Prediction for the year using tarot cards. Forecast for the year by date of birth

In January, the Aries Tarot predicts an immersion in the sphere of emotions, romance and love: either the very loved one will be next to you, looking at whom your heart skips a beat, or you will completely lose yourself in your favorite activity, which will give you goosebumps! In any case, January promises you a lot of bright and pleasant impressions. The main Tarot advice for Aries for January is to be optimistic and generous. If you need support, a wise older friend will lend you a helping hand. And when someone nearby needs your care, share your wisdom and warmth.


In January, the Tarot predicts for Taurus the beginning of a new project in work or creativity, which will allow you not only to try your hand at a new field, but also to discover new qualities in yourself that you may not have suspected. January will allow you to start implementing new plans, so move forward boldly. Important advice for Taurus from Tarot cards in January - stick to the rules, be principled, but at the same time fair to other people and your own merits. The motto of the month will be the wisdom “What goes around comes around.”


For Gemini, the Tarot predicts material troubles or confusion in financial matters for January, so you should be especially careful with large expenses, debts (your own and others) and spontaneous expenses. Receipts may be delayed, so it is advisable to save now if possible. Tarot cards recommend that in January Gemini pay more attention to everything that makes you happy: your favorite hobby, music, films and, of course, your loved one.


Tarot predicts for Cancers in January to work on promising plans in the company of a reliable companion (especially a woman). Your efforts will pay off very well over time. All that is needed for this is to think through an action plan not only for the near future, but also for the distant future. An important Tarot recommendation for Cancers for January is to be more courageous, more objective in assessing what is happening, and bolder in making important decisions. But it’s better not to give free rein to your emotions; keep your feelings under control.


For Leo in January, the Tarot predicts the need to actively defend their positions: your achievements or the results of your efforts may be encroached upon. At the same time, it is important not to overdo it with forceful methods of defense. January may be difficult psychologically due to intrusive advice from others, but you will be able to avoid unpleasant situations. In January, Leo Tarot is recommended to rely on the power of your authority and experience, which will help you achieve what you want in most important issues. And, as you know, the winners are not judged.


For Virgos, the January Tarot predicts a possible loss or risk of loss due to an unexpected showdown. There may be quarrels over money. At the same time, you will have a chance to compete with a strong opponent and compete for good benefits. Important Tarot advice for Virgos for January - in specific circumstances, act based on your real strengths, and if in some ways your opportunities to express yourself are limited, be prepared to retreat for a while - this will save you not only strength, but also health.


For Libra, the January Tarot foreshadows the emergence of tempting prospects in work. Resolving property issues will also be successful. The only thing that can ruin promising plans is a lack of motivation, or rather, a weak material interest in the result on your part. Tarot recommends that Libra pay more attention in January to preserving the results achieved and protecting personal achievements (and space) from outside attacks.


In January, the Tarot predicts increased suspiciousness and uncertainty for Scorpios, and because of this, a tendency to be too cunning or show off. Of course, it doesn’t hurt to be careful not to say too much, but you shouldn’t abuse someone’s trust either. January will provoke you into intrigue behind the scenes, secrecy, omissions and participation in “secret operations”. The main Tarot advice for Scorpios for January is to try to spend more time with your loved one. Even if he is not nearby now, he will appear soon.


The Tarot predicts a successful resolution of material and professional issues for Sagittarius in January. January will be especially successful for creative Sagittarius and those employed in healthcare. This month is also suitable for a vacation or a short break from business to spend more time with loved ones. Tarot advice for Sagittarius for January - properly reconsider your affairs, plans, surroundings, etc.: it’s time to leave some unpromising connections in the past, just as it’s time to put an end to too many things.


For Capricorns, the January Tarot predicts disappointment in work or an important project that requires an investment of time and effort. Under the current circumstances, it will be difficult to avoid unpleasant decisions (changing some plans or abandoning some goals), but if you act without haste, you will maintain your working spirit and results. Tarot recommends that Capricorns take care of their mental comfort in January, which requires getting enough sleep and avoiding stress. Try not to let bad feelings get the better of you.


Tarot for January predicts for Aquarius a possible dispersion of forces due to unclear plans or unclear goals. In such a situation, it is better not to rush into specific decisions so that you do not have to correct mistakes. The key to success on the path to what you want is a clear and precise understanding of not only the goal, but also the ways to achieve it. The Tarot recommends that Aquarius in January think through a backup plan of action in an important situation, and if necessary, not be afraid of unpleasant decisions or statements.


