Leo monthly horoscope. What number does the zodiac sign Leo begin with?

Compatibility horoscope: zodiac sign Leo, what month - the most complete description, only proven theories based on astrological observations of several millennia.

Each Zodiac Sign begins and ends at the same time year after year. One of the brightest Signs is the summer Leo, who has an extremely violent temperament.

Previously, we wrote a detailed description of Leo men and women. Read this information to better understand these people, what to expect from them, and how to interact with them. Each of us is unique, so astrology helps to unravel the mysteries of any person only by his date of birth.

When does Leo's action begin?

The period when the Zodiac Sign Leo comes into its legal force - from July 23 to August 23. The whole year is divided into 12 equal parts, so you can track the action of the Signs by month. In the summer, Cancer comes before Leo, and after - Virgo. This is an unchanging order that was established many hundreds of years ago.

Any person born between July 23 and August 23 is considered a Leo. The stars give him a certain energy, which determines his character and preferences in life.

Leo character

Zodiac Signs have 4 elements that are repeated three times. Fire, earth, air and water. They go strictly in this order every month, from year to year. Aries is fire, Taurus is earth, Gemini is air, Cancer is water, and then the cycle repeats. So Leo is a representative of the fire element.

Such people are hot; circumstances and environment can extinguish them or, conversely, rekindle them. Even within the same element, Signs still differ greatly. Leos are the quintessence, the brightest representative of fire. Those born under these stars have a violent temperament, although they often hide it. They have a very strong influence on the people around them, making them either nervous or blissful. Usually, if it is difficult to communicate with a Leo, it means that he does not like you, since your interests differ. Leos do not allow themselves to be controlled, so it is difficult to find a common language with them. It is best not to grovel before them, but to look for a diplomatic way out of any situation. You need to think about how to keep everything in balance. Leos rarely resort to hypocrisy or manipulation, so their emotions are always clear and understandable.

Many people mistakenly believe that it is impossible to find a common language with Leos, but this is not true, because they are sociable, affectionate and caring. If something threatens their loved one, they will rush at the offender in rage. And this is not ostentatious indignation: Leos always fiercely protect everything that belongs to them. You need to be careful with them, but not because they are kings or want to be, but because they cannot stand being led.

When they are in the company of people or in a friendly company, everyone pays attention to them. Nobody knows why, but it is so. When you talk to them, they get a little worried. Sometimes people are annoyed by their habit of giving advice, but you can live with this calmly, especially since this advice is not always useless, since it comes from the heart. If Leos don’t like you, then they simply won’t communicate with you, so don’t think that Leo will discuss you behind your back.

How to communicate with Leos

Those born between July 23 and August 23 are very demanding. You can talk to them on an equal basis, but putting yourself above them is useless. Leos have pride and a little permanent egoism about their status. They believe that their rules cannot be rewritten. If your Leo wife does not like daily cleaning, then she will never scrub the apartment out of love for art, although only circumstances can force her. For example, the appearance of guests in front of whom your Lioness will want to look impeccable.

People are often concerned about the love compatibility of Zodiac Signs. Previously, we wrote about which Signs harmonize well and poorly. Many people mistakenly think that life together with Leos is equal to hell on earth, but this is not so. Even such seemingly different people as Virgo and Leo can get along together, so don’t lose hope that Lioness or Leo will like you.

Leo men and Leo women are incredibly similar, although there are, of course, some differences. It is much easier to communicate with men, since they simply do not think about themselves and their ego. Women constantly analyze the people around them, singling out those who can encroach on their greatness.

Astrology looks for patterns, but not a 100% panacea for any quarrel. So you can get to know a person completely only through communication with him. However, you can trace, for example, what the Zodiac Signs hate. This article will help you see the world through the eyes of another person, so as not to accidentally offend or alienate him. Be happy and don't forget to press the buttons and

Leo - Month and Date of Birth

Leo is a beautiful animal with enormous strength, which is inherent in all those born under this zodiac sign. In a word, the king of beasts. There is also the constellation Leo. People who have the zodiac sign Leo were born between 07/23 and 08/23. Like animals, lions have the same strong character; they have no fear. They will always come to help if anyone needs it. People like Leos almost always occupy a leadership position in life. Like all mortals, Leo people have their flaws: self-confidence; narcissism; impetuosity. Also, such people love to flaunt their virtues.

Children with the zodiac sign of Leo are very cheerful and happy. This state will last until your baby encounters difficulties and obstacles on his way. Leo children, when they feel that someone or something is threatening their position, are always the first to attack. Parents must respect their cub's leadership. There is no need to scold them because these kids are lazy, you cannot humiliate their pride. You need to win over your child with your love and tenderness. Then he will become disciplined, more responsible, and will begin to respect people.

Zodiac sign Leo: July 23 – August 23

Leo is a fire sign of the zodiac, whose annual numbers correspond to the dates from July 23 to August 23. This sign is under the influence of the Sun, its element is Fire. The lucky color is scarlet, the aroma is orange, rosemary, the talisman is an ancient minted coin, and the symbols are a lion and a swan.

Zodiac sign – Leo.

Zodiac sign Leo by birth period.

Leo is the central figure of the Zodiac. Leo has a domineering character and a rich nature. He is an egoist, although with a kind heart, eager to rule over his friends and family. In company, Leo always attracts attention and strives to be in the center of the conversation. Leo usually speaks in a condescending tone; he loves to give advice and teach everyone how to live. At the same time, they often cannot improve their own lives.

Leo is very vain, flattery acts on him like a balm, and lack of attention simply enrages him. He is very vulnerable and suffers deeply when others do not respect his wisdom and generosity. This makes it very difficult for Leo to make rational decisions.

There are almost no bachelors or old maids among Leos, as they are always in love. But excessive pride often spoils their marriage.

Leo endures love failures with great dignity. He knows how to forgive, and in his love life returns to his former partner are possible.

By nature, Leo is purposeful and difficult to turn away from his chosen path. He is very energetic, although at times he can have bouts of laziness.

Leo is a sign of extremes: either sloppiness and negligence, or amazing neatness. All Leos love gossip; they definitely need to know everything about what is happening around them.

Leo's calling is to protect the weak. He is a loyal friend, a fair and strong enemy.

Leo is a creative, strong and cheerful person. Dresses quite brightly. An optimist who can endure troubles with dignity.

Zodiac sign Leo by birth period

Saturn had the greatest influence on these people at birth. They have a strong character, are mysterious, hot-tempered, avoid solitude and do not tolerate being forced.

Numbers promoting happiness and luck: 19, 39, 57, 76.

Jupiter had the greatest influence on these people at birth. They are strictly, consistent and principled people down to the smallest detail, prudent, meticulous, have a mathematical mindset, and have a positive attitude towards ceremonial rituals.

Numbers promoting happiness and luck: 19, 36, 40, 57, 76.

These people were most influenced by Mars at birth. They are strong in character, have the inclination and habit of commanding, and respect the government. Their thinking and understanding are in harmony with their physical development. They thrive and achieve significant success in life and military service.

Numbers promoting happiness and luck: 15, 19, 30, 35, 36, 57, 60, 76.

Zodiac signs.

