Why do you dream about a small bunny? Dream Interpretation: Why can a hare dream? Video “Interpretation of dreams: why do you dream about hares and rabbits”

Rabbits and hares are perceived by most people as cute but cowardly creatures. What if we saw these eared creatures in a dream? For the interpretation of such a dream, we decided to turn to the most popular and famous dream books of our time.

Why do you dream about a rabbit?or hare: dream book of Gustav Miller

If you saw these creatures in a dream, then luck and prosperity await you in everyday affairs. The white rabbit symbolizes fidelity in love for both married and single people. If in a dream you are surrounded by frolicking and playing hares or rabbits, then in real life your own children will bring great joy. If you dream that a hare is running away from you as fast as you can, then you risk losing something valuable. If you manage to catch the fugitive, then most likely the missing person will be found. A dead hare predicts a serious illness or even death to one of your friends. If you dream of hares or rabbits being chased by hunting dogs, then quarrels and conflicts between people close to you are possible, which will require your intervention to establish the former peace.

Why do you dream about a rabbit?or hare: An ancient French dream book

If you dreamed of a white hare or rabbit, then great success and good luck await you, but if it is black, then you will experience grief due to hostility towards you. If you killed this long-eared animal, then losses and losses await you in reality. If you dream that you eat rabbit meat, then you will live a long time and will not have serious health problems.

Why do you dream about a rabbit?or hare: American dream book

This interpretative book interprets the eared creature seen in a dream as a symbol of well-being and well-being. If you dream of a rabbit or hare running, then in life you will rush from one thing to another for a long time, not being able to make a choice.

Why do you dream about a rabbit?or hare: An old English dream book

Hares or rabbits seen in a dream, according to the interpretation of the Old English Dream Book, predict an imminent change of your place of residence. Perhaps you will move to another city, where you will meet great love and start a family. Also, such a dream foreshadows great success in financial affairs. If a married woman dreams of rabbits, then she may soon become pregnant.

Gypsy dream book: hare or rabbit in a dream

If you dream of a hare or rabbit sitting calmly in one place, then soon an opportunity will present itself, without missing which you can significantly improve your well-being. The black rabbit warns of great risks associated with finances. White symbolizes the possible receipt of an unexpected inheritance.

Seeing rabbits in a dreamor hares: Dream book from A to Z

According to the interpretation of this book, a dream in which white rabbits appear foreshadows a successful turn in both family and financial affairs. Black rabbits in a dream symbolize the presence of ill-wishers in your environment posing as friends. A running rabbit or hare is a symbol of unexpected great luck or a happy occasion. If you dream about how you catch these creatures, then harmony in love awaits you.

In Russian folk tales, the hare is a cute, but extremely cowardly creature. He is ready to run away at the slightest danger and always needs support and protection. Many people are interested in what this animal might mean in a dream? Perhaps the sleeper will have to avoid any troubles, or does this vision foretell a successful resolution of problems? Perhaps the white hare marks a fun adventure or victory in a sports competition? There are many options, and we will try to consider each of them in this article.

Children's dream book

Regarding what the hare dreams of, this source says the following: the sleeping person is frightened by something. Perhaps he is afraid of the thought of showing up to class with unlearned homework, or he forgot to buy another travel card. Or maybe he doesn't like his new acquaintance. One way or another, the dreamer is very afraid of something and mentally tries to escape from it.

Maly Velesov dream book

This source has its own opinion about why the hare dreams. This animal can appear in anticipation of the purchase of a new home or the fulfillment of desires. For a pregnant woman, such a dream means that she will have a son. Catching a hare in a dream means experiencing significant losses in reality; seeing one running through the forest means seeing off your best friend on the road, and hunting for him means being happy. It is not recommended for a sleeping person to kill this animal in a dream - this means that he will soon be deceived. And if a person dreamed that he was feeding a hare, then soon he would have a magnificent wedding. Many people are interested in why the white hare dreams. Indeed, the color of the animal matters. A white animal is a dream of inevitable success, and a gray animal is a sign of chagrin.

