All books about: “Pike head mask to print. Head mask, print pictures of animals: hare, cat, dog, wolf, horse, fox, pig templates, how to make your own faces for children from paper Hamster head mask

The mouse as a character is often found in children's stage plays. For example, it is difficult to imagine everyone’s favorite fairy tales Turnip and Teremok without this modest but full of charm character. Therefore, if a child participates in such a production, parents are faced with a problem: where to get a carnival costume.

The best solution would be a cute mouse mask made with your own hands for a child. You can make this little thing together with your baby, then he will be very proud that there is a face made by his own hands on his head.

Paper mouse

This master class is designed for those who want to save time. The mask is made very quickly according to the template:

In order to create a mouse, you will need a sheet of white or gray A4 cardboard and an elastic band. As well as auxiliary equipment and tools: printer, scissors, glue and hole punch.

How to make a mouse mask on your head:

  1. You need to save the template you like to your computer, and then print it at home on a printer.
  2. After this, cut out the animal’s muzzle along the contour and glue it onto a cardboard base for rigidity. Cut out the outline of the animal from cardboard.
  3. Using a hole punch, punch holes along the edges of the base on the head - this is where the elastic band will be attached.
  4. Measure the length of the elastic so that it is equal to the circumference of the child's head.
  5. Thread the elastic through the holes. The paper mouse mask is complete!

Felt mouse

Two-layer animal made of felt. A similar thing can be easily made at home; it requires felt in gray, pink and black colors, threads of the corresponding colors, and also an elastic band. The product is sewn on a sewing machine; if desired, this animal can be made by hand.

To make an animal from felt, you can use the template:

Manufacturing sequence:

  1. In this master class, all parts were made in one copy from felt, except for the muzzle. It must be cut out in duplicate, leaving slits for the eyes.
  2. Sew pink details to the muzzle in the ear area.
  3. Sew the nose in the appropriate place.
  4. Sew the mustache from the nose to the edges with black thread.
  5. After this, connect the front part of the animal with the second, wrong side. Measure the length of the elastic to fit the circumference of the child's head. Place the edges of the elastic between the front and back sides. After this, sew close to the edge, retreating 2 mm.

The product is ready! Your “home workshop” can also make masks of other cute animals from felt.

Examples of other masks

You can also try to implement other mouse masks:

  1. Crochet. Cute hat, shaped like a blue mouse. On the Internet you can find diagrams and master classes explaining how such a product is made.

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Carnival children's masks made of paper are closely associated in our minds with matinees in kindergarten, New Year trees, holidays when you can become anyone: a bunny, a wolf, a bear, etc. Moreover, to designate an image, it is not necessary to completely cover the face with a carefully drawn muzzle of the animal: conventional designations that you can make with your own hands are enough.

For example, paper chicken masks can depict a beak and muzzle. DIY paper carnival masks for children today are not a problem at all. They can be used for everyday role-playing games, and for performances during holidays in kindergarten, and even for finger games, to arrange a home theater.

What are they needed for?

Why do children even need carnival masks?

Some psychologists consider theatrical performances in childhood to be a bad game, arguing that children learn to lie and hide their true face behind a mask in the broader sense of the word.

However, when wearing carnival masks made of paper, depicting fairy tale heroes, kids are not inclined to lie: they believe that they really are some kind of animal or fairy-tale hero.

Therefore, homemade carnival paper masks, and in a broader sense - role-playing games and theater - contribute to the development of children's creative and artistic abilities, and not to the degradation of consciousness. Based on them, you can arrange a theater for young children in a kindergarten.

Such a theater will contribute to the development of speech and creative abilities. The theater can be organized on the basis of a kindergarten: children put on homemade carnival masks and present a simple plot based on their favorite holiday fairy tales. Parents will probably enjoy watching a short performance.

What exactly does the use of masks for children and doing them with their own hands improve in a child in the educational process?

First of all, imagination. To play a hero, you need to imagine him, understand how he speaks and acts. Carnival masks, as an element of role-playing games, develop speech, making it intonationally rich and varied; along with acting skills, facial expressions, gestures, and movements are enriched. If you use homemade masks in finger games, you develop fine motor skills, which are extremely beneficial for the brain. In such games, the child himself acts as the director of a mini-play, creating the plot of the performance and applying the skills of logical connection of phenomena. Even an adult, putting on a mask, immediately feels the atmosphere of a holiday, extravaganza, not to mention children.

