The speech readiness of children consists of. Formation of children's speech readiness for school

“Speech readiness of children for school”

Your child is preparing to become a schoolchild.

To develop full-fledged speech, you need to eliminate everything that interferes with the child’s free communication with the team. After all, in the family the baby is understood perfectly and he does not experience any particular difficulties if his speech is imperfect. However, gradually the child’s circle of connections with the outside world expands.

Schooling places new demands on the child’s speech, attention, and memory.

The most significant thing for a seven-year-old child is the transition to a new social status: a preschooler becomes a schoolchild.

Special criteria for readiness for schooling are applied to a child’s acquisition of his native language as a means of communication. Let's list them.

1. Formation of the sound side of speech. The child must have correct, clear sound pronunciation of sounds of all phonetic groups.

2. Formation of phonemic processes (the ability to hear and distinguish, differentiate the sounds of the native language). The presence of even slight deviations in phonemic and lexico-grammatical development among first-graders leads to serious problems in mastering general education school programs.

3. Readiness for sound-letter analysis and synthesis of the sound composition of speech.

4. The ability to use different methods of word formation, correctly use words with a diminutive meaning, highlight sound and semantic differences between words; form adjectives from nouns.

5. Formation of the grammatical structure of speech: the ability to use detailed phrasal speech, the ability to work with sentences.

Also, by the time they start school, children should be able to:

Construct complex sentences of different types;

Compose stories based on a series of pictures, small fairy tales;

Find words with a certain sound;

Determine the place of sound in a word;

Compose sentences of three to four words; divide simple sentences into words;

Divide words into syllables (parts);

Distinguish between genres of fiction: fairy tale, short story, poem, etc. etc.

Independently, consistently convey the content of small literary texts;

Dramatize short works;

Be able to distinguish plants growing in a given area by their appearance;

Have an understanding of seasonal natural phenomena;

Know your home address and parents' full names.

Younger schoolchildren write predominantly the way they speak, therefore, among underachieving primary schoolchildren (primarily in their native language and reading), there is a large percentage of children with phonetic defects. This is one of the causes of dysgraphia (writing impairment) and dyslexia (reading impairment).

Schoolchildren whose speech development disorders relate only to defects in the pronunciation of one or several sounds, as a rule, study well. Such speech defects usually do not negatively affect the learning of the school curriculum. Children correctly correlate sounds and letters and do not make mistakes in written work due to deficiencies in sound pronunciation. Among these students there are practically no underachievers.

Deviations in the development of oral speech create serious obstacles in learning to write correctly and read correctly. The written work of these children is full of a variety of specific, spelling and syntactic errors.

Phonemic and lexico-grammatical speech disorders are not always accompanied by a violation of sound pronunciation and therefore parents do not notice them. However, these violations have a very serious impact on the child’s assimilation of the school curriculum.

It's no secret that the joint activities of parents and specialists bring more effective results in correctional work.

The main task of parents in this period of time is to actively cooperate with teachers and specialists of preschool educational institutions, this will help prevent difficulties in communicating with the child in a team and poor performance in secondary school.

What can parents do to ensure their child’s speech readiness for school?

Create conditions in the family that are favorable for the general and speech development of children;

Carry out targeted and systematic work on the speech development of children and the necessary correction of deficiencies in speech development;

Do not scold your child for speaking incorrectly;

Unobtrusively correct incorrect pronunciation;

Do not focus on hesitations and repetitions of syllables and words;

Encourage the child to have a positive attitude during classes with teachers.

It is necessary to take into account the importance of the child’s speech environment. Speech should be clear, clear, and literate; parents need to actively contribute to the accumulation of children’s vocabulary as much as possible.

However, parents often do not pay due attention to the fight against one or another speech disorder. This is due to two reasons:

1) parents do not hear the speech deficiencies of their children;

2) do not attach serious importance to them, believing that with age these shortcomings will correct themselves.

But the time favorable for correctional work is lost, the child leaves kindergarten for school, and speech deficiencies begin to bring him a lot of grief. His peers make fun of him, adults constantly make comments, and mistakes appear in his notebooks. The child begins to feel shy and refuse to participate in the holidays. He feels insecure when answering in class and is worried about unsatisfactory grades in the Russian language.

In such a situation, critical remarks and demands to speak correctly do not give the desired result. The child needs skillful and timely help. At the same time, it is obvious that the help of parents in correctional work is mandatory and extremely valuable.

Thus, thanks to the joint work of a speech therapist, educational psychologist, and parents, it is possible to promptly and efficiently help students overcome speech disorders, more successfully master program material in the Russian language and reading, create positive motivation for educational activities, and build confidence in students with speech pathology in your capabilities.

Speech readiness for school

One of the indicators of a child’s readiness for successful schooling is correct, well-developed speech. 6 years is a period of extremely intensive development.

Parents do not always attach great importance to the speech development of their children, believing that their kids will learn everything at school. But at school problems begin, since written speech is formed on the basis of oral speech.

Younger schoolchildren write mainly as they speak. If a child says “sapka” instead of “hat,” then most likely he will write it that way.

Naturally, learning to write is based on children’s stable ideas about the order of sounds in a word.

Sound culture of speech

Speech readiness for school- This is, first of all, the sound culture of speech.

When entering school, a child must pronounce all sounds correctly.

To reinforce the correct pronunciation of sounds that appear in children’s speech, speech and picture material is used.

The stage of automation of sounds can be very long, if you do not help the child, quickly introduce sounds into active speech. Funny pure sayings will help you with this. They need to be pronounced slowly, clearly pronouncing each sound, gradually increasing the pace, but without reducing the clarity of pronunciation. These exercises will help improve your diction.

Ostriches build nests to the side. These funnels look strange. They dig holes in the sand quickly and easily. Slender, tall birds.

Elk bought a calf, a boat, skis and a pencil case. And the moose cow is the mother of Lasta and the Panama hat.

Vika loves blackberries. Blackberries prick Vika.

Pasha and Misha don’t play pranks. They are silent all day. Because Pasha and Misha want to become spies.

By the end of the 6th year, the child should master the following knowledge and skills:

1. Determine the presence of a sound in a word.

2. Establish the sequence of sounds in a word.

The following exercises are useful:

Collect, parse the word: M, A, K - MAC; L,U,K - BOW.

3. Find the place of the sound in the word (beginning, middle, end).

Exercises such as:

Name a dish that begins with the sound S.

In the name of which dishes the sound S is at the end; Is the C sound in the middle?

Think of words that begin with the sound O.

4. Learn to distinguish vowel sounds (the air comes out freely and easily), consonant sounds (when we pronounce them, the air meets a barrier).

Make a sound. What prevents the air from escaping? (lips, teeth, tongue).

Then learn to identify hard, soft, voiced and dull sounds.

Together with your child, practice sound analysis of words.

Draw a diagram for the words “fox”, “moon”.

Words that a child or an adult came up with are analyzed in the same way.

The game “Fists of the Palm” will train the child in determining the hardness and softness of consonant sounds.

If the word begins with a soft consonant, then show your palms and if the sound is hard, clench your fists. The adult says the words, and the child shows his fist or palm: “onion, fox, lamp, spoon, lemon.”

All kinds of crossword puzzles and games with words, syllables, and sounds will promote the development of thinking and help avoid mistakes when writing. For example:

Ram+ ka=?

Mo + roses = ?

Mi + jackdaw =?

We will come up with words, for starters - with the syllable “mu”.

Children come up with words that begin with the syllable “mu”: music, cartoons...

Game “The sound eater flew in and ate all the sounds in the words.”

Offer to guess what sounds the Sound Eater “ate”:

bato..., bido..., patro... etc.

