Chariot meaning in relationships. Chariot - meaning and interpretation of the card

Card name:
Chariot of Hermes. The victorious warrior. Exceptional power. Auriga. Cart.

Clear goal. Movement. The beginning of the path to success. Concentration. Determination. Persistence. Courage. Strength of will. Ambition. Self-control. Thick protective armor. Emotional closedness. Balancing internal conflict. Overcoming obstacles. Mastery. Reaching the top. Victory. Exceptional Power. Success in financial transactions. Transport. Obtaining a driver's license. Buying a car. Good luck in your travels.

Hebrew letter:"ז" (zayn)

Kabbalah: the path connecting the Sephira of Bina with the Sephira of Gevurah.

Astrological meaning:
The ruling sign is Cancer.

Description of the Card:
The card depicts a triumphant figure in battle armor. He is the winner in battles with enemies and in learning the secrets of nature.
A knowledgeable, thoughtful, courageous and inquisitive man, he left everything and set out on a journey, looking for the use of his strengths and not being afraid to take risks. He is protected by heaven.
There is a star above his head.
The shoulders are decorated with crescents. They associate this card with its ruling sign Cancer and symbolize a new beginning.
The charioteer confidently drives a quadrangular chariot harnessed to two sphinxes - symbols of wisdom. The white sphinx means victory and goodness, the bright sides of fate, the black one means evil and defeat.
They slow down traffic. These are irreconcilable forces that symbolize the internal conflicts and contradictions fighting in his soul.
The charioteer must keep them in obedience. There are no reins in his hands, and the sphinxes pulling the chariot behind them are not harnessed to it.
Moving forward depends only on the power of the mind and logic of the Auriga. He travels along the border separating the polarities.
If he gave preference to one of the sides even for a moment, the whole cart would fly off the road and onto the side of the road.

Teresa Francis-Chong, Terry Silvers. "Tarot for Beginners."

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The Chariot is a card of willpower, overcoming difficulties and victorious triumph. You see that the person driving the chariot is completely focused on his action. He knows where he wants to go and strives to get there steadily and decisively. The water in the background shows that everything familiar and well known needs to be organized and left behind in order to continue to grow and develop. It's time to move forward. The driver holds two animals in check - black and white. This is a hint that success and failure are two sides of the same coin, and both are necessary experiences in life. In fact, failure is often more beneficial than success because you can learn so much more from it. In the end, the goal of your life's journey is to know yourself, and this can only be achieved through trial, error and insights gained through trials.

Questions to ask yourself if you get the Chariot
  • What resistance do you need to overcome?
  • Which direction are you heading?
  • Are you trying to move in different directions at the same time?
  • What do you want to achieve?
  • What could you learn from your mistakes?
  • Are you impatient?
Key Ideas
This is a turning point in your life. Nothing about her will ever be the same again.
Direct Card: Thanks to your friends, you gain hope and strength to accomplish what seemed impossible.

Reversed card: Two friends give you two opposing aspirations. You can't be everything to everyone, so it's time to make a decision and establish yourself in one thing. Peer pressure is something that you need to realize and deal with in the near future.

Direct Card: Your focus and determination will be rewarded. Now is not the time to stop. Keep moving and victory will be yours!

Reversed: You tend to spend your study time in friendly chatter or daydreaming. Try to understand why you do this. Once you figure out the reason (perhaps you don't want to study under pressure or are afraid that even trying will not help your progress), you can work on a specific problem and not spread out your efforts.

Direct card: No problems, only if you believe in yourself.

Reversed Card: Are you deceiving yourself? Do you really want to continue this relationship?

Direct card: Now you are a supporting pillar for your family.

Reversed card: There is a tense atmosphere at home. Relations with relatives are strained. Find out why the comfort disappeared. Maybe you are simply using your family to release pent-up internal tension? If you are not aware of what exactly is unbalancing you, then quarrels and frustrations will continue.

Direct Card: You become interested and engaged in something new, and the object of interest can completely change the direction of your life. Enjoy exciting creation and personal development.

Reversed card: You do not want to move forward; movement seems forced to you. Leave the past behind, realize that life does not stand still, and start looking for new interests, new friendships, new passions. It is much easier to stay where everything is comfortable and familiar. But if you break out of your comfort zone, a worthy reward awaits you.

Direct Card: Your self-confidence is unrivaled, and with good reason. No one can resist your charm. Reversed Card: There is a big difference between confidence and arrogance. Confidence is trust in yourself and respect for others. Arrogance is a false opinion about oneself and disdain for people.
Upright Card: The card signifies wealth. You may not have it now, but one day you will become rich, and with wealth will come honor and fame.

Reversed: Worrying about money can prevent you from enjoying it. Remember that money is nothing more than metal and paper. Only the meaning you attach to them can cause feelings of confidence or anxiety.

Fortune telling in half a minute
David was passionate about winning the baseball championship. Chariot indicated that he would help his team win the championship by continuing to train hard and work on self-control. The most important thing in victory or defeat is that David does not identify himself with success or failure, but views both as opportunities to learn something. There is no life without problems. Everyone, even the luckiest person, has their share of troubles and disappointments. Even secret knowledge does not help to avoid failures, but it can teach you how to cope with them.

Annie Lionnet. “Tarot. Practical guide."

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Two sphinxes - white and black - in front of the chariot symbolize the dilemma that the person driving the chariot must resolve.

The driver of the chariot must drive it in such a way as to maintain the golden mean between his conflicting thoughts and feelings.

Conflict. Internal struggle. Ability to make decisions.

This card usually depicts a man driving a chariot pulled in opposite directions by two horses of different colors. The Chariot is associated with the number "7", denoting movement, progress and victory. We can achieve all this, however, only by overcoming certain difficulties and learning to manage the opposing forces fighting for the palm within each of us. The Greek philosopher Plato used the idea of ​​a charioteer and horses as a metaphorical representation of the soul, with the black horse representing its baser instincts and the white horse representing its best and loftiest aspirations.

The horses on this card symbolize the internal conflicts and contradictions fighting in our soul. The role of the chariot driver is also to keep the horses in obedience. Similarly, we must control our mind and feelings in difficult situations. This does not mean that we can achieve complete control, but if we have a strong will, we are able to keep our unconscious impulses and desires in check. The Chariot reflects the power of our unconscious needs and the importance of being able to recognize them and direct them in the right direction. Ultimately, this card encourages us to take the reins and, by understanding the forces driving us, control them without suppressing them, but also without allowing them to get the better of us. By sticking to the golden mean between our feelings, desires and thoughts and not rushing from one extreme to another, we can strengthen our soul in the struggle and stimulate its growth and change for the better. The Chariot reminds us that fighting with energy and composure can become the driving force in our lives and prevent them from becoming stagnant.
When the Chariot appears in a card layout, it means that you have enough energy to achieve your desired goal and fight for what is important to you. You may be involved in a struggle or conflict in life that is very difficult to overcome, but this card shows that you have enough resilience and self-confidence to find the right solution. Your ambition, energy and determination will help you overcome any obstacles. However, when faced with difficulties, you must maintain internal discipline and use common sense. Otherwise, you will have to act in an overly forceful manner just to insist on your own. Whether you are experiencing conflict with yourself or with others, the Chariot shows that you are able to overcome it and that you have the necessary capabilities, skills and self-confidence to do so.

Stuart R. Kaplan. "Classic Tarot. Origin, history, fortune telling."

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The Conqueror, crowned, stands erect in a cubic Chariot, supported by four columns and covered with a luxurious canopy. In his right hand he holds a scepter; he is wearing armor with epaulettes in the form of human faces. On his shoulders are visible the faces of Urim and Thummim, seekers of the Divine will of the Lord with the help of divination.
Meaning in fortune telling
The Victory Chariot is driven by two hot horses, which depict a mixture of anxiety and mental suffering and a combination of positive and negative principles. The horses pulling in different directions force the driver to purposefully control them. The chariot depicts the material currents that carry a person towards his destiny. The Conqueror in the Chariot conquers all who come before him and does everything to achieve victory. Horses have opposing personalities, emphasizing that progress is achieved through careful control of various details.

This card implies troubles and misfortunes that may have already been overcome. Conflicting influence. Mess. Revenge. Success. Possible sea or land travel. Escape. An attempt to hide from reality. Haste in making a decision. Staying on the crest of success or popularity. Confusion. Need for guidance. A call to be attentive to detail. Urgent need to take control of feelings. This card suggests that anyone can achieve greatness when physical and mental strengths are in balance and used effectively. The desire to alternate hard work with periods of productive solitude.

Reversed meaning
The opposite meaning of this card is failure. Defeat. Failure. Losing at the last minute what was almost already in hand. Suddenly collapsed plans. The possibility of being enslaved. Be shocked. Inability to face reality.

P. Scott Hollander. "Tarot for Beginners."

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The chariot symbolizes the ability to curb opposing forces and power.

The Chariot corresponds to the number seven and the Hebrew letter zayin.

Victory. The ability to curb opposing forces through determination and willpower.
The royal man drives the chariot. In most decks he wears battle armor and a crown. There is a canopy above the chariot, so the figure also stands between two columns.

