Cindy Crawford workout number 1. Cindy Crawford: The secret to a perfect figure

Back in the mid-80s, Cindy Crawford, a young beauty from Illinois, had no idea that her life would have nothing to do with chemical technology, which she intended to study at university.

But by the early 90s she had become one of the most famous fashion models and managed to show off on the cover of the legendary Vogue magazine. Cindy Crawford is one of the most famous fashion models

What is Cindy Crawford's secret?

What helped her move up the career ladder so quickly? Of course, attractive appearance and charm played a role. But even greater service was served by the persistence with which Cindy achieved her goals. Subsequently, this perseverance helped her maintain an ideal figure after the birth of two children, and became the embodiment of the most famous set of physical exercises for housewives, named accordingly.

What is this secret really?

  • Firstly, in the regularity of training and the desire to continue training, despite fatigue and pain.
  • Secondly, in well-chosen movements that can use the most necessary muscles.
  • And thirdly, in Cindy’s indescribable energy, just looking at her makes you want to work on yourself.

The secret of an ideal figure is a complex that allows you to gain lightness and harmony after childbirth, after a long period of no stress. But it is also suitable for those who are constantly involved in fitness, as it helps keep the body in good shape. To perform it, no sports equipment or special skills are required. The main thing is to put on your most comfortable and favorite sports outfit and start working on your figure!

The secret of an ideal figure is a complex that allows you to gain lightness and harmony after childbirth, after a long period of no stress!

“The secret of a perfect figure” - how to exercise according to the program correctly:

The duration of the first workout of the complex that we offer you is about 40 minutes, during which you work out the main muscle groups, focusing on areas that give a special femininity to the figure.

Lesson 1 is all about strengthening your entire body, losing weight, activating your energy centers, and increasing your endurance. After it, it will be possible to move on to where the most “problem” areas will be targeted.

Cindy Crawford "The Secret of the Perfect Figure" (Part 1):

The secret of S. Crawford's ideal figure reviews:

Excellent complex. Cindy is a beauty)

In fact, we all know the secrets of an ideal figure and there is nothing supernatural about them. First of all, you need to love yourself for who you are! Secondly: eat right. And thirdly: Sports! Sport! And once again sports!

At the same time, the word sport does not always mean exhausting workouts to the point of exhaustion. And the set of video exercises “the secret of an ideal figure” from the brilliant Cindy Crawford is a clear confirmation of this. Of course, at first you will have to sweat, but this is more likely out of habit.

A set of exercises from Cindy Crawford

Despite the fact that the course of video exercises from Cindy Crawford was published back in 1992, it has not lost its effectiveness. Moreover, many women have not changed the course of “The Secret of the Ideal Figure” over the past decades and look great. Among them are many fashion models and stars.

And no wonder. After all, this course was compiled under the guidance of the famous New York coach Radu. And along with strength exercises, it includes all sorts of elements of aerobics, fitness, callanetics, Pilates and cardio exercises. And most importantly, to perform this complex you do not need any special devices, it takes a minimum of time and, most importantly, they can be done conveniently at home.

Another integral plus of the video secret of an ideal figure is that throughout the entire workout, the beautiful Cindy will do everything with you. Agree, a pretty good company for sports.

The whole set of exercises includes 3 different workouts. Moreover, 2 of them (No. 2 and No. 3) are “full-fledged”: they will take 40 minutes. And the remaining number 1 will take only 10 minutes of your time. A beautiful body in just 10 minutes a day – sounds great! And most importantly, it works.

The actual set of exercises should begin with ten minutes. When you more or less adapt to it, you can move on to workouts No. 2 and No. 3. Then you can alternate them at your discretion.

The first and second programs should be done on different days. The third (10-minute) is designed for beginners or for those days when you have very little free time.

Video lessons of the course "The Secret of the Ideal Figure"

Lesson 1

This is a small workout that only takes 10 minutes. It can be done anywhere and at any time. You don't need any equipment for it. In the full video course, this Cindy Crawford program is shown last. But since it is better for beginners to start training with it according to the “secret of an ideal figure” exercise program. We present you this video first.