5. Find the stress, transfer it from one vowel to another.

castle - castle...

6. Determine the number of syllables in a word.

Clap the word “car” and say how many syllables are in the word (other words are analyzed in a similar way).

In your spare time, you can play the game “Confusion”.

This game will help correct the syllabic structure of words.

There were words. One day they were having fun, playing and got mixed up, help them get tangled up (bosaku - dog, lovosa-hair, boots-boots, lekoso-wheel, frying pan-frying pan, militiaman-policeman...)

In addition, at the beginning of training, as practice shows, the sense of rhythm and rhyme is reduced, so it is useful to compose simple sayings with the child:

Ta-ta-ta - we are taking a cat with us...

Continuous, syllable-by-syllable, smooth reading is helped by the correct naming of letters by adults, especially parents. The same should be required of children when working with letters, the names of which are pronounced briefly, abruptly, like the corresponding sounds.

If the names of the letters are pronounced traditionally, that is, Ш - “sha”, R - “er”, S - “es”, then the child will have to read the word “Shura” “sha u er a”. For children with speech underdevelopment, such transformations are undesirable.


The child must have a fairly well developed vocabulary, he must be oriented in the generic and specific relationships of objects:

It is correct to classify individual objects into one or another group of objects (sofa-furniture, boletus-mushroom, violet-houseplant, mechanic-profession...)

Be able to define an object through a generic name and a specific concept: a sugar bowl is a container in which sugar is located... Cuts vegetables - a vegetable cutter...

The game “Word Auction” will help expand and enrich children’s vocabulary with adjectives. Any item will do for the game.

Invite your child to name the following words:

What kind of pan? The child says: pure, then your word is “deep”... etc. Whoever ends up with the words wins...

Select the fourth extra item:

Plane, helicopter, bicycle, hot air balloon.

Tit, sparrow, rook, bullfinch.

The child must know a few “stubborn” words: those that never change: “coat”, “cocoa”...

By the end of the 6th year, a preschooler must understand and use antonyms in speech - select pairs of words with opposite meanings, denoting spatial concepts (high - low...), states of objects (hot - cold), human feelings (cheerful - sad), spatial and temporal concepts (early - late, here - there, earlier later, left - right) and others.

6-year-old children begin to comprehend and understand words with a figurative meaning (golden hands, time creeps, short memory).

It is important to work on synonyms - words that are similar in meaning and that express different shades of semantic meaning (cheerful - joyful - funny).

Also, by the end of the year, the child can understand and name, with the help of adults, related, similar words:

Snow - snowfall, snowman, Snow Maiden, bullfinch.

Grammatically correct speech

Speech readiness for school also means grammatically correct speech, which children master in a purely practical sense.

For this purpose, it is useful to play games and exercises:

“One - many” (formation of the plural of nouns): table - tables, ...

“What is it made of?” (formation of relative adjectives). Table made of wood - wooden, plum jam - plum….

“Count the dishes” (coordination of nouns with numerals.) One knife, three knives, and five knives….

“Whose tail?”: (formation of possessive adjectives). The fox has a fox tail, the bear has a bear tail, the pike has a pike tail...

“What with what” (mastering the category of the instrumental case with the preposition “with”). Chair with legs and seat; bed with mattress and legs.

“Find an object” (learning the preposition “for”). The lid is needed for..., the back is needed for...

“Big - small” - practice using diminutive suffixes: big table, and small... (table), bucket - bucket....

Speech errors should not be left uncorrected, but comments should be made tactfully. Constant jerking and tactless remarks are unacceptable, as they can cause verbal negativism, nervousness and stubbornness.

Connected speech

The child will only want to talk as soon as you want to listen to him.

The main factor in the development of coherent speech is the presence of an interested listener, and you, dear parents, should become this friendly, attentive listener.

Communicate more with your child, inviting him to talk. You can talk about various topics, and give the child the opportunity to say as much as possible.

Children who have extensive experience in listening to books necessarily have well-developed coherent speech.

The following will also contribute to well-developed speech:

    Compiling stories and reflections on the topic: “who to be”, etc.; descriptive stories: “we were at the circus”, “my favorite animal”, etc.

    Retellings of fairy tales, short stories, watched cartoons and films.

    Memorizing poetry.

For increase speech culture children, its intonation expressiveness, tempo, rhythm, you can use tongue twisters, nursery rhymes, proverbs, listening to fairy tales, poems performed by masters of words.

And yet, nothing can replace the rich, expressive speech of an adult himself. After all, she is a kind of standard for a child.

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Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation

FSBEI HPE “Magnitogorsk Technical University named after. G. I. Nosova"

Faculty of Preschool Education

Department of Preschool Pedagogy and Psychology

Formation of children's speech readiness for school

Final qualifying work

Magnitogorsk 2014



1. Theoretical foundations of the problem of developing children’s speech readiness for school

1.1 Characteristics of speech development in children of senior preschool age

1.2 Speech readiness of children for schooling

1.3 Methods for developing speech readiness in children of senior preschool age

Conclusions on the first chapter

2. Experimental work to study the formation of speech readiness of children of senior preschool age to study at school

2.1 Ascertaining stage of the experiment

2.2 Formative stage of the experiment

2.3 Control stage of the experiment

Conclusions on the second chapter


List of used literature



speech readiness children school

Full mastery of the native language in preschool childhood is a necessary condition for solving the problems of mental, aesthetic and moral education of children in a period of development favorable for this. The sooner learning the native language begins, the more freely the child will use it in the future. Mastering a language and its grammatical structure gives children the opportunity to reason freely, ask questions, draw conclusions, and reflect various connections between objects and phenomena.

Mastering the skills and abilities of various types of speech activity is a condition for full mastery of any academic subjects included in the content of preschool, primary, secondary, and higher education.

In the process of children's educational activities, speech activity includes, on the one hand, the perception and processing of information (listening, reading), on the other, the processing of acquired or learned information (speaking, writing). In the process of educational activity, these four types of speech activity occupy a large place, since the basis of the learning process is interaction, communication between the teacher and children, children with each other, therefore there is a need to determine the level of speech readiness of older preschoolers for learning at school.

The problem of speech preparation for studying at school is solved in the following types of activities: gaming, educational and cognitive. Play activity is the leading activity in preschool age. While playing, a child accumulates knowledge, masters language, communicates, develops thinking and imagination, but in the context of public education, the leading means of speech formation is teaching - a systematic, purposeful process of developing children’s cognitive abilities, their assimilation of a system of elementary knowledge about the environment and the corresponding vocabulary, the formation of speech skills and skills.

Research by V. I. Loginova, D. B. Elkonin, E. M. Strunina, V. I. Yashina, E. I. Tikheeva, N. P. Ivanova, Zh. Kaban, O. is devoted to various aspects of the development of children's speech. S. Ushakova, F. A. Sokhina, A. M. Borodich. The accessibility of awareness of the phenomena of language and speech in preschool age is noted by psychologists, teachers, and linguists: A. I. Gvozdev, D. II. Bogoyavlensky, D. B. Elkonin, S. F. Zhukov, S. I. Karpova, JI. E. Zhurova, A. A. Leontyev, etc. On preschoolers’ mastery of units of language and speech: A. M. Gvozdev, M. I. Lisina, F. A. Sokhin, E. I. Tikheyeva, M. F. Fomicheva, A. M. Shakhnarovich and etc; readiness of preschoolers for learning at school: T. I. Babaeva, L. I. Bozhovich, R. S. Bure, A. L. Wenger, L. A. Venger, JI. S. Vygotsky, A. V. Zaporozhets, Yu F. Zmanovsky, K. Ingenkamp, ​​G. I. Ya. L. Kolominsky, G. G. Kravtsov, E. E. Kravtsova, A. I I. Leontiev, D. B., A. P. Usova, A. V. Paklina, I. V. Grebennikova, etc.).