The chariot is driven by two animals, real or mystical - horses, sphinxes, sometimes unicorns or winged horses. In some decks they are painted in opposite colors (white and black). In almost all decks, they seem to be galloping in opposite directions (one to the right, the other to the left), but they are driving the same chariot. This symbolizes the traits of your own nature, say, body and spirit, which May be pulled in different directions, but are moving towards a single goal. Animals symbolize the irreconcilable forces that you humbled and curbed in the previous stage (Sixth Arcana), and now they are carrying you to victory.

The meaning of this card is stronger than Lovers. If the Sixth Arcana depicts a union of obvious opposites, then the Chariot symbolizes the ability to curb opposing forces and power.

Inner meaning
By reconciling the contradictions in yourself to the point where you can manage them, you are able to defeat real enemies.

Just as a war chariot destroys enemy forces, the Tarot Chariot symbolizes victory over all who are against you. There are no elements here (as in the Sixth Arcana) that are hostile to one another; they can be reconciled and made to work together. Here are forces that are hostile to each other by nature: good and evil, positive and negative, truth and lies. In some cases, they may be factors within you, and it is your responsibility to make them work together, even if they are not in agreement. Just as often, these opposing forces represent people or events in your life that are preventing you from achieving your goal.

By drawing strength from the opposites within yourself and making them work together, you are able to recognize your true enemies and use their weaknesses and your strength against them. This is the victory that the Chariot symbolizes. All your enemies have been defeated, all your intentions have come true, nothing stands in the way of success.

The Chariot level is another stage at which it is tempting to remain. In the end, you not only found peace with yourself, but also overcame all obstacles on the way to achieving your ultimate goal. In fact, what you've achieved is important enough to feel like something you're aiming for, or at least something worth pursuing. It is very difficult to convince yourself that if you continue to search, you can achieve even more.

Value in the layout
Direct or positive: conquest. Triumph over enemies, overcoming obstacles. Sometimes revenge. Victory over disagreements; curbing opposing forces. Getting help when you need it.

Reversed or negative: conflicts, war, troubles. Collapse or disharmony. Scandals and quarrels. The enemies or obstacles turned out to be stronger.

The Chariot invites you to use everything you have learned to overcome anyone and anything that gets in the way of achieving your goal. If this card represents the Questioner, then you are ready to crush your enemies, whether you are confident of victory or not. You need to look inside yourself and find strength there.

Mary Greer. "The Complete Book of Reversed Tarot Cards."

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The original game of tarok (or tarokki) symbolically showed a parade of the victory of some principles over others (triumphs) - with the help of just such cards. Now the triumph is yours; Now you are winning and proving your skills. Perhaps you want to gain control over the circumstances of your life. If the previous card was love, then this one is war, or at least aggressive defense of one's interests. Your task is to grow a healthy ego that will propel you towards your destiny, keeping instincts (sphinxes or unicorns) and emotions (moon signs on the charioteer's shoulders) under strict control. For example, you are an ambitious careerist climbing the corporate ladder. You hold the reins - at least in a metaphorical sense. You are motivated to further achieve and improve your professional skills. You control your means of production, hone your skills, and are completely focused on moving towards your goal. You are systematically working to strengthen your career, social position and influence. You can take a fairly aggressive stance on an issue and at the same time feel that conflicting needs or desires are tearing you apart. Like horses pulling a chariot in two different directions. Perhaps you will play the role of a warrior fighting for a common cause, or a representative of your native community. A special business dress code can be something like armor, but on the other hand, it will serve as an unambiguous sign of your professionalism and self-confidence; in addition, it is also a mask, role or subpersonality - whatever - that helps hide your vulnerability. Victory is possible only if the masculine and feminine, the conscious and the unconscious, work in one team. In some cases, this card may speak of military service or competitive sports, where your task is to defeat all opponents and overcome all obstacles.

Much more often the Chariot indicates travel and transportation. Perhaps you are caught up in a fast-moving stream of events - it doesn’t matter in your career or in your personal life, or you are moving to a new place, or going on a trip. You may have to learn new skills in the field of machinery or navigate your way through a complex network of business and financial transactions. Ultimately, this is a test of maturity, inevitable on the path to one or another victory.

Traditional meanings: triumph, victory, power, conquest, control. Overcoming obstacles and failures, progress. Travel, research. Supportive, foresighted, foresighted. War, disputes, unrest, revenge, battles, disturbances. Anger, rage. Injuries. Glory, pride, arrogance, luxury.

Inverted Chariot
The Inverted Chariot illustrates the story of Oedipus, who, meeting an old man in a chariot at a crossroads, kills him. Then the Sphinx asks him a riddle, Oedipus answers it correctly, thereby saving the country, and marries its queen. Subsequently it turns out that the old man was his father, and the queen was his mother. It is from this legend that Freud's "Oedipus complex" originates. Perhaps you are also currently on the path of self-discovery and strive for victory, overcoming all obstacles, but the inverted Chariot asks - at what cost? Some tarot readers believe that the winner depicted on the card is a teenager just beginning his path to mastery and power, and the reversed card thus shows that failure awaits him. You may be overconfident and hasty in action. This card can predict a car accident, problems on the road or while traveling. Perhaps the trip will be postponed or cancelled. It's very easy to get off track these days.

Perhaps conflicts and problems await you, the cause of which lies in conflicting goals and ideas. Held back by opposition or lack of experience, you may feel indecisive or too careless, caught up in a fleeting idea or stalled, moving slowly and uncertainly towards a goal. Your energy is now scattered, or you simply cannot control it. You may act recklessly or disregard the rights and interests of others. At the emotional level, there may be anger, worry, anxiety, sometimes leading to violence. In competitions and disputes, you may face defeat, the reason for which is a lack of energy, vitality, or simply experience. On the other hand, you yourself may be too aggressive or play unfairly. There is a danger of ego hypertrophy and the belief that your goals justify any means to achieve them.

When projecting the inverted Chariot outward, you perceive other people as hooligans, criminals, delinquents, highwaymen, or revolutionaries. If this is a “light shadow”, you idealize the person and see in him a hero, a savior who can solve any problems. On the other hand, you may decide to work not on stage, but behind it. Perhaps you do not want to leave home, but would prefer to put your efforts here or even spend them on internal work on yourself.

In terms of health, beware of rashes, stomach ulcers, stress-related gastrointestinal diseases, accidents and injuries, and anything that can end in a wheelchair.

When it comes to shamanic and magical reality, this means primarily out-of-body experiences and travel in the astral body. On the inner plane, this is a hero's journey that will ultimately lead to spiritual transformation and make you a conduit of cosmic energy capable of expressing itself in our world and transforming your own nature, as the ancient Egyptians believed, into the god Horus, a spiritual warrior.

Traditional Reversed Meanings: noise, noise, disorder. Quarrels, disputes, litigation, trials. Discussions, polemics. Overthrow, conquest. Failure, defeat, destruction. Usurpation of power, conspiracies. Riot, rebellion. Accidents. Bad news, worries, delays. Self-confidence, ambition. Undeserved success. Dangerous unscrupulousness.

Larisa Moon. "All the secrets of the Tarot."

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"Know Me as the owner of a chariot, and the body as a chariot."

Book "Zohar"

Description of the card and its internal meaning
In one of my dreams I see a wide, open plain. The sun shines brightly. I hear the noise growing every minute. And then its source appeared in front of me - the chariot. Two sphinxes are harnessed to it, one of them is black and the other is white. It seems that each of these mystical animals is trying to pull the cart in its own direction, however, its manager is strict and stern, and in some unknown way he forces the sphinxes to work “in one team.” The chariot rushes past me, leaving behind a huge column of sand and dust. I look after her and understand: there is nothing in this world that could prevent her movement.

The Chariot card speaks of a great turning point in the life of cosmic energies, where each is trying to leave the realm of the Spirit and gain individuality, that is, to transform itself into reality, to know its place in the atom world. However, the Spirit cannot completely lose Nature; it only breaks its Consciousness with the essence of its Being and transforms it into the sphere of its capabilities. So it turns out that from this moment Consciousness begins to feel the Beginning of Existence outside itself, at the same time being filled with a thirst for reality, gravitating towards the spiritual essence of all humanity. Simply put, the seventh Arcanum is the doctrine of Adam's fall from heaven, of his break with the divine.

Just as the war chariot destroys enemy forces, so the Tarot Chariot symbolizes victory over all who are against us. The meaning of this Arcana is stronger than the Lovers cards. If the sixth Arcana assumes a union of opposites, then the seventh symbolizes the ability to curb them.

Connection of the card with other occult sciences
The Seventh Arcana is associated with a letter, hexagram of the Book of Changes, rune, color, chakra, weather, time of day, astrology and number. This identification looks like this:

(zayin) - But for works of faith one head is needed,
Letter - Zh, number - 7,
Ruled by the zodiac sign – Cancer,
Correspondence according to the Book of Changes - 32 hexagram ("Consistency"),
Correspondence to runes - rune Ehwaz (Evaz),
Time of day - morning,
Weather conditions – sunny,
The corresponding color is red,
The corresponding chakra is Muladhara Bhu (root chakra),
According to Kabbalah, it connects the sephira Bina with the sephira Geburah.

