Spelling the combination “what time”: why separately, analysis, use. When can a girl get married: predictions by date of birth Ideal age for marriage

- “How many times will I
Married? Once? Or maybe two? What if it’s five?”

Where do such thoughts come from in the head of a young girl?

I just want to get married once and for all, I really don’t want to make a mistake in my partner! And thoughts themselves come from somewhere.”

I’ll tell you who puts such thoughts into the pretty heads of young girls: society! It’s hard not to think about it when girlfriends, classmates and neighbors change husbands like gloves, and at the same time look like quite adequate women.

In this matter, from the point of view of astrology, not only the state of the marriage home is very important, but also the issue of piety. It is important to realize that this particular man will be yours once and for all. It is important to understand that in addition to the demands in the world of which we have to live, there are also responsibilities.

Let's return to piety: the planet Jupiter is responsible for this quality of our personality. We analyze, first of all, this planet in order to understand how poorly/well developed strategic thinking and awareness are in the person in question. Does he (in our example, she) understand that by marrying 3.5, 10 times, he is spoiling his own karma? Will Jupiter's position in a chart help us look 1000 years into the future? Or a person will live like a one-day butterfly, not caring about tomorrow or the next life. Does a person realize that by spoiling his karma in this way, in his next incarnation he will have to work very hard somewhere in Somalia?

Let's look at an example: let's say you are a man and want to understand whether a certain woman has godliness. In this case, you should immediately pay attention to her Jupiter: is it in the houses of piety (1,5,9)? Is her atmakaraka connected with the owner of these houses? Are there many light nakshatras in her horoscope (Sravana, Pushya, Mrigashira, Revati, Punarvasu)?

No less important is pedigree, that is, how and who raised a person. As for the woman, it is necessary to understand her relationship with her father: what did she see in childhood? What energy did you receive from your dad? Therefore, we definitely analyze the 9th house. If, for example, the lord of this house is, say, in the 8th house, or the planet occupying this house is associated with unfavorable houses, then the heredity on the father’s side leaves much to be desired; Along with the 9th house, we also check the 4th. If there are unfavorable planets in it, or a house
damaged in some other way, this also speaks of hostile energies. Next, we analyze the planet of the father - the Sun.

If you are a woman and want to check the chart of your chosen one for piety, first of all pay attention to his 4th house and the Moon.

If, for example, the Moon in a man’s chart occupies the sign of Leo, then his mother is a powerful woman. If, in addition, you see that there are unfavorable positions in the 4th house, the Moon is conjunct (or otherwise connected) with malefic planets, then get ready for the fact that your man will be inclined to rely on you in everything, shifting his responsibility on your shoulders.

One day a girl came to me for a consultation. Her chosen one had the Moon in Chitra, a Martian nakshatra. The man always listened only to his mother. But even for the girl herself, the predominant element turned out to be the element of fire, responsible for power and control.

Naturally, her mother’s constant patronage of the young man did not please this girl at all. And she had only one way out: to compete with his mother. Note: do not try to get a man through tricks, namely through competition. That is, to become a bigger mother for a man than the real one.

At this point, Vedic astrology is closely intertwined with psychology: if a man in childhood did not receive enough love and affection from his own mother (and has the corresponding positions in the chart), then he will demand it from the woman. If a woman in childhood did not receive a feeling of confidence and protection from her father, then piety will hardly help here.

If there is neither piety nor good positions in the astrological chart, then my favorite phrase comes in handy here: wash and pray!

Would you like to book a personal consultation? Write to Telegram:
Study Vedic astrology for free on my Telegram channel: https://t.me/vedicastrologerbertmakover
Bert Makover answers your questions on Telegram: https://t.me/vedicbertik

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A girl can find out when she can get married with the help of numerology, astrology, folk fortune telling and dreams. After all, with the approaching celebration, secret signs and symbols are sure to appear that you need to be able to decipher. However, it is necessary to understand that with a strong desire to become a bride, a girl can see various symbols in everything, which in fact do not have any magical connotations.