At the same time, the problem requires further methodological development.

The relevance of the problem determined the choice of the research topic: “Formation of speech readiness of preschoolers for learning at school.”

Object of study: the process of forming the speech readiness of older preschool children to study at school.

The subject of the study is the content and methods of developing the speech readiness of preschoolers to study at school.

Purpose of the study: to theoretically substantiate, develop and experimentally test a program for developing the speech readiness of preschoolers to study at school.

1. Carry out a theoretical analysis of psychological, pedagogical and linguistic literature on the research problem.

2. To clarify the essence of the concept of “speech development”, “speech readiness of older preschool children to study at school.”

3. Identify the levels of children’s speech readiness for school.

4. Develop and experimentally test a program for developing the speech readiness of older preschoolers to study at school.

Methodological approaches: activity approach (L. S. Vygotsky, A. N. Leontiev), psychological and pedagogical concepts of school readiness (L. A. Bozhovich, L. A. Wenger, G. G. Kravtsov, E. E. Kravtsova ).

speech readiness for learning (L. A. Wenger, O. S. Ushakova. A. V. Paklina).

The following methods were used during the study:

study of psychological and pedagogical literature; pedagogical experiment (ascertaining, formative, control); qualitative and quantitative processing of experimental data.

The theoretical significance lies in the generalization of scientific sources on the problem, the concretization of the concept of speech readiness of preschoolers for learning at school

The practical significance of the study is to develop a program for developing speech readiness in preschoolers for school education and improving methodological techniques for the development of speech in preschoolers.

1 . Ttheoretical foundations of the problem of developing children's speech readiness for school

1.1 Characteristics of speech development in children of senior preschool age

The famous psychologist N.I. Zhinkin wrote: “Speech is a channel for the development of intelligence... The sooner the language is learned, the easier and more fully the knowledge will be absorbed.”

Speech is a historically established form of communication between people through language, an essential element of human activity that allows a person to understand the world around him, transfer his knowledge and experience to other people, and accumulate it for transmission to subsequent generations. Speech communication between people is carried out according to the laws of a given language (Russian, Belarusian, English, etc.), which is a system of phonetic, lexical, grammatical and stylistic means and rules of communication.

Children's speech development in English. children's language development, speech development in childhood - the emergence of understanding speech and its pronunciation at an early age when communicating with adults, the subsequent enrichment of vocabulary, grammatical and stylistic structures of speech in preschool and school age in the process of communication and under the influence of learning.

Analyzing the concept of “Speech Development”, it is necessary to rely on the words of the classics: L. S. Vygotsky said that “speech motivation, the need for it, stands at the beginning of the development of this activity. Thus, “the need for verbal communication develops throughout infancy and is one of the most important prerequisites for the appearance of the first meaningful word. If this need has not matured, there is also a delay in speech development.”

In older preschool age, the improvement of all aspects of the child’s speech continues:

The sound side of speech develops. By the end of preschool age, the process of phonemic development is completed;

The grammatical structure of speech develops. Children learn subtle patterns of morphological order and syntactic order. Mastering the grammatical forms of language and acquiring a larger active vocabulary allows them to move on to concrete speech at the end of preschool age.

The research of N. G. Salmina shows that children of senior preschool age master all forms of oral speech inherent in adults. They develop detailed messages - monologues, stories; in communication with peers, dialogical speech develops, including instructions, assessment, and coordination of play activities.

The use of new forms of speech and the transition to detailed statements are determined by the new communication tasks facing the child during this period. Thanks to communication, which M. I. Lisina called non-situational - cognitive, vocabulary increases and correct grammatical structures are learned. Dialogues become more complex and meaningful; The child learns to ask questions on abstract topics and to reason along the way, thinking out loud.

The process of mastering speech as a means of communication in older preschoolers occurs at the third main stage in the development of verbal communication, when the child masters speech and uses it more and more perfectly and diversely to communicate with surrounding adults. The child develops a need for mutual understanding and empathy from an adult. This need arises in connection with children’s interest in the world of human relationships and is conditioned by children’s mastery of the rules and norms of their relationships. The child strives to achieve commonality of views with the adult.

G.V. Chirkina says: “By the end of the preschool period, children should have developed phrasal speech, phonetically, lexically and grammatically correct.

The level of development of phonemic hearing allows them to master the skills of sound analysis and synthesis, which is a necessary condition for mastering literacy during the school period.


In mastering sound pronunciation, by the age of five, the formation of correct sound pronunciation ends. Normally, all children should learn to clearly pronounce all sounds in words and sentences. This does not always happen. Some children have various deficiencies in sound pronunciation, associated either with disturbances in the structure and mobility of the articulatory apparatus, or with underdevelopment of phonemic hearing: some children retain interdental pronunciation of sibilants (when pronouncing sounds S, 3, C).

Speaking about the sound side of speech, we must not forget about the elements of intonation - prosodes (voice strength, pitch, rate of speech, voice timbre), since they, like sounds, are the “building material” of oral speech. By the age of five, most children can voluntarily change the strength and pitch of their voice depending on the purpose of the utterance, that is, use prosodemes consciously, and not just understand them. But it cannot be said that all children demonstrate such fluency in their voices. There are children who do not know how to ask questions clearly and correctly intonation, especially when they are making up an interrogative sentence based on a task and the pitch of their voice must be changed arbitrarily. Some children do not know how to place logical stress correctly, and in their voice highlight the wrong word in the question that bears the semantic load, that is, they experience difficulties not of a pronunciation nature, but of a semantic one.

By the age of five, you need to normalize your speech rate. As you know, the rate of speech depends on how stressed syllables in words are pronounced (unstressed syllables are always pronounced very quickly). Both a rapid rate of speech, which leads to unclear, sloppy pronunciation with blurred articulation, and a slow rate, which creates difficulties in communication, are undesirable. Older preschoolers should already be able to express with their voice the unfinished intonations of semantic segments of a common sentence, since in their speech they use not only simple, but also complex and complex sentences.

In older preschool age, the main task is to improve speech hearing and consolidate the skills of clear, correct speech. Children learn to differentiate pairs of sounds, practice distinguishing whistling, hissing and sonorant sounds, as well as hard and soft sounds isolated in words, in phrasal speech.

When speech development is impaired, sound substitutions can often be noticed. These errors are almost always reflected in the writing, since children write based on pronunciation. Sometimes it happens that a child, although seemingly able to pronounce all sounds, does not clearly distinguish certain pairs by ear (b-p, d-t, s-ts, sh-shch, hard and soft sounds, and so on). This kind of violation indicates speech underdevelopment and creates difficulties in mastering literacy - reading and writing.

Normally, by the age of 7, children do not find it difficult to pronounce words of any structure, including polysyllabic words and sentences. Of course, a completely new word can cause difficulties and you need to choose a slower pace of speech and pronounce it syllable by syllable so that it is remembered. It is important to pronounce a new word correctly the first time, and then consolidate it in a sentence. Sometimes children seem to “distort” words, skip syllables, rearrange them, liken one syllable to another (“misaner”, “lepisos”, “pipitan”). Such speech may cause a smile, but in fact it indicates a violation of the nerve centers and structures that provide coordinated work to control the speech organs.

T. B. Filicheva, characterizing the types of violations of syllabic structure in older preschoolers, notes the following violations in which, while understanding the meaning of a word, the child does not retain its phonetic image in memory. The consequence is distortion of sound filling in different versions:

1) perseveration (librarian - “librarian”),

2) rearrangements of sounds in a word and syllables (jacket - “jacket”),

3) elysia (hippopotamus - “bimot”),

4) paraphasia (motorcyclist - “motokilist”),

5) in rare cases - omission of syllables (cyclist - “cyclist”),

6) adding sounds and syllables (vegetables - “vegetables”).

