Nicki minaj what. Biography of Nicki Minaj: the most successful hip-hop artist of the new millennium

Nicki Minaj is one of the most interesting stars female rap today. Her path to fame is like a roller coaster.

Onika Tanya Maraj, better known as Nicki Minaj, is a famous American rapper, singer, songwriter and television superstar born on December 8, 1982 in St. James, Trinidad and Tobago. Niki grew up in a family where her father suffered from severe drug addiction, and the atmosphere in the house could hardly be called friendly, because... the head of the family often let his hands go. At the age of 5, Minaj moved to Queens, New York. Nikki's difficult childhood gave her an ambitious desire to become a superstar. Few people know, but before she became famous, Minaj performed backing vocals for local rap groups in New York.

Soon after the release of her debut album in 2010, the world was swept by “nicki mania.” However, Minaj is known not only for her rap compositions: her chic forms, which she does not try to hide from the public, are very popular. Add to this her penchant for scandal, and you have an explosive combination. real star. Below we have selected for you several photographs that will introduce you closer to the life of the young performer.

One of Minaj's most notoriously provocative photographs, which was used as a promotional poster for her album "Sucka free", depicted Nicki squatting with her legs wide apart and holding a lollipop. Minaj said the photo was a tribute to fellow famous rapper Lil Kim. Nicki also admitted that she just wanted to attract the public's attention so that they would want to hear what she had to say. Well, she definitely succeeded.

Nicki Minaj on the cover of King Magazine

The camera loves Niki, and she definitely loves the camera!

On Valentine's Day, Minaj made a bunch of guys happy by tweeting photos of herself promoting the cult. healthy body. And she even asked her fans to send her photos where they show off their athletic figure!

Captain Nicky has joined the force! The singer appeared in this outfit to promote her new fragrance Pink Friday.

The pool, without a doubt - the best place for lipstick advertising! Especially if Niki advertises it!

Do you think it's possible to look like Barbie and be sexy at the same time? At least Minaj succeeds! Just look at her photo on the cover of Pink Friday.

The cover for the single Step Your P*ssy Up clearly cannot be called puritanical... But should we have expected anything else from Nika?

See a selection of photos and famous ass close-up:

Several candid stage images of the singer:

Erotic pictures of Niki

Absolutely naked Nicki Minaj has not yet been photographed, but there are plenty on the Internet candid photos with the singer half naked.

Well, there seems to be no doubt that Nicki Minaj is the true queen of rap and one of the most popular stars of the decade. These photos are further proof that Nicki is something special and her popularity will continue to grow year after year.

Multi-colored wigs, crazy outfits and a butt that could drive Jennifer Lopez herself into depression. This tireless rapper, originally from the island of Jamaica, managed to transform from a desperate “wannabe” into a class “A” celebrity in two years. One of the most sought after performers recent years, she managed to work with such divas as Christina Aguilera, Madonna, Mariah Carey, Britney Spears, Rihanna and Mary J. Blige. Living embodiment American Dream, the most successful hip hop performer of the new millennium, the main freak from the world of music and just a hot thing - Nicki Minaj.

Onika Tanya Maraj was born on December 8, 1982 in a poor family of an African and an Indian woman. Chinese origin. Onika was forced to live with her grandmother separately from her parents for several years, while her parents tried in vain to get money to move to the United States. Minaj doesn't really like to remember her childhood, which is not surprising. Her father was an avid alcoholic and drug addict, he often beat Nikki's mother, and once almost burned his wife and daughter alive, burning down his own house in a fit of rage. When Onika was 5 years old, her mother decided to flee to Queens from her despot husband. Nikki was having a hard time with the sudden move. Music became her salvation: at school she mastered the clarinet, and then began to develop her vocal abilities. Little is known about the rap diva’s youth, except that, as a teenager, Nikki became interested in rap. In 2007, her first mixtape entitled “Playtime Is Over” was released. Especially for this record, Nikki recorded a cover version of Lil Kim’s hit, the track “Jump Off” (according to Minaj, she was a big fan of Kim’s work). In the homemade video for this version of the song, we can see a very young Onika, not spoiled by fame and the surgeon’s scalpel.

Over the next 2 years, Nikki recorded several more demo records. Despite the fact that Minaj’s first works went virtually unnoticed, the head of Young Money, rapper Lil Wayne, decided to sign a contract with the aspiring MC.

