Why did you dream about the praying mantis? Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream about a praying mantis? Meaning and interpretation of a dream What does it mean if you dreamed of a praying mantis.

The praying mantis insect got its name because of its resemblance to a person praying to God. In many countries it is a symbol of courage, courage and cruelty. Why do you dream about a praying mantis? What does he portend?

Insect in a dream

A green mantis sitting on a branch speaks of your hidden capabilities. Most likely, you underestimate yourself, you don’t know what you are capable of. Be bolder, try to express yourself in all areas of life.

Seeing a praying mantis on your hand in a dream is a good sign. Soon you will feel a surge of strength and energy. This will allow you to quickly complete what you started long ago and take on a new, more profitable business.

If the praying mantis you dreamed of was of an unusual color, then unpredictable events should happen in your life. Most likely, they will bring you joy and satisfaction. The main thing is not to miss a happy opportunity.

Many green mantises are a sign that you have to work in a new team. If you work conscientiously, you will soon become a leader among your colleagues. Perhaps in the near future you will advance in your career.

If the insect you see has no signs of life, then the business you started may drag on for a long time. To prevent this from happening, try to think through your every step and do not trust people you don’t know well.

  • A jumping mantis means change.
  • Huge - for important news.
  • Seeing it in a glass jar means you are too closed.
  • fighting - to serious thoughts.
  • The flock is moving in your direction - to a misunderstanding in the team.

As the dream book suggests, the praying mantis you caught is a sign of meeting an interesting person. It is possible that in the future it will significantly influence the events taking place in your destiny.

A dream in which you hold a praying mantis in your hands is considered favorable. It portends good luck and success in work. And if you had two insects in your palm, then in the near future your personal life will be happy.

The dream interpreter pays special attention to night dreams in which a praying mantis bit you. Such a dream is a sign that they envy you. The Dream Interpretation recommends talking less about your achievements, not bragging about your successes, and silently moving towards your goal.

People who see a praying mantis in their dream can count on a pleasant acquaintance with a representative of the opposite sex. Most likely, this meeting will develop into a passionate, long-term romance.

Seeing yourself in a praying mantis costume is not pretending to be who you are. Psychologists do not advise doing this, because everything secret will someday become apparent. Be yourself, and then luck will not pass you by.

If you dreamed of a praying mantis, be sure to look into your dream book and find out the meaning of your night dreams. This will allow you to know what awaits you in the future, and will also help you choose the right model of behavior in different situations. Author: Vera Drobnaya

In a dream, a person often receives signs from the subconscious or higher powers. They warn of troubles or, on the contrary, promise good changes. But why do you dream about an insect like a praying mantis? The dream book will give the best decoding of an unusual character.

Decent reward

The praying mantis gets its name from its strange pose, which resembles a person praying. However, this does not mean that it can only be dreamed of by believers. But the fact that most often such a dream is a warning is certain.

For example, Miller’s dream book claims that the appearance of this creature promises an unusual set of circumstances that will bring serious grief. If you dreamed that you killed a praying mantis, then you will miraculously avoid all problems.

By the way, catching, moreover, catching and putting him in a jar, according to Miller’s dream book, is a worthy reward for his labors.

Be reasonable!

Why else do you dream about a praying mantis? Seeing a lot of bugs around you means a lot of unfinished work. Did you dream that a bug bit you? They require an immediate solution.

But seeing a praying mantis sitting in a glass jar is very good for a sleeping person. Your prudence and dignified behavior will help you literally “get away with it.” If in night vision a large insect lands on your arm or shoulder, then in reality you need to be wary of the betrayal of a close friend.

Gender of the dreamer

The dream book believes that the interpretation of sleep largely depends on the gender of the sleeper. For example, an insect promises trouble for a woman because of someone else’s secret. Seeing a praying mantis in a dream for a young girl means unpleasant news, and a large beetle guarantees a quarrel with her loved ones.