Such violations are also reflected in the letter. .

The vocabulary is already quite large and cannot be accurately counted. There are children who have a rich vocabulary, are very knowledgeable in various fields of knowledge, can read and therefore enrich their vocabulary on their own, and there are children whose vocabulary is limited to everyday topics. Normally, children of this age have words from all parts of speech in their vocabulary.

According to E. A. Arkin, the growth of the vocabulary of a 6-year-old child is 4000 words. The qualitative composition of vocabulary in older preschool age develops as follows:

5th year of life - active use of the names of objects included in thematic cycles: food, household items, vegetables, fruits, various materials (“fabric, paper”, etc.).

6th year of life - qualities and properties differentiated by degree of expression (“sourish, light blue, durable, stronger, heavier, heavier”). Knowledge about materials, domestic and wild animals and their young, wintering and migratory birds is expanding, and species and generic concepts are being formed.

7th year of life - selection of antonyms and synonyms for phrases, mastering the polysemy of words, independent formation of complex words, selection of related words.

In addition to nouns, adjectives and verbs, numerals and verbal forms (participles and gerunds) are used, and complex prepositions “because of” and “from under” appear.

By age 7, a child should:

use generalizing concepts (hats, transport, seasons),

be able to define an object through genus and species (sugar bowl - utensils for sugar),

use antonym words in speech (high - low),

know not only the names of objects, but also their parts.

The comprehension and use of words with a figurative meaning begins (time is creeping, golden hands, losing your head).

If purposeful work was carried out with children to prepare for school, then the first terms appear in their speech - “sound”, “letter”, “syllable”, “sentence”, “number”.

L.P. Fedorenko, highlighting several degrees of generalization of words by meaning, says that “by about five or six years of age, children learn words denoting generic concepts,” that is, words of a higher degree of generalization (“plant” - “trees”, “herbs”, “flowers”; “movement” - “running”, “swimming”, “flying”; “color” - “blackness”, “whiteness”).

In speech pathology, substitutions of words are often observed (raincoat - jacket, hat - hat, sews - embroiders), names of objects are replaced by names of actions (collar - so that the dog does not run away, shoes - put on feet), and an insufficient supply of knowledge about the environment is discovered.

The grammatical structure of speech.

A. N. Gvozdev notes: “The level of mastery of the native language achieved by school age is very high. At this time, the child already masters the entire complex system of grammar to such an extent, including the most subtle patterns of syntactic and morphological order operating in the Russian language, as well as the solid, unmistakable use of many isolated single phenomena, that the acquired Russian language becomes truly native to him . And the child receives in it a perfect tool for communication and thinking.” .

The morphological structure of speech of older preschoolers includes almost all grammatical forms. The largest place is occupied by nouns and verbs, however, the use of other parts of speech is gradually increasing. The emergence in children of an orientation towards the sound form of words contributes to the assimilation of the morphological system of their native language. Children construct their statements in accordance with grammatical norms. Complex sentences and phrases appear in speech. Children master the rules for changing words by gender, number and case, and the ability to correctly combine words using practical methods by the age of 4. Therefore, a future first-grader should not have errors such as “a lot of plates”, “uh” (instead of “ears”), “pencils”, “flashlights were shining”, “under the table”. Errors can remain in complex forms, which are objectively difficult not only for children, but also for adults, since they are objectively difficult. The main reasons are the complexity of the grammatical system of the Russian language and the presence of many exceptions to the rules. A child masters the rules for forming words by about 7 years of age. Children’s speech should not contain errors such as “lampik”, “kittens”, “oak leaf”. .

Connected speech

Among the scientists who studied coherent speech: Rubinshtein S. L., Erastova S. L., Leushina A. M., Ruzskaya A. G., Reinstein A. E., Gerbova V. V., Lavrik M. S., Voroshnina L. V., Korotkova E. P., Slama-Kazaku T., Vinogradova N. F., Chulkova A. V., Ushakova O. S., Zrozhevskaya A. A., Shadrina L. G., Grizik T. I., Elkina N.V., Smolnikova N.G. and others.

In children at the age of 7, all signs of coherent speech should be monitored:

Accuracy (truthful reflection of reality, correct selection of words that are most appropriate to the given content).

Logicality (consistent presentation of thoughts).

Clarity (understandability for others).

Correctness, purity, richness (diversity).

In ontogenesis:

At 4-5 years of life, a transition from situational to contextual speech occurs. Children actively engage in conversation, participate in the conversation, and can retell a fairy tale. Make up a story based on toys and pictures. They don't know how to formulate questions correctly. They freely enter into conversation with an adult, do not feel embarrassed, communication is quite lively.

Characteristics of descriptive stories: inconsistent, children do not know how to start and end a statement, can describe a toy without ever naming it, using only pronouns (he, she), use simple sentences, the entire description fits into 5 sentences, words out of 17 -ti.

5-6 years old (senior preschool age) - actively participate in the conversation. Answer questions fully and formulate questions correctly when concentrating. They master storytelling, description, and reasoning based on visual material. The number of complex and complex sentences is increasing. In a conversation with an adult, they feel completely free, even enjoy it, take initiative, and offer their own topics for conversation. The topics are complex, maybe even hidden.

Characteristics of dialogue at this age: inability to correctly construct sentences, listen to the interlocutor, formulate questions, distraction from the question posed, inept use of address, addition, agreement, refusal.

Descriptive stories consist of 7 sentences and 28 words.

Characteristics of narrative stories: they find it difficult to determine the theme of the story - they compose a story, and if you ask what topic it is about, they start telling everything from the beginning. The stories are not consistent, entire parts of meaning are lost. There are few descriptions of heroes and nature, only events are present. Use simple sentences.

Characteristics of children's reasoning: they are forced in nature, that is, they appear only if an adult doubts the correctness of the child’s statement and demands proof, that is, asks “Why?” The evidence is short, just 1-2 arguments, may not be real - fabulous, not logical, very categorical.

A.G. Arushanova says that a striking characteristic of the speech of an older preschooler is his active mastery of the construction of different types of texts (description, narration, reasoning). The child masters the form of monologue. Speech becomes contextual, independent of the visually presented communication situation. Improvement of grammatical structure occurs in connection with the development of coherent speech. In the process of mastering coherent speech, children begin to actively use different types of connections between words within a sentence, between sentences and between parts of a statement, observing its structure (beginning, middle, end). .

At this age, a child is able to independently describe an object, a toy, and reveal the content of a picture. Tell a short story, talk about a movie you watched, make up a fairy tale. A child is able to convey the content of a picture without seeing it, only from memory. He can not only talk about what is shown in the picture, but also come up with events that could develop further. The main factor in the development of coherent speech is the presence of an interested listener, which you, dear parents, should become. In order for coherent speech to develop, children need not only to look at pictures, but also to listen to speech samples - these are their parents’ own stories. And of course. The main source of excellent speech patterns is fiction. Children who have extensive experience in listening to books necessarily have well-developed coherent speech. .

Thus, by the age of 6-7 years, the child masters speech as a full-fledged means of communication (provided that the speech apparatus is intact, if there are no deviations in mental and intellectual development, if the child is brought up in a normal speech and social environment). [11, p, 96]. Consequently, children are fluent in phrasal speech and various constructions of complex sentences. They have a large vocabulary and master the skills of word formation and inflection. By this time, correct sound pronunciation and readiness for sound analysis and synthesis are formed. In connected speech:

Retell a familiar fairy tale, short text, poem;

Make up a story based on a picture and a series of plot pictures, talk about what they saw or heard;

They argue, reason, express opinions, convince their comrades.