And then it was super successful debut album called “Pink Friday”. It is worth noting that by the release of the album, Nika’s appearance and style had undergone major changes. Unexpectedly for everyone, the rapper remembered that she was a quarter Asian and demanded to call herself nothing other than “Harajuku Barbie.” The first single from “Pink Friday” was the song “Your Love”.

The track received a lot positive feedback from leading hip-hop producers. But before the listener had time to get tired of “Your Love”, the second single of Japanese Barbie was presented to the public - a song called “Right Thru Me”. In the music video of the same name, Nikki was able to show off her dramatic talents.

Suddenly, the image of the modern Japanese geisha began to collapse like a house of cards. The track “Roman’s Revenge,” recorded together with Eminem, has appeared online.

From the first lines it becomes clear that this is a diss (literally - an insult, the purpose of the diss was to humiliate one’s opponent, in in this case Lil Kim). Large figures the music business, like ordinary listeners, were shocked by such overt aggression. However, Nikki explained that she did not take part in the recording of the track “Roman’s Revenge”, and this made her an alter ego, a certain Roman Zolanski (a devil-possessed boy with an unconventional orientation and Polish roots). Such an unusual trick by Nikki could not help but attract the attention of music lovers. As a result, the debut album of the previously unknown Minaj took first place in the impregnable Billboard 200, surpassing new album rap legends Kanye West! The offended Queen Bee, aka Lil Kim, was unable to get out of the situation with dignity and recorded a response beef (and even shot a music video for it). Thus began the confrontation between the two most famous ladies hip-hop. But more on that later.

Nikki's next role became the “hip-hop Cinderella”; Minaj first appeared in this image in the music video for her third single “Moment For Life”.

One of the most commercially successful tracks in Nikki’s entire career was the song “Super Bass”. A few weeks after its release, the song confidently broke into the top 10 of the Billboard Hot 100 and did not leave it for a long time. Music video This explosive hit was watched by a quarter of a billion YouTube users. No other rap artist has achieved this.

It would seem that in the wake of Nicki’s dizzying success, it’s worth living and enjoying money, fame and the love of fans, forgetting about her feud with Lil’ Kim. As it turned out, this was not part of Onika’s plans. In the first half of 2011, a new diss track from Nikki called “Tragedy” appeared online. It was this track that marked the return of Nikki's crazy alter ego, Roman Zolanski.

In the summer of 2011, Nika's representatives officially announced that the singer was working on her second studio album, actively recording duets. At the same time, one of the main hits of last summer “Where Them Girls At?” was released. - a duet of Onika and French DJ David Guetta.

Both parties were pleased with the result, which allowed the two superstars to continue their collaboration.

At the end of 2011 and the beginning of 2012, compositions from Niki’s upcoming album began to appear online one after another. And, unfortunately, the worst fears of most “female rap” fans came true: the rapper again took up her old ways, recording several diss tracks at once. To Nika's surprise, all the new releases, one after another, failed in the charts and caused extreme negative reaction at music critics. For example, the video for the track “Stupid Hoe” received a record number of dislikes (about 500,000).

Initially, the release of the album “Pink Friday: Roman Reloaded” was planned for Valentine's Day. One can only guess what made Nicki postpone the release date of the disc just a couple of weeks before the release. Perhaps Minaj realized that she simply needed to dilute the album with neutral compositions (as you know, even Nikki’s most ardent fans did not approve of so many negative tracks). One way or another, the release of “Roman” officially took place on April 2 of this year.

Niki's second disc has a rather unusual concept. Initially conceived as a re-release of the debut album, in the end it became absolutely independent work, which includes as many as 22 (!) previously unreleased tracks. Conventionally, “Roman Reloaded” can be divided into two components: hip-hop and club-dance. The first half of the disc is a real collection of diss songs for every taste, the target of which once again was old Kim. Despite the fact that these tracks themselves represent quite interesting material, the very topic of mutual insults discourages interest in them. I just want to say: that’s enough for you girls, meet once, pull out each other’s hair extensions and make peace already! After all, even the fans of the two hip-hop divas themselves admit the meaninglessness of everything that is happening.

