Will I get married guess online. When will I get married fortune telling online for free

If your main desire is “I want to get married” or you are interested in questions, when will I get married? when will I get married? how and where to meet your love? At what age will I get married? Age at marriage and year of marriage. Will I be happy in marriage, what kind of husband will I have, what kind of wife will I have, where and how will I meet my future husband (wife)? When a first marriage is likely, will there be a second marriage? How to get married - how to behave to get married? Then this free astrological online service by date and time of birth is for you. He will answer these questions for you. Also, the online service will tell you what is preventing you from getting married, what kind of marriage will be like, whether you will have an ideal happy marriage - a marriage for love or without love, what life will be like in marriage and whether you will get married at all. You will also find out where you can meet a partner, under what circumstances you will meet your love, and where you will meet your future husband (wife).

In this astrological online service “When I get married, how to meet my love, what my partner will be like and what marriage will be like.” The exact time of birth is very important, because Astrological houses are programmed here. And the cusp (beginning of the house) is very sensitive to time - even by changing the time of birth by a few minutes, the cusp of the house may already change sign and the description will also change accordingly. If you do not know your time of birth at all, then using this service is pointless for you. If you know your birth time within about 20 minutes, you can enter the time at the beginning, middle and end of this time interval, and see how the description and calculation changes.

In astrological online service "When I get married?" The 7th house (house of marriage) of the natal chart is calculated - the ruler of the 7th house, planets in the 7th house, aspects of the ruler of the 7th house of marriage, and Venus in the sign and in the astrological house is also calculated. Age of marriage and probable number of marriages according to the natal chart in this astrological online service it is calculated using the movement of the cusp of the 7th house relative to the ruler of the 7th house and the significatory planets of marriage. For women and men, the age of marriage is calculated separately. The program calculates the age of marriage and lists the most likely time of marriage inconsistently (ignore this). If the program did not display the age of marriage, then there is a low probability of marriage for you.

This astrological service is programmed “Defect counter” - the probability of defects in points. The marriage counter counts all the pros and cons of your natal chart regarding the topic of marriage, i.e. How likely is your marriage? If the counter value is negative, it means that marriage is least likely, and the higher the positive value, the more likely marriage is for you.

For cities that are located near the Arctic Circle (with a latitude of about 64 degrees), I do not have the opportunity to calculate astrological houses using the Koch system, because houses either cannot be built at all, or they vary greatly in size and the astrological interpretation of planets in houses does not make sense here. Also, the following countries have not yet been programmed into the service: Estonia, Georgia, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, Lithuania, Latvia, Moldova, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Ukraine - this is due to the time change after the collapse of the USSR, perhaps in the future I will add these countries to the service.

This astrological online service test by date and time of birth “When will I get married and what will marriage be like” for free, without SMS and without registration. Advice for everyone - a successful marriage depends on your self-confidence, on your attitude towards life and towards people. To marry for love, you need to love yourself.

Date of birth:
- Birth number
- Month of birth
- Year of birth

- Time of birth– enter the local time of birth of the city where you were born. The exact time of birth is very important! Time is entered in the format from 00 to 23.

Place of Birth:

If your locality is not on the list, then select the closest large city to your locality.

All women, regardless of age and social status, are most afraid of being alone. Even despite speeches made out loud to the contrary. Fortune telling for marriage is exactly what we will discuss in today’s article.

Fortune telling rules

Initially, every girl should remember that there are certain rules of fortune-telling that are very important to follow. So, what you should not forget:

  1. Fortune telling “Will I get married” will not be true if done on Monday. We must not forget that on this day the Moon is very changeable. Magicians advise not to perform any rituals on this day at all.
  2. For fortune telling to be effective, girls need to conduct it on so-called “women’s” days. This is Wednesday, Friday and Saturday.
  3. You can’t guess several times a week, much less a couple of times a day. In this case, it will not be possible to get a truthful answer.

