Inkscape lessons: drawing a shield in a graphics editor. How to draw a sword? Step-by-step instruction

Tired of Katya and Styopa screaming from the room for owning some kind of garbage... I sat Stepan down next to her to draw. - Mom, I’ll draw Alexander the Great on a horse! - Wow, I think how everything here depends on the ownership of desire... Yesterday I joined Katya’s drawing and said that he doesn’t know how to draw a dog. Although he can, because he’s drawn it a couple of times. But he spontaneously joined in with his sister’s desire to draw; the image/idea of ​​what he was drawing probably did not arise. So it turned out: “I can’t” chicken, “I can’t” dog...

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What did you draw?

You can learn a lot of interesting things about your child and look at him with slightly different eyes if you ask him to take one simple projective test. Note that drawing tests help to get around many defensive reactions and upon careful examination obtain reliable, sometimes very important information. For a detailed interpretation of the results obtained, you will need to study special literature and certain psychological diagnostic skills, but you will be able to see the most obvious characteristics of the child, and possibly existing problems, guided only by the data given below. In addition, this test allows you to determine how developed Creative skills your child has a tendency to fantasize...

We continue to study graphics editor Inkscape lessons are not at all difficult. Today, I want to invite you to draw a shield with me. I chose the shape of the shield to my taste, but you can draw a shield of a different shape that you like. Are you asking how you can make a shield of a different shape? We'll find out now.

Inkscape lessons: drawing a shield

Of course, first of all we need to draw the shape of the shield. It can be drawn in two ways. The first is to outline the square and extend it using knots. The second way to draw the shape of a shield is to first create half of it using a mesh, then duplicate it, flip it horizontally, and connect both halves. I will choose the second method, and drawing others Inkscape lessons, I will definitely show you the first one. Click " View - Grid"and using Bezier curves we create half of the shield.

When half is ready, remove the grid and duplicate half ( Ctrl+D), reflect horizontally ( N) and connect the upper and lower nodes. If you suddenly forgot how to connect knots, then watch the lesson “How to draw a heart.” I ended up with a completely symmetrical shield shape.

Next you need to fill the shield with color and duplicate it once. I have dark green The lower part of the shield is filled with light green, and the upper part is filled with light green. Now you need to remove half of the top shield. I draw a rectangle and place it exactly in the middle of the shield.

I perform the operation “Difference” ( Ctrl+ -).

Now you can fill the lower part of the shield with a linear gradient. Add three anchor points and position them as shown. Next, give each point its own color from left to right: white, 7.5% grey, 40% grey, white, 2.5% grey.

We paint the right half of the shield in the same way, only we add two anchor points. Colors from left to right: 50% grey, 20% grey, 10% grey, 7.5% grey.

In the Inkscape Lessons: Drawing a Shield tutorial, the base of the shield is ready, and we could use a little background for the background. To do this, duplicate the lower shield and fill it with color #536c67. We lower it to the background with the End key and use the arrows to move it slightly to the right and down, as in the figure.

We are starting to work on the main part of the shield. Duplicate the lower gray shield, fill it with #536c67 color, and make it smaller using the (<).

Now we duplicate the green part of the shield, which was obtained in the previous stage, twice! We move the upper part slightly to the right and up.

We perform the “Difference” operation between them (Ctrl+ -). The piece that remains is filled with a darker color - #374845 .

We decided to devote today's lesson to a real medieval knight.

Everyone knows that a knight is not just a warrior who fought with dragons in the medieval epic and often came into contact with other fairy-tale characters. Just like the Japanese samurai, knights are bearers of the title of nobility. The knightly class had a very great influence on the entire history of Europe; many men from various social strata dreamed of becoming a knight in the Middle Ages.

The greatest chances of becoming a real knight were among representatives of rich noble families, whose members became famous for their devoted service to the king, or for special military merits. History buffs will definitely notice the Templar cross on our knight - we chose it for a reason, because this particular order is one of the most recognizable in the entire existence of knighthood. So, we are starting a lesson on how to draw a knight step by step for beginners, with a pencil!