The second part of the album sounds much more attractive. Light summer motifs, not burdened with meaning, but at the same time not primitive texts. This is the music that most discos this summer will be played to. Abundance electronic music and does not spoil the notorious dubstep motifs at all general impression. Despite the lightheartedness of most of the songs, there is no awkwardness during listening. In addition, in the new material, Nicki revealed an unexpected side. As it turns out, Minaj has a pretty nice singing voice, making her a “dual threat” for her opponents.

Potential hits of the dance part of the record:

Today Nikki Minaj is at the height of her fame. Her singles have sold millions of copies from North America before South Korea. Stars of the first magnitude are lining up to record a track together, and the bank account of our “labor bee” is growing at the speed of light. She managed to break through the wall of hundreds of thousands of more beautiful, talented and vocal rivals, and this already deserves respect. The only thing that can now stand in her way is herself. We hope that the day will come soon when Nikki will “bury the hatchet” and begin new life, full of experiments, successes and new achievements. A life in which there is no place for negativity.


Greetings to guests and regular readers of the site website. So, Onika Tanya Maraj is known to the general public as Nicki Minaj- American rap artist, born in 1982 on the eighth of December near Port of Spain.
Until the age of five, Niki lived in St. James with her grandmother, because her parents, constantly busy with their personal lives, did not find time to raise their daughter. When the girl was 5 years old, she moved to her mother in New York.

But this did not improve her life much, since the head of the family constantly drank alcohol and drugs. Being in a state of altered consciousness, he beat his mother. Little Nika also got it.
Also in early age Onika showed talent for music. While still a schoolgirl, she took music and educational courses. Took part in theatrical performances and played on different musical instruments.
One of Nika's cherished dreams was to become a singer. The girl decided not to wait for a miracle, but to start acting in a musical direction.
In 2007, our heroine released her first mixtape.

A year later, Niki was named artist of the year and won the UMA Award. At the same time, he released his second album, "Sucka Free".
In 2009, Nicki appeared in XXL magazine and released her third mixtape. She also signed a cooperation agreement with Young Money Entertainment, which was offered to her by Lil Wayne - famous rapper, interested in the work of the young star.

In 2010, the singer released her first album called "Pink Friday", which was recorded in a professional studio. The record was very popular, about half of the songs were included in various music charts and hit parades.

Nicki Minaj - Moment 4 Life ft. Drake (2010)

At the peak of her popularity, Minaj begins to tour US cities and also visits her homeland.
Now Nicki is very famous singer on a global scale. She is actively working on new tracks and releasing collaborations with various performers.

American female hip-hop star Nicki Minaj hails from the small island nation of Trinidad and Tobago, located off the east coast. South America near Venezuela, where she was born on December 8, 1982. Her parents named their daughter Onika Tanya; she received the Indian surname Maraj from her father, who was of Indian-African origin. Nicky's mother is of Malay-Trinidadian descent. The family of the future singer was dysfunctional - the father drank, took drugs, and beat his wife. Until the age of five, the girl lived with her grandmother, and then her mother took her to New York, where they settled in Queens.

Due to her father’s violence and constant scandals, the girl tried to spend less time at home and grew up mainly on the street. As a teenager, she became interested in rap and began writing poetry. At school, the future star learned to play the clarinet, and after graduation she entered the College of Music. It was planned to enroll in vocals, but on the day of the audition the applicant became hoarse.

Creative path

Creation interesting texts and music plus excellent vocal abilities and extraordinary appearance gave good chances to success, and Onika, taking the pseudonym Nicki Minaj, began her singing career. Her first three mixtapes were released in 2007, 2008 and 2009, and did not go unnoticed. After the release of her second mixtape, the young singer was awarded music award, and after the third - she was invited to shoot for a popular men's magazine.

But real success was expecting Nicki Minaj after he became interested in her popular rapper Lil Wayne took charge of its promotion. In 2010, Nika's debut album Pink Friday was recorded; its release was preceded by a promotional tour. The success of this album made Nicki Minaj a world-class star - her songs won the top of all kinds of charts. Eight tracks from the Pink Friday disc became worldwide hits and singles were released on them.

Nicki Minaj at a concert

The release of the second album of the newly minted rap star was already eagerly awaited by millions of fans around the world. It was preceded by the release of a promotional single with a provocative video, which was banned from showing in 87 countries. Another promotional single was the song Starships, which confidently won the title of global hit. A clear indicator of Nicki Minaj's success was her performance at the Grammy Awards, as well as the recording of two songs with Madonna for her new album. Finally, on April 2, 2012, the second album was released. In support of it, the singer made two world tours.