Ring to the rescue

There is a fairly simple and correct fortune telling. "When I get married?" - many girls ask this question. And I want to know about this as soon as possible. To get the answer, just stock up on your long hair (alternative: red thread), a glass of water (three-quarters full) and a ring (the simplest, smoothest, without a stone, best of all - silver). To get the answer, you need to thread a thread or hair into the ring and gradually lower it into the water. The ring should touch the bottom. Now you need to really focus on your question. Girls can imagine their wedding, themselves in a bride's outfit, etc. Next, the ring must be slowly removed so that it does not touch the water, but is still in the glass. Now you can look at the result. If the ring freezes in place, there will be no wedding in the near future. If it starts to sway, this is a very good sign. The next fortune telling - “At what age will I get married” - can be done this way: you need to count how many times the ring hits the walls of the glass. At this age the lady will become a bride. If the number of years is small (for example, five or six), then, most likely, the girl still has that much time to spend as a girl. However, if the ring only slightly, once, touched the walls of the glass, the girl will soon put on a wedding dress.

Letters to help

There is another fortune telling “When will I get married.” You don't need anything special for this either. You just have to prepare 33 cardboard squares with letters written on them in advance. These homemade cards need to be thoroughly mixed, while thinking about your cherished desire - marriage. Next, you need to draw out 7 signs, each time thinking through the details of your wedding. You will get a set of letters from which you need to try to form a word.

  • It’s good if you get the word “year”. This means that the girl must get married in the next 365 days.
  • If you get the word “soon”, the girl will be a bride in about 2-3 years.
  • If you get the word “late”, the wedding will not happen earlier than in 5 years.
  • If you get the word “never”, don’t be upset. After all, you can live not in an official, but in a civil marriage.
  • It is worth noting that it is not only time that tells this fortune telling. For example, the name of the future husband may be formed.

A logical question may arise here: what to do, since the same letter cannot appear twice? Everything is simple here: one letter in a word can be used the required number of times.

Nuts to the rescue

The next very interesting fortune telling is “Will I get married?” Requires walnuts. You need to take three of them. You will also need a hammer. Next, you need to take the first nut and put it on the table. Think carefully about marriage. After this, you need to hit the nut with a hammer. If it splits the first time, there will be a wedding in the near future. If not, you'll have to wait a little. In the case of the first successful attempt, you need to move on to the next stage of fortune telling.

The second part of the ritual. Again you need to put the nut in front of you, but you need to focus on the groom himself. You need to ask a higher power: “Do I know my betrothed?” If the nut cracks at the first blow, then the pair is already familiar.

The third part of fortune telling. The last nut will tell you whether the groom loves the girl. If the nut cracks on the first try, then the guy is already in love and will soon propose.

Calendar to help

What other fortune telling can you consider? "When I get married?" - this question worries many ladies. And they are trying in every way to find the answer to this question. So, you can try to do this using a tear-off calendar. You need to focus carefully on what you want and tear out the piece of paper that your heart tells you. But always with your eyes closed. Next you need to look at the day of the week that is written there:

  1. Monday. In this case, the girl will have a boyfriend who will propose. But the wedding may not happen; the lady’s whims will be to blame.
  2. Tuesday. In this case, the girl herself will initiate a break with her man. This means there won’t be a wedding anytime soon.
  3. Wednesday. If a girl is worried about the question: “When will I get married?” - Fortune telling can help. So, if it falls on Wednesday, it means that the girl will become a bride this year.
  4. Thursday. If this particular day happens, then the girl will have a chance to become someone’s wife. However, you will have to be very careful here, because you cannot miss your chance.
  5. Friday. In this case, the girl will get married very soon, even if at the moment she does not have a beloved man.
  6. Saturday. This day suggests that the girl intuitively does not want to connect her life with anyone. Therefore, she will still be unmarried for a long time.
  7. Sunday. In this case, the girl herself will be able to decide when to get married. After all, she will have a man who will adore her and at any time, at the slightest desire, will connect his life with her with great pleasure.

