Drawing of a beaver colored with pencils. Beaver animal: description, photos, pictures, videos about the life of beavers, why they need a dam


For image beaver A square piece of paper works well. To make the drawing process easier, you should divide the shape beaver into several simpler components.

Start by drawing three intersecting circles arranged diagonally. The top one – slightly smaller than the other two – is the head beaver. The middle circle is the chest region, and the bottom is the back of the animal.

Mark the ears on your head with small circles. beaver, and a larger ellipse - his flat nose. In the area of ​​the middle circumference, outline the area of ​​the shoulder blade and two small legs folded together at chest level. In the lower part of the body, place two long ellipses (the base of the legs), which “pose” the figure beaver to the plane.

Connect auxiliary shapes with smooth curves, combining them into one larger one. Draw a rounded back beaver, thick belly, connect the paw blade area. At the back, draw a vertically located elongated ellipse and connect it with the lower circle of the base of the body - you have a tail beaver.

Under the nose, draw a wavy line for the cheeks beaver. Under them, in the center, place an inverted trapezoid and divide it in half with a line - teeth beaver ready.

Draw the lines of the ears more accurately, highlight their inner part, and divide the upper and lower paws into toes. On the muzzle, approximately halfway between the nose and ears, draw small round eyes of the rodent.

Remove the guide lines with an eraser. Add texture to the tail - its surface, covered with horny plates, has a sort of scaly pattern that can be conveniently conveyed with mesh shading.

Color it beaver colored pencils or wax crayons. Shade the entire body beaver, giving it volume. Use brown shades for the coat, and dark gray and black for the tail, nose and eyes. Add shine to the coat using highlights and highlights.


  • how to draw a beaver step by step

Despite the fact that beavers sometimes cause a lot of trouble for people by setting up dams in the most inappropriate places, they are usually portrayed as cheerful and cute. The fluffy fat animal always seems to be smiling because it has several long teeth sticking out of its open mouth.

Inhabitant of streams and rivers

The most typical activity for a beaver is to build dams. It gnaws branches, and sometimes even thick trunks, so it is best to depict the animal doing just this activity. Place the sheet in a way that suits you. Step by step drawing start with a straight line. Draw it in any direction, thus indicating the position of the log. Draw a second line parallel to the first. It is better if the segments are curved, since the tree trunk always has slight irregularities.
The cross sections of the log do not need to be drawn. If you still want to do this, draw the cut in the form of a circle or oval.

Circle and two ovals

The figurine of any animal can be divided into several parts, which resemble different geometric shapes. For example, a beaver's body consists of a circle and two ovals. The circle is a torso with a bent back, front and hind legs. Draw a circle so that one of its points is just above the log.

Draw an oval to the top of the circle - its long axis is approximately half the diameter of the circle. Draw a long narrow oval to the bottom of the circle. The long axes of both ovals are approximately the same.

It is convenient to make a sketch with a well-sharpened hard pencil. Try not to use an eraser; all bad lines can be masked with shading.

Paws, head, eyes and ears

The beaver's body is still not completely round. At some distance from the part of the circle that is closer to the log, draw an arc. Draw a straight line between the body and the head - the back of the head. From this line towards the log, draw another oval - a paw. It ends with sharp claws grasping a log.

The lower limbs are almost invisible, only the claws peek out from under the body. When a beaver sits in profile to the viewer, only one eye is visible - a large oval. The beaver's ears are also oval. A tooth is just two straight strips. Draw a long tail with a shovel.


The beaver has a uniform brown color. If you have colored pencils on hand, you can draw the fur immediately brown. You need to take a simple pencil that is different, softer than the one you used to draw the contours. This is not visible in the drawing with a simple pencil, you just need to show that

Everyone knows that beavers live on rivers, or rather in creeks, and build dams there, blocking small streams and rivers. In appearance, this is a small animal, capable of chewing through the trunk of a large tree overnight to create its dam. And they block the river in order to increase its depth in the place where they live. They need this because beavers do not hibernate in winter and they need a deep reservoir that does not freeze to the bottom for the winter.
To draw a beaver step by step, we will, as always, use simple outlines. I made a color picture of a beaver on a tablet and you can use it to color the beaver with paints. But first, let's draw a beaver with a simple pencil step by step.

1. Before drawing the beaver, make a marking grid

It will be very convenient for you to draw a beaver if you first make barely noticeable lines dividing a sheet of paper into squares. Divide the area of ​​the drawing where the beaver will be depicted into eight squares. Then draw these simple initial outlines. The lines of the squares will help you draw them more accurately.

