Kolobok template for drawing. How to draw Kolobok from a fairy tale? Kolobok with a bouquet of flowers - a new approach to an old children's fairy tale

The fairy tale “Kolobok” is known to every child. WITH colorful illustrations reading it is much more interesting, because it is more interesting for children to look at the pictures. This also helps to get their attention.

The Kolobok drawing lesson will be useful if you are going to tell your child this fairy tale. It can be drawn while reading or at the end to check what the child has remembered.

You will need: a sheet of paper; eraser; pencil; compass; ruler.
Step 1

Auxiliary figure

We start drawing with an auxiliary figure - a square.

The basis

The basis of the Kolobok is a circle. Draw it inside the square. Look carefully at how the figures touch. It is advisable to use a compass.

Erase unnecessary lines

Since the base is ready, the square can be erased.


Let's start drawing the kolobok's face. Draw the nose in the center as a small oval.


At the bottom of the circle, draw a cheerful smile using curved lines.


Outline the eyes using small circles.

Erase the lower parts of the eyes and draw curved lines. This means chubby cheeks from a smile.


Draw Kolobok beautiful curved eyelashes.


Draw round pupils and irises of the eyes. Don't forget about the glare of light.


Use two short, curved lines to define the eyebrows.

Give your eyebrows the correct shape.


When Kolobok sang songs, he jumped onto a tree stump. Draw a jagged oval under the character.

Use curved lines to add volume and shape to the hemp.

Cracks on the stump

On the surface of the stump, draw small cracks that are characteristic of a felled tree.

Circles on a stump

Each stump has jagged circles that indicate the age of the tree. Start drawing them from the center where the Kolobok is located.

Draw circles all over the plane.


Since Kolobok is made of dough, color it yellow. His eyes are blue. The stump is brown.

You can also use our drawing tools and create your own illustrations for the fairy tale. Try to draw with Kolobok a cunning Fox, a fluffy Bunny, gray wolf and the formidable Bear.

Nowadays there is Shrek or Pokemon, but before everything was much simpler. Heroes were often completely formless, or their form wanted to leave itself without form. The essence and process of creating such images remains a mystery even to the creators themselves, since the amount of sniffed paint exceeded the norm by all possible times. In this lesson we will learn how to draw a kolobok, one of the representatives of the domestic folk art. Kolobok – soviet cartoon with the participation of talking bread, created from third-grade flour and the eternal desire of the grandmother to make offspring by scraping off the bottom. A spherical character was created using the displacement of the center of the Earth, mountainous terrain and the gravity of the moon. Because of the suspicion that he was adopted, he ran away from his young parents in search of adventure in the tundra, where he successfully found them. Even several times. Interesting Facts about koloboks:

  • He is the forefather of Pacman and, moreover, main character the game of the ancient Supaplex, in which gamers of the nineties ate all their nerves;
  • The similarity of the kolobok with modern emoticons is also noticeable, but the KGB denies this, just as it denies any other thing, even the fact of its existence;
  • You can’t divide by kolobok just like you can’t divide by zero;
  • It is possible that the bun was not eaten at all, but because of its injuries it hid at the bottom of the ocean, where it became friends with starfish, squirrel and changed his name;
  • A kolobok can be called any human being whose mass exceeds the norm by at least 20%;

All this pure truth or I made it up. Or I didn't invent it. I don’t even remember anymore. It doesn't matter.

How to draw a kolobok with a pencil step by step

Step one. Let's sketch a sketch of the house and a round object on the right.
Step two. Let's draw grandparents in the window.
Step three. Now let’s draw the details of the house, add a smile to the bun, and butterflies are still flying in the foreground.
Step four. Let's add shading and detail the elements of the drawing.
Want more fairy tales? Please.

Amount of children: 22 children

Educator: Tayokina Maria Vladimirovna

Program content:


Teach children to draw a round object and paint over it.

Teach children knowledge primary colors(red, yellow, black)


- educational: develop children's interest in drawing; cultivate independence, perseverance, accuracy.

- technical: teach children to hold and use a brush correctly; teach children to draw, with the tip of the brush and all the bristles; teach children to paint with gouache; teach children to use a jar of water (rinse the brush)

- developing: develop the ability to depict a round shape; develop attention, memory, thinking.