What days of the month is dominated by the zodiac sign Leo?

Leo is a fire sign of the zodiac, whose annual numbers correspond to the dates from July 23 to August 23. This sign is under the influence of the Sun, its element is Fire, and its symbols are the lion and the swan.

Zodiac sign Leo lucky numbers and other astrological correspondences

  • Astrological colors that reflect Leo's temperament and bring good luck - red, purple, gold, black. People born on the days of the Leo zodiac sign should not wear white, since for this sign this color symbolizes failure, failure, and unpleasant experiences.
  • Stones of the zodiac sign Leo, the sign of the last summer month - amber, peridot, topaz, ruby, onyx, diamond, esmerald.
  • Metal – gold.
  • Leos are attracted to flowers with large bright buds - roses, peonies, dahlias, gladioli, chrysanthemums.
  • Lucky numbers that bring good luck to the Leo zodiac sign are 1, 5, 9, 11.
  • Favorable day of the week is Sunday, unfavorable day is Saturday.

Zodiac sign Leo – dates and temperament

  • People born in zodiac sign Leo in numbers from July 23 to August 3, are under the influence of Saturn. These are strong natures with powerful energy and vital potential, mystical, ardent, not loving loneliness, not tolerating coercion. The years that play a significant role in their lives are 19, 39, 57, 76.
  • The zodiac sign Leo, those born on the days from August 4 to August 12, are under the influence of Jupiter. They are scrupulous and reasonable, picky, love luxury and ceremony. Important years for Leo in the second decade are 19, 36, 40, 57, 76.
  • People of the zodiac sign Leo, whose birth dates fall on the dates from August 13 to 23, are born under the influence of the warlike Mars. These are strong, powerful individuals who always achieve their goals. People of these birth dates are born warriors and excel in the army. Important years in the life of those born in the third decade are 15, 19, 30, 35, 36, 57, 60, 76.

The character of people in the last summer month is the zodiac sign Leo

The classic Leo zodiac sign person is generous. This is precisely the character trait that distinguishes this horoscope sign from all other astrological signs. Pettiness is disgusting to Leo, but this does not mean that he is impractical.

People born under the Leo zodiac sign always support their loved ones; in the most difficult situations they will be on the side of those they love and for whom they fight. The help of these people is not limited to sympathy, it is always practical and quite tangible support.

They love for everything to be according to their wishes, for their opinion to be taken into account; power and independence are their food.

Many representatives born on the date zodiac sign Leo self-esteem is developed, they are also characterized by selfishness, power, and vanity. They know that these are their shortcomings and try to keep these character traits under control.

To be submissive, to bow to circumstances, to resign oneself, to give up fighting is a difficult task for Leo. Even a defeated, crumpled person of this zodiac constellation will continue to fight. The position of one against all does not frighten him, although he should learn flexibility, learn to be less categorical. &1

Astrological forecast-horoscope for each month of 2015 for Leo

2015 will be a turning point for people born under the zodiac sign Leo, as they will want to radically change their lives. Leos will look for new sources of income that will better meet their needs. By doing this, Leos will increase their creative potential, because, as everyone knows, for people of the Leo sign, self-expression is one of the most important areas of life. This year, the year of the Green Sheep (Goat), they will have many useful and important meetings with new people who will help Leos choose the right direction and provide the support they need so much.

Horoscope for January 2015 for the Zodiac Sign Leo

January will be one of the most important months this year for people of the Leo sign. They will show themselves in all their glory. People will see in Leo a true leader, wise and fair. However, for this, Leos will need to work on themselves, learn to keep their emotions to themselves so that their minds are clear. Learn to make decisions and take responsibility for them, because it is these qualities that define Leo as the king of beasts.

Financial and business horoscope for Leo for January 2015

The financial situation of Lviv in January will be unstable. Too many expenses will fall on their wallet. Leos, with their broad nature, will not be able to resist the temptation to show themselves, although honestly, deep in their souls, they will fight this. As usual, they will make grand gestures towards their friends and loved ones. This month it is not advisable for Leos to borrow money - this can greatly worsen their financial situation.

Love horoscope for Leo for January 2015

In the area of ​​personal relationships, people of the Leo sign will have complete order this month. Leos will shine in all their glory and therefore will be surrounded on all sides by the attention and love of the opposite sex. Leos will also love a lot and often. But, unfortunately, these connections are unlikely to develop into a more serious relationship. This will be a frivolous, but very pleasant relationship, the kind that will be remembered for a lifetime - a frenzy of passion that will incinerate to the ground the first time.

Health horoscope for Leo for January 2015

Leo's health will be unstable this month. The abundance of holidays will greatly contribute to this. Too many temptations will surround Leo. This includes excessively rich food and alcohol, and many meetings will not end in the most platonic way, which can also negatively affect the health of these people. Leos themselves will understand all this perfectly well, but at the same time, they will be sorry to miss the opportunity to show themselves in society, at meetings with friends.

The word Zodiac itself came to us from Ancient Greece, and it is translated as “Circle of Animals,” denoting a kind of celestial ribbon that encircles our Earth. Along this route, the Sun makes its way, like the Moon with some planets, passing the zodiac constellations. The sectors of this “belt” are usually called the signs of the Zodiac; they are key elements in astrology.

At different times there were different numbers of zodiac signs - 8, 10, and even 17 signs. Today there are 12 of them, four signs in each element - Aries, Leo and Sagittarius - the elements of Fire, Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn - the elements of Earth, Gemini, Libra and Aquarius - the elements of Air, Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces - the elements of Water.

All zodiac signs have a certain set of qualities and characteristics that these signs endow with the people born under them.

Negative character: vain,

arrogant, demanding of attention and

worship, capricious, self-centered,

wasteful of money, superficial.

character: proud, with feeling

self-esteem, sincere,

friendly, generous, hospitable,

Your child most likely has a pleasant

appearance, and others like him. a lion

– a fire sign, just like Aries and

Sagittarius. So you will have a lot

troubles with him in childhood. Any Leo -

little king, and therefore he has more

I like to be in charge. If you

If you indulge him in everything, you will get

little domestic tyrant. At any

company he wants to be the best,

the most important thing, and if he doesn’t

succeeds, then prefers to spend time

in front of the TV or to harass parents

with your quibbles. Child at times

very active, its activity is harmful

limit. But to guide your

little Leo needs to firmly and

strictly. If there is a conflict

with his peers, don’t punish him,

better appeal to his feelings

justice. Try it

convince him that if he was in the game today

Most importantly, then tomorrow it’s his comrade’s turn.

He is very sensitive to praise: if you

noticed his success, certainly

praise him, he will try to earn it

praise again. Leo doesn't love

loneliness. He is always looking for himself

comrades whom you can lead.

Most often he finds them. But the relationship

things may not work out with peers, and

then your child will suffer from

loneliness. The best way to rid him

from this suffering - to invite

peers in the house. Both boys and girls

love hospitable hosts. They are able

take care of your guests and make

so that everyone would be interested. These

children are kind and generous by nature, but

at the same time self-centered. Role

hospitable host or hostess

will help them develop attention to

to others. Your child is also very

It's good to have pets.