Card meaning
Straight position
If the card describes a person, it means that the Questioner is confronted with a persistent and energetic person, in constant motion. Perhaps, thanks to such powerful support, many plans can be brought to life.

When considering the situation, the seventh Arcanum has the following interpretations: the time of testing has passed, the person is enriched with power and energy, and receives help at the right time. This mastery of opposing forces, victory, success, can mean a journey.

Inverted position
In this position, the seventh Arcanum describes a fussy and disturbing person who gives empty advice.

If the Chariot card interprets the situation, then it has the following meanings: troubles, weakness, collapse of plans, quarrels, war.

If this card represents the Questioner, then it indicates that such a person is ready (and has the ability) to crush all his enemies, regardless of whether he is confident of victory or not. The advice in this case would be: “You are filled with energy, you can hit the road. But remember that the chariot flies fast and that you cannot always rely only on physical strength. Look inside yourself and find the strength there.”

Daniela Chris. "Magic book of Tarot. Fortune telling."

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Thought form: Victory.
Number: seven.
Hebrew letter: zayin.
Color: hot pink.
Stone: red coral.
Astrological analogy: Gemini, Venus in Libra.
Other names: “Chariot of Osiris”, “Chariot of Horus”, “Victorious Warrior”.
A person wants to become a winner on his chosen path. The Chariot Arcana says that you are able to overcome everything that prevents you from achieving your goal.

The lasso is made in full accordance with the traditions of ancient Egyptian painting. The central (main) scene is framed above and below by two smaller (explanatory) scenes. In the center of the map we see two magnificent rearing horses harnessed to a light war chariot. The chariot is driven by the falcon-headed Horus in ceremonial robes.

Mythological dossier
Horus, or Horus (“height”, “sky”), is one of the most ancient and polysemantic gods of Egypt. Since ancient times, the Falcon God was revered in all regions of Egypt as the god of the sky and the sun. During the dynastic period, various falcon deities merged into two closely related hypostases: Horus, the son of Isis, who acts primarily as an avenger for his father Osiris, and Horus of Bekhdet, the god of light fighting the forces of darkness. Horus accompanies the sun god Ra and defeats the enemies of Ra, led by Set. Sometimes the image of Horus is intertwined with the image of Ra himself, merging with him into a single deity Ra-Garahuti.

The plot located at the top of the map shows us the battle. Horus with a spear in his hands on a rapidly rushing chariot plunges his enemies into dust. The bottom plot shows grateful subjects paying homage to the winner. The central part of the card presents us with the triumphant himself. The chariot is harnessed to two horses - black and white. This is light and darkness, these are two opposite principles, two irreconcilable forces, antagonistic in nature. They are rearing up and ready to get out of control at any moment. The Greek myth about Phaeton, who died himself and almost destroyed the Earth, unable to cope with the chariot of the sun god, tells how dangerous this can be. However, Horus calmly holds the reins with his left hand. He completely subjugated the opposing forces, forcing them to act together and carry him to victory.

The symbolism of this Arcanum teaches you not to waste time and energy fighting - always useless - with those qualities in yourself or others that irritate you. Instead, combine them and use them to increase your own power over situations and events. The spear in the right hand of Horus is the eternal symbol of a warrior of spirit, purposeful and unbending. The combination of red and yellow colors in clothing and the double crown of the god has symbolized the leader since ancient times. And the piercing pink color of this Arcanum itself, similar to the festive sound of fanfare, is the color of triumph.

Value in the layout
In a straight position
Talking about events, the card speaks of success achieved as a result of one’s own efforts, not chance. Predicts good luck in work or travel, possibly long distances. It means development, expression, vigorous practical activity, triumph, self-confidence. Talks about the dominance and victory of mind over matter, about the ability to control your emotions and desires. Difficulties will be successfully overcome. In the mental sphere - self-control, self-esteem, willpower, victory over the blows of fate thanks to positive character traits.

If the card in the layout characterizes a person, then before you is a real fighter, capable of decisive action, self-controlled and capable of winning over any difficulties and trials.

Advice. A talented strategist will always weigh the fruits of victory and the price that will have to be paid for it.

In an inverted position
"The Chariot" speaks of a lack of mental balance, uncertainty, other people's pressure and unfavorable influence, refusal to accept responsibility, and lack of self-control. In real life these are conflicts, troubles, scandals, quarrels, failure and defeat. Bad news appears. Accidents are possible. Collapse or disharmony. The unexpected loss of what seemed to be within reach. It is also interpreted as unnecessary worship of outdated traditions and limitation of oneself.

Advice. Perhaps your chariot is not stuck and will soon move on, because a lost battle is not yet a defeat in the war.

Original card meanings that come with the Rider White Tarot deck.

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Straight position:
help provided in difficult times, providence; also war, triumph, arrogance, revenge, trouble. Reverse: rebellion, quarrel, dispute, litigation, defeat.

Reverse position:
rebellion, quarrel, dispute, litigation, defeat.

Hayo Banzhaf. Self-instruction manual for Tarot.

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Astrological meaning:
Aries is like a burst of power.
The Chariot signifies your significant leap forward. It shows that you have broken out of the circle of previous interests and have taken a new path. This is driven by the desire for freedom, ambition, the search for a lost paradise, or simply a thirst for self-realization. The Chariot is the only card in the Tarot deck that associates such an impulse with a feeling of joy and self-confidence.
In all other cases, saying goodbye to the old is associated with fear
and a heaviness in my soul. And here - courage, curiosity - man
rushes forward, looking for the use of his strengths and not being afraid to take risks. The card symbolizes strength and dexterity (driving the Chariot), but also inexperience (traveling into unknown lands). Therefore, it should also be taken as a warning - do not overestimate your strengths, do not be too self-confident and do not allow yourself to be “dizzy with success.” It's best to realize in time how much there is still to learn.

Rider White Tarot. Theory and practice. Series "Secrets of Predictions". Publishers: AST, Astrel, 2002

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Astrological meaning: Cancer
The seventh card of the Major Arcana is called The Chariot and depicts a victorious warrior crowned and seated on a chariot drawn by black and white sphinxes (or horses). The chariot's star canopy is supported by four pillars. The card symbolizes the Exalted One racing in the chariot of Creation. The crew of solar energy, marked by the divine number seven, reveals the secret of the seven planets. The four pillars supporting the canopy are a symbol of the four powers on which the world rests (Fire, Air, Earth, Water). The Exalted One holds a scepter of solar energy, and his shoulders are decorated with crescent moons - Urim and Thummim. Drawn on a chariot, the Sphinx represents the secret and unknown power by which the Ruler moves continuously through the various parts of the Universe. The figure in the logs does not stand in the chariot, but rises from the cube (symbolizing ascension). The combination of opposites in one person is what makes it possible for him to exist independently, endowing him with an independent destiny, isolated from the fate of the world as a whole, finally separating his soul from the World Soul and God.
Our life, where suffering alternates with happiness, is only a shadow of the true happy existence that we would like to see in it. But the Creator’s mercy has arranged the world in such a way that we still enjoy life, forgetting about suffering. Reason allows a person to see the meaning even in its dark sides, and suffering itself can return joy to a person and the people around him. Fate is generous with events and opportunities to correct the past and, ultimately, provides a person with what he desires.
The movements of karma in which the soul participates lead to death, wars and natural disasters. But the Creator forgives the soul, in agony torn from the contradictions and sins in which it involuntarily participates, having incarnated into this world, and gives it shelter, encouraging it to understand that on the battlefield the Chariot not only kills, but also creates a new reality; - therefore, the soul must live - and fight. Therefore, the concept of fulfillment is also associated with the Arcana Chariot. The more a person corresponds to his predestination, the better he manages to demonstrate the freedom of his will.
The charioteer is collected and focused on what he is doing, without being distracted by external interference. The armor protects him from the world.
This card reflects the zodiac characteristic of the sign of Cancer, which, under the shell of Saturn, hides the wealth of its inner world, preserving it from external influences that bring doubts into the soul about the right choice of path. Cancer is an insecure sign, but astrology advises to become its warrior, replacing the passive Saturnian guard with the active protection of Mars: Cancer is the sign of the conception of Aries, ruled by Mars, therefore Capricorn, where Mars is in exaltation, is the best basis for the Martian manifestation of one’s inner world and the aspirations of your soul.
The epic's description of the "awakening of the hero" fits the Seventh Arcana perfectly. On the external level, this card symbolizes forces that were hitherto hidden and help to find the way to the “true self” and one’s destiny. Charioteer is self-knowledge and determination of one’s path, it is victory over one’s inertia, it is willpower that has finally removed the seal from the hero.
In the upright position, the card indicates that you are capable of comprehending (or at least accepting) the laws of Karma. Are you looking for a way out of the closed wheel?
cause and effect, and the success you achieve will be the result of your efforts, not chance. It means development, expression, vigorous practical activity. In specific cases, the card foreshadows travel, often long distances.
In the psychological sphere - self-control, self-expression, willpower, victory over the blows of fate, thanks to positive character traits. Sometimes the card suggests that “trouble” will almost get the better of you, but you can still emerge victorious from this situation.
When reversed, the card may indicate that you are heading in a specific direction with a sense of purpose and meaning. But... Failure awaits you. At the very last moment, Fortune will turn away from you, and you will lose what was almost in your hands. Your plans will be destroyed in the most sudden way, and this will be due to the fact that you were unable (or did not want) to assess the situation in time.
The card can also speak about lack of mental balance, uncertainty, other people's pressure and the unfavorable influence of people around you. It can also be interpreted as unnecessary admiration for outdated traditions and excessive self-restraint, signaling possible imminent conflicts with the law or unexpected court cases.
“By destroying obstacles, you destroy all your enemies and all your desires will come true if you approach the future with courage, armed with the consciousness of your right. And let reason command you, but do not try to completely get rid of feelings and emotions: without them, your chariot may overturn ".

