How to increase the speed of a Windows computer. How to speed up your computer: Optimization tips

The computer slows down, turns off, the processors heat up, aren’t you tired of working on your computer?! Would you like to increase a speed your computer's performance!

Then read the article carefully and follow all the recommendations to increase the speed of your computer.

1. Dust in the computer (hardware)

The most unpleasant thing of all is the accumulated dust on the computer. When you take off the lid system engineer, you don’t know what awaits you there! Dust, cobwebs, bugs, cockroaches and much more. Therefore, cleaning the computer system unit is important!

9. Checking, cleaning viruses, Trojans, etc. antivirus.

If you are using Windows operating system, then using an antivirus on your PC is a must! There are many free and paid options, which one you choose is up to you. For “our people” it won’t be too difficult to download and install a good antivirus :)

Antivirus there must be one installed on the computer, because if you have 2 or more, they may block each other, which is not recommended. Scanning your entire computer should be done every 1-3 months, depending on how you use it and by whom.

If you have a solid state drive SSD. Then under no circumstances do defragmentation!

11. Computer upgrade

If you are financially proficient and would like modernize, to improve your computer - think about whether it’s not old; perhaps it would be better to build a new PC than to upgrade an old one.

PC performance is primarily affected by increasing RAM and replacing the processor with a higher clock speed. Also a significant factor is replacing the video card with a more capacious one and a higher frequency, mainly for games. Purchase SSD drive to replace the old hard drive.

Video on the topic: Increase computer speed

Hello my readers!

The computer has long been part of our lives. Today we cannot imagine how we could live without this faithful friend and helper.

Thanks to this smart technology, we can not only work productively, but also have a good rest after a busy day while watching our favorite movie or playing a video game. You can also find interesting information, talk with old friends and find new ones, send emails, etc.

The level of efficiency of performing the above processes depends primarily on the performance of the PC. Constant “braking”, “freezing” during online communication or in games, to put it mildly, is not encouraging.

Most users prefer not to pay attention to this behavior of their PC, believing that this is a temporary phenomenon. Some people are aware of the need for prevention and diagnosis, but have no idea how to do it. In this material I will present you with several options on how to increase the performance of your computer.

Ways to improve PC performance can be divided into:

Let's look at them all in order.


This group includes software products aimed at increasing the performance level of a PC or laptop.

They are designed to declutter Windows OS by eliminating unnecessary files. In addition, these applications monitor the presence of necessary components and libraries, the integrity of the registry, and correct detected errors.

One of their most important functions is defragmentation (updating the logical structure) of the hard drive, which allows the system to find the necessary system files with greater efficiency and speed. There are quite a lot of such programs, they are written about in the articles:


The functioning of the Windows system is ensured by a huge number of various resources: different services, processes. Most of them are not needed for your PC to function. When it is turned on, all elements included in the operating system are loaded, which leads to a slowdown of the computer.

To increase the startup speed and raise the level of performance of a computer or laptop, you should adjust startup and disable all unnecessary services, you can also adjust the size of the paging file. This is quite enough for overclocking.

How to set up autoload?

First, press the Win and R keys simultaneously, and in the line that appears, write the word “ msconfig».

In the window that opens for you, go to the tab called “Startup”.

You will see all the applications and services that are downloading without your knowledge. To disable it and thereby significantly increase the performance and speed of your computer, you just need to remove the checkbox in the line that corresponds to unnecessary loading.

Important ! When carrying out the steps described above, you need to understand what can be disabled and what cannot.

How to disable services?

Most services of any version of the Windows system operate “idle”, and the user does not need them at all to perform any tasks. To speed up your computer and thereby improve its performance, you need to disable them. To do this, from the previous “Startup” window, go to the tab called “Services”. Next, disable services you don’t need.

But to complete this task, you must have some experience in this area and know what can be disabled without consequences and what cannot.

It must be remembered that most programs previously installed on the computer also launch their own services when loading. You can see and disable them in the same window.

Increasing the swap file

Systemic ways to improve PC performance also include increasing the size of the system swap file. It insures the performance of RAM. If its volume is insufficient, the operating system can use the paging file as temporary storage. The size of the paging file should be several times larger than the amount of RAM.

