tarot cards, always addresses issues of human safety in the face of negative influences. Sooner or later, someone who practices Magic (and it doesn’t matter so much whether he reads fortunes with cards, Runes, or performs special rituals) comes to the question of whether he needs to somehow protect himself. In addition, such nuances as diagnosing protection on the Tarot, the meaning of cards in diagnostic layouts and other information related to bad influences on the fortuneteller and the client are also important. Let's figure it out.

Does a tarot reader need protection when reading the Tarot?

The answer here will be unequivocal - yes. Tarot reading is primarily an energy work, and everything related to energy directly affects a person’s well-being. When performing a schedule for someone, we can unknowingly “pull” onto ourselves the problems that the client came to us with. And if we are talking about such serious manipulations as removing damage or a love spell, there can be no talk of working without protection.

What protection should there be when reading Tarot? But here it all depends on a person’s personal preferences. Some people use special amulets, amulets and talismans that prevent negativity from penetrating the energy field of the tarot reader, some prefer to carry out special rituals before or after fortune telling, and others turn to Runes, candles and other magical tools to maintain their own safety .

As they say, “it’s always better to be safe than sorry.” When a flu epidemic is sweeping through the city, we try once again not to have contact with strangers, wash our hands when we come home, take preventive medications - medical and natural, and some even prefer to wear a special protective mask. So why don’t we do similar manipulations to avoid negative magical effects? Naturally, prevention will be different, not the same as for the flu, but special, magical. But it must be there - it should be taken as a rule. Just choose a convenient method for yourself and use it.

Is it possible to diagnose protection on the Tarot?

We talked about our own safety, now let's move on to diagnostic issues. When we put protection on ourselves or someone close to us, or a client comes to us who suspects that he has been damaged or the evil eye has been cast on him, in order to figure out whether the protection works in principle, we need to do a diagnostic fortune-telling. Diagnosis of protection on the Tarot is essentially a special alignment that helps the master see whether a person is vulnerable to external negativity, what protects him, and how strong this “shield” is. Such diagnostics can be done for yourself, for a client, and even for a stranger about whom the questioner wants to know. Let's figure out how to do this using Tarot cards.

Types of protection

To understand what the cards are telling us, we must first understand what kind of protection there is. So, it can be divided into several groups:

  • Ancestral is patronage from one’s clan, deceased and living relatives
  • Egregorial - protection from a certain egregor, i.e. coming from a certain group of people to which a person belongs. This can be a religious egregor (community or sect), an egregor of a club of interests (for example, a football fan club or an esoteric community)
  • Magic (set) - one that is set through a certain magical ritual
  • Bioenergy - special techniques that allow a person, using visualization, to create a special shield, wall or cocoon that does not allow external negativity to penetrate his biofield
  • Personal natural power is a person’s unique ability to protect and heal himself and others, given to him from birth

You can figure out what kind of protection is present on the person you are interested in using Tarot layouts for protection.

Tarot spread “Diagnostics of protection”

In this layout, we will lay out the cards in a row, taking them out of the deck one by one and laying them out on the table. There is no special scheme here; the main thing is to follow the order of actions and asking questions.

So, we start by laying out three random cards. We immediately turn them over and analyze them.

  • The first card will describe a person’s natural security
  • The second will tell you about the state of this “shield” at the current moment in time.
  • The third will tell you whether the person is wearing protection.

Then we look at what answer the third card gave us. If it is “Yes”, then we draw another clarifying card, asking a question about the state of the protection being set. If the answer was “No,” then we skip this step.

Next, we draw another card, asking whether the person has traces of external negative influence, whether anyone tried to encroach on his safety. And again we look at the Tarot answer: if it is “Yes,” then we draw another card that will tell whether the ill-wisher managed to break the existing protection. If “No”, skip the step.

And we complete the Tarot layout for protection by drawing another card that will describe the general state of security of the person we are interested in.

Layout “Diagnostics of protection 2”

Fortune telling is carried out using five cards randomly drawn from the deck after shuffling. The layout positions mean the following:

  • 1 - Presence or absence of natural protection
  • 2 - What category does it belong to (genus, egregor)
  • 3 - The presence or absence of protection, its strength
  • 4 - Type of protection placed (how it was placed: using black or white magic, ritual, Runes, etc.)
  • 5 - General state of human security at a given time

You might want to open cards 1 and 3 first to see what they say. If they show a lack of protection, then positions 2 and 4 do not need to be opened, but you can immediately move on to card 5.

