Online fortune telling for the road. Online fortune telling for the road Description of the card and its internal meaning

This map combines two plots. It promises deep love experiences, but shows that such a step presupposes a choice: abandonment of the previous way of life (parental home, freedom and easy affairs) and a transition to a new stage, the stage of the consciousness of Love. Only true awareness of it opens the powerful information field that the Lovers card contains. That’s why it used to be called “Choice”. It can also mean some other situation of choice, not necessarily related to love. Then it means that we will have to make a choice one way or another, decisively and irrevocably, without leaving ourselves any loopholes. Which of the two plots appears before us in this case depends on the meaning of the question asked. However, in any case, this is a resounding and definite “Yes”.


Here, too, a situation of choice arises. This card says that the time has come to analyze all the circumstances in order to finally decide on something definite, since our further steps and our entire line of behavior depend on this. This could be choosing a new direction in work, changing its location, or moving to a new range of tasks, to some new project, and so on. However, there may not be anything new, and then the card only means that we should get rid of illusions and prejudices and learn to have a new attitude towards our current work.


“Lovers” shows that we begin to realize our capabilities, realizing that truly deep and extremely important knowledge will be revealed to us only if we firmly adhere to the choice once made, consciously abandoning everything else. From here it is clear that the so-called “multiple-choice-society” (a society where everyone is given many chances) in fact provides people with only the opportunity for colossal self-deception: they believe that the chance at any moment to “change their mind”, to re-decide everything again will allow them to be more confident grab the bird of happiness, and do not know how to be satisfied with what has been achieved, because they always hope to find something better. And the disappointment that can be seen on their faces is not at all because their “most important” opportunity never came their way. And because all their lives they lacked the courage and will to at least once make a certain choice, and it passed in a useless expectation of this “main thing”, they did not want to expend their strength or feelings on anything else. Only by deciding on a conscious, uncompromising choice and then, without retreating from it, do we open the path to true, deep happiness.

Personal relationships and love

Love that illuminates our whole life and changes it in many ways. It has little to do with falling in love, which, as Erich Fromm aptly notes, at best is only a measure of our previous loneliness. The card can indicate both the emergence of a new union, and the fact that we can and should find our happiness in the current union, precisely Here and Now. And, since it also contains the important theme of “choice,” this means that the sources of happiness and joy will open to us only when we voluntarily “give up” something and decide with all our hearts that we will continue to move through life with this very thing human. It is clear that, having met the “girl of your dreams” or a fairy-tale prince, anyone would be ready to take such a step even now. However, it’s time to put an end to this self-deception and understand that no one has stored such ideals for us anywhere, at least in a ready-made form, but it is possible that this ideal is hiding somewhere in the depths of our partner’s soul, hoping and expecting that we will find it and let it come true. This is why the path that leads one person to another is called “choice.”

Inner meaning

You are facing an important choice that will affect your future life. You have to decide, as wisely as possible, what you are going to do. And whatever the choice, you need to combine all your strengths to achieve success.

The Allegory of Lovers - the union of opposites - is depicted here as a man and a woman, and the mystical connection between them is like a spirit. This is an allegory of romantic love, ideal friendship or other closeness between two people, especially if there is some barrier between them that these two souls must or want to overcome in order to merge. In this case, it is mutual obligations that are the necessary element that connects those whose lives must flow together.

But there are other types of "marriage" and other types of opposites that need reconciliation. As an allegory for your spiritual development, the Lovers tarot card symbolizes the union of opposites within yourself. Each of us has positive and negative qualities. And among them there are those that we accept and those that we would prefer to get rid of. In other words, there are qualities that we do not even want to admit to ourselves.

The Lovers Tarot card encourages you to explore and reconcile the opposites within yourself, rather than trying to remove or change them. By understanding and reconciling both sides of your nature, you will become one, not in conflict with yourself. And because the task is difficult, it requires commitment from you to achieve your goal.

Opposites are not necessarily good and evil. Opposite traits in yourself, or in another person with whom you are trying to establish a connection, are mirror images of each other, mutual complement and support. Here we need to achieve the unity of these opposites, make them work together, overcome conflicts and create a whole that is greater than the sum of its parts. This is the Lovers tarot card lesson.

The reward for reconciling irreconcilable elements within yourself is an increase in your own strength and will. You no longer need to waste time and energy on struggle - always useless! - with those qualities in yourself or others that irritate you. Instead, combine them within yourself and use them to increase your own power over situations and events.