Lesson 2 (1 lesson program)

This set of exercises includes: warm-up, stretching for the legs and exercises for the buttocks, chest and back, at the end stretching. You will need additional equipment in the form of a chair with a backrest, dumbbells and a mat.

This set of video exercises helps you lose weight on your thighs.

Lesson 3 (2 lesson program)

In this video you will find: warm-up, exercises for the muscles of the legs, shoulder girdle, arms, abs and stretching. The inventory is the same.

This exercise video is great for losing weight on your sides and belly. In addition to a slender waist, you can hope for beautiful arms.

Many ladies strive to achieve ideal forms, subjecting themselves to terrible torture: from the strictest diets to monstrous experiments in the gym. Do these measures produce results? Not everyone. But to achieve your goal, you just need to listen to the advice of those who are already perfect. One of the brightest standards for millions of women on the planet today is Cindy Crawford.

The modeling star was born in 1966 in the small town of Dekalb. Cindy Crawford's family did not belong to the cream of society: her mother worked in the medical field, her father worked as an electrician. The future supermodel herself completed her schooling with flying colors and entered a prestigious university. It would seem that an unremarkable life awaits her, the same as that of tens of millions of her compatriots. But by chance she was destined to become the idol of these same millions.

The sudden illness of her father forced the girl to go to work in the corn fields, where at that time one reporter was writing an article about agricultural workers. The text ended up in the newspaper, and along with it a photo that, among many other people, introduced young Cindy Crawford to the public. The photographer noticed the beauty and invited her to try on the role of a model. So the girl went to conquer New York.

Cindy left her hometown, dropped out of school, risking comfort and stability to achieve her goal. But this risk was completely justified; the young model’s career was dizzying. She has appeared on the covers of more than 600 glossy popular magazines, including Vogue, Cosmopolitan and Playboy, and has become the face of many global brands.

Cindy owes all her achievements to her extraordinary talent, enormous hard work and bright appearance. Fortunately, the model does not hide the secrets of perfection, so today her video tutorials on achieving an ideal figure are available to everyone.

Cindy Crawford - the secrets of her ideal figure

Literally anyone can achieve an ideal figure, and there is no need to reinvent the wheel; all methods of struggle for the perfection of forms have long been known.

Here is a list of them with detailed descriptions:

Proper nutrition

Healthy, balanced food is the basis of your daily diet. To correct your figure, the model suggests using a two-week soup diet. Its main advantage is the absence of hunger, because... The main course can be eaten at any time.

This low-calorie miracle soup is easy to prepare; all you need to do is chop and cook the following ingredients until tender:

  • White cabbage;
  • 4 carrots;
  • 6 onions;
  • 400 g tomatoes;
  • 2 bell peppers;
  • Parsley (root and greens).

In addition to the main course, it is allowed to consume any low-calorie plant foods, low-fat dairy products, juices (only freshly squeezed), rice and water.

Psychological factor

You need to love yourself and be willing to work hard on your body. Tangible help in this regard is provided by the example of the model herself, who has maintained her youth, beauty and ideal figure for many years.

Sport! Sport! Sport!

Perhaps this is the most important condition for achieving perfection of forms. Cindy Crawford starred in three video tutorials that will help everyone achieve the desired result.

The last aspect of the list requires the most attention, so let's look at each of the videos in order.

Video training - lesson part No. 1

The first lesson from the famous model is ideal for busy women who, due to lack of time, cannot pay enough attention to sports. The presented set of loads takes 10 minutes.

A short workout from Cindy Crawford can be divided into several fundamental parts:

  • warm-up;
  • training legs, arms;
  • pumping the buttocks;
  • chest muscle training.

And here is the legendary video itself:

Training video - lesson part No. 2

The second video lesson will take much longer - about 40 minutes. This complex includes exercises for the formation of ideal buttocks, legs and chest.

The presented activity will require significant effort and some equipment:

  • rug;
  • chair with a straight back;
  • dumbbells.

The workout will be quite intense, so it is best to do it at the beginning of the day:

Video lesson - part No. 3

The third set of exercises from the brilliant Cindy Crawford is aimed at creating:

  • perfect waist;
  • slender arms and shoulders;
  • relief muscles of the press.

Of the entire cycle, this is the most complex set of exercises in terms of intensity, so it is advisable to carry it out only on days of ideal health. For the workout you will need dumbbells and a gymnastic mat.

