Tarot online 3 cards, thoughts, feelings. How does he feel about me? Fortune telling on thoughts, feelings, subconscious

Fortune telling using three Tarot cards for attitude will give an answer about how the mystery person feels. You can find out what thoughts take possession of him, what emotions he experiences towards you. The layout method is very simple, even a beginner can handle it without problems at home.

Preparing for the schedule

It is important to have the right mindset before fortune telling. You can interpret the cards rationally and intuitively. Many tarot readers believe that the intuitive method gives the correct meanings.

Preparing for fortune telling involves full concentration on the question. You can practice meditation to bring your thoughts and feelings into order. During the layout, you cannot be distracted. It is necessary to exclude unpleasant odors and irritating sounds. The atmosphere in the room should be cozy.

When everything is prepared, take the deck in your hands and begin to slowly shuffle. During this, try to distance yourself from extraneous thoughts and feel relaxed. At the level of intuition, you yourself will understand when you can start the layout.

After this, we turn the Tarot upside down and take it towards us with our left hand. At this moment we ask a question of interest. Intuitively, we begin to take out cards for the layout. Everything is done carefully, focusing on every movement.

Step-by-step plan for fortune telling with three cards

The layout will help give answers to the past, present, and future.

The “past” and “present” cards will help you understand events and how they can affect the future. You can ask a question like this: “Relationships with my boyfriend in the past, present and future.” Next, we take out three cards and begin to interpret them. The meaning of the images are presented below. It is better to guess with the Major Arcana.

Fortune telling on thoughts and feelings

This type of fortune telling will help you find out the relationship of the hidden person to you. The layout will show the feelings that the person has for you and the goals regarding you. For fortune telling, it is better to use the Major Arcana.

Mix the deck thoroughly, remove the deck with your left hand towards you. At the same time, we think about the person we are guessing about. We take out any three cards from the deck.

  1. The first card is connected with the feelings that the mysterious person has for you, shows his intentions and plans for you. The card is associated with the emotions that a person experiences when he is in your company.
  2. The second shows your current relationship.
  3. The third illustrates the possibilities and prospects for developing relations. It will show what they will lead to: friendship or love. The map will indicate a person's true intentions.

How to read layouts and interpret dropped cards

Straight positionInverted position
JesterNothing serious. Flirting, intrigue. The illusion of ideal love and disappointment.Showdown. Getting to know the prospects for continuation.
MageIndependence. Either reaching a new level of relations, or divergence in different directions.Unpromising acquaintances.
PriestessInsincerity, jealousy. People are suspicious of each other and cannot open up. Possibility of a love spell.The secret will become clear.
EmpressOfficial marriage. Declaration of love. Romantic date.Possibility of divorce. Excessive pickiness in choosing a partner.
EmperorTyranny. Possibility of official or civil marriage.Quarreling. Losing a close friend.
PriestPlatonic love. Kindness, condescension.Deception. The illusion of an ideal partner.
LoversLove, but marriage does not mean. May indicate a partner's hesitation between two women/men.Important conversation. Stress, jealousy. A decisive moment, but not a threat.
ChariotLong marriage. It’s as if two spouses are in the same harness: neither run away nor make peace.Forgiveness. Calm relationship, but without love. Balanced environment.
ForcePositive card. Harmony. Spiritual and physical relationships.Quarrels due to different views on relationships. Breakups and disagreements.
HermitUnfavorable meaning. No compromises in relationships. Can mean a large age difference between partners.People are forced to contact each other, but do not want to do this.
Wheel of FortuneRare meetings. Acquaintance. A new period in love, it is unknown whether it is good or bad. But nothing can be changed; fortune will decide everything.Everything is the same. If there is a relationship, it will remain the same, if not, it will not be.
JusticeLegal marriage or divorce. A karmic meeting destined by fate.Impossibility of official marriage.
HangedA painful relationship. In a favorable way - long courtship.Conflicts. Following one's own interests, unwillingness to listen to others. Misunderstanding.
DeathInstability in relationships. Nervousness, something is constantly annoying. Oppressive atmosphere.Partners are bored with each other. Stability.
ModerationAn established way of life. Long-term relationships.Parting and quarrels
DevilThe partners have had enough of ordinary sex and are looking for something new. Civil marriage.Sexual incompatibility. Preference for spiritual communication. Relationship fatigue.
TowerConflicts and quarrels. In some cases it may mean rape.Reconciliation.
StarRomance.Either dreams will come true, or hope will collapse.
MoonInsincerity. Treason.Showdown. An unpleasant conversation to be honest.
SunUnderstanding. Love or friendship. Possibility of marriage, birth of children. Family and home.Quarrels, disputes. Temporary separation.
Last JudgmentMarriage or divorce.Everyday life. Protracted courtship.
WorldFocus on one person. Goodwill.Narrowing your social circle. Breaking up with someone.