2. General outline of the beaver's body

Now you can trace the drawn circles and ovals and you will get the exact outline of the beaver’s body. Remove the marking lines with an eraser, just do not sweep away the crumbs with your hand, so as not to smudge the pencil strokes; it is better to shake them off or blow them away.

3. Tail, paws and face of a beaver

At this step, the beaver will “receive” a tail, paws and a muzzle. This is easy to do if you exactly repeat my beaver drawing in this step.

4. The beaver drawing is almost finished

Carefully remove the internal contours from the beaver drawing, so as not to erase the “necessary” lines. Be especially careful when removing lines from the beaver's head. At this step, the beaver will already have almost all its outlines if you draw out the legs and tail in detail and make the general outline with a wavy line.

5. Finishing touches to the beaver picture

In any realistic drawing of an animal, it is important to pay attention to detail. Use a soft pencil to highlight the shaded areas and draw a pupil. Pay attention to the beaver's tail and face.

6. Realistic beaver fur pattern

Beavers have special water-resistant fur with hard hair. This feature of its fur can be depicted if the entire body of the beaver is “covered” with long wavy strokes.

7. Coloring a drawing of a beaver

A beaver in nature has a rather beautiful color and therefore it is better to color the drawing in the last step with colored pencils. Use my picture of a beaver, made on a graphics tablet, as a sample coloring page, or search the Internet for a suitable photo.
Please note in the section " Coloring pages for children"There is an adapted version of the beaver drawing for coloring.

The hare does not always have white fur. It turns white only in winter, so as not to stand out in the snow and not attract the attention of foxes and wolves.

Outwardly, a rabbit is almost no different from a hare and is even somewhat similar to a beaver, and for sure, if you were able to draw a beaver correctly, you can draw a rabbit too.

Agree, the squirrel is somewhat reminiscent of a hare and a beaver. The front teeth are the same, the hind legs are larger than the front ones. But the beaver has a completely different tail and does not have such cute ears with tassels.

The lessons "How to draw a beaver" and "Drawing a hamster" are intended for children. I hope you will be able to draw these animals correctly the first time step by step.

Puss in Boots from a favorite fairy tale or a favorite cat, rabbits, hares often become characters in children's drawings. But in order to draw them correctly, let's learn a little how to first draw them step by step.

A drawing of a kitten with a simple pencil looks too faded, it is advisable to at least add a little color with colored pencils. Kittens are not rabbits and they come in the most unexpected colors.

The river beaver lives in the freshwater environment of lakes, rivers, ponds, and streams. This animal was recently on the verge of extinction. This situation has arisen due to the fault of humanity, which likes to wear warm hats and fur coats.

The entire life of a beaver is connected to the aquatic environment. To make it easier for the animal to swim, there are membranes on its hind legs, and a large tail also helps.

The beaver reaches a weight of up to 23 kg and a length of 135 cm. Females are always smaller than males. The beaver is characterized by a blunt muzzle, small ears and short legs. The beaver's fur consists of several layers: the first layer is coarse red-brown hair, the second is a gray undercoat that prevents hypothermia.

The reservoirs in which beavers live should be in forested areas, deep and with a slow flow. Animals often create artificial conditions, “making” huge dams from tree branches, algae, and silt.

Beavers diligently build a dam in order to change the direction of water flow. Underwater, a beaver dam can be up to 3 meters thick, and from above it narrows to about 60 cm. The strength of the dam is surprising; it can easily withstand the weight of a horse!

Beavers purposefully change the water flow so that water floods dry places and forms a pond in which the animal will build a hut. Their house resembles an upside down cup. There are 2 rooms in the house: a family of beavers lives in one, this room is filled with rubble. And near the exit, the second room is a pantry with food supplies for the winter. The beaver's house can be seen above the surface of the water. But for protection purposes, the entrance is located under. water.

Schematic representation of a beaver dam and house. As you can see, the house is a separate building.

As expected, there are two exits from the house: the front exit and the emergency exit.

This is all great, of course, but why do beavers need dams? The answer is simple, in winter these rodents remain active and they need a dam of sufficient depth so that they do not freeze to the very bottom. The dam helps raise the water level. In general, you need to be well prepared for winter, otherwise you’ll be in trouble :-).

Film: “Beavers. Great builders." From the series “Alone with Nature.”

Interesting video about the life of beavers. By the way, did you know that beaver dams have the shape of an arc concave against the current; all modern dams built by man have the same shape. And it is no coincidence that an arc concave against the flow can best withstand the pressure of water. The last minute is a complete mess :)

Film for children: All about animals [Beavers].