Dream book of the writer Aesop

This source contains a lengthy explanation of why the hare dreams. And it is based on stereotypes rooted in the consciousness of the sleeper. Thus, the well-known saying: “If you chase two hares, you won’t catch either,” can be reflected in the dreamer’s subconscious as an image that, like this animal, tends to change color.

In addition, everyone considers the hare to be a cowardly creature, trembling with fear of any danger. It turns out that a dream about this animal can be reminiscent of some human weaknesses, for example, cowardice and excessive shyness.

If a sleeping person sees a hare hiding from a fox, it means that in reality he should think carefully before deciding to commit an important act. Hunting for two animals at once in a dream means an unsuccessful attempt to do several things at the same time. And to see an animal under a bush means to experience in reality a strong disappointment in a friend - he will unexpectedly let you down greatly.

Why do you dream of a hare curled up into a ball? Such a dream warns the sleeper that he should hide “in the shadows” for a while and not interfere in anything. This dream can also warn a person against unnecessary shyness, which can make his life boring and unnoticed.

Watching an animal change color in a dream means meeting a two-faced and unreliable person who can bring a lot of grief to the sleeper. If the bunny is in a cage in a dream, it means that in reality you will be able to overcome your shyness and live a full life.

A wounded animal in a dream can symbolize a relative who desperately needs help, but is embarrassed to ask for it. And a hare running through the city is a harbinger of a coming fire.

Family dream book

If a sleeping person sees that a hare is chasing him, it means that in reality someone is helping him, but prefers that he not know anything about it. A running animal in a dream suggests that you should be patient and not rush things. If you dreamed of an animal in the first half of the week, it means that the sleeper has additional responsibilities ahead, the fulfillment of which no one will appreciate. It is better to give up this work in time and get busy with your own affairs. A dream in the second half of the week foreshadows an unknown and mysterious pleasure.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

Why do you dream about a hare, according to the famous esotericist? He believes that such a dream portends danger. Hunting for this animal means experiencing anxiety in reality, eating it means illness, and seeing it running means a serious threat to the life and health of the sleeper.

Freud's Dream Book

This source says that what hares or rabbits dream of is associated with the distrustful and jealous nature of the sleeper. Apparently, he is overcome by fears about the strength of his personal relationships. All these doubts can greatly ruin his relationship with his significant other, so he should think ten times before expressing them out loud.

Dream book of the 21st century

Regarding what dreams mean in this source, there is an unequivocal opinion - such a dream means great disappointment and chagrin. In general, this animal personifies human weakness and portends fear. A running hare promises the sleeping person wealth or profit, and the pursuit of him promises well-being and happiness. If a person sees in a dream how he is driving this animal into a net, it means that in reality he will be haunted by gossip. Feeding an animal in a dream foreshadows poverty and oblivion.

The white hare signifies success and friendship. For newlyweds, such a dream promises marital love and fidelity. As for the rest, this animal in a dream can foretell the arrival of guests. If the dreamer dreams about how he breeds animals and their number is steadily increasing, it means that in reality he will find happiness and prosperity. But the interpretation of what dreams of hares or rabbits, from which the sleeper removes the skin, is not so cloudless - this means a hopeless situation.

French dream book

According to data from this source, the sight of fighting hares in a dream leads to litigation and financial difficulties in reality. But the wedding of these animals can personify someone’s black ingratitude.

Longo's Dream Interpretation

Longo offers his own interpretation of the dream in which this animal appears. He claims that the interpretation of why one dreams of killing a hare relates to the character traits of the sleeper. If he has a subconscious desire to destroy this furry animal, it means that in reality he strives to get rid of his fears and doubts at all costs. Seeing as a hare - to unrealistic hopes and plans. Even very careful thinking and planning does not guarantee the success of your endeavors, so it is better to hold off on them.

Esoteric dream book

In this collection, the interpretation of a dream depends on the form in which the sleeper saw the hare. A living animal symbolizes tenderness, affection and love and dreams of exceptionally good events. Those born in the year of this animal, seeing it in a dream, gain incredible opportunities and great luck. As for the dead hare, the opposite is true - such a dream can result in major troubles for the sleeper.

Dream Interpretation of Medea

This authoritative source says that a hare in a dream symbolizes indecision or increased intuition of the sleeper. A runaway or killed animal in a vision foreshadows a leap to success. But catching and holding a hare in your hands in a dream is not recommended - this is a sign that the dreamer will soon get sick or suffer from serious troubles.

Women's dream book

Miller's Dream Book

Miller believes that a person’s dream of a running hare may indicate the loss of a valuable item. A caught animal symbolizes victory in a competition, and a dead one symbolizes the death of an old comrade. An animal pursued by dogs dreams of major disputes among relatives, which only the sleeping person can resolve. And a hare shot in a dream foreshadows an unfair accusation, which the sleeper will have to refute, using all his strength and means. A person who sees this animal in a dream and feels sympathy for it will in the future meet very nice, but slightly cowardly and insecure people.

Dream Interpretation of Fedorovskaya

This healer believes that when interpreting a dream about a hare, one must take into account the gender of the sleeper. If a woman sees an animal in a dream, it means that she will soon become pregnant and give birth to a boy (if she dreamed of a hare) or a girl (if she dreamed of a hare). But for a man, such a vision can be fatal and become a harbinger of death.

The color of the animal in a dream also needs to be given importance. A snow-white animal signifies good news. But what the gray hare dreams about should alert the dreamer - such a sight foreshadows big troubles for him.

Dream Interpretation of Hasse

This famous medium believes that a hare never portends serious problems in a dream. Shooting an animal in a vision means suffering minor troubles on the road. Eating it in a dream means a breakdown in relationships, which, however, will soon be restored. But in general, this animal portends success and great happiness for the sleeper.

Ukrainian dream book

And this source interprets in its own way what a big hare dreams about. According to its compilers, this animal dreams of major quarrels and troubles for the sleeper. In addition, it symbolizes loss - whoever sees it in a dream will certainly lose something or someone. The hare may represent some of the dreamer’s fears or his satisfaction. Catching an animal means losses, killing it means luck, seeing it means trouble.

In this article, we looked at all the options for what a hare might dream about. The opinions of interpreters this time are divided - some see positive omens in this animal, others - negative ones. And this suggests that people should under no circumstances blindly trust dream books. Listen to your own feelings - sometimes they suggest much more than the prophecies of the most authoritative esotericist. Remember this, and sweet dreams!

The hare is a cute, fluffy creature that in many cultures is a symbol of fertility and prosperity. Why do hares dream, how do dream books interpret the meaning of such a dream?
These animals became a source of fur to keep people warm in the cold, and meat to feed them. Nowadays, in addition, hares or rabbits are kept as decorative pets, and they bring a lot of joy to their owners. If you saw a hare in a dream, then pay attention to the details: what color it was, what it did, whether there was one or many of them, were they adult hares or rabbits, or were they very small rabbits and hares, as well as - Who exactly had this dream?

Dream Interpretation. If you saw a hare in a dream, what does such a dream mean?

  • Why do you dream about a white hare? The white hare dreams of the appearance of a loved one in a woman’s life, which will be the beginning of significant changes. Stroking and playing with a fluffy white hare, while experiencing positive emotions, means that love will be real and sincere. Perhaps the beloved will belong to a different circle or live in distant lands where the dreamer will have to move after him. Another white hare or rabbit symbolizes self-knowledge, awareness of one’s essence, immersion in oneself. You feel the need for renewal. But try not to lose touch with the outside world.
  • Did you dream about a gray hare? He appears in a dream as advice to listen to your intuition; it often suggests the right decision. Also, a hare of this color can mean excessive sexual activity.
  • A dream about a black hare portends frustration due to the inability to realize accumulated sexual energy. Or you are negative towards yourself, following erroneous ideas. You need liberation from everything unnecessary in spiritual terms. Also, a black hare is a harbinger of sadness.
  • A red hare means that you will be disappointed in what you are now so passionate about. Be careful, the person you are thinking about is not as wonderful as you think.
  • If the color of the hare was strange, something that does not exist in nature, be more careful, you risk committing a stupid act.

