Dream interpretation of ice skating. Why do you dream about skates? What does a dream about Skates mean?

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Why do you dream about Skates in a dream according to 14 dream books?

Below you can find out for free the interpretation of the “Skates” symbol from 14 online dream books. If you do not find the desired interpretation on this page, use the search form in all dream books on our site. You can also order a personal interpretation of your dream by an expert.

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Why do you dream about Skates in a dream?

Skates - you will have to run away from someone in winter.

Modern dream book

Find out what it means if you dream about Skates?

If you dreamed that you were good at skating, performing at figure skating competitions- in life you will be smart and achieve great success in some important matter.

If you skated very awkwardly and constantly fell- you will take on a complex, responsible task, but you will not be able to complete it, because... you do not have enough knowledge and skills for this.

Dream book of the 21st century

Why did you dream about Skates in a dream?

Ice skating in a dream- means that a very risky business or enterprise awaits you, and in order to succeed, you will have to act very quickly and clearly respond to unexpected changes in circumstances.

Watching figure skating in a dream- a sign that a good period has come for rest, to train - to pleasant work for you, participate in competitions- to success and recognition.

Dream book for lovers

If in a dream you are skating- in reality, expect separation from your loved one.

If you dream of children roller skating- this means that you will be happy to sacrifice everything for the sake of your loved one.

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima

Skates are a symbol of unjustified risk. Most often, this image means a risky, but, by and large, useless business.

If you fall while skating- the dream urges you not to take unnecessary risks, especially for the sake of trifles, otherwise it can lead to serious troubles.

Dream interpretation of birthday people of September, October, November, December

To dream about how quickly you skate- to problems of the musculoskeletal system.

Dream interpretation of birthday people in May, June, July, August

Seeing skates in a dream and riding them- to avoid problems.

Dream interpretation of birthday people of January, February, March, April

Seeing skates means getting ready quickly.

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

Why see Skates in a dream?

If in a dream you see yourself skating at a skating rink- in reality, you are facing an unstable position at work due to the upcoming layoff.

Ice skating on an icy river or pond- predicts that, having relied on your friend in a serious matter, you will discover that he is not obligatory, which will cause a serious quarrel between you.

Sharpening skates in a dream- in reality you will hear vile gossip about yourself. Skate on stupid skates and constantly fall- to discord with business partners.

Roller Skates- portend the opportunity to take part in a fun picnic with friends, because at the last moment you will feel very unwell.

Dream Book of the Wanderer

Interpretation of the dream: Skates according to the dream book?

Skating is fun; good progress.

Dream Interpretation of Fedorovskaya

If you dreamed that you were ice skating- you will be sad for the next few days.

Buying skates means that you will soon make a mistake, and then you will regret it.

You sold skates- soon you will have to reconcile with an ancient enemy.

You dreamed that you were sharpening your skates- you will become a participant in a major scandal.

Freud's Dream Book

Skates are a symbol of the male genital organs.

Skating- symbolizes sexual intercourse.

Dull or rusty skates- symbolize the decline of sexual activity or even impotence.

Online dream book

Meaning of sleep: Skates according to the dream book?

Why do you dream about skates?- the cold will come, and you will need to hide from someone.

More interpretations

Ride them like a master- your intelligence will help you achieve significant heights.

You can't stand them- you have set the bar too high for yourself, take the initiative and will not be able to finish the job you started due to your own incompetence.

I dreamed about how you learned to skate- you will be busy with what you like.

You won a competition in this sport- you will achieve significant results and universal respect.

If these are videos, you won’t be able to have fun with your friends due to your deteriorating health.

Buying skates in a dream- make a mistake that will greatly annoy you.

Selling them means renewing friendly relations with the enemy.

Skating on ice- you will have to look for a new place of work. Or you will lose your former guidelines in life.

Video: Why do you dream about Skates?

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Did you dream about Skates, but the required interpretation of the dream is not in the dream book?

Our experts will help you find out why you dream about Skates in a dream, just write your dream in the form below and they will explain to you what it means if you saw this symbol in a dream. Try it!

    At first I skated very well, but then it became difficult, my legs were almost turned inside out. I got home and took them off, turned them over, and there the sole was not with a blade like usual on skates, but with round spikes. I was surprised and thought, that’s why I didn’t fall. In general, the dream was difficult and I don’t remember everything. I was driving somewhere on ice, somewhere on snow, somewhere on asphalt and it was very difficult for me in the end.

    I saw in a dream how I gave skates to a woman who was unpleasant in my life. The skates were not new, the blades were a little dull, but in good condition. I persuaded her to take these skates as a gift, she didn’t want to take them, but after my persuasion she still accepted them. I was also very surprised in the dream that this young woman was dressed ridiculously. In general, she was dressed elegantly, even solemnly, but she had slippers on her feet, and on top of the slippers she was wearing rough, unfashionable women’s shoes. I saw this dream from Wednesday to Thursday. What could it mean? Thanks in advance for your answer.

    I took part in a skating competition and won a ticket for two with another competitor who was unknown to me. it was unexpected...there were many participants, but we were the winners. my surprise is that I don’t know how to skate, but in my dream I skated perfectly, there are a lot of people around, the audience

    The dream had the following content.
    I’m in my apartment with an unfamiliar, but very pleasant and sociable young man. He and I are going to go somewhere (he invited me on a date). He brought me new leather boots, which I put on (the model is quite simple, no frills, but very comfortable and well-made). While I was getting ready, he was talking with my mother and I couldn’t help but note to myself the fact that the young man turned out to be very interesting, well-mannered and pleasant in all respects.

    Then, in the blink of an eye, I found myself on the street with this young man. We were walking around the city and he suddenly invited me to go ice skating.
    “I haven’t skated for so long,” he turned to me, “I didn’t have time, then I didn’t have the opportunity.” It's hard to find a skating rink here. Went!
    Without thinking for a long time, I agreed, but I was somewhat worried because I’m a pretty bad skater and, besides, I haven’t had the opportunity to do this for a long time.
    There were quite a lot of people at the skating rink and it confused me and made it difficult to concentrate. I started to get a little nervous, and then, tired of balancing and wanting to catch my breath, I grabbed the young man’s jacket and came close to him. But I immediately became worried, because from my sudden onslaught we could both fall, unable to stay on the slippery ice. But, to my surprise, the young man didn’t even move. He stood on the ice as steadily as if there was a hard, stable surface under his feet.
    Clutching, there is no other way to say it, the young man, I began to try to examine his face. But the more effort I made to achieve what I wanted, the less I could distinguish the features of his face. I wanted to remember them so much that I literally looked into his face, but it was all in vain.

    Please help me decipher this dream.
    Thank you in advance.
    With respect and best wishes, Vika!

    At first they offered me to go ice skating, I seemed to be there, after that I was already wearing skates, but at the place where I was going to skate there was no ice or snow, but I still had a good ride, after that the dream changed dramatically, I was sitting with my deceased grandmother at home, some 2 girls are with me but I don’t remember their faces, but in the dream I feel like they’re girlfriends, I’m sitting trying to change clothes, I’m taking off my jacket, some guy is trying to come into the room, I don’t know him for sure, but in the dream I feel like I know, I’m trying cover my bare chest with my hands and ask the young man to come out, but he laughs and tries to touch me a couple of times, he managed to do it and I woke up

    it was night, the time of year had already begun spring, the snow began to warm up and ice was not everywhere, and I was skating along the road, sometimes faster than cars, sometimes a little slower, sometimes I stumble, then I hear a siren, somewhere along this road there was an accident, then I I get to that place, see all this but don’t stop and drive on (the people standing were surprised that I was skating) and I got to college, and the fact is that there I also skated. and it was slightly uncomfortable.