Selection of materials


How to do it yourself?

If you decide to organize a home theater or are going to a matinee, you can make carnival masks for children from paper with your own hands. This does not require unique skills and abilities.

If you are good at sewing yourself, then make a mask out of fabric, cutting it out according to a template, and eyes, nose, etc. make it from available materials (buttons, ribbons, shreds). If you rarely hold a needle in your hands, we offer the simplest option: children's masks made of paper. All of us adults probably know how to use scissors and glue. On our website we offer you to print out templates and pictures of some masks. You can also cut out pictures from colored paper. Glue on the eyes, nose, mouth. If you had to print out the finished mask, all you have to do is stick it on cardboard, sew a small piece of elastic around the edges, connecting the edges of the mask. This is how you can make headbands. When putting them on, the child can use an elastic band to secure the mask on his head, and it will not fall off. Headbands play an important role. Don't make headbands that are too tight or too loose. The first ones will squeeze the head, and the second ones will be too loose. Headbands should be in moderation and not cause inconvenience. If you decide to prepare a home theater, make sure that nothing disturbs your baby.

You can choose a matching costume for the mask. By the way, you don’t have to buy it or make it from expensive material: everyday clothes are suitable for a suit, which can be decorated or symbolically trimmed with paper outfit elements.

That's all. We put on a suit - and our fairy-tale hero is ready for adventure. Do not deny yourself the pleasure of throwing your child a holiday and a real theater that he will make with his own hands. You need so little for this! Just pictures of fairy tale characters and animals on our website, which make excellent free children's masks. Choose, download, print and play with your kids.

▫ Alevtina Petrovna, this is their job.
▫ There is something. There is no word. But the menacingly meek source has already snatched away his love. It’s already clear how his future outline stands up for his brothers and sisters. How dark it all is, how stupid. Who is who's brother and who is who's sister? Anything to everyone. When a word comes, it knows no distant relationship. It kisses breathlessness on the lips. The response exhalation is audible and great. Only the word tramples nonsense and chaos and speaks to mortals about immortality. Bella Akhmadulina 1982 (excerpt, but I hope that all lovers of Poetry know it well - MUSIC!) 6176621-a151550 Vladimir Nikolaevich! Thank you! It is logical and I like exactly this answer to the question. And it arose because a caustic epigram was received from Anna Akhmatova, or rather from Alina Alexandrovna in her commentary. Nevertheless, I looked at the popularity rating of poems from Russian lyrics. For every 10-15 male poets, 1 woman appears. And Marina Tsvetaeva stands above Akhmatova, third (confidently) is Bella Akhmadulina, then Larisa Rubalskaya, Yulia Drunina, Veronika Tushnova.... But I’ll end with your opinion on this matter: “Every poet is inimitable! And the fates of all people are different. And everyone is respected by someone, And everyone writes “excellently”, Everyone is interesting in their own way....(c) Each of us has the MOST!!! AND NOT ALONE! AND IN DIFFERENT PERIODS OF LIFE! Today it would be fair to celebrate the birthdays of our favorite Poets here on this page! Olga Fedorovna Berggolts was born on May 16 (May 3, 1910, St. Petersburg - November 13, 1975, Leningrad) - Russian Soviet poetess, prose writer. 6582469 -A151550 IGOR Severninin was born (most of the literary activity, the author preferred the spelling of Igor -Severenin; real name - Igor Vasilievich Lotarev; May 4 (16), St. Petersburg - December 20, 1941, Tallinn) - Russian poet `Silver `. 6465544-a151550 Thank you for the conversation, Vladimir Nikolaevich! Good evening everyone!
▫ Inna Viktorovna, `The Colonel says that he, damn it, is a soldier, and not a fucking comedian!` (`Killer`) Olga Alekseevna, the above-mentioned does not repent of comrades in arms...
▫ They just push asexual education through them, that’s all. In this they are perhaps the best.... If their model is introduced in our schools, don’t say later that you don’t like it. I wanted it myself, after all. Do you want yours to write in pencil and do all their homework in 15 minutes? All their super-duperness is only in the fact that they will not abandon the child “with ignorance of the topic”, they will explain to the last. And we have a hard time with this, very hard, but this is a flaw of the directors. But the same Amonashvili and Lysenkovs, decades ago before Finland, developed methods that allow one to assimilate most of the material without shouting or coercion. But it was the Finns who surrendered to us.