Materials and equipment:

Demo: Toy bun and sample teacher

Dispensing: 0.5 sketchbook sheet, gouache paint (red, yellow, black), brush, jar of water, napkin for washing the brush.

Conditions: the lesson is held in a group room.

Methods and techniques: verbal, gaming, visual, use fiction, show

Preliminary work: examining the toy (kolobok), finger theater(kolobok), reading a fairy tale (kolobok).



Summary of a drawing lesson in the second junior group

On the topic: “Kolobok is rolling along the road”

Amount of children: 22 children

Educator: Tayokina Maria Vladimirovna

Program content:


Teach children to draw a round object and paint over it.

Teach children knowledge of primary colors (red, yellow, black)


Educational:develop children's interest in drawing; cultivate independence, perseverance, accuracy.

Technical: teach children to hold and use a brush correctly; teach children to draw, with the tip of the brush and all the bristles; teach children to paint with gouache; teach children to use a jar of water (rinse the brush)

Educational: develop the ability to depict a round shape; develop attention, memory, thinking.

Materials and equipment:

Demo:Toy bun and sample teacher

Dispensing: 0.5 sketchbook sheet, gouache paint (red, yellow, black), brush, jar of water, napkin for washing the brush.

Conditions: the lesson is held in a group room.

Methods and techniques: verbal, playful, visual, use of fiction, display.

Preliminary work: examining a toy (kolobok), finger theater (kolobok), reading a fairy tale (kolobok).

Progress of the lesson

1 part: duration 2 minutes

Surprise moment.A bun is added to the group.

Guys, look who came to visit us, a ruddy bun.

Part 2: duration 10 minutes

IN: Children, let's take a close look at our kolobok.

What shape is the bun guys?

D: The bun is round.

IN: What color is our bun?

D: Yellow

IN : And what else does our kolobok have?

The eyes are round.

What color are our eyes?

D: black

Guys, do you want to draw a bun? Let's draw a lot of friends for our big bun.

Now guys, let's draw a bun.

Just watch how I draw it first. Take the brush to right hand, with three fingers near the piece of iron. We dip the brush hairs into a jar of water, then blot it on a cloth, then lower the brush into the yellow paint carefully so as not to stain the piece of iron. Place a dot with the tip of the brush and start drawing a large circle from it. It's big and round. Now we paint our kolobok with yellow paint, stroking our kolobok and trying not to go beyond the outline. Let's guys wash our paint brush. We put it in a jar of water and wash the hairs of the brush along the bottom. Now dry the brush on a cloth.

IN: What else is left to draw for our kolobok?

D: eyes and mouth.

IN: well done guys right

We turn our brush over and dip it in black paint with a stick, put two dots, wash the brush again, dip it in red paint and draw a mouth with an inverted brush.

Individual work with children.

I go up to each child with my piece of paper and show it in my place again. If the child still finds it difficult, then you can use the passive demonstration method, i.e. take the child’s hand in your own, but you must try to get the child to draw on his own.

Part 3: duration 3 min.

IN: What a great fellow you all were today! Let's look at our drawings and find who has the roundest bun. Whose is the funniest bun? What color is our bun?

D: Yellow.

Now guys, our kolobok has a lot of friends.

Hi all! Today's lesson will be devoted to drawing famous hero Russians folk tales- Kolobok!

In general, of course, we will avoid giving precise definitions and characteristics, as in our lessons about real-life objects - grapes or mushrooms, otherwise it will turn out that today we are drawing a baked goods product that has intelligence.

This darling, by the way, has his own relatives in folklore Western countries, take, for example, the American Gingerbread Man (I think many have watched the cartoon about Shrek, the Gingerbread Man is there). But we will draw exactly the traditional Russian Kolobok, who left his grandmother and - let's get to it!

Step 1

So, first we will draw a slightly flattened circle. Feeling déjà vu? This is not it at all, it’s just from the same step that we started drawing and.

Step 2

Let's mark the ball. Let's draw a vertical line of facial symmetry and a horizontal line of the eyes. Please note - the vertical line is curved and shifted to our left (this is necessary to convey a slight turn of our hero to the side), but the horizontal line is straight and divides Kolobok exactly in half.

