What does the name Davydov mean? Davydov

Studying the history of the origin of the Davydov surname reveals forgotten pages of the life and culture of our ancestors and can tell a lot of interesting things about the distant past.

The surname Davydov belongs to the popular type Slavic surnames, formed from folk forms baptismal names.

The religious tradition that established itself in Rus' with the adoption of Christianity obligated to name the child in honor of one or another saint, revered Orthodox Church. However, often foreign-language Christian names sounded unusual for Russian people and were incomprehensible in meaning. Therefore, among the people they were “tested” with live speech until they began to sound completely Slavic.

The name David comes from the Hebrew language and goes back to the word David - “beloved”. According to biblical tradition, this name was borne by one of the greatest kings Israeli - David, founder of the first dynasty of kings of Israel, the House of David. According to legend, as a simple shepherd in his youth, David defeated the powerful Philistine hero Goliath with a sling shot. By this feat, as well as by his righteous life, David earned the honor and right to inherit the kingdom from the deceased king Saul. In mind people's king David remained as the psalmist and ideal ruler.

The name David came to the Slavs among other Christian names, most likely in the 12th-14th centuries, but initially they baptized mainly princes and clergy. Gradually, the name David gained popularity among Russians of other classes. Moreover, in Rus' it often took on a slightly different form - Davyd. For example, the Kursk coachman Davyd Makarov (1628) was baptized with this name.

IN XV-XVI centuries In Rus', among representatives of the privileged classes, surnames began to form as special, inherited family names. Already by XVII century The most common model for the formation of a surname was the addition of the suffixes -ov/-ev and -in to the base, which over time turned into the most typical indicator of Russian surnames. By their origin, such surnames were possessive adjectives, formed from the name or nickname of the father, and from the form that those around him usually called him. As a rule, the suffix -in was added to stems ending in -a/-ya, and surnames ending in -ov/-ev were formed from words ending in a consonant or -o. So from the name Davyd the surname Davydov was formed.

This surname has been glorified by many prominent figures, the brightest of which was, undoubtedly, Denis Vasilievich Davydov (1784-1839) - participant Patriotic War 1812, lieutenant general, ideologist and leader of the partisan movement, Russian poet of the Pushkin Pleiad.

When and where exactly this surname arose is currently impossible to establish without special genealogical research. Undoubtedly, the Davydov surname has an interesting centuries-old history and should be considered one of the oldest Russian family names, indicating the diversity of ways in which surnames appeared.

Sources: Dictionary of modern Russian surnames (Ganzhina I.M.), Encyclopedia of Russian surnames. Secrets of origin and meaning (Vedina T.F.), Russian surnames: popular etymological dictionary (Fedosyuk Yu.A.), Encyclopedia of Russian surnames (Khigir B.Yu.), Russian surnames (Unbegaun B.O.).

Several are known noble families Davydovs. The ancestor of the first of them is considered to be Murza Minchak Kosayevich, who left at the beginning of the 15th century. from the Golden Horde to the Grand Duke Vasily Dmitrievich and converted to Christianity with the name Semyon. Minchak's son's name was Davyd. Obviously his name served as the basis for the Davydov surname.

Note that baptismal male name Davyd (David) is of Hebrew origin and translated into Russian means “beloved.” In Russian calendars, the patron saint of the name is David of Thessaloniki, the hermit. The Monk David initially labored in the monastery of Paphnutius Borovsky, then at long years He preferred to remain in solitude, abandoning the bustle of the world and raising prayers to God, imploring him to protect him from various kinds of pleasures and human problems. He lived on the alms of parishioners, but avoided meeting with them. In 1515, he became the founder of the Voznesensko-Davidovskaya Hermitage, which was located on the Lopasna River, 23 versts from Serpukhov. The monk died in 1520.

Many descendants of Davyd served the Russian throne in various ranks (as attorneys, governors, stewards, etc.) and were granted estates by the sovereigns. It is also known that one of the representatives of this family, Ivan Kirillovich Davydov, was lieutenant general and Belgorod governor (1773), and Vasily Lvovich Davydov (died in 1853) was one of the prominent Decembrists and in 1826 was exiled to hard labor . His cousin, Denis Vasilyevich, is a famous partisan poet. One branch of this Davydov family inherited the fortune and name of Counts Orlov and bears the surname of Counts Orlov-Davydov. This Davydov family is included in the VI part of the genealogical book of the Kaluga, Oryol, Saratov, Simbirsk, Moscow and St. Petersburg provinces and in Part III genealogy book of the Grodno and Kyiv provinces

The coat of arms of this Davydov family, included in part 2 of the “General Arms of Arms of the Noble Families of the All-Russian Empire,” is a shield divided into 4 equal parts. In the middle of the shield there is a small blue shield on which a cross, a six-pointed golden star are depicted, and between them - silver month horns down. In the upper left and lower right parts, in a red field, one black eagle is depicted each holding a sharp sword in its paws. On a blue background, the upper right and lower left parts each have three six-pointed gold stars and a bow with a stretched arrow. The shield is topped with a noble helmet with a crown.

The second family of Davydovs has Armenian origin and originates from Davyd Bey, the ruler of Tsimak (1517). His descendant, Stepan Davydov, came to Russia in 1784 as the Ararat envoy, and later entered the service of the Russian throne with the rank of lieutenant colonel. His son Bogdan Davydov was the headquarters captain of the Life Cossack regiment. As a reward for his diligence in service in 1797, villages in the Tambov Province were granted to him by HIS MAJESTY EMPEROR Paul I. This genus is included in part VI of the genealogy book of the Moscow province. The coat of arms of this Davydov family is included in part 7 of the “General Armorial of the Noble Families of the All-Russian Empire”.

The ancestor of the third family was Nikita Vasilyevich Davydov, the Tver son of a boyar (1560). Ivan Ivanovich Davydov came from this family. The genus is included in parts VI and III of the genealogical book of the Moscow and Tver provinces.

The fourth family of Davydovs comes from Ivan Nikitich Davydov, a Novgorod landowner and son of a boyar (1583), and is included in the VI part of the genealogical book of the Novgorod and Tambov provinces.

Among the most famous namesakes is Vasily Vasilyevich Davydov (1930-1998), Russian psychologist, philosopher and teacher, specialist in the field of educational psychology, children's and educational psychology, as well as theoretical and methodological problems of general and developmental psychology.

Several noble families of the Davydovs are known. The ancestor of the first of them is considered to be Murza Minchak Kosayevich, who left at the beginning of the 15th century. from the Golden Horde to the Grand Duke Vasily Dmitrievich and converted to Christianity with the name Semyon. Minchak's son's name was Davyd. Obviously his name served as the basis for the Davydov surname.

Note that the baptismal male name Davyd (David) is of Hebrew origin and translated into Russian means “beloved.” In Russian calendars, the patron saint of the name is David of Thessaloniki, the hermit. The Monk David initially asceticised in the monastery of Paphnutius Borovsky, then for many years he chose to remain in solitude, renouncing the vanity of the world and raising his prayers to God, imploring him to protect him from various kinds of pleasures and human problems. He lived on the alms of parishioners, but avoided meeting with them. In 1515, he became the founder of the Voznesensko-Davidovskaya Hermitage, which was located on the Lopasna River, 23 versts from Serpukhov. The monk died in 1520.

Many descendants of Davyd served the Russian throne in various ranks (as attorneys, governors, stewards, etc.) and were granted estates by the sovereigns. It is also known that one of the representatives of this family, Ivan Kirillovich Davydov, was lieutenant general and Belgorod governor (1773), and Vasily Lvovich Davydov (died in 1853) was one of the prominent Decembrists and in 1826 was exiled to hard labor . His cousin, Denis Vasilyevich, is a famous partisan poet. One branch of this Davydov family inherited the fortune and name of Counts Orlov and bears the surname of Counts Orlov-Davydov. This Davydov family is included in the VI part of the genealogical book of the Kaluga, Oryol, Saratov, Simbirsk, Moscow and St. Petersburg provinces and in the III part of the genealogical book of the Grodno and Kyiv provinces

The coat of arms of this Davydov family, included in part 2 of the “General Arms of Arms of the Noble Families of the All-Russian Empire,” is a shield divided into 4 equal parts. In the middle of the shield there is a small blue shield on which a cross, a six-pointed golden star are depicted, and between them is a silver moon with the horns down. In the upper left and lower right parts, in a red field, one black eagle is depicted each holding a sharp sword in its paws. On a blue background, the upper right and lower left parts each have three six-pointed gold stars and a bow with a stretched arrow. The shield is topped with a noble helmet with a crown.