Why do you dream about hares?

Did you dream about hares? What colour. What does the color of hares mean in a dream?

You dreamed of many hares

Why do you dream about many hares? Such a dream symbolizes the abundance of your fears. Think about whether they have a basis? After all, when we waste energy on unjustified emotions, we lose strength - both emotional and physical. Work on yourself to get rid of fears, and you will understand how good and easy life will become.

I dreamed about hares in a cage

If you dreamed of hares in a cage, then rest assured that this is a reliable sign that you are out of place and subconsciously expect reprisals against yourself. Think carefully about whether you are in the right place of work now, whether you are living with the right person? In a word, isn’t it better to escape from the cage before the owner of the situation takes the knife?

Little bunnies

Why do you dream of little bunnies? A dream in which you watch little cheerful bunnies suggests that children will soon bring you joyful emotions. If you have not yet had children, these may be the offspring of your relatives and friends.

Pregnant woman sees hares in her dream

Why does a pregnant woman dream of a hare?

The appearance of a hare family in a pregnant woman’s dream promises the dreamer a successful, easy birth and the birth of a healthy, full-fledged baby.

Interpretation of this dream in various dream books

Miller's Dream Book

In this dream book, seeing a hare foretells the fulfillment of desires. If you watch a running hare, expect wealth and happiness, and dreaming of following him means an unexpected but pleasant surprise.

If you have caught up with the hare, you will receive consent in response to a marriage proposal.

  • Feeding a hare in a dream means a successful marriage and prosperity in business.
  • Receiving a hare or bunny as a gift symbolizes love.
  • If you eat hare, this may portend illness, intrigue, or a conversation with your soul mate.
  • Being a hare breeder in a dream promises happiness.
  • Another hare, appearing in a dream, symbolizes a wonderful relationship between spouses, filled with love, respect and fidelity.
  • But if you skin a hare in a dream, you risk finding yourself in a difficult situation.

Interpretation of dreams about hares in various dream books of the world

Vanga's Dream Book

According to the dream book of the fortuneteller Vanga, the appearance of a hare in a dream portends prosperity. You feel some kind of fear. It is also a symbol of children and fertility, as well as gentleness and meekness. This may also be a warning that you are rushing, not understanding where, rushing from one object to another.

Freud's Dream Book

Freud's dream book gives the following information: if you see a hare in a dream, then in reality a favorable turn of life circumstances awaits you. Your income will satisfy you even more than before. If it was white, then your significant other is faithful to you, regardless of whether you are married or not yet.

Dream Interpretation Maya

The dream book of the Mayan people gives a positive and negative interpretation of this dream. In a good sense, watching a hare eat is a sign of a new addition to the family. In a bad sense, seeing a sleeping hare means a possible separation from your loved one.

New family dream book

The authors of this dream book claim that seeing a hare in a dream foreshadows a happy turn in your life, and if it was white, the fidelity of your loved one. If little bunnies frolic around you in a dream, then children will bring you joy.

Gypsy dream book

According to the gypsy dream book, if in a dream you saw a hare sitting calmly, then you can increase your income. If you dreamed of a hare in a cage, your wealth will increase significantly. If the hare was black, you are risking your money. If it was gray, then it is possible to receive an inheritance.

Dream Interpretation of Shuvalova

Due to the fertility of these animals, a dream about hares may be an expression of your desire to realize yourself as parents. If a man sees a woman courting him in a dream, it means that he wants her to belong to him.

Ancient French dream book

In this dream book you can read that a white hare signifies success, a black hare means you will be upset because you will find yourself out of favor with someone. If you killed him, then you are in danger of losses, but eating hare meat is a sign of good health.