Step 3

In this step we will again use only rounded lines. It is with these lines that we will outline the silhouettes of the eyes, cheeks and nose - let us remind you that the eyes are drawn according to the outline outlined in the previous step horizontal line and are located above it, and the nose, accordingly, below.

Step 4

Now let’s outline the facial features outlined in the last step and draw a cheerfully smiling mouth. Speaking of rounded lines, they are often used in drawing facial features. fat people, if we are talking about cartoon style. Strictly speaking, in such a situation they should generally make up the entire drawing, especially if the character we are drawing has a good character or if we need to convey the cheerful smile of some fabulous fat man.

Step 5

Let's erase the extra guide lines from the previous steps - you will get an almost finished drawn Kolobok.

Step 6

The final stage, which we will begin with drawing the pupils. Pay attention to their position - it should convey the gaze in our direction despite the fact that Kolobok himself is turned around. Then use dashes to draw eyelashes and a couple of wrinkles that are present in order to convey a smiling expression. After that, draw the eyebrows (they look like commas) and lightly draw the mouth.

This was a lesson in which we told you about how to draw Kolobok from a fairytale. I hope it worked for every artist - but if suddenly your result differs from what you would like to see, track down which step you made a mistake and correct it. This will not be difficult to do, because our lesson turned out to be quite simple - we didn’t even draw a stickman.

The lesson was prepared for you by members of the Drawingforall team, see you again and be healthy!


Art lesson 6th grade

"Illustration of a fairy tale".

Prepared by art teacher Denisova I.A.

MAOU secondary school No. 45


The story can't keep up with the fairy tale

Let's remember the most famous fairy tales. Who are the heroes of these fairy tales?

  • An illustration is a drawing or any image placed in a book.
  • This word comes from the Latin “illustratio” - illumination, visual image.

The true story cannot keep up with the fairy tale.

The illustrations for these fairy tales were done by the artist Evgeny Mikhailovich Rachev. E.M. Rachev is a magician, under whose brush a fairy tale comes to life. You look and look at these hares, foxes, bears, and you just can’t get enough of them. The heroes of Rachev’s drawings are “dressed” like people, in human clothes, so the artist wants to show what kind of fairy tale plot And fairy-tale images hiding real life. Rachev's color drawings are colorful and decorative. The artist worked in watercolors, which he laid in a thin transparent layer, gouache and charcoal.


Yuri Alekseevich

One of the famous illustrators is Yuri Mikhailovich Vasnetsov. More than one generation of young readers has grown up with Vasnetsov’s bright, entertaining drawings. His heroes are a brave rooster, a timid hare, a funny kid, a clumsy and good-natured bear, a cheerful cat, an evil wolf and a tricky fox.

A fairy tale is a fold, a song is a reality.

All of Vasnetsov’s illustrations are distinguished by the brightness of their colors. Vasnetsov worked very hard, drawing his favorite fairy tales many times. He studied in our city (Petrograd), in search of income, the young artist began working in the children's and youth literature State Publishing House, where he found himself illustrating children's books.

How does the artist show fabulousness?

"Kolobok" with eyes

other artists

Look how contemporary artists depict the heroes of a fairy tale.

Artist V. A. Zhigarev

How did the artists show that “Kolobok” is a Russian folk tale?

Artists A. and N. Baljac

Drawing the sky

watercolor on wet


Sunrise Sunset




Drawing bushes

watercolor by dipping the brush

Drawing trees

"dipping" the brush

Drawing trees



bristle brush

Drawing a birch tree

“trampling” with a piece of foam rubber

tip cotton wool sticks

Drawing Christmas trees

“dipping” the brush in a “wave”

“dipping” the brush with a “fan”

Drawing a stump

Practical work

Let's look at how to draw a kolobok on a stump with a pencil step by step from the fairy tale Kolobok is a character in a Russian folk tale, a round-shaped bread that ran away from his grandfather and woman. Along the way he met animals and sang a song, they didn’t touch him, but he doesn’t know how cunning the fox is and succumbed to her tricks and was eaten

First we draw an oval, this will be the top of the stump. In perspective we see it as an oval, and if viewed from above, it is a circle. Draw lines from the oval on the sides and on the stump itself, the head of the bun, i.e. circle. To make the circle even, you can take something round ,

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