What is hosting and how to buy it.

or placing a website on the Internet on paid hosting

Have you created a website and now you can't wait to put it on the Internet?

Very short process placing a website on the Internet can be described this way.

All files, text and graphics, are uploaded using a special program (this can be FileZilla or without it if the hosting has its own site loading panel) to the hosting server, which provides space for your resource on the Internet.

There are two ways to place a website on the Internet: free and paid.

How to place your website on the Internet on hosting

First thing to do → choose a reliable hosting for your website on the Internet. For example, . How do I understand that the hosting is reliable? That's right, I'm looking to see who is among his clients.

To place a website on the Internet, you must have a domain name or register a new one. I chose this: miname.ru - I checked if the name was available for registration. Everything is fine! The domain is free. Now I have to pay for it.

So let's start from the beginning.

1) I register on the hosting to go to my personal account. I top up my balance with 12 euros or less in order to purchase a domain and pay for several months of hosting. You can top up your account in the following ways: bank card, Webmoney, QIWI, Bitcoin, Yandex Money, Alfa Bank, Sberbank Online.

2) I purchase a domain name for the site.

3) I select the site’s IP address, add a profile for the ru domain (information about the site owner).

4) I make payment using funds from my balance.

Now the domain I selected is active.

5) In your personal account on the hosting, in the Orders section, in the Hosting tab, I select the tariff for hosting the site on the Internet, and pay for the service.

I receive a letter confirming the order and a link to access the site control panel at the email address specified when registering for hosting.

6) In your hosting account in the Orders section, in the Management tab

adding a domain.

7) I designate a domain name and add a website.

The report is shown (site name and its location in the hosting root directory).

The screenshot above shows the IP address. Make sure that the IP address of the site and your hosting account match. You can view and edit IP and DNS records in the admin panel.

If you are having trouble understanding the settings, please submit a ticket to technical support. They answer quickly, depending on the importance of the question.

In the Settings tab

the data for FTP access to the site on the Internet using a file manager is registered.

How to place a website on the Internet on hosting

Site content(pages, codes, pictures, folders, cms) post on the Internet possible in two ways.

The first way to host a website. Using a standard site control panel, for example, CPanel.

Login to Cpanel is located here: Personal account ⇒ Orders ⇒ Settings tab ⇒ Go to panel button.

In cPanel, open File Manager.

We send the required file to the root directory of the site on the hosting: public_html, to the folder with your site (in my case, the folder is called miname.ru. I uploaded index.html into it

Details about the main page of the site ⇒ index.html and HTML see chapter.

The second way to host a website. Using the FileZilla file manager. You will need to connect via FileZilla to the same folders on the hosting, using your own to the site. FileZilla is very convenient when uploading to a hosting CMS (Joomla or Wordpress), when transferring many folders and files at the same time, and not one by one, as in the cPanel example above.

This is what happens placement of website files on the Internet on hosting.

Placing a website on the Internet on free hosting

What is free hosting

Free hosting allows you to choose a third-level domain name for your website and put it on the Internet. Free hosting also involves placement on
your site with its own links or advertising, which “slightly” distorts the design of your site and the capabilities of the free option are limited. You will never have more traffic to a resource that is located on free hosting. This also implies the impossibility
make money on such a site if your goal is to make money.

What is a website domain name

A site's domain name is the name you enter in your browser's search bar, for example, www.you33site.ru or my1site.ru. The first level domain name in this entry is okonchanie.ru, the second level is the previous name of the website: my1site. A third-level domain name that offers free hosting may look like this: photo.my1site.ru or page.my1site.ru. The third level of the domain name in this case is the name that precedes my1site.ru

What is paid hosting

Paid hosting gives you the opportunity to choose a first- and second-level domain name, which in total cost 3-12 USD. per year, but there are more expensive options. Paid hosting is when you pay 1-5 USD. per month for space for your website on the Internet, but at the same time you are the full owner of your resource, that is, no one will cover your site with advertising, neglecting the design.

By posting your first index.html on the Internet, you have discovered a new page for yourself, literally and figuratively. and will allow you to delve deeper into the study of website building.

FileZilla allows you to place a website on the Internet on paid and free hosting.

FileZilla is a program for hosting a website on the Internet on paid hosting. To host sites on the Internet, it is not necessary to use the program if the hosting has its own panel for uploading site files (most hosting sites have it) and everything suits you anyway.

I’ll tell you how to upload (upload) a website to hosting. Moreover, I will post two instructions:
- BRIEF REFERENCE - for those who fumble, they just need a hint;
- DETAILED INSTRUCTIONS - for those who are in the tank and don’t understand anything at all. We've all been like that - it's normal. I posted everything, including links and pictures. Enjoy it for your health!