Maps to help

What other divination can be used? “What age will I get married?” - this question often arises for many women. And you can get the answer using a regular deck of cards. However, it is worth remembering that the cards must be new or special, fortune-telling. First you need to really focus on your desire and pull out three pictures in a row. The indicators need to be summarized. If these are numbers, then everything is clear: they mean months. Jack is one year, queen is two years, king is three years, ace is four years. By adding up all the numbers, you can understand how long it will take for the girl to become a bride.

If a girl chooses fortune telling “when will I get married,” it is worth remembering that all the results are very approximate. Magic suggests the path, but it can never show the end result.

What girl wouldn’t be curious when that long-awaited and desired celebration – a wedding – will happen? Fortune telling for marriage has been one of the most popular fortune telling for many years, because with its help you can find out not only when the most important event in a woman’s life will happen, but also which young man will act as a future spouse. Fortune telling is considered a mysterious ritual.

Do you want to know when the wedding will take place? Just take it and tell your fortune!

Most are of the opinion that this is a rather dangerous method of prediction, since it is capable of summoning otherworldly forces. But, if this is not about you, you can proceed to the rituals unconditionally. Let's look at which variations of fortune telling are the most popular and reliable.

Folk fortune telling for marriage

There comes a moment in the life of any girl when she asks the question: “When will I get married?” You can get the answer to this question by resorting to folk methods of fortune telling for marriage. There are a huge number of fortune telling that have been tested by time. Over the course of many centuries, a large number of representatives of the fair sex have received accurate answers to their questions using these methods.

You can perform the ritual at any time of the day; you do not need to have any additional skills or attributes to do this. You can guess about marriage using completely unexpected improvised objects that can be found in any home.

Fortune telling using candles and water

If you are curious which of the girls you know will be the first to get married, then you will need to launch boats with candles in a basin of water. To perform this ritual you should:

  1. Insert a candle, prematurely marked with a woman's name, into a nutshell.
  2. The girl whose candle burns out faster will get married first.
  3. There are situations when the candle drowns, this indicates that this young lady is destined to be alone for a long time.

The above ritual can be supplemented with shells with the names of the guys. If boats with male and female names sail side by side with each other, then marriage will happen in the near future.

This method of prediction is quite funny and more like entertainment, but it surprises with its accuracy. The girls fill their mouths with water and go outside. The lady who runs to the door first without swallowing water will seal her relationship with marriage on the eve of her rivals.

Fortune telling using salt

Before going to bed, you should eat a little salt, saying the following words:

“Whoever is my betrothed, whoever is my mummer, will get me drunk.”

In a night dream, you should dream of your future groom giving you water to drink.

Eat a little salt before going to bed, say a spell and meet your fiance in a dream

Another reliable method is known: before going to bed, place a container of water by the bed, the edges of which are marked. If after waking up you notice that the liquid in the bowl has decreased in quantity, then you will not be lucky enough to get married soon. Those whose water levels have remained at the same level should expect a speedy marriage.

Fortune telling about the proximity of marriage

The following items are placed in a huge box:

  • hat;
  • a piece of bread;
  • piece of wood

Take any item out of the box without seeing what you are taking. If you take out a hat - there will be a wedding in the near future, bread - you will be alone for a long time, and a piece of wood predicts to the fortuneteller any malfunctions in the functioning of the body, there is a high risk of disease.

This fortune telling is ideal for female company. All girls must make a figurine from bread crumb. When the products are ready, you should call the dog, whose craft she eats first, and she will legitimize her relationship faster than her friends.

Fortune telling on a towel

On the street near the window they hang a white towel with the following accompanying words:

“Betrothed, mummer, come and dry yourself!”

For someone who finds their towel wet in the morning, the prognosis will be favorable - marriage should be expected during the current year, but if the towel turns out to be dry, then, alas, you will have to wait.

Fortune telling using a mirror

Before the full moon, you need to find a small mirror and a couple of spruce branches.

Find out your future with your chosen one using a mirror! Just perform the ceremony on the full moon!

