Will he confess his love? Fortune telling online. Fortune telling section “Fortune telling for love and relationships”

About Love and its origin.

I think there are extremely few people on Earth who have not suffered from this mysterious disease called Love. And not enough
who among those who recovered was able to completely rehabilitate themselves both in their own eyes and in the eyes of others. When the illness passed,
Pain remained, which for many months, and often years, destroyed the joy of life, and indeed its Meaning. Rarely,
It is very rare who was able to remain Sick with Love until the end of their days without harm to themselves. But this was preceded by a lot
pleasant and pseudo-pleasant sensations, dreams, feelings, hopes. I have been looking for an answer for a long time, to simple and always naive
questions: "Why? Why? How?" Why does Love arise, why does it arise, how does it arise. Has been read
a lot of books, I thought about many situations from my life, the lives of my friends and the lives of famous people. But the answer
always slipped away. There was always a feeling that everything was about to become clear, but a new day, month, year came, and everything
remained in the same places. Love did not reveal its secret.
It turned out I was looking in the wrong direction. I believed that Love is a reaction of the body, that it is a consequence of sexual attraction. For a long time
it was, it was romantic, stupid and naive. But most people believe that Love is an attraction of bodies,
which then extends to emotions and thoughts. Well, to some extent this is correct. Let's start with this. To
not to spoil the taste of the hunt for the most amazing condition of Man. Scientists have already identified the hormones of Love, they
studied all the physiological aspects of the process of Love. They determined how Love manifests itself in the physiological
level. But they never answered Why and Why. Yes, procreation, but what about creative People who love
your business? And how then should we understand the phrase: “I Love my country?” It turns out, ready to be fruitful and multiply in
unlimited quantities?
I do not want to describe all the sensations and states that accompany the appearance of Love in a person. For you, Traveler, these
the sensations are well known as it is. I will try to explain, from my experience, why these sensations arise. And why
Love arises.
So, boy meets girl. What comes first to their minds? There are two options:
Love at first sight, in this case the Person does not evaluate and analyze the partner. Love flares up
completely subjugating the mind, and the person is immersed in a pleasant state.
Love that arises as a result of shared communication. A slightly different principle works here. Man checks
parameters of a partner with the ideal that is in his head, the more coincidences, the more the Person is engaged
strengthening Love within yourself. Notice, Traveler, Strengthening! Yes, this happens unconsciously, at the subconscious level, but the key to
This type of Falling in Love, and then Love, is Partner Analysis.
As a result of the emergence of Love, a warming is felt in the area of ​​the heart, gradually spreading to the entire body.
Amazing feeling. Giving joy, a feeling of personal Strength, self-confidence and many others, strange for never
not loved, sensations. Out of habit, you can get confused in them, which is what usually happens with young people.
But it turned out that this is not so important, the beginning of Love, what is more important is why it disappears. And the problem is not only
satiety of a person, the problem is much deeper. It is on levels that are inaccessible to our consciousness. But there is a possibility
change everything. And never even lose Love in yourself. No matter what happens in life.
Remember, Traveler, what did you feel during the times of your Love? How can you call this condition in one word? This feeling
Perfection in yourself, Traveler. This is "banal" Perfection. Love is the Path to Perfection. Everything is very simple.