Combinations with other cards


Empress: sexual contentment, pleasure

9 of Cups: sexual pleasure

2 cups: union, marriage, connection

10 of Pentacles: long-term alliances, family ties


Priest: Stable Beliefs

5 of Cups: relationship collapse

3 of swords: alienation, distance

Hermit: loneliness, isolation, decreased sexuality


Twins. The need for communication, energy and information exchange. The state of consciousness is “mathematics,” calculation and choice of various life options and situations. Letter Zain. Hieroglyph Sword. Movement. Left leg. Orange color. Clean. Angelic rank seventh - Beginnings. Through their service, hosts produce plants and everything that exists in the plant kingdom. His attribute Nitzah is victory or justice. Number 7.

Receptivity to suggestion, intuition, intelligence, clairvoyance, childishness, frivolity, thoughtfulness, isolation from practical reflection, indecisiveness, internal contradiction, superficial connections with others, instability, inconsistency, triviality. An important choice. Love. Beauty. Inducement. Pulse. Harmony. Motivation.

Reversed: Separation. Failure in love and marriage. Refusal to take the test. Wrong choice.


Hayo Bantzhava and Brigitte Theler “Aleister Crowley's Tarot of Thoth. Keywords".

Description of the lasso

What we call love is actually a whole spectrum of relationships that connect heaven and earth. At its most earthly level, love is sexual attraction. Many people stop there because conditioning has burdened our sexuality with all sorts of expectations and repressions. Indeed, the most important "problem" with sexual love is that it always passes. Only if we accept this fact, then can we celebrate it for what it is—welcome it when it happens, and say goodbye with gratitude when it passes. Then, as we mature, we can begin to experience love that goes beyond sexuality and respects the unique individuality of the other person.

Straight position

We begin to realize that our partner often acts as a mirror, reflecting unseen aspects of our deeper selves and helping us become more whole. This love is based on freedom, not on expectation or need. Her wings carry us higher and higher towards the universal love that experiences all as one.

The meaning of the card

You need to remember three things: the lowest love is sex, it is physical, and the purest love is compassion. Sex is lower than love, compassion is higher than love. Love is exactly in the middle. Very few people know what love is. Ninety-nine percent of people unfortunately think that sexuality is love, but it is not. Sexuality is very animal, it undoubtedly has the opportunity to develop into love, but this is not real love, but only a possibility. If you become aware and become alert and meditative, then sex can be transformed into love. And if your meditativeness becomes complete, absolute, love can turn into compassion. Sex is the seed, love is the flower, compassion is the fragrance. The Buddha defined compassion as "love plus meditation." When your love is not just the desire of another, when your love is not just a need, when your love is participation, when your love is not a beggar, but an emperor, when it does not ask for anything in return, but is only ready to give - to give for the sake of the pure joy of giving - then add meditation to this and you will get a pure aroma. This is compassion; compassion is the highest phenomenon. (Osho)

A beardless youth with a bare head flaunts next to a young maiden with golden hair. Both of them are depicted standing before a priest, who looks on as they exchange their vows. Cupid's arrow is aimed at them. Lovers embody everything that is an integral part of a love connection and intimacy between people. This design on the card has a clear reference to marriage and friendship, although some earlier versions offer a symbolic representation of a person standing between virtue and vice, from which he must make his final choice. The sun in the heights gives its warmth to the creatures below and serves as a source of wisdom and creation. Cupid represents the beginning of life, and the figures represent truth, honor and love for each other. This card symbolizes great empathy, warmth, need for each other and devotion and offers us an emotional experience whose meaning can be interpreted in many ways. But even in love relationships, even such deep and beautiful ones, there is always the danger of possible deception due to blindness that does not allow one to see reality, and therefore it is suggested to be careful.

Meaning in fortune telling

Love. Beauty. Perfection. Harmony. Unanimity. Difficulties have been overcome. Faith. Confidence. Honor. The beginning of a possible love relationship. Infatuation. Deep feeling. Tendency to optimism. Neglect of possible consequences. The ability to give yourself free rein. Freedom of feelings. The need to be tested or tempted. The struggle between spiritual and carnal love. Possible test. Studying. Reflection. Desire. Temptation. Possible difficulties. A person with deep feelings and problems with a friend or relative. A love affair with significant consequences.

Reversed meaning

Failure to pass the test. Insufficient reliability. Parting. Disappointment in love and marriage. Interference by others. Impermanence. Unreliability. Unwise plans.

Lovers, sometimes Beloved.
In the modern Tarot, the card depicts a naked man and woman, Adam and Eve, in the Garden of Eden. An Angel hovers above them, extending his hands in a blessing gesture. Behind Eve is the Tree of Knowledge, behind Adam is the Tree of Life. Lovers is the first card on which the dualism of the previous ones is overcome: nothing separates the figures depicted on it, the opposites are united. But Eve’s gaze is directed at the angel symbolizing this unity, while Adam’s gaze is directed at Eve: he is able to realize this unity only through her.
Sometimes this card also depicts a serpent as a symbol of temptation.

