Three tarot cards fortune telling online mail. Fortune telling Tarot layout “Three cards”

Tarot readings for situations help to clarify the current situation and find a favorable solution with a minimum of losses. There are several types of fortune telling, using different numbers of cards, let's look at examples. The simplest layout using one card.

Of course, this method will not say much, but it will bring clarity to what is happening. One card will characterize the situation as a whole and show the direction of action, or will clarify how you ended up in a particular situation.

Interpretation of one card gives general advice in order to choose the right direction for action and coordinate your forces. For a more detailed depiction of events and to obtain more information, you can use fortune telling, consisting of three cards.

Three card situation layout

Three cards are drawn from a full deck and laid out as follows:

  • 1 – characteristics of the situation, possible answer to the question.
  • 2 – commentary, indicates the origins of the problems and their nature.
  • 3 – recommendation on what to do and how to act in the current situation.

You can also lay out the cards like this:

In this version, there may be several meanings, characteristics of the situation, it all depends on how you formulate your question. Possible interpretations of the cards:

  • 1 – the past, which led to this situation,
  • 2 – present, what is happening now, characteristics of the situation,
  • 3 – future, possible development of events without intervention, or advice on how to change the situation for the better.
  • 1 – what should happen or change within this situation,
  • 2 – how this should happen, pay attention to the signs, perhaps this could already happen.
  • 3 – what needs to be done.
  • 1 – the reason for what is happening, the essence of what happened,
  • 2 – what you should pay attention to, the key to the problem, the first possible solution,
  • 3 – solution to the problem that has arisen, or the second option for resolving the situation.
  • 1- where or what,
  • 2 – who or why,
  • 3 – why or how.
  • 1 – description and characteristics of the situation,
  • 2 – what actions will bring negative results,
  • 3 – what actions will bring a positive result.
  • 1 – goals and plans,
  • 2 – how to act to achieve the goal,
  • 3 – what you shouldn’t do, obstacles in the implementation of your plans.
  • 1 – hidden nuances of the situation, what you don’t see or don’t pay attention to – on a subconscious level or consciously trying to avoid it.
  • 2 – how the situation is revealed now, what it is.
  • 3 – advice of cards, the result for this situation.

Also, a three-card layout can be used to determine and predict one day or your mood. In this case, the alignment will show which path you need to follow and what you need to avoid. Your mood - your initial position and what is needed to improve the situation. At the end of the day, you can pull out the final card - this will be the result of your day. How he passed and what trace he left.


This layout helps to understand the current situation. The starting point is the problem itself, followed by positive negative aspects and your attitude towards what is happening. By putting everything together, you will see the overall picture of the situation.

The layout involves seven cards from a full deck:

1 – what the situation is at this point in time. Characteristics and description of what is happening.

2 – positive aspects that you should rely on and count on. These are your helpers and the right path.

3 – negative points, what you shouldn’t do and what you should isolate yourself from. There can be both events and people from your environment.

By analyzing the positive and negative aspects of the situation, you can understand what you are doing wrong; perhaps the cards will reveal to you aspects of the situation that you did not know about or that were hidden from you.

4 – your general state, your desires, motivations, scope of intentions. Your position in this situation, your reactions to what is happening.

5 – influence from outside, something that does not depend on you and is beyond your control. It has to happen, let the situation flow through you, observe what is happening and gain experience that may be useful in the future or to solve the same problem.

6 – further developments of events, what awaits you.

7 – resolving the problem, what will stay with you, what will go away, and what should be abandoned independently and, most importantly, consciously.

Most often, the “Celtic Cross” layout is used to fortune-tell a situation, which tells in great detail about what is happening and looks at various areas of life, which in turn allows you to put together a more complete picture of what is happening and have an idea of ​​​​how to act.

Celtic cross layout.

The spread uses ten cards that are drawn from a full deck of 78 cards.

1 – the current situation – the period of time and the ongoing events in which you now live.

2 – the development of this situation in the future, what influences it, which aspects of life and what is happening help you, and which hinder and slow down your movement forward and development.

In some variants, card 2 is superimposed on card 1 - this means that these two cards are interconnected and their meaning must be considered as a single whole. Map 2 is a continuation of map 1.

3 – card hint – this is a kind of advice from the layout, what needs to be done to find the right path and the right actions.

4 – the origin of the situation, which served as the source and the makings of what is happening at the moment; your character traits can additionally be revealed here.

5 – what has already happened – your past, which led you to this situation.

6 – your future – how the situation will develop in the future, its development and a possible solution to the problem.

