Fundamentals of font and graphics technology, construction of the serif font. Fundamentals of font and graphics technology_Task 1_Antique Antiqua Durer construction on graph paper

The font can be drawn with or without drawing tools. A hand-drawn font has a more pronounced character. The font can be drawn with
application of drawing
tools or without them.
Font drawn "from
hands" is more different
pronounced individual

Type drawing tools

Medium hard pencil. For small
font is more solid.
The elastic band is soft.
Line - 2 different. For a pencil - thin and
transparent (you can see part of the picture underneath).
For mascara – wooden, metal with
oblique cut inward - eliminates leakage
Triangle - transparent
Reisfeder - 2 pcs. for thick lines and for
thin (longer and sharper cheeks)
The rayfeeder is sharpened on fine-grained

Font drawing tools 2.

Fine nib (several)
Compass with replaceable tips
(with graphite, with a needle, in the form
drawing board)
Brushes: Small watercolor with
with a sharp tip (we cover the contours
letters), Columnar (1,2,3) - draw
small font

Unified font style

Makes a solid impression, text
easy to understand.
To achieve stylistic unity of the font
it is important to build all the letters one by one
The slightest deviation of this constructive
principle has a negative impact on
font graphics.
If the letter “O” is made on the basis of a circle,
and the letter “C” is based on an ellipse, which means in
in the construction of rounded shapes are taken as
the basis is two different principles.

The most common way is to construct letters in a square. For example, let’s study the design “Antique” and “Grotesque”

Let's determine the lightness of the font. Let's take 1/10 of the side of the square as the thickness of the main stroke. - This will be the main stroke unit for everyone

Determine the lightness of the font Per thickness
the main stroke is 1/10 of the side
- This will be the unit of measurement
main stroke for all letters
2.- Divide all sides of the square by 10
equal parts and draw a grid. She
will help you design letters.
3.- Thickness of connecting strokes
constitutes a certain part
main stroke, for example - 1/2; 1/3;……

Simplified "antique"

The grid is shown in the square in front
letter A.
Here, the arrangement of letters plays an important role.
play circles of different diameters (1/10,
2/10, 3/10 sides of the square.)
Using the same circles, the



12. Dependence of the font shape on the selected shape of geometric shapes.

The font can be built on the basis
various rectangles, rhombuses and
In all cases, the construction rules are the same
the same as when building on the basis

13. Starting forms - - letter “N” and “O”

Based on these letters you can
build the entire alphabet
The letter "H" defines the width and
height of letters, thickness of main and
connecting strokes,
location and nature of serifs.
The letter "O" defines character
rounded shapes and pressure placement
(vertical or inclined)


15. Optical illusions.

Pointed and rounded strokes of some
letters are displayed beyond the top and bottom lines
This is not a disadvantage, because eliminates
optical illusions, as if only letters are lower
Size top and bottom extensions
lowercase letters are usually equal. In letters
having both upper and lower
extension (f) (f), (p) - upper extension
Briefly speaking




19. Principles of font design

Clarity, readability
Simplicity, lack of aimless strokes
Proportion of strokes and elements in
Stylish unity of font and images
/ornament. illustrations/
Compositional unity of the entire structure
The connection between the design of letters and the writing instrument.
The connection between the pattern of letters and the content of the text and
font purpose

20. Font “Grotesque”

Built on a grid. Selected
letter thickness. Height. Under construction
grid based on a square. Width
cell size = width
vertical stroke of the letter.
In the example - Thickness ratio
main stroke to letter height - 1/5

21. Construction of a grotesque font using a modular grid. Wide grotesque

22. Construction of a sans serif font using a modular grid

Exercise 1.

Draw the “Grotesque” alphabet using a modular grid
wide. In proportions - 1/5 the width of the main
stroke to the height of the letter. The width of the letter H is 4 cells.
The width of the remaining letters is proportional to this
letter. The height of the letter is 4 centimeters.
Do it with a pencil, ruler, triangle.
After specifying the letter, circle and fill
black ink or gouache, make edge lines
pen, filling with a thin brush.
The work is done on a sheet of whatman paper size A-3
, is thoughtfully arranged compositionally in the sheet.