Meaning of the card:
Don't be afraid of temptations - you can't avoid them anyway. Accept the apple that Eve gives you, for love is the only power that can heal you from your suffering. Fall in love - and you will see how everything has changed around: the colors have become brighter, the air is cleaner, and people are kinder. Perhaps this time for the first time you will get to know another person so deeply that your troubles and feelings will concern you less than his feelings and troubles. Give your mind a rest; be in the power of feeling.
In fortune-telling practice, Lovers most often mean “friendship and love,” that is, the beginning of a new strong feeling or the preservation and strengthening of an old one, stability of feelings, good relationships between people.
However, love is not only stability, but also temptation: the serpent descending from the Tree of Knowledge warns that on our further path through the cards of the Major Arcana, the Devil card awaits us. It is not for nothing that in the old days the Lovers card was called Bifurcatio - “crossroads, fork in the road”, and in the Egyptian Tarot it is called Two Paths.
That is why in the Marseilles and some other versions of the Tarot, especially the ancient ones, the Lovers card depicts not two, but three human figures - one young man and two girls. One of the girls personifies purity and innocence, and she is usually a blonde, while the other is portrayed as a kind of broken brunette seductress. And, according to the plot, the young man makes a mistake, since he is clearly attracted to a brunette, whereas he should love a blonde.
Therefore, those who have three lovers in the deck on this card should take into account the obvious presence in it of a motive of betrayal or at least a love triangle (even in a straight position). Those who have two figures on their Lovers card should take this motif into account only when it is inverted (or in combination with other cards of a negative nature).
If they ask about the outcome of a planned or already started business, then Lovers mean success and stability, maintaining the status quo. However, stability is not always good: active, risk-taking natures, in a situation of choice, would rather prefer the Devil card (XV), which promises change. What these changes will be is unknown, but risk, as we know, is a noble cause.
For people following the esoteric path, Lovers have the meaning of Dedication, initiation, transition to a new stage of spiritual development.

The Lovers card can mean some deterioration in relations in a union of partners, sometimes (but not always) adultery; in business relationships there are also problems. But this is temporary, and it is still quite possible to restore good relations.
For esotericists - false initiation or unwillingness to move to the next level.

For businessmen:
Advice: by any means, enter the highest control body of your industry, otherwise he will achieve nothing and go bankrupt in two or three years.

Any decision related to our relationship has its downside.

The Beloved card symbolizes the difficulties of choice - especially in love.

Choice. Sacrifice. Relationship test.

The Beloved card often depicts a young man facing a dilemma between two women. The Judgment of Paris is often associated with this card: in ancient Greek myth, Paris had to judge which of the three goddesses was the most beautiful; As a result, his choice was the cause of the Trojan War. The example of Paris warns us of the dangers, pitfalls, and possible consequences of our choices. After all, our choice is not always associated with romance and love, but, nevertheless, it can be of great importance to us.

This card is associated with the number "6" - a symbol of harmony.


Sooner or later, each of us is faced with situations where we must make an important choice. Often our decision to enter into any relationship with other people is associated with an attempt to find harmony in our feelings and character traits, balancing them with the help of similar characteristics of another person, as well as with the desire to understand ourselves through another person. Some of our qualities, which we deny, suppress, or simply are not aware of, are often reflected in our partners, like in a mirror. Through this reflection, we learn about previously unknown aspects of our nature and have the chance to adjust them properly to become more whole and complete people. With increased self-awareness, we can make our decisions more responsibly. Beloved ones warn us not to make our choices too easily, as we often do not realize the risks we are taking. Difficulties increase if we do not have sufficient motivation in favor of a particular choice when making decisions. Sometimes this card suggests a choice between spirituality and sensual passion, or between reason and intuition. Once our decision is made, our lives will change irrevocably.


When you receive the Beloved card, your ability to choose will likely be tested. You may be expecting a new acquaintance, or you may have to make an important decision about an existing relationship. You may have doubts about your feelings or commitments, or you may have to choose between love and passion or security and constancy. One half of your “I” will listen to the voice of the heart, the other - the mind. You feel torn apart by doubts about what decision you should make. When making one decision, we will inevitably have to sacrifice something that seems no less important and attractive to us. You will need to carefully weigh the pros and cons before making your final decision. The positive meaning of this card is that by facing the challenges and contradictions inherent in any relationship, you will ultimately be able to understand yourself better.

There is nothing indifferent and inert in nature.

Eliphas Levi

Description of the card and its internal meaning
In the life of every person, sooner or later there comes a time when he meets Mrs. Love. After all, it is so inherent in Nature that everything living on earth should feel this feeling. God has provided that this world rests on several Forces, as the ancients believed - on three pillars, one of which is Love.