The second family of the Davydovs is of Armenian origin and dates back to Davyd Bey, the ruler of Tsimak (1517). His descendant, Stepan Davydov, came to Russia in 1784 as the Ararat envoy, and later entered the service of the Russian throne with the rank of lieutenant colonel. His son Bogdan Davydov was the headquarters captain of the Life Cossack regiment. As a reward for his diligence in service in 1797, villages in the Tambov Province were granted to him by HIS MAJESTY EMPEROR Paul I. This genus is included in part VI of the genealogy book of the Moscow province. The coat of arms of this Davydov family is included in part 7 of the “General Armorial of the Noble Families of the All-Russian Empire”.

The ancestor of the third family was Nikita Vasilyevich Davydov, the Tver son of a boyar (1560). Ivan Ivanovich Davydov came from this family. The genus is included in parts VI and III of the genealogical book of the Moscow and Tver provinces.

The fourth family of Davydovs comes from Ivan Nikitich Davydov, a Novgorod landowner and son of a boyar (1583), and is included in the VI part of the genealogical book of the Novgorod and Tambov provinces.

Among the most famous namesakes is Vasily Vasilyevich Davydov (1930-1998), a Russian psychologist, philosopher and teacher, a specialist in the field of learning psychology, child and pedagogical psychology, as well as theoretical and methodological problems of general and developmental psychology.

Davydov- a fairly common surname, comes from the baptismal name David - David beloved (Heb.)

Related surnames: Davidov, Davydkin, Davydkov, Davydochkin, Davydychev, Daudov, Davidenko, Davydenko, Davydenkov, Davidovich, Davidyuk, Davidchuk, Davidyak, Davydiv, Davydi, Davydovky, Dovydenko.
Source: Dictionary of Russian surnames

Based on the results of a study in five conventional regions of the Russian Federation (Northern, Central, Central-Western, Central-Eastern and Southern), scientists from the laboratory population genetics human Medical Genetic Center of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences compiled a list of almost 15 thousand. Russian surnames. When applied regional lists The following list of the 250 most common all-Russian surnames was formed on top of each other. Last name Davydovs ranks 96th.
Complete list of names included in the TOP 250

Davydovs- Russian noble families, numbering 76.
The first of them comes from Murza Minchak Kosaevich, who left for Moscow at the beginning of the 15th century. and was baptized with the name Semyon. Ivan Kirillovich Davydov was lieutenant general and governor of Belgorod (1773). Vasily Lvovich Davydov (died in 1853) was one of the prominent Decembrists and in 1826 he was exiled to hard labor. His cousin, Denis Vasilyevich, is a famous partisan poet. One branch of the Davydovs inherited the fortune and name of the Counts Orlovs and bears the surname of the Counts Orlovs-Davydovs. This Davydov family is included in the VI part of the genealogical books of the Kaluga, Oryol, Saratov, Simbirsk, Moscow and St. Petersburg provinces and in the III part of the genealogical books of the Grodno and Kyiv provinces. (Armorial, II, 51).
The second family of the Davydovs is of Armenian origin and dates back to Davyd-Bey, the owner of Tsimak in 1517. His descendant, Stepan Davydov, left for Russia in 1784 and was a lieutenant colonel. This genus is included in part VI of the genealogical book of the Moscow province (Gerbovnik, VII, 162).
The ancestor of the third family was Nikita Vasilyevich Davydov, the Tver son of a boyar (1560). Ivan Ivanovich Davydov came from this family. The genus is included in the VI and III parts of the genealogical books of the Moscow and Tver provinces.
The fourth family of Davydovs comes from Ivan Nikitich Davydov, a Novgorod landowner and son of a boyar (1583) and is included in the VI part of the genealogical books of the Novgorod and Tambov provinces. Thirteen Davydov families date back to the 17th century.
The remaining Davydov families are of later origin.