Now let's look at Love from the other side. For each person, Love manifests itself differently and is born and
dies too. It is clear that we are all different, we have different desires, different dreams, fantasies, hopes and passions. But
Love passes through everything. How and why do we all go through Love? There are several Levels from which you can look at
relationships between people. Let's start from a psychological point of view. We are all imperfect. And you, Traveler, must
understand this. Maybe you consider yourself the height of perfection, in this case I will only be glad, but in most people
there are a lot of internal problems from which they are hiding. What will happen when such a person meets another,
having a character trait completely opposite to his flaw. For example, you are weak in front of people, you cannot
say "no" in most situations. And your new friend has a completely calm behavior in such situations and she
perfectly defends his interests. At the very least, you will be interested in her. Because she complements yours
imperfection. How many traits do you have that you don’t like about yourself? How many of them are there that you just
hiding, trying not to notice them? And imagine if you meet a person of the opposite sex who
will complement you as much as possible, compensating for your imperfections with its advantages. Will you fall in love? Let it be
unrequited. You will see your potential Perfection in this person. You will definitely want to be helped by him
proximity to become Perfect. This may be a selfish approach, but it is quite common in the current environment. So
Falling in love arises. This is not Love yet, but it pushes a Man to realize in himself the desire for personal
perfection. This can be called Awakening. For the first time in his life, a person feels a craving for his Wholeness. He
clearly feels that he is split, that his second part is in another person, but how he wants to be whole! Love
may well awaken in a Man the desire to search for his Wholeness. And when a Person loses with the departure of another
your half of Perfection is always a blow. This is one of the options for falling in love. Maybe you can tell us about your experience?
Let's continue. Falling in love is not Love. But it can, under certain conditions, develop into Love. What should they be?
these conditions? Yes, probably reciprocity. Reciprocity allows you to return Love and strengthen it. Those. if you don't
you get reciprocity, the chance is very low. Next, apparently, is the absence of selfishness. Imagine if someone fell in love with you
a person will begin, on selfish principles, to pump his half of perfection out of you, telling you that this is his
half the perfection is his private property. Where will you send him? And you'll be right. Well, frankness. Hard
communicate with a person who is trying to hide his imperfections from you. He is complex, downtrodden, he is lost in
more or less conflict situations... simply because he is afraid to show his weaknesses, because of which,
in fact, he chose you. Then it’s not even clear how to behave, let alone say anything. Of course this is not
everything, but there is no point in describing all the nuances. There are more serious things. And now it's time to talk about them. I want
talk about the kinship of Souls. In many esoteric areas, entire treatises are devoted to the affinity of souls.
A lot of nonsense that supposedly precedes the emergence of Kinship. From hermaphrodites cut in two by the gods
halves several million years ago, before energy Traps caught Souls flying past the Earth,
which are also divided into two halves in these traps and then wander around the surface in search of each other.
There are many options and in each of them sects, religions, societies are created that have only one task, pumping
money from the profane. I'll be honest, I don't know. I don’t know where the kinship of souls came from. But I know for sure that they exist. From
those versions that I consider most suitable for me are the version of Olga Asaulyak, SHEP school, then Version
Prophets of the American Theological School Summit Lighthouse. At least they have a reasonable grain both physically and
mathematically provable principles of emergence. I am sure that none of the versions referring to historical
the facts of the emergence of kinship of souls or referring to the tricks of the enemies of humanity do not have any basis
grounds. You can suck dinosaurs and robotic soul hunters and aliens out of your finger and that’s it
What are Soul Mates? And in the end, who are they, Soul Mates. What is Soul. See link. A
in short, the Soul is a higher level of organization of the human Self, but built on energies whose quality
does not allow ordinary consciousness to sense them.
You do not hear the desires of your Soul, but if you are guided in your life by intuition, then you will always
use the help of your Soul without even realizing it. What is your first task in life? Become Stronger to
overcome obstacles. The Soul has the same task, to become stronger. But she has a serious head start compared to you
consciousness, it has more highly organized energy levels, is much more sensitive in space and its vibrations
travel much further in space. In physics there is the concept of resonance. Resonance amplifies. Souls
supported by resonance, or more precisely, by the pattern of resonances. The more levels in Souls can resonate, the more these
Souls are closer in kinship. Those. Kindred souls absolutely coincide at all Levels of organization and resonate
respectively at all levels. When two people gather according to Soul Kinship, they strengthen everything due to resonance.
your potentials. For how long, I don’t know. But considering that the resonance is calculated using formulas, I think this is also possible
calculate. What else, since the Soul is engaged in the construction of Man at all stages of development, then people with Related
Souls can be quite similar. The only problem is that the distortions in souls will also intensify as
resonance. These distortions can be called karma. And now I can quite reasonably say that
the level of karmic debts between Kindred Souls is much higher than that of unrelated Souls. The problem is trivial.
Resonance enhances a person’s Strength at all levels. But thanks to our society, a person only uses Force
on Power and enslavement. To whom does an ordinary person apply Power, mainly to his neighbors. To whom are they created?
debts, mostly to their neighbors, who suffer from the Power, again, neighbors. Okay, wait, let's talk about karma
in a separate topic. Too sensitive topic.
So, Two Soul Mates feel each other. They don't care about distance. There may well be another continent... if
Both people trust their Intuition, then according to the clues they will eventually find each other. This is Love. This is already
Love. From fairly high levels. Described by the Great and the Not-So-Great. But there is Karma. Which can destroy everything. TO
unfortunately. And to crazy pain. And although this is from the topic of the death of Love, I describe it at the very beginning. Be careful, there is karma
and most dangerous for Soul Mates. Fortunately, there is a way out. And this way out is to work through further material. How
minimum. There is also a maximum. But only after the minimum.
Everything that is described is just my observations and search for information, according to my observations. I give you
Traveler, right to the next story or scenario about the Birth of Love.