Evgeny Kolesov. "The ABC of Tarot".

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Cart, also known as Chariot or Charioteer.
The last card of the first seven, which in ancient times was also called the Chariot of Hermes or Osiris. The old life, the old part of the path is completed, this card says; what's next? The carriage is waiting, it's time to hit the road again.
The driver is a strong, purposeful person. His chest is protected by a shell; hands in hard gloves tightly grip the reins. In some versions of the cards, his chariot is harnessed to four sacred creatures (a bull, a lion, an eagle and an angel), in others - two sphinxes, one black and sad, the other joyful and bright. The canopy above the driver's head depicts the starry sky; The Cart itself is decorated with images of stars and a tantric symbol, a lingma, equipped with wings.
A driver is a person who has gained the necessary experience. He enters the path of yoga, intending to take his rightful place in society - and he succeeds, because he does not take up the will. He believes that feelings must now give way to reason. But he still does not know that this part of the path will someday be passed, and everything will repeat itself all over again, albeit on a different level.

Meaning of the card:
Some force forces you to leave what you have, to forget about the past - about home, about work, about comrades. You are overwhelmed with energy, and you are looking for a new field to use it. Hit the road, and let this stage of your journey become the discovery of a new world for you. But remember that the Cart is moving fast, and the path is full of sharp turns! Let your mind guide you, but don’t try to completely get rid of feelings and emotions: without them, your Cart may topple over.
When answering most questions, this card in the upright position means the end of one period of life and the beginning of the next, new one. In a purely practical sense, this could be a change of place of residence or work, or simply a trip or trip.
Sometimes (rarely) the Cart can indicate some secret that it is better not to penetrate into, even just a question, the answer to which is not worth seeking, because the changes it causes can be catastrophic.

– “it’s not the end yet”, although the old period is ending, there is no need to rush things, it’s better to wait. Or: moving, travel is postponed.
Or: the person still got into a secret he didn’t need and will now pay the price.

For businessmen:
It's time to prepare for major changes in his business - such as a global drop in prices and demand, the liquidation of key manufacturers, or the transition to completely new technologies.

Description of the Tarot card “CHARIOT”

The chariot and its charioteer symbolize victory and heroic status in many mythologies. Often the charioteer is a divine being, signifying the mind that directs the actions of life. Thoughts and mode of action are represented by creatures that pull a chariot and symbolize vigilance, strength, power and destiny. They embody the active and perceptive energy present in every spirit, every life story, and every symbolic system of the world.

General meaning and interpretation of the “CHARIOT” Tarot card in layouts

Direct card position

The Seventh Arcana of the Tarot Chariot means a significant leap forward, a breakthrough in business, joyful discovery of a new path, renewal and deliverance from difficult circumstances and enemies. The chariot indicates that you are a person capable of controlling, if not fate itself, then, in any case, the events created by it. You have either already proven your strength and ability to overcome obstacles, or you are just preparing to demonstrate your power. The card predicts that soon some event will happen in life that can raise you to another level of success. Test your strength, and subsequent triumph is guaranteed to you. Remember the card’s warning: don’t overestimate your strengths, don’t be too self-confident, and don’t let yourself get “dizzed by success.” The best thing is to realize in time how much there is still to learn.

Reversed card position

In an inverted position, the Chariot can indicate that you are rushing in a specific direction with an awareness of purpose and meaning. But... you will fail in this. At the very last moment, Fortune will turn away from you, and you will lose what was almost already in your hands. Your plans will be destroyed in the most sudden way, and this will be due to the fact that you were unable (or did not want) to assess the situation in time. The card can also speak of uncertainty, indecision, other people's pressure, and the negative influence of others. The lasso can also be interpreted as unnecessary admiration for outdated traditions and excessive self-restraint, and as a warning about imminent conflicts with the law or unexpected court cases.

The meaning and interpretation of the CHARIOT card in fortune telling for work, business and career

Direct card position

When the Chariot appears in fortune telling about work, business and career, it indicates that any difficulties, any situation will be resolved successfully: income is stable, career growth is ensured, although not without competition. You have managed to take a big step forward, perhaps even the very step towards independence that you have dreamed of for so long. The card speaks of your desire for success, perseverance and courage, willingness to act and take risks. Therefore, it can mean both confidently entering a new field and taking on larger tasks and higher responsibility. The Chariot opens the door to success for you, but warns against abuse and overestimation of your own strengths.

Reversed card position

Here the Chariot Tarot card says that at the current moment in time you should not enter into a competitive struggle - enemies or opponents may be stronger than you. Now it is only necessary to clearly define goals and objectives, and postpone the start of something new until the future.

The meaning and interpretation of the “CHARIOT” card in health layouts

Direct card position

In matters of health, the card does not indicate the best condition: exacerbations, acute illnesses, injuries (including psychological) are possible.

Reversed card position

An exacerbation of chronic diseases, the disease does not develop, but seems to freeze and only constantly reminds itself of itself.

The meaning and interpretation of the CHARIOT card in fortune telling for love and relationships

Direct card position

The Chariot can indicate the beginning of a new relationship, including an impulsive, thoughtless leap to freedom from the “shackles” of a previous and not yet outdated union. But it can also mean a gust of “fresh wind” within the framework of a previous relationship, removing accumulated fatigue and routine, breathing new life into them.

Reversed card position

There will be a period of resolving any conflicts that arise with your partner. If there is a struggle, then, most likely, it will end in nothing: the relationship will freeze either on the good or on the bad.

The meaning and interpretation of the “CHARIOT” card in personality assessment layouts

Direct card position

Denoting a person, the Chariot upright often indicates someone who can give you positive encouragement, pushing you to explore your talents and abilities. Such a person can act as a catalyst for development and beneficial change.

Reversed card position

Here the card speaks of a person who acts at random, or is an impulsive person with bad habits.

Meaning and interpretation of the CHARIO card as a card of the year

The card predicts that in the coming year you will experience a “breakthrough”, a leap forward. This year will be favorable for any new beginnings, and when it ends, you will be surprised to find that you were able to successfully cope with the most difficult tasks. Get down to business without delay or pause, with focus, purpose and determination - you have every chance of achieving your goal. Foretelling success in all matters, the card also warns you - do not overestimate your strengths, do not be too self-confident, do not allow yourself to become dizzy from success and “star fever”.

Work and finances. Here, “The Chariot” foreshadows both a confident entry into a new field and the assumption of larger tasks and higher responsibility. It opens the door to success for you, however, it warns against abuse and overestimation of your own strengths.

Personal relationships.“Chariot” indicates the beginning of a new relationship, a rash, impulsive breakthrough from the “shackles” of the previous union.

Health status. The card predicts good health, vitality of both body and spirit in the coming year.

Top card tip. Don't hesitate waiting for new information. Take action without wasting time and put your plans into action.

Meaning and interpretation of the “CHARIOT” card as a card of the day

A good day to start any business. You have a goal, all you have to do is check if you have “everything with you” in order to go the right way. If you didn’t plan any new things or undertakings for today, then this day can become a signal for you, a call to a new business. It’s hard to say what kind of thing this will be, but, in any case, for you it could be the beginning of a new stage of life.

Advice from the CHARIOT card in fortune telling

The Chariot Tarot card, although indicating victory after a long struggle, urges you to be careful as you will need energy and focus in the future to forge a new path and be prepared for unexpected developments.

The meaning of this picture occupies a special place in the deck of cards; it is closely associated with success and victory achieved in a serious confrontation - with one’s own labor and effort. If during fortune telling you get this sign, it characterizes you as a purposeful, assertive, courageous and hardworking person, capable of any achievement.


Every person trying to find out the future is interested in the detailed meaning of the Tarot. The Chariot is a special card. It depicts the carriage of Hermes - the ancient Greek industry, inventions, patron of roads and wanderers. This is a dexterous, resourceful and cunning mythological character. On the map he is depicted dressed in armor, with a sword and scepter in his hands. Here he is the embodiment of a winner and triumphant. On his head is the star circlet of Isis - a symbol of power and wisdom. The crown endows Hermes with a deep mind, extraordinary intellect, and subtle intuition, which illuminate the path of every person and the secrets of his destiny.