It’s worth getting to know the Tarot on your own. At the level of intuition, you can determine what emotions a particular card evokes.

Memorized ready-made interpretations do not always help in interpreting the layout. Any card can change its meaning in combination with other Tarot. It will take a lot of time to study all the variations.

The meanings written in books and on websites can vary greatly. When interpreting, pay great attention to your intuition.

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In what cases will fortune telling not come true?

  1. Emotional condition. In the process of fortune telling, a mental connection is built between the fortuneteller and the person being told fortunes. With strong emotions (panic, excitement, state of passion), the connection may be disrupted.
  2. The fortuneteller’s personal interest in the situation also foreshadows errors in the scenario. This can attract those cards that the fortuneteller wants to see, and not those that should actually be there.
  3. Incorrectly formulated question.
  4. Repeated fortune-telling in a short time on the same question. It is not recommended to “guess” if you are not satisfied with something in the answer.

Tarot is a philosophical book of life. The images on the cards describe the main experiences, problems, and stages of life. Only with experience will you be able to quickly and clearly read meanings and perceive them adequately and correctly.

Sometimes there come moments in our lives when we want to look into the future, answer the questions that have arisen for ourselves in order to understand how to get out of a difficult situation. All this, as well as learning something about a person we care about, can be helped by such a wonderful tool as a deck.

About Tarot decks

These magic cards were used by the ancient Egyptian priests; it was a kind of book, from the pictures in which people were able to decipher this or that important information. Now a great many interpretations have appeared, each of which carries a certain magical meaning.

There are “dark” cards that may seem intimidating, but they are great for analyzing a person’s mental and emotional state.

These include:

  • Tarot by Joseph Vargo
  • "Vampires of Eternal Night"
  • Tarot "Diary of a Broken Soul"

Classic decks are more positive; with their help you can answer almost any question.

Examples of such decks:

  • Raider White (recommended for beginners)
  • Magic Tarot
  • Mystical Dreamer

There are also very unusual decks:

  • Innovative transparent
  • Manary (erotic, great for love scenarios)
  • White cat (for household, household issues)
  • White and Black magic (modern pagan)

Experienced tarot readers, as a rule, have several decks in their arsenal, for each specific situation and one universal one. The session itself and preparation for it are individual for each fortuneteller, but there are general rules and even the so-called “Code of Ethics for Tarot Readers.”

We will not describe them here, as well as numerous variants of layouts, since our article is devoted to only one of them.

Rules for the “3 cards for relationships” layout

This layout is distinguished by its simplicity and easy execution technique; even beginners can perform it independently. The “3 cards” layout will give you an idea of ​​the person you are interested in and will tell you about the man’s feelings for you.

Only the Major Arcana are involved, select them (22 cards). The most important thing is to mentally concentrate on this person, better yet, looking at his photo, feel your intuitive connection. Ask your question about him mentally or out loud. It is advisable to address him by name (for example, “Dmitry, how do you feel about me?”).

Before starting fortune telling, hold the cards in your hands for ten minutes so that they are filled with your energy and give an accurate answer. Shuffle the cards at least seven times (this is recommended to be done before each fortune telling ritual). Pull out three cards with your left hand (from the middle of the deck, top or bottom - it doesn’t really matter, you need to do this intuitively) and lay them out in order with the pictures facing up.