The Lovers card describes the trembling moment of meeting your soul mate, the one you have been looking for for a long time, perhaps your entire life. In parallel with this, you have a certain share of responsibility for the future of this feeling, because how you can fan the flame of love from a spark and maintain it depends not so much on the circumstances, but on you and your partner.

The sixth Arcana can be compared to the third Arcana, just as the High Priestess and High Priest cards are compared. If the Empress speaks about the life of the Divine in herself, then the Lovers speak about Heavenly Nature, about the existence of the Divine outside the One Nature. This Heavenly Nature is the Kingdom of the Spirit and is similar to the Divine Nature, but still differs from it, therefore the sixth Arcanum is different from the third Arcanum.

At the same time, the Lovers card is an expression of the totality of multifaceted aspects of the Divine and is the last stage of Primary Divine Creativity. The cards following the sixth Arcana, according to the Book of Thoth Tarot, will tell about the break of the universal Adam with the One Deity.

The allegory of the Lovers card - a union of opposites - is depicted as a man and a woman, and the mystical connection between them is similar to the Spirit. It is a symbol of romantic love, ideal friendship or other connection, especially if there is a barrier between people that the two souls must overcome in order to merge.

As an allegory of spiritual development, the sixth Arcana symbolizes the union of opposites within ourselves.

Connection of the card with other occult sciences
According to ancient sources, the connection of the sixth Arcana with other mystical teachings can be expressed as follows:

(vav) - He reveals his true teaching to pure hearts,
Letter - E/E, number - 6,
Ruled by the sign - Gemini,
Correspondence according to the Book of Changes - 8th hexagram ("Unity"),
Correspondence to runes - rune Gebo (Gebo),
Time of day - night,
Weather conditions - cloudy,
The corresponding color is pink,
The corresponding chakras are Svadhisthana Bhuvar, Anahata Maha (sacred chakra and heart chakra),
According to Kabbalah, it connects the sephira of Bina with the sephira of Tiphareth.

Card meaning
Straight position
The Sixth Arcana personifies a couple of people in love with each other who have to make a choice of the greatest importance. Perhaps the future of their relationship will depend on this choice.

If this card tells about the situation, then you can hope to meet your Destiny, with your “soul mate”, you can count on marriage, harmony, love and mutual understanding. In addition, the Lovers card has the following meanings: the necessity and possibility of choosing “to your liking”, guided not by reason, but by intuition; Union; success; successful resolution of the current problem; union; cooperation.

Inverted position
In this case, the sixth Arcanum describes a group of people whose interests run counter to the interests of the Questioner.

If it comes to the situation, then the Lovers card in an inverted position warns of a wrong choice, difficulties in determining this choice, quarrels, collapses of love plans, the loss of a loved one, an insoluble situation, and conflicts with oneself. A business or love union may fall apart due to the intervention of a third party.

The advice goes like this: “You have to make a choice that can be called a test of your will. You may be driven by a feeling that pushes you to make concessions that would otherwise be unthinkable. Remember that indecision can be more harmful than the wrong choice. Here it is appropriate to recall the words of Hermes: “Go forward or retreat, but do not stand still indecisively. Know that a chain of flowers is more difficult to break than a chain of iron."

This card celebrates love and partnership and its ability to lift you into heaven of delight, happiness and the purest joy of existence. At the top of the picture is the Archangel Raphael. The archangel's arms are extended over the man and woman. This shows that a sense of inner integrity is possible only by combining the active, active (traditionally masculine) side of your personality and the side that preserves, cares, and participates in someone else’s action (traditionally feminine). Thus, the map reflects a person’s awareness of himself as an individual, and this is the first step on the path of Enlightenment. Lovers is also a card of temptation or choice: a choice between two ways of life or two people. There may be confusion of feelings, conflicting emotions, so you need to consider all the pros and cons and not miss anything.

Questions to ask yourself when drawing Lovers
  • Do you have a new love interest in your life?
  • Do you have to make some choice?
  • Did you know that you cannot love another person until you love yourself?
  • Are you using the traditionally “masculine” and traditionally “feminine” characteristics of your personality correctly? Are these parties in agreement?
  • Is someone or something tearing you apart?
  • Why do you feel like the wrong person? What helps you be at peace with yourself?
Key Ideas

Take action, use your talents, find the best possible use for them. You won't love anyone until you can respect and love yourself.


Direct Card: A new friend will come into your life, coming from a different religious or cultural background. Rejoice at this - friendship will enrich you and give you new strength.

Reversed Card: You do not want to deal with people whose views differ from yours. Get rid of prejudices, they limit you too much.