Firstly, he will be happy to

command cats and dogs and not

will suffer from loneliness;

secondly, learn to care about someone

more than yourself. With study and discipline

something is going on with your child

strange. Either he learns easily and quickly,

grasping everything on the fly, or it

I am overwhelmed by irresistible laziness. Not

scold him, it's useless, no

hurt his sense of self

dignity and especially don’t punish

him physically. It's better not to play him

vanity. Praise for school success

his peers. It's enough. Leos

I don't like it when others have something

it works, but they don’t. They will do anything

possible to achieve no less

success. But be careful and

praise your child if he is good at something

great men, kings and heroes who

became famous for their exploits in the name

humanity. He cares about everything

associated with power. When will he come

older, he might be interested

politics. It may well happen that

your child has a great future ahead of him.

Try to give him solid knowledge and

teach you to achieve goals. You'll have to

devote a lot of time and attention to him

behavior and education. Otherwise

in case he may grow up to be selfish,

those who want to excel at any cost.

These children love music and theater. IN

at school age they can get carried away

everything related to theater, music,

cinema, dancing. Encourage these hobbies.

Use your passion for theater to

get your child interested in reading. your child

has natural intuition,

attractiveness. If you teach him

purposefully, he will be able to achieve

great success in life.

Could your child be sick? How does he

generally sensitive skin, it may

get sunburned. Please also note

focus on the heart and lower back.

In early childhood, back injuries are possible and

knees. It is advisable to remove all dangerous

objects out of reach. If

the baby is diagnosed with strabismus, then it is necessary

See a doctor as soon as possible.

Little Lions don't like to swim.

English astrologer Teri King advises

get your child interested in bathing,

tinting the water in different colors. Their

the sound of running water scares me, so don’t

turn on the tap when the child is

in the bath. Children of this type have two

extremes: either they have excellent health,

or they always have a temperature and something

sick. But the overall viability of

contraindicated for your child? Harsh, cruel treatment, never

punish him physically. Don't encourage

He has a desire to command those around him.

Humiliation, bullying; never

scold him in the presence of his comrades.

Your child needs good

upbringing and education. Take action

by persuasion, not by force. Start

pets so he can learn about

take care of them. Don't forget to praise

child for their achievements.

Temperament and

Leos are fiery passionate men and

women who refuse to play second

violin, consider themselves the center of the universe,

a star, a reflection of one's own

imagination. They want to lead

lead, inspire, give good luck, fall asleep

gifts, protect, entertain.

means life, warmth, fire, flame,

light, consciousness, idealism, discipline,

radiant grandeur. Human consciousness

as opposed to “lunar”

subconscious. Internally, Leos are aware

its social role, what can it do

of them status seekers. Unfortunately,

not everyone has a physical resemblance to the king

beasts, but all have his ambition.

Horoscope for today Leo

Horoscope for tomorrow Leo

Horoscope of compatibility of Leo with other zodiac signs

Weekly horoscope for Leo

Horoscope for Leo for 2016

People born under the sign of Leo, as a rule, are incorrigibly materialistic: they value only real benefits and strive for them.

Leo of the second decade

From August 4 to August 12, Leo is influenced by Jupiter, making them reasonable, logical, and prone to exact mathematical sciences. Such Leos have a developed sense of responsibility, keenly sense the continuity of generations and are able to implement the most complex plans.

People of the Leo zodiac sign are noble, but they feel the casteism of everything in the world, so they prefer to help their equals and may not notice someone who is lower than them on the social ladder.

Leo of the third decade

From August 13 to August 22, Leo Martians are born. These are born commanders and rulers. The influence of Mars makes them even more powerful, strong and purposeful. Such people of the Leo zodiac sign are endowed with the most powerful energy and sexual potential and firmly believe that they are able to literally turn the whole world upside down.

Progressions to planets in the sign of Leo are also very noticeable in life. Usually they are associated with cardinal decisions made, and in the case of destructive progressions - fatal mistakes, catastrophic losses. The most important decisions in life are made during periods of progression to planets in Leo.

Leos have the best relationships with the signs ruled by the element of Fire - Leo, Aries and Sagittarius. The sign of Leo is best combined with Gemini - both are bright, strong and independent, and their union rests on the strongest foundation - mutual interests and the ability to feel each other. There are also good prospects in relationships with Libra - the sophisticated aesthetes Libra and the bright leaders Leo often create very beneficial alliances for both. An alliance is likely with the absolute opposite of Leo - Aquarius, if the latter can come to terms with the role of a follower. A not very successful union awaits Leo and Scorpio, and a completely unsuccessful one with Taurus: both are fixed signs, where perseverance and unwillingness to give in rule the roost.


To overcome this obstacle, Leos should not seek honor or respect - because no one owes them anything! Only the Light gives them what they have. They do not create anything themselves, so there is no excuse for their vanity at the moment of success. Light is everywhere and for everyone. Leos must share the energy they are gifted with. They must be considerate of other people and allow that the opinions of others may also have their merits. The real level of Leos can be recognized by the way they share with others. If Leo helps for free, without trying to gain personal gain or fame, then and only then will he be able to overcome his pride.

Key words in the horoscope for Leo - Sun - Fifth House:

Development, thirst for sparkle, love from the heart, dating, sex, creativity, arts, stage, role-playing activities, artistry, creative elite, love of games, demonstration of “I”. Royal combination in the horoscope.

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Your planet is the Sun. You can also be called the sun. For everyone around you you shine, shine, warm with your warmth, which, like the Sun, you have enough for everyone. Nobility and generosity are your second nature, dear Leo. And the first, by the way, is self-esteem. You are the king of beasts and the king of the entire Zodiac. Life for you is a throne room, and in it you are a fair and kind ruler. And there is no need for unnecessary modesty, you yourself know very well that your subjects adore you. You love luxury and feel uncomfortable without it. Perhaps you can only be reproached for being somewhat susceptible to flattery, but this small flaw, in any case, overshadows your many advantages.


Leo is the healthiest sign of the zodiac, so you are unlikely to have serious health problems. However, take care of your heart and spine. Astrostar recommends: sometimes you tend to royally overestimate your own strengths, so get more rest and don’t overwork, although this is quite difficult for you. Never miss a vacation. And it’s better to devote it to doing nothing in some exotic country (just don’t rush to get acquainted with the local cuisine - who knows how your stomach might react to it). Your healthy foods and supplements: apples, cheese, seafood.


Your loved one should be an ideal in your eyes. And if you have fallen in love, you are ready for anything. You do not skimp on gifts and tokens of attention, literally blinding the object of passion with your radiance. This is wonderful, but still you, like a true king, sometimes tend to listen only to yourself. Astrostar astrologers recommend to you: just listen more often to the opinion of your loved one; human warmth can never be replaced by the most expensive jewelry.

Work and career

You definitely strive to realize yourself in your professional activities, and, it should be noted, you will almost certainly succeed. You feel great, first of all, in leadership positions, but you also reveal your potential in any creative professions, because the real fire of creation burns within you! You are often willing to take risks, which usually pay off.


