How to properly cheer up. How to quickly cheer yourself up - useful tips for every day

Each of us has moments of sadness and despondency, but this does not in the least prevent us from correcting the situation by simply raising our spirits. Even if it seems to you that nothing can “get you back on track,” pay attention to our recommendations and you will understand that you can completely get rid of the overwhelming blues on your own.

If everything around you is bad

When everything around you is bad, it is certainly quite difficult to maintain good spirits. In such a situation, you have several options. You can wait until everything gets better on its own, you can try to improve the situation yourself, or you should “switch” to something else. Of course, in the first option, you cannot know exactly when the situation will return to normal, and if you are not at all happy with this, then you still have to intervene in the matter. If you don’t want to think about these problems at all, then the only way out is to occupy yourself with something else. Let someone call it “escaping from difficulties,” but sometimes no other way out is possible. A visit to some interesting establishment, a meeting with old friends, a short or long trip to another city, and so on can help you.

If you're not in the mood for no reason

If you are in a bad mood, but you understand that there is no truly objective reason for it, then, most likely, you just need to rest and it’s all about simple fatigue. Then it’s up to you to decide what kind of rest you need - spend a couple of hours with friends or in front of the TV, or even go on some exciting trip. Although, it’s worth mentioning the “other side of the coin.” Some people begin to feel moral dissatisfaction precisely during the period when they do nothing. That is, it may be that you are passively resting, and on a subconscious level you are tired of this monotony. In this case, you need new experiences - think about where you could get them. We can talk about some extreme sport, a master class, a walk in the park, cycling, archery and much more.

10 ways to improve a bad mood

1. Websites to lift your spirits If you spend a lot of time on the computer and don't have much opportunity to go somewhere to diversify the experience, then try to benefit from your activity. Visit sites that can lift your spirits. These could be videos with funny clips about animals or just funny moments. However, it is possible that to lift your spirits you need something completely different - to dream about an imminent trip. In this case, visit the websites of tour operators or simply read information about the city you are planning to visit. Also note that there are many communities on social networks with funny pictures and jokes - undoubtedly, some of them will be able to bring a smile to your face. 2. Please yourself with your purchase Sometimes all it takes is a small purchase to make your day better. Although, if you have such an opportunity, then, of course, you can treat yourself to a big purchase. Be that as it may, opt for something that you have long wanted to buy - even if it is some little thing! Many people who go to the gym or just regularly jog in the park admit that such a pastime significantly lifts their mood. Even if at first you don’t really want to play sports, and you see more disadvantages than advantages in it for yourself, still try it! Surely, after working out well, you will notice that your mood has improved. In addition, do not forget about the undoubted benefits of sports for health and appearance!

4. Treat bad moods with positivity. A positive attitude is undoubtedly the key to a wonderful mood. Another thing is that it is not always possible to achieve such a state, and not pay attention to the possible negative. And yet it is possible! What is the best way to do this? Firstly, you can find many techniques on the Internet on how to become an optimist. A person who tries to look at the world optimistically and looks for positivity even in the most difficult situations is much less susceptible to depression and poor mood. 5. Correct a bad mood with your favorite treat This advice may seem trivial, and perhaps even naive, but that does not take away from its incredible impact. This recommendation is especially relevant if you really can’t determine the cause of your blues, and “everything is just not right” for you. In this case, you should ignore everything around you and, if possible, buy or prepare your favorite delicacy. Forget about everything, just sit down and eat your favorite delicacy. To enhance the effect, the meal can be accompanied by watching an interesting film, show or favorite series. However, this is not necessary! 6. Sometimes you just need to get some sleep It is worth noting that, at times, simple lack of sleep is the main cause of bad mood. Without really getting enough sleep, a person feels a certain weakness all day, everything falls out of his hands, and, in general, he becomes quite irritable. If this situation repeats itself daily or systematically, then it is not surprising that you can often be in a bad mood. In this case, you definitely need to find a way to put aside things that interfere with your sleep, and at least once get a good night's sleep - as much as you want. More often than not, this ends up being a solution to many problems. 7. Any creative activity lifts your spirits Sometimes some creative activity can distract you from unhappy thoughts. If you are distracted by something that can seriously captivate and captivate you, then, naturally, you simply will not have time for sadness. Remember what you were interested in before or find yourself a new hobby. We can talk about photography, wood burning, drawing, writing stories, building mini-model airplanes, and the like. You never know how many interesting hobbies you can find! If you feel a craving for any creative activity, then do not ignore it.