On the shoulders of the god there are sickles of the moon - these are the regalia of the high priests. It was they who ensured that they established contacts with other worlds. Four pillars of the chariot, symbolizing the elements of Earth, Water, Fire and Air, support the star curtain. They point to the higher forces thanks to which the world exists.

Symbolic meaning

This Tarot card has deep meaning. The chariot, the meaning of which boils down to demonstrating strength and power, indicates the skill. The body of Hermes's chariot has a cubic shape, and the picture also shows rectangles. All these figures are a sign of will, correct judgments, and confident actions. The starry canopy is a symbol of the patronage of the gods, without whose assistance triumph would have been impossible. The chariot is harnessed to sphinxes or horses: a light creature is interpreted as mercy, a dark one indicates destructive power. They seem to balance good and evil, which are the servants of the magician who has passed more than one test.

On the front of the cart is painted the ancient Indian sign of Lingam, surrounded by wings. This decoration symbolizes male power and creation. The winged ball is a triumph of intelligence in time and space. It indicates the victory of a man whose cold mind rises above spontaneous, uncontrollable emotions.

Main characteristics

The card belongs to the so-called Major Arcana. Its number is 7. It indicates the superiority of the mind, victory at all levels, progress in science, the ability to manage events, and withstand challenges. Each number forms a Tarot meaning: The Chariot is the seven components, including success, power, potential, conquest, war, arrogance and fulfillment. To these should also be added the presence of ambition and confidence. Number 7 is a symbol of the end of difficult work. It indicates that the winner has overcome a difficult path towards the goal. Now he deservedly rests on his laurels, having achieved physical victory and spiritual flourishing.

The card has two opposite meanings, which emerge during fortune telling depending on the layout. A positive interpretation is aspiration, a negative one is excessive self-confidence, bordering on arrogance and selfishness. In addition, the towers of a defeated city in the background of the picture may portend trouble. In some cases, they indicate the fires of rebellion that arise in a conquered settlement. That is, a person may be threatened by hidden dangers.

Map upright

Being in an upright position, the picture influences the meaning of the Tarot: The Chariot in this case indicates victory, the ability to withstand the vicissitudes of fate. Success is justified: it was made possible through effort. Often the card predicts a journey that will certainly be successful and productive. Now you are full of determination, ready to overcome difficulties, so don’t stand still, move, create. All possibilities are open: you just need to stretch out your hand to take what is rightfully due. The current period is characterized by persistence, activity, and development.

If fortune telling occurs with the goal of revealing the future, then the Chariot promises victory over a serious illness or achievement of unprecedented heights in one’s career. In the position of the past, it indicates accomplished success: how effective it was will be indicated by the cards located nearby. The Chariot hints that you have great potential, talent, and the ability to be creative. She invites you to build your own destiny - there are all the possibilities for this. Remember: sometimes, in order to become a winner, you need to be able to compromise, try on incompatible things, and balance between the opposite.

If the image is upside down...

The inverted Chariot (Tarot) is interpreted differently. The meaning of the card in this case is as follows: self-doubt, doubt and torment. You can expect unpleasant consequences of previous actions, an unfavorable outcome of the case, and the bad influence of others. The card also signals that a person limits himself in everything, blindly bows to unnecessary principles and outdated traditions. A chariot falling upside down portends trouble with the law, dragging you or loved ones into legal proceedings and conflicts. Indicates imbalance that arose due to outside influence or pressure.

An inverted card is a sign of a possible illness. It is often interpreted as unforeseen difficulties, failures in business, difficulties in achieving a goal that arose despite your efforts. Fortune turns away from you, there is a risk of losing everything you have achieved. Stay alert. The destruction of plans may be due to the fact that you were unable to correctly and timely assess the situation and did not take the necessary measures. You are dynamic now, but this activity is more like hustle and bustle than productivity.

Relationship breakdown

In the upright position, the card indicates a new stage in the relationship. This could be a romantic acquaintance, finding a soulmate, renewing your circle of acquaintances, or renewing old connections. In any case, the Chariot of the Tarot indicates renewal: the meaning in a relationship carries a positive semantic load. If you have a partner, then most likely a fun wedding, the birth of a baby, a romantic trip or a major purchase awaits you. In general, get ready for what will become a fresh stream for real life, renew old feelings, and bring new emotions. This card is a symbol of conquest: you will have to fight for the relationship.

The inverted Chariot (Tarot) practically does not change its meaning in love. But he warns about one thing - your passion and energy can become unstoppable. Feelings get out of control, which invariably leads to quarrels, conflicts, and confrontation. Resentments accumulate and risk breaking out in an uncontrollable stream that sweeps away everything in its path - even the most stable and happy relationship. You need to learn to deal with irritability: in this case, the relationship will not only be preserved, but also strengthened.

Career and business

The Chariot indicates energy. Therefore, if the alignment is made for a career, it is interpreted as activity, efficiency, victory over competitors. Right now you need to act, “take the bull by the horns”, take risks. Don’t worry, any undertaking will be successful: the contract will be signed, the task will be completed, and a salary increase will be guaranteed. Feel free to go to your boss, throw in new ideas, demand what you want. Enrichment is also promised by the Tarot Chariot that appears in the layout. Meaning: money will flow like a river, you will receive a bonus, become an heir to a fortune, dig up a treasure, and so on.

Instead, the reversed picture indicates a lack of hard work and energy to achieve goals. You need to get yourself together so as not to disperse your activity into small tasks. Perhaps you have chosen the wrong direction and are moving in the wrong direction. The Chariot, located upside down, can be understood in two ways: on the one hand, it indicates that a person’s efficiency does not bring results, on the other, a lack of productivity, which causes a number of unpleasant events. The card also says that you will go over your heads to achieve your goal. And he warns: this path is slippery, it does not lead to anything good.

Fortune telling on personality and situation

When doing fortune telling, the Tarot Chariot may appear on a specific person. The meaning in this case indicates the character of the individual: she is responsible, self-confident, courageous, decisive. This is a winner - over temptations, emotions, society. He knows how to choose the right path, moving along it decisively and assertively. By profession, this person is most likely a military man, driver, messenger or traveler. It is expected that in the near future it will greatly influence your destiny, change the course of events, and become an important part of the current case.

If the alignment is made on the situation, then the Chariot promises new life for old ideas, a breakthrough to the will of hidden desires, and the departure of a boring routine. An exciting business trip awaits you, an event that will make you successful. Perhaps you will finally recover from a chronic disease, take up exercise, or simply change your job. The previous part of the journey has been completed: a new stage, interesting and surprising, lies ahead. Make sure you have enough strength for the entire journey. It will be a shame if your inner potential lets you down.

Other meanings

Often, when doing fortune telling, a person asks a specific question, expecting an answer to it. Accordingly, the meaning of the Tarot changes: The Chariot in this case suggests that the result of the matter depends only on you. You control the situation, control events. Don't worry: if you move in the same direction, success will be guaranteed. Pick up speed and confidently finish what you start. Or, conversely, go with the flow: the situation will be resolved in your favor without personal involvement.

If you want to anticipate the place where you will soon find yourself, then it will be a bus station, a railway, an airplane. When you want to know what kind of person will influence you in the future, the Chariot indicates a businesslike and independent person. With her energy she will light you up, revive your strength, and make you believe in the successful realization of your dreams. Chariot is a good card. She never foretells tragedies and serious problems. Even if neighboring cards in the layout indicate difficulties, then most likely they will be overcome. After all, the image of a triumphant man on a cart in itself foreshadows victory.

Tarot cards come to modern times from fifteenth-century Italy. But even before the Middle Ages they already existed in Muslim states. The Italians just took an already existing deck and supplemented it a little, leaving wisdom of ancient eastern states.

But the deck of Tarot cards did not stop transforming there. There are several modern decks that differ from the classic ones. Each card in the deck deserves special mention and study. It conceals a plurality of meanings and does not reveal its hidden meaning to everyone.

Description of the map

If you get the Chariot card in a reading, this is a good sign. Unlike the prediction of the Wheel of Fortune card, when you are simply lucky in the current situation, the Chariot card speaks of overcoming a difficult, long journey with obstacles and complications.

This card symbolizes such human qualities as perseverance, perseverance, determination, the ability to control the situation and concentrate on solving a problem. Thanks to this quality, as well as your willpower and confidence, you will achieve a positive result.

No matter what is happening in your life at the present time, you need to tirelessly move forward towards your goal and not be distracted by external stimuli. We see that the card shows a chariot driven by a man dressed in armor.

A variety of animals can be harnessed to the chariot, ranging from simple horses to sphinxes, unicorns and other mystical animals. Often one animal is depicted as white and the other as black. They symbolize different aspects of your personality, such as desire and intelligence.

If you look closely, you will notice that each animal deviates slightly in the opposite direction to each other. It seems that one animal is galloping to the left, and the second to the right, but at the same time they are both harnessed to the same chariot and are galloping towards the same goal.