  1. Before going to bed, write the name of the groom or a cherished dream on the mirror and place it under the bed, surrounding it with branches.
  2. After waking up, you need to turn your attention to the inscription.
  3. If there is no inscription, then the desire will soon come true, and if you wrote a man’s name, then this fortune telling promises you a quick marriage, which will bring you a lot of happiness.

In cases where the inscription remains in the same places, the desire will remain only in your head, and the man whose name you wrote will never connect his life with you. If you notice that fragments of the inscription are missing, then fortune telling promises you a magnificent wedding soon, but your marriage will not be long-lasting.

Fortune telling for a quick marriage based on a conversation you overheard

Before going out, you should ask yourself the following question three times: “What kind of husband is waiting for me?” On the street you should listen to the sounds; your married life will depend on the nature of the conversation you hear.

  1. If you overheard a joyful dialogue, then a caring and gentle spouse awaits you.
  2. If the conversation was restrained, then your husband will be the same - taciturn and cold.
  3. Conflict conversation - in this case, you will marry a man who will provoke quarrels and swearing.
  4. If you overheard a child's conversation, then you will be lucky with your husband, because he will adore children and put family above all else.
  5. When you hear a woman talking, this is a signal for you to think about it - your spouse will be prone to cheating.
  6. If you hear a man talking, then your husband will often be absent from home and spend a huge amount of free time in the company of friends.

Fortune telling for a wedding using a ring

"Ring rolling" is widespread and renowned for its accuracy. Fortune telling will require the participation of more than six people.

  1. You need to take a gold ring and black velvet fabric.
  2. Everyone should roll the ring over the fabric, saying the following words while doing this:

    “I’ll swing the ring around the city, and then I’ll go after that ring and get to my dear one.”

  3. Marks should be made at the places where it stops. The girl whose ring will fall before the others and whose wedding will take place earlier.

There is another true way to find out how old you will get married using a ring. To do this, you will need to be alone. Midnight should be set aside for the ceremony. You need to fill the glass halfway with water. The ring is tied to a thread and dipped into water a number of times equal to your age.

The ring is an “indicator” that allows you to find out when the marriage will take place

If the ring starts to hit the walls of the glass, then remember how many times this happened. How many times it hits the sides, at that age you will get married, but if this number is less than your age, then after so many years you will get married.

Fortune telling on New Year's Eve

This method is considered the most reliable, as is fortune telling on Christmas night.

  1. Before the New Year, the girls go out into the street and each in turn puts a bucket on their head, after which they circle around their axis and let go.
  2. If the young lady goes to the gate, then this year she should prepare for the wedding.
  3. If in the opposite direction from the gate, then this year she is not destined to marry her lover.
  4. If the girl went to the right or to the left, then the question remains without an exact answer.

Fortune telling Chobotok

To do this marriage fortune-telling, you should throw the shoe over the gate, and depending on its direction, they determine which direction to get married. If the toe of the shoe is turned towards the gate, then you should not expect a wedding this year.

Fortune telling for the time of marriage using cards

Fortune telling with playing cards is very common. There are many variations of layouts with different types of cards. Using the card method of prediction, a woman can find out:

  1. The chance of the marriage process itself.
  2. Further family relationships.
  3. Financial position.
  4. Number of children.
  5. How significant is the risk of divorce?
  6. How trusting and pure is the relationship in the couple?

This is precisely what determines the incredible popularity of such a method of fortune telling as fortune telling with gypsy cards. Let's consider the simplest and most truthful method of prediction.

If you already have a soulmate, but you just can’t figure out the seriousness of his intentions, then this fortune telling is for you.

How to tell fortunes

For this fortune telling with playing cards, you need to draw all the jacks from the deck. Assign the suit of hearts to your loved one, the remaining jacks are your former or future ones.

  1. Shuffle the four cards and place them face down in a line.
  2. Carefully shuffle the remaining cards and place them one at a time for each jack in turn. This process must be repeated until a series of eight cards is formed under each chosen one.
  3. Find the paired cards in each pile and place it under the jack.