In January, the Tarot predicts a long-awaited way out of a difficult situation for Pisces (from personal relationships to employment), especially if it was associated with competition, rivalry or other obstacles of this kind. The cards do not indicate your clear victory, but promise peace and an end to the struggle. Tarot's main advice to Pisces for January is to use the current favorable environment to make new long-term plans for the future. In January, you will have strength for big goals and important achievements.

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Right now you can find out your own numerological Tarot forecast for 2017! What it is? Tarot forecast is one of the types of numerological forecast. It analyzes your age in the coming year in relation to the symbolism of the Tarot cards. Rather, this is not even a forecast, but recommendations: what to focus on in the coming year, and what to try to avoid.

How to count with personal numerology tarot forecast for 2017?

We take the figure for the coming year - 2017. To this figure we add your age, which you will reach in the coming year. For example, a person born in 1983 will reach the age of 34 in 2017. The amount will be 2017+34=2051. We add the resulting 4 digits together. So in our example it is 2051, that is, 2+0+5+1 = 8.

If you turn, for example, 70, you will get the following: 2017+70=2087, 2+0+8+7=17. And so on.

*We bring the final figure to a number of no more than 22. (from 1 to 22) Because there are only 22 major arcana in the Tarot!

Ready? WITH personal numerological tarot forecast for 2017

1 – Tarot card “Magician”. In the coming year, you need to be proactive. We need to act, we need strong-willed efforts. It will be easy to increase your authority, designate or strengthen leadership. You can go on a trip abroad. You can improve your career. You can buy an apartment. But all this is possible only if you take personal action. But inaction and lack of initiative will bring you problems in your personal and family life. Failure to realize your own ambitions can lead to a deterioration in your career and even loss of your job.

2 – “Priestess”. In the coming year, be interested in the mysterious and enigmatic, show intuition and you will get everything you dreamed of. Don't be afraid to do something unusual. But avoid uncertainty.

3 – “Empress”. The year presents you with an incredible opportunity to unleash your creative abilities. Write poetry, draw, sing, create. Everything will work out. Your vitality is at its peak. But don't save your emotions. Don't hold back your joy. Don't be afraid to appear frivolous.

4 – “Emperor”. It is necessary to show willpower. You need to be persistent. You are able to gain power, you can gain access to power structures. If you clearly understand your goal, you will achieve it. Strive for order and stability. But beware of casual relationships, beware of strangers and do not get involved in dubious activities.

5 – “Priest”. This year you are provided with the support of higher powers. You should believe more, be interested in magic. Show trust and understanding to people, trust your own intuition. But this is the year in which much knowledge also brings many sorrows. Don't try to understand everything thoroughly. You may become disappointed in people.

6 – “Lovers”. Happiness awaits you in your personal relationships. You can simply “bathe” in love. Follow your heart. Be faithful to your loved ones. But don’t even think about cheating on your wife, husband, or betraying a friend... Everything will collapse, even what you were 100 percent sure of. Also, perhaps fate will offer you some interesting choice (this is not about love), make no mistake!

7 – “Chariot”. Show courage in achieving your goal. This year the result is important. In overcoming obstacles, the ultimate goal is visible. Your perseverance will bring you results in all areas of life. You can't show cowardice. Be afraid to yourself, you cannot show your concerns and fears in public.

8 – “Justice”. In the coming year, it is more important than ever for you to be fair. Be responsible, both in your promises and in your actions. Try to find a “golden mean” in everything. You cannot be biased, otherwise you will attract many enemies to yourself.

9 – “The Hermit”. This year, spiritual search and spiritual development are important for you. Pay attention to the signs of fate. Pay attention to signs. All this will help you make the right decisions and take important actions. Go deeper into yourself, into your inner world. Beware of "resting on your laurels." Rest is contraindicated for you this year.

10 – “Wheel of Fortune”. The year brings you success in everything, but you need to rely on your luck. If luck is with you, or you have encoded for luck for this year, then you will achieve everything you want. Expect fateful happy situations. But if you are unlucky in life, then you will have a hard time. Very hard.

11 – “Strength”. It is necessary to have moral strength in the coming year. It is necessary to show morality. If you live according to your conscience (in your understanding), you will have everything you want. Feel free to get carried away. Your passion will reward you with divine fruits. Don't get into "battles". This year you don't need them at all. You will win anyway.