Direct Card: You will discover that two completely different subjects (for example, music and mathematics, or science and religion) have much more in common than you previously thought. This discovery will help you understand both subjects better.

Reversed card: If you hide from everything, you will not understand anything, and you will never really learn anything. Have the courage to explore the world and make mistakes (yes, you will have to make mistakes). This is the only way to learn and develop if you are human.


Direct Card: You are very passionate about another person. Find out more about him before you rush into a relationship.

Reversed: Misunderstandings and jealousy threaten to destroy very important relationships. Someone "ex" may reappear on the horizon.


Direct Card: Adults close to you will experience a renewed love for each other, or one of them will meet a new partner. Be happy for them.

Reversed: Close adults are forcing you to choose which side you're on. Try your best to avoid this and remain neutral. If you take sides, the “return” of that choice will seriously hurt you.


Direct Card: You are eager to experience many new things. It doesn’t matter how you show yourself, whether you succeed in what you undertake or not, your enthusiasm will be noticed and generously rewarded.

Reversed card: You act in old ways, follow familiar roads. On them you will not meet all the good things that await you on a new, unknown path. Make up your mind!


Direct card: You do not need advice. You know you look good.

Reversed card: You can’t let caring about your appearance take up so much time. An affair with a mirror always ends in disappointment.


Direct card: You will find a new way to earn money, it will turn out to be very profitable and also an enjoyable process for you.

Reversed Card: Do you feel like you've somehow overspent on your friends or your crush? Love can not be bought. People should love you not for what you buy them, but for the kind of person you are.

Fortune telling in half a minute

Gabriela was lost in love with a guy who was more interested in baseball than the girl he was in love with. She tried everything that could attract his attention, but to no avail. She sent the guy a letter in which she wrote how much she liked him. Unfortunately, some of his friends also read the letter - Gabriela had difficulty recovering from shame when she found out about it. She couldn't believe he was still talking to her. The lovers showed that for the guy this situation is more flattering than awkward, and if she gives up her efforts for a while, the object of love will reach out to her and become her (at least) friend. The card also said that Gabriela needs to love herself and then enter into a relationship.


Thought form: Choice.
Number: six.
Hebrew letter: vav.
Green color.
Stone: emerald.
Astrological analogy: Taurus, Venus in Virgo.
Another name: "Two Ways".


The two names of this Arcana do not contradict each other at all, as it may seem. After all, love is, first of all, a choice, a choice that our heart makes, and any choice made only by the mind and contrary to the heart will not bring happiness.

On the bright green field of the map we see four figures at once. The two girls froze in front of the young man. He has not yet said goodbye to the lock of youth and, out of childhood habit, thoughtfully pulls his finger to his mouth. The cat goddess Bast supports and blesses the young man. The color of the card - the color of the first foliage and grass - clearly speaks of youth. And it is also the color of hope. After all, we always fall in love, as if for the first time, and every choice is difficult when you make it for the first time. And all this is necessarily fueled by hope.

Both girls who appear before the boy are beautiful, and both paths between which they offer a choice are very tempting. A girl in a red dress with bare breasts and a sistroum in her hands promises all the joys of earthly life. A beauty in modest blue clothes holds a papyrus scroll in her hands and offers the happiness of knowledge and the joy of spiritual life. This card does not offer a choice between good and evil. What is good for one may be disastrous for another. But a choice must be made. And it will be only your own choice. That is why the young man on this map is accompanied not by the strict Maat or the formidable Sekhmet, but by the cat goddess Bast.

Mythological dossier

Bast in Ancient Egypt was considered the goddess of love, joy and fun. Her sacred animal was a cat, and Bast was always depicted as a woman with a cat's head. The character of a cat is well known to everyone. She is affectionate and playful, she will fulfill your request if she wants, but never an order. The cat sees perfectly day and night and is said to be capable of clairvoyance. And the cat never misses. The bird that Baet releases into the wild speaks of freedom of choice and responsibility for the choice made, because you cannot catch a bird that has flown out.

Temptation can lead you astray. The right choice will bring happiness and success. The sixth Arcanum tells us about free will and the eternal need for choice, about finding a balance between freedom and necessity.

Value in the layout
In a straight position

The card foretells a period full of love and harmony, it means an emotional heartfelt connection, as well as the appearance of someone in your life who will complement you in a good way. In connection with good cards, it can mean a family or partnership connection. Sometimes sweet friendly meetings and connections full of mutual joy. Also indicates excellent health. But don't relax! This Arcanum sometimes foreshadows the inevitability of a choice that you will have to make in the near future and which will largely determine your future life.

Advice. When making a decision, think about the reasons for it! Your own desire or the fact that this is exactly what others expect or want from you?