To increase the paging file, you need to go to the control panel, the “System” section, and from there to the “Advanced” tab. Select “Settings” next to the “Performance” subheading. In the same window, go to “Advanced” and click “Change”.

If your computer has more than one hard drive or parts of a disk, you can reserve a specified amount of paging file for each of them.


Technical methods, as you well understand, include all PC components that ensure its fast and uninterrupted functioning. To increase power, the following diagnostic measures should first be carried out:

1. Check the correct operation of the processor and video card.

If some element of the chain works poorly, then the computer will work slowly while performing certain operations. If any faults are detected, be sure to replace the device.

2. Test the processor cooling system, auxiliary coolers, and power supply.

Clean the cooling radiators thoroughly and replace the thermal paste. High temperature conditions contribute to a decrease in the speed of the CPU and video card. Thus, the computer protects itself from overheating and subsequent combustion. After fixing this problem, your device will be able to work at full capacity.

Remember! If you have a new PC and less than one year has passed since you purchased it, then technical reasons are unlikely. In addition, at this time the warranty is still valid, and if you open the case, you will thereby violate the warranty conditions.

Now you know how you can improve your computer. Maximum speed and high performance will allow you to get only pleasant emotions from using your PC. And you can check the result of your work using the methods described in the article.

If you cannot “make friends” with your computer, I recommend that you take a training course “ Computer genius" It is perfect for both those who know nothing at all about PCs, and for those who already have a certain amount of knowledge and would like to learn something new. Highly qualified teachers in clear and simple language will tell and show you how to use certain programs and how to surf the Internet.

Share the information received with your friends on social media. networks, subscribe to blog updates and you will turn into an advanced user. See you soon!

Sincerely! Abdullin Ruslan

How to speed up your computer without much effort, but with maximum effect
If you are tired of your computer slowing down and are already preparing to reinstall Windows, then try these five simple steps to speed up and optimize your computer, they will 100% help!
1. . Click start -> run (on win Xp) or winkey + R(on Win Xp and Win 7) -> enter msconfig and press Ok or enter

From the top, select Startup -> Disable programs that are not needed by ticking (If you disable everything, nothing bad will happen, but do not disable the antivirus) -> apply -> OK -> Restart the computer

2. Cleaning up errors in the registry. Cleaning errors increases the speed of access to registry keys and improves overall system performance. To do this, we will use the free program Vit Registry Fix: Free Edition. To download Vit Registry Fix: Free Edition, go here. After installation, go to the program itself, select “Scan” from the top left -> After scanning, click “Uninstall”

3. Disk Defragmenter. After defragmentation, reading and writing files speeds up, and therefore the work of programs. We do not need any programs to perform defragmentation. Go to “my computer” -> On drive C, right-click -> properties -> service -> run defragmentation -> defragmentation. It is advisable to do this procedure with all disks

Click on the picture to view the animation

4. Clean your desk. On your desktop there should only be program shortcuts, my computer, and the recycle bin. If there are a lot of movies and photos on your desktop, this obviously slows down your work. Move everything to some folder on another drive. This way you will bring order to your desktop and increase performance.
5. Removing unnecessary effects. To do this, go to “Control Panels” -> “System” -> “Advanced” (on Windows 7, additional system settings) -> “Performance” -> “Options” -> “Visual effects” and uncheck some or all of the checkboxes. Click apply

Removing unnecessary effects in Windows Xp

Removing unnecessary effects in Windows 7

Removing excess junk from your computer

For garbage cleaning we need a program CCleaner and CCEnhancer. To download CCleaner, go to [official product website] and click “Start download”. To download CCEnhancer go [here]

Step #2 Installing CCleaner and CCEnchancer

  1. Install CCleaner
  2. Launch CCEnchancer, select “Download latest” after downloading -> after 1 minute Yes

CCEnhancer is a small utility that adds more than 500 programs to CCleaner's cleaning list.

The topic is always in demand - ways to improve computer performance. Recently, the race for information has become increasingly intense, everyone solves the problem as best they can. And the computer plays a decisive role in this matter. How wrong he turns on the brakes at the most crucial moment!
To a lesser extent, this problem concerns those who regularly encounter well-known office packages or simply surf the Internet. For example, browsers start to slow down out of the blue.