1.2 Speech readiness of children for schooling

One of the most important components of mental development during preschool childhood is the child’s psychological readiness for schooling, which implies a necessary and sufficient level of mental development of the child to master the school curriculum in a peer group environment.

Kulagina I. Yu. identifies two aspects of psychological readiness - personal (motivational) and intellectual readiness for school, manifested in the development of motivational, voluntary, intellectual and speech spheres. .

Both aspects are important both for the child’s educational activity to be successful and for his rapid adaptation to new conditions and painless entry into a new system of relationships. But we will look at the development of the speech sphere.

L. S. Vygotsky believed that readiness for school education in terms of the child’s intellectual development lies not in the amount of knowledge acquired by the child, although this is also an important factor, but in the level of development of intellectual processes: “... the child must be able to identify what is essential in the phenomena of the environment in reality, to be able to compare them, to see similarities and differences; he must learn to reason, find the causes of phenomena, draw conclusions.... According to L. S. Vygotsky, to be ready for school education means, first of all, to have the ability to generalize and differentiate objects and phenomena of the surrounding world in appropriate categories.”

When examining a child’s intelligence for readiness for school, the characteristics that are necessary and sufficient for starting school should come to the fore. The most striking characteristic is learning ability, which includes two stages of intellectual operations. The first is learning a new rule of work (solving a problem, etc.); the second is the transfer of the learned rule for completing a task to similar, but not identical, ones. The second stage is possible only when the generalization process is carried out.

At this level, the child’s intellectual development is mainly evidenced by his speech. Poorly developed speech is caused by various reasons, one of which is the poor development of phonemic hearing. Failure to distinguish phonemes leads to the child pronouncing words incorrectly and then spelling them incorrectly. Modern methods of teaching reading are based on the sound analysis of a word, so the ability to distinguish different sounds in a word by ear becomes fundamentally important for a future first-grader. With children who are not ready for school, it is necessary to work in a development group using a special developmental methodology. A similar technique was developed by N. I. Gutkina.

The program is designed to examine children 6-7 years old to determine their psychological readiness for school. The methods that make up the program make it possible to give a qualitative description of a child’s psychological readiness for school.

Thus, “School maturity” (a more precise definition is functional readiness for school) is nothing more than the necessary level of development in a child of school-necessary functions, which allows him, without harm to health, to develop normally and without excessive stress cope with school. Along with speech readiness, it includes the following parameters:

1. Personal readiness.

2. The child’s intellectual readiness for school.

3. Social and psychological readiness for schooling.

4. Physical readiness.

5. Emotional-volitional readiness.

The psychological approach to the problem of school readiness cannot be called homogeneous or universal. The differences in psychological approaches to solving the problem of readiness are determined by the fact that different authors identify various factors and characteristics of the mental sphere of a preschooler as leading ones.

A. Anastasi practices the concept of school maturity as “mastery of skills, knowledge, abilities, motivation and other characteristics of mastering the school curriculum necessary for an optimal level of development.” .

I. Shvantsara more clearly defines the concept of readiness as the achievement of such a degree in development when the child “becomes able to take part in school education.” .

L. I. Bozhovich noted that readiness for school consists of such factors as a certain level of development of mental activity, cognitive interests, arbitrariness of activity regulation and readiness to accept the social position of the student.

A.I. Zaporozhets held similar views, noting such components of readiness for school as motivation, the level of development of cognitive, analytical and synthetic activity and the degree of formation of the mechanisms of volitional regulation of actions. .

L.A. Wenger supplemented the factors listed above, such as the need for a responsible attitude towards school and learning, voluntary control of one’s behavior, and performing mental work that ensures the conscious assimilation of knowledge by such a moment as “establishing relationships with adults and with peers, determined by joint activities.” . It is also necessary to take into account that preschool age is a transitional, crisis period.

D. B. Elkonin believed that readiness for school includes not only an assessment of the new developments of the past age period, but also the initial forms of activity of the next period, as well as the level of development of symptoms that characterize the crisis of symptoms that characterize the seven-year crisis. Therefore, D. B. Elkonin identifies both the formation of play activity and the rudiments of educational new formations as the main components of readiness for school. .

Research by Lisina M.I. and Kravtsova E.E. supplemented the concept of readiness for school with such criteria that can be conditionally defined as speech readiness for schooling. First of all, it is necessary to remember about the psychological characteristics of children five to seven years old, about the general and special things that distinguish a preschooler from a schoolchild. (Table 1).

Table 1

Psychological characteristics of children five to seven years old


Junior schoolboy

Receptivity, suggestibility, pliability, responsiveness, the ability to empathize, sociability, great imitation, easy excitability, emotionality, curiosity and imprintability, stable cheerful and joyful mood, plasticity of the higher nervous system, mobility, restlessness, impulsive behavior, general lack of will, instability, involuntary attention.


The initial formation of personality based on the subordination of motives associated with their struggle.

Formation of the first ethical authorities that determine the attitude towards other people.

Education of the "children's society"

The greatest importance of the first (family) circle of friends.

Truthfulness, openness.

Predominance of unstable attention.

The predominance of involuntary mental processes.

Instability of interests and desires.

Initial formation of character, instability of characterological properties.

The formation of new needs that allow one to act guided by goals, moral requirements, and feelings.

Education of a children's team, formation of a social orientation.

The greatest importance and focus on the teacher’s opinion.

The student's internal position.

Formation of arbitrariness.

Global interests.

Differentiation of abilities.

Good performance.

Acceptance of norms and requirements of behavior.

Thus, based on many psychological and pedagogical studies, it should be recognized that readiness for school is a complex, multicomponent concept in structure, in which speech readiness plays perhaps the most important role. Sufficient development of intellectual readiness, which presupposes that the child has a specific set of knowledge and ideas about the world around him, is impossible without the proper level of speech development.

E.I. Rogov, pointing to the criteria of intellectual readiness for schooling, singles out as a separate criterion “mastery of spoken language by ear and the ability to understand and use symbols.” .

R. S. Nemov argues that children’s speech readiness for learning, first of all, is manifested in their ability to use it for voluntary control of behavior and cognitive processes. No less important is the development of speech as a means of communication and a prerequisite for mastering writing. Particular care should be taken about this function of speech during middle and senior preschool childhood, since the development of written speech significantly determines the progress of the child’s intellectual development.

The speech readiness of children for school can be determined by these levels of speech development (Tables 2, 3).

table 2

Criteria for children's readiness for school


High level

Average level

Low level

Level of intelligence development

Can listen to another person, perform logical operations in the form of verbal concepts

The inability to listen to another person, performs comparison and generalization in the form of verbal operations, and makes mistakes in abstraction, concretization, analysis and synthesis.

Does not perform logical operations in the form of verbal concepts.

Level of speech development

Correct sound pronunciation, masters the coherence of speech utterances, masters retelling, composing stories, and verbal description.

Violations of sounds that are difficult to articulate due to the inability to distinguish sounds of similar parameters, insufficient vocabulary, unformed monologue form of speech, sound analysis suffers and speech is situational.

Speech is not a means of communication, the child is closed. Communication difficulties appear.

Table 3

Brief description of school readiness

Speech readiness means the formation of the sound side of speech, vocabulary, monologue speech and grammatical correctness. .

Criteria for a child’s speech readiness for school. .

1. Formation of the sound side of speech. The child must have correct, clear sound pronunciation of sounds of all phonetic groups.