For men, the dream book has prepared its own meanings - their praying mantis warns of problems in business and at work. It is not difficult to determine why in this case one dreams of killing an insect - with perseverance and perseverance, the dreamer will be able to cope with any difficulties.

Value by appearance

When deciphering a dream, you definitely need to remember what exactly the praying mantis was like. So a huge bright green beetle is a sign of obvious danger. It symbolizes extremely negative news and dangerous situations. A creature of a paler and darker shade promises less serious trouble.

But a dead mantis clearly indicates that everything that happens will not affect you. For this reason, when meeting in night visions, it is better to kill a bug rather than admire its mysterious appearance.

How to get rid of influence

The dream book has a very unusual interpretation of a dream in which a monstrous creature appeared. You may dream of such a vision as a symbol of the fact that you are working too hard at work or have even become physically (psychologically) dependent on another person. And this interpretation is true for absolutely everyone.

Information about why a praying mantis dreams can be found in any dream book. Insects, as images, are very symbolic. And if you dreamed about this, then you should familiarize yourself with the interpretations offered by popular dream books. They may have some interesting things to say.

Miller's Interpreter

An unusual set of circumstances that will bring a lot of grief - this is what the praying mantis dreams about. After such a vision, it is worth gaining strength, because you will need it to withstand the blows of fate. However, if you manage to kill an insect in a dream, there is no need to worry. In reality, you will be able to miraculously avoid all problems.

The dreamer did not kill the creature, but caught it and then put it in a jar? This is even better! Such a vision portends receiving a decent reward for your work.

But if a person dreams of a whole swarm of praying mantises hovering around him, this means a lot of unfinished business. You need to get back to work as soon as possible, otherwise troubles will accumulate.

But it’s even worse if the insect bites. This dream says - it’s time to immediately make a decision that a person has been thinking about for too long.

Dream book of the 21st century

This popular interpreter is also able to talk about why a praying mantis dreams. The insect portends the following:

  • This is bad news for a young girl.
  • A woman has problems because of someone else's secret.
  • Every person in a relationship has a quarrel with her other half.
  • For a man - problems in work and business.

But again, if the dreamer, regardless of gender, crushes the beetle, he will be able to cope with any obstacles in reality.

What was the insect like?

This needs to be remembered. Otherwise, it will be difficult to say why the praying mantis is dreaming. Here's how the nuances of its appearance influence the interpretation of the vision:

  • A huge and bright green beetle symbolizes obvious danger. Perhaps the person will face dangerous situations and bad news in the near future.
  • A dark, dim beetle dreams of troubles that, although they will cause inconvenience, will be quickly forgotten.
  • A dried out, dull, dead mantis, despite its unattractiveness, does not bode well. On the contrary, his image suggests that everything that happens around the dreamer will not affect him in any way.
  • A dark, almost black beetle warns that in the dreamer’s immediate circle there is someone who wishes him harm.

The main thing is that in the vision this insect does not end up in a person’s house. Because in this case, no matter what color it is, you will only have to wait for conflicts, scandals and everyday problems.

Psychological interpreter

Something interesting can be learned from this praying mantis? The answer to this question depends on the details:

  • Did the person hold it in their hands or just touch it? This means that in reality he is overly trusting. Maybe you shouldn’t tell everyone so much about yourself?
  • Did the dreamer kill an insect? This means that someone else will soon pay for the mistakes he has made.
  • Did he make the strange decision to eat the praying mantis? Such a vision usually indicates health problems.
  • Did the dreamer catch a beetle and put it in a jar? New acquaintances.
  • Have you ever fed and cared for an insect? To unexpected guests.
  • Did you see a giant mantis as tall as a man? This means that in the dreamer’s life there is a person on whom he strongly depends emotionally.
  • The beetle was unwell, and therefore the person decided to start treating it? This promises recovery. Either him or someone close to you.
  • Did a man dream of drawing a praying mantis? This means that very soon he will discover his hidden talents.
  • Was the dreamer so scared that he even started running away from the insect? This vision suggests that something will frighten him in reality.