In total, the training time does not exceed 40 minutes:

One of the most popular home fitness programs is “Shape Your Body” by Cindy Crawford. The famous supermodel offers a whole set of exercises to create a beautiful and slim body.

About Cindy Crawford's program "The Secret of the Perfect Figure"

Many people remember Cindy Crawford’s “The Secret of an Ideal Figure” program from the 90s, when the fashion for a healthy lifestyle and a beautiful body was just emerging. At that moment, training from the famous model became real a breakthrough in home sports. Now the fitness industry is developing by leaps and bounds, and it’s difficult to surprise anyone with professional video courses. However, even now, training with Cindy has not lost its relevance.

So, the program offers a gentle strength load on all the muscles of your body. Consistently pumping muscles of the arms, back, abs and legs, you improve your figure. The class takes place at a calm pace with pleasant music, and Cindy’s gorgeous body is an excellent incentive to perform the exercises. To train, you will need a mat, a chair and two dumbbells (they can easily be replaced with plastic water bottles). You can start even with small weights: 0.5-1 kg.

Program "The Secret of the Ideal Figure" consists of two 40-minute workouts and one ten-minute workout. Cindy does not give clear instructions on how to combine them. It all depends on your physical fitness and availability of free time. You can do one workout every day, alternating them with each other. Or do them all together ( it will take you about 1.5 hours), but, for example, 3 times a week. The only requirement is that classes must be regular, do not take a break of more than 3 days.

If you are physically well developed and want quick, high-quality results, we recommend doing the entire program 3 times a week. On other days, do cardio training. The point is that exactly combination of aerobic and strength training is an ideal way to get rid of excess fat. Cardio exercise can be achieved not only by working out on an ellipsoid and treadmill, but also using video programs. For example, watch cardio workouts with Jillian Michaels.

Pros and cons of the “Secret of a Perfect Figure” workout


1. Cindy has selected traditional, but very effective exercises for all the muscles of your body. During classes it goes work on all problem areas.

2. The training takes place at a calm pace, the exercises are mostly static. There will be no overload here.

3. The magnificent figure of the famous supermodel will be a great incentive for you to exercise regularly.

4. Exercises selected in the program quite simple to implement. Here you will not find complex connections or intricate combinations.

5. Cindy suggests some quality post-workout stretches to help soothe your muscles after exertion.


1. Aerobic exercise is the most important component for losing weight. By doing only the “Secret of an Ideal Figure” program, you will strengthen your muscles, but for fat burning What you need is cardio exercises.

2. After regularly performing the program, you will notice more pronounced muscles in the arms and legs, which many girls are so afraid of. But this is inevitable with any power load.

3. The program will be difficult for those new to fitness. And more advanced people will probably get bored with it very quickly. Include a class with Cindy Crawford in your workout plan, but try to dilute it with other programs. For example, you could try a different workout How to achieve perfection.

“The Secret of the Perfect Figure” with Cindy Crawford cannot be called a complex workout, but its effectiveness is not in doubt. This set of exercises will strengthen all the muscles in your body. However, to speed up metabolism and fat burning, we recommend combine the program with aerobic exercise.

Cindy has been at the top of the list of the most famous models in the world for many years. In addition to a successful modeling career, she proved herself as a talented TV presenter on the MTV channel in the “House of Style” program.

But this is not all of her talents. The charming beauty shared the art of making her body toned and elastic. Millions of girls around the world repeat sets of exercises from video lessons with her participation.

How does Cindy Crawford train and what diets does she use to keep her body in perfect condition?

Cindy Crawford workouts

Cindy Crawford constantly maintains her shape through various physical activities. As Cindy herself says:

“Everyone thinks that models initially have a perfect figure, but this is not true. I never focus on the things I like about myself, I constantly think about what I need to do. I really wanted to be slim, I was worried about my legs, arms, and my waist. And now I don’t feel like a weak woman, I feel like a strong man. Being beautiful is so difficult.”
Cindy Crawford

Not liking monotony, she kept her visits to the gym to the necessary minimum. Alternatively, use active games, swimming in the pool, cycling and jogging in the park.