The image of a hare has been familiar to us since childhood. Kids love these small fluffy and fast animals. Sometimes you can see a bunny in a dream. Dream interpreters will help you decipher night dreams.

Why do you dream about a hare: interpretation according to the dream books of Miller, Vanga and others

Dream interpreters explain dreams about a hare in different ways:

  1. Azara. To losses and disappointments.
  2. The future. You will find yourself in a difficult situation, but you will be able to safely avoid danger.
  3. Wangi. The dream foretells well-being, but at the same time warns against rash actions that the dreamer may commit, rushing from one extreme to another.
  4. Oriental. Friends will deceive or let you down at the most inopportune moment.
  5. Grishina. Your cherished wish will come true.
  6. Denise Lynn. Overconfidence can get you into trouble. Before you take a responsible step, think carefully about everything.
  7. Children's. You did something forbidden in the past and now you are afraid that your loved ones will find out about it.
  8. Health. Your life situation will improve, which will cause a lot of positive emotions.
  9. Winters. Trouble and confusion in business, an unexpected turn of events. Plans may be disrupted due to unnecessary worries, and someone you know may be deceiving you.
  10. Idiomatic. You will experience fear and uncertainty.
  11. Intimate. You are too jealous of your partner and are afraid of losing him. This does not have the best effect on your union.
  12. Kananita. Happiness is already close.
  13. Longo. To receive good news from friends.
  14. Maly Velesov. To buy your own home or get married.
  15. Miller. For a person who feels moved by bunnies or bunnies, the dream suggests that he is surrounded by sweet but short-sighted friends. Even night dreams foreshadow the fulfillment of desires.
  16. Newest. You will be the victim of an accident.
  17. New family. Towards a happy turn in life.
  18. Russian folk. The vision warns that you should not take on several issues at once. As a result, you will not be able to complete any of them. Night dreams may also indicate that, due to timidity and uncertainty, you will not be able to resolve a number of important issues.
  19. Slavic. To strong friendship.
  20. Ukrainian. To strained relationships with household members, deception, theft and losses.
  21. Freud. The dreamer does not trust his partner, suffering from groundless jealousy. This significantly worsens the relationship. Remember that mistrust and constant reproaches can kill even the strongest love.
  22. Hasse. A happy event will happen.
  23. Tsvetkova. Beware of the danger that awaits you.
  24. Aesop. The dream indicates cowardice and shyness. It can also warn about a vile and two-faced person in your environment.
  25. XXI century. You are very afraid of something. This fear does not allow us to live in peace.

According to the Small Velesov Dream Book, the interpretation of a dream in which a hare was hunted depends on its outcome. To catch - to losses, to kill - to deception.

Seeing a bunny gnawing on something in a dream means financial losses and poverty. According to Freud, you often think about your first sexual encounter.

Who dreamed about it: a girl, a woman or a man

The interpretation of the dream depends on who dreamed it:

  1. To a girl. According to the 21st century dream book, night dreams promise reciprocity in love, a strong marriage, a loving and faithful husband.
  2. Lonely woman. Your personal life will soon improve. Meet your loved one who will make you happy. According to Miller, the dream promises a marriage proposal.
  3. Pregnant. The vision predicts an easy birth, as well as the birth of a strong and healthy baby. According to the dream book of Maria Fedorovskaya, seeing a hare in a dream means the birth of a daughter, a hare means a son.
  4. Married. According to the Pechersk healer, a bunny seen in the kingdom of Morpheus portends pregnancy.
  5. To a man. Perhaps you are having serious thoughts about procreation; you are mentally trying on the role of a parent. According to Fedorovskaya, such a dream is a harbinger of death.

If you dreamed that several birds were killed while hunting, then you will lose your right to vote and will not be able to control the situation. You will have to try hard to return everything to its place.