This means that you were able to curb the opposite sides of your nature, subordinate them to a single goal and completely take control of the situation into your own hands. In a personality reading, the card says about a very strong personality.

Interpretation of the situation

In a reading for a certain situation, the card indicates that you have every chance of achieving absolute triumph, but only if you yourself don’t give up and don’t give up. No one promises you that it will be easy to understand the situation, much less come out of it as a winner.

You will face a whole series of tests on your willpower, organizational skills, determination, desire to achieve your goals and a reasonable approach to business. And the most important thing the card calls you to is self-control.

If the card appears upright, it can mean a quick and pleasant trip. If the card appears in combination with the Devil card, then a holiday romance is possible.

In some scenarios, the Chariot may mean the acquisition of a new vehicle. If in a layout a card appears as the personification of a person, then it may indicate a military man, a driver, or a person involved in transportation. Always indicates strong-willed people who are accustomed to achieving results.

When reversed, the card indicates that you are now in an extremely difficult situation. The whole difficulty is that you are completely confused. It is difficult for you to gather yourself, concentrate, comprehend everything that is happening around you, and make a decision.

Today it seems to you that the best decision will be what your mind tells you, tomorrow you decide to listen to the dictates of your feelings. Your nerves are frayed, and you impress others as an unbalanced person. This way you won't get far.

You just need to connect willpower to the process and start working with self-organization. This is the only way you can move forward, choose the right direction again and resume achieving your goal. An inverted Chariot card can indicate unbalanced people, people prone to bad habits, and participants in conflicts.

Meaning in relationships and love

When dealing with relationships and romantic attachments, the card can speak of both the beginning of something new and a serious breakthrough in an existing relationship. In any case, we are talking about significant changes in your personal or social life for the better for you. It is possible that soon you will meet an important person who will, to some extent, influence your destiny.

If we talk about love, the card indicates that whatever your relationship as a couple is, it will be clearly defined and understandable.

In an inverted meaning, the card may indicate that the relationship is on the verge of hysterics and mutual hating each other. You are torn between a strong attachment to a person and accumulated grievances. You don't have the willpower to stop and make a decision, and you expect them to make it for you.

Scheduled for work

In a scenario for work, study or financial transactions, the card indicates that you managed to complete your plan and get the desired result. You are a good organizer and, above all, skillfully organize your own work process.

In this case, we are talking not so much about a well-deserved reward (the Justice card will tell you more about this), but rather we emphasize all the work you have done, the path that was necessary to go through.

A card in an inverted position indicates that at some point in your rapid race towards your chosen goal, you lost control and fell into a ditch. And now you only have two options:

  • The first is to leave the race.
  • The second is to regain your upright position, catch your breath and continue the race with even more momentum than before.

A reversed chariot may indicate that you are larger don't believe in yourself. Victory is unthinkable for you, and therefore you see no point in trying hard where the result is unattainable. This meaning of the card becomes especially clear when the major lasso Moon falls nearby.

You can also interpret the meaning of an inverted card in such a way that the goal itself no longer attracts you. If the alignment is made for a new project, then this position of the Chariot may indicate that you simply will not reach the end, or you will not have enough persistence, or at some stage you will realize the futility of the idea.

In terms of health

In the correct position the card speaks of good health, not only physically, but also mentally. But if you guess at the development of a certain disease that has already been diagnosed in a person, then the card indicates that the disease will continue to progress.

Accordingly, only in this version of the layout can we say that the inverted Chariot card is a good sign. It indicates that the progression of the disease will stop.

In its inverted form, the card may indicate a period in your mental health that is not at its best. You cannot gather yourself, concentrate your attention on a specific goal, you are torn from the inside by emotions that come into constant conflict with your mind.

Another inverted Chariot may warn you about physical injuries, such as fractures, bruises, and other injuries received from a fall.

In combination with other Arcana

In order to better understand the meaning of the prediction received from the card, it must be considered in combination with other cards. Let's look at a few examples of combining the card with other major arcana:

  • With the major lasso, the Jester - speaks of the loss of documents or confusion with documents.
  • With the terrible lasso, the High Priestess - the desire for new knowledge, a successful learning process, it’s time to learn.
  • With the major lasso, The Hanged Man, there is a high probability of getting physically injured.
  • With the major lasso, the Hermit - the desire to be alone with oneself.
  • With the major lasso, the Empress, you are now rapidly working to improve your financial well-being.
  • With the major arcana of Judgment, a new period or stage begins in your life, reaching a new level.
  • With the major arcana, Peace is a call to travel. This is exactly what you need now.
  • With the major lasso Moon - you are not moving along the right path.
  • With the major lasso Death - the situation in which you are now cannot be controlled, you cannot stop the inevitable.
  • With the major arcana of Strength, you will solve all unpleasant situations, and you will also be able to end conflicts with pleasure for yourself.

Chariot + Jester (VII + 0)
The driver is a fool.
Unpredictability of management.
Uncontrollable situation.
Increased chaos.
Leaving home, childhood, from under authority.

Chariot + Mage (VII + I)
Let's hit the road. Carry out your plans.
Masterful movement.
The beginning of the way. Movement. Drive. Journey.
Buying a car.
Change of activity. Doesn't stay in one place for long.
Concentration of will.
Grab the idea. Risk. Business. Project promotion. Management.
Youthful maximalism.
Diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

Chariot + High Priestess (VII + II)
Secret acquaintance on the way.
Road with a woman.
A journey of educational or loving nature
Management using intuition.
Managing a woman.
The secret influence of a woman on the path of life.
Thoughts about a career, moving, changing place of residence.
Secretly changes jobs.
A favorable change of place.
Automaticity of actions.
Duality of goals.
Purposeful learning.

Chariot + Empress (VII + III)
Concretization of the idea.
Change, change of environment, field of activity or direction.
Movement in the chosen direction, towards the result, will bring prosperity.
Trouble, a lot of things to do.
Buying a car.
Woman driving.
Traveling with a woman.
Women's business.
Managing passions.
Love as a means to achieve goals.
Excessive demands.
Attractive image, image art, fashion.

Chariot + Emperor (VII + IV)
The questioner strives to build a space for himself where logic and order will reign
Order will be restored.
Purchasing a car.
Benefit from the trip.
A trip with a man or breaking up for a while (hardly indicates a good romance).
Power over yourself. Controls himself.
Great desire for leadership, conquest.
Endurance, determination.
Take your diagnosis and work seriously.
Control. Management.
Creating something utilitarian, but strong and durable.
Conqueror, strategist.
Professional military man.
Application of efforts related to travel and business trips.
Offer to move to a new job.

Chariot + Hierophant (VII + V)
It is important to understand where to move.
Drive. Right way.
Information related to job change.
Academic career.
Authoritative solution, classic method, method.
Consider yourself an authority or refer to authorities.
Integrity, follow the principle.
Self-confidence, self-discipline.
Marriage to a military man, a man in high ranks.
Studying to become a manager.
Departure abroad.
An attempt to find the truth.
Gain understanding.
Health requires lifestyle changes.

Chariot + Lovers (VII + VI)
Thoughts and worries before the trip.
Choice. Who should you take with you on the road? What will happen next?
Growing up. End your relationship confusion.
Life goes on and encourages you to move.
Honeymoon trip.
Beautiful car.

Chariot + Strength (VII + VIII)
There will be a serious obstacle on the way to your goal. It will take effort to overcome.
Preventing a quarrel.
Cordial relationships between partners.

Chariot + Hermit (VII + IX)
Changes are delayed.
Solitude is necessary for reflection.
You will have to move alone to the final point; perhaps you don’t need anyone.

Chariot + Wheel (VII + X)
You are moving towards your intended goal. Good luck with you. Long-awaited changes.
Rapid changes.
Traveling in pleasant company.
Maybe a trip abroad.

Chariot + Justice (VII + XI)
Achieve justice.
Resolve the issue (situation) fairly.
The forward movement slowed.
The implementation of plans ran into unexpected obstacles.
Social affairs (court).
Administration. Secretary.
Military registration and enlistment office.
Energetic, aggressive partner.
Prudence. Insensitivity.
Marriage of convenience.

Chariot + Hanged Man (VII + XII)
When traveling or traveling, be very careful. Risk of injury.
The desire to get involved in a scam came to you at the wrong time.
Pointless actions. Indecisiveness.
Loss of strength. Not finishing things.

Chariot + Death (VII + XIII)
Anxious premonitions. Change of direction.
The desire to completely change yourself.
Care, departure, change of position.
Maximalism. Uncompromising.
Death for the victory of an idea.

Chariot + Temperance (VII + XIV)
“The one who walks will master the road.”
You will be able to take the right road.
A short trip and return.
Acquiring driving skills.
Fight for beliefs.
Self-control, restraint.
Departure from home.

Chariot + Devil (VII + XV)
Drunk driving. Dangerous path.
It’s tempting to take shortcuts to your goal, but it’s important to realize how risky this is.
Self-esteem hinders development. Pride, ambition.
An absurd attachment to goals that are dictated solely under the influence of carnal, material instincts.
A sharp restriction of free will.
Liberation is necessary, but it is still difficult for you to recognize this need.