In an inverted position

The card means separation or collapse of love plans, a conflict that is not resolved, lack of stability, uncertainty about the future, quarrels, separation or divorce. In the sphere of the psyche, he speaks of contradictions, conflict with oneself. Perhaps the choice is limited or has already been made and all that remains is to trust in fate. Making the wrong decision is also possible. It may also be that because of fear, doubt and disagreement, you are unable to make the decisions that need to be made. You are tormented by your indecision.

Advice. In this situation, you still have to make a choice! Remember that sometimes it is better to make a mistake than to do nothing.

The Allegory of Lovers - a union of opposites - is depicted as a man and a woman, and the mystical connection between them is like a spirit.

The Lovers correspond to the number six and the Hebrew letter vav.


Union of opposites, mutual obligations.


Apart from supernatural figures (angels, etc.), in some decks the card depicts only two young lovers, clothed or naked. Other decks feature a third person either observing or somehow influencing the outcome of their merge. In some medieval decks, this third person is an old man. He is either an observer or a father figure to whom the young couple expresses themselves. In Egyptian decks the trio consists of a young man and two young women, between whom he must clearly choose.

In decks with three human figures, there is a winged figure leaning over them from the clouds and pointing arrows at the woman (or one of two young women).

In decks with two young lovers, there is a supernatural force above them, a winged angel extending his hands in blessing. The choice they have to make is shown in another way (for example, in the Waite deck, Adam and Eve are depicted standing, respectively, at the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil and the Tree of Life).

The need for choice is as much a part of the allegory of this card as the union of two young lovers.

Inner meaning

The Allegory of Lovers - the union of opposites - is depicted here as a man and a woman, and the mystical connection between them is like a spirit. This is an allegory of romantic love, ideal friendship or other closeness between two people, especially if there is some barrier between them that these two souls must or want to overcome in order to merge. In this case, it is mutual obligations that are the necessary element that connects those whose lives must flow together.

But there are other types of "marriage" and other types of opposites that need reconciliation. As an allegory for your spiritual development, The Lovers symbolize the union of opposites within yourself. Each of us has positive and negative qualities. And among them there are those that we accept and those that we would prefer to get rid of. In other words, there are qualities that we do not even want to admit to ourselves.

Lovers encourage you to explore and reconcile the opposites within yourself rather than try to remove or change them. By understanding and reconciling both sides of your nature, you will become one, not in conflict with yourself. And because the task is difficult, it requires commitment from you to achieve your goal.

You have to do more than just acknowledge that there are different traits. You need to understand that even those traits that you disapprove of are necessary for continued growth.

Opposites are not necessarily good and evil. Opposite traits in yourself, or in another person with whom you are trying to establish a connection, are mirror images of each other, mutual complement and support. Here we need to achieve the unity of these opposites, make them work together, overcome conflicts and create a whole that is greater than the sum of its parts.

The reward for reconciling irreconcilable elements within yourself is an increase in your own strength and will. You no longer need to waste time and energy on struggle - always useless! - with those qualities in yourself or others that irritate you. Instead, combine them within yourself and use them to increase your own power over situations and events.

Value in the layout

Direct or positive: affection, love, harmonious problem solving, alliance, Cooperation. Wise decisions: the right choice (between two equally worthy goals); a possible struggle, but with a happy outcome.

Reversed or negative: failure, conflict, division, immature plans, disappointment. Unrealistic goals. Bad choice. Misfortune.

If the High Priest card suggests that your best path is developing your own will rather than submitting to the demands of others, then the Lovers reminds you that these other people or forces have elements or traits that you need to survive and grow. If this card represents the Questioner, then you (alone in two persons) are faced with an important choice that will affect his entire future life. The lovers must decide, as wisely as possible, what they are going to do. And whatever the choice, you need to join forces to achieve success.

This card shows how the moral responsibility taught by the Hierophant applies to human relationships. In this card you can work on relationships of any kind: with family, with friends, with colleagues, with lovers, with Spirit, and also with various aspects of your own self. Lovers often point out the connection between the cards that are located on either side of them and which will thereby attract or balance each other. Often they indicate that you will be involved in some kind of alliance or that the situation will require joint action or other cooperation. There is a possibility of romantic love or sexual intercourse. Perhaps someone in your immediate environment influences the way you think or the decisions you make.