Meaning and interpretation of cards

So, the first one pulled out will talk about his hidden attitude towards you (subconscious). The second is about the impression you made on him (his thoughts). The third testifies to the feelings experienced by the person you have chosen directly for you.

0 - JOKE. Etc. position. The beginning of a new relationship, the birth of love. Idealization of relationships. The person is delighted with you and is on the verge of making an important decision, but doubts the correctness of his choice. Sometimes it can mean that the one being told fortunes does not want too much to be learned about him. Per. position. Rash actions, wrong and fatal choices. Wasted effort. Cowardice and stupidity.

1 - MAG. Etc. position. Energy is directed to the sexual sphere. The desire to take risks and put your strengths into practice. Per. position. Indecisiveness and dismissive attitude. State of stress and depression. Inability to use your abilities in different situations. A man in a state of dependence on a strong woman.

2 - THE HIGH PRIESTESS. Etc. position. Common sense and confidence. Spiritual love. Map of the heart and wisdom. Per. position. Misunderstanding. Ordinary physical passion and nothing more. Carnal zeal and superficiality.

3 - EMPRESS. Etc. position. Strong relationships based on the image of the mother. Harmony and satisfaction. Fertile and long-lasting relationships. Intention to marry. Per. position. Lack of perseverance, unwillingness to listen to oneself, loss of self, fatigue and depression. A person needs to understand himself, to make an internal “restructuring”.

4 - EMPEROR. Etc. position. "Fatherly" attitude, protection and strong patronage. Mentoring towards you. Per. position. Lack of self-confidence and dependence on the opinions of others. Difficult communication. Inability to curb one's vices and bad character.

5 - PRIEST. Etc. position. A link, a step towards true love, which will reveal itself fully only when it reaches a certain normative framework (marriage). Advisor, spiritual mentor. A strong marriage, good deeds, good friendship. Per. position. Consent in the relationship, but at the same time, the need to change something.

6 - LOVERS. Etc. position. Intimate Heartfelt affection, finding a loved one, warm sincere feelings. A new birth of an already existing love. Per. position. Internal division, conflict with oneself. Unfulfilled dreams, failures in love.

7 - CHARIOT. Etc. position. Triumph in love, righteous life. Self-made success. Per. position. Promiscuity, homosexuality, violence. Whims and exaggeration of one's own strengths.

8 - STRENGTH. Etc. position. Advantageous position, luck. Courage, the ability to curb passions. Undoubted sexual meaning - love relationships will reach their peak. Per. position. Difficulties, weakness, compliance. Surrender to base feelings, nervousness.

9 - HERMIT. Etc. position. Before entering into a love relationship, you need to be alone with yourself, alone. Be careful. Per. position. Same as straight, but don't overdo it.

10 — WHEEL OF FORTUNE. Etc. position. The onset of change, a new cycle in love - the revival of the old or the emergence of a new one. Per. meaning. The same thing, but it takes a longer time.

11 - JUSTICE. Etc. position. A large share of mutual respect, good, stable and mature relationships. Per. position. Imbalance in the relationship between two people, resentment, quarrels, breakup.

12 - HANGED. Etc. position. Problems with expressions of sexuality. The need to look from a different angle. Per. position. Indecisiveness. Uncertainty. Misinterpretation of events.

13 - DEATH. Etc. position. The end of one love and the beginning of the next. Personality renewal. Per. position. Failure of all plans. Fear, stagnation.

14 - MODERATION. Etc. position. Harmony, perfect balance of energies. Calmness and the right attitude. Per. position. Recklessness, wrong approach, excessive emotionality.

15 - DEVIL. Etc. position. Carnal desires rule over true feelings and soul. Trial. Promiscuity, thirst for material things. Per. position. Addiction, “not going your own way.” Danger of a nervous breakdown.

16 - TOWER. Etc. position. Failure of plans and hopes, threat of breakup, abrupt abandonment of previous relationships. Per. position. The same thing, but not so pronounced.