Chariot + Tower (VII + XVI)
Equipment breakdown. Possible accident. Accident on the way. Car accident.
Revocation of driver's license.
Painful defeat.
Loss of position, career.
Excessive pride causes you to sink below your level, even where you should fly up.
Your burden is heavy, but pull yourself together and carry it. Your game is not lost, but only postponed. And little by little you will complete the tower of your life. Just build it properly.

Chariot + Star (VII + XVII)
Follow the guiding star.
You are finally on the right road.
The star of hope will light your path.
Good luck in collaborating with others.

Chariot + Moon (VII + XVIII)
You have lost your way. You are going down the wrong path.
Wrong action.
The desire to change the environment.
An active imagination gets you going.
Traveling by water.
Creative tides.
Working in large institutions or in positions where you can hide yourself.
Secret feud. Secret love adventures.

Chariot + Sun (VII + XIX)
A clear path to the goal. The right way.
Moving with children.
The thirst for human warmth draws you into the company of others.
Secretly, fate is preparing new pleasant acquaintances for you.
Tides of inspiration.
Organizational talent.
Trip to the resort.

Chariot + Judgment (VII + XX)
It is fate that forces you to move in a given direction.
Sudden changes will call into question yesterday's friendship.
Breakthrough from external problems through obstacles.
Job offer, growth prospects, career.
Realization of reserves.

Chariot + World (VII + XXI)
Happy and fruitful release.
Cessation of hostilities, truce.
Hopes have come true, difficulties are behind us - peace has been achieved.
The desire to achieve many goals at once.
Travel abroad.
Transportation, import/export.

With the Ace of Wands card - uncertainty.
With the “Two of Wands” card, you are at a crossroads.
With the Three of Wands card - uncoordinated cooperation.
With the Four of Wands card - go on a visit; to the show.
With the Five of Wands card - present arguments.
With the Six of Wands card - take the right course.
With the Seven of Wands card - claim.
With the Eight of Wands card - reach the finish line.
With the Nine of Wands card - get injured.
With the Ten of Wands card - a fiasco; congestion, traffic jam.
With the “Page of Wands” card - overcome resistance.
With the card “Knight of Wands” - recklessness.
With the Queen of Wands card - get a promotion.
With the “King of Wands” card - prove yourself.

From other sources:
V. Sklyarov "The Great Book of Combinations".

Chariot upright with Major Arcana

Magician - Dizzying success (flowers, applause)
Magician (trans) - Fatal "gift"
Priestess - Lesbianism
Priestess (transl.) - Closing scientific topics, developments
Empress - Success in banking
Empress (trans) - Vain Expectations
Emperor - Successes in society, political struggle
Emperor (transl.) - Failure, failure. Failure in elections, exams
Priest - Marriage with a military man, a person in high ranks
Priest (trans) - Hopeless efforts to get married
Lovers - Dynasty. Military career
Lovers (transl.) - The path is impossible, petitions are unnecessary
Justice - Winning a court case. Triumph of Justice
Justice (transl.) - Attempts to deceive fate, Fortune
Hermit - Spiritual powers. Religious vocation. Preacher. Supreme Military Valor
The Hermit (trans) - The Schism of the Clergy
Wheel of Fortune - Success is temporary, but in absolutely everything. Fortune's Favorite
Wheel of Fortune (trans.) - Torture, torment. Tantalum
Strength - Friendship, which is based on covering up negative behavior
Strength (trans) - Loss of vigilance, caution
Hanged Man - Heroism, rescuing comrades from the battlefield
The Hanged Man (trans) - Accidental sudden death while traveling
Death - Correct maneuvers. Victory in battle
Death (trans) - Overturning structures using forceful methods
Moderation - Time of hostilities. "Hussar Ballad"
Moderation (trans) - Intervention. Capture. An occupation. Obesity or dystrophy
Devil - Black masses, Satanism, frenzy
The Devil (transl.) - Rampant Satanists
Tower - Explosion/Depression
Tower (lane) - Loss of real estate, natural gas explosion. Insurance agent
Star - Success in the detective genre
Star (trans) - Loss of vision. Glaucoma. Laser
Moon - Recklessness
Luna (trans) - Death while relaxing on the water
Sun - Evasion from military service, or vice versa, difference in military affairs. Right path or choice, stability
Sun (trans) - Fire, loss of property in a fire. Fire danger
Court - Participation in intervention
Court (trans) - Sad changes
Peace - Cessation of hostilities, truce
Peace (transl.) - Scandal between clans, families (Montagues and Capulets)
Jester - Worsening mental illness. Tendency to mental illness
Jester (trans) - Wound to the head. Dire consequences. Mismanagement of the situation

Chariot upright with the Minor Arcana

2 of Wands - Movement down an inclined plane
2 of Wands (trans) - Inability to get out of ruts
2 of Cups - New acquaintance, connection
2 of Cups (trans) - Lustful beast
2 of Swords - Partial victory
2 of Swords (trans) - Unfair actions. Smoking in secret
2 of Pentacles - Path in the Dark
2 of Pentacles (trans.) - Writer. First publication

3 of Wands - Short Journey
3 of Wands (trans) - Rest from the fight
3 of Cups - Happy news from afar
3 of Cups (per) - Negative response to the proposal
3 of Swords - Vain trips
3 of Swords (trans) - Mental problems
3 of Pentacles - Long road to recognition
3 of Pentacles (trans) - Corrupt society, environment

4 of Wands - A trip out of town

4 of Cups - Fulfilled prediction
4 of Cups (trans) - Boring acquaintance
4 of Swords - Deception of hopes
4 of Swords (transl.) - In the wrong place, with the wrong loved ones. Stinginess
4 of Pentacles - Unbridled generosity
4 of Pentacles (trans) - Unexpected refusal

5 of Wands - Period of success
5 of Wands (trans) - Protracted conflict
5 of Cups - Unexpected find
5 Cups (trans.) - Fight, scandal
5 of Swords - Failed Journey
5 of Swords (trans) - Death on a Cruise
5 of Pentacles - Lover - military man, married
5 of Pentacles (trans) - Quarrel with the military department
5 of Pentacles (per) - Penalty

6 of Wands - Successes in military affairs
6 of Wands (trans) - Fears that have reached a dead end
6 of Cups - Retirement of a military man
6 Cups (trans.) - Brilliant prospects in military affairs
6 of Swords - Crossing the border. Customs inspection. Do not take part in hostilities
6 of Swords (trans) - Trouble on the road
6 of Pentacles - Witness to the incident
6 of Pentacles (trans) - Failed passion

7 of Wands - Things going downhill
7 of Wands (trans) - Lingering doubts
7 of Cups - Target selection
7 of Cups (trans) - Non-use of the seven gifts of fate
7 of Swords - Hall of Lonely Hearts. Waiting hall
7 of Swords (transl.) - Preparing for the trip
7 of Pentacles - Help in big matters related to profits
7 of Pentacles (trans) - Great fear

8 of Wands - Flight, speed
8 of Wands (trans) - Family feuds
8 of Cups - Mistress of a military man. Border Poverty
8 Cups (per) - Military honors
8 of Swords - Crisis, turning point. Accident
8 of Swords (trans) - Resistance to violence
8 of Pentacles - Sponsor
8 of Pentacles (trans) - Duplicity

9 of Wands - Revenge on ill-wishers
9 of Wands (trans) - Trouble will not bring harm
9 of Cups - Withdrawal of troops, ending the war
9 Cups (per) - Occupation
9 of Swords - God's sign
9 of Swords (trans) - Participation in terrorist acts
9 of Pentacles - Car accident with many casualties
9 of Pentacles (trans) - The path to the abyss

10 of Wands - Slander, militant gossip
10 of Wands (trans) - Growth of negative influence
10 of Cups - Contract service, possibly abroad
10 of Cups (per) - Appropriate irritation
10 of Swords - Premonition of danger with a loved one
10 of Swords (trans) - Success on the stock exchange. Brokerage
10 of Pentacles - The need to protect your home
10 of Pentacles (trans) - Lucky chance for success in business

Page of Wands - Path to Glory
Page of Wands (trans) - Timely advice
Page of Cups - Military profession. Rake
Page of Cups (trans) - Dubious Pleasure
Page of Swords - Cadet. School
Page of Swords (trans) - Inexperience, naivety
Page of Pentacles - "Cuckold"
Page of Pentacles (trans) - Obvious excesses

Knight of Wands - Moving to distant lands
Knight of Wands (trans) - Cessation of movement. Repair work. Success in the auto industry
Knight of Cups - Favorable outcome of the case
Knight of Cups (trans) - The Seducer. Hussar
Knight of Swords - Receiving a military distinction
Knight of Swords (trans) - Order of dismissal, expulsion
Knight of Pentacles - Big Win
Knight of Pentacles (trans) - Vacation

