Automatic connection to the Internet via USB modem. How to set up a modem on a computer

Users who use 3G networks to access the Internet have probably encountered such phenomena as an unstable signal, abrupt changes in speed and other troubles that overshadow the exciting sensations of traveling on the World Wide Web. This is especially noticeable in rural areas, where wireless Internet is most in demand. Therefore, there is probably no “user” who does not think about how to increase the speed of his modem.

This is not such an impossible wish as it initially seems.

The first idea that can arise in the minds of inquisitive users who want to increase the Internet speed on 3G modems is the use of special software. And such software is available in abundance on the Internet. However, not all programs actually meet the characteristics stated by their creators.

AxesstelPst EvDO

This is perhaps the most popular program that allows you to change settings in equipment that uses the CDMA standard. A useful function of AxesstelPst EvDO is the ability to fine-tune the antenna or 3G device. You cannot directly influence the speed in this way. However, there is a significant improvement in the quality of reception due to which, in fact, it is possible to speed up the operation of your modem.

The operating principle of AxesstelPst EvDO is that the program helps determine the position of the antenna or modem in which the signal level will be clear and stable, “notifying” the user about this. For AxesstelPst EvDO to work, you must first connect to the Internet. Having created it, the user needs to do the following:

This completes the preliminary setup of the program. The Setup window must be closed. After this, there will be two more open windows where constantly changing information is displayed. The whole point of tuning is to change the position of the antenna or modem, and also monitor in which direction this information changes. Pay attention to the 1xEV Status window with the following parameters:

Having found the optimal parameters for all three indicators, you need to fix your modem in this place. There the highest level of wireless Internet signal will be ensured.

There are many different programs on the Internet under this name. Basically their work comes down to the following:

The creators of various “3G modem accelerators” praise their creations in every possible way, however, judging by user reviews, the Internet speed does not get a real “overclocking” with their help.

Using Internet services

In addition to using special programs, Internet services really increase the speed of a USB modem. It should be understood that, just as in the previous example, we are not talking about accelerating the data transfer flow. In this case, we mean increased loading speed of web pages.

To optimize the loading of content on Internet sites, you need to understand what actually slows it down. Currently, these “brakes” are:

  • overload of the site with various scripts;
  • an abundance of pictures, videos, slides;
  • the presence of a large number of advertising banners and pop-ups.

Thus, Internet services aimed at speeding up the Internet mainly use compression of web pages or reduction in the size/quality of media content that slows down their loading.

Today, web page compression is already used by such giants as Google, Yahoo, Yandex and others. There are also browser tools that perform similar functions. An example of such a service is the “Turbo” mode in Opera, the Data Saver extension for Chrome, various ad blockers, and the like.

Another method that deserves attention and is used to increase Internet speed is the use of alternative DNS servers that are more powerful than those provided by the default provider. These servers are located in the most strategically important areas and use a huge cache of domain names. This is why requests from users are completed much faster by them. To use an alternative DNS, you must:

Open DNS:,,,;

Google Public DNS:,;

Level 3 Communications:,;


This list is not final. Using the above addresses is not a 100% guarantee of increased Internet speed. The user may be better off with the provider's server or another, less well-known but fast one. To determine the appropriate DNS server, there are specially developed utilities, for example, namebench. The option mentioned is definitely worth trying. Speed ​​will only benefit from this.

Hardware methods for accelerating 3G

Hardware methods for speeding up the Internet mean options that involve the use of any technical means to achieve the goal. Unlike programs and Internet services, such methods are more effective. Although in this case we are talking, first of all, about ensuring its stability and improving the quality of reception.

Using a USB Extender

Using a USB extender is an affordable way to boost the signal passing through the modem. It’s easy to use an extension cord in practice; to do this, we perform several steps:

  • We purchase a USB extension cable 2-3 m long and connect the modem to the computer through it.
  • We raise the level of placement of the modem above the floor, placing it closer to the window.
  • This way we improve the performance of 3G modems from Beeline, Megafon and other operators.

An extension length of 2 to 3 m is optimal. If it is exceeded, communication loss is inevitable. A short extension cord will also not achieve the desired effect.