17 - STAR. Etc. position. Hopes and dreams, good aspirations and impulses of the soul. New friend. Per. position. Missed opportunities, laziness, stubbornness, bitterness. Pessimism and spiritual blindness.

18 - MOON. Etc. position. Finding your soul mate and life partner. Illusions. Mistrust and closedness from the world. Per. position. Carefully hidden deception, betrayal. Confusion and confusion. Instability and impermanence.

19 - SUN. Etc. position. Excellent trusting relationships. There will never be any disagreement between you. Both physical and emotional love. Per. position. Cracked mask of well-being. Temporary separation. Anger.

20 - COURT. Etc. position. Great spiritual energy, decision to start a relationship, goodwill. Per. position. Desire for change in love (physiologically).

21 - PEACE. Etc. position. A wonderful card - intelligence, freedom, peace. The fall of the shackles of constraint. Per. position. Reluctance. Lack of harmony. Disappointment.

Using the same principle, you can make a layout of the past, present, and future using three cards.

And remember that the prediction relates to the current state of affairs, and is by no means fatal. Only you yourself can change everything, through your actions. Actually, fortune telling is done so that you can realize something and improve something in your destiny by turning on internal reserves.

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Fortune telling with Tarot cards
"Relationship Alignment"
(“Station for two” or “Seven cards”).

Guide to the "Relationship Reading".

Typically, this alignment is used to clarify the relationship between partners in love and marriage. However, it can be used to analyze the relationship between two business partners, between family members and any other people.

  • 1 - The essence of the relationship: what state the relationship is in now; what connects these two people.
  • Left row (7, 6, 5) - your attitude towards your partner.
  • Right row (2, 3, 4) - your partner’s attitude towards you.
  • The top cards (7, 2) are a conscious attitude: what each partner is thinking about.
  • Middle cards (6, 3) - mental, emotional, subconscious attitude: what each partner feels, what each hopes for or fears.
  • The bottom cards (5, 4) are the external side of the relationship: how each partner behaves towards the other, what each shows. Perhaps this is just a facade hiding completely different thoughts (top cards) and feelings (middle cards).
  • KINGS And QUEENS V left And right column almost always point to other people: if in the right or left row there is a card whose gender is opposite to the gender of the “hero” of this row, this means that the “hero” is closely connected in this area with another person. The “same-sex” card is less significant and indicates concern that the partner will not become interested in another person of the opposite sex (especially at the upper and middle level).

    Uncertainty in relationships is a hot topic for many.

    A Tarot reading for relationships will allow you to find out how the person occupying your thoughts feels and what emotions are hidden in their soul. This method of fortune telling is very easy, even a beginner can handle it.

    Features of Tarot fortune telling on a person’s attitude

    Tarot cards are an incredibly accurate tool for understanding the inner world of a person. Their answers are always truthful. But, if you want to tell fortunes about relationships using Tarot, you should remember a few simple rules.

    During fortune telling, constantly think about the individual whose feelings concern you. Try to distract yourself from interfering thoughts that are not related to the situation you are interested in, and focus entirely on the person whose feelings you want to know.

    A Tarot layout for relationships with 3 cards is carried out quite quickly, so even beginners usually do not have difficulties maintaining clarity of thoughts.

    1. Before you ask the deck a question, mentally imagine the person as if he were standing in front of you. This will make it easier for the cards to tune in to communicate with him.
    2. Formulate your question clearly and clearly. You can do this out loud or silently, the main thing is that the wording is specific and accurate. For example, “How does Vasya feel about me?”, “What does Marina think about me?”, “What feelings does Sergei have towards me?”
    3. Tarot readings for relationships are not recommended to be done too often. Some people use them once a week, but in fact it’s best not to get carried away and do fortune telling once every month or two. Otherwise, you may get the wrong answer from the magic deck. Remember that the Tarot does not like to be asked a repeated question every day.

    Tarot reading for relationships using 3 cards is very simple. To do this, you will need to separate the Major Arcana from the rest of the cards, mentally focus on the person you are interested in, ask a clear question, carefully shuffle the deck, move it toward you with your left hand, and then make the layout according to the picture.

