Where to get the first subscribers for a VKontakte group. How to promote a VKontakte group yourself

It has long been no secret that VKontakte users are much more willing to join groups with a large number of participants than very young groups where there are still few participants. It has long been noticed, and this is a fact, that people are added to a group with a small number of participants less often than to an already promoted and active group.

But it turns out to be a kind of vicious circle - in order for people to be more willing to join your group, you need to have at least 500 participants in it. But in order for the group to grow to the first 500 who joined, you need to actively invite new members to it, but they don’t go very well to a young group willingly...

So what if you just recently created your own VKontakte group to sell handmade products? How to recruit the first 500 participants as quickly as possible? After all, in order for potential buyers to be willingly added to a group, it should not be empty and small in number.

The question arises - where then to get these first participants “for the sake of numbers”, so that the group looks more serious and lively, so that there is a greater chance that the target audience we need will be added to the group more often.

Previously, for these purposes, offers were actively brought into the group (this is a little better than bots) from special resources. And it worked quite well - the VKontakte administration, to put it mildly, turned a blind eye to it. Now, offers (and even more so bots) are severely punished - there is a huge risk that the group will be banned forever, without the possibility of recovery.

That is why the first people “for the sake of quantity” must be invited exclusively by legal methods, without the help of dubious services a la “I will invite so many participants to the group for so many rubles.”

So, the two most reliable and effective ways to recruit the first 500 participants

Method 1.
The best option, in my opinion, for a handicraft group is at the first stage to invite into your group the same needlewomen who also need to add participants to their group. That is, you invite needlewomen to your group, and also add yourself to their group. This is the kind of mutual support that results.

Firstly, there are now several mutual aid groups for needlewomen. Secondly, there are now a huge number of handicraft online conferences and seminars, where you can get to know each other and invite people to groups. Some needlewomen receive up to 200-300 new participants in the group for one such event.

Here are some links where you can get new members for the group:
1. https://vk.com/topic-91421638_31906984
2. https://vk.com/topic-46422055_32936952
3. https://vk.com/topic-67929513_29889856

The thought may arise: why invite needlewomen to the group, after all, these are competitors? 🙂
But in fact, according to my research survey , in which over 800 needlewomen took part, 75% of needlewomen buy the work of other needlewomen, i.e. are each other's target audience.

Method 2.
As soon as the number of participants in your group exceeds at least 200, you can use another cool way to attract new people. This is the holding of so-called “sweets” - a drawing of one or more gifts among those participants who fulfill your conditions. Most often, these conditions are as follows: join a group and repost (click the “tell friends” button) a certain entry from your group.

No matter what anyone says, holding “candy” is a very powerful tool for promoting a group! If the “candy” is organized correctly, taking into account all the important nuances, then it can give you very cool results! For example, once a gift draw organized by me personally brought over 800 new participants to a handicraft group in 12 days.

Or here’s another more recent one.
This summer, one of the participants in the closed club “We make money with handicrafts” is the co-founder of the project

5 votes

Good day, dear readers of my blog. A well-promoted VKontakte group can bring in from 1,000 rubles per day if you are its owner. If you work for a customer and run a community for business, then you will receive at least 10,000 rubles per month for this. And that is not all.

Entrepreneurs often need consultants who will teach the current administrator to work “correctly”, help through the group to create the right opinion among the audience and present the business in a favorable light. Such a consultation costs from 2,000 rubles per visit.

You can get this kind of money if you know how to get a lot of VKontakte subscribers. This is what we will talk about today.

His Majesty, content

The most important thing that a novice group administrator needs to understand is everything! Everything is built on it. You will never be able to get 1000 live subscribers if you publish garbage.

It is thanks to posts that you gather an audience, influence it, motivate it to be active, and create an opinion about the enterprise (if it is a business community).

Frankly, you need to invest in promoting VKontakte. But there’s no point in spending money on likes or reposts from bots whose friends are nothing but dead souls.

All this is called targeting, but the settings in it need to be made in detail. It's a little complicated, but effective and profitable. If you want to spend only 100 rubles a month on advertising, please do so. You liked the method and if you want to increase the amount, it’s up to you.

I don’t know when I’ll get around to writing an article about target. It is quite complex and will be very long. There is a lot of information. Subscribe to the newsletter and I will email you information that the publication has been published. By subscribing, you will also begin to learn about other new articles about making money from my blog.