How to increase the Internet speed of a 3G modem using a USB extension cable over twisted pair

This method is both simple and very effective in order to increase the speed of a 4G modem or 3G modem. In order to make such an accelerator, you will need:

  • two USB-RJ45 adapters;
  • a regular twisted pair cable used in a local network.

One adapter is connected to the modem, the other to the USB port of the computer, and they are connected to each other using a pre-crimped twisted pair cable.

The advantage of the method describing how to increase the Internet speed of a USB modem is that, compared to a conventional twisted-pair extension cord, the signal attenuation occurs more slowly.

This allows you to use a cable up to 30 m long. Thus, the modem can be easily raised to a considerable height and taken outside.

Those who are planning to make a 3G modem accelerator using this method must remember that the device was initially intended for indoor use and is sensitive to temperature changes in the external environment. In addition, you need to take care to protect the case from precipitation by placing it in some kind of case, for example, made from a plastic bottle.


Antennas are the most important element that ensures stable operation of the 3G modem and the speed of the mobile Internet. Therefore, by enhancing their characteristics, you can achieve a significant improvement in reception from the mobile network operator.

Antennas for USB modems are:

  • built-in;
  • desktop, placed at a short distance from the modem;
  • directional, receiving/transmitting a signal in one direction.

External antennas are taken outside the room, which causes some associations with twisted pair extension cords. Craftsmen also make an antenna for a modem using a homemade method.


Naturally, an antenna made industrially inspires more confidence among users who are not very experienced in network technologies. Stores specializing in the sale of network equipment offer a wide selection of antennas of various types. When purchasing, it is recommended to pay attention to the following characteristics: radiation pattern and gain.

To increase Internet speed using an industrial antenna, you just need to purchase it, connect it to a modem, and point it towards the nearest tower of your mobile operator.


Anyone who is not lazy will make an antenna for a 3G modem with their own hands. This is not as difficult as it seems at first glance, and it will cost much less.

We offer a simple method for making an antenna:

After this, all that remains is to bring the antenna out and orient it in the desired direction.

How to increase the Internet speed of a 3G modem using a Wi-Fi router

Increasing the Internet speed of a 3G modem using a Wi-Fi router also significantly improves the quality of mobile Internet. This is explained by the fact that such routers have their own antennas, which pick up the signal much better. In addition, the clear advantage of this method is that it simultaneously creates a wireless network, distributing the Internet in a house or apartment.

Naturally, router models with a USB port are suitable for using this method of signal amplification. Pre-configuration of Wi-Fi is also necessary.

When using a modem with a Wi-Fi router, try using a USB extender at the same time. Please take into account the restrictions described above.

How to increase modem speed in other ways

There is a chance to increase the speed of the 3G modem by changing some operating system parameters. In most cases, their values ​​are close to optimal, but still, it would be worth checking the following:

There are also other ways in which it is possible to influence the speed of the modem. But, as in the described cases, this will not be an increase in the immediate speed of data reception/transmission, but the removal of restrictions prescribed by the developers in the Windows system.

Hi all! Many mobile operators (MTS, Beeline, Yota) have favorable unlimited tariffs with low costs, for example, Smart Unlimited from MTS. They have one drawback - you can use this tariff only in your smartphone; it will not work in a USB modem/router.

Today’s article on the site will be about how to slightly moderate the greed of mobile Internet providers and get an unlimited tariff to work on your USB GSM modem. You can either insert the modem into a laptop or into a Wi-Fi router to distribute the Internet to several computers.

How to connect to an operator’s closed tariff to significantly reduce the cost of unlimited Internet? [Advertising]

Friends, it is possible to connect to closed mobile tariffs. These are the tariffs that mobile operators offer to large enterprises that employ 1000+ people. Such tariffs cannot be issued in a regular salon. What's the salt, you ask? I answer - data unlimited tariff plans much cheaper than those available to “mere mortals”. (Tariff, Unlimited and others). The savings on Internet/calls are very noticeable. And most importantly, no hassles with Internet distribution or use in modems.

In order to find out more about these tariffs and how to connect to them, you need to write a message to Nikolay: Man running through Guarantee-service, which negates any risks in obtaining a tariff. He will receive money from you only when you insert the SIM card into the phone and make sure that the tariff corresponds to the declared characteristics. If you are in St. Petersburg, delivery to the metro is possible.