Basics of font and graphic technology Basics of font and graphic technology Construction of the Antiqua Durer font Construction of the Antiqua Durer font Specialty "Design" Institute of Fashion and Design Service, Department of Design Art. teacher Voznesenskaya T.V. Practical work 1 Specialty “Design” Institute of Fashion and Design Service, Department of Design St. teacher Voznesenskaya T.V. Practical work 1

Background 3 During the Renaissance, great attention was paid to the art of type. In the second half of the 15th century, active study of Roman monumental writing began. research has shown that many treatises on the art of type were based on the lost work of Leonardo da Vinci (),

5 In terms of the complexity of construction and the method of graphic analysis of the font form, these two characters are a classic example of font art. All subsequent treatises are quite superficial and are limited to an analysis of only the external proportions of signs. Letters by Leonardo

6 In 1509, Luca Pacioli, a student of Leonardo da Vinci, published his treatise “On Divine Proportion”. In this treatise, the signs were built on the basis of a square and a circle: The thickness of the vertical element of the sign “H” was equal to 1:8 square, the thickness of the horizontal element was equal to 1:3 of the vertical one. All signs are distinguished by the perfection of external and internal proportions. Followers of Leonardo

7 In 1525, Albrecht Dürer published his famous work, “Measurement Rules...”, intended for architects, a significant part of which was devoted to the construction of typefaces. Antique by Durer

8 Dürer constructed the Latin alphabet based on the square, paying great attention to the construction of ovals. The thickness of the vertical element of the "H" sign was equal to 1:10 square, the thickness of the horizontal element was equal to 1:3 of the vertical one. Dürer was the first to give several options for constructing Dürer's Antiqua for individual characters of the alphabet


10 In 1529, the treatise of the French master Geoffroy Tory () “Blooming Meadow” was published. In his treatise, Geoffroy Tory compares the proportions of signs with the proportions of the human body based on the circle and square. The square was divided into 10 parts horizontally and vertically, the thickness of the vertical element of the "H" sign was equal to 1:10 square. The horizontal element was located in the horizontal visual center; in other treatises it was placed in the geometric center (the optical, visual center is always slightly higher than the geometric one). Antique by Durer


40 Recommended literature for type design methods [Text]: fonts that have achieved perfection. : per. from English / Wilson Harvey / Loewy; design by P. Burgess, B. Wood. - M. : RIP-Holding, p. : ill. - Per. ed.: Rockport Publishers, Inc., U.S., A. Korolkova. Living typography. -- M.: IndexMarket, 2007.

43 Use of presentation materials Use of this presentation can only be carried out subject to the requirements of the laws of the Russian Federation on copyright and intellectual property, as well as taking into account the requirements of this Statement. The presentation is the property of the authors. You may print a copy of any part of the presentation for your personal, non-commercial use, but you may not reprint any part of the presentation for any other purpose or make changes to any part of the presentation for any reason. Use of any part of the presentation in another work, whether in print, electronic or other form, or use of any part of the presentation in another presentation by reference or otherwise, is permitted only after obtaining the written consent of the authors.

Background During the Renaissance, great attention was paid to the art of type. In the second half of the 15th century, active study of Roman monumental writing began. Research has shown that many treatises on the art of type were based on the lost work of Leonardo da Vinci (1452 -1519),

The letters of Leonardo's work have preserved two signs, dating back to 1500, which, with a high probability, modern researchers attribute to Leonardo da Vinci.

Letters by Leonardo In terms of the complexity of their construction and the method of graphic analysis of the font form, these two characters are a classic example of font art. All subsequent treatises are quite superficial and are limited to an analysis of only the external proportions of the signs.

Followers of Leonardo In 1509, Luca Pacioli, a student of Leonardo da Vinci, published his treatise “On Divine Proportion”. In this treatise, the signs were built on the basis of a square and a circle: ² The thickness of the vertical element of the sign “H” was equal to 1: 8 square, ² the thickness of the horizontal element was equal to 1: 3 vertical. ²All signs are distinguished by the perfection of external and internal proportions.

Antiqua by Durer In 1525, Albrecht Durer published his famous work, “Rules of Measurement...”, intended for architects, a significant part of which was devoted to the construction of fonts.