12 – “The Hanged Man”. There may be a revolution in the entire value system. Get married, have children, change jobs, change your image. A year of changes, but good changes. Try to discard what does not bring you material results. Leave fantasies and unreasonable hopes in the past year. Don't cling to what has become obsolete, to the past. Everything that did not bring results last year will only “steal” your time and energy.

13 – “Death”(or in another interpretation - “Reaper”). A radical restructuring and great changes await you. You are at the pinnacle of fame. You have moved to the stage of realizing what you want. Don't be afraid of change. Don't be afraid of what's coming.

14 – “Moderation”. Love yourself and others. Exactly in that order. Dedicate a year to yourself. Indulge your ambitions, praise yourself and others will believe you. Be attentive to any, even the smallest, health problems. Even the most basic cold should not be neglected.

15 – “Devil”. Many temptations await you. You can be “tempted”, but within the limits of what is permitted and decency. You will be endowed with magical magnetism this year, use your talents. You cannot become dependent on anyone.

16 – “Tower”. A change in life stages is coming, get ready for strong shocks. They are inevitable, but being prepared for them will help you get through the crisis with minimal losses. Try not to attract change to yourself.

17 – “Star”. Your hopes are destined to come true. Prepare for long-term development prospects. Happiness and success await you. Beware of taking what does not belong to you.

18 – “Moon”. It will be easy to find common language with people. Your developed intuition will help you make the right decisions. Be open-minded. Try to find ways to improve your career. Beware of being overly emotional.

19 – “Sun”. Strengthen your faith in yourself, increase your self-esteem. Show love for life, travel. You will be resourceful. You will have a good sense of humor. Beware of gambling, do not waste time in the hope of winning.

20 – “Court”. Give up dogma, build life according to your own standards. Strive to know the truth. Let go of past misconceptions and dogmas. Lack of sleep this year will have a bad effect on your health.

21 – “Peace”. You are about to find heaven on earth. You will be a hero to many. In any situation, even the most unpleasant, a happy outcome awaits you. One thing... Alcohol will bring you a lot of trouble.

22 – “Jester”. Be open and unbiased. You are guided by the Higher Powers, everything will work out for you.

These are the results with public numerological tarot forecast for 2017

December 15, 2016

Tarot forecast for 2017

Tarot card 2017 - Wheel of Fortune

2017 is a time of change; changeable and capricious Fortune comes into its own. The Wheel of Fortune, which is the symbol of 2017, rotates regardless of our desires, aspirations and expectations; whether you find yourself at the top of success and glory or at the very bottom - it all depends on Fortune and her favor towards you. However, the Wheel of Fortune, despite its almost fatalistic meaning, encourages us not to rest on our laurels, not to hibernate; 2017 is a time of action, increased activity, energy, and movement “in step with the times.”

The Wheel of Fortune is a very interesting esoteric symbol; in a sacred sense, it is a symbol of time, the cyclical nature of everything that happens and the infinity of movement.

The Wheel of Fortune represents two worlds - spiritual and material. Everything that we see in the inner part of the wheel belongs to the material world, and what is outside - to the spiritual. A similar esoteric symbol is a snake biting its tail - a symbol of personality transformation and movement towards the “center” or that very point in spiritual development when you can achieve harmony with yourself and the world around you. Therefore, 2017 is the most favorable time to come “exactly to the middle” of the Universal Wheel, to a place of peace and tranquility.

However, the Wheel rotates constantly - it cannot be stopped; and the ups and downs that we will experience throughout 2017 must be accepted wisely and with gratitude. Imagine that you are at the lowest point of the Universal Wheel - for example, now you are depressed by the events taking place, something is not working out for you, your work is not going well, your family and friends are disappointing you, your loved one. All this often happens in our lives, there is no escape from it. One event is replaced by another - everything changes over the course of years or decades. Now imagine that the rotation of the Wheel is accelerating, and now it will not take much time for change. Situations that previously took years to resolve can now undergo significant changes in a relatively short period of time. That is why 2017 is a year of dramatic and unpredictable changes that will affect the most important areas of our lives.

In order to determine the nature of the upcoming changes, let's look in more detail at the Tarot lasso -.