    Acquaintances whom I didn’t know at all came to us, a woman and her two sons, one son was small and the other was older, and the eldest son of that woman looked at me with a loving gaze, then I went skating and later he came, but I never I fell, then my sister came, it felt like she was jealous of him and she said to go home, I told her no and she pushed me, I fell, then I got up and went home and at the same time I looked at him and he also looked at me, I decided to return to the skating rink when I change clothes and that’s it

    in the dream I was wearing skates... there was a person with me on the right side, he wanted to skate with me... we tried to find a stadium with ice... while we were walking along the usual road, sometimes it was as if I was skating and I remember that I fell but got up..

    I had a dream that I was skating with a guy I didn’t know! We did different tricks there, at the end he even kissed me on the cheek and we were even applauded by the people who were watching the skating. It was inside some kind of store, an ordinary skating rink. The dream itself was interesting and colorful, I had a dream in the morning.

    I dreamed of a men's speed skating competition. In a dream, I met a man and it was this man who I put on and laced his skates. When I finally put them on, they were broken. I started putting on new skates and when this man went out onto the treadmill with two other men, he lost the competition, and everyone said about him that he ran the fastest and should win.

    An acquaintance asked me to lend him my skates, at first I agreed, but then an old friend warned me not to do this, then he did not return them to me, in my house I was hiding from strangers who considered this house theirs and I had to politely argue. I dreamed of an illness, someone was dying and others were pulling them to a safe place with a magic plow

    Hello! Help me interpret the dream...I came with a friend to rent skates...I put them on....I lace them...I try them on.....but I didn’t skate.....in general it was fun....instead we went to a cafe with her...apparently we had a good walk.... the next day...we issued an invoice...which we paid...but the next day another friend shows me a bill that is not ours and demands to pay......I proved to her that it was a fictitious invoice...not ours. Please tell me what this means.

    I skate very often, but the ice space is always limited. Today there were colored carpets along the edges of the skating rink and I ran over them, but they did not slow down the movement. And I always enjoy skating

    My husband and I went ice skating, our son ran on the ice next to us. There was no one else at the skating rink except us. Not far from us, I noticed a fault, then the ice began to break under my feet. We climbed onto the wooden racks

    Hello. The dream was double. at the beginning, my mother and I were driving through some city for some holiday to visit relatives... then I don’t remember why men (2-3) in a car started chasing us... we disappeared... then my mother got lost, and I started running to my sister and saw near the house those people who were chasing us... I was able to escape... then I found myself near my house and was going to go ice skating with my friend... but she went to the ice skating rink, and I couldn’t because... my car was locked in the parking lot and I couldn’t get out.

    In the dream, I found myself on a skating rink, which was similar to a skateboarding area, only enclosed, like a bowl. At first I was afraid and only skated on the easy slide (since I’m not a very good skater in real life). But after looking at others, I decided to try extreme slides. Surprisingly, I did it very easily, the fear disappeared somewhere. I felt great pleasure. And she rode on.

    I just dreamed that I was skating, but like a professional figure skater, in a costume like the one that Yulia Lipnitskaya wore at the Olympics in Sochi. It seemed like I was performing somewhere, with all sorts of complex technical elements, especially jumps. I also remember that the entire room where I skated was in beige tones. And the number was quite expressive, but without music.

    I dreamed that I was at a performance. suddenly me and some other guy are called to the ice. we didn't prepare anything. and I, as the leader in our pair, begin to lead... we do all sorts of tricks. I did 2 sheepskin coats a lot of times. everyone was surprised because everyone knew that no one taught me at all. that I am myself. I don’t remember anymore.

    Good afternoon I dreamed that I came to the skating rink with my mother. Since in reality a skating rink opened in our city, the same event happened in the dream. there were a lot of people, and the playground itself was very small. I skated and my mother watched. The skating was simply magical, I can’t do that in my life, although I skate well. I jumped, turned around, etc. Every 15 minutes people were kicked out of the skating rink to level the surface. When you go out from the beginning, the skating rink is for some reason covered with snow, and by the end it is smooth and shiny (although in reality it’s the other way around). and then one day, instead of me, my mother came out to the skating rink in my skates, I didn’t see how she skated, but I wanted to go out on the ice with her, but I didn’t have skates, so I went out barefoot. That’s it, I don’t remember anymore. Thank you very much!