Our call to Leo - don’t hesitate! Everyone loves you, how can you not love the sun? But still, your rays can make someone wear sunglasses. You are sometimes too demanding of people close to you - remember to be merciful! With another Leo, with Scorpio and Aquarius, you constantly compete in everything possible; relationships can go off scale, but if you are ready for this, so much the better! Aries, Sagittarius and Gemini will be excellent companions for you: you are tuned in to the same wavelength and live by the same emotions. With Virgo and Libra, you are able to create long-term creative and business alliances. Capricorns and Taurus are not close to you; they think too down to earth for you. You yourself are wary of Pisces and Cancer - who can understand them, these water signs?


It is not appropriate for a Leo to dress modestly; you should shine both in the throne room and on the tram. You like bright colors, custom cuts, designer shoes. Why not, after all? Our only wish: in your desire to stand out from the crowd, do not overdo it, choose an outfit according to the occasion.


Your home is your palace, in which you create your own little world with great pleasure. The latest achievements of Italian design, fashionable Japanese motifs, African decorations - all this can be perfectly combined in the interior of one room, in which, by the way, you really like to receive guests. And for your guests, visiting your home is a real holiday.

Full description on the topic: “love horoscope for Leo women (girls) for the month of May 2019” from the best astrologers.

A love horoscope for zodiac signs describes events in the near future that with a high degree of probability can happen or will happen in a person’s personal life. Such a horoscope gives a fairly accurate forecast for representatives of each of the twelve zodiac signs. In the love horoscope you will find good advice and methodological recommendations from astrologers that will help you choose the right partner, avoid negativity and become happy in your relationship.

The love horoscope for all signs for 2019 now, on the eve of the coming year, will show how successful this time will be. Decide for yourself what you need: deep lasting feelings, stormy and brief romances, or vain affairs, carelessness and disappointment? The stars know this, and are ready to tell you the truth through a love horoscope for a woman of the zodiac sign Leo.

Love horoscope for the zodiac sign Leo for 2019

Leo is the sign of people with high goals and aspirations. Leos, both men and women, prefer freedom in love. A short leash and social conventions are not for them; they recognize only their own desires and the right to privacy.

By the way, these are generous and magnanimous lovers. The love horoscope for the Leo zodiac sign marks these people as passionate partners. Leo will not tolerate refusal. These are such ambitious and insightful natures that they manage to easily pass through the lives of other people, and make it so that those who got to know them closely regret that they are not around. How do Leos manage this? Only they know about this.

Leo girls love compliments. In some ways they are capricious and look like spoiled children. A man who is trying to find an approach to a lady of the Leo sign should find out that by learning to delicately emphasize her pride and narcissism, he gets a good chance of winning first the attention and then the heart of a woman of this constellation, reports a free love horoscope for this zodiac sign.

In general, according to the conclusion of astrologers and love horoscope for Leo woman, in relationships these are true ladies. However, due to arrogance, pride and selfishness, it is not easy for them to meet a companion who fully corresponds to their ideals. Often a woman of this sign of love prefers a contractual relationship with a successful and influential man who is able to give everything for her comfort.

But we should not forget about the passionate impulses of these women. They suffer without love. And having love, they are happy. By nature they are ambitious and determined. They will not take into account the obstacles on the way to the goal. They can be wild in love. A woman of the Leo sign is smart, beautiful, and knows her worth. And she does a lot to preserve her youth and charm.

  • The love horoscope for 2019 promises Leo happiness and harmony with the signs of the fiery triad - Aries and Sagittarius, as well as with the airy Gemini and Libra.
  • With Taurus, love is doomed to fail. With Scorpio, the Leo girl will also experience deep disappointment.

Love horoscope for 2019 for Leo woman by month

Each year that comes again gives us luck, luck and happiness. However, troubles, hardships and trials also happen. But, if you know in advance how to avoid dangerous moments, you can avoid serious problems.

Read the love astrological forecast for the Leo woman for each of the 12 months of the coming year of the Yellow Earth Pig. Find your true love, or strengthen your existing relationship!

Love horoscope for Leo woman for January 2019

January 2019 will give girls the opportunity to feel like queens. Celebrating the New Year will be very unusual. Your loved one will take care of this.

In the second ten days of the month you may receive a marriage proposal. Before you answer, weigh the pros and cons. Marriage can interfere with your career and business.

Love horoscope for Leo woman for February 2019

February will not start in the best way due to financial difficulties. This always upsets the sensitive and proud Leo. Relatives or a loved one will help you cope with problems. The support will be not only moral, but also material.

In the middle of the month, it is possible to meet an interesting man, a relationship with whom will bring great benefits to the Lioness. A stormy romance is not excluded, warns the free love horoscope for 2019 for the Leo woman for the month of February. Some girls will even decide to break off their previous love affair.

The country's chief astrologer revealed the secret attracting wealth and prosperity for the three zodiac signs, you can test yourself for free ⇒ ⇒ ⇒ ….

Love horoscope for Leo woman for March 2019

March 2019 will be a beautiful time for women of this sign to go out into the world. Use the opportunities provided to you to start a new, fulfilling and successful relationship. By the way, this can be not only love, but also business relationships.

However, the increased activity of girls born under this sign can harm relationships with family. For married ladies, their spouses will present a number of claims that Lionesses will have to accept for the sake of domestic peace and mutual understanding.

Love horoscope for Leo woman for April 2019

Lionesses will greet April with joy, in a happy mood. You shouldn’t worry about little things, even if it relates to love and intimate moments in a relationship. Everything will be fine with Lionesses’ finances in April, and therefore they will want to give their beloved man an expensive gift. This is exactly in the spirit of the representatives of this astrological sign.

For girls of the Leo sign who do not yet have a partner, the stars advise them to go on a tourist trip or a short vacation this spring. This voyage, as promised by the love horoscope for a girl of the zodiac sign Leo for 2019, will bring a completely expected meeting and a stormy, rather long-term romance.

Love horoscope for Leo woman for May 2019

Women born under this sign will have to spend the blooming May outside the home. This can be caused by various reasons, one of which is the desire and need for privacy. Tired of March and April social activity, the Leo girl will want to be alone with herself.

In addition, a number of problems may arise in May - with health, business, money, relationships, etc. Having dealt with the problems, by the end of the month the Lionesses will feel a loss of strength. The attention of loved ones and lover will help you recover.

Love horoscope for Leo woman for June 2019

The beginning of summer for women of this constellation, as predicted by the online love horoscope for women for 2019 Pig, is an ambiguous period. There will be luck, but there will also be disappointment. There is a possibility that disappointment will come precisely in your personal life and current relationships.

In June, some Lionesses will finally decide to break old ties. In the future, these drastic changes will have a positive impact professionally. And also in the sphere of personal relationships. It is possible that an office romance may begin, which will become the basis for a future successful marriage.

Love horoscope for Leo woman for July 2019

For Leo women, the second month of summer will be incredibly fruitful in career and love. Moreover, it will be closely interconnected. Great success awaits you on the love front. If you have not yet created your own family, know that during business negotiations a fateful meeting awaits you - this is the love forecast for July 2019 for a woman of the zodiac constellation Leo.

In July, family representatives of this sign will give their family warmth, care, love and affection. And at the same time, gifts that relatives have long dreamed of.

