Tarot Lenormand card interpretation. Lenormand cards

Each Lenormand Mystic Oracle card has two images: the main symbol is placed in the center, and above it is an image of a playing card. While you are learning to tell fortunes, focus on the symbols depicted in the center. Later you will learn to understand and interpret the secret meaning of playing cards.

Lenormand fortune telling cards are always interpreted upright and never inverted, because each card initially has several meanings. Thus, the Child card can be interpreted as something new, for example, the birth of a child, the appearance of a young man, a naive view of things, immaturity, excessive gullibility or spontaneity.

Additionally, depending on the question you want answered, each card can represent a person, an object, a way of life, or an action. You will learn to determine each specific meaning based on the question posed once you remember the basic keywords and phrases associated with each card. It is they who will ultimately help you understand the essence of the layout.

For example, the Stork itself means change, and the Moon characterizes work or reputation. If these two cards come up together, then the second one usually describes the first one. Thus, their location in the reading affects the interpretation: Stork + Moon do not mean the same thing as Moon + Stork. If the Stork appears first in a reading, it influences the Moon card, the meaning of which becomes secondary: this combination can be interpreted as impending changes at work - perhaps career advancement. If the Moon appears first, the meaning of the Stork card becomes secondary, and this combination can be interpreted as a change of job or a change in reputation. The next additional card can show in which direction these changes will be - for the better or for the worse.

In the table below, in the “Name” column, the number and name of the Lenormand card, as well as the corresponding playing card, are indicated. The "Near" and "Far" columns indicate temporary values. If your key card is 1-2 cards away from the significator, select the “close” column; if she is at a distance of 3 or more from the significator, look at the “far” column. Also, each playing card has its own meaning to help you associate it with the image.

Name Basic meaning Close Far The meaning of playing cards
1. (9 hearts)News, announcements, mediator, updates, messages. Soon, within a week.For several monthsFulfillment of desire.
2. (6 diamonds)Luck, opportunity, risk, hope, carefree, happiness. Now or right away.Temporary.Multiplication.
3. (10 spades)Traveler, transport, abroad, visionary, navigation, longing. For several months.It's not time yetRunning on the waves.
4. (King of Hearts)Home, hearth, family, hospitality, refuge, shelter, internal. December.Sometimes.Keeps the family hearth.
5. (7 of hearts)Health, environment, peace of mind, nutrition, roots. Now.Very slow, chronic.Health is thriving.
6. (King of Clubs)Confusion, uncertainty, doubt, protecting, hiding, emotional swings, depression, illogical behavior. November.Subject to change.Darkening the mood of the King of Clubs.
7. (Queen of Clubs)Jealousy, temptation, difficulties, alternatives, manipulation, unreliable, envy, unconventional.February.Caprice.He stands his ground firmly.
8. (9 diamonds)Ending, closure, ending, stuck, dead end, illness. Midnight, a few months later.Sooner than you'd like.Mourns what has passed.
9. (Queen of spades)Gifts, rewards, beauty, gratitude, abundance, grace. Spring.Fashion trend.Gives everyone a flower.
10. (Jack of Diamonds)Reaping the benefits, sudden loss, breakup, separation, necessity. Autumn.Very suddenly.Mows everything with a scythe.
11. (Jack of Clubs)Sweeping, cleaning, discussion, quarrels, brushing aside. September.DisagreementsKnight of the Round Table.
12. (7 diamonds)Gossip, fashion, chatter on the street, couple, excitement, topic of conversation. At any moment, now.You can forget.Sings and tweets.
13. (Jack of spades)Child, young man, innocence, naivety, spontaneity, new perspectives, immature, naive. August.Unlikely.Protects the child.
14. (9 clubs)Cunning, deception, vigilance, trick, lie, freedom of action, smart. Noon, a few months later.On the sly, soon.Sneaks through the forest like a fox.
15. (10 clubs)Strength, power, possessive, protective, suppressive, mother. Not very soon.Period 10-20 years.Symbol of strength and power.
16. (6 hearts)Inspiration, vision, guidance, destiny, healing, improvement. At night, very soon.(not forever.Lights the way.
17. (Queen of Hearts)Change, migration, nesting, caring, promotion, adoption. March.Subject to change.Flying to its nest.
18. (10 hearts)Loyalty, trustworthiness, friendship, patience, support. Not soon.Not in the near future.Loyal dogs follow your trail.
19. (6 spades)Inside, institution, ambition, profession, personal interest. In the near future.Difficult to achieve.Crowns the top.
20. (8 spades)Outdoors, countryside, social events, public interest. Next month.Will be cancelled.Resting in the garden.
21. (8 clubs)Obstacles, delays, dead ends, heights, difficult tasks. Next month.Difficult to implement.Climbing the mountain.
22. (Queen of Diamonds)Choice, decision, options, justice, voluntary. April.Go astray.She chooses her own path.
23. (7 clubs)Gradual loss, decrease, stress, debt, illness, poor conditions. Right now, soon.If possible.Eats food.
24. (Jack of Hearts)Love, romance, nobility, emotions, empathy, compassion. October.Subject to change.Protects the heart.
25. (Ace of clubs)Union, contracts, marriage, agreement, bonds, obligations. June.Long period of time.Symbol of unity.
26. (10 diamonds)Knowledge, secrets, information, history, experience, research, learning, education, secret. Suddenly.The wait won't be long.Reads books.
27. (7 spades)Communication, correspondence, documents, forms of written communication, certificate, mail, newspapers. With you soon.Delay.Sent a message.
28. (Ace of Hearts)Man, men's business, friend, lover, partner. July.Indifference.A passionate man.
29. (Ace of spades)Woman, women's business, friend, lover, partner. May.Subject to change.Strong woman.
30. (King of spades)Maturity, harmony, peace, wisdom, passion, intention. Winter.So slow.Protects the world.
31. (Ace of Diamonds)Lighting, happiness, vitality, success, conscious, charisma, day. During the day, every day, in the summer.World events.Daylight.
32. (8 of hearts)Honor, work, creativity, dreams, unconscious, night. At night, at night, next month.Reason for fear.Leads into the night.
33. (8 diamonds)Decisions, revelation, opening and closing, breakthrough, escape, significant. Next month.Access.Key to the door.
34. (King of Diamonds)Money, financial flows, circulation, exchange, income, luxury. January.Circulation or flow.Lots of coins in stock.
35. (9 spades)Security, foundation building, goals, livelihood, good conditions, reliability. At dawn, in the next few months.Unfinished business.A calm haven.
36. (6 clubs)Spirituality, sadness, fate, trials, suffering, crisis, overcoming. Arrives sooner than you would like.Delay.Follows the holy law.