Antique by Durer - Durer designed the Latin alphabet based on the square, paying great attention to the construction of ovals. ² The thickness of the vertical element of the "H" sign was equal to 1: 10 square, the thickness of the horizontal element was equal to 1: 3 of the vertical. Dürer was the first to give several construction options for individual signs of the alphabet

Antiqua by Durer In 1529, the treatise of the French master Geoffroy Thory (1480 -1533) “Blooming Meadow” was published. In his treatise, Geoffroy Tory compares the proportions of signs with the proportions of the human body based on the circle and square. ²The square was divided into 10 parts horizontally and vertically, the thickness of the vertical element of the "H" sign was equal to 1: 10 square. ² The horizontal element was located in the horizontal visual center; in other treatises it was placed in the geometric center (the optical, visual center is always slightly higher than the geometric one).

Modular grid for constructing Durer's Antique 1. Base – square, divided into 10 parts 1/10 - module

Construction of the letter H 4. The connecting element with its lower border runs through the center of the square and has a thickness of 1/3 of the main module.

Construction of the letter H 8 M 10 M The proportion of the constructed letter is 4/5 - this font belongs to the group of normal fonts in width

Construction of triangular letters Auxiliary parallel line at a distance of 2 M from the inclined element. From it a perpendicular descends onto an inclined element from a point at a height of 2 M from the font line.

Construction of triangular letters 2 M 1/2 M R = 2 M Internal serif. Auxiliary lines are built at a distance of ½ M from the font line and from the internal line of the inclined element

Basics of font and graphic technology Basics of font and graphic technology Construction of the Antiqua Durer font Construction of the Antiqua Durer font Specialty "Design" Institute of Fashion and Design Service, Department of Design Art. teacher Voznesenskaya T.V. Practical work 1 Specialty “Design” Institute of Fashion and Design Service, Department of Design St. teacher Voznesenskaya T.V. Practical work 1

Background 3 During the Renaissance, great attention was paid to the art of type. In the second half of the 15th century, active study of Roman monumental writing began. research has shown that many treatises on the art of type were based on the lost work of Leonardo da Vinci (),

5 In terms of the complexity of construction and the method of graphic analysis of the font form, these two characters are a classic example of font art. All subsequent treatises are quite superficial and are limited to an analysis of only the external proportions of signs. Letters by Leonardo

6 In 1509, Luca Pacioli, a student of Leonardo da Vinci, published his treatise “On Divine Proportion”. In this treatise, the signs were built on the basis of a square and a circle: The thickness of the vertical element of the sign “H” was equal to 1:8 square, the thickness of the horizontal element was equal to 1:3 of the vertical one. All signs are distinguished by the perfection of external and internal proportions. Followers of Leonardo

7 In 1525, Albrecht Dürer published his famous work, “Measurement Rules...”, intended for architects, a significant part of which was devoted to the construction of typefaces. Antique by Durer

8 Dürer constructed the Latin alphabet based on the square, paying great attention to the construction of ovals. The thickness of the vertical element of the "H" sign was equal to 1:10 square, the thickness of the horizontal element was equal to 1:3 of the vertical one. Dürer was the first to give several options for constructing Dürer's Antiqua for individual characters of the alphabet


10 In 1529, the treatise of the French master Geoffroy Tory () “Blooming Meadow” was published. In his treatise, Geoffroy Tory compares the proportions of signs with the proportions of the human body based on the circle and square. The square was divided into 10 parts horizontally and vertically, the thickness of the vertical element of the "H" sign was equal to 1:10 square. The horizontal element was located in the horizontal visual center; in other treatises it was placed in the geometric center (the optical, visual center is always slightly higher than the geometric one). Antique by Durer


40 Recommended literature for type design methods [Text]: fonts that have achieved perfection. : per. from English / Wilson Harvey / Loewy; design by P. Burgess, B. Wood. - M. : RIP-Holding, p. : ill. - Per. ed.: Rockport Publishers, Inc., U.S., A. Korolkova. Living typography. -- M.: IndexMarket, 2007.

43 Use of presentation materials Use of this presentation can only be carried out subject to the requirements of the laws of the Russian Federation on copyright and intellectual property, as well as taking into account the requirements of this Statement. The presentation is the property of the authors. You may print a copy of any part of the presentation for your personal, non-commercial use, but you may not reprint any part of the presentation for any other purpose or make changes to any part of the presentation for any reason. Use of any part of the presentation in another work, whether in print, electronic or other form, or use of any part of the presentation in another presentation by reference or otherwise, is permitted only after obtaining the written consent of the authors.