Sometimes, in order to get back on track, it is enough to simply change the environment. And we’re not talking about going on a long trip – everything is much simpler. You can easily create a peaceful atmosphere for yourself at home! Turn on relaxing music of your choice, make yourself your favorite drink, sit back in your chair and just relax from your worries. You can also turn on a good movie and have dinner while watching it. If your home environment is not conducive to peace right now, then opt for a cozy coffee shop or a quiet pub. 9. You can cheer up by talking with loved ones Many people who are overcome by a bad mood subsequently admit that it is not too difficult to correct it if you simply talk to a loved one. This could be a mother, a good friend, a significant other, and so on. It is important that communication with this person calms you down and brings you joy. Surely, you have noticed that after communicating with some people we often feel overwhelmed and depressed. In the same way, you can achieve the opposite effect by communicating with other people who give us moral strength to move towards our goals and simply encourage us. Such a conversation can not only improve your mood, but also normalize the situation if you have any difficulties - it is quite possible that a loved one will tell you a solution to a problem that you did not even know about. 10. Make yourself in a good mood using the self-tuning technique What is the mentioned technique? Everything is very simple! You yourself “tune” yourself into the right mood, as if you convince yourself that in fact everything is not so bad as to be very sad. Conduct an internal dialogue with yourself, cheer yourself up, think about how you can improve your mood. Set yourself an internal attitude: “Everything is getting better!”, “Everything will be fine!”, “I can handle this problem!” and so on. Favorite music You can listen to it loudly in your own room or with headphones in transport - it doesn’t matter at all! The main thing is what result you can achieve. A person listening to his favorite music subsequently notices that the bad mood disappears by itself. Of course, this statement is true for those cases when the blues were causeless. If you have serious problems, music will certainly not solve them, but it can still distract you at least a little. Comedy film The purpose of all comedy films is to make the viewer laugh and lift their spirits. If you are upset about something, then it is obvious that the pictures of the mentioned genre will not harm you at all. Don’t tune in to watch carefully - you can think about your own things and just turn on the comedy in the background. Surely, after a few minutes the film will be able to captivate you and lift your spirits! Hobby Doing what you love often helps to get rid of almost any despondency. It could be about your favorite job or some hobby. Perhaps you don't have any hobbies that you enjoy doing in your free time? In this case, they should be found! Remember what you wanted to do before or find yourself a hobby from some modern and fashionable hobbies - for sure, this time will not be wasted.

How to get rid of a bad mood at work

Of course, it is not always possible to maintain a good mood at work. It also happens that some factors unsettle us, but there is no opportunity to change the situation by leaving the workplace until the next day. If you have experienced this, then try to improve the situation within a few minutes. Surely, you can find a way to be alone for at least a few minutes. Go out into the fresh air, take your mind off all thoughts, just breathe deeply. You can also calm yourself with a cup of tea or coffee. You may be able to take your mind off your work troubles by calling a loved one who can find a way to comfort and cheer you up. If you have the opportunity to go online, watch short funny videos or read jokes - it is possible that this will be able to bring a smile to your face. However, you can simply review personal photos or videos that remind you of some pleasant moments in life.

Favorite series If you like to watch TV series, then, probably, one of them has already received the definition of “Favorite” from you. If you have been watching the project for a long time, then you can easily return to it and rewatch a few episodes you particularly liked. Surely, once beloved characters will be able to cheer you up. New blockbuster Every year, a variety of films are released on wide screens, striking not only with their plots, but also with the quality of special effects, cast, and so on. Surely, you do not always find the opportunity to visit the cinema during the release of each new large-scale project. However, you can always watch this film at home - already a couple of months after the premiere of the project, you can watch it online in good quality, with a high-quality translation. Popular franchises In recent years, many interesting franchises have been presented on screens that have managed to find their fans. We are talking about “Transformers”, “Twilight”, “Avengers”, “Guardians of the Galaxy”, “Divergent”, “Harry Potter”, “The First Avenger”, “Lord of the Rings”, “Fast and the Furious”, “X-Men”, and others. There are also those that have just begun their development - “Spider-Man: Homecoming”, “Deadpool”, the updated “Star Wars” and others. It is quite possible that you have not seen some of them yet, or have not read all the series. However, try to start watching one of the sagas - it is possible that you will really be drawn in. Funny videos However, you don’t have to start watching entire franchises to cheer yourself up. Sometimes, it’s just enough to look at some funny videos on the Internet. You can also “drive” into the “search”: “Funny videos with cats”, “Curious videos”, “Top funny videos” - for sure, among the presented list of videos you will be able to find those that will really amuse you.

How to cheer up another person

It also happens that a person we care about suffers from blues, and, of course, this cannot but worry us. If you don’t know the reasons for his disorder, then try to talk to him confidentially, find out what is oppressing him. Sometimes, a frank conversation with a loved one is enough to lift your spirits. To consolidate the effect of such a conversation, you can use some additional recommendations. However, they are also suitable if the interlocutor is not in the mood for frank dialogues. Invite someone to an interesting place Invite him to a place where you think he will definitely like it. It could be a cinema, a cozy cafe, a nightclub, a master class, a gym, and so on. In general, a person who is in a bad mood clearly needs to be cheered up by a change of environment. Even if the interlocutor reacts to your proposals without much desire, do not give up, and subsequently you will see a positive result.

Psychology: what to do if you are always in a bad mood

If you notice that you are always in a bad mood, then this is an alarming symptom. Perhaps you have health problems, and depression is a side effect of the disease. You should definitely get examined by a doctor. If you know the reason for your constant blues, but you can’t do anything about it, don’t hesitate to consult a psychologist - in our time this is nothing unusual, and millions of people cope with many difficulties in this way. If there are no objective reasons for frustration, then it is possible that there are no special reasons for joy, which means that you need to make fundamental changes in your daily routine. Think about what life seems ideal to you, and try to get at least a little closer to these ideas.

Sometimes you just wake up and realize that you are “on the wrong foot.” And there seem to be no objective reasons, but the mood has been ruined since the morning. And sometimes it happens that the reasons are beyond the roof. And you don’t really want to spend the day in a bad mood! Especially if your job requires you to smile or be welcoming. What a job! It will also not be very pleasant for your loved ones to contemplate your sad face all day. What to do? How can you cheer up quickly and for a long time?

8 effective ways to cheer up

Usually in the morning we don’t have much time, so we will try to resolve the issue quickly.

1. Get rid of the cause of your bad mood. If you know exactly what it is and the cause can be eliminated, get rid of it now. Raise your mood and solve the problem.

2. If the problem is unsolvable, or it takes time, take a philosophical approach to the situation. It still can't be solved now. Give yourself the word to “think about it tomorrow.” Scarlett O'Hara is a wise woman;) Ideally, try to see the benefit for yourself in the current situation. As they say, “no matter what is done...” Thinking and making decisions will not take much time.

3. If “auto-training” doesn’t help, let’s move on to more “material” ways to lift your mood. Eat a banana or chocolate. It has already been proven that the substances contained in these delicacies contribute to the production of happiness hormones - serotonin and endorphin. In general, in a situation with a bad mood, sweets play an important role. The most effective and fastest way to improve your moral well-being.

4. Watch your figure and don’t like to “seize” problems? Then movement is your choice! As with eating sweets, playing sports (or dancing, walking, and brisk walking) increases the level of “happy hormones” in the blood. If you have time to exercise, do it. Or replace it with a walk - go to work earlier and walk a couple of stops through the park.

5. Shopping. Oh yes! =) But what kind of shopping is it like in the morning? Especially before work. But no one bothers you to go out early and make a long-planned purchase that you have been putting off. You will please yourself and get the job done.

6. The stupidest, in my opinion, but nevertheless an effective way (especially within a limited time) to slightly improve your mood is to smile at yourself in the mirror. Somewhere in the subconscious, the brain will decide that we are having fun (let’s smile!), and “turn on” the good mood mode =)

7. If you have a pet, spend 5-10 minutes playing with it. Usually, in the morning bustle, everyone forgets about the fluffy ball, but cats and dogs are the cutest creatures in the world, just a glance at which can lift your spirits. And if you squeeze...... ;)

8. While finishing your cup of morning drink, try to remember all the good events and moments that have happened to you lately. You will smile - I guarantee! ;)

These are the simple ways that help me cheer up. If you have your own little secrets on how to cheer up and how to fight the blues - share! Let's together make our lives brighter, more positive and more interesting!

Take care of yourself and your nerves! ;) Many kisses to you, my dears! Mur-mur!=*

Perhaps you had a fight with your best friend, or something went wrong at school or at work, or maybe the weather is simply affecting your mood. We all go through times when what's going on in our lives doesn't make us feel happy, so the first thing you need to remember is that you're not alone. Regardless of the situation, you can find both short-term and long-term solutions to help you get out of this state and move on.


Coping with bad conditions in the moment

    Have a cry. Tears caused by intense emotions give the body a signal to produce endorphins, or “happy hormones,” which restore peace of mind and a sense of well-being. Tears not only help the body rid itself of stress hormones, but also ultimately bring peace of mind, since after a good cry the level of heartbeat and breathing is restored. Healthy crying is crying that allows you to release stress and accumulated negative emotions and does not negatively affect your life.

    • If you feel like you can't control when or how often you cry, or if your tears keep you from doing your job or doing household chores, this is an indicator of a more serious problem: depression or an anxiety disorder. Schedule an appointment with a mental health counselor or psychotherapist who can teach you ways to control tears that are interfering with your daily functioning.
  1. Stop for a few minutes and take a series of deep breaths. Something as simple as taking a deep breath can help you feel better. Deep breathing saturates the entire body with oxygen, allowing muscles to relax during periods of stress and helping to reduce blood pressure. Deep breathing also engages your parasympathetic nervous system, which puts you into a state of rest. Just the act of focusing on your breathing and taking your mind off a stressful situation can help you feel better.

    Start keeping a journal. Describing emotional experiences provides a kind of outlet for these emotions, as well as an opportunity to work through the circumstances that caused them on a rational level. Clarifying the situation is one of the additional components of reducing the level of emotional pain. In fact, research has shown that journaling restores a sense of well-being and brings comfort during emotional stress. In addition, journaling is believed to have a positive effect on the immune system.

    Take up a creative hobby. Creative expression has a long history and strong relationship with emotions in many cultures where music, dance and stories have been used to promote healing emotional expression. Whether you're a creator or a connoisseur, try to use your hobby as a channel for transforming negative and painful emotions into something creative.

    Develop your personal support system. Numerous studies prove the benefits of a support system from loved ones: family and friends - who you can turn to during a difficult period in life. Social support provides a sense of belonging and security without leaving a person alone with their emotional pain, and this also leads to increased self-esteem. Try to call a friend you trust or visit a family member with whom you can confide your painful and desperate emotions.

    Reward yourself. During times of emotional chaos, it can be helpful to treat yourself to something special. It can be anything that makes you happy. Get a massage, visit an amusement park, buy a new pair of shoes, cook your favorite dessert, go to the movies, or any other of your favorite activities. Take some time for yourself and treat yourself.

    • Do not forget to treat this point with full responsibility. You should not spend too much time on entertainment or wait until negative emotions are added to worries about the spent budget.
  2. Take a break and laugh. Laughter is the best medicine, as it does everything at once: it helps relax muscles, reduces stress levels throughout the body, and lifts your mood. It is believed that laughter can lift the mood during periods of depression and anxiety. Let yourself laugh by remembering a funny situation, calling your funniest friend, or simply watching a funny video online. Use whatever you can get your hands on to distract yourself and laugh.

    Give yourself a break. A five-minute walk or light morning exercise can help you reduce painful levels of emotional energy. You may not be a yoga master or even a fan, but basic stretching exercises contribute to the emergence of positive emotions. Stretching exercises are believed to help release negative energy associated with stress, anxiety, depression, and so on.

    Avoid alcohol and drugs. While alcohol and drugs can provide an immediate calming effect during times of stress, experts agree that the short-term relief is not worth the long-term risks of using these substances. Chronic stress and other traumatic emotions are one of the leading risk factors in the development of substance abuse problems. While all the other recommendations in this article are, at their core, tools for overcoming negative feelings, drugs and alcohol create a vicious cycle of dependence on a substance that allows you to feel better in the moment.

    • If you find yourself continually turning to drugs and/or alcohol to cope with emotional pain, seek professional advice.

Steps to Long-Term Healing

  1. If you tend to get lost in deep thought, try to constantly distract yourself from heavy thoughts. Obsessive thoughts and memories are a process of repetitive mental replaying of painful events, which is quite difficult to counteract. Mental obsessiveness is usually counterproductive and has a negative impact because it does not lead to resolution of the problem and does not allow you to move on. This state distracts your attention from directly solving the problem itself. One of the common methods of overcoming this condition is constant attempts to distract from such thoughts.

    Work on reframing your experience. Negative experiences often become traps for guilt and shame. Rethinking your experience means looking at it from other angles. By reframing your experiences, you can learn how to solve problems and strengthen your self-confidence.

    • For example, by reframing your bad mood associated with a painful situation, you can see what you can learn from the experience, both in terms of self-awareness and in terms of developing relationships with other people.
    • Another example: if you are trying to get through an awkward situation, you can see the humorous side of what is happening, learn to laugh at yourself, overcome the bad mood and move on.
  2. Pay attention to repeated situations that provoke negative states. If you start keeping a diary or talking about this topic with a person you trust, pay attention to recurring situations. Do you constantly write or talk about the same thing? If so, think about what you can do to change the problem at its root, rather than dealing solely with the emotions it generates.

    Work on your physical health. Consistently being active in improving and maintaining physical health also helps restore your overall sense of well-being. Exercise not only releases endorphins that improve your mood and well-being, but it also gives you the opportunity to set specific and achievable fitness goals. By joining a health-focused group through another organization—your church or the company you work for—you will increase your support system.

    Donate your time to something you are passionate about and believe in. The feeling of satisfaction from your contribution can significantly improve your self-esteem. Try volunteering for a charity that helps people in need, help feed the homeless, or find another topic that piques your interest and desire to get involved.

    Don't forget the broader perspective. One of the most difficult aspects of maintaining a healthy emotional state is to constantly remember that difficult situations that create emotional chaos are a natural part of life, that we grow and develop through such situations, and that overcoming such problems is this is a reason to be proud of yourself. Remember that you have the ability to address the source of your burnout, and what is most important is how you deal with your emotions and how quickly you learn to control them so you can continue to function in your daily life.

    Seek advice from a psychologist or psychiatrist. If, despite your best efforts to cope, you are still overwhelmed by stress, anxiety, despair or depression, make an appointment with a psychologist or therapist. A professional can help you find the right tools to cope with the situation affecting you. A professional can also prescribe appropriate medications, provide you with contacts for support groups, or recommend other resources that you may not be able to find out on your own.


  • If you are having thoughts of harming yourself, seek medical attention immediately.
  • If you find yourself increasingly turning to alcohol or drugs for comfort, seek professional help before the habit becomes a serious problem.

Sources and resources


Have you ever been in a terrible mood? So unbearable that life is not sweet? We are sure that this does not happen rarely. Now imagine what it’s like for your friends when they’re in a bad mood! If you no longer have the strength to look at their sour faces, proceed to urgent resuscitation of joy, and we will share our secrets of how to lift your spirits. Follow these rules and you will receive the title of your best friend, but first of all you need to acquire the skill of managing your condition yourself.

How to cheer yourself up

Before you try to help someone, learn to help yourself. It is impossible to give a person joy when you yourself do not possess it and cannot feel it at any moment. Getting a good mood from within yourself is the highest skill, as it presupposes the ability to rejoice without an obvious reason.

The joy is in you

In fact, if you don’t know how to see the good around you and be grateful for what you have, then your mood will be at zero all the time. The property of the human brain is such that it is configured to focus on shortcomings and be dissatisfied all the time. Such organization of the mind provides certain benefits, as it moves you to new heights, forces you to achieve the best, and does not allow you to stand still, but excessive withdrawal into dissatisfaction has taught people not to notice the joys of everyday life.

How to cheer up: exercise “Comparison”

To teach your brain and the brains of those around you to see life more positively, we suggest you try one exercise. The essence of it is to first write on a piece of paper what is happening to you today:

  1. Where am I?
  2. What am I doing now?
  3. What bad happened today?
  4. What good happened today?
  5. Am I happy with what I see around me now?


After this, think about those who now live in hot spots on the planet. Someone's entire house was flooded, he was evacuated with his entire family and forced to live in a homeless shelter. Someone's whole family was killed by a bomb, and he himself was left without legs. And in another place the mother does not know what to feed her children, and is now crying from powerlessness, and she has no hope. But here is a five-year-old child crawling over piles of corpses and calling for his mother. Now take your sheet and write again the answers to the questions that were at the beginning. Is your life really that bad, or is it just a mind game?

So, now that you have learned how to become a master of managing your condition, let's figure out what to do when your friends feel bad. The first rule of how to improve your mood says that you should not ask your friends why they are in a low mood. You won't bring relief, but you can increase the pain. Your task is to distract you from painful thoughts. Girls are positively influenced by unexpected surprises: let's say you show up with an armful of wildflowers and open all the windows wide to let as much sun and air into the room as possible!

How to cheer up with food

Everyone knows that women tend to eat away stress with treats. We won’t say that we welcome this method, but sometimes it is the only cure for the blues. Go with a friend to your favorite cafe, eat cakes with tea or hot chocolate together, then take a walk through beautiful places in the city or even take a night walk under the peacefully glowing lanterns.