Davydovs- a Russian princely family descended from the Tsar of Kakheti Alexander I (died in 1511) and left for Russia in 1666. Prince Sergei Ivanovich Davydov (died in 1878) was a DTS, senator and vice-president of the Academy of Sciences. The Davydov family is included in Part V of the genealogical book of the Nizhny Novgorod province.

141. DAVIDOVS. Family from Davyd (Davud), the son of Murza Minchak Kasaevich, who came from the Golden Horde to Grand Duke Vasily Dmitrievich and took the name Simeon at baptism (OGDR, II, p. 51; V, p. 33; BK,. II, p. 306, No. 215). Since 1500 they already had estates, including in the 17th - 20th centuries. in Nizhny Novgorod and Simbirsk provinces.
Related to the Uvarovs, Zlobins, Orinkins (see). Surname and name Davyd -Davud ~ Daud - Arabized and Turkicized form Jewish name David, which means “beloved, loving” (Gafurov 1987, p. 142; Baskakov 1979, p. 97). The descendants include warriors (Denis Davydov), Decembrists, diplomats, academics, etc. (RBS, VI, pp. 10 - 15; ES, 1987, p. 355).

OGDR - General armorial of the noble families of the Russian Empire, a - XX). St. Petersburg, 1797 - 1842.

RBS - Russian Biographical Dictionary.

Source: Alfred Khasanovich Khalikov. “500 RUSSIAN FAMILIES OF BULGARO-TATAR ORIGIN”

2) the family of the Davydov princes goes back to the Kakhetian king Davyd I (1513-1520). He had a grandson, Tsar Alexander, this latter had Tsarevich Dmitry, and by the name of this son, Tsarevich Davyd, his great-grandson, Prince Elizbar - Ilya, who left for Russia in 1666 under the high power of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich, received the nickname of Prince Davydov (76). A descendant of this latter, Prince Makul (Mamuk) Davydov, in 1738 was appointed captain of the Georgian hussar company, formed from Georgians who arrived in Russia with Tsar Vakhtang (77). The family of the Davydov princes continues to this day and uses the following coat of arms: the first part of their four-part shield is represented by an image of St. George slaying the dragon; in the second, red, a golden cross is depicted; in the third quarter of the same color a golden pentagonal star is visible and, finally, in the last, in a blue field, a lion is represented walking to the right;

(76) From his brother, Prince Khokhona, the Khokhonichev family descended. See: Velvet book. II. P. 397.

(77) Decrees of 1738: March 25 (N 7545). Nominal; June 8 (N 7595). Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers on the message of the Senate; July 8 (N 7614).

Extract from the Genealogical Book of Prince Dolgorukov IV, 429.

There are six Davydov surnames, of which five are included in the Armorial Book;


The shield is divided into four equal parts, in the middle there is a small shield with a blue field, in which a Cross, a hexagonal golden Star and between them a silver Crescent with its horns facing downwards are depicted. In the first and fourth parts, in the red field, there is one single-headed black Eagle holding a naked Sword in its paw; in the second and third parts, in a blue field, three golden hexagonal Stars are visible and under them a Bow stretched by an Arrow, indicated in gold. The shield is topped with an ordinary noble helmet with a noble Crown on it. The marking on the shield is blue and red, lined with gold.
The surname of the Davydovs comes from Minchak Kosayevich, who came to Grand Duke Vasily Dmitrievich from the Golden Horde, and was named Simeon at baptism, and had a son, Davyd. From this Davyd, many descendants of Davydov served the Russian Throne as Stolniks, Voivodes, Solicitors and in other ranks, and were granted estates by the Sovereigns in 1500 and other years. All this is proven by copies of letters granted to estates, certificates from the Archive of the College of Foreign Affairs and the Rank Archive, and the genealogy of the Davydovs indicated in the genealogy Book sent from the Moscow noble collection.