Brief information on how to upload a website to hosting

Quick and to the point:
1) Buy hosting (). There is a trial period (5 days, I think), by the way - just to practice uploading sites and pages. With the purchase you receive three parameters: Host, login and password. They are used to connect and download.
2) Download the FTP client (program). The most popular and convenient is FileZilla. You launch it. And yes, if FileZilla does not install (this happens on ancient computers and netbooks), then try Total Commander. The principle of operation is the same, but the interface is DOS. And so everything is the same.
3) Enter in the top field: Host (or Server), Username (or Login) and Password. They are sent by the hoster when purchasing hosting. See email.
4) THE LEFT PART shows the explorer and the contents of folders on the computer. The RIGHT PART shows the explorer and the contents of the folders on the hosting. A message will indicate that you have connected, and a folder with the name of the site (domain) will appear in the window on the right.
5) On the left, open the folder from where you will upload files to your hosting. On the right, go to the folder with the name of the site on the hosting side, for example, "mysite.com". Then the "www" folder.
6) On the left, select the file to upload, right-click on it and click “Upload to server”. Congratulations, you have uploaded a page to the Internet! Now you can check how it is displayed in the browser.


IMPORTANT #1: The root folder of the site is "www". It should contain the MAIN PAGE OF THE SITE, that is, the file index.html or index.php. As well as other files and folders, respectively, if they exist.

IMPORTANT No. 2: during subsequent uploads, pay attention to which folder you are uploading the file to! if, for example, you want to upload a picture to the images folder, make sure that it is open on the hosting side!

That's actually everything about how to add a website to the Internet. If the short instructions did not work or something is unclear, read the full guide below.

DETAILED INSTRUCTIONS on how to upload a website to hosting

For those who didn’t understand anything, with all the details, pictures, explanations and screenshots!
So to speak, instructions for girls (blondes, brunettes and redheads, since ladies with dreadlocks and blue hair already know how to do this).
My dears, I didn’t want to offend anyone, but the first sentence with notes weeded out all the men: R. What is important!
Recently, several times I have encountered the fact that those who have completed online design courses do not know how to upload websites to hosting.
For me, once upon a time, uploading a site to the Internet was also a sealed secret... But once you try, the situation becomes clearer.
A website is actually a folder with files that can be laid out in HTML formats and sometimes plus PHP* and scripts (the software part in the form of code).

By default we take the situation:
- You ALREADY HAVE A READY website, it’s just on your home computer, and not on the Internet.
- You bought a domain for it, and possibly hosting. ( - but you can choose any company. The principle of placing websites on the Internet is the same everywhere).

Let's stop here for a moment to explain.
The site might look like this:
1. index.html (or index.php) – the main page of the site (the name index is given to the main page of the site and any default folder on all sites on the Internet)
2. index.css – file where the page style is specified (background color, window size, font)
3. images folder – pictures for page design
4. page1.html (or page1.php) – any page of the site, but not the main one
5. page2.html (or page2.php) – any page of the site, but not the main one
6. page3.html (or page3.php) – any page of the site, but not the main one
Let's say something like this:


So, you have already purchased domain and hosting. Usually they are sold by the same comrades on the Internet (hosters). But you can buy from different ones. I personally like the company Ukraine.com.ua - they have inexpensive domain names + good technical support, which is important when questions arise about hosting.

A domain is the name of a website on the Internet, for example: mysite.com, http://freetravel.com.ua, ukr.net.
Hosting is that “hard drive” on the Internet where your folder with the file will be located and will be available to all Internet users around the clock.

So, you buy yourself a domain name. It will be assigned to you within two days. Then you buy hosting on the website Ukraine.com.ua. By the way, they have 5 days of free hosting use - just for trial.

If you have already purchased hosting, you will be sent a letter with the server name, login and password for using hosting:
To access via FTP*** use the following details:
Server: mysite.ftp.ukraine.com.ua
Login: mysite_ftp
Password: A0a0A0A

These passwords are not used on the hosting site, but for FTP clients (programs that allow you to upload a site to the hosting, and essentially to the Internet).
There are two main ones:
FileZilla – I RECOMMEND!
Total Commander - use if your computer is rubbish and FileZilla is not installed on it.

Download the FileZilla program, enter your passwords and connect.
Step by step on how to upload a website to hosting.
Uploading files to hosting via FileZilla:

The fact that you are connected is indicated by the appearance of your domain folder in the field on the right:

A folder with your domain appears on the right. Go into it, and then into the www folder!

The index file (the main page of the site) should be located in the www(!!!) folder. To upload it, you need to open the www folder on the right! Then right-click on the desired file and select “Upload to server.”

It is important that the folders on both sides clearly match. If you want, for example, to add a new picture to the images folder, then the images folder should be open on both sides in FileZilla.