To begin with, we want to demonstrate many different examples of drawing knights, and then we will tell you in detail how to draw one of them.

For convenience, you can use the content

The easiest way to draw a knight

Knights from an old drawing book :)

Rider on a horse

Quentin Dorward

Knight with shield


Sixth drawing option

Russian warrior on horseback

And one more option

Now let’s draw it step by step

If you have already read the examples above, then it’s time to move on to a more detailed discussion of “How to draw a knight?”

Stage 1
You start with a stickman - a special man made of sticks and circles, which is drawn to indicate the pose and basic proportions. A little about the proportions of the human body - the length of the body should be equal to seven heads. The size of the foot is approximately equal to the height of one head, the distance from the top of the head to the hips is usually equated to three heads. By the way, the height of the human head in all artistic manuals is the main unit of measurement of all body proportions.

True, we digress from the stickman. Be sure to pay attention to the proportions, especially the head. It should appear much larger than a human head, since the knight’s head is wearing a voluminous and massive helmet. The warrior’s pose itself is quite simple, it does not involve any sharp actions or lunges - one arm is bent (the angle is slightly sharper than a straight line), the hand is located on the hilt of the sword, and the second holds a spear with a flag and bends very slightly.

With legs everything is very simple. They bend at the knees slightly and are in the completely natural position of a person who stands straight and does not strain his legs to give them a straight position. It is important not to forget about two important lines - facial symmetry and eye symmetry, outline them and move on.

Stage 2
At this stage, you will add volume to the arms and upper torso, following the lines of the stickman. Outline body parts in the form of modified cylinders. This will help you in the future to accurately draw all parts of the knight’s body. In general, in further steps you will draw only the shape of the armor, since, in fact, they hide the entire Templar from head to toe.

Stage 3
Repeat the steps of the previous stage, but regarding the legs and belt of the knight - make them voluminous. The waist area is essentially a triangle, and the thighs of the legs look like cylinders. Don't forget to also mark the knees with flat ovals, then draw the calves, feet and move on to the next stage.

Stage 4
Now work on the fabric. We are talking about the knight's mantle, as well as the elements of the robe that are on the belt and cover his legs to the knees. First, give the mantle some general silhouette, and then draw the folds. Do this using natural and smooth lines.

Remember that you are depicting in the picture a kind of light wind that blows the knight’s robes. Don't forget to also mark the folded part of the robe that covers the bent left arm. A little more work with fabric - draw a surcoat (a piece of clothing covering the legs and torso). Also at this stage, you throw on a sword, the handle of which is actually completely covered by the warrior’s hand in a mitten.

Stage 5
You have a ready-made silhouette of a warrior, and from this stage you can begin to draw it in detail from head to feet. First draw a horizontal seam at the very top. Next, give the shape of the helmet a finished look. Then, based on the two perpendicular lines from the first steps, draw the vertical seam, as well as the holes for the eyes that need to be painted.

You complete the stage by drawing small holes at the bottom of the helmet. Be sure to pay attention to their uniform size and orderly arrangement.

Stage 6
Great, now detail the upper torso and arms. First, erase the guide lines from the previous steps in the area of ​​the right arm and chest. Draw a cord with two buckles slightly below the throat - this will be the clasp of the robe. Draw curving smooth lines from it. They indicate folds of fabric that are secured with a fastener.

On the left, the mantle will fall down, and therefore the lines should gradually move to a vertical position. But again, extremely smoothly. Notice how the cloak fits the warrior's left forearm and mark this with folds. Also at this stage, draw the spear - it consists of a thin shaft and a tip that looks like a somewhat elongated diamond.