Well, if you don’t want to wait and want to quickly learn and start applying your knowledge in practice, then I can recommend the course “Powerful flow of clients from VKontakte. Targeted advertising from A to Z" . There are free demo lessons and the opportunity to purchase the full version of the course.

Well, that's all, now you know a little more. I wish you success in your endeavors.

The social network Vkontakte has a huge number of groups and communities on a variety of topics: cars, beauty and health, music and TV and many others. Anyone can find a cozy corner on a social network and start communicating with like-minded people. In addition to a pleasant pastime, VKontakte communities bring some income to their owners (paid advertising, sales of goods). Therefore, the question of how to gain subscribers in a VK group is so relevant among users.

As you know, those communities with the most participants get to the top of the search. And if you are ready to pay money to add the missing people to the group, then here is a small selection of good promotion services:

    Avi1 is an excellent resource where you can order subscribers to a VK group at a price starting from 19 rubles. Further, depending on your wishes and needs, you can choose a more expensive service, provided faster and with better quality. In addition, the site has feedback and you can leave your review about the services and read those already posted to make the right decision;

    addmefast.com- a site with which you can increase counters in almost all social networks. Here you won’t be able to simply pay money and get the desired indicators; you will have to create a task (in our case, join a group) that will be completed by users from all over the planet. This site is international, which means all prices here will be in USD;

    Prtut is an online service where you can order subscribers for a VK group without registration. Prices are quite affordable and start from 32 rubles per hundred subscribers. Surely, you are looking not only for how to quickly gain subscribers to a VK group, but also how to do it efficiently and safely, so this service will fully meet all expectations;

    Putliker.com- another service that can be called a long-liver among similar sites. The price tag there is not the lowest, but excellent quality is guaranteed. But the service still has one drawback - registration is required in order to place an order;

    DoctorSmm is a well-known service where you can get subscribers to a VK group inexpensively and quickly. This site has its own extensive database of accounts, due to which their promotion is considered very natural and it is almost impossible to get banned after their services;

    Kwork.ru- an online resource with freelance services. Here you can find people who will be willing to attract users to your group for money. Each performer has his own rating and reviews of working with him. The price tag is the same for everyone and starts from 500 rubles.

Of course, when asking “How to recruit subscribers to a VKontakte group,” any search engine will return hundreds, if not thousands, of similar sites. But we have described those services that have been popular for years and have a good reputation among users.

It’s not at all difficult to promote a group if you have any budget for it. It is much more difficult to attract users to your community without professional help, relying only on your knowledge and strength.

Recruiting subscribers to a VK group for free is not an easy task, but it can be solved if you know some tricks and secrets. The main thing is that after this the group does not fall under filtration and all the work is not in vain. Therefore, in this article we will talk about the safest ways to attract audiences to the community:

    The first option is free advertising in other groups. In order to recruit subscribers to a group on VKontakte without resorting to paid services, you need to find communities where you can post posts on the wall without hindrance. This way you can easily attract an audience to your group absolutely free of charge;

    The second option is mutual advertising with other communities. To do this, you will need to select groups that are close to yours in terms of promotion and offer to advertise each other on a disinterested basis. The main thing is that the other group somehow overlaps with yours in terms of topics, so that the target audience is added to you. Otherwise, users simply won’t want to join;

    The third option is to work on the name and design. If your group has the correct name, which exactly matches the most common search query, then it will appear in the search results. This way the group will attract the attention of some users and if the content is interesting, they will want to join;

    The fourth option is to invite friends, acquaintances and subscribers yourself. To do this, you need to be patient and send out an offer to join your new community. This is another way to recruit subscribers to a VKontakte group for free;

    Fifth option - increase activity in your group. Competitions with some nice gift for the winner are great for this. The main thing is that the reward is not too expensive for you, otherwise this method of attraction will no longer be free;

    The sixth option is to spam with links to the group. In other words, spread information about the group to all corners of the Internet. For example, if a group is about sewing toys to order, then you can find dozens of forums for young mothers and advertise your community there. The main thing is to do this not intrusively, so that the links are not removed by moderators.

These were the main six ways to recruit subscribers to a VK group for free that actually work. Add paid promotion methods to everything else and the community will reach the top much faster than even you expect.