    I dreamed that I was sorting things out and finding skates. I understand that these are mine and I have ridden them before. This can be seen from them, since they are no longer new, but not very shabby either. I am happy about this find. The color is white with black barrels, it feels comfortable to the touch, soft, does not press. The blade is well sharpened. Like this. I thought that next time I would take them to the skating rink instead of rentals

    Hello! I dreamed that I was skating on ice with a man and getting pleasure from it... I don’t remember the color scheme of the dream... but I remember I had a white skirt that was not long... in reality I can skate, but not very well, but in my dream I went very skillfully

    I had a dream that I was standing on skates, my shoes were tied poorly, my leg was dangling, I was standing on a road that was full of potholes and not very slippery, but I started to ride and drove easily, as if on a slippery road. Even poorly tied shoes don't bother me. I’m riding and thinking, but I left my boots at home. This is such a dream.

    I’m standing on the skating rink in a beautiful dress, there’s a Christmas tree on the skating rink. New Year. A guy pulls up behind us (we’ve been skating for several days (we met at his sister’s, I’m her tutor). I really like him) and we start waltzing on skates on the ice and then kissing….

    Hello! , I had a dream that I was skating, it was dark around, people were skating, everyone somehow supported me, I then looked at the skates and was surprised, the skates are white with black thin stripes, but this is not the main thing, the blade on the skates is slightly tilted in the outer side by about 15 degrees, they were sharply sharpened and the blades shone a little, I was surprised both in a dream and in reality, Thank you in advance, my mail:

    I dreamed about my classmates and my goddaughter (she is 6 years old). We were on skates, but I wasn't wearing them. Then my goddaughter fell and I ended up wearing skates, which I used to go to her. She didn't have any skates or shoes. I don’t remember further...

    Hello, today I had a dream about my daughter. She went ice skating, then she came with two guys her age (16 years old), began to take off her skates, (the skates were new, soft, light and black) she easily took off one, but she couldn’t take off the second, so I helped her take it off take off. What would that mean?

    I dreamed that I was skating, the dream was repeated several times (3 times in a month) in the dream I skated like a professional hockey player, in real life I can skate normally. In the dream, the predominant color was white, and the skates were also white. Thank you.

    I myself am not good at skating and I always have fear when I try to skate, I am all tense, but in my dreams I can easily stand on the ice in skates and I also skate gracefully and I rejoice so loudly in my dreams that I can skate and I like it. The sleep was not that long.

    In a dream, I put on old skates. At the same time, I find them very comfortable. I wanted to walk in skates, but I couldn’t, my leg kept going to the side. It didn't bother me. I was very pleased that the skates fit me.

    I dreamed that I and my boyfriend were skating on not very smooth ice, in life I’m bad at skating and in the dream it was exactly the same. In the dream I smiled and was happy, it was either evening or night, it’s not clear , but I clearly saw the uneven ice under my feet.

    She skated quickly, without falling, but not on ice, but on a smooth snow-covered road, sometimes taking off at speed up large snow slides, also without falling. It was either night or day. It seemed like she was trying to find a certain snow hill. At the same moment, I tried to drive quickly so that my friends, guys who were not indifferent to me, would not see me. I tried to leave them because I felt awkward because I seemed to be driving unkempt, without makeup, and unkemptly dressed.

    I was taught to skate backwards, the rink was closed to visitors, there was a lesson for the children's section. I learned to ride like this and I really liked it, it was like I was floating. And then ropes appeared there, like in a gym, and the children and I, accelerating, rose into the air with the help of the ropes. The feeling of sleep is pleasant.