Shuffle the remaining cards again and perform the above ritual 4 times.

Having finished fortune telling with cards, check out the meaning of the paired cards that were drawn:

Did you see the ace? Your boyfriend is getting ready for his wedding!

  1. Aces - the guy is madly in love with you and is planning a wedding.
  2. Kings - your chosen one is terribly jealous.
  3. Ladies - the young man is unfaithful to you or doubts his choice.
  4. Tens - the man has serious sympathy for you.
  5. Nines - the meaning is similar to the Ace.
  6. Eights - conflict situations will prevail in your relationships.
  7. Sevens - this person is not indifferent to you, but he is not ready for a serious relationship.
  8. Sixes - you are connected by true and strong friendship.

Wedding fortune telling by date of birth

From early childhood, every girl wonders how soon she will be able to try on a white dress. At the moment, there is a lot of evidence regarding the serious role birthday plays in the life of every person. There is a direct pattern between the date of birth and marriage. Let's look at several ways to find out the approximate wedding date using numerology.

The first method is that you need to carry out simple calculations based on your birthday. If you were born on the 16th, then you should make the following calculation: 1+6=7. Next, you should find out the year number in the same way: 2017=2+1+7=1+0=1. Below is a table of correspondence between the birthday number and the year in which the marriage process is likely.

Based on your date of birth, you can calculate the approximate wedding date using the second method. This kind of fortune telling for a wedding came to us relatively recently. You should multiply all the available numbers in your date of birth and then multiply them by the current year. You get a big number, it doesn't matter what it is.

The main factor is that it contains at least three B's, then this year there is a high probability of marriage. If the result obtained does not satisfy you, then tell your fortune again; you can repeat the manipulations with the numbers, but multiply not by the current year, but by the next one, and so on until you get the desired answer.

For your information, we have provided you with various methods of fortune telling for marriage. Everyone decides for themselves which of the proposed ones to use, but one nuance should be taken into account. In order to find out the exact date of the wedding, it is necessary to combine several prediction methods in a single complex.

Girls have always wondered what their future husband would be like and when they would get married. Various fortune telling was used to answer. The most popular were layouts on cards. These could be ordinary playing cards or Tarot. Modern times offer the use of online fortune telling. There is no need to study layouts and memorize meanings. It is important to formulate the question correctly and press the button.

The system itself will provide the answer. You can also find out about marriage using numerology. This is the science of numbers that helps to learn more about a person.

When I get married

Let's start with our own layout on the cards. For fortune telling, you need to take a deck of 36 cards. They need to be arranged in three rows of three columns. At the end there should be 9 piles of 4 cards each. After this, you need to turn over each card in the piles.

If we come across identical cards (paired), we remove them. We carry out the action until there are no paired cards left. At the end we look at the suits; if there are Hearts left, then the fortuneteller will get married this year.

Online fortune telling with cards

With the advent of the computer and the Internet, it became possible to tell fortunes for marriage online. There are various sites on the Internet that offer this service for free. There you can find fortune telling for your future marriage. The layout is done using Tarot cards. Fortune telling will help you find out about marriage and what problems there are.

How to guess:

  • Let's go to the website.
  • Click on the deck of cards.
  • The schedule will open.

What questions does fortune telling answer?:

  1. What does the fortuneteller think about himself?
  2. What do others think about the fortuneteller?
  3. Characteristics of a fortuneteller in family relationships.
  4. What does a fortuneteller think about his soulmate?
  5. How and where a fateful meeting can occur.
  6. What should a fortuneteller do to meet a loved one?
  7. Are there any obstacles?
  8. Advice from Tarot cards.
  9. What are the possibilities for marriage?

The schedule will be presented below. The fortuneteller can only look at the meaning of the cards under each question.

Second option for fortune telling: used for the reading:

  • 10 cards that are selected from a common deck;
  • The name of the fortuneteller.

What questions will the cards answer?:

To find out the answers to these questions, you need to read the meaning of the card at each position. To do this, you need to turn it over and press on it. Finally, you need to watch Quintessence.

Third layout. Before fortune telling you need to ask a clear question. For example, will I get married this year? The fifth card will answer this question.

Just below there will be a deck of cards; you can choose any deck from the list. You need to draw 8 cards from it. They will answer the following questions:

  1. Human behavior to fulfill a desire.
  2. What does the young man think about you?
  3. Are there any obstacles to achieving your desire?
  4. Advice from the cards.
  5. What does the future hold?
  6. What character does the chosen one have?
  7. Does the person have money?
  8. Will there be children together?

Fortune telling for marriage by numbers online

Numerology can tell you a lot of interesting things about a person. For example, when will his long-awaited celebration take place? You can do this fortune telling yourself or use a special website. There are two options presented there:

  • Fortune telling - will I get married soon?
  • Will I marry my boyfriend?

How to use the first fortune telling:

  1. You must write your first and last name on a piece of paper.
  2. Count the number of letters and add them.
  3. Then write the date of the fortune telling and add up the numbers.
  4. Now add the first number and the second.

Let's give an example: the fortuneteller's name is Marina Kravchenko. We count the number of letters in the first and last name: first name - 6, last name - 9. Add and get - 15. It is necessary to bring the number to a single digit value, add 1+5, get 6. The number of the fortuneteller is 6. Now write down the date of fortune telling - 01/12/2018 . We add all the numbers of the date: 1+2+0+1+2+0+1+8=15=1+5=6. Now we add the first and second numbers, we get 12, and bring them to a single number - 3.

Now you need to see the result:

It should be noted: during the year you can guess three times.

For the second fortune telling it is necessary:

  1. Calculate the birth number of the bride and groom.
  2. Add the two values ​​and see the result.

For example: the bride’s date of birth is 06/28/1996, the groom’s date of birth is 07/9/1996. We calculate the number for the bride: 2+8+6+1+9+9+6=41=4+1=5. Number for the groom: 9+7+1+9+9+6=41=4+1=5. We add two numbers and get 10, reduce them to a single digit number and get 1.

Now you need to see the result:

  • One - the couple will get married very soon. Their marriage will be happy.
  • Deuce - the couple will get married, but there is still a long time before this event. The guy is not ready to propose to his beloved.
  • Three - there is no need to dream in vain about marriage, you are completely different, and soon this will become clear.
  • Four - the girl will not marry this guy, even if she really wants to.
  • Five - the girl will soon get married, but not with this guy.
  • Six - a person will appear on the path of life who will answer this question.
  • Seven - the couple has envious people who will interfere with their wedding. To prevent this from happening, you need to stop communicating with them.
  • Eight - a girl can start a family with this guy, but marriage will bring a lot of troubles.
  • Nine - there will be a wedding, but at a time not planned by the girl.

How to determine the wedding date by hand

Palmistry can also answer the question: when will I get married? Based on a person’s hand, it is possible to draw conclusions about a person’s love, life and character, as well as marriage. For fortune telling, the active hand is taken. If the person is left-handed, then the left palm is considered, if the person is right-handed, then the right palm is considered.

To answer the question, you need to find the marriage line. It is located on the edge of the palm between the little finger and the love line. As a rule, there are two such lines. If she is alone, then the person is faithful, and he will have one partner throughout his life.

When studying the lines on the edge of the palm, you need to pay attention to their length and depth:

  1. A large number of lines indicates a frivolous person. There will be many relationships in his life.
  2. One clear and deep line indicates a happy marriage.
  3. Several clear and deep lines indicate a serious relationship with more than one person.
  4. If there is a fork, a cross or an island at the end of the line, then in life a person will have a separation from a loved one.
  5. A wavy or irregular line indicates a complex relationship. A person will constantly quarrel with his partner.
  6. If there is a fork in the line and it continues, this indicates a break in the relationship, but the partners will be together.
  7. Line break - the relationship will end unexpectedly and resume with the same partner.
  8. The line ends with a fork and starts the same way. This sign indicates a break in the relationship due to infidelity, but the couple will be able to reunite. The person who has such a sign on his palm will be guilty of treason.
  9. The presence of thin lines with the main line. This means that a third person will appear in the relationship.

By the location of the marriage line, you can approximately determine the age of marriage. To do this you need:

  1. Mark the distance from the love line to the little finger. That is, we put a line on the line of the heart and at the base of the little finger. This period is equal to 75 years of human life.
  2. Now you need to divide the segment into three equal parts. The first is equal to 25 years, the second - from 25 to 50, the third - from 50 to 75.

We look at what interval the line is in:

  • In the first period, these are early relationships that cannot be taken seriously. They indicate hobbies and falling in love.
  • In the second section there are lines indicating a serious relationship. This is where the marriage lines are located.
  • In the third area you can see late relationships.

You can find out the date of marriage in different ways: fortune telling with cards, with numbers, by reading your hand. But each method has errors, and they must be taken into account.

Attention, TODAY only!


One of the most exciting events for a girl is marriage, and here Tarot fortune telling is more than justified. A wedding is a significant and sometimes turning point in a person’s life; after it, a lot changes, and sometimes in a completely different direction than we would like.

That is why it is so important to turn to the Tarot reading for marriage in time, and analyze all the essential points, analyze the past, present and future, and be armed and protected with information. Only after this can a final decision be made.

Types of layouts for marriage

There are plenty of Tarot layouts for marriage with a man (as well as any other options). The following types are worth highlighting:

  1. Layouts aimed at finding out whether there will be a marriage, whether the wedding will take place. Such layouts can be made both for a specific person and for the future in general. Typically, tarot practitioners use such fortune-telling for marriage in the case of questions such as: “When will I get married,” “Will he propose to me,” etc. In these situations, it is not known whether there will be a marriage, if there are any prerequisites for it, which we have to find out step by step using the Tarot layout for marriage.
  2. This type of layout allows you to analyze the upcoming wedding and the state of the partners, in what mood they enter the marriage and what awaits them after. We turn to such situations if the issue of marriage has already matured, people are in a long-term relationship, an offer has either already been made or is about to happen, that is, all the prerequisites for an early marriage are present. Of course, the division of layouts into such types is very conditional, since similar positions can be observed in all layouts, including completely combining all possible questions in one layout. The latter seems completely unnecessary and not even professional to me.

What will the marriage chart show?

Before you choose a suitable layout, much less draw it up yourself, you need to understand what the questioner’s situation is, what worries him and what he wants to know about. As we have already found out, there is a serious difference between the question “when will the wedding be” and “what kind of wedding will it be?”

In the first case, we give a forecast for the future and find out whether the person who contacts us should count on marriage as such. Moreover, here you can make a plan for a specific candidate and for the future in general. There are two difficult points here: determining the time of execution of the predicted and the form of implementation.

Sometimes it may not be entirely clear in the scenario whether this means a civil marriage (registered with the relevant authorities) or an actual one (living together). Here you need to focus on the ratio of emotional (cups, wands) and formal (swords, pentacles) cards in the layout.

In the case of the question “what will the wedding be like,” we clarify the moments of the relationship between people when the fact of marriage itself is more or less known to us. Here, first of all, we will find out how people will live together, how compatible they will be in everyday matters, whether there will be a period of adjustment, whether their relationship will change after marriage. We can say that here we are looking at the fruits of the wedding.

Using this scenario, you can understand whether we were too hasty in our decision, or whether we should take a better look at each other before taking such a step. The layout is also intended to dispel doubts and fears about the upcoming family life (or confirm them).

Sometimes children are also included in the Tarot layout for marriage, which I would not advise you to do, since these spheres only seem close, but in reality they are built on a completely different platform, sometimes even independent of each other. You know very well that there are children without marriage, and marriage without children. Therefore, it is possible to include positions about children in questions about marriage only in exceptional cases when it is really necessary.