Queen of Wands - Wife of a military man in high ranks
Queen of Wands (transl.) - Second marriage to a military man
Queen of Cups - Military virtue, wife of a military man. Withering, old age
Queen of Cups (transl.) - Loud scandal
Queen of Swords - War Widow
Queen of Swords (trans) - Damage. Waning moon
Queen of Pentacles - Security, freedom
Queen of Pentacles (trans) - Uncertainty of position

King of Wands - Military in high ranks
King of Wands (trans) - Intemperance in desires
King of Cups - Martial Arts
King of Cups (trans) - Representative of mafia structures
King of Swords - Military Jurisprudence
King of Swords (trans) - Untapped Opportunities
King of Pentacles - Businessman by vocation
King of Pentacles (trans) - Ugliness

Ace of Wands - Victory over the blows of fate
Ace of Wands (trans) - Bankruptcy
Ace of Cups - "A Feast for the Whole World"
Ace of Cups (trans) - Infertility
Ace of Swords - Disaster. The accident could be fatal
Ace of Swords (trans) - Self-Destruction
Ace of Pentacles - Complete victory
Ace of Pentacles (trans) - Seizure of wealth, treasure

8 Swords + 7 Pentacles - Damage to the trail
7 of Pentacles + Knight of Swords - Damage at a crossroads, which a person “picked up” by accident
6 Wands (trans) + 7 Swords + Tower - Damage to death during an accident, problems with the car

Reversed Chariot with Major Arcana

Mage - Defeat, small-scale bad luck
Magician (trans) - Force majeure. Unpredictability
Priestess - Alchemy. Failure in the official sciences
Priestess (trans) - Social loss
Empress - Unsuccessful financial transactions. Put aside the affair, think about honesty and sincerity in the relationship
Empress (trans) - Infertility. Injuries in battles resulting in changes in body shape or loss of any organs
Emperor - Conflicts with senior management. Deliberate forgery
Emperor (trans) - Loss of position
Priest - A marriage doomed to widowhood. "Black spider"
Priest (trans) - Divorce proceedings
Lovers - Unhappiness with loved ones
Lovers (trans) - Warpath
Justice - Unfair accusations
Justice (trans.) - Failures in jurisprudence
Hermit - Dirty depravity
The Hermit (trans) - Problems with the military registration and enlistment office
Wheel of Fortune - Success in ballet art
Wheel of Fortune (trans) - "Zombie"
Strength - Weakness, indecisiveness, giving up positions without a fight
Strength (translated) - Encroachment on the most precious thing in life
Hanged Man - Cowardice, flight, betrayal
The Hanged Man (trans) - Murder in the House
Death - Death in battle
Death (transl.) - Bloody feuds, showdowns
Moderation - Completion of the military operation. Homecoming
Moderation (trans) - The end of hostilities. Returning home (Afghanistan)
Devil - Injuries resulting in changes in body shape. Amputation
The Devil (trans) - The Phantom of Virtue
Tower - Nuclear disaster (Chernobyl, etc.)
Tower (lane) - Attack from around the corner
Star - Exhibitions, vernissages, success in the fine arts
Star (trans) - Loss of trust
Moon - Large-scale historical disaster on water (“Titanic”, “Kursk”, etc.)
Moon (trans) - Misconception
Sun - Minor injury, concussion. Military hospital
The Sun (transl.) - Arson, intentional
Court - Emergency situation (explosion in the metro at Pushkinskaya station, for example)
Judgment (trans) - Falling into the abyss. Snow avalanche. Skiing
Peace - Scandal in a noble society
World (trans) - Avalanche of misfortunes. Burial
Jester - Soaring on the Air
Jester (transl.) - Robbery. Black flag. Piracy

Reversed Chariot with Minor Arcana

2 of Wands - Sudden depression
2 of Wands (trans) - Deadly Journey
2 of Cups - Uncertainty about a loved one
2 of Cups (trans) - Lust
2 of Swords - Complete defeat
2 of Swords (trans) - Rebel Friend
2 of Pentacles - Confusion in business
2 of Pentacles (trans) - Impossibility of reaching an agreement peacefully

3 of Wands - Failed attempts
3 Zhezlov (lane) - Repair work
3 of Cups - Waiting for news from afar
3 of Cups (trans.) - Hurt feelings
3 of Swords - Trip postponed
3 of Swords (trans) - Mental hereditary disease
3 of Pentacles - Inability to achieve recognition
3 of Pentacles (trans) - Low goals

4 of Wands - Don’t pack for a trip
4 of Wands (trans) - Does not change the meaning in an inverted position
4 of Cups - Unpleasant news
4 of Cups (per) - Quarrel
4 of Swords - Stinginess
4 of Swords (trans) - Tyrant, despot (domestic), often - child
4 of Pentacles - Unpleasant gift
4 of Pentacles (trans) - Captivity, guardhouse, arrest

5 of Wands - Spending money on trifles
5 of Wands (trans) - A break is needed
5 of Cups - Betrayal of a friend
5 of Cups (per) - Wound, pain
5 of Swords - Unexpected losses
5 of Swords (trans) - The collapse of everything that was planned
5 of Pentacles - Insecure connections
5 of Pentacles (trans) - Dishonor

6 of Wands - Victory of the enemy
6 of Wands (trans) - Frustrated expectations
6 of Cups - Retirement due to illness, disability
6 Cups (per) - Dubious success
6 of Swords - Should not take part in a military operation
6 of Swords (trans) - A dangerous path
6 of Pentacles - Witness for the prosecution against you
6 of Pentacles (trans) - Lost opportunities

7 of Wands - Settlement of force by force
7 of Wands (trans) - Disorder in business
7 of Cups - Uncertainty, painful
7 of Cups (trans) - Burning life
7 of Swords - Vain requests
7 of Swords (trans) - Give up the desire to get rich
7 of Pentacles - Refusal to help, stubbornness
7 of Pentacles (per) - Vain pressure

8 of Wands - Delayed flight
8 of Wands (trans) - Madness, impulsiveness
8 of Cups - Poverty
8 of Cups (trans) - Inappropriate excuses
8 of Swords - Unpleasant Incident
8 of Swords (trans) - Dangerous illness, loss of maternal care
8 of Pentacles - Usury, pawnshops, mortgages with interest
8 of Pentacles (trans) - Soullessness, coldness

9 of Wands - Prohibition on further actions
9 of Wands (trans) - The end of bad luck
9 of Cups - Military aggression
9 of Cups (trans.) - Hostage Taking
9 of Swords - Attention of evil spirits
9 of Swords (trans.) - Murder mania. "Silence of the Lambs"
9 of Pentacles - Lack of common sense
9 of Pentacles (trans) - Banditry

10 of Wands - “Mutiny” on the ship
10 of Wands (trans) - Aggression from the best friend
10 of Cups - Righteous Wrath
10 of Cups (per) - Impossibility of movement, enemies attack
10 of Swords - Simon of Cyrene
10 of Swords (transl.) - "Amok"
10 of Pentacles - Loss of savings, reform
10 of Pentacles (trans) - Embezzler of public money

Ace of Wands - Defeat
Ace of Wands (trans) - Sudden bad luck, the machinations of Themis
Ace of Cups - “It flowed down my mustache, but didn’t get into my mouth”
Ace of Cups (trans) - False Peddler
Ace of Swords - Fatal Disaster
Ace of Swords (trans) - Deaths, operations, attacks. Pancreas. Melting
Ace of Pentacles - Unconditional Surrender
Ace of Pentacles (trans) - Sophisticated techniques

Page of Wands - Success is impossible
Page of Wands (trans) - Inappropriate instructions
Page of Cups - The Rake
Page of Cups (trans) - Ruin
Page of Swords - Unexpected Turn
Page of Swords (trans) - False intuition
Page of Pentacles - Recklessness
Page of Pentacles (trans) - The Unhappy Youth

Knight of Wands - Departure for a specific purpose
Knight of Wands (trans) - The Death of Plans
Knight of Cups - Untimely Arrival
Knight of Cups (trans) - Cunning and Love
Knight of Swords - Vain aggressiveness, moderate your ardor
Knight of Swords (trans) - Weakness of Character
Knight of Pentacles - Unnecessary and misplaced remorse
Knight of Pentacles (trans) - Mindless Fun

Queen of Wands - Aggression is inappropriate
Queen of Wands (trans) - Moving
Queen of Cups - Decay, old age
Queen of Cups (transl.) - Truce of the parties
Queen of Swords - Evil "Amazon"
Queen of Swords (trans) - Well-wisher
Queen of Pentacles - Loss of trust
Queen of Pentacles (transl.) - Mistress, playing with fire

King of Wands - Wound, death by weapon
King of Wands (trans) - Military traumatism
King of Cups - Strife. Showdown
King of Cups (trans.) - Strike movement. Unions
King of Swords - Hard-Hearted
King of Swords (trans) - Military Tribunal
King of Pentacles - Lack of Imagination
King of Pentacles (trans) - A Disgraceful Act

8 of Pentacles - Sponsor, income
5 of Cups (per) - Wound, injury, pain
Knight of Pentacles - Losing
Jester (transl.) - Own shortcomings, stupidity, absent-mindedness