Love horoscope for Leo woman for August 2019

August will give girls a good opportunity to take a break from the carousel of affairs and the pursuit of time. For those who are in a serious relationship, the love horoscope for the Leo zodiac sign promises that the last summer month will pass on a wave of peace and optimism. You will be able to make a romantic surprise for your beloved man, which he will certainly appreciate highly.

For representatives of the Leo sign who are free from promises, August 2019 will give many pleasant and even life-changing events. These include unexpected, exciting acquaintances, dates, and a stormy love affair, the possibilities of which these passionate girls will exhaust to the dregs.

Love horoscope for Leo woman for September 2019

September 2019 will be a period of romantic excitement and transformation. There will be new exciting acquaintances. And also a renewal of long-existing personal relationships: Lionesses are in for surprises of a private nature.

Unmarried representatives of the constellation will have a chance to meet their soulmate. The love horoscope for women for 2019 of the Yellow Pig advises young free Lionesses to take a closer look at their immediate surroundings - perhaps the love of your life has been around for a long time and admires you, not daring to admit their feelings.

Family Lionesses will be busy arranging and improving their home - repairing and updating the interior. Common family concerns will bring them closer to their spouses, and the relationship will become even better, even more harmonious.

Love horoscope for Leo woman for October 2019

The second month of autumn will bring not only rain, but also a test of feelings. In newly formed couples, disagreements may arise. In October, on the advice of the love horoscope for a girl of the zodiac sign Leo for 2019, be wary of new acquaintances. There is a possibility that not all of them are sincere.

For young Lionesses who do not have a partner, the stars do not promise fatal acquaintances and whirlwind romances in October. But there are always exceptions to the rules, and life itself is unpredictable. But the romance, which began in October, is unlikely to develop.

Love horoscope for Leo woman for November 2019

Many ladies of the Leo zodiac sign, whose heart is free and whose time is not occupied with romantic meetings, as the astrological forecast for the Leo woman predicts, will find their love in November. It will be a strong feeling that will bring them happiness and satisfaction.

In the last autumn month, Leo women who are in a relationship or marriage will also be lucky, since their partner will show maximum attention, care and tenderness during this period.

Love horoscope for Leo woman for December 2019

Girls of the Leo sign will spend the last month of 2019 peacefully and measuredly, enjoying the quiet flow of life. As the star love horoscope for the Leo woman promises, a calm relationship will bring harmony and confidence, and this always has a good effect on relationships, work and health.

A free and accurate love horoscope for 2019 for the Yellow Earth Pig will help you find out in advance how family relationships will develop when you find your love, and the horoscope will also tell you how not to miss your chance and become a happy person. And if you are attentive to yourself and the events happening around you, you will be able to anticipate dangerous moments and prevent them from manifesting themselves in reality.

What does the love horoscope promise us for 2019 - feelings and emotions

Each of the 12 zodiac signs has a special love horoscope for 2019. This online horoscope is a great way to create fruitful love relationships and a long, happy family life.

Each of us carries a certain set of personal characteristics. We are born with them, they are part of us. They determine our desires, ideals in love, our sensuality, and the very ability to fall in love. We have attraction, temperament, and even subjective ideas about the beauty and charm of a partner from birth, by nature. The stars and planets influence earthly events and each of us, and a professional love horoscope for zodiac signs shows us who we really are and what we can expect personally from the coming 2019 Yellow Pig.

For some, sympathy is enough for a relationship, while others are in no hurry to tie themselves into marriage, preferring short-term love and stormy, fleeting romances. But, if you want to find truly deep feelings, first of all, get to know yourself. As well as the character, desires and aspirations of your chosen one. We offer a love horoscope for women for 2019 of the Yellow Earth Pig.

Find out which months of the next year will be favorable for love and relationships, and in which period, on the contrary, you should not start a love affair in order to protect yourself from disappointment. This useful information will be given to you by the astrological love horoscope for 2019 for the Leo woman by month, because it is about them, the girls of the fire sign, that we will now talk about. Want to find out what your heart desires?

A truthful love horoscope for a girl with the star sign Leo for 2019 will help you find and keep your love. Read online advisory advice from expert astrologers that will help you navigate reality and understand what awaits you in your personal life in the coming year.

A correctly compiled love horoscope for the new year 2019 will help representatives of all zodiac signs find the ideal partner for romantic meetings, intimate relationships, or marriage. Read the love horoscope for all signs for the next year of the Yellow Earth Pig, and be happy in love and relationships!

The lion is a strong animal, the king of beasts. Representatives of this zodiac sign have the same charisma and character. What does the future hold for Leos? As the horoscope for 2019 says, Leo is quite energetic, unyielding, decisive, always goes towards the intended goal and sweeps away everything in its path. This is partly why no one tries to block his path. More valuable to yourself. Representatives of the sign are attractive and enterprising. This makes other people follow Leos and do what they say. Nobody forces anyone, people make concessions themselves. There is another side. Like a true predator, Leo can “destroy” anyone who gets in his way of achieving his goal. The representative of the sign knows exactly what he wants and will not give his “piece of the pie” to anyone else. The patron of the sign is the Sun. It will give you the lion’s share of bright energy, which will give you strength for 2019. The Yellow Pig, the patroness of these 12 months, does not promise Leo an easy life, but does not deny possible encouragement, love, and success. The violent temper does not resonate with the character of the patroness of the year. Such a conflict will only worsen the situation at a certain stage of the year. You should be restrained and careful. Under unfavorable circumstances, you can lose your job and family. Don't tempt fate with your character. 2019 will be a turning point for Leo. Either success will come within a year, or a little later, but you shouldn’t give up. There will be ups and downs, fatigue, dissatisfaction. However, dedication and work will make up for everything.


The horoscope for Leo for 2019 suggests a relatively smooth course of life. However, you should always monitor your own health. In terms of mental health, Leos will face certain difficulties. They will have to face some misunderstandings from their superiors. In the summer, you will want to take a break, go on vacation and have a good rest. They won’t let you do this, and it’s not worth it. The best time for vacation is autumn. Then Leos will feel the peak of fatigue, and the stars will allow them to take a break and gain strength. It is at this time of year that it is better to visit the outstanding tourist cities of the world, get a lot of gastronomic pleasure, and an adrenaline rush from extreme sports. Someone will feel better at home, sitting on the couch with absolutely nothing to do, restoring and accumulating energy. Ailments and illnesses are expected to be standard. Problems with the musculoskeletal system will cause discomfort. They can be dealt with not only with medication, but also with constant light physical activity. Problems with the liver and digestive system may occur. Absolutely all representatives of existing zodiac signs should monitor the gastrointestinal tract of their body. It is recommended to review your diet and diet. It's better to switch to eating healthy foods. Not everyone will like it, however, it certainly won’t make things worse.


As the love horoscope for 2019 promises, Leo will be attractive during this period. This applies to both women and men. Lionesses will have access to new feelings, men, novels in the same way as Leo men. Relationships with former partners may begin. It is not recommended to start office romances. They can bring a lot of pleasure, but they will end quickly and leave an unpleasant aftertaste in the soul. The management will not be happy about such behavior of their employee. You will have to re-build relationships with colleagues, because you will constantly feel their unpleasant and judgmental glances on your skin. In family life, not everything will be smooth and not always smooth. One's own arrogance can lead the engaged partners' relationship to the edge of the abyss. This is completely unacceptable, especially if there are children in the family. It is recommended to cool down your ardor, work less, and women to spend less money and pay more attention to their family, their partner in particular. You should not try to impose your own point of view. Learn to compromise. In the end, it concerns the people closest to you.