(all suits)
Fortune telling, cards, essentials, truth, esoteric, holistic, evocation of spirits. - - -

Basic meaning. Describes the properties and capabilities of each fortune-telling card in the layout.

Keywords. This is a list of words from which you can choose the most suitable ones for interpretation in the layout.

People. People, occupations, or character traits associated with this card.

Love. Aspects related to love, romance and relationships between people.

Job. Aspects related to work and service.

Finance and business. Aspects related to money, cash flows, and exchanges and trading transactions.

Well-being. Characteristics of your general condition (physical, mental, psychological and spiritual), health and lifestyle.

Comparison. A list of cards whose main meanings are closely related; it is provided for comparison to help you interpret more accurately.

Playing card. The main meaning of the corresponding playing card, indicating the number of points for calculating the final parting words.

Connection with myths and legends. Reflection of basic meaning in folklore, myths and legends.

Combination with other Lenormand cards. When one card falls in front of another in a layout, together they form a combination. The description of each card indicates the meanings of several combinations so that you have an idea of ​​​​how to interpret them yourself. There is no complete list of combinations, otherwise you will constantly be guided by someone else's interpretation and will not learn to think for yourself. When reading the layouts, you will encounter various combinations; try to analyze them in each specific context of the question for the person you are telling fortunes to.

Each card from Madame Lenormand's oracle contains 2 images, in the Big Lenormand deck there are 6 of them, this is a very complex deck that requires knowledge in several related areas, for example, astrology, numerology, geomancy, the language of flowers Selam, as well as knowledge of the mythology of Ancient Greece. In the Small Deck there are two images: the main picture, which is interpreted intuitively easily and is close in its meaning to the dream book, as well as a playing card - it is usually located on the side or top in the center - this part of the card is more difficult to interpret and for beginners it is recommended to guess, focusing on the main symbol. Later, with accumulated experience, you will be able to interpret the meanings of gypsy cards.