7 – this card characterizes you, your attitude to the situation, your character and intentions.

8 - what surrounds you - this can be both the people who surround you and influence you and the situation as a whole, and any events that affect you.

9 – your fears and hopes – the card tells you about your fears, what you are afraid of, and how this affects your behavior and actions, your hopes can lead you down the wrong path. Your emotional state influences your actions.

10 – results – this is the result of the entire situation, and not just the answer to the question and the expected further development of the situation. The card characterizes the outcome that will come if you move in the same direction as before without any changes.

If you want to correct or change something, then use the advice of the layout, pay attention to your condition and attitude to the situation. When you begin to analyze what is happening and understand how you need to move and in what direction, the outcome will change.

And when the layout is repeated after a certain period of time, the result of the layout will differ from the results of the first. Also, when the scenario is repeated, new aspects of situations may open up.

Tarot spread for a problematic situation “Arrow”.

This layout can be used to view how the situation is developing; events in this layout occur incrementally, from the origins of problems to their solution.

The layout consists of five cards, which are laid out from left to right.

1 – the initial situation, where the problem came from, where it originated and what additional factors led to the current situation.

2 – the past, which influences the present and does not want to let go of unresolved moments.

3 – what you should pay attention to in the present.

4 – how the situation develops in the future (the near future is approximately 3 months). Provided there is no interference and following the same path as now.

5 – result of the situation, development and results. Here the result is displayed taking into account position 4, how the situation will worsen or a solution will come.

To find out the future or clarify a question that worries you, all you need is a deck of cards and the desire to get an answer.

For beginners, the simplest Tarot layouts for “Three Cards” are well suited, the variants of which we will cover in this article.

These simple fortune telling can be used in almost any situation, the main thing is to correctly interpret the dropped Arcana.

Possible layouts of the Tarot deck

Have you purchased fortune telling cards, but don’t yet know how to get an answer to your question? The main recommendation is simple layouts at the beginning of practice. They will allow you to get to know the chosen deck better, feel its energy and decipher the mysterious signs. As you gain experience, the layouts can become more complicated.

Let's look at some of the simpler layouts below.

  1. Arcana drawn at random. This is a great way to get a feel for the deck or get a simple answer.
  2. Tarot spread “Three cards”. As the name suggests, this is fortune telling using the three Arcana (most often the Major ones). It will be discussed in more detail in this article.
  3. “Small Cross” layout. There are four cards used here, and you can guess on almost any question.
  4. “Zodiac circle” layout. With its help you can make a forecast for your future.

Technique for divination of the Tarot layout “Three cards”

Since this layout is quite simple (which is very suitable for beginner tarot readers) and for it you only need three cards, they are used in much smaller quantities - only the Major Arcana (there are twenty-two of them in the classic deck). They are quite informative, have their own original name, and are also more ancient than the Minor Arcana, and therefore carry stronger energy.

  • So, during fortune telling with the Three Card Tarot cards, you need to shuffle the deck, focusing on what worries or interests you.
  • Be sure to remove the top with your left hand.
  • Then take out three cards one by one and lay them out from left to right (the back should be at the top).
  • After this, you can begin to decipher the fallen Arcana, revealing them in the same way as they were laid out.

It should be noted that the unconventional technique uses the entire deck. This is usually done to find out the importance of the question being asked.

Explanations for the schedule

If your layout has several Major Arcana, then the question is very important. The Major Arcana, which carry a negative meaning, indicate a situation beyond your control (this is especially clearly signaled by the third card in a row).

The Minor Arcana of the same suit speak of a contradictory situation.

Tarot fortune telling process online “Three cards”

If you have a constant connection to the Internet, then you can answer your question faster and easier. There is no need to even purchase a paper deck, because you can use special programs.

The online Tarot spread “Three Cards” is very popular on the Internet. With just a few clicks of the mouse you can “pull out” the cards and immediately read their interpretation. At the same time, you definitely need to think about what interests you.

Issues resolved using the layout

As mentioned above, this layout is universal; with its help you can get answers to almost any questions. The only limitation is that they must be simple and clear. It should also be noted that all these questions can be asked by laying out Tarot cards online using “3 cards” fortune telling.

Let's look at several options in more detail.

Alignment for the future

Most often, the “Three Cards” Tarot is laid out in order to find out your future. By combining all the values ​​into one, you can get a comprehensive picture of the issue.

  1. From the first card you can find out the reasons that led to your situation.
  2. The second will tell you what is happening to you now because of what happened in the past.
  3. And the third will show the most likely development option based on the current situation.