    It’s a bright sunny day, I’m skating confidently and with pleasure. The ice looks uneven, the ground is visible, but I glide without stumbling. But the ice becomes less (more soil appears from the sun) - it’s time to leave, I laced my right shoe - it became loose and I pulled it up. I rode one more time and told someone “that’s enough for today, I
    let's go"

    They gave me an unusual hairstyle, I became a platinum blonde, I wore unusual skates that looked like lace boots, also white, I looked at myself in the mirror, it seemed to me that I looked like a Snow Maiden, in my opinion there were also white lace sleeves. I went outside and drove very, very fast, almost flying along the icy road, I didn’t feel any fear, it was easy and calm. This was the village where I spent my childhood, the roads were covered with ice, it was late in the evening and there was no one on the street, I was alone.

    Pryasnikov's son Nikita stood and watched as I skated and the ice was covered with broken pieces of ice, which prevented me from skating and I fell twice, but painlessly, then an unknown man carried me in his arms across the skating rink

    In life I am very bad at skating and in my dream I also remembered that I was bad at skating. But at some point, teaching words spoken (long ago) or heard somewhere about how to skate correctly came to me. I tried it and lo and behold, I skated very easily, confidently and I really liked it.

    I dreamed that it was like the beginning of spring - everything was starting to melt, but the ice was still standing. And I decided to go skating, as if for the last time this winter, since before that I had not skated at all all winter, I decided, so to speak, to make up for lost time. I skated very well, smoothly, didn’t fall, like a good professional) But there was one more detail - there was water on the surface of the ice, but the ice was still strong and stable. Then I went home and thought, it’s spring now, why am I skating, I should wear rollerblades. This is where the dream ended

    I had previously been involved in figure skating and decided to watch the competition, after which I fell asleep and had a dream in which I came to figure skating training, and after finishing the training I could not find new covers for skates, and at that moment a lot of girls came and in the dream I thought that the covers were stolen from me.

    I was skating and a stranger was skating next to me, also skating. I really wanted to show him how well I can skate as a figure skater, the skates were a little big, a little.

    In the dream, I was studying at school. And there was a figure skating lesson. I came to the lesson late and therefore there was no suitable pair of skates left for me. The teacher had a magazine made of ice. I don’t remember the rest of my dream.

    my friend and I were roller skating in the hall, then the children came and started skating and scattered toys, after them a guy I liked came in and I started falling all the time, clinging to the toys, as he passed by, he said something to me, but I drove past and fell , and he said “well, continue to be shy”

    Hello Tatyana. My name is Irina. I had a dream that I had two pairs of skates. I took them for myself, started asking who needed a second pair and, in my opinion, gave them to the girl. Please decipher my dream.

    I dreamed about how I went to the skating rink for the first time. (I had never been there in my life) I put on the ice in skates and immediately started skating, gradually picking up the pace to a very fast pace. I stand confidently on skates and feel like a professional in skating. I look at my feet, but the ice has already melted quite well, and it’s almost gone and I’m essentially skating on asphalt and dirt, but at the same time I’m still an excellent skater.

    There were some children's performances, not on skates. There were many spectators. One of the children took first place (I know this family). Then somehow I found myself wearing skates and decided to take a ride around the ice arena. (in life I’m good at skating and I’m not bad at skating, but after some rides I almost became disabled, and I promised one saint that I wouldn’t get on skates again, just to walk). So I’m skating on the ice, and I remember this promise, and from time to time I’m afraid of falling again. But everything worked out. There was ice in some places with snow, in some places it was not slippery, in some places there were red carpets, I had to stop and walk around or go around these places.

    In the dream, I prepared and then competed in figure skating competitions. But she skated uncertainly, unprofessionally, and didn’t know how to do any jumps or tricks. When it was my turn to compete on the ice, I didn’t go right away and wanted to refuse to participate in the competition. Then she finally went out on the ice, but realized that she had forgotten her program and began skating, making up moves as she went along.