The coat of arms of the Davydov family is included in Part 2 of the General Arms of Arms of the Noble Families of the All-Russian Empire, p. 51
Source: General armorial of the noble families of the Russian Empire

In the shield, which has a blue field, a saber is indicated crosswise, a silver arrow pointed towards the left corners and a golden bow, above which right side depicted: a silver moon and three hexagonal stars, on the left side there is a golden cross. The shield is topped with a noble helmet and a crown with ostrich feathers. The marking on the shield is blue, lined with silver.
The surname of the Davydovs, Trofim and his brothers Ivan and Mikhailo Davydov, for the service of their father in 1689 from the Sovereigns, Tsars and Grand Dukes Ivan Alekseevich and Peter Alekseevich, were granted estates and charters for it. Likewise, many other Davydovs of this family served the Russian Throne in noble service in various ranks. All this is proven by the deed granted to the estates, a certificate from the Patrimonial Board and the genealogy of the Davydovs.

The shield is divided into four parts, in the middle there is a black shield, in which a golden lion is depicted holding a bow in its paws, and on the sides of this shield in a golden field are two black Armenian letters, in the Russian language D and B. Above this brush in ermine The prince's hat is placed on a crimson pillow. In the first part, in a blue field, there is a black single-headed eagle with a silver arrow in its paws. In the second, in a green field, there is a golden cross, marked on a branch with fruits of the same metal. In the third part, five fish are seen swimming in the river in a silver field. In the fourth part, in a red field, a white banner with a golden shaft and a silver saber, pointed down, are indicated crosswise. The shield is topped with a noble helmet and a crown with ostrich feathers. The marking on the shield is green and red, lined with gold and silver. The shield is held by two warriors in armor with pikes. The ancestors of the Davydov family, descended from Atabek Ishkhan, that is, a noble Prince, had their own reigns in ancient times. Davyd Bey also owned Tsymak in 1517. Descendants of this family Stepan Davydov, in modern times came to Russia as the Ararat envoy, and then entered into Russian service. was a lieutenant colonel. His son Bogdan Davydov of the Life Cossack Regiment of the Staff-Rottmister, as a reward for his zeal for service, in 1797 from HIS MAJESTY of the blessed and eternal glory worthy of the memory of THE GOVERNMENT EMPEROR PAUL 1st, was granted villages in the Tambov Province. All this is proven by the testimony of the Grigoriopol Armenian City Magistrate and other documents.

The coat of arms of the Davydov family is included in Part 7 of the General Arms of the Noble Families of the All-Russian Empire, p. 162

There are several versions of the origin of the Davydov surname. According to the most common and most logical of them, the surname Davydov came from the Orthodox patronymic church name David or, as was popularly accepted, David. According to another point of view, the name Davyd or Dawood is an Arabized form Christian name David. The name itself translated from Hebrew means “beloved.” A person could be named this way in honor of the ancient king of Palestine David or the Venerable David of Thessalonica.

The same origin is attributed to many similar surnames, which do not always have Russian origin. For example, Russians Davidov, Davydkov, Ukrainian surnames Davydenko or Davidovich, Russified versions Davydenkov and Davydovichev, Belarusian Davydzenko, having Turkic roots Davudov and Daudov.

Another version of the origin of the Davydov surname is based on the pedigrees of several Russian noble families with this surname, described in the “General Arms Book of Noble Families” Russian Empire" Thus, the first of them traced his ancestry to the son of Murza Minchak Kosaevich named David or Davud, who lived in the 15th century and was baptized under the name Simeon.

Another family of nobles, the Davydovs, is of Armenian origin and traces its history back to the Tsimak ruler Davyd Bey, who lived at the beginning of the 16th century. Several more families descend from boyars and landowners who bore this surname.

In 1910, the surname Davydov, according to the calculations of B. Unbegun, occupied 51st place in St. Petersburg, and in 1973, V.A. Nikonov indicated in his calculations that in Moscow the surname Davydov was in 93rd place. It occupies approximately the same place to this day.

