What was the meaning of the scene? Why do you dream about performing? Dream Interpretation speaking in front of an audience.

Why do you dream about a performance?

Esoteric dream book

Getting ready to perform means preparing to participate in public work.

Listening to a speech, a speech, a report - advancement on the social ladder, a leading place in a movement, a party.

Speak if you hold a high position - wait for competitors, if not yet, then be prepared to take it.

Why do you dream about a performance?

English dream book

Giving a speech you're not prepared for - There are several options: an exam on a subject you haven't learned, a demonstration of an object you don't know, or a performance on stage when you don't know your words. Dream interpretation of performance - Such dreams usually occur during periods of stress, when you feel that you are being “tested for strength.” Why do you have a dream: If these are physical tests, maybe you have encountered some physical obstacles in real life? If this is an exam, is it an intelligence test?

Why do you dream about a performance?

Christian dream book

A dream in which a public performance, namely a report that is read from the stage, suggests that an unpleasant meeting with competitors will soon occur. But this interpretation applies to those who occupy a high position. If a person is just listening to a report, then in reality he will receive very lucrative offers that will help him move up the social ladder. An important detail in such dreams is the clothing of the performers. If it does not correspond to the moment and causes surprise, then in real life a public assignment can greatly shock a person and will be unpleasant for him. However, such an event is short-lived and will be forgotten very quickly.

Why do you dream about a performance?

Home dream book

What dreams of a performance mean has an ambiguous interpretation. In such cases, it is necessary to decide whether the dreamer himself is performing, or, for example, watching the concert from the side. Moreover, the concept of “performance” can also be interpreted in different ways. Therefore, you first need to find out what the person who had such a dream means by this. Seeing a performance by a famous musical group in a dream speaks of upcoming entertainment in the company of friends and a pleasant pastime.

Why do you dream about a performance?

Loff's Dream Book

Public speaking, as a rule, frightens most representatives of the adult population; it is their number one fear, i.e. ranks even higher than, say, death! The result of this is the widespread occurrence of dreams about such events. They are rarely nightmares - they are more dreams of challenge and overcoming. Most likely, the occasion of your speech or the members of the audience listening to you will lead you to think about an area of ​​your life that people pay too much attention to. Another version of this is a dream about a public speech, the topic of which or the speaker's outfit is completely inappropriate for the moment. This dream is similar to a dream about nudity, in which the key is exposing yourself to everyone and the non-standard situation. The dream may be an attempt to expose a weakness that you usually try to hide. Was the nature of your public appearance absurd or did it fit quite logically into your real life? In this situation, did you feel a high degree of anxiety or were you calm and determined?

The reality and meaning of dreams

Sleep from Tuesday to Wednesday

A dream with pleasant images is considered a good sign. It promises joy from successful changes in life and travel. A monotonous dream that could not be remembered in detail indicates the low social activity of the sleeper. Predictions come true on the coming Friday or Saturday.

Dream Interpretation of Hasse

Hearing someone give a speech in your dream is a sign of future activities and deeds that will lead to a good result. If you were pleasantly impressed, then your enterprises will develop very successfully. If you did not like either the speaker or his speech, it means that you will encounter difficulties in implementing your plans. To pronounce it yourself means that you will be an influential person. The meaning of the dream is enhanced if the audience approved of your speech.

Dreaming of a Public Speaking

Loff's Dream Book

Most adults are afraid of public speaking. For them, this is the number one fear, even ahead of the fear of death! It is not surprising that dreams about such events are becoming very widespread. they are quite rare - more often they are dreams of testing and overcoming. The occasion for public speaking or your audience will likely lead you to think about an area of ​​your life that others pay too close attention to.

Many people have the habit of flipping through their dream book in the morning. The scene is quite an interesting sign. Different interpreters decipher it differently.