However, it should be borne in mind that any changes in the present can completely change your future, so an unfavorable result can always be turned into a positive one.

Tarot spread for relationships “Three cards”

Very often this alignment is used to find out the feelings of another person towards themselves. The technique is the same, only the interpretation is slightly different. Also, when you ask a question, you need to have a good idea of ​​who you are guessing about.

  1. So, the first card will tell you about something that even the person himself does not know, namely about his hidden attitude towards you, what is in the subconscious.
  2. From the second you can find out about the impression you made on the person you wished for, i.e. find out his thoughts.
  3. But the third will show exactly what feelings he has for you.

“Three cards” layout for a specific person

If you want to better understand yourself, your desires and thoughts, because you are at a dead end, then this alignment can help you sort everything out. You can also guess not only about yourself, but also about another person.

  1. The first left card will indicate the physical condition of the person being guessed at (his health, fatigue, etc.).
  2. The second will reveal a person’s priorities and worldview, so to speak, his mental state.
  3. But the third will talk about the internal and emotional state, as well as spiritual aspects.

Nuances when reading Tarot cards “Three Cards”

To get a correct and clear answer during fortune telling, you should take into account some nuances.

  1. Choosing the right Tarot deck. Some are better at answering only certain questions (for example, the Egyptian Tarot is not suitable for everyday questions, but the Raider-White deck can be used).
  2. Correct formulation of the question. The clearer and clearer your question is, the better the answer will be visible in the layout. Avoid long and confusing sentences; it is better to do the layout again after a while.
  3. Don't rush the arrangement. It must be done thoughtfully, in silence, discarding extraneous thoughts.

As you can see, everything is quite simple if you follow certain rules. You can also use the virtual method of online Tarot reading “Three Cards”.

So, the popular “Three Cards” Tarot layout will help you understand relationships with the opposite sex, find out the thoughts and feelings of another person, and also look at your inner world from the outside. By breaking it down into your future, you will be able to see the situation as a whole - its reasons and where everything will lead. Carefully analyze each Arcana that falls out, evaluate it not only with your mind, but also with your feelings, only then will you gain clarity in the answer you receive.

Almost every one of us wants to look into the future, although many simply do not admit it. You can tell fortunes for the future in different ways, but the most truthful and proven method is fortune telling with 3 cards.

Tarot cards - a window to the future

Tarot readings are not easy. The main difficulty lies in interpreting the maps. The fortuneteller must be able to unravel the meaning, be able to see the future in their combination. For a beginner, many fortune telling will seem complicated, so first you need to learn how to perform simpler layouts that are easy to explain and understand the image.

Before fortune telling at home, it is important to relax and tune in. There is no need to start the process in a bad mood, Tarot does not like this. Remember your intuition - trust it and then you will be able to accurately understand the meaning of the cards that you have been dealt.

There are many fortune telling for the Tarot, and you can tell fortunes for the future even with the help of three cards. This is an ideal option for both beginners and experienced ones.

To perform this, they usually use the major arcana, discarding the minor ones. The fact is that it is the major arcana that provide more complete and reliable information not only about the future, but also about the past and present. Select all the major arcana from the deck in advance and get started.

To complete the alignment, relax completely, think only about the good. Tune in while shuffling the deck. Choose three cards from it. Traditionally, they represent the three moments of life - past, present and future.

Such fortune telling is ideal if the questioner wants to find out about an event or situation in which he finds himself and its outcome in the future.

You can use other meanings, it all depends on the purposes of fortune telling:

  • yesterday Today Tomorrow;
  • situation, problem, solution;
  • situation, action, outcome;
  • I, he/she, we.

You can use the value that is needed at the moment. You can ask your own questions, just remember that concentration is very important in Tarot. Throw away unnecessary thoughts and think only about your questions.

Step-by-step plan for fortune telling

  1. If you are telling fortunes using the major arcana, select them from the deck. Fortune telling is also possible on the entire deck, but for a beginner it is much more difficult to interpret the meaning. If you want to know the important answer to a question and fully evaluate the situation, it is recommended to use the entire deck.
  2. Remove the top of the deck with your left hand towards you.
  3. Think about your questions, life, what you want to learn about.
  4. Take out three cards and place them face down in a line.

The meaning of the layout and description of the cards

If the layout is used to find out the future, the Tarot will help you understand what is happening and why it happened, and find a problem or error. This alignment can also be used to resolve vital issues and make plans for the future. You yourself put the meaning of the alignment - you wish for exactly what you want to know, what worries you.

When it comes to meaning, interpretation is determined by sensation. Of course, there are certain interpretations, but they are rather general. When interpreting a specific layout, focus on the question asked - this makes it easier to understand the language of the Tarot and what they want to convey.

If you take only the major arcana, their interpretations are as follows:

  • Fool- an inexperienced, cheerful, sociable person;
  • Mage- a successful person, a professional in his field;
  • Chariot- active person, goal achievement, success;
  • Empress- creative, caring, family person;
  • Star- hope, spirituality, open and naive person;
  • Emperor- masculinity, active action, authoritarian, powerful person;
  • Hierophant- blessing, success, happiness, power, learning;
  • Hermit- loneliness, wisdom, thinking about the situation, solitude;
  • Justice- trial, punishment, reward, retribution, objectivity;
  • Force- inner courage, strong-willed person, goal achievement;
  • Moderation- double life, uncertainty;
  • Wheel of Fortune- changes in life, uncertainty, speed;
  • Death- change, the end of a certain life stage, relationship, is not always a bad thing;
  • Lovers- happiness, friendship, love, balance, luck;
  • World- victory, success, unity.

The listed arcana most often carry a positive meaning. The interpretation changes in a negative direction if the card falls upside down.

There are major arcana that initially carry only negativity, no matter in what position they fall - the Hanged Man, the Tower, the Devil, the Moon, the Sun, the Judgment. Do not interpret one card at a time in this layout, because everything is interconnected here!

If you are telling fortunes using a full deck, you will come across the Minor Arcana, Ruling cards, which will help you create a complete picture of what is happening and get answers to all your questions.

☞ Video lesson

  • Many people believe that you can’t make a schedule for yourself. There is part of the truth in this, but this has nothing to do with the fact that by telling fortunes you can set yourself up for failure; it’s just difficult to interpret your own life, because in the Tarot you will see only what you want to see or, on the contrary, what you fear most.
  • Combine meanings, don't be afraid of interpretations. This approach will really help to understand the whole situation. Trust your intuition, because there are simply no 100% accurate interpretations of each card; it is impossible to know everything about the Tarot.
  • The main condition for truthful fortune telling and correct interpretation is mood, calm, and self-confidence. Do not be distracted by extraneous things or questions, immerse yourself in the world of Tarot and they will be able to open the veil of the future.

Tarot is exciting and interesting. If you want to know the future, try making a spread with 3 cards - it is simple and correct, and there should not be any particular difficulties with the interpretation.

It is believed that if you want to get a true prediction, then you need to guess only on a new deck of cards, and no one except the fortuneteller can touch it. The only exception is when a person must move the deck or choose a pair of cards from it, for example, such a situation involves fortune telling with 3 cards.


Formulate the question you want answered, shuffle the cards and move them towards you, then take out any three cards and place them on the table. These cards contain the answer to your question. How to decrypt it?

It’s quite simple - look at the interpretation of each card. If you have any more questions along the way, you need to shuffle the remaining cards, move the deck and again take out three cards, placing them on the table. Thus, you can pull out cards three times, but no more! In total, there may be nine cards on the table, which will reveal the full picture. The cards must be interpreted in the same sequence in which they were drawn, the first three cards are the basis, the solution, the answer; the following cards allow you to delve deeper into the situation and its resolution; the last three cards depict and complement the essence of the picture as clearly as possible.

Interpretation of the layout


Hearts are a lucky suit. They describe a person's emotions, attachments, love, marriage, family, friendships, and also indicate hopes and dreams.

  • The Ace of Hearts promises good news, happiness in marriage and bright, selfless love. In an inverted position, the Ace of Hearts predicts change, happiness, and travel.
  • The King of Hearts is the personification of a fair-haired man, in the opposite sense - deceitful and two-faced.
  • The Queen of Hearts is a kind, fair-haired woman who can be completely trusted. In an inverted position, the Queen of Hearts symbolizes a divorced woman or widow who is very unlucky in love.
  • The Jack of Hearts is a friend or lover, in a mirror image the interpretation does not change, only the distrust that you should show in relation to this person is added, since he is not as beautiful and pure as he wants to seem.
  • Ten of Hearts - luck and happiness. In the reverse form, the number ten falls out to great surprise and the beginning of something new in your life.
  • The Nine of Hearts predicts the fulfillment of a desire or dream. In an inverted position, it promises problems along the way.
  • Eight of Hearts - for travel, invitation, wedding. Reversed - speaks of unwanted love.
  • The Seven of Hearts represents joy, and when reversed represents fatigue and boredom.