Replacement of parts (components)

The very first thing that comes to mind is completely replacing the computer with a more powerful model, but I don’t see any point in considering this method in a specific article.

But searching in the system with further replacement of a certain part (component) looks like a completely affordable option. You just need to find out what can actually be replaced at an affordable price, while getting the optimal resource to increase the speed of your computer.

A. A new processor is worth buying only if it is at least 30% faster than the previous one. With other indicators, do not expect a noticeable increase in work speed, and the costs will be considerable.

Desperate users may risk squeezing all the juice out of their processor.
The technique is not for mass use, but at the same time it provides a chance to postpone the purchase of a new processor for several more years, if only the processor and motherboard have overclocking potential. The method consists of expanding the number of standard operating frequencies of the video card, CPU (central processing unit) or RAM . This method is complicated by the individual capabilities of a certain configuration and the likelihood of premature failure. There is a separate portal that is tailored to the topic of hardware overclocking.

B. RAM. In any case, it requires expansion if during operation most of the memory is occupied. You can see it using " Task Manager", when the work rhythm is busy (when many different applications are open) and about 75-85% of the RAM is loaded, then it would be nice to increase it by 50-100%.

C. HDD. The point is not in the volumetric indicators of your disk, but in its speed qualities. If you have a weak budget hard drive with a spindle speed of about 5400 rpm, then looking to replace it with a faster model with a spindle speed of about 7200 rpm will improve performance. In most cases, switching to SSD drive completely justified - the level of speed before and after is noticeably different.

D. Video card. Everything is very clear here, for heavy games we choose a more productive option, but be sure to take into account that the processor must “match” the power of the video card.

You can approximately find out the weak point in the computer’s peripherals through the standard Windows 7 health assessment tool. To do this, select the menu “ Control Panel -> System and Security -> System».

The overall performance ratio is based on the lowest score, so it won't be too difficult to pick out the weakest link. For example, if the hard drive rating is an order of magnitude lower than the video card and RAM rating, then you should think about purchasing a more productive hard drive.

For Windows 8.1 and 10, you can use the WSAT program to evaluate performance

Computer repair and preventative cleaning

The computer sometimes performs its functions slowly due to some kind of malfunction, and a quality repair will help restore the required performance. For example, if there are deviations in the operation of the processor cooling system, its clock speed is significantly reduced, and then performance suffers. Also, the speed of a PC may simply decrease due to increased heating of the motherboard elements due to dense dust! In any case, a good cleaning of the system unit will not hurt.

Defragmentation and free disk space availability

If this is the first time you've heard this term or you've been putting off defragmentation until later, this is the first task you'll need to perform to improve your computer's performance. Defragmentation is the merging of individual fragments of hard disk information blocks into one; thanks to this operation, the number of read head movements is reduced and performance increases.

If the reserve does not have at least 1-1.5 GB of clean space on the system disk (where the OS is located), then a noticeable decrease in overall performance may follow. Regularly monitor the load on your disks, especially those on which system information is installed.

Reinstalling the Windows XP/7/8/10 operating system

Reinstalling the OS at 80-90% can improve the performance of your computer. Moreover, an increase in speed is possible by 2-3 times, depending on the degree of “clogging”. This is how the operating system works, that after a while there is a need to re-install it. I know specific people who “reinstall the OS” several times a month. I don’t support such insistence; it’s better to try to optimize the system, determine the true source of the PC’s slowdown, but in any case, I reinstall Windows at least once a year, and then based on the fact that some components are constantly changing. By and large, if I didn’t have such a need, then I could easily work for 8-10 years without reinstalling the system. But such a period of stable operation can be found quite rarely, for example, in private offices where only 1C: Accounting and the office suite are used, and nothing changes for a long time. In most cases, reinstallation is a proven method if you are unable to increase the performance of your computer.

Using operating system state optimizer programs

Sometimes you can significantly increase the quality of work by resorting to the help of certain software packages. Moreover, in some cases this is almost the most accessible, fastest and most effective method.

You can use a fairly good PCMedic utility.

The highlight of the program is the complete automation of the optimization process. The entire application works in one window, within which you should define your operating system, indicate the name of the processor manufacturer and the desired type of optimization - Boost (acceleration) or Maximum Boost (maximum acceleration). Select the “Optimize now” button and go ahead.