Stage 7
Erase all the auxiliary lines from the previous steps on the torso and draw a cross with flared ends in the center of the chest. On the fabric of the robe, mark several folds that should run diagonally, from the armpit to the stomach. The belt tightens the warrior's robe, and his right hand is raised, so the folds will go from the belt up, and also towards the right hand. Draw another cross on the left side of the cloak, but do not forget to take into account the folds in the fabric. Draw the belt, the sword sheath in the belt strips and the left gauntlet.

Stage 8
We devote this step to the folds on the fabric of the mantle and the lower part of the robe, which covers the legs of our knight. So, first of all, we align the stripes and erase all the unnecessary auxiliary lines. The folds should indicate the position of the mantle, which hangs freely from the right shoulder, which means they should be vertical and relatively long.

Please note that only one fold bends strongly, which is located near the edge of the mantle; the rest look like smooth lines. In addition, at this stage you will need to erase the guide lines from the top of the legs and draw folds in the fabric in this area. Draw them with slightly curving lines in the direction from the waist to the knees.

Stage 9
Now you need to draw the legs from the knees to the feet. Actually, here you just need to give the legs a finished look, draw a couple of lines on the knees and mark the spurs. The chain mail fits quite tightly on the legs, and therefore try to convey the entire shape of the legs as correctly as possible. Draw the lower part of the clothing, sagging from the back. All that remains is to draw a flag with a cross flying on the shaft of a spear. Don't forget about the folds that go from bottom to top.

Stage 10
Actually, the knight is already ready, all that remains is to work with the shadows. You start, as always, with the head. In this case - from the helmet. First, shade the darkest areas with vertical strokes, while trying to outline the cylindrical shape of the helmet. Pay attention to the light stripe at the bottom of the helmet; it should be marked and left practically unpainted. Now use lighter strokes to indicate the transition from shaded areas to light ones. These transitions should be natural and smooth.

Stage 11
Continue painting the warrior and at this stage you will work on the limbs. It should be noted that the armor on the legs and arms must be drawn in exactly the same way. Look at your feet. This is what the first stage of shading should look like.

Cover the entire limb with very fine shading, in a criss-cross direction. After this, apply the darkest shadows and mark the transition from them to the light areas as you did with the helmet. Don't forget also about the shadows from the mantle on your arms. They should be especially thick.

Stage 12
Now you need to draw the shadows on the legs. They are applied in the same way as on the hands at the previous stage. To add realism, leave narrow strips of reflex light (that is, light that is thrown onto the subject from a very bright surface of something) on ​​the inside of the lower leg in the area of ​​​​the calf muscles. Especially thick shadows will be cast by the surcoat fabric.

Stage 13
Well, there's quite a bit left. At this stage you need to work on the shadows on the mantle. It may seem to you that the step is voluminous and complicated, but this is not so if you correctly determine the direction and nature of the lighting. As you can see, the light falls on the knight from the side of his left hand. Therefore, almost the entire left side of his cloak should be illuminated. The areas of shadows that are created from the folds should be marked with light, barely noticeable strokes with a minimum degree of pressure on the pencil. It is necessary to outline the forearm of the left hand protruding under the warrior’s cloak, shading the edges of the protuberance so that it looks illuminated and bright.

Avoid flashy and harsh shadows, as in drawing various comic book characters. Even the most shaded areas must be painted carefully and accurately. To make the shadow more dense, shade the required area twice - first lightly shading diagonally, and then another layer on top to make a cross. From the right, the cloak is visible only from the inside, and it should be heavily shaded. Also note the shadows cast by the mantle on the knight's body. They form a sharp triangle. Its top is located under the clasp of the mantle.

Stage 14
The last step is where you will cast the knight's shadow onto the surface and lightly shade the sword, spear and the section of the robe that covers the neck near the left shoulder.

It was a very difficult lesson. If you couldn’t cope with it the first time, then don’t be discouraged - track the stage where you made a mistake and be sure to try again. Leonardo da Vinci often said that any obstacle can be overcome by perseverance. So just try more and everything will work out.