There is not a single owner of a group on VKontakte who does not dream of bringing his brainchild to the top of the search. We can say that getting to the top is the ultimate goal of any user who has created his own community. In addition to how to gain subscribers in a VK group, you need to do some more manipulations and steps that will bring you closer to your goal and raise the community in search:

    Let's start with the fact that the main factor that will affect the position of the group is its name. And already at this stage, most people make the mistake of calling the community their personal brand, which is unknown to anyone. Let's take for example a group that offers handmade jewelry, and the creator of this beauty decided to name his company after “Dragonfly”. He also gives an appropriate name to the group in which he offers his jewelry, and what a surprise he will be when the community does not appear in the search at all, since users will not look for a group with this specific name. It’s another matter if in such a situation you give your community the name “Handmade Jewelry to Order” and then the group gets into the search and then it remains to gain an audience;

    To bring a group to the top of Yandex or Google searches, you should take care of its optimal description. To do this, use the Wordstat service from Yandex and look for key queries on your topic. Next, taking them into account, compose a short text that will need to be added to the description;

    Next, start filling out the content. You need to understand that it is impossible to recruit subscribers to a VKontakte group without interesting information presented in the community. New entries should appear at least 3-4 times, which will be unique and vibrant. Nothing prevents you from using auto-posting services so that content is uploaded regularly without your direct participation.

    Well, as we said above, do not forget to regularly hold repost competitions so that a sea of ​​users will know about your group. By attracting people to the community, you bring it closer to the leading positions in the search.

Now you know not only how to gain subscribers in a VK group, but also what actions need to be taken in order for the community to reach the top of the social network itself and search engines.

We've released a new book, Social Media Content Marketing: How to Get Inside Your Followers' Heads and Make Them Fall in Love with Your Brand.

Social networks are a fairly easy and effective way to promote your own brand, create entertainment or informational content, with the possibility of selling advertising in paid posts. And the larger and more active the group’s audience, the more effective the online activities will be.
Over the past few years, social media advertising has become one of the most popular types of business. This is due, first of all, to the development of social platforms in general, and VKontakte in particular.

By recruiting subscribers to a VKontakte group by purchasing advertising or self-promotion, a person can achieve their goal in a short time, be it popularizing their own brand/business online, or the opportunity to share their ideas and creativity with the masses of people.

When recruiting paid subscribers, you need to treat this process with special care, since cooperation with promotion services can lead to sanctions from the administration of the social network. In particular, you can get not only a temporary ban, but also a block without the possibility of restoring the group.

It is VKontakte that is known as a social network that blocks communities for violating the rules without the opportunity to justify themselves and in any way mitigate the punishment. This can happen for various reasons: frequent user complaints, a large number of bots instead of active subscribers. The bulk of blocking occurs on “young” public pages that use third-party services to increase subscribers, likes, and comments.

For what purposes is it necessary to recruit subscribers to a VK group?

As noted above, the number of subscribers is one of the main indicators of popularity on the Internet. The larger the group's audience, the more expensive advertising is sold. For example, if the community belongs to an online store and is constantly updated with new, original and, most importantly, relevant content, its sales will increase significantly. If you create bots (accounts automatically created by a computer), you will not be able to improve the statistics of not only the online store, but also the group itself, since the bots are completely inactive.

The main ways to recruit subscribers to a VKontakte group

Cheat. When wondering how to get a sufficient number of subscribers to a VKontakte group, the first thing that comes to mind is to use third-party services. And this is logical, because the Internet is full of advertising, and even bloggers with a large audience often advertise similar methods of online promotion. This includes brute force accounts, cheating of bots and offers.

  1. Brute is a subscription to a group from hacked user accounts who, as a rule, have not visited their pages for a long time. Hacking is carried out using automatic password search.
  2. Bots also refer to inactive profiles that are created automatically using special programs. Just like brutes, they are blocked quite quickly, since they are used for mass subscriptions to various groups.
  3. Offers are real people with accounts. For a certain monetary reward, they join the community and perform some targeted actions: comment on posts, share material, put “Like” marks. Offers allow you to attract a large number of subscribers to a group in the shortest possible time and a relatively small budget. The most important thing here is that they all have real pages (although often fake). Subscribers are purchased on special exchanges. The average cost of a thousand subscribers is approximately 500 rubles.

These methods of raising your audience have absolutely no practical use, except for the counter: only the number of subscribers increases. Over time, accounts, be they brutes, bots or offers, are blocked for excessive activity, and the community is filled with dogs, that is, deleted profiles. In addition, artificially filling a group also usually leads to its blocking.

Inviting. The easiest way to provide a community with several dozen or hundreds of subscribers is to send out invitations to your friends and ask them to do the same with their friends list.