In the Golden Dawn tradition, the Lovers corresponded astrologically to the sign of Gemini and therefore to communication of any kind. Since family therapists usually start with communication skills, this may be your central concern right now. You need to communicate with other people, exchange thoughts and opinions with them, using symbolic language and direct experience. The card of the Waite-Smith deck shows two naked figures: this means that you want to open up and be accepted for who you really are, without hiding anything or hiding anything. Love frees you from the shackles of guilt. Maybe you need to reconcile and balance some opposites within yourself. You are looking for some more comprehensive point of view that will help you combine or bring to a common denominator all the options at your disposal. Or perhaps you are not striving for a physical union at all, but for a spiritual union. Your self-esteem and sense of self-importance are reflected in how your partner treats you. Think about what you love most and who or what you choose as your most important object at this stage of life.

The picture of the Garden of Eden, present in the card of the Waite-Smith deck, shows us Eve making the decision to eat from the tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil - so your choice, whatever it may be, serves as a source of knowledge and life experience. In old decks, this Arcanum shows the choice between two paths and between vice and virtue. You may be facing a test of maturity that will require both insight and the ability to discern more subtle nuances. The picture also shows Cupid stringing his bow, which symbolizes passionate love or infatuation that can put you at the mercy of unconscious desires.

Traditional meanings: desires, feelings, aspirations. Passion, attraction, love. Youth, innocence, beauty, perfection. Tests, temptations, trials. Balance between forces. Harmony. Unanimity, agreement. Faith, trust. Wise choice. Self-determination. Responsibility.

Reversed Lovers

Reversed Lovers show a union on a non-physical level, a spiritual rather than a physical fusion. Sometimes it is a marriage made in heaven, a marriage between the purest kindred souls, which on earth is hampered by completely material circumstances. You may idealize the other person (especially if he is absent) or even the very idea of ​​​​a relationship with him.

There is a possibility that you have a problematic, disharmonious, immature or unhealthy relationship, the specifics of which may be revealed by the cards located on either side of the Lovers. Perhaps you have certain communication problems or you don’t know which side to approach the person from. Disagreement and misunderstanding can be a source of confusion and conflict. On the other hand, this card may indicate that you have no relationship on the horizon at all, or that a potential contact has failed.

In terms of romantic feelings, this means that you may be seduced, or you yourself may seduce another without love. It can also be unrequited, non-reciprocal love. Sometimes reversed Lovers speak of sexual frustration or incompatibility. You suffer from jealousy, envy or possessiveness. In rare cases, it is "fatal attraction" and stalking. Another meaning of this card is connivance, self-indulgence, unbridled pleasure, lust and hedonism. Your partner may be overly controlling, or you may both be fighting for dominance. An alliance with him can suppress your individuality. Or you just need some personal space - right now.

You may lack foresight and repeatedly make poor choices that lead to regret and guilt, especially if the situation affects someone else. Sometimes the card indicates difficulties in choosing or attempts to delay the next step, which will inevitably result in an ultimatum. The conflict between your commitment to another person and the demands of your Higher Self can put you in a bind. You may be afraid of separation, even if you know it is temporary. If this is confirmed by other cards, we can talk about mistrust or deception, quarrels or infidelity. Sometimes reversed Lovers indicate a breakup, separation or divorce. You feel distant from your partner and don't know how to rekindle your relationship.

Reversed Lovers indicate that psychological projections are involved, as well as the need to see oneself through someone else's eyes. However, if you are consciously engaged in the integration of your own psyche, this card may indicate a balance between your inner masculine and feminine principles, or the active work that they are both doing in the subtle world.

In shamanic and magical terms, this can be the “Great Rite” or “Sacred Marriage”, through which male and female powers are ritually combined. This card also sometimes reflects your relationship with a daimon, a dream lover, or some other significant interaction on the inner planes.

Traditional Reversed Meanings: failure. Ill-conceived and unwise plans. You have not been verified. Contradictions. Doubt, indecision, confusion. Insubordination. Intervention. Seduction. Sexual harassment or other misconduct. Temptation, weakness. Lack of trust, loss of illusions. Immaturity. Parting.

Astrological meaning:
Venus/Jupiter as an expression of great love.
This map combines two plots. It promises deep love experiences, but shows that such a step presupposes a choice: abandonment of the previous way of life (parental home, freedom and easy affairs) and a transition to a new stage, the stage of the consciousness of Love. Only true awareness of it opens the powerful information field that the Lovers card contains. That's why it was called "Choice" before. It can also mean some other situation of choice, not necessarily related to love. Then it means that we will have to make a choice one way or another, decisively and irrevocably, without leaving ourselves any loopholes. Which of the two plots appears before us in this case depends on the meaning of the question asked. However, in any case, it is a resounding and definite “Yes”.

Fortune telling for the road will tell you everything about your trip, journey, wanderings. This travel tarot spread will be useful if you are going on a tour to other countries or cities, just decided to relax away from home, visit old friends, or are going on a business trip, but would like to clarify what awaits you along the way, what will happen at your destination, whether the purpose of the trip will be realized.