2. Full development of phonemic processes, the ability to hear and distinguish, differentiate phonemes (sounds) of the native language.

3. Readiness for sound-letter analysis and synthesis of the sound composition of speech: know vowels and consonants.

4. The ability to use different methods of word formation, correctly use words with a diminutive meaning, highlight sound and semantic differences between words; form adjectives from nouns.

5. Formation of the grammatical structure of speech: the ability to use detailed phrasal speech, the ability to work with sentences.

6. The ability to independently, expressively, consistently convey the content of small literary texts, to dramatize small works. (This material should be moved below, first about readiness in general, and then about speech readiness.)

Consequently, the main indicators of speech readiness of children of senior preschool age for learning are:

a more complex independent form of speech - an extended monologue utterance,

the completing process of phonemic development,

high development of lexical and grammatical structure of speech,

vocabulary enrichment,

improvement of verbal and logical thinking.

1.3 Methods for developing speech readiness

Teaching methods developed by didactics are specified in each individual methodology.

Teaching method is the way the teacher and children work, ensuring that children acquire knowledge, skills and abilities.

Classification of methods and techniques.

The methods of speech development use the following:

Observation is the ability to peer into the phenomena of the surrounding world, notice changes that occur, and establish their causes.

Verbal methods in kindergarten are used less frequently than in school and require reliance on visualization:

1- Teacher's story.

The story achieves its goal if: the teacher sets an educational and cognitive task for the children; the main idea or thought is clearly visible in the story; the story is not overloaded with details; its content is dynamic, voiced by the personal experience of preschoolers, evokes a response and empathy in them; An adult's speech is expressive.

2- Children's stories (retelling fairy tales, stories based on paintings, about objects, from childhood experience, creative stories).

3- Conversation.

4- Reading fiction.

Practical methods.

1- Exercise is the repeated repetition by a child of mental or

practical actions of a given content (imitative-performing nature, constructive, creative).

2- Elementary experiments, experimentation.

Elementary experience is the transformation of a life situation, object or phenomenon in order to identify hidden, not directly presented properties of objects, establish connections between them, causes

their changes, etc.

3- Modeling is the process of creating models and using them to generate knowledge about the properties, structure, relationships, connections of objects (D. B. Elkonin, L. A. Venger, N. N. Poddyakov).

It is based on the principle of substitution (a real object is replaced by another.

subject, symbol). Subject models, subject-schematic models, graphic models are used. For example, models of sentences when becoming familiar with the verbal composition, or models of words, when becoming familiar with the syllabic and sound structure of words, developing skills in syllabic and sound analysis of words: determining the number, sequence of syllables, sounds (phonemes) and composing words with a certain number of syllables, certain sounds.

The game is a universal method of consolidating knowledge and skills. It is used to solve all speech development problems.

Gaming methods and techniques:

1. Didactic game

2. An imaginary situation in expanded form: with roles, game actions, appropriate game equipment

The most successful method for developing speech readiness for learning at school is a didactic game.

The essence of the didactic game is that children are asked to solve mental problems compiled by adults in an entertaining and playful way. Their goal is to promote the formation of the child’s cognitive activity. Didactic games are used not only as a means of consolidating knowledge, but also as one of the forms of learning.

A didactic game includes several components: content, game actions, rules, and a didactic task. Didactic games are educational games that can be used to enrich children's vocabulary. They are also used to consolidate children's vocabulary (nouns, adjectives, verbs, color names, spatial concepts, prepositions, etc.). Speech, memory, attention, logical thinking, visual memory develop. A culture of behavior and communication skills are strengthened.

For example:

Games using objects, toys and pictures.

Games like “guess what has changed.” They are carried out in all age groups, but depending on the age of the children, different tasks are set. With the help of these games you can fix the name of objects; spatial orientations (closer, further, above, below); parts of speech; prepositions, etc.

Games like “wonderful bag” are used in all age groups. In the senior and preparatory groups they give more complex and high-quality objects (wooden, plastic, sponge, cotton wool); children must describe the object, ask a riddle, and come up with a story. In these games, the lexical and grammatical side of speech is formed, and coherent monologue speech is mastered.

Speech games can be carried out with the whole group, with a subgroup and individually with each child. Games are planned in advance. The software task is determined, the game equipment (handouts) is thought out. Vocabulary work is thought through (reminded, clarified, reinforced). The organization of the game is also being thought through.

The tasks posed in the games are also varied. For example, in the game “Recognize by Voice,” the task is to develop children’s phonemic awareness at the very first stages of the formation of the concepts of “speech” and “non-speech sounds.” It is being replaced by the “Sounds Lost” games, which promote the development of phonemic hearing and differentiation of sounds.

Miska sleeps sweetly in his den.

I have a bear with salad.

Some of the games that children love include, for example:

Game of WORDS

Players take turns saying different words, with each next word beginning with the last sound of the previous one. It is necessary to vary the subject of the words called:

“cities” or “countries”, less popular “fruits and vegetables”, “musical instruments”;

choose a topic that is interesting to the child.

The main thing is that during the game sometimes difficulties arise with the selection of words, then the game will develop speech and increase the child’s active vocabulary.


The leader thinks of a word, the other players solve it using general questions, that is, those that can be answered “yes” or “no.” During the game, the child, on his own or with help, masters the most successful guessing strategy: from more general questions, analyzing the answers of the presenter, move on to more specific ones, for example:

Is it alive? - No. - Is it inanimate? - Yes. - Is this made by human hands? - Yes. - Does it fly? - No. - Does it drive? - Yes. - Does it have rubber wheels? - Yes. - This is a car!


The first player names a word on a given topic, for example animals. The second repeats the named word and adds his own, the third names the first word, then the second, then his own. The result is a chain of words that increases from player to player. The game ends when one of the participants cannot remember all the words in order.


The rules are very simple: the driver asks the players different questions, which they answer. The players agree that there is a speech sound that cannot be named. The driver comes up with questions and verbal traps, but the players must answer any question. After one of the players makes a mistake, he becomes the driver.

Thus, in didactic games, it is possible to successfully develop all aspects of a child’s speech, vocabulary, grammar, phonemic hearing, coherent speech, ensuring the child’s speech readiness for learning at school, mastering oral and written forms of speech.

By participating in speech games, the child not only acquires a set of necessary knowledge, but also learns to feel more confident among his peers. This is also very important for a child going to school. He becomes able to offer friends interesting games, explain the rules, and explain his point of view.

Conclusions on the first chapter

1. In the speech development of children of senior preschool age, there is an improvement in sound pronunciation, phonemic processes, semantic components of speech activity: coherence, consistency, logic of speech utterances. The development of speech is interconnected with the development of thinking, that is, children’s vocabulary is enriched and the ability to draw conclusions appears. Emerging moral qualities and proposals are correlated with the choice of language means, with the level of communicative competence, with the development of communication skills of children of senior preschool age.

The development of speech in preschool age follows two lines: the understanding of adult speech is improved and the child’s own active speech is formed.

In preschool childhood, the process of mastering speech is basically completed:

By the age of 7, language becomes a means of communication and thinking of the child, also a subject of conscious study, since in preparation for school, learning to read and write begins;

The sound side of speech develops. Younger preschoolers begin to become aware of the peculiarities of their pronunciation, but they still retain their previous ways of perceiving sounds, thanks to which they recognize incorrectly pronounced children's words. By the end of preschool age, the process of phonemic development is completed;

The grammatical structure of speech develops. Children learn subtle patterns of morphological order and syntactic order. Mastering the grammatical forms of language and acquiring a larger active vocabulary allows them to move on to concrete speech at the end of preschool age.

