Victoria Bonya - biography, information, personal life. Russian socialites who change successful men like gloves Victoria Bonya pictures with Menshikov

When Vika was 16 years old, she and her mother moved from Krasnokamensk to Moscow. She started her career at Lotto Bingo on Tsvetnoy Boulevard and managed to work as a waitress and secretary. Then she graduated from the Faculty of Economics. At the same time, she tried herself in the modeling business. In 2002 she went to the USA. There, together with a friend, they opened their own small business. In 2004, she graduated from the Ostankino Higher School of Film and Television, and literally three years later her career clearly took off. They began to recognize her on the street, and Vika herself began to receive numerous offers, not only business ones.

1. “Dom-2” and Stepan Menshchikov

Fame came to Victoria Bonet in 2006. It was then that the future celebrity got on the television project “Dom-2”. Here the girl became the conqueror of men’s hearts (on the reality show Bonya tried to build relationships with Stepan Menshikov and Anton Potapovich). Having spent 338 days on the television set, she became one of the brightest participants. At first, Victoria was “white and fluffy”, did not take part in the intrigues, however, she soon started a fight with Alena Vodonaeva. For 9 months Bonya had an affair with Stepan Menshchikov, but then declared that she needed a stronger man. And Stepan, in turn, made a scene because she trusted him and listened to the gossip of envious people who set him up with Vodonaeva in the old fashioned way. A couple of big fights, and the couple decided to break up. At one of the votes, the unexpected happened - Anton Potapovich was kicked out. And Victoria left after him, although they were considered a fictitious couple. As Victoria herself explained: “When Potapovich was kicked out, I realized that I could no longer be in the new house.”

2. Romance with a rapper

Before the sensational story, rapper Timati had repeatedly admitted that he considered Bonya a very beautiful girl, then they began to appear together in an embrace at social events, and then Vika starred in a very frank video for the scandalous rapper’s song “Don’t Go Crazy.” Bonya admitted that she really liked portraying passion on screen with Timati, and it was not at all difficult for them to get used to the role of lovers. However, to a direct question about who occupied her heart now, Bonya answered evasively that she had a new person in her life, new feelings. Timati's fellow colleagues said that the intimate communication between the rapper and Boni continued outside the set. Be that as it may, the singer himself was in no hurry to comment on his relationship with Bonya. Now this couple has quite warm and friendly relations, although Victoria never officially became Timati’s girlfriend.

3. Football love

The most striking and actively discussed was Victoria Boni’s relationship with Spartak forward, Brazilian football player Welliton Soares Morais. The girl was introduced to the young man by a close friend, sports journalist Nadya Tukhtarova. From the first moment, Vika says, she had the impression that she and Morais had known each other all their lives. The relationship began instantly. Vika was not even embarrassed by the fact that Welliton is 7 years younger than her, has been married for 8 years (though he lives in a civil marriage) and is raising a son. However, the love did not last long. Three months later, the couple broke up, and Victoria Bonya herself began to say that she and the football player were just friends. However, details of the relationship between Vicky and Welliton were constantly leaked to the press. Allegedly, the couple is about to register their relationship and the young man has already introduced his beloved to his mother. After breaking up with the football player, Vika preferred not to advertise her personal life.

4. Son of a Billionaire

The story about the relationship between Vicky and Alex Smurfit, the son of an Irish billionaire, is very complicated. The young man’s father, businessman Michael Smurfit, was clearly not delighted that his son chose a girl from Russia, and not one with the best reputation either - the Dom-2 project has never added prestige to anyone.

Some of Alex’s friends were also not happy that he chose a girl “from the people,” although he could have afforded himself a marriage with an aristocrat. The oligarch's father was sure that Bonya did not want his son, but his fortune. Alex Smurfit's wedding still hasn't taken place. And this is probably the main reason. Some time ago, Victoria still dreamed of a wedding ceremony, but now she realized that this would never happen. She confirmed that they talked to Alex about everything and came to the conclusion that there would be no official wedding.

Now Alex is her common-law husband, and in March 2012 they had a daughter, Angelina Letitia. The family lives in Monaco.

A scandal over provocative photographs of Victoria Bonya flared up last year, when one of the publications published racy photos that allegedly showed Victoria Bonya and her colleague on the TV project “Dom-2” Stepan Menshchikov: in the footage, the couple was engaged in oral sex. Victoria stated that the photographs were fake and went to court.

In the lawsuit, the TV presenter and model stated that the photographs show a completely different woman, and this whole scandalous story caused her moral damage. For many months Bonya defended her honor and dignity. On May 13, the Savyolovsky Court of Moscow granted Victoria’s claim, but the lawyers of the other side filed an appeal. Only on July 30 the matter was put to rest. The Moscow Court of Appeal upheld the decision of the Savelovsky Court - Victoria Bonya has nothing to do with intimate photographs.

In an interview with Komsomolskaya Pravda, Victoria admitted that she was very happy because justice had triumphed. According to the TV presenter, it was not easy for her to defend the truth in court. “After that, the real persecution began! My appearance, my style of clothing, and some advertising posts (from which, by the way, I pay taxes), and my friends, and my family were criticized... It reached the point of absurdity: they somehow reproached me for flew to Moscow in economy class,” Bonya shared with the publication’s correspondent.

Victoria does not regret that she had to spend so much effort to prove her non-involvement in the scandalous photos. “For more than six months, my family adjusted their lives to the schedule of court hearings that I had to attend. And purely psychologically, this whole story was unpleasant. But the truth is worth fighting for!” - Victoria said.

Victoria hastened to inform her Instagram subscribers about her victory: “The holiday has arrived on my street! Finally, the long legal history has come to an end!<…>Let me remind you that the court of first instance granted my claim back in May. But they appealed. And on July 30, 2015, the Moscow Court of Appeal, having examined the case materials, upheld the decision of the Savelovsky Court!<…>I will be happy to provide a copy of the court decision to all media! The court ordered the defendants to delete and refute the disputed articles. So we’re waiting, sir...”

Stepan Menshchikov became one of the most popular participants in the reality show "Dom-2". The showman was able to conquer the brightest girls of the project, including Alena Vodonaeva and Victoria Bonya. Menshchikov assures that he didn’t have to work hard to seduce such spectacular ladies. According to Stepan, there is no need to look after women at all.


"I have a very important secret. I need love yourself and be an authority in the team, then the girls themselves will catch up. No need to run after anyone and look after, give flowers and sing serenades under the moon with a guitar. It is enough to be cheerful and resourceful. Just do something that brings you pleasure and benefit to society. Then love will find you itself. Be open to it. I didn’t have a woman on the project two months until Vodonaeva came to me. She saw me on her TV screen, watched me, and then went through the casting and said that she liked Stepan and wanted to be with him,” “Interlocutor” quotes him.

Stepan Menshchikov still maintains friendly relations with Victoria Bonya and Alena Vodonaeva. True, this communication can hardly be called friendship, he believes.

"It would be strange if we were friends with Alena or Bonya, for example. Especially with families. Why? They have their own lives, I have my own. But we congratulate each other on our birthdays. If there are any common interests, we call each other. If there is any difficulty, we worry about each other, we help with something. They are public girls, and if something happens to them, I find out about it from the media. Although sometimes they call themselves and tell us something,” Menshchikov said.