Unlimited Internet for a laptop via a 4G modem - how to bypass operator blocking?

Today a person came to me with such a problem. He bought MTS tariff "Smart Unlimited" to use it via a modem in a laptop.

According to him, for some time he used unlimited Internet for 12.9 rubles per day, but then the operator politely asked him to install a SIM card in his smartphone for further use. The Internet disappeared, and in my personal account the following message began to pop up:

“You are using a data plan that is not designed for a modem. Install a SIM card in your smartphone to continue using the Internet within the tariff.”

To use a SIM card on a modem, it was suggested to switch to a more expensive tariff:

“If you want to access via modem, go to the MTS Connect-4 tariff recommended for modems”

After searching the Internet, I found a way to help him! The problem is solved by changing IMEI(identification number) of the modem. This is done so that the SIM card thinks that it was inserted into the phone, not into a 4G modem, and allows you to use unlimited Internet on your laptop.

Next, I will describe step-by-step instructions for changing IMEI in Huawei 4G modems. The instructions are simpler than they might seem at first glance. Just do everything point by point, it should work out even for a person far from computers.

An easy way to change IMEI on HUAWEI USB modems

In my case there was a modem MTS 827f(HUAWEI E3372), but the following instructions for changing imei Suitable for most modems HUAWEI.

So, let’s start with the programs necessary for flashing the modem. The password for the archive is “123”. I’ll say right away that some antiviruses may start complaining about the Huawei Calculator.exe file. At its core, this file is a KeyGen, so this is a normal reaction. I advise you to disable your antivirus so that it does not interfere with your manipulations with the modem.

After you download and extract the archive, follow the following step-by-step instructions:

  1. Insert your SIM card into the modem, and the modem itself goes into a laptop/computer.
  2. Run the file DC-Unlocker.exe. Click the button Identify modem". The program should display the model of your modem and all information about it.

  3. Among the information, find the current IMEI of your modem. Select it and copy it to the clipboard.
  4. Now run the program Huawei Calculator.exe, insert the IMEI of your modem into the appropriate field and press the “ Calc«:
  5. Copy the unlock code. Suitable for my MTS modem V201 code. Try it first too. If it doesn't work, try v1 or v2 code.
  6. Go to the DC-Unlocker program again and paste the code into the input field

    at^datalock= "CODE"

    Where instead of CODE you paste the code copied in the previous step. Press Enter and see OK. If it gives an error, try v1 and v2 codes from the HUAWEI Unlock code calculator.

  7. So, you have unlocked the modem - now you can flash a new IMEI into it. Where can I get it? From any phone. But, you must be sure that this phone will not be used simultaneously with a modem in the network of one operator, otherwise OpCoS may block the device. I took the IMEI from my old Sony Ericsson w880i feature phone. At one time it was the thinnest phone! 🙂

    The IMEI is usually located under the phone's battery and is a 15-digit numeric code.
  8. So, in the DC Unlocker program we write the command:

    Where instead of CODE we insert your new IMEI. Press the Enter key. If everything went well, you will see the message OK. This means that the imei of the modem has been successfully changed!

  9. Reboot the modem (pull out and insert).
  10. Ready! Now no operator will be able to distinguish your modem from a cell phone!

After completing all the instructions, we try to connect to the Internet. Hurray - it worked!

As you can see, there is nothing complicated in changing the imei code on a 3G-4G HUAWEI modem! If something remains unclear, watch the video below to see how I did it all.

How to change IMEI on a 4G modem to use an unlimited tariff on a laptop. [Video]

MTS charges 30-50 rubles a day for “distributing the Internet” to other devices. How to get around?

After some time, MTS may start sending SMS saying that you are distributing the Internet to other devices. At the same time, he will withdraw 30 rubles a day from his balance (and from the summer of 2017 - 50). Don’t be upset, you just need to do one more simple operation -.

By the way, this method will also help you if you distribute the Internet to a laptop from a smartphone via Wi-Fi, Bluetooth or USB!

You will find it on my youtube channel “Compblog”. Subscribe!