Free online love fortune telling is the most easily accessible method for unlocking the secrets of your future. And it is not at all necessary to have psychic abilities or possess other mystical knowledge. To do this, you just need to choose a form of prediction and follow a few simple rules. And if you follow all the tips exactly, you will receive answers to your questions, learn about upcoming events, and therefore be able to plan your future. Today, without leaving your home, or rather, without leaving your computer, you can tell your fortune on a guy and ask the cards for advice on any life question that interests you. However, you should not completely break away from reality and trust predictions unlimitedly; you must not forget to evaluate this or that moment yourself and analyze what is happening.

Fortune telling with cards for love deserves special attention. This kind of fortune telling is very popular all over the world and there is a reason for this. Love is the most exciting and important moment of your life, and of course, every person has experienced this fabulous feeling at least once. By telling your loved one's love fortune, you can find out about the feelings he has for you. The result of fortune telling will help you gain confidence in yourself and the future, or, on the contrary, confirm the presence of problems, but in any case, try to turn the situation to your advantage.

Man creates his own destiny. Fortune telling is a tool that helps him with this. With the help of online fortune telling, you can open the door to the future without outside interference. It is for this purpose that some websites have been created, offering a large selection of fortune telling that have been known for hundreds of years.

Fortune telling was and remains that unknown that a person strives to understand so much and his desire to know his fate does not decrease over time. Clairvoyants and mediums can receive information without various devices. Those who are deprived of such abilities come to the rescue of the symbols depicted on the cards. During its existence, humanity has come up with and continues to come up with such symbols, starting with Tarot cards, folk signs and ending with pagan runes. The cards are distinguished by the fact that they have some information, clearly and quickly respond to calls to them, this makes fortune telling easier.

There are some rules that must be followed when doing fortune telling:

1. The room where the fortune telling process takes place should be quiet. Conversations, TV, coughing and even the noise of cars outside the window forces the fortuneteller to interrupt his attention, which means breaking the thread of contact. As it is said in one of the books, “Magic cannot tolerate shocks.”

2. When telling fortunes, you should not cross your limbs, this narrows the channel of communication, just as a blockage that forms interferes with the flow of water, so the fortuneteller needs more energy to penetrate the barrier of crossed limbs.

Most fortune telling can be done at any time, but the best time is Christmas time, during which fortune telling acquires special power.

During fortune telling, all your attention must be concentrated on the issue that worries you. Try not to be distracted and then you will definitely get an answer from the cards. Some symbols do not directly tell you about your future, and you will have to figure them out yourself. There are many varieties of online fortune telling, starting from the well-known book of changes, from which you can find out the future, and ending with fortune telling on ordinary cards. If you decide to tell fortunes, then remember that the cards do not change, but only help to look into the future.