Let's look at some examples of tarot layouts for marriage and marriage.

Tarot reading “Wedding ring”

Layout "Wedding ring"

This arrangement is suitable primarily for those who are no longer alone and have a loved one next to them. If you are already ready for marriage, but for some reason your partner hesitates and does not propose, then this alignment will tell you what is wrong, what is stopping him, what the obstacle is and what can be done about it. First of all, this alignment allows you to receive valuable advice and understand how to behave and what to follow in order to achieve what you want.

The meaning of card positions in the layout

  1. The first card will show the man’s attitude towards marriage, his views.
  2. The second card is in a sense connected with you, this is how he sees his wife, future wife, his ideal. Compare this to yourself.
  3. The third position is a continuation of the second. This card shows how much you correspond to his ideas, whether he sees you as a wife.
  4. What can you do to encourage your partner to get married? This position is especially relevant in case of conflict between 2nd and 3rd positions.
  5. What's stopping your wedding? There may be a variety of reasons indicated here, ranging from his reluctance to burden himself to other relationships.
  6. Favorable circumstances, what helps you in your pursuit of marriage. This is your trump card and you should use it.
  7. The seventh card will show whether there will be a wedding. Here it is worth setting a time frame in order to understand when to expect this event, or, if the answer is negative, then when it will be possible to reschedule.

"Will I Get Married" Layout

"Will I Get Married" Layout

This arrangement is most suitable for those who are currently still single and have not met their soulmate. Also, when making a layout, it is necessary to set time boundaries.

The meaning of the cards

  1. Your attitude towards yourself, how you feel and perceive yourself, self-esteem within the framework of this issue.
  2. What impression do you make on others, how do they perceive you. Of course, it is worth comparing this position with the previous one.
  3. What position will you take in the family, how will you show yourself in relationships. Will any changes happen to you? Compare with the first position.
  4. What do you expect from your future spouse? Here are all your expectations and desires for the other person: from appearance to behavior, what is important to you.
  5. Circumstances of the meeting. This is the most interesting position, but also the most difficult to interpret. Where and under what conditions will you meet your betrothed?
  6. The advice card will tell you what you need to do to speed up the meeting or speed up the dating process. One way or another, this is what you need to do to ensure that the meeting and wedding happen as soon as possible.
  7. Karmic problems that interfere with marriage. Here we can talk about past life problems, as well as magical influences, energy problems, and so on, depending on your tradition. Please note if there is a Major Arcana in this position.
  8. The second card is advice. Here you will receive a general recommendation regarding the entire issue, including finding out that you do not need marriage at all now.
  9. Will you get married at the predicted time? As in the previous layout, it sums up the final outcome of the layout and sets the period when you should expect what you want, or when you can apply for the layout again. Decide in advance which time telling method you will use.

"Marriage" layout

"Marriage" layout

A very short, but quite understandable layout that allows you to find out whether there will be a marriage, and what needs to be done for this. From this layout you will also learn the mood of each party and receive a recommendation for the future life of the spouses.

Meanings of cards in the layout

S - Significator. Describes your attitude and readiness for marriage.

  1. Will there be a marriage in the planned period? Yes/no answer.
  2. Preparatory period for marriage (if the answer is “yes”), and an advice card (if the answer is “no”).
  3. and 4. talk about the condition and well-being of the newlyweds. The third position speaks about the emotional state of the bride, the fourth - the groom. Do they both want marriage and what are they guided by?
  1. Card advice for the upcoming family life.
  2. How will your future be in marriage?

A wedding is a significant event in life, but it is also not necessary or predetermined. It is very important to approach the marriage situation wisely. It is necessary to weigh all aspects of your relationship, analyze both the current situation and the likely future, since the very fact of marriage can seriously change the relationship between you.

Tarot cards will help you make the right choice; it is better to consult them before than after.