    I dreamed that I was walking and felt that something was wrong, I looked at my feet, and I was walking along the asphalt on skates. White, clean skates, clean, dry asphalt. I didn’t fall, I walked normally, although it was somehow unusual to walk in them.

    I dreamed that it was not convenient for me to walk like that, at first I was in some building, then I began to climb onto some kind of boat from which they pushed me. When I woke up I realized that I was wearing skates.(

    I dreamed that I was at some event at the ice palace, and it turns out that I was also performing at this event, and I was wearing a suit and skates. And I rode quite skillfully, and even won something

    I came to school on skates and greeted my classmates, they looked at me with pride, the skates were good, I rode quickly, stopped gracefully, and entered the school without taking off my skates.

    Hello!) I had a dream that tomorrow was my wedding! I didn’t see the outfit or try it on. I was just happy. And for some reason I was looking for the groom’s shirt, then I remembered where it was, and decided to take it there in the morning. And I also dreamed of beautiful white figure skates, new 5 pairs! I opened the sofa, and they were all lying there! S\u Elena is 49 years old, widow...

    I dreamed that I was skating. The ice was not very smooth, but at the same time I skated and never fell. She skated to slow music and calmly performed complex pirouettes without falling. A guy I didn’t know was hanging out with me, but we weren’t touching each other.

    In general, as I realized upon waking up, I was at the skating rink. I remember very precisely the moment when someone called out to me, and then I looked at my feet; I was wearing skates, very decent ones, in my opinion, even figure skates. I was very surprised by the fact that I moved my feet professionally and felt absolutely confident on skates. Somehow subconsciously I understood that I couldn’t skate the way I did now (in my dream). And, looking at my feet, it was nice to feel and understand that I was skating like a professional.

    We were moving from a rented apartment. I don’t know where. When I was collecting things from the closet, I took out three pairs of skates, one white figure skates and two pairs of hockey skates, some larger and some smaller. The landlady brought the lock and said when we left we would exchange the old one for a new one. And in general, somehow everything happened in a hurry, as if she was afraid of something and was in a hurry to leave from there.

    In a dream, I was visiting friends, and there I saw a young guy about 31 years old, and I’m 20 (in real life). I joked with him a little, flirted, and we suddenly realized that we were both good people and decided to get married. Then we immediately went to buy wedding rings (gold), I tried them on, one ring had a geometric flower symbol embedded in it, it seemed to suit me. After walking for some time, the seller came up to me and decided to show me what other rings there were. And I was on skates, the woman was holding my hand, holding me so that I wouldn’t fall, and the guy was next to me. So we didn’t choose the rings, we went to his house, and on the way I asked him: did you love me for my appearance, and he said: no, not for my appearance, but for my character, you never say too much. And I also told him that I don’t love him, but he is a good person. And that suited us. Then we went to his house and everyone started congratulating us; my mother was there among my relatives. He also had two foreigners in his apartment (an elderly English husband and wife). It was quite calm in my sleep. I have never seen this young man in my life; he has a pleasant appearance. When I ended up at his house, I suddenly had a ring on my right ring finger. By the way, he was just what I wanted, serious, loving, ready for family life.

If you dream that you are skating on ice, it means that you are in danger of losing your job or some valuables. If, while riding. If you break the ice, it means that your friends are not the kind of people you can consult with. If in a dream you only watch other people ride, it means that in reality you will become a victim of gossip linking your name with some scandalous incident in which a person who arouses your admiration is involved. Seeing ice skating in a dream means a rift with your business partners... Seeing young people roller skating in a dream means that you will rejoice in your good health and experience a special elation from the fact that you are able to sacrifice your joy and contentment for the sake of others.

Modern dream book Ice skating

To see that you are skating on ice predicts that you are in danger of losing your job or valuables. If you break the ice while skating, treacherous friends will give you advice. Seeing others skating in a dream is a sign that unpleasant people will associate your name with a scandal involving a person you admired. Seeing skates in a dream foretells disagreements among your friends. Seeing young people roller skating in a dream predicts that you will rejoice in your good health and the good that you can bring to other people.