2. The main indicators of speech readiness of children of senior preschool age for learning are:

A more complex independent form of speech is an extended monologue utterance,

The process of phonemic development is completed,

Development of the lexical and grammatical structure of speech,

Dictionary enrichment,

Improving verbal and logical thinking.

3. The most successful method for developing speech readiness for learning at school is a game.

Didactic speech games are games of an educational nature, with the help of which you can enrich children's vocabulary, develop phonemic awareness, grammatical structure of speech, and form expressive, figurative, coherent speech. Speech games help a child learn word formation and inflection skills, teach them to analyze words, sentences, and available texts. By participating in speech games, the child learns to feel more confident among his peers. This is also very important for a child going to school. He becomes able to offer friends interesting games, explain the rules, and explain his point of view.

2 . ABOUT experimental work to study the formation of speech readiness of children of senior preschool age to study at school

2 . 1 Ascertaining stage of the experiment

The ascertaining stage of the experiment was carried out at the Medical Educational Institution No. 72 “Buratino” in the city of Zlatoust under the conditions of a natural educational process, in September-October 2013.

Nine children of senior preschool age took part in the experiment.

Purpose: to determine the level of formation of phonetic, phonemic, lexico-grammatical aspects of speech, coherent speech of children at the beginning of the experiment.

To identify the level of speech development of children, the following methodology was chosen: Diagnostics of the speech and cognitive development of older preschoolers. Speech development. O. V. Chindilova.

Diagnostics includes 3 groups of tasks.

Group 1 tasks allow us to determine the level of the child’s vocabulary and ability to use learned vocabulary in his speech.

The tasks of the 2nd group will reveal the degree to which the child has mastered the grammatical structure of his native speech.

Tasks of the 3rd group will reveal how developed the child’s skills are in such types of speech activities as speaking and listening. The sound culture of a child’s speech is also diagnosed when completing tasks in this group.

Diagnosis is carried out individually, in 3 doses.

I. Determining the level of a child’s vocabulary and his ability to use learned vocabulary in his speech

Exercise 1.

Think of as many words as possible that start with RA. For example, Expand, RADIO (time - 1 min.).

6-7 words - high level;

3-5 words - average level;

Task 2.

I start, and you finish the word. (A total of 10 syllables are given, unequally often found at the beginning of different words: ko, na, za, mi, mu, do, che, pri, ru, vo. If the child is silent, despite the repetition of a given syllable, or mechanically repeats a given syllable, then you need to move on to the next syllable.)

Completed all syllables to form a whole word - high level.

Completed half the syllables - average level.

Added 2 syllables or less - low level.

Task 3.

I name the word, and you explain what it is. What is this?

ball -..., book -..., apple -..., watch -..., road -....

4-5 words - high level;

2-3 words - average level;

0-1 word - low level.

Task 4.

Answer quickly: who or what? For example, a dog is jumping (time - 30 seconds)

12-15 words - high level;

8-11 words - average level;

7 or less words - low level.

Task 5.

Who can do this? Say as many words as possible. For example,

noise - rain, wind, child, car, sea, person, vacuum cleaner...

swims - crawls - grows -

(time - 1 minute, child is offered only one word)

6-7 words - high level;

3-5 words - average level;

2 or less words - low level.

Task 6.

Add one word. For example, sweet sugar, sweet honey.

6 - 7 words - high level;

3 - 5 words - average level;

2 or less words - low level.

Task 7.

Say the opposite. For example, light - dark, rarely - often.

4-5 words - high level;

2-3 words - average level;

0-1 word - low level.

Task 9.

Name it in one word. For example, a car, a doll, cubes - toys.

6-7 words - high level;

4-5 words - average level;

Task 10.

Add a second word according to the example: man - house, dog - kennel.

6-7 words - high level;

4-5 words - average level;

3 or less words - low level.

II. Determining the degree to which a child has mastered the grammatical structure of his native speech

Exercise 1.

Tell me who does this. For example, he writes - a writer.

6-7 words - high level;

4-5 words - average level;

Task 3.

Tell me which item, if it is from.... For example, a tree is wooden.

4-5 words - high level;

2-3 words - average level;

0-1 word - low level.

Task 4.

Say a lot with the word. For example, one flower - many flowers

6-7 words - high level;

4-5 words - average level;,

3 or less words - low level.

Task 5.

Say it kindly. For example, mom - mommy

6-7 words - high level;

4-5 words - average level;

3 or less words - low level.

Task 6.


6-7 words - high level;

4-5 words - average level;

3 or less words - low level.

Task 7.

Ask for a doll

6-7 words - high level;

4-5 words - average level;

3 or less words - low level.


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Consultation for parents

“What is OHP?”

Very often, many parents notice only a violation of sound pronunciation in their children and do not see the need to transfer their child to a specialized speech therapy group. Often, this is only the tip of the iceberg, and correction of a speech defect is not possible in full in the general education group of a kindergarten.

In our kindergarten there are two speech therapy groups, one of them is for children with a speech therapy certificate ONR. I will dwell on this speech disorder in more detail.

What is general speech underdevelopment (GSD)?

Currently, preschoolers with speech impairments constitute perhaps the largest group of children with developmental disorders. Of these, more than half of the children have a speech therapy report of ONR - general speech underdevelopment.

The term (ONR) refers to various complex speech disorders in which children have impaired formation of all components of the speech system related to its sound and semantic side with normal hearing and intelligence. The following signs are characteristic of the speech of such children:

Later onset of speech (first words appear at 3-4, and sometimes at 5 years);

Expressive speech lags behind impressive speech (the child understands speech addressed to him, but cannot voice his thoughts);

Children incorrectly coordinate different parts of speech with each other, do not use prepositions in speech, and have difficulty forming words;

Children with OHP have impaired pronunciation of several or all groups of sounds;

The speech of children with general speech underdevelopment is difficult to understand.

There are four levels of OHP

Level 1 - children completely lack speech, their vocabulary consists of “babbling” words, onomatopoeia, facial expressions and gestures;

Level 2 - distorted, but quite understandable, commonly used words are added to the “babbling” expressions. At the same time, the syllable structure of children is noticeably impaired, and pronunciation capabilities lag behind the age norm;

Level 3 - developed speech already appears, the child can pronounce entire phrases, but there are violations of a phonetic-phonemic and lexical-grammatical nature. Free communication with others is difficult; children can only make contact in the presence of close people who provide explanations for their speech;

Level 4 - there are no violations of sound pronunciation, but children have unclear diction and often confuse syllables and sounds. At first glance, these shortcomings seem insignificant, but in the end they complicate the child’s process of learning to read and write.

Causes of general speech underdevelopment.

Among the causes of general speech underdevelopment, there are various factors of both biological and social nature. Biological factors include: infections or intoxication of the mother during pregnancy, incompatibility of the blood of the mother and fetus by Rh factor or group affiliation, damage to the fetus during pregnancy (caused by infection, intoxication, oxygen starvation), postpartum diseases of the central nervous system and brain injuries in the first years child's life.

At the same time, ONR may be due to unfavorable conditions of upbringing and training, and may be associated with insufficient communication with adults during periods of active speech development. In many cases, OHP is a consequence of the complex influence of various factors, for example, hereditary predisposition, organic failure of the central nervous system (sometimes mild), and an unfavorable social environment.

Speech correction in children with ODD.

General speech underdevelopment refers to severe speech disorders. And it is impossible to correct this violation on your own. For such children, special speech therapy groups are created, in which children are enrolled for two years. Corrective work is carried out comprehensively. Depending on the period of study, the teacher-speech therapist conducts daily group or subgroup classes on the formation of lexical and grammatical structure, the formation of sound pronunciation and preparation for learning to read and write, as well as the development of coherent speech. Three times a week, individual lessons are conducted with each child to correct sound pronunciation.

In the evening, teachers carry out correctional work on the instructions of the speech therapist, in order to consolidate new knowledge, skills and abilities.

If necessary, observation is carried out by a neurologist, since in some children drug treatment is used to activate the speech areas of the brain and improve blood supply.

Once a week, the speech therapist teacher assigns homework to review the material covered.

This structure of correctional work allows for maximum correction of speech disorders and the formation of a full-fledged harmonious personality.

Zhanna Tsygankova
Speech readiness for school


Speech is the main means of communication, the most important factor and stimulus for the intellectual and emotional development of the individual.

The speech of an adult is his calling card.

A child’s speech is a reflection of the social environment in which he grows up.

The time is approaching when your child will bear the proud title of a first-grader. And in this regard, parents have a lot of worries and experiences: where and how prepare your child for school, is it necessary, what a child should know and be able to do before school, and so on.

There is no universal answer to these questions - every child is individual. Some children are completely ready for school, and with other children at seven years old there is a lot of trouble.

But one thing is for sure - It is imperative to prepare children for school, because it will be an excellent help in the first grade, will help in learning, and will greatly facilitate the adaptation period.

Considering that only children preparing for school in kindergarten, others - in institutions of additional education, and still others - in the family, in school they come with different levels of knowledge. A primary school teacher is faced with the task of “leveling up” their knowledge and skills. However, this is not the main problem that teachers complain about. Children have different individual capabilities and abilities, so it is quite natural that they have different levels of preparation.

The problem is that the approach of teachers and parents to the concept of " readiness for school" varies. Parents believe that if they teach their children to count and write before schools, then this will be the key to their successful studies. However, "correct" Preparation should focus on play activities, physical, physiological and psychological development preschooler.

Physiologists have proven that the development of fine motor skills activates the development speech center. Therefore in preschool It is useful for a child to sculpt, make compositions from small parts, design, and color with pencils. This is necessary so that the child in the first grade does not have problems with writing. Many parents make a big mistake by forbidding their child to pick up scissors. Yes, you can get hurt with scissors, but if you talk to your child about how to handle scissors correctly, what you can do and what you can’t do, then the scissors will not pose a danger. Make sure that the child does not cut randomly, but along the intended line. To do this, you can draw geometric shapes and ask your child to carefully cut them out, after which you can make an applique from them. Children really like this task, and its benefits are very high.

Modeling is very useful for the development of fine motor skills, and children really like to sculpt various koloboks, animals and other figures. Learn finger exercises with your child - in stores you can easily buy a book with finger exercises that are exciting and interesting for your child. In addition, train your hand preschooler You can use drawing, shading, tying shoelaces, stringing beads.

When your child performs a written task, watch whether he is holding a pencil or pen correctly, so that his hand is not strained, the child’s posture and the location of the sheet of paper on the table. The duration of written tasks should not exceed five minutes, and it is not the speed of completing the task that is important, but its accuracy. You should start with simple tasks, for example, tracing an image, and gradually the task should become more difficult, but only after the child copes well with an easier task. The child must grasp the handle correctly and with warm fingers. Replace coloring with tracing and stenciling and shading. The line should be directed from top to bottom, from right to left, and if it is curved, then counterclockwise. The distance between lines of 0.5 cm is the basic principle of our written alphabet. Remember, children get just as tired from these activities as they do from reading.

Preparing a child for school- this is a whole complex of knowledge, skills and abilities that must be mastered preschooler. One of the criteria school readiness is mental readiness.

State of phonemic processes.

This section implies the child’s ability to select words with a certain sound, mastery of the skills of elementary sound analysis and synthesis (determination of the first and last sounds in a word, the ability to compose a word from sounds, count the number of sounds, the ability to distinguish and repeat combinations type: ba-pa-ba, ta-tsa-ta, etc. Before entering school The child faces a rather difficult task - mastering the sound analysis of a word. An adult must understand that it is not very easy for a 6-7 year old child to mentally determine how many sounds there are in a word "cat" or "rooster". To develop such a skill, the child should be purposefully trained.

State of grammatical structure.

You should pay attention to word formation (rain - rain, inflection (chair - chairs, agreement (yellow ball, control (left the house, talked about a friend). The grammatical aspect of the speech of a child admitted to school, is normally quite well developed. However, the child faces a new task - if previously he learned the rules of grammar practically, in direct speech, now he must learn grammar in the form of rules and basic concepts. This presupposes a conscious attitude towards speech. However, 6-7 year old children often find it difficult if they are given the task of consciously identifying words of different categories from speech - they do not yet know how to focus on the essential features of a word. The difficulty in learning to read and write lies in the fact that words are perceived by the child only as designations of objects; he has never before encountered a word as an element of written speech. It is difficult for a child to immediately understand that a word is divided into syllables, and syllables are divided into letters. No less difficult can be the need for a child to understand what a sentence is and that a sentence consists of words.

State of vocabulary.

You should pay attention to the most difficult ones today sections: seasons, their signs, months, days of the week, qualities of objects, family ties. Actively use antonyms (sad - cheerful, young - old, high - low, run - stand, talk - be silent, etc., synonyms (for example, dog, dog, canine; horse, horse, stallion, racer, etc. ., words - actions, words - signs. Junior's active dictionary schoolboy runs from 3000 to 3500 words. However, the parts of speech in a child's vocabulary are not represented equally. A characteristic feature is the verbal nature of speech - verbs associated with movement and activity are used. There are clearly not enough adjectives in speech yet (about 2%). Therefore, it is necessary to pay special attention to the development of the vocabulary of the child’s speech - to teach him the use of comparisons, as well as generalizing words. Such training ensures the expansion of the child’s ability to construct complex sentences.

State of coherent speech.

The main emphasis should be placed on the skills of the future schoolchildren answer questions, retell, compose stories based on a plot picture, a series of pictures, stories from personal experience.

pay attention to:

State of spatial functions (ability to determine "right left" in different conditions, body positions, the ability to recognize objects, letters in different positions.

Communication functions (communication with children, adults, ability to listen, remember and follow instructions).

The state of gaming activity (the ability to play independently, in groups, the development of a plot game, the ability to invent and accept rules).

Motivation (desire to learn, learn new things).

Development of attention and memory processes (for example, memorizing 7-8 words, objects).

Sense of rhythm (the child taps and claps the given rhythm)

If you do not pay due attention to the development of a child’s speech, he may experience the following: Problems:

Insufficient development of phonemic hearing:

inability to correctly hear and identify all speech sounds;

incorrect and unclear pronunciation of words and individual sounds in words;

Insufficient vocabulary.

Inability to construct a complex and detailed phrase

Necessary prerequisites for learning to read and write preschoolers are: formed phonemic perception, correct pronunciation of all sounds of the native language, as well as the presence of basic sound analysis skills. Let us emphasize that all these processes are interconnected and interdependent. If these processes are not sufficiently formed, then the following will be observed when reading: errors: difficulties merging sounds into syllables and words; mutual substitutions of close consonant sounds (whistling - hissing, hard - soft, voiced - deaf, letter-by-letter reading (P, Y, B, A, distortion of the syllabic structure of words; too slow pace of reading; impaired reading comprehension.

Typical writing deficiencies in such children include: relate: letter substitutions indicating the incompleteness of the process of differentiation of corresponding sounds that are similar in acoustic or articulatory characteristics; vowel omissions; omissions of consonants in their combination; merging words in writing; separate writing of parts of one word; omissions, extensions or rearrangements of syllables; spelling mistakes. These writing and reading disorders are called dysgraphia and dyslexia.

The most effective method of solving these problems is to use an educational game as the main activity preschooler.