Traditionally, Lenormand cards are interpreted in an upright position, because Each card has several meanings at once, for example, the Child card can be a signifier of a child, indicate something new, excessive gullibility and naivety, inexperience, the birth of a child.

There are also bad-good-neutral cards in the deck, in addition, the cards are read in a special way, we will talk about this in more detail later: in pairs and triads, which also greatly expands the meaning of one card and does not require their inverted position. Depending on the Querent's question, each card can represent the person himself, some action, emotion, object or way of life. You can easily determine each specific meaning in a separate case when you study the basic meanings of the Lenormand cards. It is the key words that will help you understand the essence of the layout in relation to the question posed.

For example, the Garden card itself means public fame or collective initiative, and the Child means simplicity. The combination of the Garden and Child cards means: some social initiative will prevail due to its simplicity. This is not the same as Child and Garden, because if 2 cards fell together, then the second card describes the first, it characterizes the first card, its value becomes auxiliary to the main value. The location of the Lenormand cards in the layout greatly influences their interpretation. The Horseman and the Fox are false information or a cunning courier; and the Fox and the Horseman are a talkative deceiver, talking with his teeth, an agile criminal. The card that comes out first influences the next card, its meaning is secondary and more as an adjective or definition. The next additional map expands on this story, but also within the framework of the first map!

"Horseman and Fox" and "Fox and Horseman" - Not the same thing

  • Keywords - a list of words from which you can choose the most suitable ones for interpreting the meaning of the card in the layout.
  • Map description – description of the image on the map, taking into account the nuances.
  • Symbolism is the key symbolism of the card, it allows you to understand where the meaning and interpretation came from, because the images are archetypal and, in principle, easy to read.
  • Characteristics - at this point the connection of Lenormand cards with astrology, elements, organs in the body, dates and time frames, professions according to Lenormand cards, as well as an advice card, a warning card and a day card.
  • Character – the person under this card; people, occupation, main features.
  • The main value is a key block, because it reflects all the main aspects of interpreting the meanings of Lenormand cards. We compare cards whose main meanings are closely related, so that you can more accurately interpret their meanings and not get confused at first.
  • Negative value (Shadow of the card) – every card, even the best one in terms of its values, has a negative side, for example, from an overabundance of quality, this point is also worth taking into account. When a positive card is a description of a negative one.
  • Issues of personal relationships - the most popular topic for fortune telling is love and relationships. We tell you what the meaning of Lenormand cards is in fortune telling for love.
  • Issues of business and finance - the second most popular topic for fortune telling is work and money. We tell you how each card describes a given area of ​​life.
  • Medical issues - the main areas of health that each card describes are touched upon
  • Personality Map - questions are often asked about third parties, this description will help you characterize the person in general terms.
  • Interpretation of the card in the layout - we reveal the nuances of practical work.

Combinations with all cards from the Lenormand deck - gives clues to how you can independently compose interpretations by summing up the meanings of two cards. Combinations are presented here, but, naturally, not a complete list of all possible options, but only an example of how you can read the cards together. Essentially, it’s like adding syllables or assembling sentences from a given noun, verb, adjective, definition, pronoun. When reading the layouts, you will come across various combinations that form Lenormand pairs and triads; they must always be analyzed individually and in the context of the question asked.

Seeing playing cards in a dream foretells greedy but stupid actions at a loss.

A deck of cards scattered in disarray on the table suggests that you will soon find yourself in a motley society with people of a wide variety of activities and interests.

A dream in which you play cards just for fun is a sign of the fulfillment of your plans and aspirations, for which a very convenient opportunity will present itself.

It’s a different matter if the game is for money and big time - such a dream portends a serious illness and significant difficulties in life.

Winning at cards in a dream means that you will be glad to be invited to a house where you have long dreamed of going. Losing means disappointment in love and friends, as well as failure in business and the machinations of enemies.

If the one you root for and worry about while watching the game from the side wins, then you will be able to avoid the great responsibility that they will try to put on you; if your friend loses, then in reality you will have a disagreement with him due to mutual fault, but not for long.

If in a dream your friend clearly cheats when playing cards, it means that in real life you will have the opportunity to doubt his honesty and decency. If you are caught cheating, in reality this foreshadows a waste of time and money.

Shuffling cards in a dream means trouble; counting cards in a deck means you will find success. Marked cards mean anxiety and injury. A sealed deck means complete uncertainty ahead; opening it means you will suffer a loss due to deception or forgery.