How to cheer up with entertainment

Take a disc with a humorous program or comedy, go to a club, sauna or massage. If you are not in the city right now, then you can support your friend with a simple SMS or picture on social networks. Let her know that you are nearby and thinking about her - this alone may make her feel better.

Male friends are people too, and they can suffer no less. But it can be more difficult to reach them, since the guys are used to experiencing everything within themselves. However, the solution to the problem is the same as with friends. You can try all of the above points! Especially a bouquet of flowers should cause a storm of emotions. In general, the main thing in raising your mood is to do everything cheerfully and sincerely, then any of your tricks will be perceived without offense and will have the desired effect. Be happy and don’t leave your friends alone with their sorrows!

How to cheer yourself up? There are more and more ways to cheer yourself up every day. Scientists are separately studying the level of happiness and the factors that ensure this state, so the choice is quite large; it is worth deciding how much time and resources you have, as well as where you are (it is difficult to pet your beloved dog while on a long business trip).

How to cheer yourself up quickly

When your mood decreases, it is better to find the cause of its decline, eliminate it and carry out full-scale rehabilitation work in your own emotional sphere, but it also happens that there are no deep and serious reasons, and it is no longer possible to be sad, and then ways are looked for to cheer yourself up as soon as possible .

Play with animals, engage in creativity and sports, change your own appearance, wardrobe and the decor in your apartment (if you’re completely tired of everything, change the country), watch movies and talk with friends - any action (not necessarily drastic and very active) affects the change in our mood .

An excellent way to cheer yourself up if you're in a bad mood is to pursue your own hobbies, although to do this you'll have to put aside work, boring but necessary things, or just get off the couch when it's autumn and you want your mood to improve somehow on its own. By doing something that brings you pleasure, after a while you will feel a surge of positive energy, even if your hobby itself is quite energy-intensive, the main thing is not to quit at the very beginning, but to immerse yourself in the process.

There are simpler options, this includes purchases, and they should be aimed at pampering and pleasure (no need to take a bag of potatoes and a bunch of onions - this will not add joy). You can sit in a cafe where you didn’t dare to go and drink a cup of hot chocolate, or you can buy yourself bright yellow gloves - the main thing is that spending is not an everyday routine, but brings a sense of celebration. Bright things and products containing endorphins are excellent helpers in the fight against a bad mood, but you should use them with caution, otherwise you can get used to this method and it will stop working, not to mention the negative impact of a large amount of sweets on the figure, and a large number of unnecessary purchases on financial condition.

Try to be in nature more often, or at least in a city park, walk more and breathe fresh air, choosing even longer, but more picturesque routes. Such contact with nature improves your mood not by raising it sharply, but by gradually filling it with vitality, and provides relief from the daily stress and noise that haunts you everywhere. And if such events become your habit and last at least two hours and with the absence of notifications on all kinds of gadgets, then not only your mood will always be in order, but the entire nervous system will be more stable, which will lead to improved functioning of the whole organism.

Usually, the mood decreases when stress pinches our energy, this happens both on the emotional and physical level, and if you are not always willing and able to deal with your own psychology, then you can relieve physical stress at any time. To do this, it is worth throwing away the critical world and yourself as important, adult and serious and for at least half an hour do what comes to mind. You can run and jump on chairs, throw objects at the wall and smear yourself with food, scream and cry, curl up in a ball and swing, perhaps hit a pillow or cry into it, run a mile or do push-ups. Your task is to follow the example of children who do not particularly restrict their physical activity, for the sake of the standards of decency accepted in society, but to protect your own reputation in advance (i.e., you do not need to roll on the floor in your own office, it is better to do this behind a closed door or in secluded corner of the park). The more varied and crazy your physical outburst is, the better; stop when you feel tired.

It would be good to continue to listen to your physical needs while at rest - you may start to feel sleepy or your appetite will awaken, or maybe you will want a specific product - provide this for yourself. After such a shake-up and unblocking, oppressive emotions are released and stop absorbing energy, this improves the mood and a feeling of lightness appears, new ideas may be born or strength to implement plans may appear.

Feeding yourself something tasty is a quick and effective way to lift your mood, because food stimulates many analyzers at once, plus even in childhood we are accustomed to receiving the main pleasure through it. But you should be careful with this method and use it rarely and in extreme cases, since the scale of the problem of food addiction has now spread throughout the world, and the main reason for its occurrence is eating stress and negative experiences. Instead of solving the problem, people eat chocolates and cakes, which improves their mood, but does not remove the source. It is better to take advantage of the surge of positivity and energy received from food and direct it all towards solving the problem.

If you have the Internet at hand, you can find funny videos or funny songs there. Watching the first ones that make you laugh will quickly throw off the program of sadness, and listening to cheerful and dynamic music improves your mood by influencing the subconscious and setting the necessary rhythm. You can go for a relaxing procedure (massage, pool or spa), and if this is not possible while sitting at work, then no one bothers you to plan a wonderful weekend that includes these moments (the very planning of pleasant things improves your mood, and anticipation, as we know, is more pleasant than a holiday ).

How to cheer yourself up at home

How to cheer yourself up if you're tired of everything, you're sitting at home and don't plan to go out anywhere, and the main advice you get is that you need to go out and talk to people and have fun in a noisy company, this is not an insoluble problem. All people are different and what works for extroverts will plunge introverts even more into depression. Increasing your mood at home has many advantages over going out in public, which in their manifestation boil down to one of the main ones - they don’t see you, which means they don’t judge you and you don’t have to watch your movements and facial expressions, and you can behave as you want, even stupidly, even funny.

Dancing has always been considered a therapy for the blues, but only at home you can truly surrender to this process, without worrying about the correct movements and the opinions of others, but simply immersing yourself in the rhythm and throwing out what’s in your soul. An excellent option is to review your wardrobe, just not leafing through the trash in the closet, but high-quality sorting of things, trying on each one, making new combinations, and checking quality. Perhaps the time has come to change the image, and put half of the things up for sale at a symbolic price or remake them into more stylish ones by adding details. In addition to your wardrobe, you can change your appearance - experiment with new makeup, try on new hairstyles (better using online programs rather than cutting your bangs yourself). All this activity will not only help you establish a more adequate expression of your personality, but is also creative and mood-enhancing.

By the way, creativity can be used in any form, whether you are a professional or holding a brush in your hands for the first time. You can draw simply with strokes of paint, expressing your feelings, or you can prepare hand-made gifts for friends for the holiday (whether these are postcards or a video edited from joint photos, again, it doesn’t matter, the main thing is that you create it yourself, bringing a piece of your soul into it).

Only at home can you afford to spend the evening in a bath with aromatic oils (read and choose antidepressants) with pleasant music and dim lights. Add to this a glass of delicious wine or reading your favorite book of your choice. Or you can wrap yourself in your favorite blanket and watch your favorite series or new movie, washing it all down with hot chocolate, gradually falling asleep. Giving yourself a day of sufficient relaxation and good sleep helps restore your mood, which depends on the overall energy level in the body.

If you have pets at home, then spending time with them will bring you a lot of joy, especially if there was no opportunity for this before. In general, being at home and doing household chores increases the feeling of security and comfort, which affects your mood. That is why the seemingly not very joyful task of spring cleaning ultimately gives an increase in mood, when all things are in their places, and the old and damaged are thrown away, a feeling of freedom appears. Moreover, there is a version that when a person puts things in order in the external space, his psyche puts things in order inside, using analogies of cleaning and sorting, prioritizing and searching for new opportunities. So don’t be surprised if, after cleaning, you come up with solutions to many problems that you’ve been struggling with for months.

How to cheer yourself up at work

It's great if you go to work in a great mood and expecting wonderful events, but not everyone is so lucky. Some haven’t been on vacation for a long time, some are killed by the monotony of the days and the dullness of the office, some are simply bored - there are a lot of reasons for low mood at work besides the work itself, and when strained relationships with the team and management are added, you have to work beyond the norm , then it’s not far from depression.

First, carefully assess the state of your workplace - remove everything unnecessary, spend time organizing things and files, and take care of the ergonomics of the space. This kind of cleaning helps you find everything quickly and not freak out over unnecessary things; in addition, a decent appearance of the workplace makes the work itself more enjoyable. Make your day easier by planning, write down upcoming tasks and put a tick next to completed ones - it really shows that you are not in an unsettled routine, but the process is still moving. By the way, you also need to move yourself, so it’s better to go outside for lunch than to eat your sandwich, staring at the screen and finishing your presentation. Breaks should be of high quality - being in the sun, buying something along the way, drinking coffee in the nearest park is not much of a problem, but it improves your mood.

To make your stay at the workplace easier, you should find sources of recharge, and if they are not available where you are, you will have to take them from remote places. It's easy to do this if you restructure the small breaks a little. Let it be a smoke break, but now during it you don’t need to stare at a gray wall, thinking that there are still four hours of torture left, during this time you can call other people (friends who inspire positivity in you, acquaintances about whom you haven’t heard anything for a long time , loved one or best friend). Such conversations distract from workload and bring fresh flows of information, and with these people you can laugh or even gloat over work moments. In addition to telephone conversations, the same thing can be done via the Internet, and you can even plan your weekend or choose shopping - the main thing is to ensure that such behavior is unloading and does not constitute the bulk of your working time, otherwise you can get a lot of problems. By spending short breaks not on sorting things out with colleagues and gossip, but on optimizing your leisure time, you free up most of it for pleasant activities (if you have already placed an order in an online store, you have saved half a day off, and if you ordered pizza, then you took care of your evening, but planning the weekend brings joy also through the process of preparation itself).

And also, so that your mood at work does not fall to the plinth, take care of your condition not only at work, but also before and after it. Before the work day, it’s good to relieve excess stress in the gym or while jogging by rebuffing an arrogant fellow traveler, instead of remaining silent or lashing out at colleagues. After work, it would be great to visit the pool, spend this evening in silence or in pleasant company. The main thing is to provide a few hours when you can take care of yourself and minimize the consequences of the workday, then the next one will go easier.

How to cheer yourself up if everything is bad

When the problems do not end, minor troubles begin to drive you crazy because they happen continuously, the blues last for months, thoughts come about antidepressants or the possibility of drowning your sorrows in alcohol and drugs, but there are simpler and more useful ways to cheer yourself up if everything tired of it. You can start with what accompanies us every day - with food. You can support the nervous system by adding mint and chamomile to tea, which will soothe and care for the nervous system. As for food, you should stop eating just anything - find interesting recipes, preferably from various national cuisines, and cook yourself some delicious food. The whole process, from choosing food to setting the table correctly, is comparable to a meditative process, and a variety of smells, tastes and colors will nourish your sensory sphere. In principle, switching attention from mental activity to touch very quickly and qualitatively improves mood, so massage and various wraps, masks and simple sorting of cereals will help a lot.

If everything is bad, rest will help lift your spirits and fill your needs. If there is serious sleep deprivation, turn off all gadgets, get out of sight, stock up on food and sleep all weekend. If life resembles running on a wheel, then go somewhere for the weekend, better for everything than for an hour - the maximum change of environment will bring back the feeling of life.

Make a list of your own desires and goals, determine ways to achieve them and start taking action. Lack of movement paralyzes the emotional sphere worse than fear. Start moving towards both your own and physical desires - sport, in its pleasant form, is an excellent antidepressant, and warming up in the middle of the day helps flexibility not only in joints, but also in thinking. During physical activity, the hormone of joy is produced, and if you do regular exercise, changes in your own emotional state will become noticeable in a couple of days. If regular exercise doesn’t work out, then add mandatory walks or hiking to your schedule.

How to cheer yourself up every day

The good mood of each day comes from how our morning went. And if it’s the day of the trip, then even getting up at five in the morning is joyful and wonderful, but if the weather outside is dull, the condition is pre-sick, and there’s another rush at work, then getting yourself out of bed will be problematic, and all actions are accompanied by dissatisfied grumbling.

In order to have a great mood every day, you need to take care of its good start: set the alarm clock a little earlier so that you have time to leisurely lie down, and instead of the “alarm clock” inscription on your phone, you can put some kind of encouraging or cheerful phrase. Set aside twenty minutes at the beginning of each day for calm and relaxed thoughts.

Morning is the best time for daydreaming and making plans, for light meditations and sending positive wishes to loved ones - use it for pleasing things, and not for frantically running around the apartment looking for keys (even if you have to get up a little earlier). Anything negative you encounter along the way can be written down on a separate piece of paper. Those. It’s not this terrible world that turned off the water, burned the scrambled eggs and broke the heel, but it’s you who collect the little troubles that accompany the morning. Turn it into a game, at the end of which, for example, when you get to work, you can fold a piece of paper into an airplane and launch it into the air.

Make sure that every day is filled with physical activity, a change of environment and delicious food. These things can be combined, for example, by eating in different places or going for a run on different routes. Make sure that not only your body, but also your brain does not remain hungry: new knowledge and acquaintances, places and films are a source of mental pleasure, in the absence of which no antidepressant will help.

You can also introduce the practice of fulfilling one wish every day or performing a bright and pleasing act. If it happens that you don’t have your own wishes for today, then fulfill others’ – the joy of those around you will return with even greater joy of your own.