And Auslogics BoostSpeed ​​is recognized as one of the most popular system programs, although it is paid. This is a real “beast”, which consists of several utilities to increase the speed characteristics of the computer in all directions. It has a fast optimizer, a powerful defragmenter, cleaning your computer from accumulated garbage, working with the registry, an Internet accelerator, and many more tricks. Among other things, in the program menu there is an advisor who is ready to give a large number of tips on any topic to improve your work with a PC. But you should always analyze his advice; you should not apply everything at once indiscriminately. For example, one of the tips suggests turning on automatic Windows update mode. Those who have installed a not entirely licensed Windows product can guess how an open auto-update can end...

To perform optimization, other cleaning programs have also been developed, such as CCleaner, which free the computer from unnecessary temporary files and thoroughly clean the registry. Cleaning disks of debris can really help determine free space. Registry optimization work does not cause a significant increase in performance, but often leads to unpleasant consequences if important keys are deleted (damaged).

Necessarily check all files, especially large ones that the cleaner intends to erase! I scanned my computer with the Auslogics Disk Cleaner utility and was a little surprised that my recycle bin contained about 20 GB of junk. But remembering that I had recently emptied the recycle bin, I looked at the files suggested for deletion by this program and was a little shocked! This list contained ALL my most valuable documents and files, all my work and life recently. Moreover, they were not in the recycle bin on the computer, but in a separate directory on drive D. That’s how I would have cleared them if I hadn’t checked.

Windows 7 has a specific resource for improving performance: select “ Control Panel -> System -> Advanced -> Settings" and uncheck some of the checkboxes or select "Ensure the best performance."


BIOS contains the main computer settings. You can get into it while turning on the computer by pressing certain keys (Delete, F2, F10 - indicated on the screen when the computer boots). Usually the BIOS is configured correctly and tampering with it is not worth it, and sometimes even harmful.

Autostart optimization (disabling unnecessary services)

More than half of modern programs and applications try to gain a foothold in startup during installation. As a result, the loading speed of the operating system drops, and the work itself slows down. Look at the system tray (near the date/time), how many icons are collected there? It is advisable to remove unnecessary programs or disable their launch from startup.

This procedure can be performed using the useful Windows System Configuration utility. To activate it, press the key combination “Win ​​+ R” and in the task window enter


Next, go to the “Startup” tab and uncheck unnecessary applications. If after a reboot you find that something is missing, you can check the boxes again. You must clearly understand why a specific program is needed and whether the system can work correctly without it.

One proven way to dramatically increase performance is... disabling the antivirus. It’s risky, of course, but in the process of implementing resource-intensive tasks, I sometimes take advantage of this opportunity.

Driver Update

This method can also help, because outdated drivers are often installed. The motherboard chipset drivers are the most important, but others can also interfere with the normal operation of the computer. Official websites of manufacturers will help you find the latest versions of drivers.

It is advisable to update drivers manually, but this will require a certain set of knowledge. An update is also available using a special Driver Checker program; it will scan devices and determine drivers that are recommended to be replaced with new versions.

A smart approach to choosing an operating system

If you are still using Windows XP with 2 GB of RAM, then I recommend switching to Windows 7-8 as soon as possible, performance will increase noticeably. And if your RAM has a reserve of 4 GB or more, then immediately install Windows 7-8, 64-bit version. Now the performance of your machine will increase by 1.5-2 times!


Although they occupy the tenth position, viruses can also spoil the overall picture of a computer’s operation. Trojans can not only significantly reduce the performance of a computer, but also completely “freeze” it. If strange system freezes occur, you need to scan your computer with one of the scanners; DrWeb CureIt is perfect! But it is better to use a permanent, licensed antivirus.

This article proposed generally accepted ways to improve computer performance. I hope this material will help you save your nerves and time, and protect you from unexpected unpleasant surprises in the form of a sudden “fall” of the system.

One of the most important criteria that characterizes a computer system is its performance. Let's figure out how to increase this basic figure of a desktop PC or laptop with Windows 7.