Together with professional trainers, the model has developed many sets of exercises designed to improve her body. Let's consider the main ones in more detail.

Program from Cindy Crawford “The Secret of the Ideal Figure”

This program includes three video lessons with which you can work the main muscle groups and keep them in good shape.

1 video lesson: in addition to classic warm-up and stretching, it includes exercises that will tighten your buttocks, strengthen your leg muscles and form beautiful breasts. This complex should be performed once a week, alternating with the second.

2 video lesson: also involves a 40-minute workout. However, the emphasis in it shifts to training the upper body - strengthening the arms, shoulder girdle, and abdomen. Enough time is also given to stretching.

The lesson is held indoors. Dumbbells will be required as equipment.

Lesson 3:

Cindy Crawford “Perfect Body in 10 Minutes”

“The Perfect Body in 10 Minutes” was developed by Cindy Crawford together with trainer Radu. It was stated that this program is the optimal combination of minimal time investment and maximum effect that can be achieved by doing just 10 minutes. This is of course a marketing ploy, but it made this lesson very popular.

The program includes warm-up and exercises for major muscle groups. Does not require additional sports accessories or special premises. You can train anywhere and anytime.

Cindy Crawford “How to achieve perfection”

“How to Achieve Perfection” is a program that allows you to put stress on all the muscles of the body in an hour. The training is structured in such a way that positions are constantly changed, and the number of repetitions is kept to a minimum: 20 repetitions of abdominal exercises, the rest of the exercises are done 10 times.

The workout includes a light warm-up, a dynamic leg block with interesting exercises, three abdominal blocks, alternating with exercises for the chest, biceps, triceps, shoulders and back. The workout ends with some gentle stretching.

Additional equipment you will need are dumbbells to perform chest exercises.

Cindy Crawford “New Dimension (Complexes A, B and C)”

Being a mother of two children, Cindy Crawford did not ignore the problem of getting back into shape after childbirth. She made a video complex called “New Dimension” especially for young mothers.

The complex consists of 3 levels, varying in complexity: from minimal load to increased load. Doing exercises with Cindy Crawford will help you recover as quickly as possible after childbirth and get a boost of energy, which is so necessary for young mothers.

Diet Cindy Crawford

Cindy Crawford's nutrition is systematic and balanced.

“You need to eat regularly to keep your metabolic rate high. But if you are starving, then your body will try to preserve everything you eat and put it in reserve.”
Cindy Crawford

The model eats at least 5-6 times a day, always having a snack between main meals. This allows you to maintain a moderate appetite, prevent hunger, speed up your metabolism and not go over your daily calorie intake.

Cindy Crawford's favorite diet is the soup diet, where the main food is cabbage soup. It allows you to lose up to 5 kg. For two weeks. However, nutritionists do not recommend sticking to it for a longer period due to the low protein content.

By the way, the soup recipe is quite simple. You need to boil chopped white cabbage, parsley, carrots, onions and green onions, peppers, and celery in water. You can also add tomato, green beans and herbs.

You should add low-carb vegetables to your soup. Therefore, you should avoid potatoes. It is advisable to make fresh soup every day. In addition to soup, you can also eat fresh fruits (except bananas), vegetables and black rice.

Once a week you can afford 150-200 grams. steamed fish or boiled chicken breast, 250 ml of milk and 200 ml of yogurt. Dairy products are allowed only with low calorie content.

Drinks allowed include freshly brewed green or herbal tea, vegetable juices and occasionally natural coffee without sugar. It is also necessary to drink as much plain water as possible.

How to become like Cindy Crawford?

You can become like Cindy Crawford thanks to tremendous work on yourself and innate charisma. As the model itself states, there is no need to look for excuses for your laziness, hide behind a lack of time or constant busyness. Anyone can set aside half an hour a day for exercise.

In addition to training, you should not forget about proper balanced nutrition. You can indulge yourself occasionally, provided that you do everything afterwards to get rid of extra calories.

Style Summary.

Cindy is the living embodiment of our slogan. Yes, yes, she spends only the necessary time in the gym, lives a life full of activity and the joy of movement. There is no doubt that she is successful and simply looks great for her 49 years. And all thanks to proper nutrition and self-discipline. Anyone can comply with these two requirements - Go for it!