    I tried online fortune telling on cards for the feelings of a loved one, everything seems to be correct. I learned that maps in certain places are interpreted differently. How do gypsies look and speak so quickly? I tried it myself and looked on your website to see what each card meant. It’s very difficult, but you really want to know whether he loves you or not.

    And I wondered several times, about the same thing turns out) Is it possible to guess about other guys who simply sympathize with me, or is it better not to tempt fate? I heard somewhere that you can only guess once at a time, because the rest of the results will be incorrect. This is true?

    I had a situation in my life when everything seemed to be fine in my relationship with a man, but at the same time some doubts about the sincerity of his feelings crept into my head. She didn’t trust him, she was jealous and didn’t understand where this would all lead. An old friend helped, she made a layout on cards based on his feelings for me and opened her eyes a little. I believe the cards and believe what they say.

    Oooh, this was our favorite hobby with my girlfriends in our teens! What feelings did we have about the boys then, how interesting and important did it all seem at that time... We gathered as a group, took decks of cards and laid them out on the relationship of the boys we liked to us. Thank you for the reminders of youth)

    Girls, how opportunely this article caught my eye just now! My husband and I have been in complete discord for a month now, and I don’t understand why. I don’t seem to be hysterical and I don’t blow his mind, he always finds some reason to find fault with me, with the food I cook, to get to the bottom of my friends... He’s already giving up, maybe he’s got someone on his side and is looking for a reason leave me? I’ll do this fortune-telling, but, to be honest, I’m afraid to find out the truth.

    I have always been skeptical about this kind of fortune telling. I trust numbers and numerology more, even palmistry (reading lines on the hands) I also believe more. But a friend had a non-standard situation, it would take a long time to describe, but the point is that, to my surprise, the cards very accurately showed everything that was happening at that moment, and even gave a little advice on what to do and how to act. Tell me, are there any other similar fortune telling? Maybe it really works...

    Queen of Hearts - symbolizes a young girl. It’s funny, but my colleague has me signed in exactly this way on his phone, I don’t even know why. One day he started calling me that as a joke and off we go, the nickname stuck. I don’t practice fortune telling now, because ugh ugh my relationship with the guy is fine. But there were situations in which the cards opened my eyes a little to a man and his feelings for me.

    Since he doesn’t want to admit it, I’ll guess what feelings he has for me. I use all fortune telling, because it is so interesting to know what a person is silent about. The girls and I always guess at new guys and decide who is more suitable by name, by character, by fate. Otherwise, when you meet everyone, they’re all so nice, but how do you get to know them better..)

    Can a guy tell fortunes about a girl? What feelings does she have for me? I was just wondering and it turned out that she perceives me as a lover. I came across your site - there is simply a treasure trove of fortune telling and conspiracies. Now I will bewitch my princess. She says she will never be with me. So let's see how magic works.

    A very interesting article, and online fortune telling is a piece of cake. Now you can guess at any time, anywhere) I noticed that cards are given out differently when we have a fight, in a quarrel, and when everything is fine with us. I also use many other online fortune tellings on this site - both for the name, and for the date of birth, and yes and no.

    The fortune telling didn’t give me exactly what I wanted... Tell me, can I try and change the situation somehow? Or does the fortune tell once and never change again? I came across some spells from you, my feelings for the boy are blowing my mind so much that I would love to bewitch you)

    I started reading the article and realized that when I moved to a new apartment, I didn’t remember the cards in my luggage! and I had a deck, I remember exactly! It’s still an old one, my grandmother gave it to me.. I often did fortune-telling with it and sometimes played solitaire out of boredom) but I see that I don’t have to worry too much - here you can do everything online now)

    I laughed a lot when I came across the “queen of hearts”))))) When my husband and I met, that’s exactly how he wrote me down in his phone, because we met at a friend’s house, we were playing cards, and I beat him like a fool, the winning card was the queen of hearts)) I’ll save the fortune telling, but we already have love, I don’t need it yet)

    Yes, I’m also wondering if it’s possible for a man to tell fortunes using a similar fortune-telling method, only for a girl? I’ve been trying to get her for months now, but she’s either playing with me, or she doesn’t like me, but is afraid to say something and offend me. somehow I don’t want to waste my time, but the girl is very worthwhile, if there are chances, I will continue.