Interpretation of sleep depending on details

The interpretation of dreams about hares depends on the color, number and size of the animals, the actions of the dreamer and other nuances. Therefore, in order to decipher a dream in detail, you need to remember everything down to the smallest detail.

Hare color: white, black, gray, red

The color of the furry animal seen in the kingdom of Morpheus is of great importance when interpreting the dream:

  1. White. Most dream interpreters agree that the vision is favorable. It promises friendship, good luck in business, receiving an inheritance, and successful completion of undertakings. Only Maria Fedorovskaya believes that having such a dream is bad.
  2. Grey. Having seen such a dream, listen to your intuition - it will not let you down. Another vision may indicate increased sexual activity. According to the Slavic dream book, night dreams promise grief and deception.
  3. Black. You will not be able to realize sexual energy, which will lead to frustration. Sadness can cause the impossibility of realizing what is planned. This will happen because you have chosen the wrong path. According to the gypsy dream book, you will take part in a risky financial transaction that could lead to collapse.
  4. Ginger. You will be disappointed in the person you are passionate about. He will turn out to be worse than you think.

If the color of the bunny from the dream was strange, then there is a chance that you will stumble out of the blue. So don't let your guard down.

For people born in the year of the Rabbit, seeing a hare in a dream is a sign of great luck

Number of animals: one, several or many

It is important to remember how many hares were in the dream:

  1. One. Indicates the anxiety experienced by the dreamer before an important event. We need to curb our fear of the future and not be afraid of change.
  2. Some. You want to achieve everything at once, but this definitely won’t work. Focus your energy on solving one problem. After completing the task, move on to the next stage. Then you will definitely achieve success. According to the English dream book, you are surrounded by loyal and sincere friends who are always ready to help.
  3. A lot of. The dream symbolizes the fears experienced by the dreamer. Most of them have no basis. You push yourself too hard and take everything to heart, wasting a lot of vitality and energy in vain. Analyze yourself and try to look at things realistically. This will help you get rid of fears and improve your life. According to Zhou Gong’s dream book, you are not destined to get the position you have been dreaming about for so long, even if you put a lot of effort into it.

Small Velesov's dream book interprets night dreams with the participation of a hare and the hares as an imminent pregnancy of the dreamer's daughter or close relative.

Animal size: large or small hare

It is also important what size the dreamed hare was:

  1. Big. Because of fear and indecision, you cannot make a decision, which worsens an already difficult situation. If the big hare from the dream was black, then you are surrounded by hypocrites and cowards.
  2. Small. To the joy that children will bring. If the dreamer does not have children yet, then these will be the offspring of close friends or relatives.
  3. Medium size. Fundamental decisions will have to be made. In order not to make a mistake, think it over carefully and consult with your loved ones.

Seeing a fat hare in a dream means joyful events and good news.

A hare seen in a dream does not promise recovery for a patient

The dreamer's actions: catch, feed, kill, stroke, etc.

Decoding night dreams also depends on the events taking place:

  1. Catch a hare with your hands. To troubles and deterioration of health. According to the Ukrainian dream book, the dreamer will suffer losses; according to Gustav Miller, he will win the upcoming competition.
  2. Iron. The offspring or one of the relatives will delight you with their successes and achievements.
  3. Tame. You overprotect your children, not giving them the opportunity to become strong and independent individuals. To a person who does not have children, such a vision communicates the desire to have a child.
  4. Keep in hand. To a slight discomfort that will quickly subside.
  5. Feed. To the wedding and prosperity in business. This explanation is offered by Nina Grishina. But in the 21st century dream book, night vision is interpreted differently and promises poverty.
  6. Hare hunting. Seeing someone hunting hares means quarrels between relatives or friends, which only you can reconcile. According to Freud, seek to have sexual contact with a minor. If you personally hunted a hare in a dream, then, according to the esotericist Tsvetkov, anxiety and unrest are coming ahead.
  7. Fire. We find ourselves in a difficult and confusing situation, which can only be resolved through active and decisive actions.
  8. Kill. According to Fedorovskaya’s dream book - to deception and losses, according to Ukrainian - to happiness. If you killed a white bunny in a dream, then you are a cowardly person by nature, but you are trying in every possible way to eradicate this quality in yourself. Shooting a hare in a dream means tough measures that you will have to resort to in order to defend your own rights.
  9. Lose. If the bunny from the dream was white, then success and meeting a friend await you, gray - to chagrin, black - to losses.
  10. See a hare running away. You can’t achieve your plans, no matter how hard you try. . According to the dream book for lovers, because of your stupidity you will break up with your loved one.
  11. Run after the hare. To unexpected happiness that will fall out of the blue.
  12. Receive as a gift. Fall in love and the feelings will be mutual.
  13. Eat. To quarrels with friends. Conflicts can lead to a complete break in relationships. According to Tsvetkov’s dream book, your health condition will worsen.
  14. Buy. Regardless of whether you bought a live bunny or hare meat in a dream, you will be given a profitable and very tempting offer in real life.
  15. Sell. Find a new business partner. This acquaintance will be extremely successful.
  16. Skinning. You risk getting into an awkward position.

If a man had a dream in which a friend is caring for hares, then in reality he dreams that this woman belongs entirely to him. Dreams about hares can have different interpretations. An important role is also played by when exactly you saw the dream. If in the first half of the week, then instead of solving your own problems, you are busy solving other people’s. You shouldn’t do this, because no one will say “thank you.” Seeing a bunny in the kingdom of Morpheus in the second half of the week is a sign of pleasure that you have not experienced before.

Seeing a hare in a dream means danger, anxiety, fear.

A hare running away from you means the loss of something important.

Catching a hare means victory over ill-wishers.

To shoot is to achieve the restoration of justice with drastic measures.

A dead hare means the illness or death of one of your friends.

If hares are chased by dogs in a dream, then in reality you will have to establish peace in your environment (reconcile quarreling relatives, etc.)

Feeding hares means poverty; eating hare meat means having a secret meeting with someone you’re having dinner with.

Sometimes feeding a hare in a dream means getting married in reality, and letting a hare grow old means negotiating a wedding.

Interpretation of dreams from Rommel's Dream Book

What does the dream Hare, rabbit mean?

If you dream of a hare being chased by dogs, this means troubles and quarrels in your family, and only you can restore peace and tranquility to your loved ones. Seeing a running hare in a dream means losing something valuable to you. Catching a hare means winning the competition. Shooting a hare in a dream foretells that you will be forced to resort to tough measures to restore your rights.

Interpretation of dreams from the Modern Dream Book

Seeing a Hare in a dream. rabbit

A symbol of indecision and heightened intuition.

A killed or runaway hare is a leap to success.

A caught hare in your hands is a disease, a nuisance.

Dreaming of a hare - You are probably far from the top of the career pyramid.

Maybe you are not assertive enough - the hare in your dream hints at this.

Even ancient dream books report that seeing a hare is bad luck.

However, hares also have good, useful qualities: quick reaction, sensitive hearing.

Sometimes, the appearance of a hare in a dream seems to warn you: “be on the lookout.”

Interpretation of dreams from the Self-Teacher on Dream Interpretation

What do dreams mean? Hare rabbit

Hare, rabbit - fulfillment of wishes.

Seeing a running hare means happiness and wealth.

Walking behind him is unexpected happiness.

To catch up with him means consent to marriage or a marriage proposal.

Feed the hare - get married / prosper in business.

They give you a hare - love.

There is a hare - malaise / some secret / conversation with your wife.

A hare gnaws something - poverty.

Catching a hare and holding it in your hands is a short-lived illness.

Raising rabbits is good luck.

Seeing a lot of hares and rabbits means experiencing fear.

A hare, a rabbit in dreams can also symbolize marital fidelity, love, and the attraction of spouses to each other.

Skinning a rabbit or hare means finding yourself in a hopeless situation.

Interpretation of dreams from