Clubs are the suit of success in business and material spheres.

  • The Ace of Clubs speaks of good fortune, good news, and necessary financial documents. Inverted, the ace of clubs is not very good news.
  • The King of Clubs is a trustworthy dark-haired man. Mirroring indicates that you are slightly concerned.
  • The Queen of Clubs is a dark-haired woman with worthy thoughts and actions who shows kindness towards you. The reversed lady symbolizes a not particularly pleasant woman who should not be trusted.
  • Jack of clubs - dark-haired lover. When reversed, the jack indicates that you should not trust your lover.
  • The ten of clubs promises luxury, good luck and prosperity, and in its mirror form it promises problems.
  • The nine of clubs falls out to unexpected finances, in an inverted position - to minor problems.
  • The Eight of Clubs speaks of the joy that a dark-haired person will bring. The reversed card represents love problems.
  • The Seven of Clubs draws your attention to small problems with money, and when reversed, significant financial problems.


Diamonds are the suit of events. They can tell you what will happen to you and how it will affect or affect you.

  • The Ace of Diamonds is a domineering, blond man. In an inverted position, the card promises deception and betrayal.
  • The Queen of Diamonds draws your attention to an unfriendly, envious blonde woman. If the image is in a mirror position, expect treachery.
  • Valet – courier or official. The reverse image talks about a person with whom it will be difficult for you to find a common language.
  • Ten will tell you about important changes in life, and if turned upside down, it will tell you about dangerous changes.
  • Nine - to unexpected news, the opposite - to problems between lovers or lovers.
  • Eight is the most real and romantic love adventure. The reversed meaning is sadder - parting.
  • The Seven of Diamonds will tell you about gossip and criticism addressed to you. The reversed seven means quarrels and slander.


Peaks tell about dangers, losses, misfortunes, enemies, betrayal, failures.

  • Ace of spades - satisfactory offers, and if you turn the card over - disappointment or bad news.
  • The King of Spades is a dubious dark-haired man who does not inspire confidence. An inverted king is an enemy.
  • The Queen of Spades is a dark-haired elderly woman. Mirror position - cunning, evil, insidious, resourceful and calculating lady.
  • Jack of Spades is a young man who can be called ignorant, and if the jack is turned over, a traitor.
  • The Ten of Spades says that you need solitude, as difficulties will come. If you get a card upside down, expect health problems.
  • Nine of spades - misfortune and failure. The inverted position of the image asks you to pay attention to your unfortunate friend.
  • The Eight of Spades symbolizes disappointments and bad news, and when reversed, symbolizes quarrels and squabbles.
  • The Seven of Spades is a change in any kind of plans.

Your personal secretary layout on Tarot cards will help you know the details of the issue of interest, have a general idea of ​​the situation, observe its development, have access to various information that you can use for the benefit of yourself and those you love.

1. What is now: the current moment of the situation. 2. Positive aspects of the situation: what you can rely on. 3. Negative aspects of the situation: what is worth insuring. 4. Internal influences: your personal motives, intentions, desires. 5. External influences: factors that are beyond your control. 6. What will happen in the future. Further development of the situation. 7. Resolution of the situation: what will you be left with, what will you get?

  • What is now: the current moment of the situation.
  • Positive aspects of the situation: what you can rely on.
  • Negative aspects of the situation: what you should insure yourself about.
  • Internal influences: your personal motives, intentions, desires.
  • External influences: factors that are beyond your control.
  • What will happen in the future. Further development of the situation.
  • Solving the situation: what will you be left with, what will you get?
Click on the cards to fill out the layout

Click on the cards to find out the meaning

Features of reading the layout

You can set the duration of the schedule. Before the session, pay special attention to the meaning of your question. Let him express your personal thoughts and feelings. If you are ready to receive any answer, you will become open to opportunities and invulnerable to difficulties.

Sometimes it is very useful not to ask in advance, but to lay out the cards, meditate, looking without expectations, notice something new, contemplate the layout like a work of art. This style of interaction with the deck awakens and strengthens your intuition.

In reading cards, both the first impression and the last one matter. What the cards mean and what you feel. What do you feel: warmth, cold, lightness, heaviness? What do you feel: fear, anger, sadness, joy? What thoughts come to your mind? Combine that with what's on the cards. Trust yourself and don't be afraid to make mistakes, focusing on solutions and opportunities.