1. Beginnings that exist now. Your inner mood for the trip: 2. External influences and formalities (for example, visas): 3. How will the trip go? Events on the way. 4. What should you expect when you arrive at your destination? 5. Will your plans and hopes for the trip come true? 6. Result of the trip:

  • The beginnings that exist now. Your inner mood for the trip.
  • External influences and formalities (for example, visa processing).
  • How will the trip go? Events on the way.
  • What should you expect when you arrive at your destination?
  • Will your plans and hopes for the trip come true?
  • The result of the trip.

Click on the cards to fill out the layout

Click on the cards to find out the meaning

Interpretation of fortune telling

The Journey spread is a simplified and more convenient version of other, more cumbersome tarot spreads. Essentially, it answers all the most important questions: no matter where you are going and for what purpose, you will still get the information you need:

1. Your inner attitude.

2. External circumstances (visa processing, for example).

These two points will show whether there are obstacles in your path or whether it is open. It is clear that depending on your position, you look at where the cause of the obstacles is: yourself or external factors.

3. Events along the way. The map will tell you how the trip will go.

4. What awaits you when you arrive at your destination.

5. Will you get what you want from this road.

6. The result or effect of your journey.

Many interesting stories in our lives are connected with roads. Deep down, each of us desires adventure, to experience interesting, exciting moments along the way: meeting an unusual travel companion, mixing up suitcases, ending up in a five-star instead of a three-star hotel, etc. :-))

This is an interesting association test: Take a couple of deep breaths, close your eyes and imagine a road or path somewhere.

Introduced? Now pay attention to what kind of road this is, what landscapes there are, where this path leads, what the road is paved with, etc., how do you move and on what, what are you doing on this road?

There's a new addition to my decks section)) I've been looking at this deck for a long time - Lover's Path Tarot.

You know, there are decks that you take and you can immediately work with them - they are made in a single system, which allows you to understand that this is a classic TAROT, made within the framework of one of the 4 main schools of TAROT, perhaps with some nuances, the personal view of the author, but still TAROT. This one is not quite like that).

Each deck creates its own special, unique Atmosphere. The Path of Lovers deck has a very romantic, sensual, tender, steamy atmosphere, sublime yet delicate. Of course, just such a deck is suitable for those romantic, chaste ladies or simply modest women who find the Manara tarot too frank and vulgar.

I have mixed feelings about this deck. The minor arcana are mostly made within the framework of the Waitean system.

But there are still serious differences. I don’t take into account the differences where for 4 swords one knight is resting, and in this deck there are a couple together (although here you can also draw some additional conclusions, whether they are looking in the same direction, in what positions they are..). There are more serious differences here. In the 5 of pentacles, for example, a girl with a child in his arms in winter, wear short sleeves, one against the wind.... I don’t like it at all). In the classic Ryder, at least there is a church with lights in the windows, there is a scarf on her head that wraps her shoulders well, and there is a companion, albeit a lame one. Although in the classic version of tarot this is not the best card). But in matters of relationships clearly will show the situation...

At 6 swords, the girl is alone in a boat and sails straight towards the one who is looking at her, and not towards uncharted shores, beyond which it is not yet known what awaits. The 8 of cups here is also very interesting. Of course, there are also 8 full cups on the card. But TWO figures - a defending man and a girl who is trying to awaken him to go together to a new life. And the man seems to be resisting.

With the Major Arcana it is much more difficult. In addition to the fact that almost all Major Arcana contain COUPLES, for a correct interpretation it would be nice to understand what type of relationship was in the couple drawn on each individual card, and to understand why the artist chose this particular pair to illustrate the energy of the Major Arcana . In itself, such an exercise is very useful, and sometimes nuances emerge that I had never suspected before. That's what happened to me with the MAG in this deck...

In general, for a good understanding with the Path of Lovers deck, additional time is needed, but it is worth it, because in such work (and in the layouts later) you are working with yourself, helping you understand your feminine (or masculine:)) the essence, the type of relationship that you would like in your couple using examples of famous ancient mythological archetypes... and your consultations with clients in the field of relationships will definitely become better.

Is it possible to use this deck to tell fortunes about other questions related to material life, for example? An experienced tarot reader will certainly be able to, but why? Still, this deck is specialized for considering relationships - be it relationships with a partner, with oneself, with a boss, with a mother-in-law, with a child, with a teacher...

Good luck with your discoveries and working decks!

P.S. The size of the deck is not standard, it is “plump”, but you can already tell from the photo. By the way, I like this size too. It's a couple of millimeters larger than the Llewellyn deck, width is the same asTouchstone Tarot, but the latter is longer, just like the Tarot of Dreams...