Before we get down to the question of how to increase productivity, let's figure out what it is and what, in fact, we are going to improve. In Windows 7 there is such a system indicator as "Performance Index". It is based on an assessment of individual PC components: processor, RAM, graphics, game graphics and hard drive. The overall index is set according to the weakest link. But for a number of reasons this assessment cannot be called unambiguous and many experts are quite critical of it.

Undoubtedly, the power of the above components directly affects the performance of the PC, that is, the volume of processes that the computer can process per unit of time. Next, we will take a closer look at ways to increase the impact of these components to improve the performance of the OS as a whole.

Method 1: Improve Hard Drive Performance

One of the important factors in increasing operating system performance is hard disk optimization. Many users pay secondary attention to this factor, believing that for the performance of Windows, what is important, first of all, is the amount of RAM and processor power. But in vain, because a slow hard drive slows down the computer as a whole, since other OS components constantly access it to process files and other objects located on it.

First of all, you can clean your hard drive of junk and unnecessary files, which will speed up its operation. This can be done both through the system and using third-party specialized programs, such as, for example.

Defragmenting the hard drive helps to increase the speed of the HDD, and therefore the performance of the system as a whole. It can be done using a special system utility or third-party ones.

In addition, you can increase the performance of the HDD by properly configuring it in "Device Manager".

  1. Click "Start" and go to "Control Panel".
  2. Go to the section "System and safety".
  3. In the block "System" click on the inscription "Device Manager".
  4. In the interface that opens "Device Manager" click on the item "Disk devices".
  5. A list of physical hard drives connected to the PC will open. This can be one device or several. Double-click the left mouse button ( LMB) by the name of one of them.
  6. The hard drive properties window opens. Move to section "Policy".
  7. The performance policy is specified here. The items in this section may differ for hard drives from different manufacturers. But, based on general logic, look for the position that should help increase performance. For example, "Allow caching" or " Optimal performance". After checking this item, click "OK" in the current window.

Method 2: Increasing the amount of RAM

You can also increase system performance by increasing the size of RAM. The most basic and yet effective method to achieve this result is to purchase an additional or larger RAM stick. But unfortunately, this is not always possible, both for financial and technical reasons, because 32-bit Windows 7 supports a RAM size of no more than 4 GB. But there is a way to bypass this limitation.

In order to increase the amount of RAM without changing the hardware configuration, a paging file is created on the hard drive, which forms the so-called virtual memory. When there is a lack of RAM resources, the system turns to this allocated area on the hard drive. Therefore, to increase PC performance, you need to enable the specified file if you have it disabled.

  1. Click "Start", and then right-click on the item "Computer". In the menu that opens, select "Properties".
  2. The OS properties window will open. On the left side, click "Extra options…".
  3. In the shell that opens, click on the button "Options…" in the block "Performance".
  4. The performance settings window will open. Here move to the section "Additionally".
  5. In the block "Virtual memory" click the button "Change…".
  6. The virtual memory regulation window opens. At the top of it you can check the box next to the parameter "Automatically select..." and the system itself will select the settings for the paging file.

    But we advise you to set the parameters manually. To do this, first of all, uncheck the checkbox "Automatically select...", if it is installed there. Then, in the partition selection window, select the logical drive where you want to locate the paging file. Move the switch below to position "Specify size". After this field "Original size" And "Maximum size" will become active. Put there the same value of the desired amount of virtual memory in megabytes. Then click on the button "Set" And "OK".

  7. In order for the entered settings to take effect, you need to restart the computer.

It is important to remember that you should not create a paging file that is too large. Firstly, you thus lose workspace that you could use to store files. Secondly, the access speed of a hard drive is much slower than that of hardware RAM. Therefore, when increasing virtual memory, it is possible to process a larger volume of processes simultaneously, but the performance decreases, which negatively affects the performance of the system as a whole. It is believed that the optimal size is one and a half times the amount of hardware RAM of the PC. We recommend setting the size of the paging file based on this calculation. If you already have it installed, we recommend changing its size to the optimal one.

Method 3: Disable graphic effects

It's no secret that graphic effects consume a significant portion of the power of the video card and processor and use a considerable amount of RAM. To free up the resources of these objects to perform other tasks and thereby improve overall system performance, you can disable some visual effects.