    Well, this is what remains when you come to him with both soul and body, as they say, and he is cold as an iceberg in the ocean... and does not write first, and does not say hello during breaks. or score or try, I’ll try to turn to the cards.. as they say, maybe I’ll try again “everything will happen, if you just don’t want to”?) men are infuriated by the sharp ignore

    For me, in general, the ideal guy is quite stingy with words. A man should not wag his tongue a lot, well, preferably tall, pumped up, dark-haired and handsome... But from such figs you will get a clear understanding of their attitude towards you! so sometimes I turn to fortune telling when such “objects” appear

    girls, I don’t understand my boyfriend... or maybe he’s not even my boyfriend, but just a romantic friend. When we spend time with him (and more often he invites me to see him), I feel sympathy and awe towards myself, gentle touches, gentlemanliness... but when we are not together, we communicate on Viber or the phone, then he is somehow very inaccessible or something .. constrained .. I’m already afraid to write to him. What is the best way to do fortune telling in this case?

    The guy showed up about 3 weeks ago. and now he has disappeared somewhere! and everything was fine, we communicated, started an official relationship (he suggested we meet), we are now in a beautiful period of candy and bouquets, but suddenly he simply turned off his mobile and stopped communicating. According to fortune telling, it turned out that he has feelings for me. I don’t know what to think or what to do now

    I don’t understand how gypsies or some fortune tellers instantly tell the future from cards. I looked at the fortune telling from this article on the meaning of the cards, and I myself understand that in order to interpret their meaning you need to know a lot. It’s even trivial to answer the question “does he love me or not.”

    But I seem to be dating a guy, everything seems to be fine. But sometimes such doubts get into my head about his feelings and sincerity towards me! I had to look through familiar fortune tellers, because at one time I just worked myself up so much that I started having nervous breakdowns. If I had known earlier that you could also get an answer online, I would have done it here, now it’s simply no longer relevant.

    Tell me, is it possible to guess again on the same guy? I told fortunes about my current boyfriend several times, in principle the results were approximately the same, so I chose to believe the predictions of the cards in your fortune-telling. But won’t I smooth out this prediction if I guess again?

    Oh, how my classmates and I had fun after school! There were no social networks then, the Internet was not as popular and necessary for life as it is today. We opened our magic book, took the deck and went through all the boys in a row from our class, from parallel ones... As soon as I remember, it becomes so funny)

    I came across this article on your website just in time; I really want to check my own husband’s feelings for me. Dada, after several years of marriage, one can doubt his sincerity and fidelity. Lately I've started looking for reasons to quarrel. He’s clinging to all sorts of bullshit, either a midlife crisis (but somehow it’s still early), or he’s found someone... It’s easier to live without men (

    I’ve been dating a guy for a couple of weeks, we saw each other every day, but I don’t understand why, suddenly he stopped calling and texting me. He answers calls and speaks normally, but he has a lot to do, he’s busy, etc. I’m worried about what happened, I started digging around and remembering the last meetings... No, I couldn’t ruin anything or push him away with anything. Thanks for the fortune telling, I’ll do it and hopefully I’ll calm down.

    And I still can’t understand how my current “friend” and I relate to each other. No, this is not friendship, we spend so much time together. We can kiss and cry on each other’s shoulders, but I don’t understand what’s next. He’s so constrained, and I’m so worried now. This uncertainty blows my mind and sometimes tears me apart; I’m afraid to do fortune-telling, because I might not get what I want to hear.

    Online fortune-telling is as easy as shelling pears) I’m going home on the train, I open it, make a layout and then read it, decipher it, look for applications for my situations) In fact, the meanings vary depending on the current relationship with my MCH. Sometimes on your site I turn to the “coin” fortune teller, as I call it - yes/no which answers)

    I found a link to this article in my browser history) My beloved got burned, I hope she was wondering about me, and not about someone else. Tell me, are there similar fortune telling for men on girls? There was a fear that my girlfriend loved someone else, I had already created so many bad thoughts for myself..

    I thought that I don’t have a single whole deck at home. Somewhere there are not enough cards, you will have to buy them) I think that it is more effective when you hold the cards in your hands, they somehow still absorb your energy, I think this arrangement will be more correct in the end. Tell me, which back is better to buy a deck of cards for fortune telling? Or does it not matter?

    I have a wonderful lover, but I want something more. And everything suits him. I’m afraid to insist on something more, and it’s not the girl who should be heading towards a more serious and regular relationship, but I want to move on to a new stage. Let the cards help me. They’ll say no, I’ll forget about him.

    I love silent men. Silence is golden, I love laconicism, conversations clearly to the point, without empty unnecessary words, without “water”. To be honest, I don’t like talkative women either; most often it turns into a bazaar. But it’s hard to get the truth about feelings from such an ideal man for me.

    I come from a fairly prosperous family, I don’t need anything, there are a lot of guys with all of them on normal terms, almost friendly, and they all don’t live badly either. We hang out together and relax with our company. But then a guy from a poor society pestered me, he’s nothing but constantly asking me to marry him. I wondered, but he has selfish intentions.

    I really like telling fortunes to all my friends; they come and ask me to tell fortunes for a guy or several. But lately they have started to come less often. My cards began to lie or the layouts became outdated. I bought new cards and am practicing on my relatives. With the help of your article. They say that everything is working out correctly.

    Very often we tell fortunes about guys with our friends. There are a lot of options for guys. On their feelings for the girl and intentions, for the future. We always use only this layout, it very accurately and correctly shows the guy’s relationship with you, and future problems too, very clearly visible. I recommend everyone to guess here.

    My husband and I are divorced. I married my husband a long time ago and live very happily. But my former husband never found his soul mate. Constantly comes to my house. My husband and I have already sung together, we go to football games together and often sit and chat. But he doesn’t even breathe towards me. He constantly hugs and pinches. I was wondering here that he loves me as a monogamist.

    We are in the office after the New Year holidays with colleagues, we got hooked on online fortune telling. As soon as it’s lunch break, we immediately gather in the office with tablets and guess. There is a lot of fortune telling here. It’s so good that Ulyanka found this site. Now all the offices are hanging out here, we don’t even have enough time for lunch, it’s been very long.

Musical ammeter, love phonendoscope - will tell you what music is currently sounding in the heart you are interested in using one of eleven songs about different manifestations of love.
Practically - fortune telling by poetry. True, in a musical setting.

Will tell you about the nature of current, future, virtual or potential love relationships.
The painting by surrealist Rene Magritte is divided into 4 parts and, depending on what combination they form, has acquired a dozen additional interpretations, one of which will (not) happen to you.

A recognized expert in matters of the heart, our William Shakespeare, has prepared 154 pieces of advice about love especially for you, calling them sonnets (so that no one will guess).
Tips... sorry, the sonnets are written in such a way that they mainly tell about attitude towards you person, O his thoughts And desires.
But you can simply imagine the exciting situation (of a person) and ask William our Expert: “What should I do with all this?” or “Tell me, William, it’s not for nothing...?” Well, and so on.

Thoughts, feelings, the subconscious attitude of a person towards you (or some people towards each other), told using unique symbols.

A simple and quick transformative fortune-telling about what the person you are interested in thinks, feels and intends (or is just dreaming of) to do - in relation to you or to someone else.
The full (as far as possible) spectrum of basic feelings that one person can experience for another: from love to hatred, from pity to admiration, from tenderness to a furious desire to destroy.