After you have uploaded the file through FileZilla, you can check everything on the Internet by simply entering the address into the browser. Everything should work. If something is not displayed, it means you haven’t uploaded it! Be sure to check the uploaded files online.

Solving problems loading a website onto a server.

If the connection does not occur, the issue may be a dynamic IP. Relevant for those who use mobile or other people's Internet.
The fact is that Ukraine hosting provides its users with additional IP protection for your Internet. If it changes, then it also needs to be changed on the Ukraine.com.ua website in your personal account in the SECURITY section. Actually, this is another reason why I like the hosting, because in order to access the site, you need to go through identification via an SMS code. This means that no one will get to my site))).
How to change the registered IP!
Log in. Go to your personal control panel on your hosting:

Go to the Security section

On the left on a white background are the IPs that can make changes, and on the right is your current IP:

If they do not match, add it to the white field:

It should appear:

Now you can upload your website to your hosting using FileZilla (or Total Commander). The sequence is shown above.

By the way, Total Commander is used in the same way as Filezilla, but it has a slightly different interface (DOS, almost). But in principle, the site owner “doesn’t need checkers, but to go,” that is, to upload the page to the Internet!

________________________________________ ____
*HTML or PHP formats. The files have the corresponding extensions: index.html or index.php If you can open the index page with a browser, this is HTML :) PHP files can only be opened on a server (hosting on the Internet or a local server that is installed on a work computer - but if you are not a developer - you don't need it).
** Content management systems are used by those users who cannot (or do not want) to write codes for the page themselves. Essentially it's just using a user-friendly interface.
*** FTP (File Transfer Protocol). Uploading a website to hosting is the same as uploading it to someone else’s computer. Who would allow this to anyone? For this they use FTP - it allows you to upload certain files to a certain location and that’s it.

Many novice webmasters ask themselves this question and, not finding an answer, ask it on forums and by email.
Well, I’ll try to explain simply and clearly how, with what help and where on the Internet you can place a website.
To begin with, it’s tedious to choose hosting. Naturally, you should start with free hosting; you can read an article about free hosting here (http://www..
Let's say you have chosen hosting from newmail. We go to the main page (www.newmail.ru), click the registration button, fill out all the necessary fields and get a page with the following content:

Your login: yoursite in the domain nm.ru
Your mailing address: [email protected]
Your personal pages: http://www. yoursite.nm.ru

POP3 server: pop.newmail.ru
login: yoursite.nm.ru
password: Your password

SMTP server: smtp.newmail.ru
login: yoursite.nm.ru
password: Your password
Attention! Authentication must be enabled to access SMTP

FTP server: ftp://yoursite.nm.ru:Your [email protected]

Yoursite is the name of your site
nm – the domain in which the site is located (other options are possible, for example, newmail, nightmail, etc.)

Now we will use the program to upload files to the server. You can use different programs, for example, the FAR manager, some even download through a browser (I don’t recommend it, it’s extremely slow), but the recognized leader for uploading files to the server is CuteFTP Pro. Version 2.01 weighs 2.64 MB.
We install and run the program and create a new FTP connection (File > New > FTP Site), you can simply press Ctrl+N.
A window appears with four tabs (General, Type, Actions, Options). By default, the first General tab is open, we work only with it, we don’t even switch to the others. The General tab has several fields:

Host address

There are also switches under the Login method inscription, the default is Normal, so we leave it.

The Label field, this is the name of the connection, can be anything. What you write here is not important.

In the Host address field, you need to enter the following entry “ftp://yoursite.nm.ru:Your [email protected]”, of course, instead of the phrase “Your password” you need to enter the real password without spaces. For example, your password is “qwerty” (do not use such a password under any circumstances), then the line will look like this: “ftp://yoursite.nm.ru: [email protected]»».

User name field, enter the name and domain of your site, for example, “yoursite.nm.ru”.

The Password field, I hope, does not need comments, enter your password there, for example, qwerty.

The Comments field is optional.

Now click “Ok” and the created connection will appear in the left window. Double click on the name of this connection and the program automatically starts connecting to the server (at this time your computer must be connected to the network).
The right window is divided into 2 parts, the top one is the files and folders that are on the server, the bottom one is information about the progress of downloading files to the server.
After the program connects to the server (a green “Ok” will appear in the lower right window), there will be emptiness in the upper right window, this is a little confusing, but it should be so. After all, you logged into your account for the first time and found yourself in the root folder, which does not contain a single file, so the window is empty.
Further, everything is simple, like ordinary work in Windows. Select the necessary files on your computer, click “Copy”, right click in the upper right window in CuteFTP Pro, select “Paste” and that’s it. The upload of files to the server has begun.
Now you know how to upload a website to a server on the Internet, I wish you success.
If you have any questions, our