The career horoscope for Leo for 2019 promises a difficult period in the life of representatives of this sign. The main problems will arise at the beginning of the year and in the summer. There is no point in persisting in front of your superiors. If you go through all the hardships with dignity, you can expect career growth and a salary increase. Otherwise, all efforts will lead to failure. Owning your own business is also possible. Maintaining it will bring a lot of trouble. By correctly distributing roles between yourself and your assistants, making the right decisions on time, by the end of the year the enterprise can bring tangible profits and satisfaction from the work done. The main thing is to keep yourself in control all the time, not to quarrel with your superiors and to accept the suggestions of your assistants. 2019 is not the time to take absolutely everything into your “vain” hands.


As the financial horoscope for 2019 predicts, Leo will not become richer during this period of his life. Moreover, there is a risk of losing authority in the eyes of higher-ups, and at the same time losing part of your budget. There is no need to be upset. You should gather your strength and show your best side. Then Leos will be noticed and will want to be rewarded with something, for example, a promotion, which will invariably lead to an increase in salary. The main financial income will be at the end of the year. After a difficult 12 months, you can breathe a sigh of relief: everything planned for the year has been accomplished.

Leo Woman

Leo is a woman who is a completely self-sufficient person. However, problems in the transitional year of the Yellow Pig will not bypass her. Problems with a bad temper will make themselves felt in family life. The most difficult time will be in the first half of the year. Things will get better towards the end. The main thing is “not to mess things up” before everything returns to normal. Containing your character and emotions is the main rule for Leos in 2019. Serious changes are planned in a woman’s career if she, in turn, does not ruin everything for herself. There will be a sharp rise in career, recognition from colleagues and superiors, and a financial increase. Good moments will alternate with bad ones. You will have to fight them, otherwise there is a risk of losing everything. Know: having good friends, especially in the second half of the year, will make life much easier. Read more

Male - Leo

The horoscope for Leo men looks relatively even. The Year of the Yellow Pig promises a good career, a successful financial year, but do not forget about your loved ones. Again, you should forget about your base qualities. Selfishness and pride will not give you anything useful this year. At first, Leo men will feel some dissatisfaction, a loss of strength, then everything will get better. The positivity will be especially noticeable in the service. Career growth, salary increases, and new interesting projects are possible. Your own business will also bear fruit, although not immediately. There is a chill in family relationships. The partner will get tired of the constant violence of the lion's temper. It’s better to accept your significant other’s dissatisfaction, come to terms with it and try to change the situation for the better with your own hands, rather than try to impose yours on your partner. Read more

Leo is one of the strongest and brightest signs of the zodiac. You can see him right away: sparkling, charming, self-aware, proud, energetic and unyielding. It is simply impossible to stop Leo on the way to what he wants when he has already tuned in to the goal. And, as a rule, no one tries. Partly because he can bribe anyone with his leonine charisma.

On the other hand, crossing the road for a representative of this sign is more expensive for yourself. When angry, this person really looks like a dangerous predator. He will not stop until the “victim” who has set his sights on his well-being is broken.

Those born between July 23 and August 22 are adventurers and risky people. This simultaneously attracts useful contacts to them and makes life much more difficult. How many problems could you have avoided if not for your natural pride, self-confidence and excessive determination?

To soften the likely blows of fate a little and put you in the right mood, we offer a horoscope for Leo for 2019. Find out if you can carry it out on horseback without making concessions - but this is difficult for representatives of the sign. Will long-term ambitions turn out to be successful, or will the coming year of the Yellow Pig moderate Leo’s excessive ardor and force him to do routine work? All the answers, as well as tips and warnings, are prepared for you in this horoscope.

Horoscope for Leo man

It was not in vain that we began by listing the main qualities of Leo. Many of these characteristics, dear men, will turn against you in 2019. The year promises to be successful, but if you manage to keep selfishness and pride in check. In order to achieve real heights, you will have to hold back, accept advice and help.

Self-satisfaction and the desire to boast of success will need to be “turned off” - only modesty will help you stay at the peaks you have achieved. The Year of the Pig will give you trump cards, excessive boasting of which will quickly lead to you being discovered, and even being exposed as a cheater.

The main tests await you not at the front, but in the rear. Fortune in finances and career can blind your eyes and blind you to the most important thing - family and love relationships. Try not to sit all night long over reports and deals; it’s better to hurry home to your beloved. When it comes to work, 2019 is on your side. In a relationship, you will have to build everything yourself. Remember that it is easier to build than to restore.

Horoscope for Leo Woman

You still have to try hard to find a more devoted wife and caring mother than the Lioness woman. This is despite the fact that household chores do not in the least affect their bright appearance and irrepressibly active character. The coming year for you, beautiful ladies, will be a challenge in terms of family.

Suddenly it turns out that everyone needs your attention at once, and you won’t be able to refuse support to anyone. At first, this will flatter your lion’s pride, but over time it will become clear that breaking into everyone is beyond your strength.

You shouldn’t act out of your hand and refuse help - it will turn into a quarrel, and then you will be ashamed that you couldn’t cope (although most often - unreasonably). Just remember, you don't have to rush across town to show support to your girlfriend who's been dumped by her boyfriend. All you have to do is call.


Luck at work is your main surprise for 2019. Sudden raises, pleasant bonuses and long-awaited incentives will literally fall on your head. More precisely, it will seem so from the outside. We know that all achievements are the result of long and hard work. It is during the period of management of the Boar that he will be able to reap the fruits of his activities.

The main thing is not to lose your head with happiness and, having accepted a new post, continue to work at the given high rhythm. Self-control should also remain with you. Do not get carried away by power, maintain your characteristic friendliness and caring nature. This will help not only to remain in your position, but also to move even higher in the near future.

Financial horoscope

The financial side of the 19th year will bring Leo a lot of joy. It will be possible to pay off past debts, close a loan, or, finally, go from eternal zero to some kind of plus. Figuratively speaking, all the holes in your pockets where small items leak will be patched. Save money for a vacation or buy a new TV - yes please.

It is important not to forget that you know how and love to count money, and not waste it in senseless spending. There will probably be a temptation to demonstrate your impressive wealth. It’s better not to do this, and to direct questions about money, modestly lower your gaze and change the subject. You, dear Leo, definitely don’t need envious people and gossipers this year.

Love horoscope for Leo for 2019

If everything is going well for you with your career and financial situation, then the relationship may be in question. For some, the cause of quarrels will be passion for work. Your significant other will actively demand attention and refuse to understand that the office is your home. If you start arguing and continue to stay late at work, this is most likely how it will turn out.

For some, love will crack due to many negative lion qualities that will come out in the wake of success. Demandingness, intransigence, authority, reaching the point of cruelty - these factors can destroy the aura of charm and charm for which you were once loved. Once again, restrain yourself. You will not regret unspoken words, while you will not be able to return what was said. The danger is that relationships destroyed in 2019 risk never being restored.