Dream interpretation of ice skating

Ice skating is a real revolution in relationships. This fashionable hobby is captivating the youth of many countries. What’s interesting is that the purpose of such walks is not only to acquire an athletic physique, but also to have romantic dates.

Dream symbolism

The meaning of dreams where you had to skate is close to the expression like walking on a blade.

In a word, we are talking about risks, about the stability and precariousness of the real situation.

Alternative interpretation

Previous interpretations of dreams, where the sleeper was fond of ice skating, tend to suggest that in reality the dreamer knows how to gracefully and deftly maneuver in any situation. But this could also indicate he is heading down a slippery slope.

Miller's Dream Book

If you were skating

According to the psychologist, skating in a dream represents the loss of a job, and possibly of some value.

When the ice breaks while skating, it means there are friends around you who cannot be trusted.

Watching people skating warns of possible gossip about you, where your name will be linked to a scandalous situation. It involves a man who once aroused your admiration.

If the sleeper roller-skates, this promises him good health.

Freud's Dream Book

This process itself, according to the psychoanalyst, is the personification of sexual intercourse.

If the sleeper skated on ice in skates with a dull blade, then he should worry about potency.

Modern interpretations

Previous interpretations of dreams of this kind give more positive forecasts.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

According to the esotericist, this hobby in a dream promises a favorable completion of the enterprise.

If these were videos, then you will probably engage in altruism.

Dream book of the 21st century

It happened to be training, preparing for competitions, it promises a future, very pleasant activity in which your friends will attract you. The speed skating competition itself in a dream promises success and recognition.

If you were at the skating rink

Dream plots

Riding is dynamics, speed, risk. Skates are a thrill. Ice skating can be figure skating, amateur skating, and the ice itself can be rough or smooth. Interpretations of why you dream of skating in your dreams depend on all these nuances.

  • uneven, thin ice;
  • broke while riding;
  • funny situation.

A beautiful dream, where the sleeper happened to roll on smooth ice at a skating rink, and experience euphoria, a surge of bliss, perhaps he has problems with the musculoskeletal system, perhaps coordination of movement is impaired.

I had to slide on a frozen river, and the ice was thin or lumpy, which means the dreamer’s attempts to evade the responsibility entrusted to him, reluctance to resolve problems that seem difficult to him.

If a sleeping person kept falling on the ice while skating, perhaps he will suffer in reality due to his idleness. The dreamer is so accustomed to this way of life that any attempt to provide help becomes a hindrance to those around him, because all this is done awkwardly and reluctantly.

If your skates are damaged while sliding, expect troubles at work. This does not threaten you with dismissal or demotion, but an inadequate environment will really tickle your nerves.

I dreamed of skating in different skates, predicts serious disagreements in relationships, the cause of which will be the intrigues of a married couple, or two representatives of different sexes, very interested in your disagreement.

If in a dream you stepped on the ice and started sliding, but suddenly your shoelaces came undone, you got tangled and fell, beware of dubious offers.

There is a very high probability that you will be involved in strange scams. Do not rush to agree to tempting offers.

Sometimes we have dreams in which it is easy to immediately understand one thing - this is just an analysis in the subconscious of everything that happened during the day. But sometimes in the darkness of the night something appears that never even occurred to you. Such dreams most likely mean something. For example, what does it mean to skate in a dream? This is exactly what we will talk about in this article.

General value

Skates in a dream belong to the category of sports. And all sports dreams are interpreted as an obvious subconscious desire to meet love and build personal happiness. This desire is reinforced by the prophecy that the skates promise - to meet a person who will greatly influence the dreamer’s future life. The dream book says that the new soulmate will be very sophisticated, although inclined to think more about themselves than about others.

Changes on the love front

The interpretation is double-edged, just like a blade: skating in a dream means meeting a person who will rekindle the fire in the heart for some, and on the contrary - to quarrel to smithereens with all relatives and friends for others.

For women

Girls may dream of a pleasant time on the ice not only as a sign of a change of lover. Sometimes courtship from a manager is what it means to skate in a dream.

The question is where

We remember the details of the dream. For example, if you skate in a dream not in a specially designated place, but on a frozen field or even on an endless road covered with ice, this is a very bad sign. There is no hope for success in love - the dreamer will face a very difficult separation.

Ice rink

A much better prophecy awaits the one who visited the skating rink in the darkness of the night. In this case, skating in a dream means you will soon find a new, very pleasant acquaintance. The dream book does not say whether this will develop into something more. However, being surrounded by friendly people is always good.

Pro on ice

Did you go out on the ice for the first time in a dream? Or did you dance a duet with famous figure skaters? If the second option, you can rejoice, because such a dream, perhaps a very pleasant one in the world of dreams, promises success in all endeavors in reality.

In principle, the following parallel can be drawn: confidence on the ice in a dream means a stable state of affairs and stability, but constant falls portend mistakes and shakyness. A very bad sign is not only to skate in a dream, but also to break the ice. This is usually interpreted as a possible betrayal. The dreamer should take a closer look at those whom he naively considers to be his friends. It's so easy to stab him in the back with a knife.

Third wheel

You don’t have to go ice skating yourself in a dream to then look for an interpretation in the dream book. If others brazenly had fun on the ice without the owner of the dream, this means the following for him - he will become the object of dirty gossip and intrigue, or even find himself at the epicenter of some kind of scandal. In the near future, the dream book advises to “keep your head down” and take a break from social life in order to avoid a storm.

Alternative interpretations

Here are other options for what skating might mean in a dream:

  • Watching figure skaters pirouette on the ice predicts conflict situations at work. The dreamer will have to act as a peacemaker so that quarrels between colleagues do not affect his own position in business.
  • If the skater in the dream turned out to be not so good - he stumbled, or even fell, this means that the one who saw this dream should take a closer look at the details. The catch, as usual, is in the little things - and these little things threaten to develop into something bigger and pretty much ruin your life.
  • Sometimes skates appear in a dream because the subconscious calls for prudence. The dream book advises you to take control of your life, “put on your skates” and maneuver. A sober look at things is what will save you in any situation!

If in a dream you see yourself skating at a skating rink, in reality you are facing an unstable position at work due to an upcoming layoff. Skating on an icy river or pond predicts that, having relied on your friend in a serious matter, you will discover that he is not obligatory, which will cause a serious quarrel between you.

Sharpening skates in a dream - in reality you will hear vile gossip about yourself. Skating on stupid skates and constantly falling means discord with business partners.

Roller skates foretell the opportunity to take part in a fun picnic with friends, because at the last moment you will feel very unwell.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation alphabetically

Dream Interpretation - Ice and snow

To cool relationships with friends.

Walking on thin ice - your suspicions are justified.

Sliding on ice - beware of a blow in the back from a loved one.

An ice floe floats on the water - you are in a circle of envious people.

Drinking water with ice - the reason for the unkind attitude towards you lies in your reckless actions.

Snow or ice in the middle of summer - you are clinging to relationships that no longer exist.

Falling on ice means you will experience disappointment in love.

Ice in the form of an icicle - your friend will cause financial collapse.

Ice in the house - your best friend will cause discord in your family.

Fishing in an ice hole - you are being drawn into a dubious business.

Break the ice - the efforts invested in the business will be in vain.

White pure snow covers the fields - the cover of death.

Standing barefoot - in search of answers to your questions you will come to a dead end.

Throwing snowballs - you will become the center of gossip and intrigue.

The peaks are covered with snow - loneliness.

Dirty snow - legal battle with relatives.

Wandering in a snowy forest means a long streak of bad luck awaits you.

Imagine that the bright sun is shining, the ice and snow are melting before your eyes.

Interpretation of dreams from