Famous people with the surname Davydov

  • Davydov Nikita (Mikita) - Russian armorer master XVII century. In 1613-1663 he worked at the Armory. He is called the father of Russian arms making; he made many weapons. Some of the most famous are the Jericho cap (helmet) for Tsar Mikhail Fedorovich (1621), the armor of Alexei Mikhailovich (1663), faceted and serrated swords - for ceremonial purposes (1659). Also did firearms(squeaks, carbines and pistols.) He decorated his works with carved floral patterns.
  • Davydov Gabriel Ivanovich (1784-1809) - midshipman, traveled to America, about which he left his notes containing numerous ethnographic and dictionary material, as well as the author of a dictionary of the dialects of the natives of Sakhalin. An island in the Aleutian archipelago is named after the naval officer. The rock opera “Juno and Avos” is based on the story of the voyage of Davydov and his comrade Khvostov, who are also characters in the opera.
  • Davydov Evgraf Vladimirovich (1775-1823) - participant in the Napoleonic wars, chief of the Lubensky Hussar Regiment.
  • Davydov Nikolai Vladimirovich (1773-1823) - Russian commander of the Napoleonic wars, major general.
  • Davidov (Davydov) August Yulievich (Yulievich) (1823-1885/1886) - Russian mathematician, author of textbooks on elementary mathematics in 1860-1920. President of the Moscow Mathematical Society (1866-1885/1886).
  • Davydov Alexey Kuzmich (1790-1857) - vice admiral, was also a teacher, and then director of the Navigation School and the Naval Cadet Corps. Recipient of the Order of St. George, 4th degree and other awards.
  • Davydov Alexey Pavlovich (1826-1904) - Russian inventor of electromagnetic mines, a power system for automatically aiming guns. His inventions were adopted by several dozen warships of the Black Sea and Baltic fleets.
  • Davydov Vasily Lvovich (1793-1855) - Russian poet, Decembrist.
  • Davydov Vladimir Nikolaevich (1849-1925) - real name and surname - Ivan Nikolaevich Gorelov; Soviet actor, performed in the troupe Alexandrinsky Theater. Also theater director and teacher, National artist Republic (1922).
  • Davydov Denis Vasilievich (1784-1839) - Russian ideologist of the partisan movement during the Patriotic War of 1812. Also a Russian poet, most bright representative"Hussar poetry".
  • Davydov Dmitry Pavlovich (1811-1888) - Russian ethnographer, studied the customs, folklore and life of the peoples of Siberia, produced in the same region archaeological research. Author of the “Russian-Yakut Dictionary” (1843). Most of his manuscripts were lost.
  • Davydov Ivan Ivanovich (1794-1863) - Russian philologist and philosopher, Doctor of Literary Sciences.
  • Davydov Karl Yulievich (1838-1889) - Russian composer, cello player, director of the St. Petersburg Conservatory (1876-1887). Author of the opera “Miners”, overtures and fantasies for cellos and double bass from the opera “Caligula”, “Fantasies on Russian songs”, symphonic poem"Gifts of the Terek". Many great people of that time admired the talent of K.Yu. Davydov, including P.I. Tchaikovsky and Julius Klengel, who in 1862-1887 received the title of “soloist of His Imperial Majesty" He played an instrument made by A. Stradivari. Author of the textbook “Schools for Cello” (1888).
  • Davydov (Davidov) Kirill Yurievich (born in 1988) is a Ukrainian football player.
  • Davydov (Davidov) Sergei Viktorovich (born 1984) is a Ukrainian football player.
  • Davydov (Davtyan) Yakov Khristoforovich (1888-1938) - Soviet diplomat, security officer, worked in foreign intelligence.
  • Davydov Alexander Romanovich (1937-2012) - Soviet and Russian animator, the first animator to win the Nika Prize. With his participation, about 100 cartoons were created, and he was the director of the satirical magazine “Fitil”. Animator of such cartoons as “The Engine from Romashkov”, “How the Lion Cub and the Turtle Sang a Song”, “Dereza”, “ The Bremen Town Musicians"", "Morning of the Kesha Parrot", "Tsokotukha Fly", "Uncle Styopa - Policeman", "New Adventures of the Kesha Parrot", some issues " Merry carousel"and others.
  • Davydov Alexander Sergeevich (1912-1993) - Ukrainian physicist, conducted scientific research in the field of quantum mechanics and solid state physics.
  • Davydov Anatoly Viktorovich (born in 1953) - former Soviet and Russian football player, later coach. Master of Sports of the USSR (1976).