Showing card tricks in a dream means you will please your family by delighting them with something unusual.

Build houses of cards - in reality you will receive good news, which will turn out to be premature and false rumors. Playing cards in a gambling house or in a respectable club means prosperity, ensured by constant risk. Playing with a card sharper means being deceived in real life. Losing all your cash to a sharper means experiencing unfair oppression. A dream in which, while playing, you have all the cards in your hands of the same suit of spades, means that, being too carried away by entertainment to the detriment of business, you will waste your strength and abilities completely in vain.

If the spades are trump cards, you will have extraordinary luck in the most risky business. The suit of diamonds in a dream foreshadows the receipt of money, the suit of hearts - you will survive a love adventure, the suit of clubs - a profitable enterprise will bring unexpectedly large incomes. Ace in hand - in reality you will be lucky in any game.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation alphabetically

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Marie Anne Adelaide Lenormand (Le Normand or Lenormand) was born on May 27, 1772 in Alençon, a small town fifty leagues from Paris. Her father was a wealthy textile merchant. Even in the boarding school of the Benedictine monastery, where her father sent her, she became famous for her successful predictions: for example, the boss, whom little Maria predicted that she would not have long to stay in the monastery, was indeed soon transferred to another place.

With the death of their father, the family's wealth ended, and the Lenormands moved to Paris. There she first worked as a saleswoman, but soon her unusual talent in fortune-telling manifested itself and in 1790, together with a friend, she opened her own “salon” on the Rue de Tournon, in which she predicted the fate of willing ladies and gentlemen using cards, astrology and other methods.

Very soon, Mademoiselle Lenormand's salon gained enormous popularity. All the “light” of the then revolutionary Paris was in it. In 1793, the salon was visited by Marat, Saint-Just and Robespierre. She predicted violent death for all three. And so it happened: Jean-Paul Marat was mortally wounded by Charlotte Corday a few months later, and the other two were arrested and executed a year later.

But the greatest fame, of course, was brought to Marie Lenormand by her friendship with Josephine Beauharnais, the wife of the young General Bonaparte. At the first meeting, the fortune teller predicted a crown for her. Neither Josephine nor Napoleon himself believed the fortune teller at the time, but less than ten years had passed before the fortune-telling came true. Having come to power, Napoleon did not forget the lucky soothsayer: he presented her with a million francs, and she became the personal fortune teller of Empress Josephine. And she predicted not only a divorce from Napoleon, but even the defeat of the French army in Russia.

The cards that Maria Lenormand used for fortune telling were the most ordinary. Only she had her own interpretation, largely based on the rules of fortune telling introduced by Eteilla. After her death (1843), no special cards, much less notes about fortune-telling, survived, although Lenormand wrote a lot.

The most successful reconstruction of Maria Lenormand's system was undertaken by the Flemish fortune teller Erna Drusbeke. Erna Drusbeke van Enge was born in 1952 in Antwerp, into a Belgian-Dutch family. She is an artist, and has drawn various maps herself since childhood. She owns a divination system (and deck) called the Isis Tarot. Having become interested in the history of Maria Lenormand, Erna Drusbeke, who herself has quite good occult abilities, tried to restore her divination system from the memoirs of her contemporaries.

When fortune telling, Erna Drusbeke does not take into account the upright and inverted positions of the cards. To facilitate the work of intuition, Erna Drusbeke provided 36 cards of an ordinary French deck with symbolic drawings, the interpretation of which is not difficult: it is clear that the sun means joy, warmth and light, the ring means marriage, and the cross means suffering.

To interpret any card, it is also important which cards surround it. Thus, the relatively neutral card “Clover”, meaning expectation or hope, in combination with “Clouds”, “Mountain” and “Snake” foreshadows trouble, and with “Garden”, “Pisces” or “Bouquet” - success and good luck.

To get acquainted with the fortune-telling system of Maria Lenormand, we offer you several options for online fortune-telling, developed for these cards.

Often, when fortune telling using Lenormand cards, the need arises to determine the time of the predicted event, to find out when it will happen? Methods for determining time on Lenormand cards can be different; they depend on what period of time was guessed at the beginning of the layout. In the scenario for the future, when events occur within a year or even several years, Kotelnikova’s method, which is called the method of astrological correspondences, will suit you.