100,500 epithets, folded in a random order according to the well-known scheme of Ivan Vasilyevich into one meaningful sentence, will tell about the personality of the future husband, the current boyfriend, the former lover and all the real and mythical “boyesses” who have ever put their everything on all of them . In general, of course, this is a universal fortune-telling about the character (and a little about the fate) of all individuals, people and kings. And for you too.

“I want to marry N.!”, “I want her to agree!”, “Will we be together?”, “Will this clingy girl leave me alone?”, “I want to get a divorce!” and other selfish desires and questions about love and hate will be processed by wish spelling.
You will need to find and count the colored “I” among the gray multi-letters and read what it all means.

[by characters]
It is similar to the previous wish fortune telling, and questions can be asked approximately the same and in a similar wording: “Will I marry N.?”, “Will the meeting/continuation/trip/divorce/everything be the way I want?”, “Will there be a meeting/continuation/trip/divorce/everything the way I want?” Will he come back?”, “Will she leave me?” etc.
Fortune telling not only determines the likelihood of a particular outcome, but also suggests from whom and where you can expect help in the matter of interest, and what can significantly harm or even destroy everything.

Simply, quickly and in 25 different intonations, he will answer all 2 questions from the previous fortune telling and all your other questions about love, formulated in such a way that you can answer them either “Yes” or “No”.

["Not really. Deluxe Edition"]
An expanded, very much expanded version of the previous fortune telling.
Questions about love are still asked in such a way that the answer can be either “yes” or “no”. But the number of all possible combinations of answers that this simple fortune-telling transformer can give exceeds 20,000, although the answers, to be honest, are sooooo simple and obvious. And in addition, fortune telling will tell you under what conditions this or that outcome is possible.

In all seriousness, but not without humor, he will tell you about the character and thoughts of the person you are interested in, about his attitude towards you (or other people) and about what you should do now with this shocking information or situation that has or has not developed between you and person you are interested in.

Mentally ask any of the questions already mentioned on this page (well, or formulate your own), a short free SMS with special numbers arrives in your brain
(page number and line number), you duplicate them carefully and without errors in the commentary.
After midnight, you read in the same comments the answer to your question, which emerged from the depths of the Universe (Book of Wisdom) in the form of an aphorism.

“What awaits me in love (that is, in general)?”, “What awaits me in a relationship with N.”, “What is N. like in a love relationship, how does he usually behave?”, “What from N. awaits me in a relationship?”, “What advice would I give in love (to gain, find and/or keep, etc.)?” and other questions of a love nature will be answered using one of twenty unique symbols in the “Love” and/or “Advice” tab.

“What will happen to us next”, “Where to look/wait for my love?”, “When will this love happen to me?” and other questions designed to clarify the development, outcome and, in general, the future of various love situations. If you are too drunk and relaxed from love, use other, less “brain-inducing” fortune-telling, or even better, turn off everything and surrender to this love without a trace. There is still something to give in to.

This fortune telling will help you understand your love relationship with a close friend and will tell you how to act in a given situation. It is possible that the result may be stunning, completely different, which you did not even suspect. Then you should look at your relationship with different eyes and turn on your vigilance. After all, sometimes blinding love leads to disappointment.

For fortune telling you will need a deck of 36 cards. It is necessary to thoroughly mix the deck and lay out the cards according to the following principle. In the middle of the table there are 3 cards face down, they will mean what is in your heart. The 3 on the left and right are the present time period. The three on top will tell you about the future. And the three below are the past period of time (previous events that have already happened). Extra cards must be removed - they do not participate in fortune telling.

The main cards that indicate love are the ace, jack and nine of hearts. If all four aces, a jack and even a nine of hearts come up in a reading, get ready for marriage. Aces - get ready for something new. Jack always means troubles, spades - unpleasant. Ten - curiosity.

When laying out the cards, you need to hold them face down in your left hand and remove them with your right hand. And one more unique rule: before starting the process of fortune telling, you should voice the following spell, which will contribute to a more accurate card forecast: “The ace of wine lay down, and the shawl fell from your shoulders, drink, dear, you are wine, why save it...”