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    Even in ancient times, it was noticed that the date of birth has a great influence on a person’s fate. With the help of figures and figures, you can predict the most favorable years for marriage.

    There is a fairly simple method, founded by the scientist M. Katakkar, that allows you to calculate the date of marriage. To do this, you need to add the digits of your birthday to a single digit. So, if a person was born on November 11, 1985, then the following arithmetic operations should be performed: 1+1+1+1+1+9+8+5= 27=2+7=9.

    • 2019=3.
    • 2020=4.
    • 2021=5.
    • 2022=6.
    • 2023=7.

    After these steps, the decoding of the result can be seen in the table:

    If the date of birth is number 8, then the most suitable years for marriage are 2017, 2018, 2022 and 2024. Numerology can warn about possible difficulties that may arise when building relationships. If the date of birth contains numbers such as 3,6,8,9, then the wedding may be postponed for a long time and may not take place at all. People with numbers 2,4,6 easily attract partners and get married early.

    There is another way to determine the date of marriage by first and last name. To do this you need:

    1. 1. Count the number of letters in the first and last name (Petrova Anna = 11 = 1+1=2).
    2. 2. Add the numbers of the year, month and day when the test is carried out (13.06.2018 =1+3+6+2+1+8=21=2+1=3).
    3. 3. Add the resulting numbers in the first and second calculations: = 2+3=5.

    The ideal number of the year for Anna Petrova is 5. Fortune telling is recommended to be carried out at the beginning and end of the year, but no more than 3 times in 12 months.

    Fortune telling

    There are a large number of simple fortune-telling for early marriage, which every girl can do.

    By hand

    Using hand fortune telling, you can determine the likelihood of getting married in the near future and the number of unions. It is necessary to pay attention to the special line of marriage, or marriage, which is located on the hill of Mercury under the little finger. It is a small horizontal line extending from the edge of the palm.

    Marriage line

    If the marriage line is located close to the heart line, then this indicates early marriage at the age of 18-24 years, in the middle - 25-28 years, at the top - from 29 years. There may be more than one marriage line on the hand, this indicates that the marriage may be concluded a second time. Depending on their location, you can determine the approximate years of creating a serious relationship.

    Precise and long lines indicate a strong and lasting relationship. If there is a fork at the end of the line, the marriage will not last long, and divorce will be accompanied by scandals and conflicts. A marriage line that looks sharply upward indicates a lack of marriage in a person’s life or a union that will only bring bitterness and problems.

    Several lines of marriage

    Other fortune telling

    The most common items for fortune telling are:

    1. 1. Candles and water. It is recommended to carry out this fortune-telling with your friends on Christmastide. Each girl needs to take half a walnut shell and put a candle in it with her name written on it, and then place the resulting “boat” in a bowl of water. The girl whose candle burns out first will get married faster. The one whose “ship” sinks risks remaining an old maid.
    2. 2. Salt. Before going to bed, you need to eat a pinch of salt and say: “Betrothed, give the mummer a drink.” A man who will later become a husband should appear in a dream.
    3. 3. 3 threads and 3 needles. You need to take a red, white and black thread, thread them through a needle, and then fasten them to the back of a dress or T-shirt. It is necessary to carefully remove one of the threads from the back at random. If a girl pulls out a red thread, she will get married this year, a white thread - in the next 3 years, a black thread - there will be no wedding within 5 years.
    4. 4. Towel. At night, you need to hang a white towel outside the window and pinch it with the window with the words “Betrothed, come to me!” " If it is wet in the morning, it foretells an imminent marriage.

    You can find out whether the time has come for marriage using ring fortune telling. You need to take the wedding ring and hang it on your hair so that its ends are clamped. The ring is held over a glass filled 2/3 with running water, then immersed in water for a few seconds, raised and asked a question. If the pendulum moves left and right, the answer is negative; in a circle, the answer is positive.


    You can recognize an imminent marriage from your dreams. So, most often, animals are symbols of marriage in all dreams. If a girl dreams of a lone wolf, then she will soon meet her future groom, and a pack of wolves indicates an imminent wedding celebration. A dog has a similar interpretation, especially if it is red in color.

    Dreams with the following animals and birds can foretell marriage:

    • horse;
    • pig (sow);
    • cow;
    • goat;
    • stork, dove and swan.

    In some dream books, marriage is predicted by fish, which usually dreams of pregnancy. If the girl is unmarried, then a new addition to the family may mean the appearance of not a child, but a groom.

    Other harbingers of marriage include plants:

    • carrots and tomatoes;
    • strawberries and strawberries;
    • nettle;
    • oak, apple and plum.

    A dream in which garlic or a bed with it appears may indicate a marriage of convenience. A bouquet of flowers in men's dreams indicates a readiness for a decisive relationship and a desire to start a family. Work in haymaking, cleaning and reinstallation, funerals indicate an imminent marriage.

    Folk signs

    If a girl is soon to become a bride, secret signs foreshadowing the wedding will be present in her life. But they lose their relevance when she has a strong desire to become a wife and looks for folk signs around her. Thanks to the signs, it will not be possible to bring the wedding date closer, but you can predict what awaits in the near future.

    The most common signs indicating imminent marriage include the following:

    1. 1. A bouquet of flowers accidentally found on the street.
    2. 2. Ring finger injured by a needle on New Year's Eve.
    3. 3. Place at a celebration between 2 brothers or sisters.
    4. 4. Caught bridal bouquet at a wedding.

    Being doused with champagne or wine at a wedding is also a sign of marriage.

    Since ancient times, in order to ensure a quick marriage, girls have hemmed the hem of their friends' wedding dresses. This ritual will certainly work if the bride is a blood relative. If there are no sewing skills, the bride’s shoes are wiped before the wedding.

    Single girls should dance with the groom. You will be especially lucky if the man himself invites you to a slow dance. If it was not possible to do the above, you need to choose dance partners from those who sit as far away as possible.

    Girls who want to get married faster should sweep away trash from the door to the window or table every time they start cleaning. Shoes need to be placed in a special way - the toes of the shoes should point in the same direction, and the sides should touch.

    Superstitions also indicate actions that can delay a happy moment and cause discord in a relationship. The following actions should be avoided:

    1. 1. You should never give or pass anything over the threshold (especially food), as this attracts the fate of an old maid.
    2. 2. You need to be as attentive as possible while putting things in order. A constantly wet floor while washing dishes or cleaning the room may encourage the future husband to abuse alcohol.
    3. 3. You should not sweep away dust or crumbs from any surface with your hand; you may attract an ugly spouse to you.
    4. 4. Unmarried girls are not recommended to do their hair in the presence of other people, as this can cause energy imbalance.
    5. 5. You should not wear any rings on your ring finger other than a wedding or engagement ring.
    6. 6. Single girls should not wear other people's wedding dresses, veils or rings.
    7. 7. You should not sit on window sills, tables or opposite corners of tables.
    8. 8. You should not keep a lot of violets or cacti indoors.
    9. 9. There should be no figurines or paintings of single women in the house.


    In many ways, the age of marriage is influenced by the zodiac sign. Thus, some signs tend to get married early, while others are in no hurry to start a relationship.

    The timing of marriage according to the zodiac horoscope is presented in the table:

    Zodiac sign

    Ideal age to get married

    Suitable zodiac signs for marriage

    Libra, Leo, Aries, Aquarius

    Capricorn, Pisces, Libra


    Capricorn, Aquarius, Scorpio, Cancer

    Taurus, Cancer, Gemini

    Sagittarius, Libra, Aries

    Capricorn, Pisces

    29–32 years

    Aries, Pisces, Taurus


    Pisces, Gemini, Cancer

    Capricorn, Leo, Scorpio

    Taurus, Sagittarius, Capricorn,


    Taurus, Gemini, Aries

    Libra, Scorpio, Virgo, Pisces

    If a girl and a guy are not suitable for each other, the time for marriage will be delayed, and the most ridiculous situations will interfere with the lovers, who may even separate in the future.

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    Money has always been my main problem. Because of this, I had a lot of complexes. I considered myself a failure, problems at work and in my personal life haunted me. However, I decided that I still needed personal help. Sometimes it seems that the problem is in you, all failures are just a consequence of bad energy, the evil eye or some other bad force.

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    It all started when I ordered my personal...

To start fortune telling online for free, click the picture below. Think about the person you are guessing about. Hold down the dice until it feels like it's time to take the plunge.

Fortune telling online for free using bones - How many times will I get married? It explains how many times the fortune teller will get married, and also in some cases gives a general idea of ​​the character or characteristics of the future husband. A very simple fortune-telling, the implementation of which will not cause any difficulties for you either in carrying out or in interpreting; on our resource everything is explained in great detail and the answers are clear and understandable. This is a single performance fortune telling, that is, it is carried out once for one person, subsequent results will not be correct.

Dice throwing technique

For fortune telling you will need two cubes and a glass to mix them. If you are not telling fortunes for yourself, then you need to imagine the fortune teller and ask the cubes a question about how many husbands there will be. Place the cubes in a glass, then you will need to shake them thoroughly. Then make a throw on a flat surface and consider the resulting result; here it is not the sum that is interpreted, but the combinations that fall out, for example 1-1, 2-1, 4-5, etc. In order to better understand, perform fortune telling with our help and everything will become clear to you.

“What time” is ALWAYS written separately.

Common mistake

But you really want to write “what time”, don’t you? This desire is explained by the fact that when writing, we, as a rule, do not think about what part of speech a particular word is. And if we try to determine morphological properties, it is most often mistaken.

The course of our reasoning looks something like this: there is an “o” at the end, apparently, this is an adverb, and if it is formed from a numeral, then it needs to be written together with a preposition (by analogy with “five”, “six”, etc. ). And sometimes we remember words like “firstly”, “secondly”, and allow the hyphen to sneak into the spelling of our combination. Well, this is no good at all.

However, no matter what lengthy thoughts we indulge in, the fact remains: we still have two words before us. Let's consider each of them separately.

"Wo" is nothing more than a preposition. It may look somewhat unusual, but in fact it is just a variation of the well-known preposition “in”. The letter "o" is added to it when the following word begins with a consonant.

But the second word will be more difficult. “How many” can be a pronominal adverb, a conjunction or a question word, and a numeral. The Russian language is rich and unpredictable - who would doubt it!

Morphemic parsing

The analysis of the combination we are studying under the number 2 is as follows:

  • “Vo” is a preposition, “s” is a prefix, “-kol-” is a root, “-k-” is a suffix, “-o” is an ending.

Why didn't two words become one?

It would seem that the Russian language is characterized by the formation of neologisms by merging two, or rarely more, words. However, not in our case. From what?

Let's take, for example, the words “on time” and “at all” - these are adverbs, and therefore it is correct to write them together. Although they sometimes are written separately: “during lunch”, “breaking bad”. But in these examples they no longer act as adverbs, but as a preposition with a word, hence the separate spelling.

There is another explanation: in “on time” and “at all” the emphasis falls on “in”, which is why this preposition turned into a prefix. But this did not happen with our combination, which is why it is written in two words.

Besides, "what time" is often a question word. Accordingly, here you cannot be guided by more complex rules for writing adverbs.

And one more reasoning. Since this is an interrogative combination, why not remember others similar to it, say, “in what,” “in what.” It is clearly correct to write them separately, and, mind you, no one is trying to argue with this. Actually, is our situation very different from this?

Example sentences

  1. What time will you pick me up tomorrow? (What time?)
  2. How much would you estimate the cost of the damage? (What amount?)
  3. How many times is Jupiter larger than Earth?
  4. At what age did your child start school?

By the way, the negative should be written as follows: “not at all.”

So, now you know the spelling of this combination. We hope you don’t try to splice it together yourself, and the hyphen won’t creep in there either.