Source of this example:

Comics have long been an original genre, fans of which are both children and adults. There are two largest types of comics: American and Japanese (manga). If we talk about the first type, then the most popular theme for such comics is, first of all, the adventures of superheroes. And, perhaps, there is no person who has not heard of such a character as Captain America. Now we are just going to learn how to draw Captain America - rest assured, it is very interesting.

How to draw a superhero step by step

One of the most popular superheroes, Captain America, is usually drawn “fully armed” - a proud look, a shield at the ready, a clenched fist and clenched cheekbones - this is a brief portrait of this stern warrior. We will also support this image when we learn how to draw Captain America step by step.

Let's start with the head. First of all, it should be noted that the hero will be wearing a special half mask with the letter “A” and wings on the sides. The look, as expected, is menacing, the chin is impressive, the corners of the mouth are downturned.

Now let's add massive shoulders, a round shield with a star and a fist under the shield.

Then - a powerful torso. There will be a five-pointed star on the Captain's chest.

After that we draw the second hand. Of course, also clenched into a fist.

Finally, draw the legs. The superhero is running, so one leg will be bent and the other leg will be pointed forward.

That's all - the superhero is ready to perform feats.

Captain America in color

The previous drawing was in black and white. Now is the time to portray Captain America in color. Of course, we'll start with a sketch: in order to make a color drawing, you first need to understand how to draw Captain America with a pencil.

First - auxiliary forms. The hero’s entire body should now be built from simple geometric shapes - circles, trapezoids, lines, rectangles.

In the second step we will deal with the face. Let's draw the mouth, nose, eyes, and also outline the main parts of the helmet.

Then we will add details to the shield, outline the torso and the hand clenched into a fist.

After that, let's work on the belt.

And let's draw powerful beautiful legs for the superhero.

And where would we be without high boots?

Let's add details - stripes, fasteners, a star on the chest.

Now let's draw the main lines and erase all the unnecessary ones.

The most important thing left is to color the drawing. It is important to remember that clothes have folds, and also not to forget about natural and cast shadows. And about the background color - Captain America should not hover in the air.

Now our drawing is completely ready.

Captain America Portrait

Let's take a little break from drawing a full-length figure and move on to a portrait. In this section we will depict the Captain from chest level - at the same time we will learn how to draw Captain America with a pencil.

Let's start with the face and outline the eyes, large nose and lips. Let's immediately draw a mask on our eyes.

Let's complete the head - the mask will cover it almost entirely, leaving only the mouth and nose open. The letter "A" will be written on it. And our hero will also have ears sticking out to the sides.

Now the neck and chest are massive for a superhero. On the front of his suit he will have a huge five-pointed star.

Let's add wide shoulders with belts. There will also be special protective segments on the shoulders.

Now let's color it - almost the entire suit will be blue, except for the letter and star - they will remain white. Well, the straps are brown. The skin of the face will be light beige and the eyes will be blue.

That's all - the portrait is done.

Captain America throwing shield

Captain America's shield is not only a protective device. It is often used for throwing, because its strength allows it to be used as a weapon. Including like a boomerang. So in this picture the shield will demonstrate all its unprecedented power. And even a little more.

Let's start, as before, with the head. A stern facial expression, a mask with the letter “A” - everything is as it should be.

Then we will draw the shoulders.

And now - hands. One will be pulled towards the body and clenched into a fist, and the second will be pulled forward, following the flying shield.

Now the cabbage soup itself is round and striped.

Then we draw a star on the shield - the Captain’s calling card. In addition, the superhero needs to finish drawing his legs - slender, muscular.

Then we will color the drawing. The entire color scheme of the hero is red, blue and white. Exactly like the colors of the American flag.

That's it, a formidable superhero has been drawn - he is in a hurry to fight evil.

Shield - drawing Captain America's weapon

Although our superhero himself was incredibly strong, resilient, fast - something that the strongest and most skilled athlete could never dream of. But he did use one weapon, namely a shield. So in this section we will figure out how to draw Captain America's shield.