Articles and Lifehacks

Despite the fact that the modem functions as a telephone only until the moment of connection and partial loss and distortion of information is possible, sometimes it is necessary to know how to make a phone from a modem. Unfortunately, when the remote modem drops the connection, you have to disconnect the mobile device.

The sequence of actions that turns the modem into a regular phone

First, you need to connect your cell phone to a personal computer using a connecting cord and install the device in the PC as a modem. The OS will automatically find this device and install the required software itself. Otherwise, the user will need to install drivers downloaded from the manufacturer’s official website or from the disk included with the device. The Bluetooth application itself will add a new modem to the OS. Then you need to create a remote connection, during which it is important to strictly follow the wizard’s prompts.

Depending on the OS, you can use a certain configuration method. In the “Programs” section, you need to select the “Standard” tab, and then check the “Communication” option. Having connected to the World Wide Web, you should note that you have established the connection manually using a regular modem. From the list of modem names, you need to select your modem, click the “Properties” tab and, selecting the “Advanced parameters” option, deselect components. The procedure for making a phone from a modem is quite simple.

For such a transformation you will need: a special plug, a shielded cable and a connector that matches the connector of the required computer port. To ensure a reliable cable connection to the modem, experts recommend tightening the screws on each connector.
It is advisable to connect the modem transformer using a special device that protects devices from voltage surges. Then you need to connect the modem to the transformer using a cord. After installing an external modem, you should connect to the telephone network.

Since the modem has two telephone connectors, one of them is connected to an additional telephone (it is preferable to use an adapter).

Before connecting the modem, it is recommended to turn off the PC (to avoid a power surge in the telephone network). The plug of one end of the cord should be inserted into the modem connector, and the other end should be connected to the telephone line. When connecting an additional device, the quality of communication may deteriorate significantly.

One of the main problems of Russian users is the Internet. Or rather, its complete absence. It can be absent for a variety of reasons, but the worst situation is for those who live outside areas where sane providers are widely distributed. Of course, there is satellite Internet, but in our country it is so expensive that you can only use it out of extreme desperation.

But there is a better and somewhat cheaper way. As you might already understand, we are talking about USB modems, which have been especially popular lately. However, it happens that you have a modem from one company in your hands, but it is picked up by the network of a completely different operator in your region. What to do? Should I buy a second modem? No, you can get by with little expense, since the modem firmware will come to the rescue. This is an operation after which the obstinate device begins to calmly accept SIM cards from another operator.

In addition, after the firmware is installed, it becomes possible to fully work with the device. You can not only receive SMS, but also write them, and also get full access to the phone book located on the SIM card. Despite the fact that in most cases “experts” scare novice users with the “incredible complexity” of this procedure, flashing a modem is a fairly simple and quick operation.

So what do we need? First of all, the modem itself. Secondly, you need a computer and at least partially direct hands. It should immediately be noted that you perform all manipulations with the equipment solely at your own peril and risk. If the firmware of the MTS modem is discovered, then the cellular communication company beloved by many will immediately void the warranty.

Most likely, the item of primary importance will be an IMEI calculator. Turn your modem over. Do you see the number on the back of it? This is the desired value. Insert the SIM card of the operator you require, and then connect the device to the computer. Most modern modems will immediately require you to enter a special unlock code, which you need to generate yourself. How to do it?

You download the so-called IMEI calculator (there are many of them on the Internet), enter into it the same number that you found on the back, and then you receive the required code. In 97% of cases, the entire modem firmware consists of this. If not, then you need to use “heavy artillery.” We are talking about specialized firmware that can untie equipment from a specific cellular operator.

As a rule, these are installation files prepared by craftsmen, which automatically completely change the standard software of the device. Remember that before doing this, it is advisable to save all changed files to your hard drive, since in this case you will have the opportunity to roll back all changes. This may be necessary if the modem firmware does not go well.

In addition, do not forget to check all downloaded firmware with an antivirus, as some entertainers like to put viruses in archives with installation files and firmware. Apparently, as a gift bonus...

Thus, firmware for a 3g modem should not present any particular difficulties to anyone who has at least the slightest understanding of computer topics. There are no tricks in it, so you can immediately use SIM cards from any operator.