You can only send invitations to friends. In other words, wanting to promote a group, a person can add other people as friends and immediately invite them to subscribe to the group. According to the rules of the social network, you can send friend requests up to 50 times daily and make no more than 40 invites.

Despite the safety, this method fills the group rather slowly, considering that out of the total number of invitations sent, no more than 30% will receive a response. There are also offers for paid inviting on special platforms. But such services, as a rule, are offered mainly under bot subscriptions.

Targeted advertising. This method is offered by the social network itself. However, to do this, you need to conduct research on your target audience, choose an ad format, select interesting illustrations and write an attractive headline. The customer of the service pays for the result - clicks or displays of ads to users. To ensure that your advertising campaign budget is not wasted, you should pay special attention to setting up targeted advertising.

Paid advertising in groups. This is another effective, but rather risky way to promote your own VKontakte group. Its meaning is that by choosing and placing advertisements in thematic groups created from one’s own materials (here you can use text, pictures, audio and video recordings), a person receives truly interested users who will subscribe and, if there is interesting material, will be active .

You can order advertising in thematic groups in several ways: contact directly the administrator of the community of interest, order the service on the official social network exchange, or by contacting third-party sites. The cost of the service depends on the popularity and statistics of the group in which the advertising post is placed. When choosing a community, you should pay attention not only to similar topics, but also to the behavior of the audience: likes, reposts, comments. Moreover, if this group earned its popularity through promotion, buying advertising will be useless and will not bring an influx of audience.

How to recruit subscribers to a VKontakte group for free

To attract an audience without investing money or running an advertising campaign, you need to be patient and creative. This is necessary so that the target audience finds the community interesting and useful for themselves.

Often, group administrators use the most interesting published post for this - they pin it at the top of the initial page, so that when people visit the group, they start getting acquainted with the group from it. In addition to entertaining or informational content, such a post could be in the form of a giveaway designed to motivate people to subscribe with the opportunity to win something. In addition, free methods of promoting a VKontakte group include:

  • Using services to increase subscribers.
  • Optimizing the group by publishing content.
  • Sending invitations to friends to join the community.
  • Mutual PR with other thematic groups.

Among the free promotion services we can mention: Vktarget, Bosslike and Olike. These are the most popular services for getting subscribers to the VKontakte group. However, you should not hope that increasing the number of subscribers in this way will lead to the desired result (quantity and quality are not the same thing here).

Using promotion services is quite easy: just register, create a task form indicating the group address and the required number of subscribers. It is worth noting that you cannot create a stable subscriber base this way. As a rule, these exchanges use fake accounts, which, due to excessive activity (subscriptions to communities, likes, etc.) are very quickly blocked by the administration of the social network.

Activity does not depend on the number of subscribers. Even with a hundred living people interested in the topic of the community, subscribers will comment on posts much more, mark “Like” and share news than a thousand unnaturally recruited bots.

Typically, people look for groups on social networks where they have the opportunity to interact with people with similar interests. Therefore, in order to gain many VK subscribers, it is important to optimize the name of the group, select effective keywords for search engines to rank the community on the first pages of search results.

How to attract subscribers to a VKontakte group for money

Free methods of recruiting subscribers to a community cannot always guarantee one hundred percent success (however, like paid ones). If a person is willing to pay to increase his audience, he should choose the safest and most effective tools, including:

  • Contextual advertising.
  • Special services for promotion (which were already mentioned above).
  • SMM specialists (freelancers).

The last point – freelancing – allows you to hire a professional and, within a set period of time, without wasting your own effort, get the desired result. Here it is only important to discuss in advance which methods of attracting subscribers are allowed and which are prohibited due to their ineffectiveness and the possibility of getting the group blocked.

In particular, it is recommended to avoid paid services such as VkLike, TurboLiker, promotion of groups on VKontakte.rf, etc. Such services work approximately according to the same scenario: people, wanting to promote pages on social networks, perform various tasks (subscription, comment, etc. .) in order to earn points and use them to promote your own projects for free.

They are not interested in community content. And when, after some time, such accounts are blocked due to excessive activity, they are not restored, as a result of which they remain in subscriptions in the form of a dog (deleted account) and spoil the public statistics. That is why, when blocked users are detected among the group’s subscribers, they must be deleted immediately, since they significantly reduce the group’s position, and saving them for the number of subscriptions is a rather useless exercise.