Lonely Leos, on the contrary, will find themselves on the threshold of new discoveries. This year will turn into a series of pleasant acquaintances. Your adventurous nature will push you into love adventures - from a holiday romance to piquant moments in the most unexpected places and circumstances.

Well, enjoy! But try not to miss the one, or the same one - this year fate itself will push you. This will happen closer to mid-summer. Grab your happiness and hold it tightly in your arms: the foundation laid at this time will last for a very long time.

What will health be like in 2019?

This aspect for Leo in the year of the Pig will also be in the vulnerable category. The root cause of the exacerbation of old illnesses, of course, is stress and overwhelming loads - at work, and in the desire to help everyone, to be on time everywhere and generally jump over one's head, so much so that everyone gasps. But your body will “gasp”, in a negative sense.

All organs that are problematic for you will be affected: the heart, nervous system, spine and large joints. Your energy potential allows you to endure many diseases on the go, but not this time. There is no need to gather your willpower into a fist - you need to go to the doctor and humbly follow all the recommendations. Yes, yes, and bed rest, if necessary.

When you get sick, forget for a while that you are strong and invincible, let your loved ones take care of you. And to protect yourself from illnesses, stop being nervous, twitching, and doing their things for others.

The time has come when it would be a good idea to reconsider your diet and lifestyle. Switch to light, low-calorie foods, at least periodically - on vacation or on weekends, when you don’t need a lot of energy. Try to sleep more and take a mental break from everyday worries.

Born in the Year of the Pig

Leos born under the auspices of the symbol of the year are harmonious and more balanced people than those born under the auspices of another animal. The characteristic features of the Pig mute the hot-tempered lion's temperament. In critical moments, you retain the ability to think clearly and do not lose control of your emotions. Moreover, you usually do not bring the situation to the stage of explosion, but manage to solve everything in advance.

The Pig spirit makes you a little more lazy and capricious than other representatives of the sign. In 2019, this will not be fraught with problems, but on the contrary, it will allow you to enjoy victories, relax peacefully and weigh your plans for the future. Innate enthusiasm will be followed by periods of pessimism more often than usual. Now this is normal, unless the duration of the downturns exceeds the time of your vigor and optimism.

If your mood and ambitions have been at zero for a month now, you should consult a doctor. Not necessarily to see a psychologist. A bad mood and apathy for Leo, even those born in the year of the Pig, can indicate a sluggish disease, an inflammatory process. Health, until 2020, is not your strong point, be attentive to yourself.

The year promises career and financial carrots, but you should be more careful with money. They will come easily, but they may also go completely different from where they planned.

Video horoscope

The article was written specifically for the “2019 Year of the Pig” website:

The Yellow Earth Pig has prepared a lot of surprises, both business and personal. The Mistress of the Year will drive away uncertainty and shyness. She will help you spread your wings and rush towards your happiness at full speed. Thanks to the positive attitude of the Pig, the 2019 horoscope for Leo promises changes for the better in his personal life. Many will be able to find a soul mate or strengthen relationships with a loved one. Career changes are possible. A change of residence is not excluded.

Horoscope for each month of 2019 for Leo

Each month has its own energies that bring both harmony and imbalance. But such an enterprising, courageous zodiac sign as Leo will be able to use them correctly and direct them in the right direction.

  • January. Wishes will come true with the wave of a magic wand. There are many interesting meetings and new acquaintances ahead. Probably an offer from an old friend to start a joint business; it is important to set priorities correctly.
  • February. Ailments and bad mood due to financial difficulties are not excluded. You will have to turn to friends and relatives for help. The end of winter will bring new ideas and opportunities for development.
  • March. Frequent gatherings with friends will negatively affect relationships with family. Also poor prognosis and health conditions. A visit to the dentist is unlikely to be avoided.
  • April. Leos will be able to infect everyone around them with their optimistic attitude. As a result, relationships will improve both in the family and in the work team. There is a high probability of receiving a bonus or other additional income.
  • May. All problems will have to be solved alone. It is unlikely that you will be able to visit home often, since you will have to travel on business trips or help relatives with repairs. By the end of spring, a loss of strength is possible; nature will help you recover.
  • June. A mixed month with ups and downs expected. Changes in love and business are possible. If Leo is a woman, you can count on a promising office romance. Representatives of strong status are unlikely to be able to combine work and personal relationships.
  • July. A good period for career advancement. Fate will give lonely representatives of the sign a chance to meet their soulmate at business meetings and various events.
  • August. Leos are advised to drop anchor and try to preserve everything they have gained so far. There is no point in getting involved in new adventures. A romantic dinner with your loved one will bring mental relaxation.
  • September. Update period. Someone will want to change their appearance. Someone will take care of updating the family nest. And someone will change the nature of their relationship with their loved one. In terms of health, everything will be fine.
  • October. Emotionally difficult period. The older and younger generations may require attention to themselves. Problems at work, including financial ones, are not excluded. It’s worth taking a closer look at your new acquaintances; there may be scammers among them.
  • November. Success in love will give you a feeling of happiness. Thanks to a positive attitude, things will go uphill, relationships with colleagues and management will improve. Possible exacerbation of chronic diseases.
  • December. Significant financial receipts are expected. The lioness will use the money at her own discretion. But the Leo man will be forced to spend his savings on gifts for his family and preparations for the New Year.

Advice! Leos love to win, dominate, and be right always and in everything. In the year of the Pig, it is advisable to reason with your Ego and more often pay attention to the feelings and desires of others. By helping loved ones, friends, and colleagues, many will attract Fortune to their side and receive a well-deserved present.

Horoscope for a woman of the Leo sign for 2019

Ups and downs are expected on the love front. Some married ladies may be thinking about having a child, while others may be thinking about breaking up a boring relationship. Single girls suddenly want to start a family. But it is important not to rush into legitimizing the relationship without first understanding your feelings for your chosen one.

Like a true woman, the Lioness will try to find a profitable and easy job for herself. Unfortunately, desires do not always coincide with possibilities. There are routine tasks and difficult tasks ahead. There may be strong disappointments due to the inability to implement interesting ideas. It is important to maintain restraint and not be led by emotions. Conflict will only harm your reputation.

In 2019, Leo’s most vulnerable places are teeth, cardiovascular, and nervous systems. You need to try not to overeat and lead an active, healthy lifestyle. It wouldn't hurt to take up some kind of sport. Physical activity will improve your appearance, strengthen your immune system and distract you from problems. You cannot ignore the loss of strength; if you feel unwell, it is better to take a vacation.

Forecast for a Leo man

Many Leos will feel like they are on a roller coaster. Tossing between stable, but boring, and new, but uncertain relationships will unsettle you from your usual rut. There is no need to accumulate grievances and omissions. Since a man must make the first step, it is better to have an honest conversation with his other half and decide whether to continue the relationship or part as friends. Single Leos will have the opportunity to meet their destiny towards the end of the year.