Nicki Minaj on the set of the Freedom video

Beyoncé and Nicki Minaj in the Feeling Myself video

Nicki Minaj's third album, The Pinkprint, was released in 2014. Interest in this performer does not fade. Her records are sold all over the world in millions of copies, the best representatives of show business perform duets with her.

Nicki Minaj and Casey on set clip The Boys

Ariana Grande and Nicki Minaj at a concert

In 2013, Nicki Minaj participated as a judge on the television show American Idol. Possessing dramatic talent, the singer acts in films and takes part in dubbing cartoons. She is the only woman to receive the title at the BET Awards best performer hip-hop 7 years in a row.

Personal life

Little is known about Nicki Minaj's personal life. The lack of information about the star’s personal life forces her fans to analyze the lyrics of her songs on this subject, on the basis of which there are unconfirmed rumors that the singer is bisexual.

Rapper Meek Mill and Nicki Minaj

The singer herself spoke about Nicki Minaj’s only novel that became known to the general public on her Instagram. In the spring of 2015, the girl announced her engagement to rapper Meek Mill, but after 3 months this engagement was terminated. Mick attributed the breakup to the excessive demands of the bride, but, judging by the information leaked in the tabloids, the reason was the lack of fidelity of the groom and his inappropriate behavior.

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Onika Tanya Maraj was born on December 8, 1982 into a poor family of an African man and an Indian woman living in Trinidad and Tobago. Long time the baby was raised by her own grandmother, and her parents were looking for work in America. Her mother took five-year-old Onika to New York, where she quickly had to grow up. The father of the future rap star drank, took drugs and beat his wife. Due to problems with her parents, Onika spent days on the street and wrote sad poems while sitting in the car.

The creative talent of the magnificent beauty was revealed in school years: she sang, participated in theatrical productions and played musical instruments. On the Internet you can find many photos of Nicki Minaj before plastic surgery, where she is very young and still in school.

The girl came to the big stage in 2007 thanks to rapper Lil Wayne: after listening to Nicki’s single, he signed a contract with her on his label.

The beauty's album Pink Friday brought her real popularity, and the Super Bass video received 250 million views.

Today Nicki is the richest rap artist. She is the only rap singer invited to the Grammys and caused a sensation with her figure.

Personal life of Nicki Minaj

Nicki Minaj skillfully hides her personal life from prying eyes. The press learned that the hot rapper dated Safaree Samuels for 10 years, who demanded money from her after breaking up. A difficult breakup pushed Nicki to write new songs.

The beauty's heart did not remain free for long: in April 2015, she announced her engagement to Meek Mill on Instagram, and in June she returned the ring to her ex-boyfriend.

And now fans are again wondering who Nicki Minaj's next beau will be.

Nicki Minaj figure

Despite Nicki Minaj's unique vocal abilities, most fans are interested in the beauty's unusual figure.

Nicki Minaj accompanies her fiery songs with a bold twerk - dance with rhythmic movements buttocks. The singer’s amazing body proportions make her one of the most spectacular dancers of this genre.

At concerts while twerking, fans see Nicki Minaj's figure in all its glory, and the 48-centimeter difference between the singer's hips and waist raises a lot of questions. Many people say that curvaceous- successful work of plastic surgeons.

The “queen of rap” herself comments on the rumors simply: “I don’t mind questions. Everything is fine. Washing bones is what people are supposed to do.”

Nicki Minaj: photos before and after surgery

But gossip is not born out of nowhere: fans discovered a difference with old photos. Nicki Minaj before plastic surgery had less impressive sizes of her butt and breasts.

Nicki Minaj's post-surgery photos clearly show the outline of her breast implants.

Plastic surgeons do not rule out that the girl had rhinoplasty: in photographs of Nicki Minaj, after plastic surgery, the tip of her nose became thinner.

Plastic surgeon David Felmar commented scandalous photos from a performance at the Fashion Rocks and iHeartRadio Music festivals and attributed Nicki Minaj’s unnatural curves to lipofillers and implants.

Niki completely denies facial plastic surgery, but remains steadfastly silent about implants that enlarged her buttocks. In turn, representatives of the star do not explain the changes in the photo of Nicki Minaj plastic surgery, and weight gain.