    Don't be alarmed that the Attitude Tarot reading only uses three cards. Minimalism sometimes gives a much broader idea of ​​the situation than complex combinations.

    What do 3 cards in a spread mean?

    1. The first card will tell you about the thoughts of the person you are interested in and will allow you, so to speak, to “get into his head.” From this card you can find out what is bothering this person, what she is thinking about.
    2. Number 2 will give a truthful answer to the question of what feelings this person has for you. Perhaps this is the most important thing for a fortuneteller.
    3. Three will reveal what is hidden. She will show you what is hidden in a person’s soul, which he is not even aware of. This card actually symbolizes the subconscious level of the person you are interested in.

    How to interpret the meanings of dropped Tarot cards

    When divining attitudes on Tarot cards, one should take into account the basic meanings of the Arcana, as well as their inverted positions. Naturally, positive cards will change their meaning to the opposite if they fall upside down. The interpretation of negative cards that turn out to be upside down depends on how the fortuneteller himself initially decided to interpret them.

    The purpose of the inverted cards is usually chosen by the tarot reader at the stage of preparing the deck for work. Someone chooses for themselves the principle when “bad” cards remain the same, regardless of their position, someone prefers to read the position upside down as the opposite meaning, and someone interprets cards according to the principle of strengthening the basic meanings when turned over.

    Any approach to tarot divination on relationships has a right to exist.

    Is it possible to tell love fortunes online?

    With the advent of the Internet in our lives, a lot has changed. Now it is not necessary to buy a magic deck, because various sites offer online Tarot readings for relationships. Is the prediction true in this case? There is no person who could give a 100% accurate answer to this question.

    Some are inclined to believe that no computer program can replace a real deck of cards. Others argue that the magical symbols of the Tarot are so energetically strong that it does not matter in what form the alignment is made. Whose opinion to believe is up to you. In any case, the result of Tarot predictions on relationships will depend only on your personal desire to find out the truth and deep mental focus on the person of interest.


    How does he feel about me? Fortune telling on thoughts, feelings, subconscious.

    In many life situations, the client is interested in how this or that person treats him, and this is not idle curiosity. A person’s well-being and safety depend on what his true thoughts, feelings and subconscious intentions are towards him. But most often we all ask ourselves the question: “What does he (she) really think about me?”, “Does he (she) have sincere feelings for me?” specifically in personal relationships. Someone else’s soul is in the dark, but fortune telling with Tarot cards will help shed light on such questions, and then the thoughts, feelings and subconscious of our counterpart will become much clearer. But do not forget that a person’s world of experiences and reflections is mobile, so fortune telling speaks about the attitude towards you - here and now. If necessary, you can do these layouts at least every day, but you should not turn fortune telling into an attraction - everyone determines the extent of the need for themselves (however, this applies to any layouts in any situations).

    Why three cards?

    The three-position layout can be called universal, no matter what or who the question is asked about. When laying out cards - into the past, present, future, or cause, effect, conclusion - the logic of simultaneous simplicity and harmony of conclusions is used. The three phases of the moon are also an excellent predictive plot!

    So, versatility, simplicity and variability (depending on the type of relationship) make the “Thoughts, Feelings, Subconscious” layout one of the most popular.

    Positions in the layout:

    Three card fortune telling layout

    The cards are laid out from top to bottom, from the plane of thought through emotions to the subconscious. If we want to clarify one person’s attitude towards us or the querent, we lay out one sequence of cards; if we are interested in relationships in a couple, respectively, three cards for each partner vertically.

    Top card

    The top card – “What’s on a person’s mind” – reflects a person’s thoughts, his reasoning, his logical assessment. This card will show what beliefs and mental attitudes determine a person’s attitude towards you, what he consciously allows or prohibits himself in these relationships.