Here we see the Universal Wheel, on top of which the Sphinx sits - the personification of wisdom, strength, power, justice and protection. The Sphinx symbolizes the unity of spiritual and physical strength - the body and paws of a lion, the head and face of a man tell us about the predominance of the human Spirit over his animal nature. This symbol is one of the main ones on the Tarot Arcana Wheel of Fortune. The Sphinx's task is to identify our strengths and weaknesses; in the material world, this can manifest itself as a so-called “test of strength,” when Fate sets us difficult tasks, but at the same time, gives us the right to choose. And here everything depends on ourselves, our true nature. Thus, the task of each of us in 2017 is to learn how to properly respond to the changes that are taking place.

Using an example, this can be represented as follows: a person who passed the test and received a reward in the form of material well-being, success and popularity, decided that he was the chosen one, that he was “knee-deep in the sea” and, intoxicated by dizzying luck, began to forget about his loved ones, friends, loved ones, in pursuit of material wealth, he lost his main human virtues... and immediately fell down, descended to the level of an animal, where he will now have to carry out long and painstaking work on himself, if, of course, he needs it. Such a person risks being crushed by the spinning Wheel, like Anubis and Typhon, depicted on either side at the bottom of the Wheel of Fortune.

Another example is that a person is in a difficult life situation; he is confused, ruined, trampled by life’s circumstances. What does a person usually do in such a situation? Either he gives up or continues to struggle, looking for something positive in the current circumstances that could help him become wiser, and extracts important life experience from this. But most often, it is very difficult for a person who has sunk to the level of animals to see in troubles and adversities an opportunity for spiritual growth, because at the very bottom of the Wheel our darkest sides, the most terrible vices, fears and weaknesses appear. Finding himself alone with his problems, a person rushes to extremes, moves away from harsh reality into an artificially created world, gets angry at everyone, blames anyone for his troubles, but not himself. In this case, a person ruins his life. But you just have to pull yourself together and try to understand why he ended up at the very bottom, why he needs these tests, what lesson needs to be learned from this, what to change in himself - how the situation changes radically for the better. And the one who yesterday did not see any meaning in his life, today feels himself the happiest in the world.

This is the impact of the energies of 2017. Whatever life situation you are in, whatever you do, remember - everything has an opposite side, everything is possible and all this can happen to you at any moment.

“Everything passes... and this too will pass” - these are the words from the famous parable about King Solomon’s ring that can characterize 2017.

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According to the method being analyzed, the years have a cyclical repetition, namely, every nine years everything repeats again: origins, heyday, decline. And a person’s entire life is divided into cycles, each of which consists of 9 years. His (her) date of birth will help us figure out which part of the cycle the querent is in. In addition to this data, we will have to indicate the year about which we need to obtain information. To calculate, it is necessary to sequentially add up all the digits of the date of birth and the year of interest to us and bring the resulting number to a single digit by adding the digits that make up this number. For example, we need to find out in which cycle a person born on April 14, 1978 is in 2016, adding 1 + 4 + 4 + 1 + 9 + 7 + 8 + 2 + 0 + 1 + 6 = 43 and then 4 + 3 = 7, that is man is on his seventh annual cycle. In order to make calculations using our system and receive interpretations of annual cycles, enter the data in the form fields below and click on the "Result" button.

What determines our successes and failures? What problems will have to be solved in the near and distant future? These are the questions we ask ourselves at the beginning of each year, worrying about our own plans and contemplating desires. People try to get answers to them in different ways. One of the most reliable and objective ones is provided by the Tarot system. With its help, you can, knowing your age that you will reach in a certain year, figure out what it is advisable to pay increased attention to during this period of time, what your likely achievements will be, and also how to find out timely warnings about possible difficulties.

So, how to get a Tarot forecast for the year by date of birth? For this, only two numbers are needed - the number of the year for which the forecast is being made, and the number of years that the person will “turn” during this period of time. These numbers are summed up. The result obtained is added up by numbers. The result should be a number in the range from 1 to 22. If it is more, find the sum of the numbers again. This range (1-22) is due to the fact that the Tarot forecast for the year is made with the help of the Major Arcana. The resulting final number means the number of the Major Arcana, which will govern a person’s life throughout the year.

Here is an example of calculation. The person was born in 1978. We make a forecast for 2016. Accordingly, in 2016 he turns 38 years old. We count: 2016+38=2054, 2+0+5+4=11. Number 11 has the Arcana Strength.

As you can see, everything is quite simple. Therefore, determine the person’s Arcana, read the forecast and draw conclusions...

Description of the Tarot arcana in the forecast for 2019 by date of birth: