Play-Doh modeling kit City "Ice Cream Truck" B3417. Ice cream truck Play Doh play set Ice cream truck play doh

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Play-Doh modeling kit: city, ice cream truck play set B3417 will open up additional opportunities for combining creativity and play. You can buy it for boys and girls. Colorful plastic masses will captivate children and adults to form unique ice cream figures.

Non-standard methods of using molding compounds

The kit develops creativity, fine motor skills, and imagination of the child. The play form allows you to more effectively teach your child basic colors and introduce new modeling techniques using forms.

Advantages of the truck

Using the original Play-Doh Ice Cream Truck, your child will be able to independently make masterpieces on a stick, fill a plastic cup with the mixture, and decorate it with additional elements. The kit is characterized by:

  • The molding mass becomes quite hard after drying; the figurine created by a child can be preserved for a long time.
  • Accidental ingestion of plasticine will not harm the baby. The composition of the mass is natural, hypoallergenic food ingredients.
  • Once the plasticine is soaked in water, it can be reused.

High-quality components and safety for children justify the price of the set.


Play Doh "Ice Cream Truck" game set, figure and accessories for the production of this delicious delicacy.

The modeling mass is incredibly plastic, does not stick to your hands and has a very pleasant color. Time will fly by with such creativity. And the kids will really enjoy treating everyone to ice cream. The process of making the delicacy is extremely simple - you need to put the plasticine in a press and press. It turns out very believable and aesthetically pleasing!


  • Using the horn and head of the figure in the Play Do “Ice Cream Truck” set, you can create a breathtaking spiral hairstyle
  • Ice cream maker leg stamps are needed to make money and bow ties
  • A giant dessert on a stick can be made using a pop-up mold.
  • The truck is equipped with molds for creating jewelry


  • Play Doh jars
  • ice cream truck
  • figurine of a salesman in a branded hat
  • popsicle mold
  • removable molding press
  • two horns
  • two sticks


  • plasticine set Play Doh ice cream truck is designed for children from 3 years old
  • composition - plastic, plasticine
  • country of manufacture of Hasbro toy art. B3417 - China

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