Why a praying mantis somehow ended up in bed with a person is also worth knowing. This is the personification of his tense relationship with the opposite sex. But maybe you shouldn’t place all the blame on the shoulders of your significant other, but rather pay attention to your own behavior?

And sometimes you may see something outlandish. For example, a conversation with this creature. And if a person happened to have a conversation with a praying mantis in a dream, it means that in reality he will learn someone’s secret.

But best of all is the vision in which the dreamer sat with the beetle at the same table. Such a strange dream foreshadows that very soon a person will experience a feeling of pride in his achievements. It is quite possible that he will also be deservedly rewarded.

An animal bite in a dream foreshadows a quarrel or resentment. Feeling a bite in a dream means losses and worries. Such a dream often predicts domestic troubles and scandals. If you dream that you were bitten by some person, then do not hope to win in some controversial matter.

A dream in which you bit someone foreshadows a serious illness or nervous shock. If you dream that you were bitten by a cat or dog, then be afraid of betrayal or quarrels with a loved one. If in a dream you are bitten by a person whom you knew before, then you will be haunted by difficult memories. See interpretation: animals, beasts, teeth.

The mark of teeth left behind after a bite means that the insult inflicted on you will be etched in your memory for a long time. If you see blood at the site of the bite, then you will be very worried about what happened. See interpretation: blood.

Interpretation of dreams from the Family Dream Book

Dream Interpretation - Bite, bite

If in a dream you bit someone, this speaks of a dream living in the depths of your soul to subjugate some person.

The obsession with this idea is such that you can literally do anything to achieve it.

It is not yet known whether you will be able to achieve your goal or not, but now we can say that even for good purposes, enslaving the will of others is a bad step that will lead to suffering for both the enslaved and the enslaver.

You were bitten in a dream - in this case you risk finding yourself completely dependent on the will of another person.

The bites were not too painful and did not even attract much attention to themselves - such a dream suggests that forcing you to deviate from the right path is a rather difficult undertaking.

Most likely, you will remain in your positions.

If the bites greatly annoyed you and caused unbearable pain, all your attempts to weaken someone else’s influence will be useless.

So you will have to submit to this state of affairs for some time, waiting for a favorable moment for liberation from captivity (possibly love).

Some kind of passion may push you to recklessness and unnecessary sacrifices, but later, having assessed the object of your feelings impartially, you will be very disappointed in both him and your behavior.

Interpretation of dreams from

Why do you dream about a praying mantis?

Spring dream book

If you dream about this insect, you will have to bend your back to ungrateful people.

Seeing a praying mantis in a dream means negativity in life, bad news. Pay attention to everything around you to avoid problems. Such a dream could also mean that you will become more dependent on someone.

If a man dreams about a praying mantis, it means big trouble. If a man saw a praying mantis briefly in a dream, for a short time - to some news.

If a woman dreams of a praying mantis, in reality she has offended or caused harm to someone. It is worth analyzing all your actions.

Seeing a praying mantis in a dream is a bad omen.

Why do you dream about a praying mantis?

Summer dream book

Seeing a praying mantis beetle in a dream means unexpected news.

Why do you dream about a praying mantis?

Italian dream book Meneghetti

Symbolizes a special active negativity; in relationships between a man and a woman, it usually indicates a woman (see Insects).

The reality and meaning of dreams

Sleep from Tuesday to Wednesday

A dream with pleasant images is considered a good sign. It promises joy from successful changes in life and travel. A monotonous dream that could not be remembered in detail indicates the low social activity of the sleeper. Predictions come true on the coming Friday or Saturday.

18th lunar day

The dream may indicate possible obstacles to your professional growth or personal happiness. It is believed that such dreams pose an energetic danger to the body: the longer they last, the more tired you will feel after waking up.

Waning moon

A dream on the waning moon belongs to the category of cleansing: it indicates that it will soon lose value in real life. Only dreams with negative content come true: they carry a good meaning.