We will draw in the projection from above so that the weapon looks completely round. So the main shape will be a circle - let’s draw it.

Then draw another inner circle.

And one more.

And now - the innermost one. It will be quite small. Make sure that all the circles are correct and perfectly even. After all, this is not someone’s shield, but a real hero.

In the smallest circle we draw a five-pointed star. It should also be symmetrical and even.

Then we erase all the extra lines and draw the main ones.

And now the color. Using paints, felt-tip pens or pencils, color the shield red, white and blue.

That's it, now we have completely completed the task.

Everyone probably knows what it is, but how to draw a sword is not an easy task for many. Moreover, this concept is very multifaceted.

What do we know?

There are different types of these bladed weapons, which were primarily used by knights. And the sword has always been an integral part of the martial arts of the East. Many antique dealers buy ancient blades for crazy money. It is also a prestigious collectible.

What does it consist of?

When thinking about how to draw a sword, you first need to imagine its design. And it consists of main parts: a blade and a hilt (which includes a handle, a crosspiece and a pommel).

The blade, in turn, consists of a blade, a fuller and a tang. Moreover, the blade can be in the shape of a lens, hexagon or diamond. The so-called fuller acts as a stiffening rib and as a way to lighten the sword. The shank is usually fitted with a guard (cross), a handle and a pommel (pommel).

A little history

The purpose of the guard is to prevent your hand from slipping onto a sharp blade. Also protect your hands from enemy strikes. To prevent the guard from sliding onto the handle, it was supported by wooden linings of the handle. The pommel has another task - to support the hand so that the sword does not fly out when struck. So is balancing. Let us recall that for a long time before the advent of firearms (and even after), the sword was the main equipment of warriors in various countries. How to draw a sword? Now that we have a rough idea of ​​the design of this weapon, we can begin to actually depict it.

How to draw a sword step by step

We will need paper, eraser, soft pencils.

Step 1

The sword is a symmetrical and geometric figure. However, these weapons come in many forms, depending on their purpose and use. Therefore, first, decide what kind of sword you want to draw: two-handed, straight, curved, short Greek or oriental.

Step 2

Decide: will your sword be in the hands of a warrior or by itself? In the first case, first draw a figure, leaving room in your hand for a weapon. Then draw the sword itself.

Step 3

We will depict a two-handed knightly double-edged sword. It is symmetrical. The blade is long enough. The weapon itself looks quite heavy. Although rumors that some knightly swords weighed up to fifty kilograms are greatly exaggerated. As a rule, this kind of weapon weighed no more than ten, or even five, kg.

Step 4

Draw a sketch of a sword. To do this, draw a long vertical (or inclined) line (blade) in the center of the sheet. We cross it with a short horizontal (perpendicular) line at the top. This is a guard. At the very top we outline an apple in the form of a small circle. We decide on the width of our sword. The knight's weapon is not wide, but sharpened on both sides. The blade is long and narrow. The handle is powerful. Guard in the form of a cross. By the way, the medieval sword from the era of chivalry resembled a cross in its appearance, as if emphasizing the religiosity of the mission.

Step 5

When thinking about how to draw a sword with a pencil, we need to take care of the decoration of the weapon, since in many cultures it is a symbol. It was often decorated with clan coats of arms and mottos. It is also the arbiter of justice, and also an indicator of the skill of the owner, the owner. So, let's start finishing our sword: we erase unnecessary lines, add patterns, a knight's coat of arms, and carefully draw out the details. If desired, you can add a background, for example, red. In general, steely gray tones are ideal for the drawing, which are perfectly conveyed by graphics: pencil, charcoal. Let's shade the shadows. It is necessary for our sword to shine and sparkle in the sun! If you want, you can make the handle multi-colored. To do this, we use the Weapon is ready for battle!

Now you know how to draw a sword—in this case, a knight’s sword.