Idyllic video: Beaver washes his hair / Beaver Resting.

A beaver can also get along with people without difficulty: “They sheltered a beaver (Beaver Semyon).”

Semyon. Continuation.

Let's delve into the topic "Rodents".

Today we are drawing a beaver.

The beaver is the largest representative of rodents on our continent. It is found on rivers and is famous for its dams. Several times I had the opportunity to see beavers in natural conditions. They say that touching a beaver again is dangerous, and even that it can cause a mortal wound, so I advise you - if you see a beaver in nature, leave it alone. But from afar, watching beavers build dams or frolic in the river is a pleasure.

Let's look at what this animal looks like and how to draw a beaver.

Drawing a beaver - side view

Our beaver is turned to the viewer with its left side. What's the first thing that catches your eye? I personally would note the hump. You and I have drawn a great variety of representatives of the animal kingdom, and have long noticed that in some of them the front part of the body is predominant, and in some the back part is predominant. What can you say about the beaver?

Of course, the back part dominates, the highest point of the bend of his back is located at the level of the beginning of the hip. Take away that hump and you get a completely different animal. The beaver's head is quite large, its muzzle is slightly elongated, but blunt. The neck is pronounced and wide. The legs are relatively small. In our training picture, the legs are positioned so that their structure is clear. The front ones, very small, were positioned by the animal as if for balance.

The hind legs are much longer and stronger than the front ones, they are in a half-bent state and there are membranes between the toes of the hind paws, the claws are very noticeable.

The beaver's tail is large and unusual, and is one of its most distinctive features. Wide, dark, large, flat, hairless, like an oar or a hot water bottle. It is adapted for swimming and is covered with horny plates.

The general features are ready, now let's give credit to the details. The beaver's ears are small, and given its habitat, it's immediately clear why. Think, for example, what kind of ears a whale has that spends all its time in the water. Large ears would create an additional drag factor. And remember the theme “mole”. In nature, everything is interconnected! The beaver's eyes are also small, the corners of the large mouth seem to be drawn down. Beavers have long teeth and are constantly growing. They wear off all the time because the beaver gnaws hard wood and grow back all the time. But these teeth do not stick out from the mouth; we will not emphasize their presence.

Here is the first Beaver coloring picture:

And let's color it:

The beaver is covered with very beautiful thick fur; Wikipedia says that there are even black beavers. And beaver fur is very valuable. But we will not give offense to our beaver, who is already ready to dive into the water.

Drawing a sitting beaver

A sitting beaver looks like any rodent - squirrels, mice, rats sit in the same way - its back is steeply humped:

The paws under the fur are barely legible. The muzzle is blunt (in the sense of blunt-nosed), the bald tail is like an oar:

And here’s a picture of a beaver:

Beaver coloring page - 2

And we will color it like this:

Handsome rodent!

Evgeniy Novikov told you how to draw a beaver.

And I also want to add on my own behalf. Surely you have seen drawings of beavers “for children” - creepy faces with two spade-shaped teeth sticking out of the mouth for almost a kilometer. Like stylization and kind of cute humor. I have always felt bad for rodents - well, they have teeth that are convenient for their method of feeding, but they are not as terrible! So, specifically to restore justice, I found a photograph of a beaver’s head - the animal is like an animal, the mouth closes perfectly, the teeth do not get in the way.

The beaver is a representative of the forces of evil in nature, possessing professional construction skills from birth. The meaning of his life is to cut down as many trees as possible and build a hut from them larger than that of any other rodent. In this lesson I will show you how to draw a beaver with a pencil. But first you should know that the name Beaver comes from the German word Biber (Don't let Justin be offended). Neither of them can sing, and besides, the rodent is beneficial to society.

And Beaver is so cool that:

  1. His image was placed on the five-cent coin in Canada and on the 3 Belarusian ruble bill;
  2. Can hold his breath underwater for as long as 15 minutes and swim 1 kilometer during this time;
  3. Can chew through and put wood on its shoulder blades in 5 minutes;

This is where my knowledge about beavers ends, so let’s get down to business.

How to draw a beaver with a pencil step by step

Step one. Draw a large circle in the center of the sheet. In the upper part we indicate the location of the rodent fashion.
Step two. We draw his ears, small round eyes, nose. Let's show the legs on the body.
Step three. Add fur throughout the body using light strokes.
Step four. Let's erase the auxiliary lines with a leaf. We detail the paws and tail, add whiskers and shadows on the face.
That's all, I wish everyone good luck and a good mood. I look forward to your comments and feedback. And also write to me what other rodents you should draw, you can do this on