  • Davydov Boris Vladimirovich (1884-1925) - Soviet hydrograph-geodesist, explored the Okhotsk and Bering Seas. In 1924 he planted the USSR flag on Wrangel Island and was the head of the expedition to this island. The bays and cape in these parts are named after the hydrographer. Author of books on hydrography and the study of the Arctic Ocean.
  • Davydov Vasily Vasilievich (1930-1998) - Soviet teacher and psychologist. He is the author of the primary education system currently used along with traditional system and the Zankov system.
  • Davydov Vasily Innokentievich (1919-1968) - infantryman, participant in the Great Patriotic War, Hero Soviet Union(1946). He stormed the Reichstag and took part in hoisting the Red Flag over it. Davydov's battalion distinguished itself during the assault, destroying a large number of opponents and at the same time taking more than 600 people prisoner.
  • Davydov Vladimir Mikhailovich (born in 1943) - Russian economist, historian, specializes in the field Latin America. Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences (2011), winner of various domestic and foreign awards. For example, among his awards is the medal of the Order of Merit for the Fatherland (1999), the Brazilian Order of Rio Branco, commander degree (2002).
  • Davydov Georgy Valentinovich (1941-2011) - Soviet geological engineer, participant in the human rights movement in the USSR, dissident, former political prisoner. He was the first to scientifically develop the history of the post-Stalin repressive system. Since 1980 he worked at Radio Liberty in Munich.
  • Davydov Ivan Aleksandrovich (1916-1999) - Soviet bandy player, USSR Champion (1951, 1952), winner of silver at the USSR Championship (1950, 1954), Honored Coach of the USSR. In 1968-1978, he coached the junior team, which won the World Championship (1970, 1974, 1976) and received silver awards in 1972 and 1978.
  • Davydov Ivan Egorovich (1926-1977) – Honored Test Pilot of the USSR (1967), Hero of the Soviet Union (1971). On the Antey aircraft (AN-22), he set 27 world aviation records for payload. Recipient of various orders and medals.
  • Davydov Ivan Nikitovich (1933-1981) - Soviet miner, Hero of Socialist Labor (1971).
  • Davydov Isai (born in 1927) - pseudonym, real name - David Isaakovich Sheinberg; Soviet and Russian writer. He is best known as a science fiction writer (“He loved you”, “The Girl from Panticapaeum”, but also as a documentarian (“Give me a rocket!”, “The feat began in April”, the stories “Dance Lesson in Military Moscow” and “Three Weeks”) . 36 books by I. Davydov were published, including two novels (“I will return in a thousand years”, “From spring to spring”) and more than 10 stories. Member of the Union of Writers of the USSR (1959).
  • Davydov Konstantin Nikolaevich (1877-1960) - Russian zoologist, left Russia in 1922. While studying at St. Petersburg University, he became widely known thanks to his discoveries and works as the author of the monograph “Course of Invertebrate Embryology” (1914). World fame brought him the “Manual of Comparative Embryology of Invertebrates” (1928). Working in Indochina (1929-1934), he made great amount discoveries - new species, for which he was awarded the title of "master" and given funds for the costs of processing the collections. Lived in Paris, was the head of work in National Center scientific research in Paris. Corresponding member of the Paris Academy of Sciences (1949).
  • Davydov Lado (Vladimir) Shirinshaevich (1924-1987) - Soviet intelligence officer, participant in the Great Patriotic War. He is one of two Assyrians who were awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union (1944).
  • Mikhail Ivanovich Davydov (born in 1947) - Soviet and Russian scientist, oncologist surgeon, director of the N.N. Blokhin Russian Oncology Research Center. Member of various foreign societies and academies of sciences. An innovative surgeon, he developed new methods of treatment in oncology. Author and co-author of more than 300 scientific works, Laureate of the State Prize of the Russian Federation in the field of science and technology (2002), Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation.