The first half of the year is great for moving to a new job or starting your own business. It is important to be tactful and not get into conflicts with colleagues and especially with management. In the summer, you should take a balanced approach to decision making. Unscrupulous people may try to gain your trust. Businessmen will be able to expand their circle of acquaintances and acquire useful connections.

It is advisable not to abuse alcoholic beverages or fatty foods. Excess weight will negatively affect the well-being of Lviv and can lead to disruption of the cardiovascular system. In autumn, depressive moods and loss of strength are possible. You can get in shape by going on vacation, closer to nature.

Eastern horoscope

The sensible Pig will try to reward everyone according to their deserts. That is why in 2019 the general horoscope for the sign Leo promises dramatic changes. What they will be depends largely on the past actions of each representative of the Eastern Zodiac.

  • Rat. An active life position will bring success. It is important to think through each step logically, but also not to forget about the prompts of intuition. Financial well-being will largely depend on the ability to save and promote your ideas.
  • Bull. The secret of success lies in intellectual work. Such activities will bring material benefits, respect from people, and inner satisfaction. Single people will have the opportunity to find love, while families will face household chores.
  • Tiger. The risk will be worth it this year. Thanks to a quick reaction, you will be able to increase your finances, find a new job, and perhaps even find personal happiness. The main thing is to maintain a balance between family and work.
  • Rabbit. A successful period in all respects. Free Leos will be surrounded by fans, and family Leos will be surrounded by the care and attention of their relatives. Increasing income can be achieved by showing diplomacy and hard work.
  • The Dragon. In order for the year to bring only positive moments, it is important to exercise caution in all areas of life. Emergency weddings will bring disappointments. Professional activity will delight you with high income.
  • Snake. Career and material well-being will come to the fore. Such qualities as slowness, thoughtfulness, and restraint will help you achieve success. It is important to listen to your intuition; it will not give bad advice.
  • Horse. This sign is no stranger to working, but in the Year of the Pig, you will also be able to receive gratitude for your work in the form of a large monetary reward. The family will understand the workload, so there will be no disagreements.
  • Goat. Natural artistry will help Leos achieve financial independence. By playing you will be able to acquire rich fans, move up the career ladder, and beg for a raise in your salary.
  • Monkey. Eccentricity will bring happiness only in your personal life. In all other areas it is worth getting rid of frivolity. Professional success and prosperity depend on the ability to plan.
  • Rooster. A suitable period to increase income and find a soul mate. Pleasant household chores await family people. Many will have the opportunity to move to a higher-paying job.
  • Dog. Changes for the better are expected in both the business and love horoscopes for the Leo sign. Restraint and hard work will help you achieve success. It is important to take a closer look at your surroundings; there may be scammers in them.
  • Pig. A suitable period for discovering creative potential. It is creativity that will bring respect, inner satisfaction, and material wealth. In your year, you can try to open a business, it will be profitable.

Monthly horoscope for the year for the sign Leo. Horoscope for January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December for Leo.

Leo horoscope for November 2019

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Leo horoscope for October 2019

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Leo horoscope for September 2019

As autumn comes into its own, Leo will expect the maximum manifestation of ingenuity in all areas of life. Don't be afraid to try something new, because the stars will favor you in all your endeavors during this period. It is possible that in September the desire will become more clearly defined...

Leo horoscope for August 2019

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Leo horoscope for July 2019

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Leo horoscope for June 2019

The first summer month of 2019 will delight representatives of the Leo sign not only with good weather, but also with a large number of new acquaintances that will leave only pleasant memories. During this period, it is important to use your creativity to solve problems. Leos can count on great...

Leo horoscope for May 2019

So, spring is coming to an end and you can already feel the approach of the beach season. What happens to representatives of the sign in May 2019? They are still attractive, proud and a little arrogant. A difficult period will come for single ladies, because they will decide that something is worse...

“Listen to the advice of astrologers, and your day will be easy and productive!”

Leos in May 2019 will feel like rulers and rulers of the world. And this is quite understandable. After all, their every word, every action will have incredible success. Throughout the month, powerful Leos will be in an excellent mood, which in turn will awaken a strong desire to work on the mistakes of the past and improve their lives. Nothing and no one can stop Leos from achieving their goal. It is likely that representatives of your zodiac sign will want to adjust their principles and the people around them, and they will succeed in doing this well.

Horoscope for the 1st decade of May for Leo

In the first ten days of May 2019, Leos will have enough time to rethink their whole life and understand that something needs to be changed. Many Leos will be so categorically committed to change that they will immediately begin planning for the near future. But, despite their determination and strong desire to change their lives for the better, they will not show aggression and, moreover, will be gentle and affectionate towards others. It is much easier to achieve success if you act not with force, but with your mind. Innate stubbornness will help Leos not to break down and withstand any tests that come their way with a sense of dignity and pride. Leos need to be tactful and tolerant with others, so as not to provoke conflicts. With very little effort, representatives of your zodiac sign will enlist the support of loved ones and will be able to count on their help at any time of the day. Leos, after careful self-analysis, will be able to prioritize and determine the most important things in their lives. This will help you get on the right track and move in the right direction. The beginning of May will be a period of vibrant reconciliation. You shouldn’t wait for an offended friend or relative to ask for forgiveness, just call him and ask how he’s doing. Your relationship will improve on its own, you just have to want it.

Horoscope for the 2nd decade of May for Leo

In the second ten days of May 2019, Leos will have to cope with quite complex and responsible tasks. This will be a great opportunity to demonstrate your professional qualities and ability to think outside the box. The solution to problems will come completely unexpectedly, from a third-party resource. At the same time it will be quite simple and easy. If you still feel like there is no way out of the situation, try to look at the situation from a different angle. The solution will come by itself. In general, in their work, the stars advise Leos to bet not on quantity, but on quality. Your career advancement will depend on the quality of the results of the tasks you complete. The successful placement of Mercury will have a beneficial effect on the aggravation of the sixth sense, so the stars recommend listening to intuition in order to avoid fatal mistakes. Leos should also think about options for additional income. There is a chance to hit a big jackpot without putting in any effort. Try your hand in different directions, discover new talents and develop abilities. And time will tell which niche you should choose. The financial situation will be quite stable, but for single representatives of your zodiac sign it will improve significantly, because they are married to their work and devote all their time and energy to it, therefore their productivity is much higher.

Horoscope for the 3rd decade of May for Leo

In the third ten days of May 2019, the personal life of Lviv will delight with its variety and fullness of sensations. A stormy relationship with your loved one awaits you. Leos in relationships will show their childish spontaneity and naivety, which will win the trust of their partner. They, like little children, will rejoice and be surprised at every gesture, every word and little surprise from a loved one. The family life of Leo will be full of passion at the end of May, after which the storms of passion will subside somewhat and life will be filled with complete harmony and mutual understanding. Leos will be surrounded by an incredible attractive force, they will simply radiate the most powerful energy, so they will not be able to escape from the annoying care of their partner. In the final period of the month, Leos will receive their portion of tenderness and romance, which will make the long-extinct feelings of first love revive. Spouses who have lived together for more than ten years will look at each other with completely different eyes, discover new facets of their souls and fall in love again. From birth, Leos place too high demands not only on others, but also on themselves. Try to lower the bar a little in May, and you will see how much easier life has become.