First of all, you need to make a basic layout to find out what event will happen. If you need to clarify the time of the expected event, the time period when exactly it will occur, you can use this method of determining time in addition to the main layout. Once you know that an event is about to happen, you can predict the time period fairly accurately. There are several ways to obtain a map indicating Lenormand time, which will indicate when an event will occur.

The easiest way to determine time in Lenormand cards is one card at a time. You take one card from the deck and look at the temporary value of the Lenormand card according to table No. 1.

Time on Lenormand cards can be determined through, by laying out only four cards in the usual way: three cards in one row - “Past”, “Present” and “Future”, but the last fourth card is not interpreted as “Advice”, but is interpreted as indication of time. The first three cards are not considered.

Interpretation of Lenormand cards in love scenarios

With the help of the interpretation of Lenormand cards, you can get answers to various everyday questions in layouts. Lenormand cards in this case acquire a meaning close to their main one, but with a specific bias. Thus, the interpretation of the meaning of Lenormand cards in love layouts acquires meaning with a love addition that reveals the relationship in a love couple. This interpretation of Lenormand cards will help in interpreting love scenarios.

Basic interpretation of the cards on the page

Card No. 1. Horseman - The beginning of a new relationship, a new union, a new love, an emotional outburst and an outbreak of passion. Dating via the Internet, telephone conversations, good communication. Receiving news from a loved one, increasing warmth and sensuality.

May mean a man. If you are in a quarrel or have broken up with a loved one, card No. 1. The Horseman may hint at the return of a loved one or at reconciliation.

Meaning next to card No. 24. Heart - receiving important information that you will take to heart. Neighboring cards will help you find out whether it will be good or bad.

36.Cross. Suffering. Trial. The Cross card appears to make it clear that this life lesson must be passed, no matter how difficult it may be. The cross represents a set of responsibilities and a set of values. You are facing a difficult trial. A bad card, meaning: everyone has their own cross, their own misfortune or problem, a sad fate that has already arisen or through which they still have to go. It means adversity, suffering and deprivation that we patiently endure in the name of higher goals. Severe suffering and a difficult fate that must be accepted or challenged. Karma card. Purification through pain.

In business matters. In business, this card does not bode well. Things will go badly and you will suffer major losses and losses. Trying to revive an old business will not help; it’s easier to burn all bridges and start all over again.

The attitude of your loved one towards you. A test of love's strength. There may be misunderstanding, coldness and dissatisfaction with your young man. There is still a possibility that he will make efforts to normalize relations. You should jointly try to solve your problems or perceive your path as it is.

Card advice: If you do not perceive difficulties and burdens as punishment, but look for new solutions, then it will not be so difficult. Bear your cross with dignity or resolutely put an end to it.

35.Anchor. Stability. Reliability. Safety. Security. The Anchor card is a symbol of hope and a guarantee of safety. Your relationships with others are built on the basis of trust, loyalty and friendship. You will find peace and security with your family or close to a loved one. You will reach your goal. Next to unfavorable cards it can speak of instability and inconstancy of beliefs and warn against excessive stupid persistence, which can ruin everything.

In business matters. Stability. A strong enterprise, reliable management, solid foundations, good material resources, trust of employees. The strength and constancy of human relationships is the basis of well-being. All your actions will be very effective, and your plans will come true in the near future.

The attitude of your loved one towards you. Love. Loyalty and hope. Your lover's feelings for you are stable and constant; nothing can destroy his love and devotion. The Anchor card guarantees the reliability and security of your relationships, a solid foundation in the present and a prosperous future.

Card tip: It's time to drop anchor, stop. Let the whole world shake, but a calm haven awaits you in your inn.

34. Pisces. Catch. Wealth. Well-being. A well-deserved award. The Pisces card is a symbol of good luck, prosperity, prosperity, wealth, both in the physical and spiritual sense. Success in all enterprises, successful completion of the work started. If you use the opportunities provided, your hopes and plans will come true, you will receive a reward, everything you wanted and even more. Fish is a symbol of water, life, fertility, health, wealth, material wealth. Next to bad cards it warns that your plans are utopian, or you trusted the wrong people.

The attitude of your loved one towards you. Catch. Success. Your lover sees being with you as a reward and loves you more than you think. You are dear to him, his feelings are deep. With him you feel like a fish in water. But material calculation and increased attention to physical benefits are not excluded.

Card tip: In big water there are big fish. Make big plans, take advantage of opportunities, the catch will exceed your expectations.