    Let's say the Major Arcana Star appears in this position. Even with a superficial glance at the map, it becomes clear that a person has harmonious thoughts and hope for a happy future together. Does he doubt you, give you a low rating, does he see something negative in the relationship? No, on the contrary, the card symbolizes positive thinking, the inner conviction that meeting a partner is luck, a happy occasion, and evaluates you in general very positively. True, there is a share of infantilism in this assessment: responsibility for the future, measured and full of bright plans, is most likely shifted to the partner.

    If we see the Priestess, then it’s worth thinking about the fact that we are almost not reflected in the thoughts of our partner. He pays attention to his own “rich inner world”, and looks at our relationship calmly and without judgment. Yes - good, no - even better.

    Tip: pay attention to the suit of the card in this position, it can add additional nuance to the interpretation.

    Swords as a suit are responsible for the intellectual sphere of a person, speak of the speed of mental reactions and, in general, a cold mind. If you see a card of this suit in your partner’s thoughts, know that in relation to you, no matter what decisions are made (and as a rule, Swords do not promise anything good) - these are balanced decisions, dictated only by reasons as cold as steel - nothing personal, only common sense.

    Cups, on the contrary, say that it is difficult for a person to think logically; he tends to trust sensations and accept the dictates of feelings as the voice of reason.

    Middle map

    The middle card - “What's in a person's heart” - is an emotional and sensual plan. You cannot order the heart, as people say, but by looking at this position in the layout, you can understand what worries or pleases it, what impulses - joy or sadness - it reacts to you. This position helps answer the questions: what real emotions does a person feel for you, what does he really feel. Sometimes it happens like this - our partner seems cold and indifferent, in fact he simply does not know how to express his feelings, but sometimes it’s the other way around - a person’s character is open, emotionally active, but inside himself he is not inclined towards you personally, he is just a cheerful person and a good guy .

    In this position, it is preferable to see such Major Arcana as Lovers, Sun, World, as well as most cards of the suit of cups. But other cards do not talk about the absence of feelings, but paint them in various shades: from brightly positive (4 Staves) to frankly negative (9 Swords).

    What can we say, for example, about the 8 of Pentacles in this position? Despite the fact that this is the suit of the material world, that is, it does not directly talk about feelings, it creates a very favorable impression, a positive emotional background. The 8 of Pentacles can indicate a relationship built on respect and some kind of mutual benefit that is pleasant for both parties. The card speaks of the pleasure of doing what you love, and this is a good sign - a relationship with you brings joy to a person. Although it’s worth making a reservation - perhaps this is the very case when a person’s “heart” is equally warm from both calculation and love.

    Advice: If you are telling fortunes for a couple, it is very important to compare the cards in the position of feelings. Already at this stage, it is clear how emotionally harmonious the union is, and whether the feelings of the partners coincide or whether there is an insurmountable gap between them.

    The lower position - “What is hidden” - indicates deep subconscious motives. With the help of this card, clients gain access to information that they are not aware of, but which is the internal tuning fork of all their actions, desires, fears and ambitions.

    When laying out cards for thoughts, feelings, and the subconscious, it is this aspect - the unconscious - that raises the most objections, especially if the Devil or the Moon lurks in the secret labyrinths of the psyche. But this is the meaning of fortune telling - to see what really lies behind a person’s thoughts and feelings.

    Advice: when telling fortunes about a partner, it is sometimes useful to start with yourself. Because it is our hidden relationship to him, and then the awareness of this motive that can completely change the picture of our relationship.

    If you are worried about your relationship with your partner, if you are confused about your feelings for him and do not understand what he wants and how he treats you, ask yourself: Maybe there is something about me that I don’t know? Maybe there is something secret in me that I need to realize? And having realized - change?

    To answer this question, you can use a special layout.

    In this small review it is impossible to cover all the subtleties of fortune telling in the sphere of feelings, thoughts and the unconscious, they are so extensive and unique in each specific case. The number of layout options also amounts to dozens. “Station for two” or “Compatibility” are built on the same principle, with minor clarifications on positions. So study the cards, practice, and then the reasons for a person’s external and internal manifestations will become more clear to you. The main thing is to use it for good.
    Good luck in mastering the Tarot!