In addition, you can also optimize the consumption of graphics resources using the video adapter control panel. The algorithm for setting the necessary parameters differs depending on the manufacturer and model of the video card, but the essence comes down to choosing performance between performance and quality, or at least establishing the optimal balance for you between these two criteria.

Timely updating of its drivers and installation of special software designed to optimize the operation of the video card will also help improve the performance of the video adapter.

Method 4: Disable applications in startup

Quite often, during installation, programs are added to autorun, thereby not only slowing down the system boot, but also consuming resources throughout the entire working session. But at the same time, the user does not always need these applications to work, that is, they often consume OS resources in vain. In this case, you need to remove such items from startup.

  1. Dial combination Win+R. In the window that opens, enter:

    Apply button click "OK".

  2. The system configuration editing window opens. Move to the section.
  3. The startup section will open. What you do next depends on whether you want to disable automatic startup for all items or just some of them. The first option will bring greater effect, but you need to take into account that there are programs that, to solve your specific problems, it is preferable to leave in autorun. So the decision is yours.
  4. In the first case, just click on the button "Disable everything". After this, the checkboxes next to all list items will be removed, then click "Apply" And "OK".

    In the second case, uncheck the boxes next to those items that you are going to remove from startup, but do not touch the checkboxes next to the names of programs left in startup. Next, as before, click "Apply" And "OK".

  5. After this, a dialog box will open asking you to restart the PC. Close all active programs and click .
  6. After the restart, the selected applications will be removed from startup, which will free up system resources and improve its performance.

Method 5: Disabling services

The load on the system is also carried out by various running services. Moreover, not all of them are needed by the user, and the actions of some of these objects have even more negative consequences than positive ones. It is advisable to disable such elements to improve PC performance. The principle of deactivation is approximately the same as the principle of removing programs from startup. But there is one important caveat: you need to be more careful when disabling services, since deactivating an important element can lead to incorrect operation of the system.

  1. Click "Start" go to "Control Panel".
  2. Next, go to "System and safety".
  3. Click "Administration".
  4. Select from the list that opens "Services".
  5. Opens "Service Manager". Highlight the service you want to deactivate, and then on the left side of the window click "Stop".
  6. The deactivation procedure will be performed.
  7. After that double click LMB by the name of the same service.
  8. The service properties window will open. In the dropdown list "Startup type" choose a position "Disabled". Then press the buttons "Apply" And "OK".
  9. You will be returned to the main window "Dispatcher", and the service itself will be completely deactivated. This will be evidenced by the lack of status "Works" in column "State" opposite the disabled element, as well as the status "Disabled" in a collumn "Startup type".

After performing the specified manipulations to disable all unnecessary services, the speed of the system should increase due to the release of resources. But, we repeat, be very careful about which service you disable. Before performing the procedure, read our separate material, which tells you which services can be disabled without significant negative consequences for the OS.

Method 6: Cleaning the registry

Another way to speed up your PC is to clean the system registry of outdated and erroneous entries. Thus, the system will not access the specified elements, which will increase not only the speed of its operation, but also the correct functioning. For these purposes, special ones are used. One of the most popular applications for performing this task is the one already familiar to us from Method 1 CCleaner.

Method 7: Setting up the power supply

The next option to increase the speed of the OS is to properly configure the power supply.

This method is especially suitable for desktop PCs, as it has virtually no negative consequences. But if you use a laptop, you need to consider whether to use it, as it can significantly increase the rate at which your battery drains.

Method 8: Overclocking the CPU

By default, the processor is not configured to use its capabilities to the maximum. It always has a reserve of power, and therefore there are ways to free up this power to improve OS performance. As a rule, they are carried out using special software. But it is worth remembering that overclocking a processor is a rather dangerous procedure, which, if done incorrectly, can lead to PC failure. In any case, overclocking the processor leads to increased wear and tear, and if done incorrectly, even to failure in the shortest possible time.

As you can see, increasing system performance in Windows 7 is carried out mainly by reducing the load on individual components. In this case, you often need to choose what is more important to you: speed or visual appearance. Although there are also methods where such a dilemma does not arise, for example, cleaning your PC from garbage. In this case, optimization has only a positive nature, provided that you do everything correctly.