  • Davydov Seliverst Vasilievich (1918-1992) - participant in the Great Patriotic War, Hero of the Soviet Union (1943). He showed courage and heroism during the liberation of the city of Melitopol. Recipient of the Order of the Patriotic War, 1st degree and other awards.
  • Davydov Sergei Dmitrievich (born 1979) is a former Belarusian figure skater and now a figure skating coach. Eight-time champion of Belarus in men's single skating (2001-2008). Silver medalist of the World Junior Championships in 1998 (played for Russia).
  • Davydov Tigran Efimovich (1934-1978) - Soviet actor.
  • Davydov Yuri Vladimirovich (1924-2002) - Soviet writer, master historical prose(“Southern Cross”, “Go with the Full Wind”, “Golovnin”, “The Straw Lodge, or Two Bundles of Letters” and others). He was head of the jury for the Man Booker Prize (2001). Holder literary prize named after Sakharov, State Prize USSR in the field of literature (1987), the Triumph Prize (1996), the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, IV degree (1999) and other awards.
  • Davydova (Davidova) Natalya Anatolyevna (born in 1985) is a Ukrainian weightlifter. Bronze winner in the weight category up to 69 kg at the Olympics in 2008. Winner of bronze at the European Weightlifting Championships (2005-2007) and at the World Championships in 2007. Honored Master of Sports of Ukraine. Awarded the Order of Princess Olga, III degree.
  • Davydova Anastasia Semyonovna (born in 1983) is a Russian synchronized swimmer, winner of five Olympic gold medals (2004, 2008, 2012), 13-time world champion and 7-time European champion in synchronized swimming. Carried the flag of the Russian team at the closing of the 2012 Olympics. She was awarded the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, IV degree (2012), the Order of Honor (2009) and the Order of Friendship (2005). Honored Master of Sports of Russia. She is also called the best synchronized swimmer of the decade 2000-2009.
  • Davydova Anna Ivanovna (born in 1923) - Hero of Socialist Labor (1964), best milkmaid of the Pereslavl region Yaroslavl region. Her work was awarded a bronze medal from VDNKh in 1965, when the milk yield of cows from her farm amounted to 4486 liters of milk per cow.
  • Davydova Berta Zaurovna (1922-2007) - Soviet and Uzbek singer (lyric soprano), People's Artist of the UzSSR (1964).
  • Davydova Vera Aleksandrovna (1906-1993) - surname after marriage - Mchedlidze; Soviet Opera singer(mezzo-soprano) and teacher. People's Artist RSFSR (1951) and Georgian SSR (1981). The owner of three Stalin Prizes first degree (1946, 1950, 1951), as well as other awards.
  • Davydova Victoria Borisovna (born in 1968) - Chief Editor Russian magazine Vogue, consulting editor at Glamor magazine.
  • Davydova Elena Viktorovna (born in 1961) - Soviet gymnast, innovator of gymnastics, increased the complexity of gymnastics through her own elements. Absolute Olympic champion in artistic gymnastics(1980), Honored Master of Sports of the USSR, the strongest gymnast of the 80s. Inducted into the International Gymnastics Hall of Fame in 2007. Currently – teacher, competition judge.
  • Davydova Lidiya Anatolyevna (1932-2011) - Soviet chamber singer (soprano). People's Artist of Russia (2001). In 1972-1983 and since 1992 she was the director of the ensemble early music"Madrigal" performing vocal music Renaissance and Early Baroque.
  • Davydova Lyudmila Anatolyevna (born in 1947) - Soviet actress, Honored Artist of Russia.
  • Davydova Margarita Alekseevna (born in 1953) - Soviet scientist-teacher, developer musical techniques teaching in preschool institutions and schools. Author of songs, musicals, books on organization musical holidays, collections of songs, methodological literature. Writes books various topics– psychology, teaching, biographies of artists, drama, etc. Laureate of the competition “Law and Order and Society” (2001), professor Russian Academy Natural Sciences (2009). In honor of Davydova M.A. Moscow International was founded theater festival, which was named “Davydovsky”, and since 2010 she has become its leader.
  • Davydova Svetlana Vladimirovna (born in 1968) - surname after marriage - Pecherskaya; Soviet and Russian biathlete, winner of a silver award Olympic Games 1992 in the individual race, seven-time winner of the World Championship, also a multiple winner of this sporting competition. Honored Master of Sports of the USSR (1990).