Freud has a rather interesting and ambiguous dream book. The scene, according to him, can mean the following:

The idiomatic dream book is quite popular. A scene according to it can mean the following:

It is Miller who owns the most popular and authoritative dream book. The scene is interpreted as follows:

If you dreamed of something interesting at night, be sure to look into your dream book. Stage, to perform or to be a spectator, according to the interpreter Longo, can mean the following:

The dream book of the sorceress Medea is characterized by quite interesting interpretations. In it you will find the following information regarding the scene:

Interpretation according to women's dream book

  • Dream interpretation “stage”, singing in front of an audience may portend participation in some event. Most likely, you will be able to win the favor of those present and become the most talked about person.
  • If you see yourself on stage in front of a full hall of people, this means that you will be honored and respected by others. Most likely, this will be related to your professional activities.
  • Dancing on stage in a revealing outfit means that you may commit some rash act. This will cause condemnation from others.
  • Dream Interpretation “stage, behind the scenes”, if you are watching a rehearsal or performance from the side, this means that you envy those around you. This feeling destroys you from the inside and does not allow you to build normal relationships with people.

Interpretation according to the American dream book

If you imagine that you are in a student audience, this means that in reality positive life changes await you thanks to the selfless support of your friends.

If in a dream you have to listen to a lecture from a teacher, you will have to show enviable patience in the upcoming important task.

Seeing yourself at the department in the role of a teacher speaking in front of an audience means illness and unsuccessful results in work due to disagreements with colleagues or partners about how best to do this and that.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation alphabetically

Dream Interpretation - Strange dream

Apparently your friend is hiding something from you. In addition, you need to change your attitude towards life, and in no case envy the success of others. This dream is just a warning against envy. Otherwise, you risk depression.

Dream Interpretation - Number 20

The dreamer is in a huge audience - great opportunities are open to the dreamer, but they are from the area of ​​upcoming experience, that is, the dreamer is now preparing for what she was before - not at all ready. The dreamer was called, she is number 20 - the dreamer is in demand as an attractive girl and confident in her abilities (or rather, charms). A dreamer in beautiful boots with a confident gait - the dreamer is counting on success in love and the only thing left to do is to find someone after her heart and marry him. That's all. Sincerely, LIVIA.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation of the House of the Sun

Dream Interpretation - Swimming Pool

A key symbol in your dream, the swimming pool represents conditional love. It is the conditionality, in due time, of the birth of your love that is an obstacle to establishing the relationships your soul needs and a catalyst for all kinds of conclusions. There are no clues in the dream, so the decision is yours. Listen to your intuition and the right choice and luck.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation of the House of the Sun

Oh, how many discoveries the dream book has reserved for those who were lucky enough to perform on stage in a dream! Rather, remember where this happened in order to know exactly what this performance was about in your dream.

Miller's dream book about theater

For a person who dreamed that he was in the theater, Miller predicts meeting new friends and successful activities. If in a dream he performed on stage, the tonality of the interpretation of the dream changes. Yes, everything will be fine, but it won't last long.

The dream book makes an exception only for opera - singing arias for the public foreshadows the fulfillment of desires. But dancing in a variety show means an annoying warning: the dreamer may waste his fortune.

Dive into illusion

Why dream of watching a theatrical performance from the audience? Behind every action or situation there is a clue:

  • Seeing actors in a performance means having to resort to sophisticated tricks to expose the deceiver.
  • To look distantly, indifferently - to the uselessness of fraudulent schemes against you.
  • Carefully watching the performance leads to illusory self-deception.
  • Staying in the gallery means loss of prestige.
  • Applauding joyfully means unbridled joy and dishonor.
  • Fleeing from a hall engulfed in fire means participating in a bad adventure.

Family dramas

Have you ever performed on stage in a ballet performance? Dream books interpret ballet as the embodiment of romance and the hardships of family life. Dancing in a ballet in a dream means that the spouse is either cheating or is ready to cross the threshold of what is permitted.

If you dreamed that your spouse was participating in the play, then the sleeper is burdened by the relationship, but does not know how to say it. Dream books advise talking through problems with your partner - things won’t get any worse.

If the participants in the performance were dancers of the same gender as the dreamer, then he gravitates toward same-sex relationships.

Loneliness or sociability

What do dream books say about why you dream of performing solo on stage? It will surprise no one that this image reflects inner loneliness. On the contrary, seeing a large dance group is the lot of a sociable extrovert. Anyone who dreamed of dancing in a couple will find allies, comrades-in-arms, and real support in a noble cause.

Participating in a temperamental fast dance in a dream means that a person will have a lot of fun in the near future. A slow foxtrot is more likely to be dreamed of by someone who anticipates sexual attraction.

Only about sex!

The images of dancers in Freud's dream book are analyzed in particular detail. The fact that they perform on stage in front of an audience testifies to their unbridled adventurism.