Magic layout “Diagnostics”

Among Tarot layouts for protection, this one can be considered universal. It is best to use fortune telling in situations where a client comes to you with a request for diagnosis, removal or installation of protection. The layout is carried out in the usual way, the cards are placed as in the picture, and their values ​​will be as follows:

  • 1 - Tells whether a person is wearing protection
  • 2 - The appearance of it and the way in which it was staged
  • 3 - Who put up the protection
  • 4 - How can I remove it?
  • 5 - Difficulties that may arise during work on the installation or, conversely, removal of protection. The card reflects all possible risks, both for the operator (tarot reader or magician who will perform the ritual, and for the client).
  • 6 - The results of magical work, if it is carried out

Meanings of Tarot cards when diagnosing protection

We figured out how to do diagnostics. Now it’s time to figure out the meanings of the cards - this is what newbie tarot readers very often ask about. First, remember the main thing - the interpretation of the Tarot for protection depends on your personal perception of the cards and the features of the deck. Listen first of all to your personal feelings from the cards. There are no universal “recipes” here. Just analyze the cards that come out and think about what they could mean.


Let's give an example. Let's take a map. In itself, it means strength, power, protection - which means that in the diagnosis it will definitely answer that the person is protected. Inverted - accordingly, no. When asked about the type of protection, the Emperor can say that the person is protected by ancestral spirits along the male line. If the Emperor came in the “Who Bet” position, the card can mean a strong, powerful man.


Let's take Arcanum. In diagnostic scenarios, it can mean that energy is leaving a person, which means that he is not protected. If the same card appears in a position that answers the question of how the protection was placed, this clearly indicates that it was placed magically and most likely through a ritual performed in a cemetery, or through communication with the souls of the dead.

Definitely bad cards, indicating that a person’s energy state is in danger, are the 9 of Swords. But it is worth noting that the same Devil in answer to the question about the magical protection provided can also mean its presence, made using a ritual of black magic. And the same Tower in the position of the client’s security state at a given moment in time, when some positive Arcana appears on the question of whether the person is protected in principle, may mean that there was protection, but at the moment it has been broken.

In diagnosing protection on the Tarot, you need to feel the meaning of the cards, and not rely on books and textbooks - this is very important. Until you feel the energy of the cards, but use the tips, you, alas, will not be able to reach a professional level.

Oct 18


I bring to your attention a simple short layout “Diagnostics of protection”.

The layout should also be used to check your own protection (what it is, what it consists of, how well it works, and whether it exists at all).

This arrangement is also suitable in cases where you want to give a person new protection. Information from the layout will help you set up your defense so that both defenses strengthen each other and do not conflict.

And if you yourself are going to “work magic” on someone, it is better for you to know what you will be dealing with. You may not want to “do magic.” Because his defense will be so strong that if you “encroach” on him, you will be in trouble.

The layout can be done on Tarot cards, Lenormand, and on runes.

Layout "Diagnostics of protection"

This is the layout diagram.

Now, as usual, let’s look at this layout using an example. The layout is made on Tarot cards.

The woman is wondering whether her constant malaise is due to a violation of her defenses, or whether it has physiological causes.

  1. Presence and strength of natural protection(Sun)
  2. Type of natural protection (genus, egregor, etc.)(Knight of Pentacles)
  3. Availability of provided protection and its power(9 Cups)
  4. Type of protection provided (dark, light, etc.)(Queen of Pentacles)
  5. General characteristics of human security(Death)
  1. The presence and strength of natural protection. Sun.

It is absolutely clear that humans have natural protection. And she's strong enough.

  1. Type of natural protection. (Knight of Pentacles) Protection of the Earth Element. But perhaps this protection does not have constant strength (Knights are not permanent comrades, although they are very active). One can even assume that when interacting with the elements of the earth, the symbols of this element, its natural protection is renewed, nourished, and strengthened.
  2. Availability of installed protection. ( 9 Cups). The protection provided is there. But either it has already practically dried up, or it was originally made in a very generalized form. Perhaps it was placed by one of the distant relatives or by someone who is not a blood relative, but a fairly close acquaintance.
  3. Type of protection provided. (Dark, light, etc.). (Queen of Pentacles). Most likely this protection is neutral, but definitely not dark. Made using the energy of the Earth, or enclosed, for example, in stone. Perhaps this is some kind of amulet in the form of a stone.
  4. General characteristics of human security (Death). Based on this card, we can say that the protection, in the form in which it was intended, works well.

It can also be assumed that the 9 of Cups also works as a protection of relationships (marriage), and it slightly weakens the overall protection, perhaps even conflicts with it. To find out this in more detail, you need to make separate additional layouts.

For example, you can make a layout for relationships. One partner will be the general defense and the other will be the marriage defense. If the situation shows that these two defenses really conflict, then something needs to be changed either in one or in the arc defense in order to achieve synergy between them, and not confrontation.

In relation to the client’s question about feeling unwell, we can say that there is reason to recommend that the client undergo a medical examination, or at least get a good rest and take some kind of vitamin course.

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With respect to your views and your values,
Natalia Vammas.